In this article we will look at the basic principles of health training, answering the following questions:

Why and under what conditions does systematic physical education increase our physical performance?

A person’s physical performance is determined by many factors, including it greatly depends on the level of physical activity. To answer the question why and under what conditions does a change in physical performance occur during systematic training, let’s consider several graphs that explain the reasons for changes in a person’s performance during physical education.

The graph shows that when starting classes, a person’s performance is at a certain initial level. During the training process, the body becomes fatigued and, as a result, performance decreases. After stopping the exercise, the recovery stage begins and, what is very important, physical performance and many of the body’s functions that determine it during the recovery period after intensive work not only reach the pre-work level, but can even exceed it, passing through the re-restoration phase. After some time, increased performance returns to its original level. We examined changes in a person’s physical performance during and after one training session. Now, in order to analyze the reasons for changes in the level of physical fitness during systematic exercise, let’s consider what can happen to our performance during subsequent training. Let us analyze three possible options using graphs.

It can be seen that if classes are not held regularly, at long intervals, then all the positive effects of the training have time to smooth out, as a result, when starting the next training, you have to start all over again. Of course, with this approach there will be no harm to health, but there is very little benefit from such work.

If the frequency of exercise is such that each subsequent workout is performed at a time when the body is in the stage of super-recovery (performance above the initial level), then the positive effects of the training will accumulate and physical performance will gradually increase.

How many times a week should you exercise?

From all of the above, it becomes clear that the frequency of classes and the rest time between them are one of the determining factors. Let's try to figure out how often we need to train. The number of workouts per week is determined by factors such as the volume and intensity of the session, your level of physical fitness, and the goal set for you. In physical education, the same effect can be achieved by relatively short (intensive) daily training and long (but less intense) training 2-3 times a week. The optimal frequency of training for endurance training is 3-5 times a week, for strength training – 3 times a week. Depending on the length of training and the level of physical performance, the frequency of training can be 1-2 times a week at the initial stage, 2-3 times a week for people with average and below average physical fitness and 4-6 times a week for people who are well trained and adapted to sports. If the goal of exercise is only to maintain physical fitness, then training up to two times a week will be quite enough.

Training intensity and duration

In different types of physical activity, intensity is determined by different parameters. For example, in aerobic training the main indicator of intensity is heart rate (HR), and in strength training the amount of weight and the number of repetitions. In this material we will look at how intensity is determined in aerobic training, and we will outline the principles of strength training in another article. Determining the intensity of the load by heart rate is that there is a maximum heart rate (HRmax) for each person, which is determined by the formula: 220−age. Aerobic exercise intensity is measured as a percentage of your maximum heart rate. For example, for a person aged 30 years, the maximum heart rate is 220−30=190. If he performs a load at a heart rate of 160 beats per minute, then this will correspond to a load of 85% of heart ratemax. Depending on the nature of the energy supply, all aerobic training can be divided into 5 intensity zones (see table).

Intensity zone

% of heart ratemax

Maximum load duration

Type of energy supply

general description

Maximum aerobic power

3−10 minutes

Muscle glycogen

Not used in health training.

Near-maximal aerobic power

10−30 minutes

Can be used periodically by well-trained people to develop speed endurance. It is also not used in health training.

Submaximal aerobic power

30−110 minutes

Muscle glycogen, fats and blood glucose

Used to develop general endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Average aerobic power

110−180 minutes

Used to maintain and develop general endurance levels. Recommended as a weight loss method.

Low aerobic power

>180 minutes

Fats, muscle glycogen, blood glucose

Used as a method of rehabilitation after illnesses.

As can be seen from the table, each intensity zone has its own maximum duration of the lesson, which can vary depending on the level of physical fitness of the student. If you train in a certain intensity zone for longer than the maximum permissible time, then it is very likely that after several such trainings the body will become overtired and interest in the exercise will disappear. If training is carried out for less than the allotted time, the effectiveness of the training will be very low,
which also contributes to the loss of interest in classes. The choice of one or another training intensity zone is determined strictly by the level of physical fitness and the purpose of the training. How to determine your level of physical development and how to choose the optimal training intensity for yourself will be discussed in the following articles.

Why does it increase with systematic training?

human performance

Trainer-teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education "IDYUSSH" - Bedenekov A.N.

Dedovsk, 2013

Why does systematic training improve human performance?

Why and under what conditions does systematic training increase our physical performance?

A person’s physical performance is determined by many factors, including it greatly depends on the level of physical activity. To answer the question why and under what conditions does a change in physical performance occur during systematic training, let’s consider several graphs that explain the reasons for changes in a person’s performance during physical education.

It is clear from the graph that when starting training, a person’s performance is at a certain initial level. During the training process, the body becomes fatigued and, as a result, performance decreases. After the cessation of training, the recovery phase begins and, very importantly, physical performance and many of the body’s functions that determine it during the recovery period after intense training not only reach the pre-working level, but can even exceed it, passing through the re-restoration phase. After some time, increased performance returns to its original level.

We examined changes in a person’s physical performance during and after one training session. Now, in order to analyze the reasons for changes in the level of physical performance during systematic training, let’s consider what can happen to our performance during subsequent training.

Let us analyze three possible options using graphs.

If, when starting a workout, the body has not had time to recover from the previous workout, then its performance is reduced compared to the initial level. As a result of a tiring workout, physical performance is reduced to an even lower level, and if the body is not allowed to fully recover again, fatigue accumulates, which can lead to various negative consequences. Naturally, such training can only be harmful to health.

It can be seen that if training does not take place regularly, at long intervals, then all the positive effects of training have time to smooth out, as a result, when starting the next training, you have to start all over again. Of course, with this approach there will be no harm to health, but there is very little benefit from such work.

If the frequency of exercise is such that each subsequent workout is performed at a time when the body is in the stage of super-recovery (performance above the initial level), then the positive effects of the training will accumulate and physical performance will gradually increase.

Frequency, intensity and duration of training.

How many times a week should you train?

Training intensity and duration

In different types of physical activity, the intensity of training is determined by different parameters. For example, in aerobic training the main indicator of intensity is heart rate (HR), and in strength training the amount of weight and the number of repetitions. In this material we will look at how intensity is determined in aerobic training, and we will outline the principles of strength training in another article.

Determining the intensity of the load by heart rate is that there is a maximum heart rate (HRmax) for each person, which is determined by the formula: 220-age. Aerobic exercise intensity is measured as a percentage of your maximum heart rate. For example, for a person aged 30 years, the maximum heart rate is 220-30=190. If he performs a load at a heart rate of 160 beats per minute, then this will correspond to a load of 85% of heart ratemax.

Depending on the nature of the energy supply, all aerobic training can be divided into 5 intensity zones (see table).

Intensity zone

% of heart ratemax

Maximum load duration

Type of energy supply

general description

Maximum aerobic power


3-10 minutes

Muscle glycogen

Not used in health training.

Near-maximal aerobic power


10-30 minutes

Can be used periodically by well-trained people to develop speed endurance. B is used.

Submaximal aerobic power


30-110 minutes

Muscle glycogen, fats and blood glucose

Used to develop general endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Average aerobic power


110-180 minutes

Used to maintain and develop general endurance levels. Recommended as a weight loss method.

Low aerobic power

180 minutes

Fats, muscle glycogen, blood glucose

Used as a method of rehabilitation after illnesses.

As can be seen from the table, each intensity zone has its own maximum duration of the lesson, which can vary depending on the level of physical fitness of the student. If you train in a certain intensity zone for longer than the maximum permissible time, then it is very likely that after several such trainings the body will become overtired and interest in the exercise will disappear. If training is carried out for less than the allotted time, the effectiveness of the training will be very low, which also contributes to the loss of interest in training.

Restoring performance after training. Training load. Criteria for overwork.

Rest intervals between workouts

After the cessation of physical work, reverse changes occur in the activity of those functional systems of the body that ensured the fulfillment of the load. The entire set of changes during this period is united by the concept of recovery. During the recovery period, the products of working metabolism are removed from the body and energy reserves, plastic substances (proteins, carbohydrates, etc.) and enzymes used up during muscle activity are replenished. Essentially, the equilibrium state of the body, disturbed by work, is restored. However, recovery is not only the process of returning the body to its pre-working state. During the recovery period, changes also occur that provide an increase in the body's functional capabilities, entering the super-recovery stage.

Rest intervals between classes depend on the size of the training load. They must ensure full restoration of performance to at least the original level or, at best, to the super-recovery phase. Training in the phase of incomplete recovery is unacceptable, since the body's adaptive capabilities are limited.

The longer the duration of the training load at the appropriate intensity, the longer the rest intervals should be. Thus, the duration of restoration of the main functions of the body after short-term maximum anaerobic work is several minutes, and after prolonged work of low intensity, for example, after marathon running, it is several days.

Control of training load size

As has already become clear, the optimal dosage of the training load is one of the criteria for the effectiveness of physical education. In addition to special tests that allow you to determine your level of physical fitness and select the appropriate load, there are ways to regularly monitor your condition and thereby regulate the intensity of your exercise.

The total indicator of the load (duration plus intensity) is the heart rate measured 10 and 60 minutes after the end of the session. After 10 minutes, the pulse should not exceed 96 beats per minute, and after 1

hour should be 10-12 beats per minute higher than the initial (pre-working) value. For example, if before the start of the lesson the pulse was 70 beats per minute, then if the load is adequate, 1 hour after the end of the workout it should be no more than 82 beats per minute. If, within several hours after training, the heart rate values ​​​​are significantly higher than the initial ones, this indicates excessive load, which means it needs to be reduced.

Objective data reflecting the total magnitude of the training effect on the body (for a weekly and monthly cycle of training) and the degree of recovery can be obtained by daily counting the pulse in the morning after sleep, in a lying position. If its fluctuations do not exceed 2-4 beats per minute, this indicates good tolerance to stress and complete recovery of the body. If the difference in pulse rates is greater than this value, this is a signal of beginning fatigue; in this case, the load should be reduced immediately.

Criteria for overwork

Subjective indicators of the body’s state (sleep, well-being, mood, desire to exercise) are no less important for self-control. Sound sleep, good health and high performance during the day, and the desire to train indicate the adequacy of the training load. Poor sleep, lethargy and drowsiness during the day, and reluctance to exercise are sure signs of overwork. If you do not take appropriate measures and do not reduce the load, later more serious symptoms of overwork may appear - pain in the heart, rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, etc. In this case, you should stop exercising for a couple of weeks or reduce the load to a minimum. After these symptoms disappear, you can begin training and gradually increase the load to normal values.

Reversibility of training effects

The reversibility of training effects is manifested in the fact that the accumulated results of regular training decrease until they disappear completely (return to the original level) with a decrease in training loads or with a complete cessation of training. After the resumption of training sessions, positive training effects reappear. In people who systematically engage in physical education, a noticeable decrease in performance is observed after two weeks of stopping classes, and after 3-8 months the level of physical fitness decreases to the pre-training level. Training effects decrease especially quickly in the first period after cessation of training or after a sharp reduction in training loads. Over the first 1-3 months, the gains in functional indicators achieved as a result of the previous training are reduced by half. In those who engage in physical education for a short period of time, most of the positive training effects disappear within 1-2 months of detraining.
DswMedia -> Research work Study of the level of professional burnout of teachers mbou secondary school No. 1 Work of a 9th grade student

It is known that the higher the functionality of the basic systems, the more successfully the body tolerates the effects of physical exercise, and the greater the level of tolerated loads, the more intense the functional and energy reserves of the body grow. The effectiveness of a training session largely depends on how correctly the training means and their dosage are chosen in one session. A trainer (teacher) is largely working blindly if he does not know what effect a single exercise, a series of exercises, a separate lesson, one training day, or a stage of training has on the body. This equally applies to health-improving physical exercises.

Currently, in order to clarify the impact of physical activity, it is customary to study immediate, delayed and cumulative training effects.

Under urgent The training effect refers to the changes that occur in the body directly during the exercise and during the immediate rest period.

Under retired The training effect implies changes in the later phases of recovery - after training, in the following days.

Cumulative The training effect is the changes that have occurred in the body over a long period of training as a result of the summation of the immediate and delayed effects of a large number of sessions.

Medical and pedagogical observations (MPN) are carried out in accordance with these types of training effects in the form of operational, current and stage examinations that are part of the structure of medical support for AF.

VPN is carried out during operational, current and stage examinations that are part of the structure of medical support for AF.

Operational examinations - provide for the assessment of the immediate training effect, i.e. changes that occur in the body during exercise and in the immediate recovery period. During operational examinations, attention should be paid to:

Recording various indicators directly during a training session (after the entire session, after individual exercises or after various parts of the session);

Studying the body's reaction before a training session and 20-30 minutes after it (at rest or after additional load);

IN current observations, the delayed training effect is assessed, i.e. effect in the late phases of recovery (the day after the lesson and the following days). The specific time of these observations may vary:

Every day - in the morning during training camps or before a training session;

Every morning and evening for several days;

At the beginning and end of one or two weeks;

The next day after class (in the morning or before class, i.e. 18-20 hours after the 1st class), and sometimes on subsequent days.

Staged surveys are of great importance for improving the planning and individualization of the training process, because they evaluate the cumulative training effect over a certain period. They are recommended to be organized every 2-3 months (it must be borne in mind that previous physical activity should be excluded). The trainer (teacher) receives important information when analyzing the self-control data of the student. This information is compared with the materials of current examinations in case of acute mental illness and makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the training process and timely identify the tendency towards the development of overtraining.

The cumulative effects of strength training were studied in young men aged 16-18 years. The method was used "to failure" with weights of 40% and 80% of the maximum. The data obtained indicate that both types of physical activity contributed to an increase in the ability to control motor units, involving more motor units in work, which caused an increase in shoulder girth and strength of the forearm flexor muscles.

Samsonova A.V., Kosmina E.A. Cumulative training effects of various methods of strength training on the skeletal muscles of young men 16-18 years old // Bulletin of the Chernigiv National Pedagogical University. - Issue 102, Volume I, Series: Pedagogical Sciences. Physical training and sports.-Chernigov, 2012.- P. 332-335

Samsonova A.V., Kosmina E.A.


Training using the method to “failure” with a weight of 40% of the maximum helps to increase the strength abilities of novice boys aged 16-18 years, as does training using the method of submaximal efforts with a weight of 80% of the maximum.

Keywords: isometric strength, hypertrophy, strength endurance, skeletal muscles, method to failure, submaximal effort method, strength training.

Samsonova A.V., Kos’mina E.A.


Training by a failure method with 40% of maximum weight promotes increase of strength capabilities of youth beginners 16-18-aged as well as training with application of a method of the submaximum efforts with 80% of maximum weight.

Keywords: isometric force, hypertrophy, muscular endurance, skeletal muscles, training to failure method, submaximal effort method, strength training


Issues of developing strength abilities have always been of interest to sports pedagogy science and athleticism in particular. Currently, the “to failure” method (the method of repeated non-maximal efforts) is used both for the development of maximum strength and for the development of strength endurance of human skeletal muscles, while the submaximal effort method is used mainly for the development of strength. It has been proven that the use of the "to failure" method with weights exceeding 80% of the maximum contributes mainly to increasing the level of skeletal muscle strength. At the same time, the use of small weights (up to 40% of the maximum) leads to the development of strength endurance and has a much smaller effect on the level of maximum strength (N.G. Ozolin 1970; A.N., Vorobyov, 1981; S. McRobert 1999; L Incledon, 2005; M.K. LeBoeuf, L.F. Butler, 2009). However, there is an opinion (V.M. Zatsiorsky, 1970; Yu.F. Kuramshin, 2004) that in training beginner athletes, using the “to failure” method with small weights is effective for developing skeletal muscle strength.

Thus, in the field of theory and methodology of athletic training for beginning athletes, there are conflicting views on the effectiveness of using the “to failure” method for developing their strength abilities.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY consisted of a comparative analysis of the cumulative effects of various methods of strength training on the strength abilities of novice boys aged 16-18 years.


To study the cumulative training effects of various types of physical activity on the strength qualities of the forearm flexor muscles (hereinafter referred to as muscles), a pedagogical experiment was conducted that lasted four months. The experiment involved two groups of novice boys aged 16-18 years, 10 people each. The experimental group trained using the method to “failure” with a weight of 40% of the maximum (FF 40% MO). The control group used the method of submaximal efforts in training with a weight of 80% of the maximum (PE 80% of the maximum load). Before the experiment, there were no significant differences in the level of physical development between participants in the control and experimental groups, Table 1.

Table 1 Characteristics of participants in the pedagogical experiment

The training microcycle consisted of two sessions. The first lesson of the microcycle was devoted to the development of strength abilities of young men, the second - general physical training. In the first lesson, two strength exercises were used from the following list: curling two arms simultaneously on the Biceps machine, curling arms with a barbell on a Scott bench; curling your arms with dumbbells at the same time while sitting; curling your arms with dumbbells at the same time while standing; bending the arm with dumbbells at the elbow joint while sitting; Curling arms with a barbell while standing. Each week a different exercise was used. Participants in the experiment performed five sets of each of two strength exercises. The duration of the training session in both groups was 1.5 hours. Participants in the control group took an average of 25 minutes to complete the experimental physical activity, and 40 minutes for the experimental one. During the remaining time and during the second session of the microcycle, both groups performed the same training tasks.

At the beginning of each month, the training weight (i.e., 40% and 80% of the maximum) with which he performed the experimental physical activity was determined for each participant.

Level maximum isometric strength of the forearm flexors was assessed with an electronic dynamometer "DOR-3", which was mounted on a block exercise machine for bending the arms while sitting. The same block simulator was used to test the strength endurance of the forearm flexor muscles. About the level of development strength endurance muscles judged by the number of repetitions of the exercise with weights of 40% and 80% of the maximum . ABOUT degree of hypertrophy skeletal muscles were judged by changes in shoulder girth in a relaxed state . Ability to control motor units (MU) indirectly assessed by changes in shoulder circumference in a tense state. Measurements were taken every month.


Maximum isometric muscle strength. Before the start of the study, the indicators of maximum muscle strength of the participants in the control (237±14 N) and experimental groups (220±8 N) were approximately the same, p>0.05, Fig. 1. By the end of the experiment, the level of maximum isometric muscle strength in the control group reached 294±12 N, and in the experimental group - 298±23 N, which is significantly higher than the initial level. There were no differences in the level of maximum isometric muscle strength between participants in the control and experimental groups after the experiment (p>0.05). Consequently, the cumulative training effect of different types of physical activity (PE 40% MR and PT 80% MR) on the level of maximum isometric muscle strength is approximately the same.

Fig.1. Maximum isometric strength of the quadriceps femoris muscle during exercise and recovery.n=10, M± m;

Legend: *p≤0.05 – before and after physical exercise; +p≤0.05 – when comparing FN 40% MO and FN 80% MSU.

Strength endurance of muscles. Before the start of the experiment, the indicators of the level of strength endurance in the control and experimental groups when testing with weights of 40% and 80% of the maximum did not differ significantly, Table 2.

Table 2 Values ​​of muscle strength endurance (number of times) of experiment participants when testing with various weights (M±m)

Test date

Weight from maximum,%

Control group

Experimental group

Statistical inference

Before the experiment

Comparison of results before and after the experiment

After two months of classes Indicators of the level of muscle strength endurance in tests with weights of 40% and 80% of the participants in the experimental group were significantly higher than the initial level and the results shown by the participants in the control group (p≤0.05).

By the end of the experiment, the level of strength endurance of the forearm flexor muscles of the participants in the control and experimental groups in tests with 40% weights was significantly higher than the initial level. However, no significant differences were found in the results shown by participants in the control and experimental groups (p>0.05). Since the indicators of muscle strength endurance in the experimental group participants after two months of training were significantly higher than in the control group, we can assume that The cumulative training effect of 40% MF on the level of muscle strength endurance is higher compared to 80% MF.

Skeletal muscle hypertrophy. At the beginning of the experiment, the values ​​of the shoulder circumference in a relaxed state were 27.3±0.8 cm in the control group, and 28.2±1.2 cm in the experimental group, p>0.05. By the end of the experiment, participants in the control group had shoulder girth values ​​of 28±0.8 cm (an increase of 2.5%), and for participants in the experimental group - 28.8±1.2 cm (an increase of 2.1%). No significant differences with the initial level after four months of training were found in either the control or experimental groups (p>0.05), which may indicate that no skeletal muscle hypertrophy is observed.

The ability to control the activity of motor units. Before the start of the study, there were no significant differences in the value of the girth of the shoulder of the tense arm in the control and experimental groups (Table 3).

Table 3 Values ​​of the shoulder circumference of the tense leading arm of the experiment participants (M±m), cm

Test date

Control group

Experimental group

Statistical inference

Before the experiment

1 month after the experiment

2 months after the experiment

3 months after the experiment

4 months after the experiment

Comparison of results

before and after the experiment

After one month of training, compared to the initial level in the experimental group, shoulder girth significantly increased from 29.8±1.1 cm to 31±1.3 cm (p≤0.05), in the control group - from 29.1±0 .8 cm to 30.4±0.8 cm (p≤0.01). Over the next three months, the increase in shoulder girth was insignificant and by the end of the pedagogical experiment in the control group compared to the initial level it was 4.1%, and in the experimental group - 6.7%. Since the girth of the shoulder with a relaxed state of the arm muscles in b O characterizes to a greater extent the manifestation of hypertrophy, and in a tense situation - the ability to control motor units, we can conclude that different types of physical activity cause approximately the same cumulative training effects on the ability to control motor units, which leads to the involvement of more motor units in work.


It was found that in both groups the level maximum isometric strength The flexor muscles of the forearm increased approximately equally over the four months of the experiment: in the control group from 237±14 N to 294±12 N (24%), and in the experimental group from 220±8 N to 298±23 N (36%). The results obtained are consistent with the data of D.A. Jones, O.M. Rutherford (1987), who showed that in the first 12 weeks of strength training, maximum isometric muscle strength can increase by 25-35%.

The level of strength endurance of the arm muscles in both groups after four months of training when tested with 40% weights significantly increased. Participants in the experimental group showed strength endurance indicators after two months of experiment were significantly higher compared to participants in the control group. From this we can conclude that the effect on muscle strength endurance of the method to “failure” with small weights is more significant compared to the effect of the method of submaximal efforts with weights of 80% of the maximum.

It has been shown (V.N. Platonov, 2005) that skeletal muscle hypertrophy, being a manifestation of long-term adaptation of skeletal muscles to strength training, manifests itself at significantly later stages of training compared to changes in strength and strength endurance. The actual data we received confirm this. After four months of strength training, the participants' skeletal muscle hypertrophy was very slight. However, skeletal muscle strength increased significantly. This is possible due to an improvement in the ability to manage motor units (V.N. Platonov, 2005). According to V.M. Zatsiorsky and B.J. Kraemer (V.M. Zatsiorsky, W.J. Kraemer, 2006) the use of large weights or the method to “failure” promotes better control of motor units through activation of large motor units. Our data confirms this. Both types of physical activity contributed to an increase in the ability to control motor units, involving more motor units in work, which caused an increase in shoulder girth and strength of the forearm flexor muscles.

Due to the fact that physical activity with weights of 40% can cause less traumatic damage to the musculoskeletal system of athletes and especially the spine, compared to physical activity of 80% of the maximum, it is more favorable at the initial stage of strength training for young men 16- 18 years.


  1. Vinogradov, G.P. Athleticism. Theory and methodology of training: a textbook for higher educational institutions / G.P. Vinogradov. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2009. – 328 p.
  2. Vorobyov, A.N. Weightlifting sport. Essays on physiology and sports training. – M.: Physical culture and sport, 1971. – 211 p.
  3. Zatsiorsky, V.M. Physical qualities of an athlete / V.M. Zatsiorsky. – M.: Physical culture and sport, 1970. – 200 p.
  4. Kuramshin Yu.F. Theory and methodology of physical culture: a textbook for higher educational institutions / Yu.F. Kuramshin. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2004. – P. 129-133.
  5. McRobert, S. Think/S. McRobert. – M.: Wider Sport, 1999. – 223 p.
  6. Platonov, V.N. System of training athletes in Olympic sports / V.N. Platonov.– Kyiv: Olympic Literature, 2005.– 820 p.
  7. Ozolin N.G. Modern sports training system. – M.: Physical culture and sport, 1970. – 479 p.
  8. Incledon, L. Strength training for women / L. Incledon. – Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2005. – 488 p.
  9. Jones, D.A. Human muscle strength training: the effects of three different regimes and the nature of the resultant changes / D.A. Jones, O.M. Rutherford // Journal of Physiology. – 1987. – No. 391. – P.1-11.
  10. LeBoeuf, M.K., Butler, L.F. Fit and active: the West Point physical development program / M.K. LeBoeuf, L.F. Butler.– Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2008.– 433 p.
  11. Zatsiorsky, V.M. Science and practice of strength training / V.M. Zatsiorsky, W.J. Kraemer.– Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2006.– 251 p.

In sports practice, biochemical indicators are often used to quantify adaptation to muscular work: urgent ,retired And cumulative training effects .

Urgent training effect characterizes urgent adaptation. At its core, the urgent training effect represents biochemical changes in the athlete’s body caused by the processes that constitute urgent adaptation. These shifts are recorded during physical activity and during urgent recovery. Based on the depth of the detected biochemical changes, one can judge the contribution of individual methods of ATP production to the energy supply of the work done.

So, according to the values IPC And ANSP the state of aerobic energy supply can be assessed. Increased lactate concentration , decrease in pH value , noted in the blood after performing work “to failure” in the zone of submaximal power, characterize the capabilities of the glycolytic pathway of ATP resynthesis. Another indicator of the state of glycolysis is lactateoxygen debt (also measured after running to failure at submaximal power). Magnitude alactic oxygen debt , determined after a load “to failure” in the zone of maximum power, indicates the contribution of the creatine phosphate reaction to the energy supply of the work performed.

Delayed training effect represents biochemical changes that occur in the athlete’s body in the coming days after training, i.e. during the delayed recovery period. The main manifestation of the delayed training effect is supercompensation substances used during physical work. These primarily include muscle proteins, creatine phosphate, muscle and liver glycogen.

Cumulative training effect reflects biochemical changes that gradually accumulate in the athlete’s body during long-term training. In particular, the cumulative effect can be considered an increase in the indicators of immediate and delayed effects during long-term training.

The cumulative effect is specific; its manifestation largely depends on the nature of the training loads.