Olesya Novikova

Throw out the junk in your life that is stopping you from moving forward! You can't pour water into a full glass. This is one of the fundamental principles of any change. It is impossible to radically change your life and rewrite history on your sheet of paper if you act based on an unexamined baggage of experience.

Your life puzzle will always come together into the same picture if you use the same elements, no matter how many times you mix them at the start.

You need to start consciously creating yourself and your new experience with zeroing.

Not from searching for goals, not from declaring a vision of oneself in 5 years, not from questions of mission and purpose. This whole process will be confused about old ideas, which, moreover, take a lot of energy.

You need to start by throwing out all the trash from your life: on the physical, energetic and mental levels.

Uncontrolled hoarding leads to two things:

Endlessly replaying your past. Life becomes like déjà vu.

Slowing down the speed of life. This is when you look at those who manage three times more and don’t understand how they do it. Success in life and fulfillment in all areas is possible only at fast speed.

By the way, sometimes a person sincerely tries to speed up his rhythm by waking up early, exercising, and strict self-discipline, but nothing works. The energy jumps from heady highs to sharp lows, when there is nothing but devastation inside. The reasons may be different, here you need to look at the situation and ask impartial questions to yourself - “why is this happening?”, but one of them may be precisely the desire to drive at normal speed without unhooking the van of your many years of junk.

We all have “cars” created for full movement, the question is the driver and his approach to the whole process. It’s not enough to just press the gas, just as it’s not enough to just choose a direction if you’re tightly attached to something or there’s no gas.

General cleaning of life for those who prefer speed and completely new horizons:

It makes sense to clean up your life in all three dimensions: past, present and, don’t be surprised, future. Yes, your future is also filled with crap in the form of ideas about it, forgive me for being so blunt, but it also needs to be cleared.

We suggest starting with the present. It is the most objective, here and now. Completely clearing the current moment of junk will already give you noticeable strength and fresh energy, and you will still need it.

The principle is to throw out everything you can and even a little more. The point is to put an end to every open issue: either complete the matter or cancel it if its necessity is no longer so important.

The main thing is to remove all pending issues from the to-do list.

I would like to note that it is not suggested here to immediately polish your present like Cinderella (although this is useful!) - first you need to put things in order and close the “hanging points”, even by resetting them to zero. It is necessary to remove tasks from the waiting list or start them in the process if they have been stuck there for more than a few weeks. This will give a colossal influx of new energy.

And now in more detail. What will those who really intend to collect a new picture of their experience do over the coming weekend?

Our problem is that we do not know the fundamental principles of how human consciousness works. His multidimensional work does not fit into our scientific theories and postulates. For scientists, our life is, after all, a product of brain neurons.

On the other hand, modern esotericists are strongly influenced by a new movement, which teaches that man is a deity to whom everything is available, you just have to wish... declare your intention. We hear from different channels that a person can live in joy and wealth if we strive for this. The masters say: if you want to be happy, be it. It's simple. But everyone wants this, not just spiritually “advanced” people. And for some reason it is not possible to find complete and universal happiness, as they write in books or teach at esoteric seminars. Even if you manage to feel happiness, it lasts only a moment, after which gray everyday life sets in again. The 2012 horoscope compiled by the best astrologers will tell you what the new year has in store for each of us, and will help you avoid wrong decisions and unpleasant mistakes.

Consciousness is not a linear, but a cyclical manifestation, which means it cannot move only in one direction, for example, towards joy. Our consciousness expands, both “up” to the higher spheres and “down”, where the fear of the unconscious lives. Also, our consciousness has a horizontal expansion, where it receives experience through form, at the moment through the physical body. In addition to the expansion of consciousness, it is immersed and compressed into the microcosm. This is not a metaphor about the expansion of consciousness into the macrocosm and compression into the microcosm, but a reality that we cannot ignore. This means that consciousness must necessarily fall after takeoff, and after expansion it must necessarily shrink. Our consciousness at the energy level is constantly pulsating - expanding and contracting, just as the entire Universe pulsates. This breath of Brahma is the cyclical universe. Therefore, all the talk that if we want, we can reach such a peak in perception on earth, when we live only in complete joy, is groundless. Such reasoning is more like a religion, which requires faith from people, but not knowledge. From here comes idealization by the mind, which presses on the rest of us, which further increases the chaos in consciousness. We begin to split into those who want to be in light and joy, and those who do not want to do anything for this, content with gray everyday life.

Why is this happening? It seems to me that we are contrasting our idea of ​​​​moving towards light and joy with the very essence of life, which does not run away from anything. On the one hand, we want to be better, on the other, our seemingly divine desire begins to sabotage reality itself. We want to be purer, brighter, spiritual, finally, but for some reason it turns out as always, only a feeling of languor and dissatisfaction with ourselves. And the more misunderstanding grows in us, the more irritated we become at ourselves and at the entire world around us. It would seem that with each of our progress towards the light we should be brighter, more joyful, but for some reason this does not happen. As soon as I felt the joy of being, it immediately runs away under the onslaught of everyday perception, leaving us alone with our joylessness. And all because we do not accept our microcosm, where the keys to our joy are hidden. We do not want to accept ourselves with all the shortcomings and dark spots in our consciousness. Therefore, it is easier for us to cover them up with beautiful shreds of the ideal, building with our minds what we should be, rather than accepting ourselves as we are.

If we look at this moment from the point of view of energy, then we only want to expand spherically towards the light into the macrocosm, without compressing consciousness into the microcosm. It’s the same as taking only a breath, not wanting to exhale, considering it something defective and undesirable.

Immersion in the microcosm (exhalation of consciousness) gives us a densification of light, which in turn creates a core for consciousness. This core saves us from the ocean of energies; it prevents us from getting lost and completely dissolving in the Spirit. As soon as a drop of consciousness separates from the Ocean, an unknown Force instantly gives it shape. A form for consciousness, be it a sphere of light, outlines its boundaries, creating individuality. Therefore, when we push only on the light, we try to expand without the ballast that gives us stability in consciousness. Hence, without sufficient ballast under the pressure of external forces, we can lose our individuality, which means that we will dissolve in other consciousnesses, like ordinary information.

We, as developing beings, are in a rigid program. Now we are influenced by the physics of the body, then the physics of another world will influence us when we lose it. And so everywhere and always. We are constantly influenced by some huge Power that is beyond our control. Even if we become gods and control entire universes, we will still be subject to the influence of this enormous Power. This means that we must be humble in the face of this powerful Force, and not resist it, like a cell against a whole organism. This is a very important aspect in consciousness - humility. Humility is the pause between the “breathing” of consciousness – the zero zone. I would say that humility is the road to emptiness.

As is above, so below.....

We cannot live only in the head or in the heart, we must fill the whole body with ourselves. If we try to be smart, we automatically shift our attention to the head, thereby taking away most of the energy from the body. If we want to be loving, then, collecting attention in the heart, we again ignore the mind and body . If we live only by instincts, then, accordingly, we do not need a head and a heart.

Our whole problem is that our attention jumps, then up to the head, then into the heart, then down to the genitals, when it should simultaneously fill all parts of us (here and now). When we fill the entire body with our attention, we automatically find ourselves in the zero zone of perception. If we take our consciousness as a circle, it will be a point in the center of the circle.

Only from this point can we cover the entire circle. And when we are in the zero zone, all states of consciousness, all levels of feelings are available to us: from human to divine. Emotions are in silence, but they are “visible” - you just have to stretch out your “hand”. The mind, somewhere on the periphery of consciousness, manifests thought forms that do not attract us. Deep within us, feelings vibrate like a vast ocean on which our consciousness floats. At this time, we do not feel irritation, feelings of inferiority, loneliness, but complete calm and tranquility. Also, there are no sharp bursts of joy and momentary surges of happiness, only a serene, peaceful state of weightlessness of consciousness. It’s as if you are inside a transparent ball and around on its walls you see states of various emotions and thought forms. And as soon as you show intention, emotions are immediately attracted and experienced by you. From this center there is always a conscious choice of which emotion or thought form to manifest. For example, during communication you can burst out laughing and immediately become serious. And this is not pretense, but an instant natural reaction to the situation. Attention in the zero zone is more flexible and mobile; it is not captured by any one state or dogma. At this time, our attention does not drown inside one emotion or thought form, when consciousness is pulled into one perception of the world, but is outside, freely floating on the vibrational waves of emotions.

We can say that being in the zero zone is also joy, but quiet, dissolved in all the cells of our being. We become more sensitive and open to the whole world, without attachment to any one truth. The zero zone creates the potential here and now, which simultaneously contains all the manifestations of this world.

But if we do not accept the energy of compressing consciousness inward, then we can easily become depressed, since a person does not realize this, because he is accustomed to external emotional rollercoasters . It seems to him that he has fallen away from something important, for example, the source of nutrition, which is society. The energy of consciousness at this time does not go towards expansion, but only towards compression. Attention becomes fixated on one thing, without seeing the whole, as if there was a short circuit in the circuit. Therefore, after a strong compression of energy, we feel heaviness throughout the body, and the mind, meanwhile, shuts down. Our breathing becomes shallow, barely audible. When we are depressed, it feels like the whole world has betrayed us. We feel like outcasts. In general, this is true, since our attention has collapsed into one point, rejecting the whole circle. In this heavy energy, we can only manifest heavy emotions and thought forms. And at this moment, squeezing joy out of yourself is simply pointless. As a rule, the external environment knocks us out of this state, especially when we are already tired of shrinking and despondent (the cycle has ended), and we have a tendency to expand our consciousness. And, as soon as we have an impulse to expand (inhale) consciousness, circumstances immediately arise, for example, we met someone who shared their joy, came across a book that inspires life, or received a good shake-up from life, from which we have to quickly and move a lot.

Now many "graduates" are at the zero point, but most believe that this is wrong, thinking that it is chronic fatigue syndrome or depression. Of course, everyone wants to live in joy, and they try to squeeze out this joy using old life tricks - looking for incentives from the outside . I have friends who have everything for a joyful life: home, family, children, prosperity, career, but in their souls there is nothing, only emptiness and languor. So what's the deal? Maybe that's not how they live? Moreover, they attend various positive trainings that encourage people to live in joy and harmony with the whole world. And how to squeeze this joy out of yourself, not for a moment - but for the rest of your life?

It seems to me that at this point of frozen consciousness we should not try to squeeze out what is not there, but accept and use the cyclical energy of zero to let go. And there is something to let go of, for example, the fear of this same zero zone, because before everything was clear; when I lived like a human being (a full package of pleasures from ordinary life), but now such a life no longer brings joy. This is the gray zero zone, when you cannot live as before, and the new is not yet known. This is a natural period of consciousness - the fall into the zero cycle. If we realize it, then peace will come in the soul, and not the ordeal of the soul. Sadness comes to us because we do not accept this state, hence the internal struggle. And any struggle with oneself is exhausting.

It must be accepted as an axiom that consciousness never moves linearly, but always spasmodically with a zeroing phase. We need this period so that, letting go of the old experience, we can move on more easily. And do not believe that a person can experience only joy and harmony every minute throughout his life. When you read or hear someone talk about joy, you naturally become charged with this energy, and you feel like you are doing something wrong in living in the gray everyday life. After meeting “someone else’s” joy, there is usually a decline and again soul-searching. Question: is something wrong with me?

This is an old system of perceiving the world, when the mind builds an ideal, and causes other parts of consciousness to have complexes due to inconsistency with this ideal. An ideal is an illusion not supported by experience.

The zero phase in consciousness makes it possible to level all our parts. And if we, being in the zero zone, accept ourselves as we are: without feelings, without joy, whining, then we will see how discontent gradually disappears in us, and we find ourselves in a real zero zone, where there is complete calmness of feelings, mind and emotions . And when we learn to live in this silence, without trying to escape back into the familiar world of emotional rollercoasters, then gradually, day by day, we will notice how some powerful Force awakens in us. This Power will not give us temporary joy, and will not sparkle with emotional disco lights, but will hum like a huge ocean of feelings. Our consciousness will switch from the old external source of the matrix, for which we had to constantly pay with our energy, to the internal source. This is the true source in the zero zone, which is hidden behind the barrier of depression.

To gain this power, we must embrace our darkness, because there is more light hidden in the darkness than in all the stars combined. If we accept the zero phase as one of the important moments of our life and do not try to escape from it, then little by little we will master it. The paradox is that by running away, we create a depressive state of consciousness. If we do not run away from ourselves, but accept our inaction, both external and internal, then we are open to this experience, which means that our consciousness not only contracts, but also expands at the same time. At this moment we understand the importance of immersing ourselves within ourselves and do not consider this to be something wrong. We must realize that we get into the zero zone not because of our weakness and lack of will, but thanks to the Force that pushes us. Depression is when external energy is compressed, and we, not accepting it, begin to fight it, wanting only to expand, for example, into joy. And we cannot resist this powerful force of compression (this is the exhalation of the universe), we can only accept. Without accepting, we are like little children who hide out of resentment in some distant corner of the apartment because their parents did not buy the toy they wanted. Hence, if we resist the Force, we shrink even more under its pressure. We push, and she is even stronger... we resist, she is even stronger... And who will win in this exhausting battle? Of course, depression.

You need to trust the condescension of the flow (compression) and follow it. Then we will not have a drain of energy and depression, but a conscious adventure - immersion in the microcosm, i.e. into yourself. At this moment, we may feel that we no longer have a desire for external manifestations: work, creativity, family, but simply have a desire to be ourselves, as we are. We must allow ourselves weakness, despondency, irritation, and other manifestations of “unhappy” emotions, without considering them something that we should be ashamed of and hide . At the moment of compression of energy, heavy emotions manifest themselves in the best possible way, crawling out from all the cracks of consciousness. So we must first accept them, then let them go. And don't blame yourself. To be natural, the immersion and experience of heavy energies will happen quickly, within a couple of days. If you struggle, it may take months.

When, at the moment of compression and immersion of consciousness, we pass the barrier (depression) of heavy, joyless emotions, we will definitely find ourselves in the zero zone. We will finally understand that fear has kept us on the edge of emptiness, creating a barrier of rejection of our joyless emotions. This great emptiness that contains everything... without rejecting anything.

How can we get out of depression if we are already there? Psychology suggests that we enter into joy through external manifestations, for example: going shopping or going on a trip. All this is good if our depression is associated with an inferiority complex, and we are still captivated by this world. And if we are tired of this reality in all its manifestations, and external familiar stimulants no longer please us, and at this time our loved ones or “masters” of joy are still pushing us to enjoy life, then we can shrink even more into our depression , since they do not understand us, offering incentives for life that we have already outlived. At this time, we begin to periodically “die” to this life (loss of human form) And when another attachment dies in us, we can feel a deep longing for something that is gone forever. For the most part, this happens on a subconscious level, so we don’t understand what’s happening to us. This is a good time to truly enter the zero zone. After all, when you joyfully “jump” along the emotional curve of life, then you don’t care about emptiness, at that moment you are interested in the daily bustle, from which you recharge. This is the main reason why a neophyte can become depressed. He can no longer live in the old way, but he doesn’t know how to live in a new way. And new life is already knocking on his consciousness with might and main, offering to draw strength not from the external familiar source of the majority, but from the internal source hidden in the zero zone, in the center of the circle of our consciousness. This is the point (microcosm) where an inexhaustible source of vacuum energy is hidden in a compressed state. This is much more than in the external manifestation of light with its momentary joy and its fleeting rays with which light draws hologram illusions for our consciousness.

Life in the void (zero zone) is a new type of consciousness, and therefore a different source of power. If previously we were nourished by the external world of forms, now energy directly, without intermediaries, comes to us from an internal source. And for this we must have a different breathing, not frequent and superficial as before, but deep with long pauses between them. This breathing allows consciousness to draw deeper energy from the microcosm, directing it into the macrocosm.

If we still get stuck in depression on the way to the zero zone, then the best thing we can do is to start breathing in a new way. There is no need to wait for a miracle when a wizard comes and gives you the joy of life. At first it will be difficult to breathe and we may not have the strength to do so. Therefore, you need to start by holding your breath as you exhale. And as soon as the body shows the instinct to take a deep breath, we begin to breathe slowly and deeply. After a few minutes of breathing, we will feel the need to pause longer between inhalation and exhalation. It is in these pauses that the portal to the zero zone is hidden. It's simple... start breathing consciously. After all, this is what we can really do “here and now,” without any doping in the form of spiritual books and seminars.

By making our new breath everyday, we will gradually find ourselves in the center of consciousness, from where we will draw energy for a new life, for which we do not have to pay to society. This is not a scheduled meditation, but a way of life. We will have a different perception of the world: without the rough emotional sinusoids of the matrix, which lures us with fleeting joy and later mercilessly throws us into the bitterness of existence. In the new consciousness, we will feel ourselves in the very center of calm in the middle of an ocean of refined feelings, where any manifestation of life in everyday life will become the joy of being. It could be such a “little thing” as the feeling of your own breathing, which you previously did not notice, carried away by an external source of pleasure.

You can't pour water into a full glass. This is one of the fundamental principles of any change. It is impossible to radically change life and rewrite history if you act based on an unexamined baggage of experience.

Your life puzzle will always come together into the same picture if you use the same elements, no matter how many times you mix them at the start.

You need to start consciously creating yourself and your new experience with zeroing.

Not from searching for goals, not from declaring a vision of oneself in 5 years, not from questions of mission and purpose. This whole process will be confused with old ideas, which also take a lot of energy.

You need to start by throwing out all the trash from your life: on the physical, energetic and mental levels.

Uncontrolled hoarding of the past leads to two things:

1. Endless reproduction of your past.

Life becomes like déjà vu.

2. Slowing down the speed of life.

This is when you look at those who manage three times more and don’t understand how they do it. Success in life and fulfillment in all areas is possible only at fast speed.

Stop living like you have 500 years left

Bill Gates

By the way, sometimes a person sincerely tries to speed up his rhythm by waking up early, exercising, and strict self-discipline, but nothing works. The energy jumps from heady highs to sharp lows, when there is nothing but devastation inside. The reasons may be different, here you need to look at the situation and ask yourself “why is this happening?”, but one of them may be precisely the desire to drive at normal speed without unhooking the van of your many years of junk.

We all have “cars” created for full movement, the question is the driver and his approach to the whole process. It’s not enough to just press the gas, just as it’s not enough to just choose a direction if you’re tightly attached to something or there’s no gas.

General cleaning of life for those who prefer speed and completely new horizons

It makes sense to clean up your life in all three dimensions: past, present and, don’t be surprised, future. Yes, your future is also filled with crap in the form of ideas about it, forgive me for being so blunt, but it also needs to be cleared.

I suggest starting with the present. It is the most objective, here and now. Completely clearing the current moment of junk will already give you noticeable strength and fresh energy, and you will still need it.

The principle is to throw out everything possible, and even A bit more. The point is to put an end to every open issue: either complete the matter or cancel it if its necessity is no longer so important.

The main thing is to remove all pending issues from the to-do list.

I would like to note that here it is not suggested to immediately polish your present, like Cinderella (although this is useful!) - first you need to put things in order and close the “hanging points”, even by resetting them to zero. It is necessary to remove tasks from the waiting list or start them in the process if they have been stuck there for more than a few weeks. This will give a colossal influx of new energy.

And now in more detail. What will those who really intend to collect new picture your experience:

1. Throw out the trash

We get rid of all garbage. To begin with, from your home. We throw it away, distribute it, take it to a shelter. But not according to the principle “I’ll put it in a box and take it to church someday.” And we’ll take it straight away. We do not leave anything on the “waiting” list.

What is garbage?

This is everything you don't use. Let's do this: everything that you haven't used during the year (this is very loyal) needs to be removed, distributed, sold, thrown away:

- clothes you don't wear;

- most of the souvenirs, except those that really create comfort in the interior (in fact, this is a smaller part of what you have);

- unusable or outdated dishes and equipment.


The more you dig, the better off you will be. Understand that every thing, literally every one, is a particle of your energy, look at them soberly and take into your new experience only what you will need there and will delight. Approach all things with a question - “Do I want to leave this energy or let a new one come in its place?”

You can't pour water into a full glass

You empty your glass yourself. As much as you pour out, so much will flow in. If you are greedy, don’t be surprised that big changes will simply have nowhere to enter.

It’s difficult for me to give detailed advice here, since I don’t have such a problem at all. Due to frequent moves and changes of place of residence, I literally learned to weed out the unnecessary and part with seemingly beloved, but actually useless souvenirs. But seeing the apartments of some of my friends who have lived in one place for years, or even decades, it’s just a museum of rubbish from the past. What changes can we talk about?

In general, spring cleaning of the house is a game called “How ready am I to let new experiences into my life.”

As much as you throw away, you are ready.

By the way, this applies to all your spaces, including your office workspace, your dacha, your car, your private jet, and whatever else you have. Surprise your colleagues - really clean up your desk, start the real process of unpacking.

2. Throw away files

Throwing out trash is just the beginning, it's time to throw away your files. How much time do you spend at the computer and online? This is also your space, although virtual, it is also part of your energy.

We are used to storing everything on the computer. Why throw it away? The hard drive is enough for everything.

The principle here is the same: cleansing is the release of energy. Leave only what you like and value. Why keep a movie you didn't like? Why keep some old stupid files? This is all a piece of you. Do we carry it with us, understanding that the more cargo, the slower the speed, or will we give room for a new one?

Debriefing requires not only your personal, but also your work computer, as well as virtual accounts: social networks, blogs, websites.

3. Put things in order, give things their place, organize files

It’s not enough to throw out the trash, you need to put things in order in what you have.

I have never been on the side of strict purity; I even cultivated creative disorder for a long time, hiding behind my penchant for art.

Now I will say this - a harmonious order (not fanatical, but systematized - when things have their place) is the key to the good and effective functioning of things, especially if it’s time to speed up. You will not be able to switch your life to a new speed, with complete chaos on your desk and in your apartment.

4. Filter incoming information

Order and cleaning also require the flow of your incoming information. In general, this is food for the mind, and the work of your mind depends on its quality. There is no other way to say it.

Information intoxication, have you heard? This is a common disease that affects many people now. They read everything online, endlessly repost quotes from great people, completely atrophying the ability to hear the voice of their soul.

Information has the ability to accumulate; it never leaves our subconscious, so it must be carefully filtered. Letting in only what is valuable and immediately launching it into implementation - then it teaches and develops us, otherwise it clutters up the channels, creating powerful information noise. This leads to making mistakes on the Path due to the inability to hear the voice of one’s soul.

1. Clean up your friend feed

Remove those friends whose reading does not resonate or inspire you.

2. Clean your walls.

It is necessary to remove or hide those people whose news is annoying. Especially those who post negativity from world events.

3. Decide on a set of blogs and sites that you intend to read.

My main principle on how to determine the value of a resource for yourself is a response in the soul. When you read something and feel the release inside, it is a very distinct feeling of awareness and thirst for action.

And under no circumstances should this be a feed based on the principle “they added me - I’ll add and read.” No, this should be a selection of only those resources that fill and delight you personally. It also needs to be cleaned regularly and replenished with new resources.

I have an RSS feed for reading, which contains sites, blogs and LJs of the people I want to follow, as well as a “read” list on Twitter. There is a separate “mailing” folder in the mail, where letters from those I subscribe to come. And I read them! If an author stops satisfying me, I unsubscribe. But I never receive letters just like that. And I don’t read social media feeds, with rare exceptions. All channels undergo general cleaning on a regular basis.

5. Finish unfinished tasks or reset them

It is important to complete all the tasks on the “waiting” list: either transfer them to the “in progress” status and actually do it and get it done, or reset them to zero. It’s better to decide for yourself that at this stage the case is closed and I don’t do it anymore, than to “carry” this burden with me. You should feel from the inside that all your work has been done, current processes are on schedule, and there are no pending issues. This is the “first gear” for approaching the question: “What do I want from this life?” and move towards conscious change.

In conclusion, I would like to summarize. The process of general cleaning of your present consists of two key points - getting rid of junk at all levels, as well as organizing your affairs, including the incoming information flow.

Set up your channels so that only high-quality, useful information comes to you in moderate quantities, and you will see how your world will transform. Who cares how all your friends and acquaintances are doing? You can meet them in person when you have time, but consuming their “news” on a daily basis is almost a guarantee that there will be no fundamental changes. Unless all your friends are living the life you dream of.

It is possible to create yourself anew if you understand that old experience is not your guide in this.

Now for the cleaning!

There is now a lot of knowledge about our divine future, but little information about what difficulties we need to go through to achieve this state. We are assured that this is a journey from the point Earth to the point Heavenly abode, and for this we only need to visualize the positive divine light. Many people like this version because it hides the subconscious fear of the unknown. Therefore, the neophyte is more willing to visualize the divine light, the joy of being, looks at cute pictures of angels or spiritual teachers, but is afraid to look soberly at his real life with its everyday emotions and thought forms of the matrix. Fear of the unknown is what stops the traveler. Therefore, he builds a beautiful illusion of ascension to divinity, where miracles and magic fit into the logic of the earthly mind. And this is a natural emotion of a person on the path. Fear of the unknown is based on the experience of the soul, which at one time encountered something incomprehensible that did not fit into its previous experience. Therefore, the fear of awakening from a long hibernation sits in the subconscious. For example, if we live in one room for several years without going outside, then a phobia will grow in us - fear of the street. It will seem to us that dangers and troubles will await us outside the house. This is how consciousness works. This state of fear is enhanced by the mind. He always gets ahead of himself, drawing scary pictures under the influence of frightened emotions. At a certain level of development, the soul necessarily undergoes initiation, when it must meet and realize its limit. A circle with a dot in the middle is a symbol of consciousness - a cosmic law that is significant for all levels of consciousness. The fact is that until consciousness matures, it is protected in “artificial” cocoons - planets. When her own light cocoon becomes stronger, she will be ready to exist outside of planetary systems. This is a way out of the wheel of samsara. Consciousness is an immortal creation. But only if it acquired its cocoon through evolution. The cocoon is individuality - that which delineates it from the Ocean of consciousnesses. In the process of evolution, we will not dissolve in Nirvana, losing individuality, but, on the contrary, by integrating with souls similar in vibration, we will form a more voluminous cocoon, where each individuality will feel like the center of this new Sphere. And this will be only the beginning of another - a more spherical path in the Ocean of energies. For us, the loss of the body means the death of the personality, which implies complete oblivion. Likewise, the soul has a fear of dissolving into all that exists, losing its individuality - a cocoon. Fear is a natural process in the evolution of consciousness. If for people the limiting factor is animal instinctive fear, then for the soul it is energetic fear, indicating the danger of crossing the border of its awareness. This is a kind of fuse that looks like a hiss of warning energy. This hissing energy determines for the soul the foreignness and danger of contact with an unknown force, or outlines its boundaries of perception. An unknown force is something that consciousness cannot digest, which means there is a danger of receiving a huge dose of energy, which could damage its light cocoon. The maturity of consciousness is determined by experience - passing through the limits of the “top” of the border of the cocoon, and the “bottom”, its depth of the microcosm. What is it for? This is necessary so that the soul knows its capabilities, its potential. The outer boundary of the cocoon of consciousness is held by the internal attraction of its core. The core is experience compressed into a microcosm. We can say that this is a hard drive for storing information. If our human consciousness, which consists of a complex of different energies, is contained and stored in the cocoon of the physical body, then the next stage of evolution is visible light. Light will be our future cocoon (plasma), protecting our consciousness from the external Force of the Unknown. Most likely, after the cocoon of light, some other energy will come to replace it, perhaps a torsion protective field. Consciousness will always grow fractally, integrating with other cocoons, but it will always have a bubble in which to exist. The entire universe is a large sphere, which in turn contains many large and small bubbles of consciousness. The world is a giant nesting doll made of cocoons of consciousnesses. The energy in the cocoon of consciousness first rises from the center to the boundaries of the sphere, then, colliding with the external environment (limit), receiving information from there that is new to it, returns back to the center. It is like a thick energy donut, where the flow first turns from the inside out, and then twists and folds back. This process is similar to the friction of two opposite flows, due to which the driving force of the Universe, and therefore our consciousness, consists. We can say that all this is “theory”, but how can we humans experience this process? At some point, we can feel how our consciousness rushes towards the light towards a large ocean of information hitherto unknown to us. We call this enlightenment. Our ascent continues until we feel that we are dissolving in great love and light. As soon as you feel this state, it is a signal to go back, otherwise dissolution in nirvana is inevitable. Next, an unknown Force “pulls” us down, inside our circle, into our darkness. This is exactly what we ourselves want at this moment. There is a feeling of our mind overheating from meeting the supermind. We are stressed by new knowledge and need a deep dive to process it. It is stronger than us - like an instinct of self-preservation. Our cocoon experienced an energetic blow from the unknown, which caused a “crack” to form in it, and at this moment it is important for consciousness to ground the abundance of new information. Attention at this time is unstable, feelings jump: from a feeling of universal love to deep sadness for the irretrievably gone old world. If we take an imaginary line, then the rise and fall of our consciousness will be equal in amplitude to this midline. This can be compared to the beating of the heart, or: inhalation and exhalation. By crossing this middle line, we will come face to face with everything false that lives within us, like a foreign virus. We illuminated the dark corners of consciousness, thanks to our light, which we brought from the unknown and saw our unconsciousness: false ideas, beliefs, hidden vices. At the energy level, this occurs as the absorption of matter by light. A real experience at the moment of immersion in three-dimensional reality. On the other hand, light from “devouring” matter becomes more and more dense, losing its luminosity. This process is similar to light decoding closed “folders” in the depths of consciousness, with frightening content. As soon as the light touches these “folders,” whole worlds of fear, various terrifying images that were hidden in these hiding places begin to emerge and unfold into consciousness. And when attention lingers on these unpleasant images and experiences, a clear picture instantly appears in the consciousness that all this is an illusion. Intention reformats with new Knowledge various monsters woven by human unconscious existence into geometric capsules with pure information. This process can be seen in computer graphics when you enlarge a picture to pixels. We suddenly realize that all our fears were from ignorance, from a lack of information and light. Once all the “monsters” woven from unconscious existence have turned into ordinary “pixels,” consciousness continues to plunge further into the void. After passing through the barrier of dense matter and burning the false world within ourselves (purgatory), the further fall of our consciousness becomes more like the smooth soaring of a feather into the abyss of non-existence. At the moment of immersion, we feel that we are dissolving more and more into this abyss of emptiness, as if we had lost some kind of float that kept us afloat. This float for us was the three-dimensional world of shapes. The light (information) that was captured by attention at the edge of the cocoon of consciousness was now quickly absorbed by the dark matter in the depths of our being. At this moment there is a feeling that you are losing memory, cluster by cluster, and then you completely stop perceiving yourself as an individual. Only emptiness... and nothing but emptiness. At this time there are no feelings and thought forms, there is not even someone who can say that it exists. Although in this emptiness there is a certain determinant and controller of what is happening, who mercilessly monitors this entire process. This is the great Spirit, which is everywhere and...at the same time nowhere. Everything... this is the extreme point of the “bottom” of consciousness, where all lived experience dissolves, which is then absorbed by the microcosm. This is a complete zeroing of consciousness. A recapitulation has occurred, not only at the human level, but also at the soul level, and even at the level of all dimensions of multidimensional consciousness. After immersion, an unknown Force begins to raise and collect consciousness from the abyss of emptiness, which is why memory begins to slowly return. You return to where you started your journey - this is the middle world of the physical body. But consciousness has already become different. It became a light airless ball. The body is no longer felt as dense matter, but as a transparent shell. The mind, as if washed in cold spring water, became clean, without the slightest speck of low-frequency thought forms. The feeling of seeing the world freshly washed and transparent. At this time, reality is perceived only here and now, without imaginary illusions. Any object or person is seen as it is in its very essence, without any additions from the mind. The mind is silent, falling into a trance from the ringing emptiness. Feelings become more refined, flowing with all states. Every object where attention was directed came to life and vibrated with warmth. There is a feeling of quiet happiness and lightness in the air. Immersion in the zero zone can be described as a complete reformatting of consciousness (burning of karma). After this process, a new cycle of comprehension of oneself and reality begins. You feel that every year after the expansion of consciousness and return from emptiness, your consciousness becomes more and more dense, heavier from the new experience (winding up of new karma). But in this repeated process of comprehending matter, you can no longer be the same, you have grown, and therefore the immersion after a reboot is not so deep, because you have completed the level - like in a computer game. It's like going back in a spiral; seemingly in the same place, but almost on a completely different plane of existence. This process of zeroing and ascension is a quantum leap of consciousness. There is no need to be afraid of the ascent and zeroing of consciousness. It's like being afraid of growing up. After all, we are not left to ourselves. We are guarded by beings more powerful than our local gods. Our curators control the entire multidimensional process of consciousness development, but they cannot experience the experience for us. Therefore, we ourselves go through all the paths of the knowable and the unknowable... This is the evolution of consciousness. Everything I wrote above is based on my personal experience. Not only as a person, but also as a soul, as a Sphere of consciousness. It is a mistake to believe that we can comprehend everything, whether we are a person or the entire universe. Everything has a limit. And this limit is outlined, for us people, by animal fear, and for the soul - a kind of fuse of hissing energy. For all levels of consciousness this is an unpleasant experience. Consciousness begins to understand its limitation. Understanding your limitations is an important stage in the development of consciousness. Yes, it hurts the soul, but it is necessary. Awareness of our limitations (circumference) suggests that we have exhausted our internal resource and must make a quantum transition to another state. Consciousness makes a leap into another container, more voluminous, with greater potential. This can be compared to the cocoon of a pupa turning into a butterfly. The pupa has its own limit to development, and in order to develop further, it needs to transform into a butterfly, which has more opportunities for this. So now - our consciousness, consisting of several energies - this is the mind-mind, the soul - feelings, the body-cocoon, has its limitations in knowing ourselves and existence. To prevent consciousness from prematurely destroying its cocoon when maturing, it has built-in safety guards in the form of fear. If we continue the analogy with the caterpillar, then a person oriented towards external reality is a caterpillar devouring leaves. And the one who has already eaten enough foliage and realized his limitations - curls inward, turning into a chrysalis. In the pupa, the process of the caterpillar dying and its transformation into a butterfly occurs. This is ascension in the zero zone. Without losing the old form, a transition to a new quality is impossible. Therefore, if the consciousness is materialistic, then it naturally experiences fear from all this. This means that it is still a “caterpillar” and it still has a whole forest of green leaves ahead of it, which it must chew. The loss of the human form is not a beautiful metaphor, but a reality without which we cannot transform. If we lose form through ordinary death, then our temporary cocoon will be the Earth. The subtle planes of the Earth are temporary repositories of souls. Getting there, it will seem to us that we are experiencing certain spaces and landscapes similar to three-dimensional earthly ones. Meanwhile, our consciousness, like energy, resembles a kind of haze that is stored in the cells of the earth, like in a huge library. Without our own cocoon, we cannot use the earth's cocoon for a quantum leap. The Earth has a different evolutionary branch. Therefore, we are reincarnated again into humanoid bodies in order to use this form to make a quantum transition into a new, more voluminous form. Without the phase of zeroing consciousness - immersion in emptiness - transformation of consciousness is impossible. Fears of past experience and fears for the future simply will not let us in. In the zero zone, the mind and emotions of the matrix cannot exist, so we perform a complete reboot of the entire system of consciousness. Now many neophytes have unconscious fears. This is a natural process - the transformation from a caterpillar to a pupa. For them, giving up the sea of ​​green foliage causes subconscious fear, i.e. parting with a person, with his image of the world. Therefore, the practice of airborne breathing and conscious breathing helps to better and more harmoniously enter the zero zone. No matter how much we would like to evade this practice, at the moment there is no other option. Maybe in the future, when the outside world crumbles before our eyes, our consciousness, in order to withstand this fact and not burn out, must shift to the zero zone. But it will be more like a stupor in consciousness, rather than a harmonious immersion. The zero zone has its own reboot depth. You can recapitulate by catching your fears in pieces. It's like fishing in troubled waters. But it's better than nothing. In order to make a complete reboot (burn out all human karma within yourself, not just an individual), you need to experience enlightenment (a short journey outside the cocoon), then a complete immersion into the microcosm into the great emptiness. Only a leap of consciousness beyond the limits and immersion into darkness gives complete awakening from the illusion of forms. Of course, it’s better for us not to know all this and to be in a children’s divine fairy tale, where everything is clear and familiar. After all, we know that knowledge increases sadness. But there always comes a time when fairy tales end and sober everyday life begins. When consciousness encounters a new reality, it always experiences the shock of losing its little cozy world. But after some time, the consciousness gradually gets used to the new conditions of the game, all fears go away and are replaced by joy from the greatness of the new world. And then we begin to truly understand that our earthly joy, to which we hold so tightly, is nothing compared to divine perception. The butterfly will no longer feed on rough leaves; it is already seduced by the delicate nectar of fragrant flowers. September 2011.

Everything we perceive, we perceive in relation to ourselves. We are a reference point for ourselves, the zero of our “coordinate system”. In order to adequately, without distortion, understand and realize the environment, one must become an “absolute” zero, and not a conditional one, that is, get rid of the “displacements” that already exist in us.

Notice that you always have some kind of mood. It can be good, bad or something else. But it's always there. And you can no longer be the origin of coordinates, because you are in a “displaced” position along the “axis of emotions.” Also, you always have a set of judgments and personal opinions that shift you from zero along the “beliefs” axis. Purpose of the exercise "Reset" enter a state of “absolute zero”, remove your own emotions and beliefs.

Start monitoring your emotions. Notice when they arise, how you become aware of them, and what changes when they do. Create for yourself such a concept as an emotional background and monitor changes in it. The emotional background is best imagined as a kind of shell that describes your entire body.

Over time, you will learn to notice that certain emotions appear in certain areas of this shell. You will notice how and where the emerging emotions shift, what they displace and where they “settle”. You will begin to feel all your emotions literally physically.

After this, learn to mentally “grab” the emotions you don’t need and throw them out of your emotional background. Try to catch the emotion as early as possible, at the stage of its penetration into your emotional background.

You can “play” by shifting the emotion to another place, to where it is unusual. You will notice that at the same time it acquires new qualities and may even change completely. Fear can become anger, joy can become apathy, etc.

You also need to learn to “transform” emotions - having noticed and localized an emotion, you give it the necessary properties with your will. This way you can make a positive emotion out of a negative one and vice versa.

Learn to catch, shift, transform and throw away any emotions, both positive and negative. Later, if you want, you can choose which ones to leave, but you need to be able to completely get rid of emotions, even pleasant ones. Train yourself to constantly, in any environment, automatically feel and adjust your emotional background. By doing this exercise, you will understand how unstable and controllable our emotions are. (Including from outside.)

To reset beliefs, perform similar manipulations, but in the sphere of beliefs. Notice when your beliefs start to come out and try to influence your decisions. Don't let them do this, you need to be able to assess the situation with an open mind.

Let me remind you once again that the three exercises given above are auxiliary for practicing the exercise. "Base", in particular, to practice awareness. Although you can use them autonomously, outside of this complex, if you see fit.

Carrying out "Base", you will get a sea of ​​new interesting sensations. In order to control the implementation of the “Base”, set up a clock with a beeping timer so that it beeps every half hour or every 10 minutes. And at each timer signal, check yourself whether you are performing the “Basic” at the moment. Over time, you will learn to do such checks without a timer, more and more often, until one day you discover that you are always doing the “Base”! And then amazing things will be revealed to you! Believe me...

With a serious approach, results appear after a week of training; significant changes can be expected no earlier than in a month.

Inner Dialogue

I will not talk here about consciousness, subconsciousness, bindings, fixing the assemblage point and everything else. In the preface I made a reservation that I would leave the theory for other books.

Now I’ll just say that, roughly speaking, in our heads there are constantly a lot of our own and other people’s thoughts, snippets of songs, someone’s phrases, commercials and all sorts of other nonsense. All this is pretty mixed up and fragmentary. In addition, we are accustomed to chatting to ourselves in our minds when we think, read, write... and in general, at any opportunity. It's amazing that we can still think at all.

At this stage, you definitely need to learn to stop the internal dialogue in your head. You must be able to enter and remain in a state of “inner silence” for as long as possible (preferably constantly). Only from this state should you perform all exercises, especially more or less complex ones. And this is half the success in mastering many techniques.

When you read a description of a technique before, you might have thought, “This is nonsense, it won’t work!” And they would be right, because your experience told you that if you follow the steps recommended in the technique, you will not get the expected result. But you were not aware of your limitations before; you simply tried to do the exercises described and did not get any effect. And they expanded the circle of their stereotypes, adding one more fact to their experience: “It doesn’t work!” With that we calmed down. Since then, when you encounter such “magical” techniques, you immediately evoke the necessary stereotype, supported by experience, and make a diagnosis in advance: “This won’t work either!”

Your mistake was that you did not realize that you were trying to do the impossible. All magical techniques imply that the person who performs them is in a certain state of consciousness. You didn’t know this and didn’t even realize that there were some “other” states of consciousness. That's why nothing worked for you.

So, a stopped VD is one of the most important conditions for the success of any technique. The inability to stop the VD entails frequent failures and the inability to use any equipment. Until you learn to stop your VD, all magic will be just a fairy tale for you.

The ability to control and stop VD is not the only condition for success in magic, but one of the most important, so let’s move on to the exercises...

Exercise "Kicking out"

This type of exercise is based on the fact that you quickly switch from one thought to another, as if knocking out of your head the thoughts that have settled there with others. And because you change your thoughts quickly, your consciousness gets out of the habit of having them settle and becomes more flexible and mobile.

For example, you start singing a song. You immediately cut it off and sing another one. You cut it off again and sing the next one. Then you can change the song to poetry, to some thoughts, to talking to yourself about your current actions. The point is to gradually accelerate the change of the “current” thought. And so you change your thoughts faster, even faster...

And then bam! Everything flies out of your head and you find yourself in absolute silence. Your consciousness could not cope with the set speed and switched off. You should remember the desired state and try to return it through willpower, without the help of exercises, because this is the main task.

Most likely, the first time your consciousness will quickly recover from this and your thoughts will again fill the “ether”. But you will already know that this is all garbage... You have already felt the silence and now you only need time to learn how to return it for a long time!

Exercise "Fading"

The point of this exercise class is to monitor your thoughts. So you thought about something, notice it and watch how the thought develops, what it turns into... And now you see how it leaves attention and fades away.

To increase efficiency, you can resort to “substitution”. Specifically enter a simple thought into the attention field. For example, many recommend using a mantra or a simple image for this. Strengthen this thought as much as possible, ensure that it captures all your attention. Hold it there for a few minutes.

Then begin to weaken it, but leaving it in the field of attention. Gradually, this thought will also fade away enough so as not to disturb you, and if it has occupied your attention well, then the remaining thoughts will not return for some time. And you will get a small VD stop.

This, of course, is a certain compromise and over time you should learn to do without it.

For a more concrete example, imagine a pendulum. Follow it, let it sway to the rhythm of your thoughts. And then begin to slow down the movements of the pendulum until you stop it completely.

You can also follow your breathing or “tick” in the style of “Tick, tick, tick, … tick … tick …….. tick ………….. tick ………………… ti ………………….” .ti……………. T……..… …". I hope I explained it clearly.

Exercise "Obstacle"

This class of exercises is based on a filter system and is a bit similar to the Zeroing exercise.

You begin to think and at the same time try not to say thoughts “to yourself.” Feel where a thought is born in your head and when it begins to want to turn into a word spoken in your head. As soon as it was born and wanted to become a word, you realize it and let it go. She has already been taken into account by you and can leave.

In my opinion, this is the most effective of the trick exercises for stopping VD. Gradually, as you do it, you will begin to notice that thinking has become easy and pleasant, your consciousness is very mobile, and you have become, as it were, “smarter.” You will begin not so much to “think” as to see your thoughts in images. You are just about to think about something when you already see the answer in the form of an image. This kind of thinking happens instantly.

Having achieved this result, you can move on. Take care to stop your thoughts from forming for a while. In fact, you have already removed the VD, but have not yet achieved “inner silence”. All you have to do is stop forming thoughts altogether. To do this, you can take all your thoughts out of a conventional circle and leave them there to wait until you need them again. Feel how all the images have gathered around your head and gone beyond the conventionally designated area. Look at them a little from behind the conventional partition and return to your head - now it is empty.

Rampa gives this modification of this exercise:

Imagine that you are sitting in a completely dark room on the top floor of a skyscraper; in front of you is a large window, covered with a black curtain, without any drawings, nothing that could distract. Concentrate on this curtain. First of all, make sure that there are no thoughts in your consciousness (consciousness is a black curtain), and if thoughts try to enter, throw them over the edge of the curtain. You will succeed, it's a matter of practice. The very moment a thought flashes at the edge of the curtain, push it back, make it go away, then concentrate on the curtain again, force yourself to lift it and see what is behind it.

Once again, as you look at the black curtain, you will find that all kinds of thoughts are trying to penetrate it, they are trying to force their way into the focus of your attention. Throw them back, throw them back with a conscious effort, deny them permission to enter.

This is the most primitive class of exercises, based on the fact that consciousness cannot keep too many objects in the field of its attention at the same time and on the fact that when we are very busy or perform a complex action, we have no time for thoughts.

The main types of exercises in this class are as follows:

Attention overload - try, for example, to listen to everything around you, record all the slightest sounds. Now start noticing everything you see, fixate all the objects you see. However, don't stop listening. Now add to this the recording of all sensations in the body. So how? I can tell you with confidence that if at the same time you retain the ability to think to yourself, then you simply performed the exercise carelessly.

Another option. Look at the grains of sugar scattered on the table. Try to capture every grain. You can also record any objects, of which there are a lot.

In later stages, it is quite good to concentrate on the sensation of the body and the immediate surrounding space.

Change of modality - all people can be divided into groups according to how they perceive the world. Some people perceive everything primarily through vision, some through hearing, some through sensations, some with their minds. Determine which type you are and try to “live in a different perception.”

Unusual action - try simultaneously clapping yourself on the head with your right hand and stroking your stomach in a circular motion with your left hand. If this seems insufficient, start tapping your right foot in a certain rhythm, and make rotational movements with your left (in this case, of course, you need to sit on a chair).


These, in my opinion, are the main types of exercises for stopping VD. However, I note that there is another option - simply stop the VD without resorting to any tricks. Simply by an effort of will create inner silence. This is the simplest and most effective method, but, unfortunately, it suits few people :-) To convince you that this is possible, I note that this is exactly what I did.


After you learn to relax and stop the VD, it will be the turn of concentration to show itself. Concentration involves concentrating on an object of your choice for any length of time. Concentration must be complete and absolute. You must fully perceive the object and not perceive absolutely anything that you do not need at the moment.

The necessary conditions for concentration are: physical, moral and mental relaxation, stopping the VD, and then moving to the “zero state” (see exercise “Zeroing”). After this, you can begin to do concentration exercises.

But you can learn to develop concentration simultaneously with relaxation and stopping the VD, although it will not be as effective during this period. Therefore, I provide concentration exercises within the framework of this article.

Once you master relaxation and stopping the motion, you will notice a significant qualitative improvement in your concentration. Until then, you will probably be distracted by your body, your thoughts and emotions. You will not be able to concentrate properly until you learn to cope with your body. In order to help you somehow cope with this, I will give a series of exercises to develop “perseverance”.

Here I will immediately note that, unlike working with VD and relaxation, concentration exercises are best performed while sitting. In this case, the lotus position or any similar one in which you manage to sit is considered optimal. Lower your hands freely, place them with your palms on top of each other, so that your palms look up (like a ladle). Your hands should therefore rest with your palms on the soles of your feet in the center of the vertical axis of your body. Imagine your head as if suspended by a thread so that your neck and back do not strain. If it is uncomfortable to sit like this, you can lean your back against the wall or the edge of the bed.

The position is really very comfortable, especially once you get used to it. But don’t forget to get out of it slowly and stretch your stiff legs. And don’t sit on a cold floor, in a draft, or sit with your back against a cold wall. When relaxing, the effect of drafts and other things on your body is several times stronger. Verified.

Try sitting quite quietly for five or ten minutes several times, without supporting your back, with your eyes closed, without feeling restless or drowsy. To concentrate, try to choose a body position that is free from disturbing impressions. You will probably find that your body is not as obedient as you would like it to be. It is often restless and impatient and is capable of becoming alarmed by insignificant sensations, and this even when you have eliminated all reasons for concern. Don't let this happen! You should be comfortable and completely comfortable in any position.

Exercise "Statue"

Do one variation of this exercise in one session. Every day, do one or two times something of your choice from the list:

1. Stand calmly, without tension, straight, arms freely lowered along the body, legs slightly apart, eyes closed. Stay like this for at least 5 minutes, ensuring that during this time there is no nervousness, impatience or anxiety. The body should remain completely motionless throughout this time, and you should be quite comfortable.

2. Sit in a lotus (or similar) and sit quietly for 5-10 minutes.

3. Stand as in step 1, but raise your arms straight in front of you or spread them to the sides, or simply raise them up. Stand quietly for 5-10 minutes.

Do some exercise in the morning. Be sure to include stretching exercises for muscles and ligaments. Repeat some exercises from the exercise throughout the day and after the “Statue” exercise. Work on proper breathing. (Exercises will be given at the end of the article).

Now the concentration exercises themselves. I tried to list them in order of increasing difficulty. Accordingly, it is better to first master the initial exercises and then take on more complex ones.

Check your body from time to time as you exercise. It shouldn't be tense. It is important! Likewise, the mind must be absolutely calm and relaxed, but collected!

Preparing for Concentration

Before starting each concentration exercise, take the sitting pose described above and do the “Enter.” Close your eyes and wait until the background in front of your eyes becomes monochromatic. It is better if it is black or dark gray, but the main thing is the uniformity and lack of flicker. When finished, do the “Exit” and stretch your legs and whole body.