What, essentially, is dry fasting. The essence of such fasting lies in its very name - dry fasting. This diet means that absolutely nothing is allowed, including liquids. Including no water. Additionally, there are several different types of dry fasting.

Types of dry fasting

Classic dry fasting for 3 days. It is forbidden to take food and water in any form, and you cannot even touch anything like that. This means no bathing, washing, or brushing your teeth. Even washing dishes will have to be done with special gloves. This technique has become popular along with other modern diets.

Partial. This type of dry fasting is somewhat simpler and less extreme than classical fasting. It is also forbidden to drink and eat food, however, there will be nothing wrong with taking a shower and ordinary washing. In other words, it can come into contact with water. In addition, few people can imagine life without a shower; this can seriously affect the human psyche. Experts recommend carrying out such fasting for no more than three days, unless special preparation has been carried out.

Entering a three-day dry fast

Three days of fasting is not much different from one day of the same kind. No special login is required for this. The body will not tolerate too much stress due to short periods of time, and even more so if special unloading procedures or diets were previously carried out. This event is absolutely safe.

There are some good tips, such as using enemas and laxatives. But this may not be suitable for some due to individual contraindications, while for others it is simply an unpleasant procedure. In any case, this is not the most necessary thing. The body is capable of independently regulating all systems and cleansing itself, if not immediately, then gradually.

Entry into dry fasting can be achieved by consuming only plant foods for a certain amount of time. Even a day will be enough. In addition to vegetation, you can consume dairy and fermented milk products.

It does not matter at what point in time the last meal occurs. But it's best if this happens in the evening. In addition, this will subsequently have an impact on the way out of dry fasting.

Rules for three days

The best place to spend such days is work. However, this is only suitable for those who are not afraid of the discomfort of fasting, and therefore already have some experience in diets. For beginners, a house is also suitable, the main thing is to find something to do that can keep you busy. Then it will become much easier, especially when two days pass. You may even want to extend the diet in the future. But it’s worth noting that the workplace diet option gets far more reviews than all the others. And indeed, it is much more convenient and practical.

But what is the best way to fast? The first procedures are best carried out on water. As you gain more experience, it will become easier to carry out dry fasting in the future. You should do this: spend the first three days fasting on water, then several days without water. Afterwards, just alternate days.

Throughout your fast, continue to be as active as possible. Thus, you can achieve the following results:

  • the body understands that its own muscles should not expend too much energy;
  • because of this, the main work will be on burning fat, and waste and toxins will come out of the tissues affected by the disease;
  • this way, preparing for hunger will become much easier.

Don't be afraid to start with easier options and minimal exercise. However, do not forget to work all muscle groups. At first it will be unusual, and on the third day it will become more difficult to move. After some time, the ease of action will return, but for now, just force yourself to work.

Exit from dry fasting for 3 days

The first meal can be at any time. But many are inclined to believe that it is best to sit down at the table in the evening. Having eaten in the morning and then going to work, a number of certain inconveniences may arise. For example, stomach problems, which are very unpleasant and inconvenient.

After a three-day fast, start eating fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. Add heavier foods gradually. It should be simple cereals and steamed vegetables, nuts and grains. Only after this can you eat your usual food. But the best thing, of course, is to come to proper nutrition.

Dry fasting for 3 days - I’ll start a short note about my experience and its effect on my body with a warning. We do dry fasting only after we have tried water fasting with intestinal cleansing 3-4 times. This is important so as not to receive suffering instead of joy and forever close this simple and free path to energy, good mood and health.

Being without water and food for 4-7 days is considered fatal for a person, however, the experiences of ALL prophets of ALL religions of mankind are known, spending 40 days “in the desert”, without water and food.

Please note that forced dry fasting is fundamentally different from conscious asceticism!
The Internet is full of information about the healing effect; I personally did not treat anything specifically. For me, this is religious asceticism.

The experience of surviving without food and water for 3 days was great. Below are some notes and impressions:
The fast was semi-dry - that means with a shower and swimming in the sea.

Dry fasting 3 days - Entry into hunger.

The intestines were not cleansed before fasting for the experiment. But it is important that the cleaning procedure is carried out 1-2 weeks before. If you do not abstain from meat and other products that form a putrefactive environment, then I recommend cleaning it thoroughly immediately before. My experiences in this matter are in a large material about my weight loss at the link at the end of this article.

The intestines came out only at the end of the third day - dry without any putrefactive odors.

I loaded myself up for 2 days with purposefully exclusively plant foods, mostly raw, some boiled cereals (cereals, because I never became a raw foodist - I’m too eager to eat 😉).

The intestines must be free of protein foods in order to avoid rotting (I generally keep quiet about animal food; in my opinion, because of it, people “hoard” on days 4-7 of forced fasting).

Dry fasting 3 days - The process of fasting.

My notes:
— The bad breath lasted for 2 days, and on the third it almost disappeared.
- The first and second days there is a cloudy sediment of 1.5 cm in a small amount, the color is dark yellow. The third child is light yellow without sediment. Yield: 250 grams 2 times a day. The analyzes were carried out in a 0.5 plastic bottle.
— The dizziness when standing up suddenly on the morning of the 4th day was almost not felt.

— There is a noticeable increase in saliva after bathing. Somehow the body absorbs water through the skin.

- Why all this: purification of consciousness, the body is a plus.

- Lost 7kg. 4 the first day and 1 + 1 + 1 afterwards.

Keep a diary! here are my notes:

- Severe dizziness - apparently you didn’t wash your intestines? Perhaps this is the reason, next time I will clean out the entire gastrointestinal tract pipe before starting a long fast. Until 3 days, I think a simple plant-based raw food diet will be enough. According to some versions, in this case, the body absorbs additional amounts of vitamin B12 (B12).

— Society does not need conscious, wise, mature, healthy people. It is beneficial for the authorities to keep you in ignorance, which gives rise to consumerism and animal passions, and as a result, the stupidity of the people. (Games, excess food, alcohol, TV series... anything except getting to know yourself, the world you live in and changes for the better).

- Everyone needs slaves, and pharmaceuticals are consumers. By curing you, they will lose the consumer. Therefore, the symptoms are mostly relieved. There are very few altruists and truly honest people who want to help in official medicine.

— Vascular atherosclerosis is the No. 1 killer. If you read this freely, then with a probability of 80% he will kill you too (data from Wikipedia). The vessels of the brain are damaged... the perception of new things is impaired, as it was in childhood. Hence, the rejection of other people’s experience and advice = a vicious circle of existence in one’s own swamp and the inability to change for the better. Arterial networks on the skin of the face and legs, varicose veins are the first signs...
P.S. Although, sorry, if you are reading, then the probability of dying from atherosclerosis is already lower, 😉 at least not as early as it could happen. 😉 Imagine, if you start doing at least something...

— Experts estimate the age of society at 12 years, this is when you can be lured by a poppy pie and a person forgets everything: who he is, why he is, how to live happily in society. And he continues to enjoy the fruits of the chemical industry, the effect of psychological suppression of which is not at all excluded. I remember the mass experiments on the population using LSD in the USA.

— Serotonin and dopamine were released and I had a very pleasant time 😉 Endorphin apparently only next time 😉

Dry fasting for 3 days is a way out of fasting.

To get out of hunger you need clean, structured, living water. The body has removed heavy, dead water and we fill it with living water. Living water is the juices of fruits and vegetables. You can also use defrosted water. (With distilled water, the question is still open for me.)

According to theory, I never succeeded in long exits. Therefore, I am afraid of long periods of more than 7 days.

Well, actually my output:

1. coconut water (alkaline natural water with minerals and a small amount of glucose) 200 ml every hour.

2. watermelon 4 kg, half and half in 30 minutes.

3. half a kilo of sweet and sour oranges after another 1 hour.

4. in the evening, rice noodles with vegetables (restaurant with salt and other harmful things). I DO NOT ADVISE! (twisted painfully a little) If you manage to eat fruits or boiled vegetables before lunch on the second day, you are my idol! We chew as well as possible.

The announced timings are very arbitrary! We do it according to our feelings. If you have no appetite, great, drink water. If you have it, eat 300 grams of boiled buckwheat and stay away from food. 😉

Classic dry fasting for 3 days. It is forbidden to take food and water in any form, and you cannot even touch anything like that. This means no bathing, washing, or brushing your teeth. Even washing dishes will have to be done with special gloves. This technique has become popular along with other modern diets.

Partial. This type of dry fasting is somewhat simpler and less extreme than classical fasting. It is also forbidden to drink and eat food, however, there will be nothing wrong with taking a shower and ordinary washing. In other words, it can come into contact with water. In addition, few people can imagine life without a shower; this can seriously affect the human psyche. Experts recommend carrying out such fasting for no more than three days, unless special preparation has been carried out.

Three days of fasting is not much different from one day of the same kind. No special login is required for this. The body will not tolerate too much stress due to short periods of time, and even more so if special unloading procedures or diets were previously carried out. This event is absolutely safe.

There are some good tips, such as using enemas and laxatives. But this may not be suitable for some due to individual contraindications, while for others it is simply an unpleasant procedure. In any case, this is not the most necessary thing. The body is capable of independently regulating all systems and cleansing itself, if not immediately, then gradually.

Entry into dry fasting can be achieved by consuming only plant foods for a certain amount of time. Even a day will be enough. In addition to vegetation, you can consume dairy and fermented milk products.

It does not matter at what point in time the last meal occurs. But it's best if this happens in the evening. In addition, this will subsequently have an impact on the way out of dry fasting.

The best place to spend such days is work. However, this is only suitable for those who are not afraid of the discomfort of fasting, and therefore already have some experience in diets. For beginners, a house is also suitable, the main thing is to find something to do that can keep you busy. Then it will become much easier, especially when two days pass. You may even want to extend the diet in the future. But it’s worth noting that the workplace diet option gets far more reviews than all the others. And indeed, it is much more convenient and practical.

But what is the best way to fast? The first procedures are best carried out on water. As you gain more experience, it will become easier to carry out dry fasting in the future. You should do this: spend the first three days fasting on water, then several days without water. Afterwards, just alternate days.

Throughout your fast, continue to be as active as possible. Thus, you can achieve the following results:

  • the body understands that its own muscles should not expend too much energy;
  • because of this, the main work will be on burning fat, and waste and toxins will come out of the tissues affected by the disease;
  • this way, preparing for hunger will become much easier.

Don't be afraid to start with easier options and minimal exercise. However, do not forget to work all muscle groups. At first it will be unusual, and on the third day it will become more difficult to move. After some time, the ease of action will return, but for now, just force yourself to work.

The first meal can be at any time. But many are inclined to believe that it is best to sit down at the table in the evening. Having eaten in the morning and then going to work, a number of certain inconveniences may arise. For example, stomach problems, which are very unpleasant and inconvenient.

After a three-day fast, start eating fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. Add heavier foods gradually. It should be simple cereals and steamed vegetables, nuts and grains. Only after this can you eat your usual food. But the best thing, of course, is to come to proper nutrition.

Olga, 24 years old, Minsk. For severe weakness, it is best to use cold water. For example, take a refreshing shower. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about bad breath, which occurs in almost everyone. In this case, it is better to fast only at home, as I did as soon as I started dry fasting.

Maria, 26 years old, Orel. For a beginner, dry fasting can be very difficult, so be prepared for it! It was not easy for me not to break down; on the second day I had to completely immerse myself in work, just to distract myself from the unpleasant feeling of hunger and weakness. And yet, I was satisfied with the end result.

Svetlana, 32 years old, Moscow. I highly recommend initially preparing for hunger physically and mentally. Fasting days or vegetarianism, cascade fasting are effective in this. After dry fasting, recover properly, otherwise undesirable consequences may occur. I’m very happy for those who completed the fast to the end, I hope that I can do it too.

Many methods and practices are used to cleanse the body. Some people use folk remedies, others resort to traditional medicine, and still others practice therapeutic fasting, which can be of two types - dry and water. The difficult one is dry - complete refusal of water for a period of 1 to 3-4 days.

American naturopath and researcher of alternative medicine, Paul Bragg, spoke about the benefits of the method of cleansing the body. He believed that fasting eliminates many diseases and allows you to live longer. There is no evidence of this in traditional medicine.

The principle of dry fasting is based on refusing to drink liquid. To maintain the vital functions of all living things, water is needed. If the body is deprived of moisture for a while, then pathogenic organisms, infections, viruses will not be able to develop in the human body.

Dry fasting lasts 3 days. For a three-day period, a person should abstain from food and drink. Water treatments should be avoided:

  • brushing teeth;
  • bathing;
  • hand washing;
  • touching wet surfaces;
  • enemas.

Benefits of the procedure:

  1. Metabolism accelerates, toxins and harmful substances are released.
  2. The blood is cleansed and renewed.
  3. Undesirable formations in tissues are broken down - adhesions, vascular plaques, edema.
  4. Colds, pimples, boils, and infections go away.

A three-day fast is difficult to withstand, it can bring benefits and serious harm:

  • dry skin appears;
  • dizziness;
  • lips are cracked;
  • performance decreases;
  • sleep is disturbed.

Before dry fasting, you need to weigh the pros and cons. It is recommended to carry out practices under the supervision of a doctor, to prepare - to know how to enter and exit correctly so as not to harm the body.

Before you start fasting for 2-3 days, it is advisable to try the one-day method. For beginners, the first procedure should last no more than a day.

In preparation for a three-day fast:

  • a week before starting a raw food diet - you can only eat raw plant foods and drink water;
  • Minimize the amount of food consumed per day;
  • Spend more time outdoors and do light exercise.

With the right preparatory stage, it will be easier to postpone the three days. The main thing is to be prepared for unpleasant sensations (weakness, irritability), weight loss.

It is important to monitor your condition, if during the process of preparation or fasting there are changes in your health - dizziness, nausea, pain, you should abandon the practice.

Fasting on water accelerates the removal of toxins, renewal of the body and has a visible effect on a person. Compared to dry, it is gentle and can last from 1 day to several months.

Pulse therapy is effective - a weekly refusal of food for 1 day, for several months. The method improves immunity, increases energy resources, and has a positive effect on intestinal microflora.

A long course helps improve brain function, cleanse toxins, gain energy, and increase performance. During fasting, unpleasant manifestations of cleansing the body may occur: the skin becomes drier, odor appears from the mouth and body, and physical ailments occur.

They enter into practice in the same way as with dry fasting - give up heavy food for a few days: exclude sweets, flour products, meat, alcohol.

The way out of a 3-day water fast has differences:

  • on the first day, introduce freshly squeezed juices; do an enema;
  • on the second day, you can gradually eat grated vegetables and fruits (excluding carrots, oranges), add oatmeal;
  • from day 7 you can gradually include familiar dishes in your diet.

During the fasting period, you need to drink a lot of distilled water. For a long procedure (more than 3 days), it is allowed to add honey and lemon juice, which will help remove toxins from the body.

Exit from a three-day dry fast. designed for 3 days, should be gradual. It is necessary to finish at the same time at which you started (morning, evening).

You should return to your usual diet and lifestyle in stages:

  • At first, you can take water superficially (wash your face, brush your teeth);
  • chew one apple (but do not swallow);
  • start drinking boiled water in small sips;
  • then drink a fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt), freshly squeezed juice;
  • after 10-12 hours you can eat fruit in small quantities;
  • After a few hours you can drink warm broth.

For the first few days after leaving, it is recommended to follow a diet - eat protein foods and drink boiled water. You cannot eat raw foods, salt, sugar. After a week, fresh fruits, soups, and salads are introduced into the diet. Further nutrition should include a gentle menu with a gradual return to the usual as appetite returns. Introduce heavy foods (meat, flour products) into the diet only after 1-2 months.

According to practitioners, the procedure provides a powerful healing effect, especially on the female body. There are cases where women managed to get rid of adhesions and become pregnant.

The opportunity to lose extra pounds and look younger is attractive. This result is influenced by cell renewal - the condition of the skin improves.

The longer the fast lasts, the stronger the therapeutic result. For prevention and renewal of the body, you can refuse food for one day. For intensive cleansing - two to three days, and for solving serious health problems, four days or more of abstinence from food are suitable.

According to experts, it is possible to practice fasting for longer than one day at home only under the supervision of a doctor.

Larisa, 49 years old

At forty-nine I tried 3-day fasting for the first time. I replaced all my food with water, but I couldn’t resist coffee with sugar and added a little milk. The first day was very difficult psychologically. On the second day, I replaced all the food with water again, mentally suggesting that I had eaten. I was very pleased with the result, the swelling in my eyes went away, the pressure on my diaphragm went away, it became easier to get up in the morning, I lost 3 kg. Side effects are mild dizziness and weakness. I advise you to tune in and try this fasting.

Alexey, 29 years old

I decided to try the technique. The first day was easy, I replaced food with water. On the second day, bad breath appeared and my liver was acting up, and I felt depressed. On the third day I felt cheerful and didn’t feel like eating at all. The result is cleansing of the liver, stomach, good sleep. Recommendations - drink warm water for three days, do light cardio exercises and break fast correctly by eating vegetables and fruits, drink more fluids.

Vera, 45 years old

On the first day you need to do an enema and drink a lot of water. If this is not done, everything you ate during dry fasting will not be digested and the intestines will not be cleansed as needed. From my own experience, I know that you definitely need to drink water and break fast like this: fresh orange juice, oatmeal, preferably with water. If you have a stomach ulcer, I advise you to soak the rolled oats overnight and drink the water in which you soaked it in the morning. Advice - no matter how many days you fast, the number of days you need to overcome hunger is. And don't eat meat!


Fasting treatment is stressful for the body and has contraindications:

  • disruption of the pancreas
  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • low weight;
  • problems with kidneys, liver;
  • weakened immune system;
  • pancreatitis.

The use of the technique when contraindicated can cause harm to the body. You can provoke fragility of blood vessels, the development of diabetes, dehydration, and the appearance of cracks in the skin.

Some engage in fasting for weight loss to shed extra pounds, others expect a healing effect, others want to experiment and test their willpower. Regardless of the reason, you need to know how to properly enter and exit without negative consequences.

Fasting is not just a refusal of food for the sake of losing kilograms, it is a healing of the body, cleansing of cellular and intercellular space, access to new energy, and rejuvenation. Fasting can be either water or dry. Dry fasting is more complex. When fasting on water, all excess is washed out of the body, while during dry fasting it is burned. Each person sets the timing of fasting himself, but it is best to start small. For the first time, a daily fast is suitable, then you can try fasting for three days. Dry fasting for a period of 3 days will give excellent results after the first time. During the process of this healing technique, the body turns on powerful levers for self-purification.

Dry fasting, which lasts 3 days, is something everyone can withstand, but before moving on to this method of cleansing, you should become familiar not only with how to start the process, but also with how to finish it correctly. These processes are called entry and exit from fasting days.

  • Firstly, you should know that you need to start fasting according to the lunar calendar: the moon must be either in its second or fourth phase.
  • Secondly, before fasting there should be abstinence in food, it is best to limit yourself to vegetables and fruits.
  • Thirdly, morale and fortitude are very important aspects in this matter.
  • Fourthly, you need to enter and exit this process for a certain amount of time, for example, with water fasting, you need to enter and exit exactly the same number of days as you plan to fast. With dry fasting, the input and output should be equal to a week.

That is why you need to remember one rule: fasting rests on three pillars: the entrance to the process, the process itself and the exit from it. Any deviation from the norm will lead to unfavorable consequences.

It is best to start fasting in the morning, determine the hour that will be its end. The morning hours are associated with the fact that the active result of dry fasting gains its height at night, when the body is at rest.

The issue of exiting this process must be approached very, very seriously. A correct, gradual exit from a 3-day dry fast is a guarantee of human health. After refusing water and food, the body switches to internal nutrition, thanks to which cleansing occurs. It is strictly forbidden to “clog” the cleansed body with foods desired by a hungry eye.

In order for a 3-day dry fast not to cause harm to the body, the exit must be gradual. The menu for this period will be simple, but strict.

The exit from fasting should coincide in time with its beginning, and it is better to start in the early morning. First of all, you should clean your mouth using a bandage rather than water. After this, you need to carefully chew one apple, but under no circumstances swallow it, but only spit it out. Even a drop of juice should not get inside. For convenience, lean forward; in this position it is difficult to swallow anything. Remember, not a single drop, you have to spit it all out. During the chewing process, you should definitely “smack your lips” so that the frozen taste processors regain strength.

Then you need to make one healthy drink for yourself: add three capsules of probiotics to a glass of melt water. It can be “Bioturf”, “Bifiform” or “Linex”. You should drink slowly, over a quarter of an hour. Take the last sip only when the arrow indicates. If you do this in a shorter period of time, you risk getting shocked. Then, over the course of two hours (no more, no less), the person should swallow a couple of glasses of water and a glass of herbal tea. Drink slowly, with several approaches, retaining the liquid in your mouth. After this, you need to resort to brushing your teeth. Before lunch, you can drink water, herbal tea or water steamed with dried fruits, but carefully strained. Then drink the juice extracted from the fruit without pulp, also strained and diluted with water (50/50). To achieve a gentle way out of dry fasting, it is best to choose apples or oranges for juice.

After lunch during the day, you should also drink juice diluted with water, but already made from vegetables. To keep both fruits and vegetables fresh, it is best to start fasting in the summer or autumn. The exceptions will be celery and beets; leave them for the third and subsequent days.

At about three o'clock you can drink secondary, unsalted meat or fish broth, strained accordingly. After a three-day fast, any liquid should be taken very slowly, with repeated approaches.

No earlier than 8 hours after the body begins to recover from fasting, the consumption of watermelons, melons and berries is allowed, subject to the autumn-summer period. But in small quantities, no more than 200 grams. You can make lemon water by sweetening it with a spoonful of honey or steaming rose hips. You cannot eat food on the first day. Your body was resting, and the pancreas was at rest; you cannot sharply load it, otherwise it will respond with pancreatitis.

Start the second day with a spoonful of honey or a piece of honeycomb. You can’t chew or swallow them right away; you need to hold the natural delicacy in your mouth for as long as possible. Then snack on the pulp of melon, peaches or apples. The way out of fasting allows precisely these dishes.

For lunch you should drink fish broth without pulp, eat a couple of pieces of boiled vegetables: carrots, beets, no more than 100 grams. You should absolutely not eat white cabbage leaves.

The afternoon snack menu includes only low-fat kefir or whey, no more than 50 grams. The afternoon snack should also consist of fruits or vegetables, no more than 100 grams.

Remember a few rules:

  • do not mix varieties of fruits; if they are citrus crops, then exclude melons, etc.;
  • be sure to use broth and fermented milk products as a drink; the body requires protein as a building material;
  • Drink water throughout the day, herbal teas and water steamed with dried fruits.

Following the rules will help the body to properly exit a three-day fast and remain healthy.

Start your breakfast with 50 grams of sour milk. A little later you need to eat a handful of boiled dried fruits.

Lunch should consist of fish broth (130 g), undressed salad of vegetables and herbs. Good for salad: broccoli, dill, cilantro, celery, parsley, carrots.

For dinner, cook yourself a peach or a piece of melon. Suitable liquids include berry infusions, herbal teas and melt water.

For breakfast, sour milk or low-fat kefir (50 grams), fresh fruit, no more than 100 grams, will be useful.

For lunch again fish or meat broth without anything, separately boiled vegetables no more than 120 grams. You can also drink a cup of herbal tea.

For an afternoon snack, you can choose nuts: walnuts, cashews, pine nuts, no more than 90 grams. Use steamed dried fruits as a liquid, but without them themselves.

Sour milk will be an excellent dinner on the fourth day after fasting for 3 days.

On the fifth day, you have the opportunity to taste delicious hot food in the form of porridge. And for lunch, to the delight of the hungry, you can cook vegetable soup in recycled meat broth, but without potatoes. You can also add bread and oven-baked vegetables to your diet, except eggplants. Eggplants and potatoes will be very heavy food for the pancreas.

On the sixth day, you can add a few tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese to the porridge for breakfast. By the way, porridge can be cooked not only from cereals, but also from legumes and soy products, but in small quantities. A three-day fast involves the gradual introduction of different foods. You can also serve broth and baked vegetables for lunch and dinner.

The seventh day will be the final day in this difficult matter. But we must remember that the portions should not be large. You can add cheese, mushrooms, quail eggs to the menu.

After a person has endured several days of fasting, and then a week-long recovery period, you can proceed to normal nutrition. But people experienced in this matter still recommend not rushing to food after difficult hunger strikes, but organizing a gentle diet for yourself. If you have completed the treatment described above, it is not difficult to adhere to a further health-improving diet.

Eliminate fried and fatty meats from your diet. Use a steamer or oven to prepare it. These should be small pieces of poultry, veal, fish. Eat as little potatoes, butter, and flour and canned foods as possible. Vegetables can be eaten raw, boiled or baked.

For liquids, give preference to dried fruit compote, herbal teas, and clean water. Soups are best cooked in recycled meat broth and, again, without potatoes. Berries in your diet will be very beneficial for your health. Of course, fresh berries cannot compete with frozen foods, but it’s still worth stocking up on them for the winter, because it’s better than nothing at all. Berries are a treasure trove of health benefits; they will provide the body with a large amount of vitamins and antioxidants, help normalize cholesterol levels, and serve as a good tonic and energy source.

By adhering to proper nutrition, you can not only improve your body’s health, but also prolong your life.

No related posts.

When you choose a fasting method, you want to know all the subtleties and differences of each method. Cleansing the body according to Shchennikov is not without its own characteristics that must be observed during cleansing. The entrance to fasting consists of eating exclusively raw vegetables and fruits, which are not recommended to be mixed in one meal. The preparatory stage takes 2 days, the hunger itself is dry.

The time of dry fasting is limited; the Shchennikov method has a limit of 11 days. A complete cleansing of the body cannot last less than 5 days.

  • We recommend reading: how to fast on water

An important difference, in addition to refusing fluids and food, is staying awake at night. Also watch your breathing, inhale and exhale through your nose. Reduce the load on your body during fasting. The exit, as with strict diets, is smooth; you cannot immediately load the body with work.

During the famine, the gastrointestinal tract will decrease in size (stomach and intestines), and it will be difficult for it to absorb and process food in the volumes that you introduced before the famine. If you abruptly switch to your usual diet, the lost kilograms will return, and most importantly, the health benefits will be lost. New problems may arise.

Shchennikov’s “Healing Abstinence” method is based on the author’s independent research and the practice of hunger. The method received a patent and was tested in medical institutions. According to a representative of alternative medicine, the dry fasting method is not new, but unique to our time.

Dry fasting according to Shchennikov varies in duration, courses are designed for 7, 9 and 11 days. Despite the different durations, the cleaning cycles are designed for the same purposes:

  • Stimulation of immune processes;
  • Protection from harmful environmental factors (both external and internal);
  • Getting rid of chronic diseases;
  • Restoring the regenerative and preparative functions of the body;
  • Prevention of hypothetical dysfunction in the body;
  • Antioxidant action;
  • Getting rid of excess fat deposits;
  • Fighting addictions (nicotine, alcohol, etc.);
  • Improving the functioning of the body.

Dry fasting according to Shchennikov, lasting up to 7 days, can be carried out without medical supervision. From 7 to 11 days, it is worth cleansing the body under the supervision of a doctor or people who often practice fasting for more than 11 days.

In order not to harm the body by a sudden change in diet, it is necessary to properly prepare it. Entering hunger according to Shchennikov goes like this:

  • Animal proteins (meat, fish, poultry) are excluded from the diet.
  • 5 days before the start of dry fasting, it is recommended to switch to a raw food diet. Raw food diet is a diet in which only vegetables and fruits are consumed without heat treatment; dairy products are not allowed. It is better to avoid nuts and honey. However, the method prescribes the use of boiled beets as an exception.
  • After the intestines have acted (cleansing the gastrointestinal tract naturally), you are allowed to begin fasting.

Taking medications during hunger also stops; this should be done gradually. If you are seriously dependent on drugs (diabetes, cancer, respiratory diseases), reduce abstinence from food and water to 24-36 hours.

Dry fasting should not be practiced while taking medications.

If you really want to try the fasting method, then gradually reduce the dose of medications. Carefully monitor your condition; if there are acute reactions and the body refuses to work properly without medication, stop.

It is important to rearrange your lifestyle during fasting so that it is inactive and sedentary. The body has nowhere to take energy from, so it should not be expended in large quantities.

  • Remove food and water from visibility, try not to think about food;
  • Avoid sexual intercourse;
  • Breathe through your nose, reduce verbal communication with people to nothing;
  • Do not spit out saliva, try not to clean your mouth, do not rinse your mouth;
  • Do not make sudden movements, try to be smooth and less energy-consuming;
  • Take a shower whose water temperature is below room temperature;
  • Don’t lie down too much, find a non-disturbing activity: embroidery, knitting, reading, etc.;
  • Do not show that you are practicing dry fasting, people may lose their mood. It is better to retire while following the course.
  • Wear light clothing, linen is a good option;
  • Walk without shoes more;
  • At night, try to be outdoors, be it walking or reading on the veranda (balcony);
  • Ventilate the room; the air should not be stagnant;
  • Follow the recommendations.

Feelings during the course (11 days)

  1. It is important to overcome the psychological barrier and get ready for further dry fasting. On the first day, people often feel fear, fear of new things and hunger. Symptoms of malaise appear, which is even more frightening. Dizziness, weakness, nausea are normal reactions of the body. Symptoms are more severe in men. Weight loss will be 1 or 1.5 kg, depending on the initial one. It is recommended to keep a diary of your hunger.
  2. If the psychological barrier remains from the first day, then most likely the same symptoms will be observed: dizziness, nausea, malaise. On the second day, both hunger and thirst appear, both feelings must be overcome by doing something exciting. You can try to get rid of cravings for food and water with the help of auto-training.
  3. On the third day, the body should get used to the new regime and switch to nutrition from internal reserves. The feeling of hunger and thirst will weaken. During this period, blood pressure often drops, and black spots appear before the eyes. Try to move smoothly and slowly; sudden movements will make your head feel more dizzy.
  4. Your blood pressure still drops and you may develop a mild fever. Douches and walking barefoot are recommended, do not forget about a cool shower.
  5. Diseased organs begin to send signals to the brain, which causes discomfort in the body. You need to be prepared for these painful sensations in advance; you can suppress them only with a rubbing massage or willpower. Body temperature is elevated due to the fight against disease. Pay close attention to your pain, write it down in a diary, remain nonjudgmental, and take a cool shower.
  6. Increased sense of smell, smells seem unpleasant. Lower back pain may occur due to lack of physical activity. Move more than you sit, but remember to be slow and fluid. On this day, it is recommended to ventilate the room more often and walk outside (especially when it is raining or foggy outside). Watch your thoughts, do not indulge hunger and thirst.
  7. The day is characterized by normalization of the condition. The emotional background improves, relief is felt. Urine acquires a dark, brown color, which is how the body gets rid of poisons.
  8. It often manifests itself as a coating on the tongue, a bitter taste in the mouth. There is an increase or decrease in heart rate. Irritability will appear, which can be eliminated through self-hypnosis and auto-training. It is recommended to tie your mouth while you sleep, and continue to do this until the end of the course.
  9. Headache, fever, increased body temperature, it needs to be cooled using the usual methods. Vomiting or menstruation may appear, everything happens due to the cleansing of the body. The heart rate increases, the extremities become cold.
  10. Alienation occurs, relief is complete or partial. Time passes slowly, the body has overcome the crisis and continues internal cleansing.
  11. You must complete the method at the same hour at which you started it 11 days ago. Prepare to leave the post.

Exit from dry fasting

You should end your fast carefully, having carefully read the recommendations. Termination is extended for 4 days.

  • The first day: Take a head of cabbage, grate it and eat it. Prepare a salad from grated vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, cabbage), do not add tomatoes, refrain from salt and spices. One meal no more than 200 grams. Eat food every 2-3 hours. On the first day, about 1000 calories should come out. Drink exclusively clean water and herbal decoctions. You shouldn’t be overzealous with the liquid; 1.5 liters on the first day is enough. Your weight on this day should increase by 0.5-1 kg.
  • Second day goes the same way as the first one. Vegetable and fruit juices are recommended for consumption; the energy value of the diet can increase to 1200 kcal. It is allowed to increase fluid intake to 2 liters.
  • On the third day the body is almost restored, liquids are allowed to be drunk in the usual amount, excluding hot drinks. Eat no more than 1.5 kg of vegetables and fruits per day, you can add 100-200 grams. of bread.
  • On the fourth day You can introduce legumes and nuts into your food, the body is completely restored and ready to switch to its usual diet.

Many methods and practices are used to cleanse the body. Some people use folk remedies, others resort to traditional medicine, and still others practice therapeutic fasting, which can be of two types - dry and water. The difficult one is dry - complete refusal of water for a period of 1 to 3-4 days.

American naturopath and researcher of alternative medicine, Paul Bragg, spoke about the benefits of the method of cleansing the body. He believed that fasting eliminates many diseases and allows you to live longer. There is no evidence of this in traditional medicine.

The principle of dry fasting is based on refusing to drink liquid. To maintain the vital functions of all living things, water is needed. If the body is deprived of moisture for a while, then pathogenic organisms, infections, viruses will not be able to develop in the human body.

Dry fasting lasts 3 days. For a three-day period, a person should abstain from food and drink. Water treatments should be avoided:

  • brushing teeth;
  • bathing;
  • hand washing;
  • touching wet surfaces;
  • enemas.

Benefits of the procedure:

  1. Metabolism accelerates, toxins and harmful substances are released.
  2. The blood is cleansed and renewed.
  3. Undesirable formations in tissues are broken down - adhesions, vascular plaques, edema.
  4. Colds, pimples, boils, and infections go away.

A three-day fast is difficult to withstand, it can bring benefits and serious harm:

  • dry skin appears;
  • dizziness;
  • lips are cracked;
  • performance decreases;
  • sleep is disturbed.

Before dry fasting, you need to weigh the pros and cons. It is recommended to carry out practices under the supervision of a doctor, to be prepared - to know how to enter and exit correctly so as not to harm the body.

Preparing for a 72 hour fast

Before you start fasting for 2-3 days, it is advisable to try the one-day method. For beginners, the first procedure should last no more than a day.

In preparation for a three-day fast:

  • a week before starting a raw food diet - you can only eat raw plant foods and drink water;
  • Minimize the amount of food consumed per day;
  • Spend more time outdoors and do light exercise.

With the right preparatory stage, it will be easier to postpone the three days. The main thing is to be prepared for unpleasant sensations (weakness, irritability), weight loss.

It is important to monitor your condition, if during the process of preparation or fasting there are changes in your health - dizziness, nausea, pain, you should abandon the practice.

The process of water fasting

Fasting on water accelerates the removal of toxins, renewal of the body and has a visible effect on a person. Compared to dry, it is gentle and can last from 1 day to several months.

Pulse therapy is effective - a weekly refusal of food for 1 day, for several months. The method improves immunity, increases energy resources, and has a positive effect on intestinal microflora.

A long course helps improve brain function, cleanse toxins, gain energy, and increase performance. During fasting, unpleasant manifestations of cleansing the body may occur: the skin becomes drier, odor appears from the mouth and body, and physical ailments occur.

They enter into practice in the same way as with dry fasting - give up heavy food for a few days: exclude sweets, flour products, meat, alcohol.

The way out of a 3-day water fast has differences:

  • on the first day, introduce freshly squeezed juices; do an enema;
  • on the second day, you can gradually eat grated vegetables and fruits (excluding carrots, oranges), add oatmeal;
  • from day 7 you can gradually include familiar dishes in your diet.

During the fasting period, you need to drink a lot of distilled water. For a long procedure (more than 3 days), it is allowed to add honey and lemon juice, which will help remove toxins from the body.


Exit from a three-day dry fast. designed for 3 days, should be gradual. It is necessary to finish at the same time at which you started (morning, evening).

You should return to your usual diet and lifestyle in stages:

  • At first, you can take water superficially (wash your face, brush your teeth);
  • chew one apple (but do not swallow);
  • start drinking boiled water in small sips;
  • then drink a fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt), freshly squeezed juice;
  • after 10-12 hours you can eat fruit in small quantities;
  • Then you can drink warm broth.

For the first few days after leaving, it is recommended to follow a diet - eat protein foods and drink boiled water. You cannot eat raw foods, salt, sugar. After a week, fresh fruits, soups, and salads are introduced into the diet. Further nutrition should include a gentle menu with a gradual return to the usual as appetite returns. Introduce heavy foods (meat, flour products) into the diet only after 1-2 months.

Results of 3 day dry fasting

Three-day fasting is known for a variety of healing effects, including:

According to practitioners, the procedure provides a powerful healing effect, especially on the female body. There are cases where women managed to get rid of adhesions and become pregnant.

The opportunity to lose extra pounds and look younger is attractive. This result is influenced by cell renewal - the condition of the skin improves.

The longer the fast lasts, the stronger the therapeutic result. For prevention and renewal of the body, you can refuse food for one day. For intensive cleansing - two to three days, and for solving serious health problems, four days or more of abstinence from food are suitable.

According to experts, it is possible to practice fasting for longer than one day at home only under the supervision of a doctor.

) the main goal is weight loss. But there are methods that place the medical effect at the forefront, and slimness becomes a natural sign of a healthy and healed body. As paradoxical as it sounds, such “diets” also include dry fasting.

What is dry fasting?

The essence of dry fasting is in its name: with this weight loss method you cannot eat anything, neither food nor water, any food is only spiritual. Moreover, there are two main varieties:

  • Complete (simply classic) fasting.

With such a diet, you can only look at food and water and rejoice, but not come into contact with them - in any form. This means no shower, no brushing your teeth, no washing your hands, if your family tries to force you to wash the dishes - only wear gloves. It is this type that underlies all popular superfasting techniques.

  • Partial.

This dry diet is simpler and less reminiscent of medieval asceticism. You still can’t eat or drink, but you can shower, do hot rubdowns and brush your teeth – as much as you like.

Living without a warm shower is not for the faint of heart, but this technique is not designed to drive you crazy. Beginners are advised to hold out for 1-3 days; anything longer is long-term dry fasting for the riskiest guys. The classic option is 5 days, the maximum is 11-14.

Hunger for sick cells

For those who have mastered dry fasting, the results are not just weight loss, but also getting rid of old ailments. When the body stops receiving food, it begins to look for it inside, and this, oddly enough, can become a true salvation.

First, the body takes water - with a lack of fluid, viruses and harmful bacteria stop multiplying, and inflammation resolves. Then next in line are fats and protein, which a wise body extracts from those tissues that are least important. As a result, edema, tumors, purulent wounds, and even sclerotic plaques gradually evaporate. Dry fasting can be an excellent remedy for colds, concussions, and the consequences of injuries.

Absolute fasting for medical purposes began to be practiced not so long ago - about 25 years ago, but advanced doctors boldly offer it to patients with a variety of diagnoses:

  • infectious inflammation, bronchitis, asthma, prostatitis;
  • benign tumors;
  • trophic ulcers and skin problems: psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, etc.;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, from chronic constipation to ulcers.

When embarking on the thorny path of the world's most ascetic diet, you need to be realistic: only long-term dry fasting brings appropriate results. A slight runny nose may disappear in one day, but some purulent boil will evaporate only after several conscious days of fasting.

What do you eat it with?

A legitimate question may arise here: what kind of menu can there be during complete fasting? Forget about food and drinks - this is the only recipe. But it's not that simple.

The dry diet consists of three stages: preparation (entry), direct fasting and exit from it. Both doctors and practicing supporters of fasting therapy assure: preparation is even more important than the second stage, and the exit is the most difficult thing; one mistake and you will not only destroy all the results, but also earn new sores.

You need to prepare for dry fasting 2-3 weeks in advance, or even better – a month in advance. Everything that is most dangerous and delicious is strictly prohibited: coffee, sweets, fatty and smoked foods. Bad habits - alcohol and cigarettes - a firm “no!”

What you can do:

  • porridges of all kinds and;
  • low-fat sour milk and;
  • lean fish and poultry;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms and honey.

3-4 days before fasting you will have to become a convinced vegan - only fruits and vegetables, fresh juices and a lot of water.

  1. There is one small but vital secret - you need to start fasting and end it at the same time; a retreat of even 5 minutes can be harmful. Ideal hours are 18.00-18.30, before this you can eat 1-2 fruits and drink water. And here it is - a completely new stage of your life. Dry fasting takes a heavy toll on the psyche (still, 1-3-5 days without rich borscht, aromatic apples and your favorite mineral water!), so make this time as pleasant as possible. Walk more, read good books, watch old comedies. And no political news!
  2. A few days - and the long-awaited evening arrives. After dry fasting, the first thing the body needs is liquid. Drink a glass of cold boiled water, later you can have diluted juice, at 10 pm - a light broth from chicken or fish.

The next morning you can start with yogurt and focus on proteins - if hunger is very unbearable. But usually there is no craving for food, even when dry fasting is completed - the diaries of fasting people often talk about this:

“Day four, morning after breaking fast. In the morning I made diluted orange juice, and the same for lunch. I drink water, I don’t feel like eating at all.”

“Dry” techniques from specialists

The dry diet has not yet been fully studied, and although the Internet can offer you many treatment programs of various authors, today only one is patented and officially recognized in the world - dry fasting according to Shchennikov, or “Healing Abstinence”.

The method is based on complete fasting for a period of 5-7-11 days, and the most important thing is a peaceful mood and bright thoughts. Fasting follows the classic pattern of “enter - don’t eat anything - exit”, but there is a super idea - a special daily routine. Leonid Shchennikov assures: sleeping at night during dry fasting is nonsense, you need to structure your day like this: we get up at 10 am, walk for 3 hours, then work until 15.00, work with the doctor until 18.00. We sleep until 22.00, then the most active period begins, when you need to work, create and be the most active. At 6 in the morning we go to bed until 10 - and everything is all over again.

Another popular, but not fully tested technique is Lavrova cascade fasting. The doctor assures that the ideal period for which one should refuse food is 5 days; during this time the body manages to merge with nature and heals itself.

“Cascade along the Lavrova River” assumes a gradual approach: “1 day of hunger – 1 day of eating” in a circle, as long as you can endure it, “2 days of hunger – 2 days of eating” and so on in an increasing manner until 5 days.

Dry fasting – reviews and results

Many doctors are supporters of intermittent fasting, but they all assure that at home you can only do a dry fast for 1-3 days, anything longer is under the supervision of a doctor.

Ordinary people also agree with them; they often practice one-day dry fasting - reviews say that the effect is immediate:

“I periodically fast for one day at a time, the results are visible immediately - the body is cleansed, the tummy is tightened, the skin brightens and becomes less oily. And the most important thing is that self-esteem immediately increases!”

However, there are also real extreme sports enthusiasts: for those who decided to dry fast for 5 days, the results are even more noticeable:

“In 5 days I lost 5 kg, my skin was noticeably fresher, my periods were painless, not like before. And most importantly, a great mood, pure thoughts, and even the taste of food has changed.”

Interestingly, many agree with Shchennikov - when you are fasting, you want to create around the clock:

“Already on the second day, in the evening, I felt an unrealistic productivity - I wrote my thesis until 3, got up at 9, full of energy, I want to go for a walk and read a lot!”

Forum members also warn about the main danger of long-term fasting - an acidotic crisis, when on the 2-3rd day toxins enter the blood and the condition sharply worsens:

“The cleansing crisis can last 1-2 days. The main thing is not to go out of hunger, but to wait for improvement, otherwise the toxins will not go out with the blood and lymph, but will get back into the organs.”

Dry fasting is a rather radical method: it is unlikely to be able to turn you from a chubby girl into a slender nymph, but it can cleanse the body and lift your spirits. Start small - give up junk food, fast for half a day, then one day, and if the result inspires you, feel free to move on.


    I've been doing SG for over ten years. I want to share my experience. I’ll start with the fact that I don’t quite understand people who expertly describe how to enter correctly, namely, for almost a month, sit on vegetables with fruits and enemas, don’t drink or smoke, don’t drink coffee and alcohol. Yes, that's certainly true. But, comrades. Let’s imagine a situation where a person is looking for ways to improve their health, solve problems with health, weight, and is looking for alternatives. What will he think when he reads your advice? Yes, the greater half will not read to the end and will look for something else. Your own and not only experience. I am 37 years old. I can’t say that I am a person who leads a healthy lifestyle, drank (I quit completely about a year ago for my own reasons), smokes with varying degrees of success, eats everything from the store, that is, mostly not expensive and therefore harmful. Once again, for more than ten years I have been regularly practicing SG to cleanse the body and improve health, to remove toxins and salts, cleanse blood vessels, liver, and other aspects. Hunger strike - 7 days, mostly in an apartment, without access to lakes and waters, without gurus and mentors. I made the entrance in 4-5 hours, without any preparation at all, I poured 1.5 tablespoons of salt into a 3-liter jar of water, drank it, everything came out in the toilet, drank some tea, took a shower, and voila - the entrance was completed. Be horrified, often the day before I ate fatty and unhealthy foods and smoked. And nothing, the hunger strike goes like everyone else’s, the effects are the same. Over the years, the body has gotten so used to it that it tells you when “it’s time.” The first crisis is already after the first day, the bile comes out on the sixth day. The vessels are cleaned with a bang, the hemoglobin level was measured twice after the hunger strike. The figure of 168 shocked the therapist, as did the sugar level. Yes, this is a knock against the “experts” who do not advise people with diabetes to fast. It’s not just that they can’t do it, they absolutely need it, since SG not only removes sugar in the blood, it restores its functions in the body and the diabetic ceases to be a diabetic! How do I know this? I am a former diabetic, hypertensive, I had chronic bronchitis, I had a kidney defect (I had stones, I forget now). And I fast, at least once a year, for seven days, in an apartment, with entry at 4-5 o’clock, without mentors and observers, no one leads me by the hand or persuades me to complete the planned days. I started not with 1-2-3 days, but with five. The second time is also five. Then 6-7, no less. The mother is 70 years old and can survive in the same apartment for 5-6 days. By the way, such “flowers” ​​as bronchial asthma, goiter, inflammation of the thyroid gland, hypertension, heart disease disappeared from her “bouquet”, namely, the fourth valve was restored. As for the output - water, juice, kefir, eggs, broths. Water and juices - 10-12 hours. Kefir and broths, eggs and slowly solid food already on the first day, since the body primarily needs protein. The main thing is not to overload the stomach, slowly, without fatty, fried and spices, AND! Do not overload with fiber (raw fruits and vegetables in solid form, except for bananas, you can), otherwise digestion is restored very quickly, you have more than enough strength and energy and you are a hero for your carcass. So once again, to the comrades who from the SG, with their advice for the majority of ordinary sinful people, are doing something unattainable, well, stop scaring the people. Yes, you may be right, and it’s better to fast with a month’s preparation, in a house by a lake, river, or at least a pond far from cluttered cities, with support in the form of specialists, and the exit can also be stretched out for a month, etc., etc., but let’s be realistic , not everyone has access to this, both in terms of time and capabilities. And with your advice you only scare away, not help. I claim that a 7-day dry fast with all its effects can be completed in 8 days with preparation and exit. This is many years of personal experience, the experience of my friend, who brought me to SG, my mother and friend’s brother. By the way, after cleansing with a 7-day fast, then it is quite enough to carry out 3-4 day fasts every 2-3 months, even while working. This is enough to support the body and prevent diseases. Something like this. To all beginners and tryouts - good luck and health!

    Second dry day, normal flight)

    • Basic hunger is dry with preparation.
      I do not recommend doing such fasting if you have kidney or pancreatic stones, removed appendicitis, diabetes mellitus, or various tumors. For all these sorrows, there are other hunger programs; you need to find your “guru” who will correctly prepare you for hunger.

      Day 1 - light low-fat food - evening enema at 9 o'clock.
      Day 2 - at 6 am magnesium - 1 gram per 1 kg of weight. - the effect of magnesia occurs at different times for everyone - for me it all ends at 8-9 am. After magnesia, 2-3 enemas (a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of soda per 2 liters). After each enema, a glass of hot water. During the day, any amount of freshly squeezed juices without pulp (without sugar) and water. Dietary fiber should not be included, otherwise during dry hunger there will be intestinal peristalsis and then it will be more difficult to withstand it. at 21:00 the beginning of dry hunger.
      Day 3 - dry fasting, it is better to reduce contact of the skin and mucous membranes with water to the maximum, so as not to confuse the body. Be sure to move. An ideal leisurely walk of 6-10 km. Some use a bath, massage, carefully, watch out for dizziness. If you enter into fasting correctly with cleaning, there should be no taste in your mouth; your lips and skin may dry out more than usual. The lack of water is not replenished from feces, so it is the cleansing of cells and lymph.
      Day 4 Leave at 8:30 ... drink 1.5 liters of quality water (regular - not mineral water). Drink at a comfortable rate, not too fast and not too slow. After water, 3 enemas of 2 liters (a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of soda). After each enema, a glass of hot water, but not boiling water. During the day, juices without pulp and water - any quantity. Juices are predominantly citrus - for alkalization. Any dietary fiber on this day will lead to the start of bowel function. If you drank a smoothie at 12... you couldn’t stand it, your intestines will actively turn on and you will really want to eat. There is no point in tormenting yourself further with hunger, you can start eating. Be careful - the first time you eat, I advise you to eat empty buckwheat. For me it’s day 5 in the morning. I weigh 60 kg. I lose 3 kg for hunger. 1 kg. returns within a day or two. Fat disappears in the most unexpected places - for example, around the knees, under the chin.

      My opinion is this - during dry hunger
      1) the body eats up all foreign proteins, thereby cleansing the lymph, blood vessels, and cells.
      2) during dry hunger, the body extracts water from fats, breaking them down into water, energy (glucose) and toxins. Therefore, there is no weakness during hunger, but the process must be started by movement (for example, walking). When splitting, toxins appear - so preparation and release are required.

      I'm not a fanatic, I use fasting once every 1.5-2 months. According to this scheme, a friend of mine at the age of 56 got rid of headaches on the 6th weekly fast (in a row). I lost 17 kg of weight in 3 months (with constant visits to the massage therapist). But this is an extreme option. Personally, I am not a supporter of extreme sports.

      Please do not criticize me - this is purely my subjective opinion and experience, I do not have a medical education, I am generally a healthy person with a very balanced diet.

      I decided to try dry fasting, I endured 36 hours with ease, I was even surprised myself, I got a complete buzz even though I’m 57 years old, I lost 1.9 kg.

      I’ve been fasting for one day, I had a headache in the evening and in the morning it hurts to pee, I don’t know why, but in the morning I was minus 1.2 kg
      I don’t want to drink, let alone eat

      Hello, wonderful, wise, kind people!!! exactly kind ones, because reading your letters you made me want to write a little about my experience of both dry and wet fasting. From birth I suffered from a skin disease, exacerbations were constant, at the age of 13 in the 90s, doctors did not know what to do with me, they tried everything, including hormones, but the condition worsened, my immunity fell, they harmed my entire body. I looked very scary, there wasn’t a single clean spot on me, and all this was accompanied by terrible itching, pain, and swelling. I didn’t really study at school; I was incapable of studying. my school years were the most terrible and painful years of my life. I was preparing for death. but I had a dream where I was told to undergo cleansing by fasting. and I did it!!! I fasted for 15 days, then 28 days, then 7 dry days throughout my life. Plus, I noticed that half of Russia is passionate about winter swimming. In short, I boosted my immunity. On the 4th day of fasting, all the bleeding wounds began to heal and the swelling subsided, and I also lost all the extra pounds that I had gained with hormones and antibiotics. Now I feel great and at 39 years old I look 25, I’m not bragging, that’s what they tell me. I would also like to add that in addition to the wonderful results from hunger, the potential of wonderful knowledge is revealed in a person; in short, everything given from above awakens. It is very important for me to be needed by myself, friends, people, it is important when I can lift my spirits and bring a smile, it is important when they wait and love me. Fasting, especially dry fasting, helps my development and gives me happiness.

      I went on a dry fast for 9 days in February 2017. I was under observation, there were 7 people in the group. Without contact with water, i.e. You cannot wash your face or brush your teeth. Everything went unexpectedly easily, I lost 16 kg. But there was no preparation at the entrance, exit in 1 day. The feeling is great, I really want more, but I can’t stop myself

      I fasted for 36 hours. The acne began to go away.
      A week later I managed only 24 hours - my head hurt and my neck near the skull hurt, like an old hypertensive patient (I’m 31). Tomorrow I want 36 hours again. And so once a week, every week.
      The condition of the skin is significantly better, there is more energy, the brain works differently (there is no confusion in the head when expressing thoughts). People began to intuitively feel good towards me.
      To each his own: for some, 36 hours is enough to clean, for others, 3 days, and for others, 5-10 days (I think it depends on age and slagging). What am I talking about? Why wouldn’t young skinny people give up their ambitions for 5-10 days?

      I decided to go hungry for many reasons... So I came to the doctor - before entering his office I had to pay 1,700 rubles to enter... I paid... The “doctor” listened to my “history”, picked up the phone, called someone and said: “Valentina Ivanovna , I found such a cool client for you, I’ll send him to you, don’t forget about me there...”
      She was probably “confused” by my $3,000 watch...
      Comrades, when going to the hospital, dress in trash!
      I went to another doctor to treat my ear - I caught a cold in the cold... He inserted a cotton swab into me, charged 40 dollars for it... I asked: - Doctor, is that all? Will the ear heal now? And he, therefore, answers me: “Nooo! You must come to me every day and I will change the cotton wool in your ear every day for 40 dollars...

      These are just two stories... and I just have a sea of ​​them, a sea of ​​stories about doctors who “know everything”, “can do everything” - but for some reason doctors, according to statistics, live shorter than other people... Maybe because they are specialists in diseases, but not for health reasons?

      Water fasting - when you only drink water - is a very difficult process... I found Dry on the Internet... I decided to check it out... Test it, so to speak, on frogs (on myself) and then tell people if the frog does not die...

      Days 1 - 3 - it’s easy not to drink or eat... Day 4 let’s go... in the morning - I had a dream that I was eating raspberries... such a colorful one, good sleep, the raspberries are aromatic, burgundy, juicy, the juice is red, thick, sweet... I eat this I and SUDDENLY - I think, what have I done, I’m in a bind...
      I wanted to spit it out, but I woke up and was glad that it was a dream... And I was honored to write all this because of the plums that the girl above dreamed about...
      Today is the fifth day... I opened the window wide, it’s snowing in St. Petersburg, I’m not cold at all, something happened to the receptors, or something - I don’t feel the cold... But the state is very comfortable... there’s lightness in the body... the weight has gone off all this time 91 to 83 kilograms...

      I thought, maybe it’s time to go out... Well, never mind, I’ll be there until the bitter end... what do I mean: There is something that hurts, and so, every day the pain gets weaker...

      Why do you mislead people with a small amount of lies sprinkled into the beautiful divine process of cleansing the body and spirit of man??? Under no circumstances should you break fast on chicken broth; it contains a huge amount of cadaveric poisons! This is a drink of death, prepared from the corpse of an animal, during life, in addition, stuffed with antibiotics and other dangerous substances! On the first day, only a plant-based diet: lean salads, fruits and maximum porridge, without any milk, cottage cheese and other products that feed the vital activity of worms and mushrooms. Just as you went into fasting for several days on a vegan diet, you need to go out! And then decide for yourself whether your body, cleansed of cholesterol (contained in belly fat), needs products that supply it again: meat, fish, dairy products and much more. If you want your body to work like a clock, do not put sticks in the wheel, do not eat animal corpses. And switch to our specific food: fruits, vegetables, greens!!! AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY!