Summary of the role-playing game “Forest Hospital” for children of the second junior group

Role-playing game for children 3-4 years old “Forest Hospital”

To develop in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate play actions, use medical instruments during play and name them; promote the emergence of role-playing dialogue, form a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the sick person, and evoke sympathy for sick toys.

Excursion to the nurse's office, reading fiction, looking at story illustrations.

Crow with a telegram; toys: bear, bunny, cat, fox, wolf, etc.; children's hats and gowns; “Doctor” game set: thermometer, syringe, bandage, cotton wool, pipette, phonendoscope.

GAME TASK: cure sick animals.

At the initial stage of the game, the leading role is taken by the teacher - the role of the doctor, and later this role is played by the children themselves. (joint actions with an adult by imitation, following a model).

Organizing time:
a crow flies out:
Kar-kar-kar? Here's a telegram for you
The teacher takes the telegram and is surprised.
I wonder from whom?
The teacher reads the telegram:
Help, help?
Send a doctor quickly!
Our animals are sick
They must have eaten a lot of snow!

And now they have tonsillitis, scarlet fever, hepatitis and diphtheria.
What should we do, what should we do?
How to overcome diseases.....?

Educator: Are all the animals in the forest sick? How can we help them?
(Children reason).
Educator: And who is the most useful in the days of illness and cures all illnesses? (children's answers)
Yes, doctor. The doctor has a lot of tools and medicines that he uses when he treats. Look how much the magpie brought in the bag, everything is mixed up here, let you help me choose everything necessary that the doctor will need for his work
(From a variety of items, children choose those items that the doctor may need).

Syringe - give an injection.
Thermometer - measure temperature.
Cotton wool - lubricate wounds.
Bandage - bandage a wound.
Zelenka - treat a scratch.
Phonendoscope - listen to the work of the heart and lungs.
Syrup - drink for cough.
Tablets - for temperature.
Robe, cap - the clothing of a health worker.
Brick, Iron, Pan, Ball, these objects remain lying, The teacher finds out why the children did not take them.
That’s right, the doctor needs all this for work, and now it’s time to go, the animals have been waiting for us, hurry to the forest clearing to help (let's go on a train...)
The locomotive is moving, moving
Past the fir trees and birches,
Chug, chug, chug, chug
And the wheels are knocking.
Whistles loudly su-su-su
Now we are already in the forest.

Well, here is the clearing, we have come with you... Look, guys, how many animals there are, but they are sad, don’t smile and don’t play at all...
And here comes the fox, she says, oh I was bitten by a wasp
And the dog is a watchdog, his chicken pecked on his nose
The poor hippo grabbed his tummy, his hippo's tummy hurts. And there are chickens nearby, squealing like piglets.
And this is a bunny that got hit by a tram, my little bunny, my boy got hit by a tram and his legs were cut and now he’s sick and lame, my little bunny.
And the cat Murka also fell ill, the unfortunate cat injured her paw, sits and cannot take a step,
Perhaps your throat hurts?
Do you need to do something urgently? We need to take all the animals to the hospital.
And here is the hospital, I will be a doctor, now I will put on a white coat and will treat. (the teacher puts on a robe and shows the children how to treat)
The bunny came to the hospital. What hurts the bunny? The bunny caught a cold in his ear - he forgot to close the window.
How can we help him?
I'll take a phonendoscope and listen to you. I put it to my chest and tell you to breathe deeper. The lungs are clear, there are no wheezes. Let's look at the neck, open your mouth wider and say A-A-A, and now the ear. We also need to measure his temperature - let's put a thermometer on him, raise your paw (puts thermometer), and you need to wait a little. Yes, you have a high fever, you need to take medicine urgently to relieve the high fever. Yes, the bunny caught a cold. We need to give him pills and drops in his ear. And the bunny will recover quickly. Let's write out a prescription now.
Educator: Guys, where are the drugs sold? (at the pharmacy)
Yes, here we have a pharmacy, a pharmacist works there, he makes and dispenses medicine. Look what else the pharmacist gives out (tablets, patch, ointments, syrups, vitamins)
Well guys, I can’t do it alone, I need help. Let’s help me get the job done. We put on scrubs and become doctors.

A hospital for birds and animals has been opened. Go get treatment there as soon as possible!
Children approach the animals and choose a sick animal for themselves.
Children are treated: They put thermometers on, give me pills, and give me medicine. They put drops in the nose, sing them from the pacifier, and make compresses.

Educator: So we cured sick animals. Well done guys for helping. Now they are laughing, jumping and having fun.
Did you like being doctors and helping the sick? And when you grow up you will be doctors.

Always attentive, with love
Our doctor is treating you guys.
When your health improves -
He is the happiest of all!

Summary of the role-playing game« Hospital » in second younger group.

Target: Creating a social situation to develop children’s ability to play role-playing games "Hospital".


Create conditions for developing the ability to choose a role (doctor, nurse, patient);

Create conditions for developing the ability to perform several interrelated actions while playing with toys (listens to patients, prescribes treatment, gives an injection, sets a thermometer, etc.);

Create conditions for developing the ability to accompany your actions with verbal notations;
- create conditions for the development of a dialogical form of speech;

Equipment and materials:

For games"Magic bag" (inside: thermometer, bandage, syringe)

Children's set " Hospital" (thermometer, syringe, phonendoscope, bandage, cotton wool, etc.);
- chairs for patients;
- gowns for doctors and nurses;

Preliminary work with children:
- an excursion to the medical office to observe the work of a nurse in a kindergarten;

Conversations on the topic: “Going to the doctor at the clinic,” etc.

Looking at the illustrations: « Hospital» , "Pharmacy";

Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Aibolit, V. Suteev “About a hippo who was afraid of vaccinations”;

Didactic games;:"Who is this?", “Who needs what, "What is he doing?".

Creation and playback game and problem situations;
- training in gaming techniques.

Game roles and rules:

At the initial stage of the game, the teacher takes the leading role - the role of doctor, nurse, and later this role is played by the children themselves. (joint actions with an adult by imitation, following a model).

Progress of the game:

Children come into group, stand around the teacher.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

Seryozha coughs loudly.
He seems to have bronchitis.
They call the clinic
And they say to Seryozha:
– Don’t be afraid and don’t cry –
Good children are coming to you together: (doctor)

Educator: That's right, guys, this is a doctor.

Educator: If someone gets sick, adults or children, where do we go?

Children: B hospital, to the clinic.

Educator: What is the job of a doctor?

Children: Inspect sick, prescribe treatment.

Educator: What kind of doctor should a doctor be?

Children: Attentive, caring, kind.

Educator: Well done, guys! Well, our time has come, let's play now! Do you want to play?

Educator: Guys, let’s play the game “What does the doctor need? To do this we will take our magic bag.

(children choose from the proposed items the ones the doctor needs and tell why, in their opinion, this or that item is needed).

Syringe - give an injection.

Thermometer - measure temperature.

Cotton wool - lubricate wounds.

Bandage - bandage a wound.

Educator: Children, someone is crying in our corner. Oh, but this is a Katya doll. Now I’ll ask her what happened and I’ll tell you.

Educator: Katya’s doll has a sore throat. She was walking outside, got her feet wet and caught a cold. We need to do something urgently. I came up with an idea!

Now I will put on a white coat and treat her. I will be a doctor.

Here I have hospital, my office. Here are the medicines

Thermometers, syringes for injections, bandages...

I also need an assistant - a nurse. She will write prescriptions and perform procedures. Who wants to help me? (choose a nurse from among the children).

Well, Katyusha, let me examine you.

Now I’ll take a phonendoscope and listen to you.

The lungs are clear, open your mouth: but the neck is red.

Now the nurse will write you a prescription: it’s cough syrup. And you will definitely get better.

Educator: Goodbye Katyusha no more pain.

Guys, now let one of you be a doctor.

Open hospital for everyone, come get treatment as soon as possible. Come see your doctor. In order not to jostle and disturb each other, patients can sit on chairs and wait for their turn. Look how many patients are sitting on chairs and everyone is in pain, let's help them?

Children, come on!

We choose a doctor and a nurse among the guys. (Example: doctor - Gosha, nurse - Ksyusha).

The teacher acts as an observer and, if necessary, helps to correct the children’s play actions.

Doctor (Gosha): Hello, sick! Come in, sit down! Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

Patient (child): Hello. I fell and my arm hurts.

Doctor: Let's see what's wrong with your hand. Which big wound, now we will treat it well, lubricate it with iodine, like this. Please go to the nurse, she will give you painkillers (makes an injection with a syringe). Get well. Goodbye.

Patient: Hello.

Doctor: Hello. Come in, sit down. Tell me what happened?

Patient: My stomach hurts.

Doctor: Let's see and listen patient with a phonendoscope: “Breathe, don’t breathe” (the doctor examines sick) . Nurse write me out tablets for the patient.

Educator: All people are examined, vaccinated, and examined by a doctor. You see guys, doctors help both adults and children. What will we tell them for this?

Children: Thank you!

Educator: Always attentively, with love

Our doctor is treating you guys.

When your health improves -

He I'm most happy!

Play is a natural way for a child to master the surrounding reality, which is unanimously recognized as the prevailing form of activity in kindergarten and is used as the basis for education. Skills in performing role-playing games initiated by the child are developed in the first junior group of kindergarten. Such games develop children's communicative gaming skills, simulate real life situations and contribute to successful socialization.

Why are role-playing games needed in kindergarten?

Three-year-old children love to try on the roles of animals

The general goals of conducting role-playing games in kindergarten may be as follows:

  • educational:
    • socialization of the child;
    • preparing him for life in society;
    • development of conflict resolution skills;
    • formation of certain character traits;
    • formation of moral and ethical guidelines;
    • developing the ability to interact with other children;
    • developing the ability to independently find a way out of a situation;
  • educational:
    • speech development;
    • memory development;
    • development of imagination and fantasy;
    • expanding the child’s vocabulary;
    • development of imaginative and critical thinking;
    • mastering the skill of performing a given sequence of actions in accordance with the rules;
  • entertaining and educational:
    • development of play skills in a child;
    • the child receiving positive emotions;
    • developing the ability to independently come up with game plots and rules, and play the game without the participation of an adult.

To successfully achieve the goals, the teacher needs to properly prepare children for the game. It is very important to treat this stage with care and create a special creative atmosphere, which is necessary to begin the gameplay.

Age characteristics of children of the first younger group

The child of the first junior group is at the stage of transformation of the plot game from display to role-playing, which is characterized by the assignment of certain roles and playing them out in interaction with other participants in the game.

In plot-based games, children actually already perform all the role-playing actions in relation to the toy that are inherent in a certain person (rocking the doll, feeding it and singing a lullaby to it), but have not yet assigned the role of this person (they do not act on behalf of the mother). The child plays independently (next to others, but not together), contact occurs when it is necessary to receive a toy or some object. There is often a hidden role, and the sequence of movements is cyclical, ending and starting again.

The emergence of role-playing games is associated with the transfer of the child’s attention from the game object to the one who performs the game action

As the game develops, the emphasis shifts from the thing the child is playing with to the player. The hidden role gradually comes to the fore: after performing a certain sequence of movements, the children pronounce the name of the role out loud.

The child comes to the realization that while playing, he temporarily becomes someone else. Soon children will first define a role and then act accordingly. An important task at this stage is the development of the child’s skills, which contribute to the transformation of display play into role-playing.

The following techniques are used for this:

  • training in actions with toys and objects;
  • explanation and demonstration of game actions;
  • demonstration of a playing role;
  • reminder;
  • correction.

To develop a child’s skills that facilitate his transition to role-playing play, the participation of an adult is needed

All these techniques imply the active role of the teacher in the game. First you need to master the most basic things: dress dolls together, roll cars, gradually increasing the number of actions within a single storyline. Cars are refueled and repaired in the “workshop”, children hand over tools and parts, “fill in gasoline”, “notice” their partner and get used to the dialogue.

When preparing for a particular role-playing game or developing its plot, the following techniques are used:

  • demonstration of visual material;
  • thematic conversation;
  • didactic exercise;
  • didactic game;
  • reading fiction on the topic;
  • productive activity.

They are used comprehensively during the period when children are mastering role-playing games. However, certain techniques can also be used during the transition period. Adult tasks:

  • set the theme of the game (a story about a trip to a hairdresser or a store, showing illustrations);
  • replenish children’s vocabulary related to this topic (names of vegetables and fruits for the topic “Shop” or “Cook”);
  • teach children how to manipulate play objects in a given sequence (undress and dress a doll, set the table);
  • create a game situation and captivate children with it.

What types of games exist

Folk games are included in a separate group, since they can arise on the initiative of adults and older children

One of the most common classifications divides games into three categories, depending on who the initiator is.

Accordingly, the game can be initiated by:

  • adult;
  • child;
  • both a child and an adult - it can be a historically established ethnic tradition (folk game).

Folk games stand apart because they can be offered by both adults and older children.

Games that arise on the initiative of an adult

Games that arise on the initiative of an adult have specific educational or entertainment-educational purposes.

Games initiated by an adult have specific educational or entertainment purposes. The first subgroup includes:

  • didactic;
  • plot-didactic;
  • outdoor game.

The second subgroup includes the following leisure games:

  • fun game;
  • game-entertainment;
  • intellectual;
  • festive and carnival;
  • theatrical production.

A didactic game is deliberately introduced by adults into a child’s play process in order to promote the development of certain skills and abilities. Participation in such a game requires the child to concentrate attention, internal composure and responsibility necessary to solve the assigned tasks. Children have to follow rules and overcome difficulties on the way to the final result. They develop the habit of performing a given sequence of actions, mental effort, and searching for the most rational way to solve a problem. The teacher also needs to strive to ensure that didactic games involve the child in the process of communication with peers and contribute to the development of communication skills.

In addition to new knowledge, in the process of play, children learn practical ways of interacting with the world around them, they develop moral and aesthetic guidelines, skills to control their own behavior, and the ability to work and play with other children. The child learns honesty and justice, a demanding attitude towards himself and patience towards other people.

Didactic games are actively used in the process of preparing for a role-playing game on a given topic.

Didactic games are actively used in the process of preparing for a role-playing game on a given topic

Outdoor play, being a type of active and emotional activity, is used, among other things, to accustom the child to strict adherence to established rules and awareness of the connection between completing a task in a timely manner and successfully achieving a result. This is an indispensable way to realize the need of children to receive positive emotions from the release of accumulated energy during active physical activity.

Outdoor play can be organized in a spacious room

This game develops motor skills, endurance, coordination, and helps improve the overall tone of the body. The child is forced to react to some stimuli and restrain his movements when others appear, which helps to master the skill of self-control, develops will and discipline. The game also gives children the opportunity to gain positive emotions in the process of overcoming obstacles on the way to a common result. It builds responsibility and the ability to empathize.

Outdoor play is used, among other things, to accustom the child to strictly follow the established rules.

The teacher is required to take into account the age of the children when choosing a game and ensure that all participants understand and follow the rules. For younger children, the rules are explained during the game, and the content of the rules is determined by what actions need to be performed. This determines the behavior of the players and the form of their interaction. Often, some folk game is taken as the basis (for example, “Geese-Swans”), since it obviously has vivid images, emotional coloring and simplicity of the storyline.

Outdoor games can be used in a lesson with a general educational focus to alternate active activities with calmer ones. This allows the child to take a break from mental stress and concentrate on the task at hand. They are held both indoors and outdoors - during a walk or physical education class. The teacher directly or indirectly influences the course of the game, preventing the likelihood of excessive excitement or fatigue of the participants. Once children have properly mastered the rules and remembered all the key points, they can play without the participation of a teacher.

Games that occur without the participation of an adult

Display play focuses the child’s attention on understanding the connection between the properties of a particular object and its functions

These games include experimental and story-based games. The story game is divided into types:

  • plot-display game;
  • plot-role-playing;
  • director's;
  • theatrical.

Younger preschool age is responsible for developing in the child skills that allow him to move on to role-playing games, which become an important tool of socialization.

At an early age, a child goes through a stage of development when he can only play introductory games of a didactic nature, initiated by adults, involving various objects and toys. Then the child goes through the stage of display play, which focuses on understanding the connection between the properties of a particular object and its functions. The adult says the name of the object and demonstrates its functions.

In plot-based play, the child independently uses everyday impressions and experiences gained during interaction with the outside world to imitate the actions of other people.

And, finally, at the third stage (end of 2 - beginning of 3 years) display games arise, in which the child himself uses everyday life as a basis for imitating someone else’s behavior (rolling a toy hare in a stroller, injecting a hedgehog).

All this precedes the emergence of role-playing game, which is an active form of modeling and living certain social roles within given situations.

Children recreate life situations in a playful way and thus become familiar with the incomprehensible and attractive world of adults.

The creative nature of such a game stimulates the child’s imagination and imagination, trains memory and observation, and activates the development of imaginative and critical thinking. Children recreate life situations in a playful way and thus become familiar with the incomprehensible and attractive world of adults. They transform into those they portray, trying on different behaviors, communication styles and ways of interacting. They evaluate certain characters, make a choice in favor of a profession or social role.

The game combines reality with fiction, and actions usually lead to a happy ending: doctors save the sick, police catch criminals, brave pilots land planes. Children emotionally experience game plots; their ability to empathize with the characters brings what is happening into the world of universal categories, where simple actions become feats, and characters become role models.

Such a game fills a child’s life with rich content and can have an impact on the formation of the child’s personality and his future life. The plot-role-playing game eventually turns into dramatization - a director's game, where children pronounce improvised dialogues for themselves and their interlocutor (often a toy), or a theatrical game, when the child knows the text of a work of art (role) and participates in the dialogue on behalf of one of the characters.

Structure and classification of role-playing games

Role-playing games allow you to simulate and master everyday situations

The role-playing game consists of the following elements:

  • game concept;
  • plot;
  • game actions;
  • roles;
  • rules

All these elements are interconnected and determine the content of the game.

The concept refers to the general direction of gaming activity, the idea of ​​the game. This is a basic element of structure - the core on which everything else depends: a plot with a sequence of game actions (determining the rules) and role behavior (reflected in speech structures).

Various game plans determine the conditional division of plot-role-playing games into three main categories:

  • household;
  • labor;
  • public

The household category includes games that simulate situations from everyday life (the game “Family”, “Shop”). For labor - reproducing the activities of a person in any profession (the game “Builders”). The social category includes games related to the celebration of any significant events (birthdays), traditional holidays (New Year, March 8) or norms of behavior (receiving guests, making acquaintances, going to the theater). It should be remembered that a game can simultaneously belong to several categories and address different topics.

The role is always conditional and to some extent schematic, since the child uses only the most striking character traits of the character

The role is always conditional and to some extent schematic, since the child uses only the most striking character traits of the character and a limited set of actions, focusing on his knowledge of the world. A doctor, for example, listens to a patient, takes the temperature and writes a prescription.

Rules emerge from this sequence of actions and bring order and meaning to the game. They should provide for the possibility of developing the plot and complicating the relationships between characters. In addition, the child’s desire to improvise must be encouraged; the child must have sufficient freedom of action for this.

Conducting role-playing games in the first junior group of kindergarten

Properly organized role-playing games help children develop communication skills

Main stages of organization

The main stages of organizing the game process include the following:

  1. Development of a game plan (game selection stage - designation of the plot, roles, nature of character interaction) taking into account the interests of children, their level of development and the degree to which they have mastered various game actions. At this stage, the teacher must think through and describe the content, tasks and goals, plan possible directions for the development of the plot, and outline the rules of the game.
  2. Preparation of equipment and tools (equipment stage, when all game paraphernalia is created). For children of primary preschool age, you need to select toys and substitute items that are used in all basic play scenarios.
  3. Equipment of the subject-game environment in accordance with age characteristics and the chosen theme of the game. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that toys should be freely available within the child’s field of vision. To do this, the gaming environment is organized in such a way that the child can easily reach any toy and use it during role-playing games. This stimulates the gameplay and the child’s natural interest in the game, creating the prerequisites for improvisation.

    A role-playing game requires taking into account many nuances

  4. Beginning of the game. At this stage, the teacher creates a game or problem situation. You can have a preliminary conversation to prepare children for the upcoming game: discuss the topic, familiarize the children with the game plan, discuss the rules and assign roles. To do this, they first use various didactic games and exercises, reading works of art that describe an imaginary situation or a game plan. When distributing roles between children, the wishes of each child must be taken into account.
  5. Preservation of a play situation, implying direct or indirect management of play activities using role-playing interaction between an adult and a child, a child with toys, and, finally, a child with a child. The teacher monitors the development of the story and gently guides the children through reminders, directions, advice, positive assessment and direct interaction.
  6. The stage of completing the game, which includes a positive assessment of the children’s play actions and analysis of their relationships (elements of an analytical conversation are possible, taking into account the emotional state of the children and the need for them to switch to other, calmer activities).

Game index

When compiling a card index, the teacher usually relies on a list of basic game plots, which remains unchanged for all age groups.

When compiling a card index, the teacher usually relies on a list of basic game plots, which remains the same for all age groups. This list includes the following base games:

  1. Family.
  2. Hospital.
  3. Shop.
  4. Kindergarten.
  5. Salon.
  6. Cook.
  7. Drivers.
  8. Builders.

This list may be modified and expanded. The game “Cook,” for example, can eventually transform into a more complex version of “Cafe” or “Dining Room,” and “Hairdressing Salon” into “Beauty Salon.” Other professions (sailor, pilot, artist) and places (zoo, amusement park, theater) may appear.

The main thing is that the child is familiar with the situations and characters being played out, since the lack of real life experience in one area or another will lead to confusion and misunderstanding of the essence of the game. So, if a child has never been to a hairdresser or a zoo, it will be difficult for him to participate in the gameplay. In such cases, a preliminary story from the teacher, demonstration of visual material and conversation can help.

There are no strict requirements for the design of a game file. The card is more of a “cheat sheet” for the teacher; its purpose is to help organize the game process. It may look like an illustration for a game, with a detailed description on the back. Typically it includes the following items:

  1. Name.
  2. Goals and objectives.
  3. Game material.
  4. Preparatory work.
  5. Playing roles suggested by the plot.
  6. Possible options for plot development (complication, adding storylines, subplots).
  7. Description of the sequence of actions.

Work on preparing for the game includes thematic conversations, educational exercises, excursions, etc. This paragraph indicates a list of literary works (poems, fables, fairy tales, etc.) The purpose of the card index is to organize the teacher’s experience and structure information in order to conduct game games classes were more convenient.

If a child has never been to a hairdresser, it will be difficult for him to participate in the game without first telling the teacher

Basic plots of games for the first younger group usually contain several internal plot lines. For example, for the game “Family” these will be the plots “Mom feeds the child” or “Mom irons clothes”. For the game “Hospital” - “Mom is sick” or “The doll has a fever.”

Children of this age do not need to be offered a large number of stories at once. To play the game, just take, say, “Mom has a headache” and “Let’s help mom cook dinner.” After this, the sequence of actions is described: for example, mother did not go to work, she has a high temperature, she needs to call a doctor. The grandmother calls the doctor, he comes and writes out a prescription to buy medicine at the pharmacy. Dad goes to the pharmacy and brings medicine. Mom takes the medicine and feels better. The child prepares dinner for his mother and feeds her.

The composition of the roles and tools depends on the plot of the game. It is very important to use substitute objects, as they stimulate the imagination and develop the imagination of children. They can be used together with “real” objects: a green wooden apple ball on a plate from a set of doll dishes, a stick instead of a thermometer and a toy syringe from a first aid kit for playing doctor. Children eagerly play with imaginary objects: cook, treat and treat, come up with sequences of actions and invent new tools. Therefore, you should not strive for complete similarity of objects that are used in role-playing games with real things.

Planning role-playing games in kindergarten

When planning role-playing games for children of the first junior group, it should be taken into account that the average duration of one part of such a game should not be more than 10–15 minutes. It is necessary to alternate quiet activities with more active ones, gradually developing and complicating the plot.

The themes of the games should resonate with each other, corresponding to the level of development, individual characteristics and interests of children, time of year, etc., and gradually becoming more complex as the child masters new elements and ways of interacting with the surrounding reality.

Table: example of planning a role-playing game for a younger group (fragment)

Name Game stories Techniques
"Family"The mother dresses/undresses and feeds the baby.Visual materials (pictures and drawings) are used and didactic games are played: “A new outfit for a doll”, “The bunny wants to eat”.
"Cook"The cook prepares food for the toys.Visual materials (pictures and drawings) are used, the teacher conducts a conversation “How a cook prepares food.” Didactic exercises: “Stir the porridge”, “Salt the soup”.
"Family"The mother dresses/undresses, feeds the child and puts him to bed.Visual materials, didactic games and exercises for memorizing and listing items (clothes and dishes) are used: “Lay the table”, “Dress the doll”, “Put the bear to sleep”.
"Shop"A mother goes to the store with her child: they buy groceries and communicate with the seller.Visual materials are used, the teacher’s story “Why do they go to the store”, a game exercise: “Help mom carry the shopping”, a didactic exercise “Tell the doll how to talk to the seller.”
"Cook"A cook prepares lunch in a kindergarten.Visual materials are used, conversations are held with didactic games and exercises to remember the names of dishes: “What are we having for lunch”, “First, second and third”, “My favorite dish”.
"Shop"The store's deli section sells a variety of products.Using visual materials, the teacher’s story “I need to go to the store,” the didactic exercise “What products should I buy for dinner,” the game exercise “Our purchases.”

Example of a role-playing game summary: “Hospital”

  1. Involve children in playful dialogue.
  2. Develop their gaming skills in taking on a role (doctor, patient, nurse).
  3. Develop a sense of responsibility for your health and the ability to empathize with others.
  4. Cultivate politeness and consideration towards other people.


  • doctor's coat,
  • cap,
  • bottle of "vitamins"
  • doll,
  • toy hare

Preliminary work:

  • viewing illustrations of various medical instruments,
  • didactic game “What is the bunny’s temperature”,
  • reading and recitation by the teacher of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Aibolit”.

Progress of the game

A child treats a doll in the role-playing game “Hospital”, playing the role of a doctor.

Part I

Educator: Hello, guys! Look who came to visit us today! This is a Masha doll.
Teacher for Masha (sad): Hello, children...
Q: Oh, Masha, what a sad voice you have! What happened to you? What do you think, children? Maybe Masha needs to be cheered up? Maybe she wants some delicious candy? Let's ask her!
Together with the children: Masha, do you want some delicious candy?
M: No, I don’t want...
Q: Maybe Masha would like some tea? Ask her, kids! (encourages children to ask different questions on their own).
(Children gradually become involved in playful dialogue.)

Children: Masha, do you want some tea?
M: No, I don’t want tea...
Q: Masha, what happened to you?
M: My throat hurts!
Q: Ay-ay-ay, children! Masha is sick! What should we do now? We need to treat Masha. Who treats the sick, guys?
D: Doctor! Doctor!
(The roles of the doctor and the patient are indicated and their functions are explained.)

Q: Let me be a doctor and treat Masha so that her throat stops hurting. Here we will have a doctor's office. Look carefully: which of these tools does the doctor need? (Shows different tools, children choose the ones they need). What does the doctor wear?
D: White robe!
Q: Correct! You guys are great, you chose everything correctly, now we can quickly cure Masha. (Measures the doll’s temperature, looks at the throat, gives a pill.)
(The roles are demonstrated to the child and he is taught the sequence of game actions).

M: Thank you, doctor, I’m already better!
Q: Tell us, Masha, why does your throat hurt?
M: Yesterday I walked outside without a hat and mittens...
Q: Oh, Masha, is that really possible? Children, will you do like Masha?
D: Nooo!
M (joyfully): I won’t do that again either, I didn’t like being sick! Now I will always wear a hat and mittens!
Q: How smart you are, Masha! Do you hear, children, Masha’s voice even brightened up! She must have completely recovered! Let's give her some hot tea with raspberries! (playing "Tea Party")
(There is a change in gaming activity).

Part II

Playing hospital helps children learn not to be afraid of doctors

Q: Oh, children, I was so worried about Masha that I myself had a headache. Let's treat me now! Who will be the doctor?
(One of the roles is transferred from an adult to a child and he is involved in a game dialogue).

As an option, an adult plays for another toy. Children take turns treating a teacher or a toy and performing a given sequence of actions.
B: Oh, how good, doctor! I no longer have a headache at all! Let's treat some more of the guys? Guys, who will be sick?
(The second role is transferred to the children and general control over play activities is carried out using the techniques of prompting and correction).

Don’t worry, the doctor will see everyone today, sit down here in the corridor on the chairs (arranges the chairs), we will have a line to see the doctor. How should I enter the office? That's right, you need to first knock and say hello, and then answer the doctor's questions.
(The sequence of game actions for one of the roles becomes more complicated).

The children sit on chairs and the doctor receives them.
Q: Now the doctor has a lunch break, he needs to go to the cafeteria and eat. In the meantime, we will play geese and swans.
(The type of activity changes to a more active one).

Part III

Q: Guys, lunch break is over! The doctor must return to the hospital. Poor doctor, how much work he has! So he won’t have time to cure everyone today. Let me be a nurse and help him? I will hand him the instruments and invite the next patient to an appointment. (Development of the plot with the introduction of a new game role, which is demonstrated by the teacher).

Children take turns entering the office at the invitation of the “nurse”, the “doctor” examines them, and the “nurse” helps him.

Part IV

Q: Oh, guys, I’m really tired, my legs even hurt, I also need to see a doctor. Who wants to be a nurse and help a doctor? (A new role is transferred from an adult to a child).

(Takes the toy and puts it on the vacant chair) Look, guys, the bunny is also sick and came to get treatment. But what should I do now? There are no more empty seats, and I'm so tired! Who will give me a seat?
Children give way to the teacher.
(Development of the plot of the game, complication of the rules of interaction between participants).

Q: What should I say about this? That's right, “please sit down.” Thank you, you guys are so polite! Do you know who needs to give way to? (children offer options, the teacher reminds and corrects). Look, the doctor has already seen everyone, his work day is over, he is getting ready to go home. The hospital is closing.
We are so great today! They took Masha to the hospital, helped the doctor, learned to give way to the girls, and treated everyone! Let me give you all delicious vitamins so that you never get sick! (distributes vitamins).

Even the most original activity or game does not free the teacher from the need to analyze and write a report.

To analyze the role-playing game that was carried out, the teacher needs to describe the game process in detail: indicate what difficulties arose, where and for what reason there were hitches, how they managed to get out of the situation and what they plan to work on next.

To do this, you need to answer the following questions about the main stages of organizing the game:

  1. What goals were set?
  2. What kind of preparatory work was done?
  3. How did you develop your interest in the game at the initial stage?
  4. Did the methods and techniques for organizing the game process correspond to the current game plot and the individual characteristics of the children?
  5. Did they contribute to the development of gaming skills and strengthening relationships?
  6. How emotionally involved and immersed were the children in the gameplay?
  7. How did the game end, what type of activity did the children switch to?
  8. What is the teacher’s assessment of the intermediate results of play activities?
  9. Forecasts and recommendations regarding the further development of the gameplay:
    • how to influence a child’s behavior, the content of the game and the development of its storyline using an object-based gaming environment;
    • what difficulties and the most effective management techniques were identified in the process;
    • what has changed in the teacher’s attitude to the role-playing game, what discoveries have been made, what resources have been discovered.

Evaluation criteria and performance indicators

There is a risk of conflict situations when assigning roles; children may sabotage the rules or argue over toys

To analyze the game you need to evaluate:

  • the degree to which the game corresponds to the child’s age;
  • compliance of the game with his individual inclinations;
  • how adequately the child understood the rules of the game;
  • depth of emotional response;
  • degree of satisfaction with the game process;
  • quantitative involvement in the game (how many children played);
  • accuracy of following the storyline.

There is a certain risk of the role-playing games becoming monotonous and plots becoming formulaic. This means that conflict situations will arise when distributing playing roles, and children will sabotage the rules or argue over toys.

Methodological seminars where teachers can play themselves are very useful

In addition, games may focus not on the positive qualities of the characters, but on the negative ones. A child may display some negative aspects in the lives of adults or take a passive position in the gameplay. To avoid this, one should take into account moral and aesthetic aspects, cultivate a sense of beauty, artistic taste, a friendly attitude towards others, a positive outlook on the world and a desire to actively participate in the game.

The organization of the game process is characterized by the following performance indicators:

  1. The child participates in the game from the moment the idea arises, takes the initiative in the discussion, his point of view is taken into account at the stage of formulating the game goal and task, so improvisation becomes possible without violating the integrity of the plot.
  2. There is variability in the plot, which is combined with stability and development, the correct balance of everyday actions and character relationships.
  3. The child has the skill of participating in the collective construction of a storyline, the skill of designating and recognizing game roles through certain terminology, role-playing actions, speech, facial expressions (conducting a long role-playing dialogue).
  4. He has experience in disciplined adherence to the rules of the game: he copes with the role, understands the need for certain game actions, their logic and sequence leading to the final result, and can effectively interact with other participants in the game process.

Report protocol (using the example of the game “Hospital”)

Toys and fairy-tale characters will help to involve kids in the gaming process.

Key elements of the report:

  1. Game theme: "Hospital"
  2. Type of game: role-playing.
  3. Group: first junior.
  4. Time: first half of the day.
  5. Format: group.
  6. Goals:
    • involve children in playful dialogue;
    • develop their gaming skills in taking on a role (doctor, patient, nurse);
    • develop a sense of responsibility for one’s health and the ability to empathize with others;
    • cultivate politeness and attentiveness towards other people.
  7. Game equipment:
    • doctor's coat,
    • cap,
    • children's first aid kit with tools for playing,
    • bottle of "vitamins"
    • doll,
    • toy hare
  8. Form of presenting a game situation: meeting a doll that is sick (a moment of surprise with elements of improvisation).
  9. Techniques for teaching gaming skills: demonstrating role-playing behavior and performing a sequence of actions with subsequent transfer of roles, prompting and correction, involving the child in a gaming dialogue, asking questions, direct and indirect direction of the gaming process (The doll is sick, she needs to be treated! Ask, does the doll want tea? Let's treat me now. Who wants to be a doctor?)
  10. Techniques for assessing children's activities: praise and encouragement for further actions (you are such well-mannered guys! Well done, you chose everything correctly! How much we did today: we took Masha to the hospital, helped the doctor, cured everyone!)
  11. Organized end of the game: all the sick are cured, the doctor’s working day is over, the hospital is closed, the teacher thanks the children and praises them for their success, listing their achievements.

Game analysis (using the example of the game “Hospital”)

Children often take games very seriously, completely immersing themselves in the role.

  1. At the preparation stage, fiction was read, educational games were played, visual materials and stories from the teacher were used.
  2. The preferences of children and their age were taken into account, and various game options with more complexity were proposed. Materials were selected and a subject-development environment was organized that promoted proper motivation. The final stage involved the introduction of substitute toys.
  3. All the goals were achieved, planned actions were carried out to involve children in game dialogue, familiarize them with game roles, demonstrate these roles and transfer them to children. Everything that was planned was carried out in full, achieving sustainable results.
  4. The children actively participated in the game process, showed interest in what was happening, responded emotionally to questions and asked themselves to perform one or another role. After finishing the game, we discussed the plot of the game for a long time and shared our impressions. The questions were “will the hospital be open tomorrow” and “what should I do if my doll gets sick at home?”
  5. The teacher’s help at the final stage of the game consisted only of general control using prompting and correction techniques.
  6. The prognosis is good, the game is dynamic and useful, develops communication skills, correct speech, cultivates politeness and an attentive attitude to health. Children learn empathy and responsiveness.

Feedback (using the example of the game “Hospital”)

The teacher conducted the lesson competently, taking into account the age characteristics of the children (properly organized play environment, complexity of the game, accessibility of the rules to children, natural following of the plot and free interaction of children with each other). A timely change of activities was ensured. All the teacher’s dialogues were well structured, the speech was simple and understandable to the children, emotionally charged and evoking the right response in the children. There was an opportunity for children to show initiative and improvise during the game.

Original plot moves were used and various promising plot directions were set, which could serve for the development of the game in the future. The teacher coped with the assigned tasks, created an atmosphere of creative exploration and friendly interaction, established himself as a specialist with an extraordinary pedagogical flair and a creative approach to the process of organizing classes in the form of a role-playing game.

The ability to organize a child’s play activity in kindergarten so that it is at the same time interesting, educational and brings out the best in children is a great art that requires the teacher to have a good understanding of modern pedagogy and effectively apply theoretical knowledge in practice. With the help of an adult, a child of primary preschool age is able to successfully master a role-playing game and can then independently play with his peers, actively using the stories he knows and inventing new ones. This enriches his inner world, forms moral and ethical guidelines and stimulates development, promoting further socialization.

Target: To educate children to understand the value of health.

Program content:

  1. Introduce some of the labor operations that make up the work of a doctor.
  2. Develop speech, imaginative thinking, and activate children’s vocabulary.
  3. Form a conscious attitude towards your own health.

Preliminary work:

Excursion to the medical office, viewing illustrations about the doctor’s work, reading K. Chukovsky’s work “Aibolit”.

Material: A doll, a bed for a doll, a white coat for a doctor, a suitcase with medical supplies (thermometer, phonendoscope, spatula, pen, prescription form).

Progress of the game:

At the beginning there is a demonstration of playing with a doll. The teacher draws attention to the doll, which came to the hospital for a doctor’s appointment.

V.- Guys, Katya’s forehead is hot, she has a fever, she’s sick.

What happened that could have made her sick? (children's answers).

The teacher brings the doll to her ear and says that Katya ate snow on her walk yesterday.

What do we need to do, how can we help her? (children's answers: give medicine)

But we cannot give medicine ourselves, we are not doctors, a doctor must examine her.

A doctor in a white coat is sitting opposite

What happened to you? (Katya doll got sick).

I'll examine her. First I'll take the temperature. Here is a thermometer, lift up Katya’s hand (puts it under her arm) and you need to wait a little.

R., yes, Katya has a high fever, she urgently needs to take medicine to relieve the high fever.

Katya, now let me listen to you, do you have any wheezing in your chest? (takes out a phonendoscope)

The teacher names the name of the object for listening. She puts it on her chest and tells Katya to breathe deeper.

Everything is fine here, no wheezing.

Or maybe you have a sore throat. Open your mouth wider and say “A-A.”

The teacher takes a spatula, says the name of this item, and looks at the throat.

Katya, your throat is very red, you probably ate too much ice cream, or drank cold water?

R., have you tried snow, because it’s so white, fluffy, and probably very tasty? (children's answers).

Well, Katya, I looked at you, and I’ll tell you that you need urgent treatment. Do you guys agree with me?

Now I will write you a prescription with medicines that will help relieve your fever and treat your throat. (Writes a recipe on the form)

R., who can buy and administer medicine according to my prescription? (Adults only)

Yes, only adults will be sold medicine at the pharmacy, and an adult can give medicine to a patient. So I give (the child) the recipe, and he always passes it on to the adult (the teacher).

To avoid getting sick, you must always take care of your health! Follow my advice: don’t drink cold water, don’t eat snow outside, tie a scarf around your neck, don’t take off your mittens when walking, dress warmly. Goodbye! (Katya leaves home)


Why did Katya get sick?

Who treated her?

How did the doctor find out that Katya was sick?

What did the doctor advise?

Guys, can’t this happen to you like our Katya? I hope for you that you will adhere to the doctor's advice. You will always be cheerful and joyful.

Plot-role-playing game in the younger group “Doctor Aibolit in the Zoo.”


Teach children to understand an imaginary situation and implement the game plan.

Expand children's understanding of the work of a doctor and nurse.

Fix the names of medical instruments (thermometer, spatula, syringe).

To develop the ability to convey basic emotions through facial expressions, gestures, and movements.

Develop communicative competence, imagination, memory, thinking.

Cultivate a sense of empathy, goodwill, mutual assistance.

Dictionary: passenger, veterinarian, veterinary hospital, prescription, pharmacist.

Preliminary work: reading K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Aibolit”, excursion to the medical office, didactic games “Doctor Aibolit’s Suitcase”, “What to Whom?”, involving parents in making attributes for the game, playing out the plots of the game “Good Doctor Aibolit” (“Bunny’s paw hurts” ”, “Mishka’s ear hurt”, “The fox got hit by a car”, etc.); examination of illustrations “Hospital”, “Transport”.

Corrective goals: stimulate children's speech activity through dialogue and dramatization; activate words on the topic in speech.

Game material: doctor's robe and cap, gowns and caps for nurses and pharmacists, a suitcase with medical instruments, animal caps and masks, cap, steering wheel, animal tracks, juice.

Game roles: doctor, nurse, pharmacist, zoo animals, driver, passengers.

Progress of the game:

Introductory conversation.

Educator: Do you like animals? What animals do you know?

Children name wild, domestic, exotic animals.

Educator: Do you know where you can see all these animals at once? Have you been to the zoo? I suggest you go there. I already booked a tour bus, here it is (the bus is built from chairs), we’ll go to the zoo on it. Sit down. And who will take us?

Children: driver.

Educator: and the driver will be Maxim (I give you a cap and a steering wheel). And who are you and me?

Children: we are passengers.

Educator: Natasha, who are you? Polina, who are you?

We are traveling by bus, E. Zheleznova’s song “Bus” is playing.

Educator: Here are the tracks of the animals. They will lead us straight to the zoo. Let's go, stepping on every footprint ( correctional track “Traces of Animals”).

There are images of various animals on a large screen. There is a castle hanging. I read the ad:

“The zoo is closed. All the animals got sick"

Educator: Why did all the animals get sick? How could this happen?

One of the children reads a poem:

The monkey got sick

But I didn’t want to be treated

I walked with the animals,

She coughed and sneezed at everyone.

The zoo has closed.

Who is to blame for this?

Children: monkey.

Educator: and we know the main rule:

If you're sick, my friend,

Cough into a handkerchief.

Don't get scattered so that

Others have your germs on them.

Educator: The zoo is closed because a doctor is treating animals there. What kind of doctor do you know who treats animals?

Children: Dr. Aibolit.

Educator: Yes, he always comes to the aid of animals. Why did the doctors call it Aibolit?

Children: when someone is in pain, he calls the doctor, cries, complains, says: “Oh, it hurts!” If you say so, the doctor will always come and cure you. So they started calling the doctor Aibolit.

Educator: animals have their own doctor and their own hospital. This hospital is called a veterinary hospital. Guys, what is the name of the animal hospital? And the doctor is called a veterinarian. I will be a doctor - veterinarian ( I put on a cap, mask, robe). Come in, have a seat ( children sit on chairs). Here is my office. I have a suitcase with medical supplies ( I lay out the doctor’s instruments: spatula, phonendoscope, pills, bandage, cotton wool, syringe, thermometer).

Children examine, name the tools and their purpose.

Doctor: A nurse helps the doctor see patients. Natasha will be the nurse I will make appointments, and the nurse will help write prescriptions for treatment. What is a recipe?

Children: With a prescription, you can buy medicine from a pharmacy that was prescribed by a doctor.

Doctor: and now, guys, spin around, spin around and turn into little animals.

Children wear masks of different animals.

Psycho-gymnastics. Show how sick animals feel.

Doctor: Now we will take your temperature. Nurse, help me set up the thermometers.

Children setting thermometers.

Doctor: While you are taking your temperature, I will look at your necks. The necks are a little red.

We collect thermometers.

Your temperature is normal, you have a slight cold. Here's the potion for you.

I bring out cups of “mixture” on a tray"(juice).

Doctor: you drank the medicine. How do you feel now? Better?

It seems to me that the lioness injured her paw.

He sits and cannot take a single step.

Hurry up to heal the poor paw,

She needs to rush to the doctor as soon as possible.

Doctor: Hello, patient. What happened to you? How can you help a lioness?

Children: anoint the paw with iodine and bandage it.

Doctor: I'll look at the paw. It’s okay, now the nurse will apply iodine to the wound and bandage it with a bandage.

Nurse performs action.

Doctor: The nurse and I’s shift is over. Let's all relax together.

Physical education minute to the song by E. Zheleznova “The giraffe has spots.”

The animals sit down.

Educator: and now Doctor Yura and nurse Polina are taking over (children puts on a robe and cap). Take your jobs.

Educator: Hear the bear roar -

He has a stomach ache.

Doctor: Hello, patient. Come in, sit down. Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated? Now I’ll take a phonendoscope and listen to you. Breath! Do not breath. The lungs are clean.

Educator: how can you help a bear?

Children: give me a pill.

Doctor: Polina, write a prescription for a pill for stomach pain.

Educator: where can I buy prescription medications?

Children: at the pharmacy.

Educator: who works in the pharmacy? (pharmacist). What is he doing?

Today Egor will be the pharmacist, he will dispense medications prescribed by the doctor. Take your place in the pharmacy (the child puts on a robe and cap).

Teddy Bear(to the pharmacist): hello.

Pharmacist: Hello.

Teddy Bear: Please give me a pill for stomach pain. Here is the doctor's prescription.

Pharmacist: Here's your pill. Please. Take it after lunch.

Teddy Bear: Thank you. Goodbye.

Educator: So that your tummy doesn't hurt,

In life we ​​need

A lot of vitamins

It’s impossible to count them all now.

You need to eat more

Meat, vegetables and fruits –

Natural products,

But the chips, always know -

This is junk food.

The doctor, nurse and pharmacist have finished their working day. You can relax with our animals.

Educator: To get sick less, you need to stay clean. The animals take care of their skin and wash themselves in their own way. Therefore, I suggest you put yourself in order.

Massage for animals(in a circle).

We take combs in our paws:

We do our own hair.

We clean our ears, we clean our cheeks,

Forehead, beard, mustache.

Oh, now let's scratch our belly.

We can't reach the back

We serve it to a friend.

Here. And now it's the other way around.

We are healthy and cheerful.

We are beautiful and sweet.

Educator: Show how the little animals are happy.

Educator: circled, circled. And they turned into children. It's time to go back, take your seats on the bus.


Where have we been?

What happened at the zoo?

Why did the animals get sick?

Which doctor treated animals?

What is the name of the animal hospital?

Who were you today?

Well done! You did an excellent job as a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, driver; They helped the lioness heal her paw and the bear’s stomach. All the animals thank you, say “thank you.” Next time, the doctor and nurse who will treat the sick will be different guys.