The abstract was completed by: 10th grade student “A” Vasilyeva N.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Secondary school No. 34.


“Social progress and changes of periods occur in proportion to the progress of women towards freedom, and the decline of the social order occurs in proportion to the decrease in women’s freedom.”

François Marie Charles Fourier (1808)

On the role of women in modern society.

No human society can develop harmoniously, moving towards a higher state, if the role of women is diminished in it and the ratio of two complementary principles - male and female - is not balanced, because the position of women, like a litmus test, reveals the actual degree of civilization of a particular social or religious community , and also unmistakably reflects the degree of commitment of its members to the principles of humanism, equality and mercy. As is known, in pre-Islamic times, women were the property of men and their position was little better than the fate of domestic animals: for example, widows were then just part of the common inheritance and the heir himself decided whether to marry them, or simply sell them, well Bedouin Arabs generally considered the birth of a girl a great misfortune and often either sacrificed these unfortunate people to their imaginary pagan “deities” or simply buried them alive in the sand so as not to spend money on education. Moreover, such brutal cruelty towards the female sex was observed almost everywhere in those distant times. But today we see with our own eyes how many women have an inquisitive and clear mind, as well as very high business and moral qualities, while some modern men, on the contrary, sink to the most helpless and humiliating state.

It is well known that European women received the legal right to manage their own property in marriage only in the second half of the 19th century, while Islam, almost fifteen centuries ago, openly proclaimed the complete financial independence of a woman and endowed her with the inalienable right to manage her own values, have her own personal business and sign the necessary financial documents for this. However, despite this, we know that in some backward countries women are still in a difficult situation, oppressed and humiliated, but we must understand that this is not at all connected with the wise institutions of Islam, but, on the contrary, with dense ignorance, disdain for his religious commandments and fundamental principles on the part of the men there, who, due to this sad circumstance, are, from the point of view of Sharia, not true Muslims at all, but hard-hearted barbarians. Unlike some foreign countries, where women are relegated to a humiliating and dependent position, the role of women in our society continues to increase every year and our women - free, proud, talented and beautiful - not only successfully cope with their direct responsibilities, but also try compete with the stronger sex in traditionally male fields of activity, although this, of course, is not always good. I am deeply convinced that it is women who are mothers and women workers who should be given special honor in our country, so the state needs to solve the problem of their comprehensive and effective support once and for all. Over time, our country should generally become for the whole world an example of a humane and caring attitude towards issues of motherhood and childhood, an example of equal rights for men and women in all spheres of society without exception.

How often do men, being convinced that this world is in our care, do not remember that we ourselves are in the care of women from birth to our last breath; we often forget that in addition to the main load at work, they life also carries on its fragile shoulders the grueling burden of our everyday life, and yet most men, being assigned to everyday household duties, in all likelihood would very quickly stretch out their legs. It’s a joke, of course, but I personally have no doubt that in everyday life our women are much more resilient than men, and in addition they are much more sensitive and of course much kinder, therefore, probably, if women still ruled the world, then in the world there would be much fewer wars, because only those who give life by the will of the Almighty know for certain its real price. It is gratifying that our women are trying to solve their problems together, that they have a sense of unity to protect their interests, and therefore it is the duty of men to help them in this important and necessary matter, since women’s problems, for a number of quite objective reasons, cannot be resolved alone women. In general, our entire society must constantly take care of the woman-mother, the woman-worker, which requires a whole range of socio-economic, scientific, technical and spiritual-moral measures, which, in turn, will enable our women to gain a comprehensive sense of social security and fully demonstrate your business and creative activity. I am sincerely pleased with the increasing activation of women's business and entrepreneurship, the promotion of women in commercial firms and government bodies, however, in this matter it is also necessary to provide them with full support, creating the necessary preconditions to prevent their advancement up the career ladder. due to the execution of all kinds of extra-official assignments and obscene claims on the part of male managers.

Today, the women of our country have created numerous public organizations and foundations, all kinds of charity events, marathons and festivals are regularly held, however, we still have a lot to do for them in this important area. In particular, I am deeply convinced of the need to carry out further comprehensive scientific research on women's issues, strengthening the social and legal protection of the family and its moral potential, developing social infrastructure, a system of professional rehabilitation and retraining of female personnel, and, of course, much, much more. But there is also such a thing as

Social discrimination against women is the restriction or deprivation of rights based on gender in all spheres of society: labor, socio-economic, political, spiritual, family and everyday life. Social discrimination leads to a decrease in a woman’s social status and is a form of violence against her personality, and, therefore, a threat to her safety.

The view of a woman as an inferior being was reflected in the theological and philosophical works of the ancient world. Socrates expressed the feeling of primitively crude male superiority over a woman in the following words: “Three things can be considered happiness: that you are not a wild animal, that you are a Greek and not a barbarian, and that you are a man and not a woman.”

The question arises: what are the limits of gender equality, can it be complete? The essence of the idea of ​​equality of men and women, their equal opportunities, is that in terms of their intellectual and physical potential, a woman is in no way inferior to a man. For her, there are no fundamentally closed, inaccessible areas of mental and physical labor. No law should prohibit a woman from engaging in this or that business or mastering this or that profession. Her sacred right is complete freedom of personal choice of types and forms of activity for her self-realization. This formulation of the question, of course, does not mean that the physiological characteristics of women cannot limit their professional responsibilities. Hence the conclusion follows that gender equality, while not absolute, can be quite complete and comprehensive. And now a little history of our country:

In the first years after the Great October Socialist Revolution, the main direction of movement towards equality between men and women went through the economic liberation of women, the establishment of legal equality in family and labor relations, and the creation of a system of benefits for working women. The Soviet state abolished previous legislation that enshrined discrimination against women, granted her equal rights with men, and opened access to education. The state has recognized its responsibility to care for motherhood and childhood. In December 1917, a special department for the protection of motherhood and infancy was created. At the end of 1917 and the beginning of 1918, a number of decrees were adopted aimed at protecting the labor of women. It was prohibited to use female labor in underground and some other heavy work, on night shifts, and overtime. The Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies dated December 22, 1917 introduced a cash benefit for childbirth in the amount of full earnings for 8 weeks before childbirth and 8 weeks after childbirth. The same decree provided that a worker during the period of feeding a child could be paid an allowance in the amount of one quarter to half of her earnings for 9 months after childbirth. Subsequently, a significant number of regulations were also adopted on the work of women and on the benefits provided to them during motherhood.

Since then, our country has made significant progress in ensuring legal and de facto equality between women and men.

However, with the increasing involvement of women in social production and the development of new industries related, in particular, to the use of chemicals, negative trends and contradictions began to appear.

Already in the 60s, experts drew attention to the decline in the birth rate in the country, the excessive workload of women in the national economy and in everyday life and, as a consequence, the deterioration in the health of women themselves and new generations. An increase in the number of divorces and an increase in child neglect began to be considered a specific women's problem.

group of 11th grade students

The research project is devoted to the problem of the position of women in modern society and public opinion about the equality of women.



Municipal educational institution

Zarechenskaya secondary school

Sobinsky district, Vladimir region

Research topic


11th grade students

Manibaeva Kristina,

Burmistrova Anna

Scientific director

Lisova S.V.

Zarechnoye village 2011

1.Introduction p. 3

2. Purpose of the study p.3

3. Research objectives p.3

4. Research hypothesis. p.3

5. Literature review. p.4

6. Research methodology p.23

7.Research results p.23

8. Conclusions and comments. p.24

9. Conclusion. p.24

10. List of references. p.25

11. Applications. p.27


No human society can develop harmoniously, moving towards a higher state, if the role of women is diminished in it and the ratio of two complementary principles - male and female - is not balanced, because the position of women, like a litmus test, reveals the actual degree of civilization of a particular social or religious community , and also unmistakably reflects the degree of commitment of its members to the principles of humanism, equality and mercy.

Despite the formal equality of women and men, in many cases active action is necessary to ensure the proclaimed equality in reality. Particular attention to the social and economic role of women during periods of fundamental change is not only important in itself for humanitarian reasons, but also an indispensable condition for achieving sustainable development and increasing well-being in society.

2. Purpose of the study:
Studying public opinion on the position of women in modern society

3. Research objectives:

  1. 1. Conduct a theoretical review of the scientific literature on the problem.
  2. 2. Select methods for studying public opinion
  3. 3. Conduct an analysis of the sociological research.
  4. 4. Identify the influence of gender stereotypes on public opinion about the social role of women in society.

4.Literature review

Pre-revolutionary period

Russia 19th century in comparison with European countries, it was considered a rather patriarchal country, like, in fact, most other agrarian societies. The reasons for this were the influence of eastern cultures since the time of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the dominant orthodox Orthodox religion, and the imperial nature of the state, forced to constantly fight. As capitalist relations emerged, the women's issue also appeared on the agenda; such publications appeared already at the beginning of the 19th century. [cm. eg 76, 82]. The works of many Russian historians, philosophers and writers emphasize the important role of Russian women in maintaining spirituality and transmitting moral values, and there are calls to grant women equal rights with men. (Recall that some rights were first granted to women by the zemstvo reform of 1864). The famous historian N.I. Kostomarov openly ridicules the cruel treatment of women in everyday life. N.G. Chernyshevsky analyzes works of art and, in particular, draws a conclusion about the dominance of the image of a weak-willed, indecisive, infantile Russian male intellectual:<...ребенок мужеского пола, вырастая, делается существом мужского пола средних, а потом пожилых лет, но мужчиною он не становится, или, по крайней мере, не становится мужчиною благородного характера> . <Каким верным, сильным, проницательным умом одарена женщина от природы!... История человечества пошла бы в десять раз быстрее, если бы ум этот не был опровергаем и убиваем, а действовал бы>, he notes in the novel<Что делать?>. <В ней заключена одна наша огромная надежда, залог нашего обновления, - пишет Ф.М.Достоевский в 1884 г. - Восхождение русской женщины в последние двадцать лет оказалось несомненным... Русский человек (i.e. male) in these last decades, he terribly succumbed to the depravity of acquisitions, cynicism, and materialism; the woman remained much more faithful to the pure worship of the idea, to the service of the idea. ... I see, however, the shortcomings of the modern woman, and the main one is her extreme dependence on the actual male ideas, the ability to take them at their word and believe in them without control>. Problems of gender within the framework of religious and philosophical thought of the early 20th century. presented by N. Berdyaev, further developing the thesis of Vl. Solovyova about Eternal Femininity. The author emphasizes:<...женщина не ниже мужчины, она по меньшей мере равна ему, а то и выше его, призвание женщины велико, но в женском, женственном, а не в мужеском>. <Не амазонкой, обоготворяющей женское начало как высшее и конкурирующее с началом мужским, должна войти женщина в новый мир, не бесполой посредственностью, лишенной своей индивидуальности, и не самкой, обладающей силой рода, а конкретным образом Вечной Женственности, призванной соединить мужественную силу с Божеством> .

Thus, the position of many Russian thinkers was quite progressive - not to infringe on the civil rights of women, but also not to level out subcultural sexual differences, no matter in whatever sphere they manifest themselves - family, clan or social, since these differences are equivalent.

A number of studies from the late 19th to early 20th centuries. devoted to the social aspects of gender. Psychologists are trying to understand the nature of mental sexual differences, medical and sociological aspects of sexual relations are analyzed. Works of folk art are specially studied from the point of view of cultural stereotypes about men and women. Later, trends in women’s labor in the factory industry are studied and, in particular, a conclusion is drawn about the increase in female labor not only in<женских>, but also in<мужских>industries, for example, metallurgy. There are many scientific and journalistic works directly devoted to women's issues. The purpose of Russian women in the family and society, the implementation of their political rights in local self-government, the achievements and problems associated with obtaining higher education, their ability for creative work are actively discussed. Much attention is paid to understanding the women's movement for equality, to the historical analysis of the reasons for the subordinate position of women in their speeches and publications by Russian sociologist V.M. Khvostov.

A book by the Austrian scientist Otto Weininger, translated into Russian at the beginning of the century, sparked heated discussions.<Пол и характер>. The main subject of disagreement is not so much the idea of ​​bisexuality (androgyny) formulated by O. Weininger, but rather his tendency to interpret<женское>as base and unworthy, and the success of women in the social sphere is only a result of their having a larger share<мужского>. This idea received virtually no support in Russia. A. Bely writes about this:<...взгляд на женщину как на существо, лишенное творчества, критики не выдерживает. Женщина творит мужчину не только актом физического рождения, женщина творит мужчину и актом рождения в нем духовности>. Another commentary argues that, on the contrary, since it is women who embody spiritual and moral qualities, it is fair that they should be given the right to dominate the family and society. Although<матриархат>in due time and<сдался>, but he<оставил нам надежду на восторжествование в культурно-нравственные времена> .

A number of feminists during this period, as S.I. Golod notes, became<осуществлять свою цель на суженном плацдарме: любовь, семья, дети>. These trends in the discussion of the women's question, along with Marxist ideas about the economic independence of women, formed the basis of post-revolutionary discussions about sexual freedom and the need for extinction<буржуазной>family as the main brake on the emancipation and development of a woman’s personality.

Thus, on the eve of the revolution, many feminist movements (even if we take the purely revolutionary ones out of the equation), as well as scientific reflection on the women's issue, were quite fruitful and created the prerequisites for the formulation of various, including feminist, concepts for the sociological study of gender. After the revolution, the ideological option for studying the position of women in society became the main one, which for some time and within certain limits did not exclude discussions.

3. Discussions of the 20s

Soviet Russia was the first state in the world to proclaim in the 1918 Constitution. legal equality of men and women in all spheres of social life. During these years, debates raged on the pages of the revolutionary press about the role of women in the family and the new society, about freedom of sexual relations. The views of public figures and ordinary party members of those years, sometimes contradictory and changing over time, are covered in detail, in particular, in the works of E.B. Gruzdeva, S.I. Goloda, V.Z. Rogovina, Z.A. Yankova. From a modern perspective, the essence of most of these views is quite progressive (the Marxist and socialist schools of feminism, later widespread in the West, relied heavily on the views of the classics of Marxism). So, V.I. Lenin emphasized the difference between the already established legal equality and the actual one, noting that the latter would require considerable time and would be resolved as the social economy was created:<...речь идет не о том, чтобы уравнять женщину в производительности труда, размере труда, длительности его, в условиях труда и т.д., а речь идет о том, чтобы женщина не была угнетена ее хозяйственным положением в отличие от мужчины> .

As is known, in the ideological, socio-economic and cultural conditions of Russia at that time, these views received a very unique embodiment. Few empirical studies were conducted during this period. Moreover, the problems of sexual relationships among young people, who were supposed to act as bearers of a new morality, turned out to be more attractive to sociologists [see. eg 20]. These studies were stopped already in the early 30s, when post-revolutionary liberalism began to be limited (prohibition of homosexuality, restrictions on abortion), followed by the adoption of legislative measures aimed at social intervention in family life and stimulation of the birth rate (1944).

Until the beginning of the 60s. no research is being done. Social policy, including regarding women, was dictated exclusively by state interests: industrialization, work in the rear, post-war economic reconstruction, population reproduction to compensate for human losses, etc. The totalitarian state actually needed not free women, but asexual<товарищах>- obedient cogs, suppressed (regardless of gender) by the ruling elite. Term<равноправие>rarely used, since it was declared that<женский вопрос>legally resolved (although in reality it was generally absurd to talk about human rights in a totalitarian state).

As a methodological principle, social scientists more often use the principle<социальное равенство полов>, which was fully consistent with the ideology of the state, focused on all kinds of unification (bringing together the way of life of city and countryside, mental and physical workers, different ethnic cultures, etc.). As L. Polyakov notes,<стремление тоталитарной власти подавить любую спонтанную дифференциацию в обществе закономерно привело к культивированию бесполости, отразившейся в клише "советский человек". И если в этом идеологическом "гермафродите" еще различимы какие-то признаки женского пола, то словосочетание "советский мужчина" уже на грани абсурда (что, скорее, говорит об ужасающей реальности этого феномена)> .

And in subsequent periods, the methodology for researching women's issues to a large extent, especially within the framework of scientific communism, reflected the emphasis in state ideology, which, in turn, was determined by the socio-economic context of the country's development. Based on state needs, priorities regarding women’s roles also changed (<общественница>, <труженица>, <мать>).

4. 60-80s: surge in research into women’s professional and family roles

Already in the first sociological studies that appeared in the late 50s - early 60s. great importance is attached to socio-gender aspects, special attention is paid to the analysis of women's problems. This circumstance was not least associated with a significant increase in the number of women working outside the home, V comparison with the pre-war period, which was due to the need to restore the economy and significant losses of the male population during the years of war and repression. According to the 1959 census, women made up 47% of the total number of workers and employees, and in the RSFSR - 50%. Note that if in the West, research on women’s issues arises on the basis of feminist movements, which reflected, in particular, a protest against the division of sex roles (baby boom period, a significant proportion of middle-class families with a traditional distribution of roles in conditions of economic stability), then in the USSR, research Women's problems appear in a completely different historical context - almost full employment of women along with participation in public ideological events, the need to combine professional and family roles in conditions of post-war poverty and underdevelopment of the service sector, significant gender disproportion, etc.

Analysis of socio-gender aspects.Within the framework of the emerging sociology of labor, the collective works of Leningrad sociologists under the leadership of V.A. Yadov analyzed the dynamics of the attitude of young workers to work, and identified the reasons for the insignificant proportion of women among leading engineers. Thus, it was found that men often achieved high positions based on seniority or<за брюки>, women - exclusively through hard work, i.e. in fact, it was about discrimination against women. The study of the structure of free time and time budgets made it possible to identify disproportions in the workload on men and women in various spheres of life. Within the framework of the sociology of personality, great attention is paid to socio-gender aspects by I.S. Kon, who subsequently devoted many works to ethnocultural aspects of gender, the socialization of boys and girls, as well as social problems of sexuality. When analyzing the process of reproduction of the socio-professional structure in connection with the study of the professional orientation of young people, Estonian sociologists M. Titma and P. Kenkmann raise an important methodological question about the need to determine the status of the family, taking into account the social position of the mother, and not just the father, as was customary at that time time in Western sociology. The gender variable, along with others (age, class - workers, peasants, intelligentsia, city - village) was widely used in the analysis of lifestyle from the point of view of the need for it<сближения у разных социальных групп в условиях социализма>.

The most clear analysis of socio-gender differences was presented within the framework of the sociology of the family. Many authors use the terminology of interactionism when analyzing group aspects and structural functionalism for institutional analysis. But let us emphasize that, for example, the theory of T. Parsons and R. Bales about the natural differentiation of male (instrumental) and female (expressive) roles in the family was not itself used in the interpretation. On the contrary, in the works<семенников>The need for a fair distribution of labor in the family and society is constantly emphasized. To some extent, the concept of liberal feminism in matters relating to the family is also reflected in the scientific literature, for example, since the late 70s, the works of J. Bernard, A. Michel, etc. have been often cited.

Already in the study of A.L. Pimenova, carried out in the mid-60s, the specifics of male and female roles in the family and professional sphere were considered. On the basis of the problem laboratory of the Belarusian State University, connections between factors of family and non-family behavior, on the one hand, and assessments of their marriage in men and women, on the other, were analyzed. Z.A. Yankova, using the methodology of the Dutch scientist G. Kooi, studies cultural stereotypes of masculinity and femininity. In the Institute of Social Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, on the basis of an international study of families with teenage children, conducted in the early 80s, the following are analyzed: the opinions of wives and husbands regarding their wives’ work outside the home, the characteristics of male and female behavior in the family and attitudes regarding marital and parental roles, socio-gender characteristics of behavior in situations of conflict in connection with marital satisfaction, some aspects of the socialization of boys and girls, etc. For example, M.Yu. Harutyunyan concludes that<"традиционная концепция семейной жизни" трансформируется не только в эгалитарную, но и в "эксплуататорскую", когда женам дается право на равное с мужчинами участие в общественном труде наряду с исключительным правом на домашнюю работу>. TA. Gurko shows that women are overloaded not only with housework, but also with responsibility - the proportion of families where wives were the leaders is significant, and the proportion of those where they were husbands is small. (One of the aphorisms of the Soviet era:<муж как чемодан без ручки - и нести тяжело и бросить жалко>). L.V. Yasnaya emphasizes that for highly educated women the problem of lack of free time to satisfy cultural needs is acute, so they are not as successful in combining work and family spheres compared to less educated ones. M.S. Matskovsky notes that girls are much more often involved by their parents in housework than boys, which inevitably affects the distribution of marital roles in the future. Later, the following are analyzed: differences in the expectations of brides and grooms, young spouses, the specifics of attitudes towards the pre-divorce situation, reactions to divorce and orientation towards remarriage in men and women. S.I. Golod analyzes the values ​​of marriage and the specifics of marital satisfaction of men and women at various stages of the life cycle. The reader can judge the extent to which socio-gender aspects are represented in other branches of sociology by reading other chapters of this monograph.

Study of social problems of women.Since the 1960s, there has been a surge in research specifically focused on the analysis of women's issues. One of these directions - the combination of production and family roles of women - also originates within the framework of the sociology of family and everyday life. In Moscow, G.A. Slesarev and Z.A. Yankova began working at the Institute for Concrete Social Research, researching the labor motives of female workers at industrial enterprises. In Leningrad, A.G. Kharchev and S.I. Golod, as part of a joint Soviet-Polish study, studied the motives of professional activity of low- and medium-skilled workers, job satisfaction and their fulfillment of family roles. The book prepared based on the materials of this research remained popular for a long time not only among scientists in the USSR, but was translated into 6 languages. (Although, as S.I. Golod himself noted later, this<исследование содержало существенный изъян - профессиональные и семейные роли женщин изучались изолированно от соответствующих ролей мужчин>). Somewhat later, Z.A. Yankova conducted research at a confectionery factory in Moscow and a watch factory in Penza and came to the conclusion about the connection between labor motives, on the one hand, and the level of qualifications and education of women, on the other.

A wide range of research issues related to work and family was demonstrated by the inter-republican symposium of sociologists, held in Minsk, at BSU in 1969. A number of reports were devoted to the peculiarities of the combination of roles of certain professional categories of women - scientists, teachers, collective farmers, as well as in various ethnocultural regions , for example, in Udmurdia, Kyrgyzstan.

In 1972, the XII international seminar was held in Moscow, the main theme of which was changing the position of women in society and the family. In the speeches of Soviet scientists, it is often emphasized that wives are forced to bear a double burden in the conditions of an undeveloped sphere of consumer services and the self-removal of most husbands from the responsibilities of housekeeping and raising children. In the report by R.G. Gurova, the results of a study of the value orientations of girls who graduated from high school in 1969 are compared with the orientations of graduates of the Krasnodar gymnasium, analyzed by P.N. Kolotinsky in 1913 and 1916. Author's conclusions: in contrast to high school students, whose favorite mottos were:<Пользоваться всеми удовольствими юности>, <Быть честной>, <Жить для радости>- graduates of the 60s were focused primarily on social ideals and goals:<Один за всех, все за одного>, <Служить отчизне>, <Приносить пользу и счастье людям>. The author's contemporaries also had a wider choice of desired professions, including such as scientist, doctor, teacher, engineer, while, for example, one of the high school students wrote "<Женщина все-таки должна быть женщиной, она должна вести хозяйство и воспитывать детей. А что же будет тогда, когда женщина станет профессором или ученым или что-нибудь в этом роде?> .

Another direction, developing in parallel, is the analysis of the socio-economic aspects of women's employment - represented by the works of economists, sociologists and demographers. Most of the research in this area was carried out at industrial enterprises; the target was either only female workers, or male and female staff. Ural sociologists under the leadership of L.N. Kogan in the mid-60s. Based on a study conducted at 9 heavy industry enterprises in the Urals, we analyzed the disproportions in the employment of female workers in manual labor compared to men, their lag in skill levels, a significant discrepancy between the level of education and qualifications, and the reasons for their lower social status. Methodologically, the formulated principle is important<равенства возможностей лиц обоего пола всесторонне развивать свою индивидуальность и наиболее полно удовлетворять материальные и духовные потребности>. When studying the family well-being and quality of life of the population of Taganrog, carried out in several stages since 1968, N.M. Rimashevskaya analyzes the social inequality of women in the sphere of work, family and health. In Moldova, socio-economic problems of women's employment in large cities are studied by N.M. Shishkan. In Minsk, under the leadership of Z.M. Yuk, in 1971, a study was conducted at a tractor plant to study the problems of women engaged in manual labor, trends in advanced training, occupational morbidity, social activity and<общественно-политической сознательности>. The work carried out on the basis of the State Labor Committee of the RSFSR is devoted to the problem of the low level of mechanization and qualification of women's labor, and the reasons for women working in hazardous industries. Subsequently, women's employment is constantly in the focus of attention of specialists. Ethno-regional specifics and the peculiarities of the problems of female workers in certain industries are studied, special attention is paid to the employment of mothers with young children and large families, as well as women with limited ability to work. A number of works devoted to various aspects of women’s labor were carried out on the basis of special research at the Higher School of the Trade Union Movement of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions [see, for example, 99].

In the late 70s - early 80s. At the official policy level, attention to women's family roles is increasing. The state's need to strengthen the family due to a decrease in the birth rate and a decline in the quality characteristics of the population was reflected in decisions to expand benefits for working mothers. Probably, the new emphasis was also due to economic factors - the need for female labor decreased somewhat compared to the post-war period. Even in works devoted to the employment and social efficiency of women’s work, significant place is beginning to be given to the fulfillment of family roles. The authors, in particular, state the contradiction between women’s work and the performance of maternal functions, emphasizing the increasing demands of society on the quality of women’s performance of both functions against the backdrop of a slow improvement in their working and living conditions. In essence, we are talking about the same contradiction that is described during this period<семенники>, with the only difference being that some look at it from the perspective of the efficiency of women’s labor, while others look at it from the perspective of family well-being. Thus, Z.A. Yankova emphasizes:<К сожалению, исследование проблемы формирования личности женщины, как правило, ограничивается только изучением ее профессиональных и социально-политических ролей. Семейно-бытовые роли женщины квалифицируются обычно как пережиточные, мешающие этому процессу и противопоставляются другим ее ролям>. The study of the combination and mutual influence of various roles of women continued in the future.

Another direction of analysis was concentrated within the framework of philosophical issues: historical materialism and scientific communism. The focus is on the problems of developing a woman’s personality, increasing her social activity and changing her lifestyle. One of the first books, prepared at the Department of Scientific Communism of the AON under the Central Committee of the CPSU (later a lot of attention was paid to women's problems), summarizes statistical data and research conducted by that time, and also proposes specific ways to improve social policy towards women. Within the framework of the same direction, class characteristics are also studied (naturally, in the context that was ideologically approved): the peculiarities of the situation of women workers in rural areas and urban workers. The works, carried out on the basis of the Institute of Mathematics and Mathematics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, examine the historical and sociological aspects of changes in the work and life of female workers during the years of Soviet power, and analyze the results of a study conducted in Taganrog. In dissertations, special attention is paid to the ethnocultural and regional specifics of women's problems. Thus, using the example of Kabardino-Balkaria, using various sociological methods (observation, interviews, document analysis and questionnaires), the clash of women's social activity with Muslim Sharia traditions is examined. The value orientations of Uzbek men and women, their job satisfaction and differences in lifestyle are studied. In the late 80s, similar issues were highlighted using the example of other Islamic cultures - Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, where, as is known, the practice of resolving the women's issue is different. But the ideological orientation to<унификацию>It also created methodological problems, not allowing us to fully grasp the ethnocultural specificity and contradictions of this process.

The main conclusion of the work is the lower socio-professional status of women, a significant gap in the level of education, on the one hand, and socio-professional status, on the other, their removal from the sphere of management. Moreover, these problems were usually explained by the inequality of women in everyday life. Macro-social reasons were practically not touched upon. It would have been easier, for example, to declare work in hazardous industries<женской проблемой>(despite the fact that there were just as many men working there) and trying to solve it for decades without success, rather than recognizing that many industries are simply not modernized. There were also few cultural interpretations, for example, the reasons for the conservatism of the consciousness of recent rural residents were not analyzed (which was qualified as pre-revolutionary remnants), and in general, methodologically, the Soviet person was considered as a product of current (i.e., ideologically given) social circumstances. Of course, the researchers did not touch upon the sphere of political institutions both because of the ideological prohibition and because, with the exception of the highest level (where, in fact, important political decisions were made - the CPSU Central Committee, the Council of Ministers) the representation of women corresponded to the established quota - about 50% in local Soviets and 36% - in the Supreme Councils of the republics and the USSR.

Since the late 60s. the number of works at the intersection of demography and sociology increases, and later a new direction is formed - the sociology of fertility, which pays a lot of attention to women's problems from the point of view of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of population reproduction.

Several works were carried out within the framework of the history of philosophy and sociology.

5. New emphasis in studies of the perestroika period

In the mid-80s, in official politics and scientific works, the concept of the eternal women's problem: home - work is revised, the achievements of the Soviet period in solving<женского вопроса>, although still on the platform<социалистического проекта>, the pluralism of scientists’ positions is articulated. The discussions were stimulated by the low quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the population, the disorganization of family life (which, of course, was the result of many factors, but qualified as<женская проблема>), as well as the transition to a new economic policy. Within the framework of family sociology, the question of the need to provide women with choice between professional activity (including expanded opportunities for part-time work) and devoting oneself to family and motherhood. This was already a rollback from the Marxist idea of ​​women’s economic independence and the established opinion in Soviet society that a non-working woman, even if she is a mother, is<тунеядкой>and certainly<сидит>Houses. A.G. Kharchev emphasized:<Самой важной для судеб страны и социализма формой творческого труда женщин является труд материнский>, which subsequently caused objections from feminist-oriented authors. Based on the concept<женского выбора>For example, a study was conducted at enterprises and institutions in Moscow in 1985; Y.P.Te and I.G. Zhiritskaya conclude that for a significant category of women, family values ​​are of priority importance, and work outside the home is forced and does not allow, among other things, to realize their reproductive intentions. At the same time, it is emphasized that for work-oriented women,<должны быть созданы все условия, исключающие необходимость менять любимую профессию или бросать работу, отказываться от продвижения по службе ради детей и домашнего хозяйства> .

An active discussion is taking place around scientifically based recommendations in the field of social policy. N.K. Zakharova, A.I. Posadskaya and N.M. Rimashevskaya formulate the principle of egalitarianism (or equality of opportunity) as opposed to the patriarchal concept, which, according to the authors, spread in the era of glasnost among a number of demographers, economists and journalists.

Disagreements in the positions of specialists are natural - these are different emphases on the interconnected continuum: individual - family - society when assessing the required degree of women's employment. The authors agree on the severity of women's problems, but they see the strategy and goals of solving them differently. Feminist-oriented scientists proceed from the priority<полифункциональности>personality development of both women and men. A number of sociologists believe that in conditions of lag<индустриализации быта>and the low quality of institutions for extra-family socialization, the double burden on women negatively affects population reproduction. According to economists, women’s problems of working outside the home can only be solved in the context<технического перевооружения и коренного улучшения организации работы для всех категорий трудящихся, а не только женщин>. It seemed appropriate to reduce production time by paying from public funds.

Later, under new conditions, these positions were preserved. The authors of one build their argument<от противного>: <двойную нагрузку>everyday and even scientific consciousness begins to mythologize, turning it into a stereotype<сверхэмансипи-рованности>women. A return to patriarchal traditions, in their opinion, will lead to<будет возрастать экономическая зависимость женщин от дохода мужа>, <уменьшится и так незначительное время мужа, направленное на участие в семейной жизни в связи с необходимостью дополнительного заработка>, <усилится процесс "маскулинизации"" сферы принятия решений на всех уровнях>, <получит развитие процесс феминизации бедности как следствие преобладания женщин среди низкооплачиваемых, безработных, малообеспеченных>. According to A.I. Antonov:<В обществе резко усилились радикально-феминистские взгляды и настроения, возбуждающие агрессивность женщин против мужчин, жен против мужей, что, по сути, явилось продолжением официальной советско-большевистской идеологии антисемейности, разрушения "мелкого" домашнего хозяйства, "домостроевщины-патриархальщины"> .

As part of the study of women's employment, both previous analysis approaches are used<сочетания работы и материнства>with an emphasis on government opportunities to mitigate this contradiction, as well as new interpretations of social inequality based on gender in this area. The specifics of women's professional training, the social protection of women working in harmful, dangerous and heavy industries, the possibility of promoting them to leadership positions, and health indicators depending on gender in different professional groups are analyzed.

A significant place in empirical research is given to the analysis of gender-role ideas. M.S. Matskovsky explains the growth of pro-family sentiments by the persistence of stereotypes both among men and women themselves. The author's analysis of marriage advertisements, for example, showed that women offer themselves rather as<домашней работницы>, not a potential spouse. Studying sociocultural images<женщина> - <мужчина>, <работник> - <работница>And<муж> - <жена>(cohort study) is devoted to the work of A.V. Mytil. She concludes about<несовместимости образа семьянина с образом работника>among women and men. E.V. Foteeva shows the divergence of ideas between men and women about<хорошем муже>with their relative consistency in relation to<хорошей жены>, which is explained by the slow transformation of the male role in the family. There is also greater commitment<двойному стандарту>in the sphere of sexual relations of men rather than women, workers rather than the intelligentsia, the ideas of boys and girls of premarital age, young spouses about behavior in the family, as well as the nature of the presentation of female and male roles in the leading media are analyzed. M.Yu.Arugyunyan and O.M Zdravomyslova, including using qualitative analysis methods, study family images among adolescents in the context of gender socialization. In the ethno-regional context, M.G. Pankratova pays special attention to the problems of rural women.

Many monographs and special articles rethink the Soviet experience<решения женского вопроса>. Although some authors emphasize the achievements of socialism, especially in previously socio-economically backward regions of the USSR, the majority focus on the groundlessness of this ideology, but again from different positions. This is natural, since Soviet society was a society of double morality and, to some extent, double social reality. L.T. Shineleva, in particular, notes:<... у нас в стране, по существу, две идеологии в отношении статуса женщин в обществе. Одна - в нормативных документах, законодательных актах, другая - в жизни>. Some authors, following feminist theory, qualify the Soviet period as<социалистический патриархат>. O.A. Voronina, applying the theory of patriarchy to the conditions of Soviet reality, comes to the conclusion that<советский тоталитаризм - это апофеоз реализации традиционного маскулинистского "права патриарха">, and it is noted that<отчуждение индивидуальных "мужских" прав на женщину в пользу государства не только не способствует редукции патриархатных принципов социального устройства, но и - выводя на уровень макрополитики - усиливает их>. Later, the analysis of the gender aspect of Soviet history is carried out using the biographical method (the founder of the direction is the French scientist D. Berto). M.M. Malysheva emphasizes the difference<женской советской истории>And<качественной глубины>her experiences by men and women. E.Yu. Meshcherkina analyzes the sociocultural mechanisms that, through socialization, make the archetypes of male identity work in the process<стереотипного воспроизведения мужской идентичности>. The author, in particular, comes to the conclusion that<при всей специфике отечественных стереотипов маскулинности существуют какие-то инварианты, социально-константные механизмы воспроизводства сексизма на личностном и институциональном уровнях> .

6. Early 90s: themes and approaches, the emergence of gender centers

The transition to market relations not only exposed the old ones, but also led to the emergence of new women's problems. Since the early 90s, interest in gender issues has been growing. In 1991, on the basis of the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population of the State Committee for Labor and the Academy of Sciences, with the direct assistance of the director of this institute N.M. Rimashevskaya, the Moscow Center for Gender Research was formed, among the scientific tasks of which is the understanding of the experience of the Western feminist tradition. If at first the center’s activity was mainly focused on the socio-economic aspects of employment in the new conditions, later the topics and methodology of research expanded. At the Institute of Ethnography and Anthropology, there is a group of ethnic-gender problems; attention is paid to women’s issues at the Department of Sociology at the Russian Academy of Management, and their study continues at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In St. Petersburg, interdisciplinary women's and gender studies are carried out in different departments - on the basis of the Faculty of Sociology, the Center for the Integration of Women's Studies and the Research Institute of Social Sciences of St. Petersburg State University, at the Center for Independent Sociological Research, in St. Petersburg. branch of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Special attention is paid to gender and women's issues in the sociological faculties of regional universities and new educational and research structures.

In the early 90s. There is an expansion of the traditional subject area of ​​​​the study of women's problems, which reflected the specifics of new realities. Within the framework of political sociology, this is the activity of women in the political sphere and the characteristics of the female electorate, analysis of women's movements.<Ситуации, сложившейся в России в перестроечный и постперестроечный периоды, - отмечает Г.Г.Силласте, - присуще противоречие между теорией и практикой демократизации общества, предусматривающими предоставление женщинам России широких политических свобод, реальную (а не словесную, формальную) ликвидацию дискриминации по полу во всех сферах общественной жизни - с одной стороны, и целенаправленным отчуждением женщин от политики, от власти, от участия в принятии политических решений и ответственности за их осуществление - с другой>. Special studies are devoted to the characteristics of the female political and economic elite. For example, it is shown that one of the reasons influencing the participation of women deputies in politics is<отношение к этой деятельности со стороны прежде всего мужей, а также других членов семьи>. The participation of women in the field of management and the specifics of managing a women's team are specially considered. Analyzed<социогендерная>problems within the sociology of law. S.I.-Golod and I.S.Kon make an attempt to link the biosocial problems of gender and study the social aspects of sexual behavior. The problem of the need to study sexual harassment at work and spousal violence is raised. In principle, it is possible to single out studies within the framework of military sociology that reflect the specifics of the social problems of men.

Within the framework of the sociology of family and demography, the object of special attention is women raising children without a husband, the problems of single men and women are analyzed<активного брачного возраста>(unfortunately, not comparative), social aspects of mortality of men and women, women's migration abroad. The complex of problems of relationships between men and women in marriage, after divorce, as well as women’s work outside the home is considered on the basis of Soviet-American research. E.A. Zdravomyslova explores, in fact, a new phenomenon for Russia - the problems of women who have become housewives. Much attention is still paid to socio-gender aspects in works devoted to socialization and parenthood. S.I. Golod undertook an analysis of stereotypes of masculinity - femininity: ideas about the need for the participation of men and women in the professional and educational sphere, as well as the characteristics of their spiritual life. The author, in particular, concludes that<отходе в конце XX столетия от традиционных представлений или, скажем аккуратнее, от единомыслия. Вульгарный штамп общественного транспорта: "Мужчина, не ведите себя как женщина" - устарел> .

The socio-economic approach continues to develop, which places emphasis on the problems of women’s behavior in the labor market and social policy in the field of women’s employment. The situation of rural women in connection with agrarian reform is examined separately, new aspects caused by the transition to market relations are considered - unemployment, women's entrepreneurship and participation in new economic structures, and the gender aspect of social mobility is analyzed.

Ethnocultural studies study, in particular, women's spiritual culture, traditions and customs of the Russian and other peoples of Russia from the point of view of the characteristics of socio-gender relations in a historical perspective, stereotypes<мужского>And<женского>. A number of works were carried out at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where interest in the ethnocultural characteristics of socio-sexual relations has existed for a long time. In the works of I.S. Kona pays a lot of attention to the theoretical aspects of the sociology of gender, taking into account the cross-cultural analysis of foreign and domestic historical and ethnographic data in the broad aspect of the socio-cultural characteristics of personality formation, M G Kotovskaya and N V Shalygina, using the focus group method, show that an important role in the formation of value The orientation of female students of humanities faculties in Moscow is played by the behavior patterns of a Western woman, while the majority of young men would not like to see their wife emancipated and, in particular, to marry a foreigner.

In the early 90s, a new methodology was identified in the analysis of women's problems - cultural. This direction took shape in Western postmodernism and involves, in particular, an analysis of not only the sphere of social consciousness - cultural ideas, stereotypes, but above all the mechanisms and sources of their formation. The gender approach within the framework of cultural studies was first designated by O.A. Voronina and T.A. Klimenkova. They note that in order to overcome the system of established gender roles<нельзя ограничиваться только юридическими и социально-экономическими мероприятиями. Сегодня очевидно, что гораздо более серьезного внимания заслуживает преодоление дискриминации женщин и традиционной идеологии в области культуры>. Subsequently, the methodology of postmodern feminism, in particular, which puts forward the thesis about the patriarchy of the technogenic culture of modernity, is used in a number of monographs to analyze modern Russian reality. This area includes works that apply a gender approach to the analysis of the media and preschool children's literature.

Note that the interpretations and results of studying the social aspects of gender from the positions of different authors, in particular feminist ones, do not always coincide. This is understandable. The picture of Russian reality in the transition period is very varied, combines elements of old and new and does not lend itself to a single measurement.

7. Prospects for the development of research on social problems of gender

If we keep in mind the Russian sociological traditions, there is hope that the analysis of socio-sexual specifics, including the gender approach, will eventually receive wider development in all branches and areas of sociological knowledge, and will not be confined only to gender centers. Based on such information, it will be possible to more deeply judge the nature of socio-sexual transformations and their causes. Actually, the readers themselves, after reading this book, can conclude in which modern branches of sociology the analysis of the social aspects of gender is emphasized, and in which it is absent altogether. Just one example - there are practically no results on the specifics of the activities of men and women in various branches of science (including in sociology itself), and not only from the point of view of the dynamics of their status positions, degrees and titles, but from the point of view of the style of work, characteristics scientific products, etc.

One of the important directions in the future is a more thorough study of issues related to the epistemological and sociocultural foundations of feminist orientation in Russian conditions. The fact that social relationships between the sexes are determined by cultural, historical and ethnocultural factors means that the conceptual framework and interpretation of research conducted in Russia must take into account its characteristics. Analysis of the specifics of Russian conditions does not consist in searching for some unique path of development of socio-sexual relations - this is impossible to the same extent as deviation from the general civilizational path of development (with all its pros and cons). We are talking only about the uniqueness of the present period. In Russian conditions, in the near historical future, it is impossible to repeat on a global scale something close to the unification of sexual differences - this experiment, carried out in the most difficult conditions of the country<лагерного социализма>, is still very much alive in the memory of generations and is associated with all the negative experiences of the Soviet stage in general (including the efforts of party committees and local committees to<защите женских интересов>). As, for example, L. Polyakov notes, in the post-Soviet situation<феминистское сознание невозможно как реакция на "мачизм" и "мужской шовинизм"... Не борьба с избытком мужского начала и его доминированием в культуре, а, скорее, восстановление мужского через культивирование отчетливо женского могло бы стать его наиболее насущной целью>. T.A. Marchenko notes<евразийскую>feature of Russia not so much by geographical location,<сколько по смешению культур народов, ее населяющих... Женщины здесь, как правило, берут принятие решений на себя, но далеко не всегда заседают в президиуме, исполняя скорее роль "серого кардинала">. Works devoted to employment and social policy also emphasize the specificity of socio-economic conditions. Modern Russian society is simultaneously agricultural, industrial, and post-industrial, which affects all spheres of social life. In order for women themselves to strive to work outside the home, not solely because of poverty and hopelessness, it is necessary to create not only a sphere of public services, but also decent jobs (as for men), i.e. those conditions that would contribute to the progress of women's emancipation and professional self-realization. In multinational Russia, it is extremely important to take into account ethnocultural specifics. How will the revival of previous traditions in new conditions affect the development of a woman’s personality and social equality? Will the return to these traditions be only temporary (understood as a regression in modern Western terminology) or a stable stage, suggesting a qualitatively different socio-gender structure? New trends should probably be taken into account, in particular, the dominance of an aggressive type of masculinity and pseudo-masculinity in the context of criminalization of society. And in this sense, the emergence of feminist movements in Russia is very timely.

What are the epistemological origins of sociocultural concepts of gender relations? This problem has been posed, but not yet understood. It must be emphasized that practically no scientific ideas arose on Russian soil that would belittle<женское>, and even Western theories of this kind did not receive active support (see above). Even a cursory glance at the nature of regional women's movements shows that many of them are focused around the problems of motherhood and families and are not yet aimed at combating patriarchy.

Answers to a number of fundamental questions within the framework of the egalitarian orientation of Western feminism have not yet been found. Is every socio-gender asymmetry unfair? Does egalitarianism imply equality of opportunity or equality of outcome? Doesn't the growth of the personal principle lead to an attempt to assign to each of the sexes only the advantages of the other and to refuse any obligations?

In the analysis of social problems of gender, the biopsychosocial approach is also very productive. Its use is initiated by biologists and anthropologists and is discussed in some works. In the West there is a strong biopsychosocial movement, particularly regarding issues of gender. We are not talking about a linear biodeterminism of sex roles, but about a complex mutual influence, including the social on the biological (for example, how does a change in the functions of women and men in society affect their biological and psychological characteristics, those that existed in conditions of a strict division of labor) . Assessing the role of the biological and social in human development is far from clear conclusions.

One of the problems is interdisciplinarity, which involves studying gender issues from the perspective of different disciplines. Now, perhaps due to growing pains, sometimes under the banner of interdisciplinarity there is a discarding of<традиционного>knowledge accumulated within specific disciplines, which is fraught<открытием азбучных истин>, but on a different methodological platform.

A special problem is methodology<женских>And<мужских>research. If the sample is formed exclusively from representatives of one sex, then the interpretation of specifics, for example, the special behavior of women in politics or business, looks very unconvincing. Often this specificity is explained by certain psychological characteristics of women (for example, conservatism or emotional instability) or men (initiative, assertiveness - quite feminine qualities in Soviet culture), which are more likely to correspond to<сексистским>stereotypes, and is not confirmed by the results of psychological research conducted within Russian culture. N.A. Chelysheva notes that when comparing the male and female parts of the research sample, it is necessary not only to adapt the methodological apparatus for these parts, but also to ensure their representativeness. It is also necessary to equalize samples and take into account other stratification parameters - nationality, age, class, etc., those that are especially relevant to modern Russian society.

The conceptual problem is also acute, which is often emphasized in works in connection with With <адаптацией>gender approach.<Проблема методологии и понятийного аппарата стоит в связи с великим и могучим русским языком. Мы практически имеем очень многослойный образный язык, и в данной ситуации отсутствуют социолингвистические исследования, которые посвящены переводу не только с языка мужского на женский, но и с английского на русский> .

In conditions of sociocultural differentiation and the relativity of knowledge, feminist orientation in sociology will take its rightful place, but at least within the framework of academic science, without claiming universality of explanation and understanding. Probably, over time, the demarcation of different directions of feminism in Russian conditions will be more clearly articulated, not so much in terms of the subject of study, but rather in terms of the initial theoretical premises. Currently:<Для нас вопрос о том, что такое тендерное исследование - это пока весьма открытый вопрос> .

Russian society is gradually developing from<узкого>type of cultural socialization to<широкому>, which presupposes variability and diversity at all levels of socialization, and as a consequence - the individualization of life styles, including the spread of different models of socio-sexual relations. But this cultural transformation, in turn, will be determined by socio-economic (modernization of the economy, etc.) and political (development of democratic institutions) conditions. The study of the social aspects of gender becomes important in the context of problems of stereotyping, which complicates the possibility of self-disclosure and making life choices. In the organizational structure of the sociological community, gender research will certainly develop, including through projects supported by foreign foundations, which often give preference to women scientists and highlight women's issues as a priority.

3 . Research methodology

1. Sociological survey to identify public opinion of the local society on the social role of women (see Appendix No. 1).

2. Comparison of the obtained data with the data of a similar sociological survey in Russia.

Research results

  1. Absolutely all women teachers indicated that the main role of a woman is family,
  2. Among young people, both boys and girls, only 30-33% consider family to be the main purpose of a woman,
  1. Opinions on equal opportunities for professional growth are significantly divided; women and girls are convinced that the chances are equal (80 and 70%, respectively,
  2. Among young men, only 30% agree with equal chances for men and women in career growth.

Opinions about the possibility of getting a well-paid job were distributed differently:

  1. Boys and girls were approximately equally divided in their opinions on this issue,
  2. Teachers are 100% confident in the priority of men;
  1. A fairly small group of respondents believes that a woman’s work has a negative impact on the family (20% of teachers and 10% of young people)
  2. Both female teachers and girls do not believe that a woman’s work can have a negative impact on children; among boys, 10% believe that it can.
  1. Almost all female teachers indicated that they would like to see a man as their leader;
  2. Among boys and girls, 30-33% are ready to see a woman as a leader, 60-64% preferred a man.


  1. The results of the survey showed that absolutely all women teachers indicated that the main role of women is family. Moreover, on average in Russia among the women surveyed (67%) there are almost 2 times more than among men (32%) who disagree with the “natural ”, a traditional view of the purpose of a woman.
  2. An interesting fact is that opinions about career growth and getting a well-paid job were divided among women and boys exactly the opposite; the reason for these discrepancies may be gender stereotypes (i.e., ideas about “typical” male and female behavior);
  1. The majority of respondents believe that a woman’s work does not have a negative impact on the family and children, which is confirmed by socio-psychological research data;
  2. The vast majority of working women indicated that they would like to see a man as their boss (which is quite consistent with the data on the main role of women). Women teachers demonstrate a desire to obey and be the “weak half”, however, they primarily implement (according to socio-psychological research) the opposite style of behavior - authoritarian and dominant.


  1. The position of women in society is a kind of barometer, sensitively responding to demographic, economic, environmental and political changes occurring in society. In recent decades, significant progress has been made in limiting gender-discriminatory practices. There has been an increase in women's educational attainment, the widespread and inclusive involvement of women in work outside the home, and their increasing participation in all stages of policy-making and decision-making, which is perceived differently across generations. Girls turned out to be the most emancipated, boys are noticeably influenced by gender stereotypes, female teachers are the most conservative (which runs counter to the average data for Russia regarding women with higher education - 13% of women do not agree with the traditional role of women)


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We ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire.

You need to highlight the option that

matches your opinion.


1. Your gender:

Male - Female

2. Your age:

15-20 years - 21-30 years - 31-45 years - 46-57 years -58 years and older

3. Your current marital status:

I am married - I am in a civil marriage - I am not married

4. What is your level of education?

Primary - Secondary - Secondary special

Higher education - I'm in high school

5. Do you agree that the main role of a woman in society is connected with her “natural” purpose - family, husband, children.

Yes -No -Difficult to answer

6. Do you think men and women actually have the same chances for professional growth and advancement?

Chances are not equal - Chances are equal - Difficult to answer

7. Is your gender a barrier to career advancement?

Yes - No - Difficult to answer

8. Who would you like to see as a leader?

Man - Woman

9. In your opinion, if a woman works, then this has:

Negative impact on family;

Negative impact on children;

Work does not adversely affect the family or children.

10. Who do you think is easier to get a high-paying job:

Man - Woman

Thank you for your answers and help with the work!

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1. The position of women in modern society

2. Demographic situation

3. Sphere of work

4. Economic independence and security

5. Rights of women workers




The 20th century entered world history not only with grandiose revolutionary events and social upheavals, senseless bloody wars, incalculable losses of human lives and material values, but also caused a huge rise in the creative activity of the masses, in particular women. Of course, 1917, the events of the February and October days, occupies a special place here. They also had a great influence on the application of women's status in the family and society. Regardless of nationality, age and religion, they were recognized as equal citizens; a wide road to knowledge, treasuries of domestic and world culture, participation in production and public life opened before them.

In August 1991, our country entered a new socio-economic formation, recognizing the orientation towards building communism as a dead-end, utopian path. The main goal was to build a democratic society based on a market economy and respect for human rights. “Man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is the duty of the state,” says the second article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Determining the place and role of women in society is one of the most pressing and pressing issues of our time, and the essence and effectiveness of social and legal support for women is especially important. This explains the relevance of the topic I have chosen.

The purpose of the essay is to analyze the social role of women in Russia.

1. The position of women in modern society

The impact of political, economic, social, institutional changes on the position of women, on their role as both objects and participants in social development has always been extremely complex and even contradictory. On the one hand, a woman was placed on a pedestal, her role was seen mainly in creating and maintaining a family home and raising children, but on the other hand, this did not prevent women from being used in hard work and turning a blind eye to the inequality in wages between men and women. As the need for labor increased in the United States, for example, women joined the ranks of wage earners, particularly in the textile industry, one of the first major industrial sectors. And this despite the fact that for a long time a married American woman could not own property, sign contracts in her own name, or even manage her own salary.

It took centuries before the developed countries of Europe and America proclaimed equal rights for citizens regardless of gender. Society began to gradually move away from the rigid binding of certain economic and behavioral norms on the basis of gender, from traditional concepts of the gender-based division of household, parental responsibilities and work activity outside the home. If we look from the perspective of today, fundamental shifts in the position of women are especially often visible, reflecting the convergence of the social and economic roles of men and women. At the same time, the scale and depth of these shifts are extremely different for different cultural and ethnic groups of the population (including those living in the territory of one state) and are very limited for those of them where traditional values ​​determine the strongest differentiation of the roles of men and women. Of the 43 countries (24 developed and 19 developing) for which data are available, none increased their human development index (HDI) after adjusting for gender inequality. The HDI was first introduced in the Human Development Report (1990) and is an integral indicator of three main components - life expectancy, education, and standard of living. This adjustment for inequality between the sexes consists of multiplying the total HDI by an inequality coefficient obtained by averaging the percentages of each component for women relative to the corresponding indicator for men for income, education, and life expectancy. -- Lebedeva L.F. Gender challenges and reality: women's rights and status. //US Economy. -- 1996. No. 6, -- P. 28-43.

Continuing to experience the impact of various, albeit much milder and smoother forms of discrimination, women also faced new challenges in the field of social, economic, environmental and personal security. In recent decades, for them, to a much greater extent than for men, the risk of single parenthood and dependence on government assistance, the need to care for elderly relatives, temporary, part-time and other forms of employment (against their wishes) has increased. With less social security, decreased income security, and lonely, low-income old age.

Along with the problems common to women in developed countries - threats to health, life, restrictions on participation in public life, in Russia in the 90s, women were also faced with the need to adapt to fundamentally new living conditions. The ongoing transformations in the future will open up new opportunities for accelerating the integration of women into the sphere of economics, politics and culture, but they can also serve as a source of aggravation of the conflict between the main roles of a woman: mother, housewife, professional worker, economically independent and freely developed individual.

2. Demographic situation

Numerical superiority is a risk zone. Women make up the majority of the population in almost every country in the world. Their numerical superiority is achieved mainly due to mature and older ages, because For every 100 girls, an average of 104-107 boys are born, and only when the generation reaches the age of 15-20 years does this ratio level out. In older age groups, women, as a rule, outnumber men, and in some subgroups - quite significantly.

The numerical advantage of women is especially noticeable in Russia, where there are 114 women per 100 men, compared with 105 on average in the European Union and North America. Human Development Report.-- 1994, N4. -- P. 190.

In Russia, for more than a hundred years, the number of women has outnumbered the number of men, which became especially noticeable after World War II due to losses among the male population during the war and high male mortality in the post-war period. Only in 1989 did the proportion of women in the Russian population decrease from 56%, but already the 1994 microcensus again recorded a change in the ratio in favor of women, primarily associated with an unprecedentedly sharp increase in peacetime in the already high mortality rate of men. In 1994, the minimum excess of women (50.1-50.5%) was noted in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, among the urban population of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, the rural population of the Buryat and Autonomous Okrug; and the maximum (55.5-55.8%) was among the townspeople of the Novgorod region, the Republic of Mordovia, and among the rural population of the Ryazan region. Main results of the 1994 microcensus. - M., 1994. - P. 23-32.

The numerical superiority of women in Russia begins in the age group of 40-44 years and increases in older age groups, which is primarily due to their higher level of life expectancy, observed everywhere in both industrialized and most developing countries.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the prospect of widowhood and loneliness for Russian women is becoming more and more likely and dramatic, both relative to the previous period and in comparison with other countries. For Russian society as a whole, the widening gender gap in life expectancy entails such unfavorable consequences as an increase in the number of single-parent families headed by women and widows in need of material, psychological support, and special services; and in the longer term - further worsening of the imbalance in the numerical ratio of the sexes, a reduction in the marriage rate and the reproductive potential of the population.

The fundamental difference in the demographic situation of women in Russia is the absolute decline in their life expectancy that has emerged since the late 1980s. Having reached a peak in 1987 (74.6 years), this figure began to decline steadily and in 1994 amounted to only 70.8 years - the lowest level in the last 40 years; The gap in life expectancy between Russia and developed countries continues to widen. If in the middle of the century, in terms of life expectancy for women, Russia was close to the North American region and some Western European countries, then at its end it was on the same level as Saudi Arabia, Holland, and Lebanon.

In Russia, the “ninth wave” of mortality in the 90s also affected women, although to a lesser extent than men. The probability of dying from accidents has become especially high - the mortality rate from these causes is approximately 70 per 100 thousand people, which is more than 2 times higher than the European average. Significant increase in consumption of alcoholic beverages, incl. not meeting the standard, led to an increase in the risk of alcohol poisoning not only among men, but also among women. Only in the period 1989-1993. death as a result of alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis increased among women by 2.6 times.

Of particular concern is the increase in maternal mortality in Russia, the level of which in 1994 amounted, for example, to an average of 52.3 cases per 100 thousand children born, equal to similar indicators in Uruguay and Guatemala.

Change in parental and marital status. In contrast to the Russia-specific trend towards a reduction in life expectancy and an unprecedented rise in mortality, a decline in the birth rate is a phenomenon characteristic of developed countries for more than three decades. In Russia, the steady trend of declining fertility, interrupted by periods of stability, and sometimes disrupted by some rise in the level of births, sharply intensified in the early 90s: the fertility rate (FR) per Russian woman fell to an unprecedentedly low level - 1.39 in 1993. The sharp drop in the birth rate is the result of both general profound shifts in the reproductive behavior of the population, as well as the reaction of Russians to economic destabilization and weakening of social structures in the country. The mass refusal to have children in Russia in the early 90s was a unique way to stop the rapidly declining standard of living of a significant part of the population. The decline in fertility affected Russian women of all fertile age groups.

In recent years, it has spread to the youngest of them - Russian women under 20 years old, for whom the intensity of childbearing has so far been steadily increasing, which has contributed to the rejuvenation of the birth rate in Russia, in contrast to the United States and Western European countries. Reproductive plans of women in the fertile age group of 18-44 years: 24% do not intend to have children at all, 41% intend to have only one child, 31% - two, and only 3.4% - three or more children. Of every four women of this age who have one child, three do not plan to have a second. Main results of the 1994 microcensus. -- P.10.

At the same time, there is an increase in the number of children born out of wedlock. Only in 1990-1994. the share of such children among newborns increased from 12.6 to 19.6%.

The process of decreasing the birth rate and increasing the number of children born out of wedlock goes in parallel with qualitative changes in the institutions of marriage and family, in particular, with the increasing frequency of divorces, postponing marriages, and the development of such forms of relationships as unregistered marriage. In the context of the socio-economic transformation of Russian society, along with a decrease in the marriage rate, there has been a sharp increase in the instability of marriages. As a result, the divorce-to-marriage ratio increased to 63% in 1994 and 76.2% in the first half of 1995.

All these phenomena not only lead to changes in the marital, parental, and family status of women, but also create many problems in modern social culture.

3. Sphere of work

At all stages of historical development, women made their labor contribution to the well-being of the family, community, and nation, but their participation in social production became especially large-scale and all-encompassing in the twentieth century.

Women have become the main source of employment growth in many developed countries. A feature of the growth in employment of American women in the last decade is the rapid increase in the number of married women participating in wage labor.

As for single, widowed and divorced women, due to the need for self-sufficiency in the conditions of increasing competition in the labor market, they are also characterized by increasing activity in both finding and maintaining a job. As a rule, the greatest significance from paid work is experienced by women who, as a result of increasing divorces, out-of-wedlock pregnancies and widowhood, have become heads of single-parent families. It is they who, much more often than other women, are forced to agree to physical labor.

Despite a faster increase in the level of education than among men, the majority of women still experience limited professional opportunities and are employed in traditionally “female” jobs (teachers, junior health workers, etc.), which are usually less paid. Even with a college degree, a woman often earns less than a man who graduated from high school.

The ratio of women's wages to men's wages remains one of the most discriminatory not only in Russia, but also among developed countries (with the exception of Japan). However, an important factor in reducing discrimination against women in wages may be an increase in their educational level, which will entail a strengthening of women’s position in the labor market and will allow them to increasingly invade traditionally “male”, higher-paid spheres.

At the same time, some factors contributing to the growth of employment and strengthening the position of women in the world of work often lead to increased occupational segregation. Thus, the intensive development of the service sector increases the use of women's labor, while simultaneously limiting their activities to a very narrow range of professions. The development of new types of activities, the introduction of new technologies and non-traditional forms of labor organization make it possible to use women’s labor more widely, giving them the opportunity to work at home, part-time, on a flexible schedule. But these same factors, which at first became very attractive for women, very quickly turned into deprivation of social benefits, insurance and other benefits for them, extending to full-time work, and for some - even social isolation.

Like many other global trends, the increase in women’s labor activity, the concentration of women’s employment in the service sector, the formation of a system of “privileges” for working women and some other features specific to women’s labor have acquired a grotesque character in Russia. The massive influx of women into social production in the post-war decades led to a record high level of employment of Russian women compared to other countries: at the beginning it was 84%, and in previous years - 90%. At the same time, an exceptional characteristic of women’s employment in Russia is the extremely high educational level, but this did not serve as an elevator for economic mobility for women. Despite the legally enshrined right to equal pay for equal work, working Russian women occupy a disadvantaged position in terms of wages - their wages are on average more than a third lower than those of men.

Despite bans on the use of female labor in a number of areas considered particularly harmful for medical reasons, Russian women continue to work there, and since the ban applies not only to employment, but also to education and professional training that allows them to work in these specialties, women work here without appropriate training and qualifications and for a lower salary.

Market relations have exposed a previously invisible part of the iceberg of women's labor in Russia with all the costs of overemployment, the discrepancy between the degree of education and the level of pay, concentration on low-skilled jobs, but at the same time, new opportunities have opened up for women of different age groups to use their labor potential. Although the process of transformation in Russia contributed to a stricter differentiation of social and economic roles depending on gender and the revival of calls for patriarchy (“the return of women to their social purpose”) during the 90s, the desire to combine household and family responsibilities with outside work increased among Russian women. Houses.

Thus, despite the particularly difficult situation in which Russian women find themselves, who experience specific difficulties in the world of work, largely replicating global ones, and at the same time forced to adapt to fundamentally new economic and social relations, the orientation of Russian women towards social production is increasing.

4. Economic independence and security

Increasing the economic role of women in society, in the family, in self-sufficiency did not save them from the growing risks of a decrease in real income and the reliability of their sources, social insecurity in the labor market in connection with new forms of employment; from the lack of jobs that correspond to their educational and professional training, from falling into the ranks of the poor, including the working poor. The stability of the economic situation of the female part of the population depends on many variables related to both the weakening of discrimination in society, personal conditions, and employment opportunities, self-employment, entrepreneurship, as well as the degree of development of the social support system.

A growing threat to women's well-being is posed, as an analysis of the dynamics of their income shows, by the increasing frequency of divorces. An additional obstacle to the restoration of material well-being for women who have become economically independent is the segregation of the labor market, which limits the scope of their employment, the duration and, accordingly, wages, as well as the lack (or a long break) of the skills to run their own business. At the same time, in a tragic irony, the older the children left with their mother after divorce, the more expenses they require, and the employment prospects of a divorced woman become more disappointing with age.

Economic instability, as a rule, is characteristic of the vast majority of single-parent families with a woman at the head, formed as a result of divorce, theft, and the birth of illegitimate children.

In the 1990s, women in Russia found themselves in a particularly vulnerable position, as they had always been least protected from poverty. Before the start of economic reforms, pensioners were usually in the most difficult financial situation, among whom there were almost twice as many women; single-parent families with children, 94% of which are headed by women; as well as large families, in a significant part of which the father lived separately, and the main concerns for providing for and raising children fell on the mother.

The reduction (and complete phase-out) of subsidies and the introduction of fees for previously free services have significantly reduced the purchasing power of these categories of the population; and a sharp drop in real incomes, an increase in the gap between pensions and benefits from the subsistence level led to increased impoverishment of women - both elderly and disabled, and young educated working Russians.

Women of retirement age find themselves in no less difficult conditions, especially those who cannot continue working and who have no other source of livelihood other than pensions. We must not forget that pensions received by women, as well as earnings, are on average less than those of men, and a significant proportion of Russian women of retirement age receive a minimum pension. The accelerating decline in the real value of pensions, even the average size of which does not provide minimum standards of living, puts pensioners in an unequal position relative to people of pre-retirement age, whose real incomes are declining somewhat more slowly and who objectively have more opportunities to adapt to the new economic situation. For many women, continuing to work after retirement has become a severe necessity and the main means of maintaining their livelihood.

In recent years, the youngest representatives of the female part of the population have also encountered the missing difficulties of material self-sufficiency. Exactly what do they make up? graduates of schools, vocational technical educational institutions, universities experiencing difficulties in finding employment. However, this category of women has certain hopes for expanding opportunities for economic independence in connection with the development of various forms of entrepreneurship, self-employment, including family and home activities. World experience shows that this field of activity has a great attractive force for women who have not found their place in the labor market.

In my opinion, in the context of increasing risks in the labor market, purely symbolic amounts of pensions and benefits, depreciation of savings, real support for women’s entrepreneurial activity in Russia could not only help more Russian women take advantage of the opportunities that have opened up and improve their socio-economic status, but also would contribute to a more complete implementation of women's knowledge and professional experience throughout society.

5. Women workers' rights

Currently, there is an unlimited number of ways to realize the right to work due to the variety of forms of ownership, the possibility of using one’s entrepreneurial abilities, as well as knowledge and skills in the effective flow of labor relations, depending on the forms and types of property, independently establishing the rules of law, as for norms related to labor protection for women, benefits provided to pregnant women, mothers with children, then these norms are of a general nature and apply regardless of whose ownership the enterprise, organization, institution is located.

A woman who wants to go to work enters into an agreement with an enterprise (employment contract), according to which she undertakes to perform work in a certain specialty, qualification or position, subject to internal labor procedures, and the enterprise, institution, organization undertakes to pay wages to the worker and provide conditions labor provided for by labor legislation, collective agreement or agreement of the parties.

Labor legislation prohibits unreasonable refusal to hire. Refusal to work on the basis of gender, race, nationality or religious affiliation is unacceptable. Refusal to hire for reasons related to pregnancy or breastfeeding is not only prohibited, but also criminally prosecuted.

When entering the workforce, women should be aware that the law has restrictions on admission to certain types of work, both for all workers, regardless of gender, and specifically for women. For example, it is prohibited to employ persons previously convicted of theft, bribery and other acquisitive crimes, unless the conviction is expunged and expired by statute of limitations. In order to prevent nepotism, joint service in the same enterprise, institution or organization of persons who are closely related or related to each other (parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, as well as brothers, sisters, parents and children) is prohibited spouses), if their service is associated with the direct subordination or control of one of them to the other.

Women are not allowed to be hired for underground work, with the exception of management positions, as well as some types of sanitation and consumer services. It is clear that prohibiting women from working in hazardous and difficult jobs is not discrimination. We are talking about protecting health and ensuring that harmful work does not affect new generations.

Women can also perform work related to physical activity - in these cases, women are prohibited from carrying and moving heavy loads that exceed established standards, which, although based on certain medical data, i.e. agreed with the Ministry of Health, cause fair criticism from those who have to perform such work.

The main criterion that the administration should be guided by is the business qualities of the employee, her ability to perform this or that work. In order to check these qualities, a test condition may be established when concluding an employment contract. The trial period, as a rule, should not exceed three months. The probationary period does not include the period of temporary incapacity for work and those days when the employee was absent for a valid reason. When the test results do not satisfy the administration, it has the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee before the expiration of the test period. In this case, dismissal is made without payment of severance pay. the consent of the trade union committee for dismissal is not required. The employee may disagree with the management’s opinion and appeal its decision in court.

An employee can submit a notice of resignation at any time, including while on vacation or during illness.

A woman holding any position has the right, on her own initiative, to terminate her employment relationship by notifying the administration about this. In cases where, after the expiration of the notice period, neither the employee herself insists on dismissal, nor the administration issues an order to terminate the contract, the latter is considered continued (for an indefinite period).

When a woman reaches 55 years of age and if she has the right to a full pension, the administration, with the consent of the employee, can conclude (renew) a fixed-term employment contract with her for a period of up to 2 years. If such an agreement has been concluded, then during its term the administration does not have the right to terminate the employment relationship on the grounds that the employee has reached retirement age.

Sometimes a woman is forced to be absent from work for a long time due to the illness of her child. This reason cannot serve as a basis for her dismissal.

Women's rights in the field of labor relations are not realized on their own, without the participation of officials. Certain representatives of the administration, who are obliged to respect the rights of workers and employees, often violate them intentionally or out of ignorance of the law. An employee must not only know her rights, but also be able to defend them. This means that she must know where, in what order and within what time frame she should apply to protect her violated rights.

The main body for the consideration of labor conflicts, the labor dispute commission (LCC), is organized at every enterprise, institution, and organization.


The status of women is a kind of barometer that is sensitive to demographic, economic, environmental and political changes occurring in society. In recent decades, significant progress has been made in limiting gender-discriminatory practices. While noting the rise in educational attainment, the widespread and inclusive involvement of women in work outside the home, and their increasing participation in all stages of policy-making and decision-making, it must be recognized that, in general, men continue to maintain, although to a lesser extent than before, a superiority of almost for all main indicators of social development. At all stages of the life course, women continue to face challenges and restrictions in one form or another in the areas of employment, non-traditional activities, pensions, as well as an increased risk of poverty as a result of current trends in the labor market and changes in family composition .

Despite the formal equality of women and men, in many cases active action is necessary to ensure the proclaimed equality in reality. Particular attention to the social and economic role of women during periods of fundamental change is not only important in itself for humanitarian reasons, but also an indispensable condition for achieving sustainable development and increasing well-being in society.


1. Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers (office for Official Publication of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1990).

2. Grigoriev S.I. Theory and methodology of social work. -- M., 1994.

3. Lebedeva L.F. Gender challenges and reality: women's rights and status. //US Economy. -- 1996. No. 6.

4. Main results of the 1994 microcensus. -- M., 1994.

5. Sillaste G.G. Sociogender relations during the period of transformation of Russia. //Sociological research. -- 1994. -- No. 3.

6. Toshchenko T.T. Sociology. -- M., 1994.

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Established traditions have determined the modern role played by a woman in the family. The keeper of the hearth is not only taking care of the house, order, food... it is, first of all, creating a harmonious psycho-emotional environment in the family, which goes far beyond the prosaic role of a housewife.

Although the women of our time are very different from their great-great-grandmothers - they are more independent, diversified, organized, the microclimate in the house, the mental well-being of the household and their desire to return there still depend on the woman.

In the upbringing of our ancestors, great importance was attached to the ability to create a warm atmosphere in the home. Girls who were prepared and unprepared for family life were even called differently - Vesta and Bride. Today, for some reason, only the second name has been preserved for girls getting married - Bride. I don’t want to think that this is a hint that modern women have lost this skill.

Society does practically nothing to ensure that a woman becomes a Vesta. Girls at school are not prepared for the role of wife and mother; upbringing is replaced by education, although it is the upbringing of girls that could become the basis on which a later grown-up girl can kindle her hearth. The need for education is obvious, but preparation for what is called the role of women in the family must also take place, given the number of divorces, single-parent families and unhappy marriages.

A woman has to somehow combine household responsibilities, raising children, career growth and keeping the fireplace - often it burns only because someone from the household, running past, throws a twig or two. A woman who knows how in such a situation not to fall too often and not to hurt herself too painfully gets a stable and sometimes even happy family life, career growth and a strong connection with the outside world. Such a woman is at times dissatisfied with the state of affairs, but on other days things go better, and she seems to have time for everything. And then she has a reason to be proud of herself.

The role of a woman in a modern family has many faces. The standard set of mother-wife-friend-lover can be supplemented by a huge list.

  • Vet. Almost every family has pets that need to be treated from time to time.
  • Driver. Many modern families have cars. Taking the children to school, going grocery shopping, taking things to the dry cleaner - all this falls on the shoulders of women.
  • Educator. Read a book to a child, fashion something out of plasticine, show how to draw a tree correctly... What if the child is not alone?
  • Nutritionist. It is the woman who decides in the family who, what and when should eat.
  • Interior designer. What curtains to hang, where to put a vase, what color to buy tiles for the bathroom - for this, a woman needs not only good taste, but also some knowledge.
  • Image maker. What a husband should wear, what a normal child should look like—the woman’s word is decisive in this. And a woman who knows how to tie a tie correctly has no price!
  • Commercial Director. When working, a woman contributes her share to the family budget, often no less than a man.
  • Nurse. Anointing a scratched finger with brilliant green, applying mustard plasters, even giving an injection - a family woman can do all this.

  • Purchasing Manager. Fill the refrigerator with food, the closet with household chemicals, buy socks for your husband and a new toy for your child, take care of holiday gifts for all family members, including your beloved mother-in-law - and here our woman is able to show miracles of ingenuity.

  • Caretaker To tell her husband that he needs to fix the socket or hang a shelf in the bathroom, call a plumber or a piano tuner - there is no one to remind the woman about this, she remembers everything herself...
  • Corporate Culture Manager. Organize a family holiday, take care of a New Year's costume for a child, learn with him a poem for a matinee or a role in a play, organize a family trip to a theater-museum-cinema-cafe-concert-guests - everything is built only on her enthusiasm and imagination.
  • Storekeeper. For some reason, men never know if they have clean shirts or where their socks are.
  • Nanny. Feed the child, change him, put him to bed, feed him again... again, what if he is not alone?
  • Seamstress. And even if not all women know how to sew a fashionable dress, every one can sew back a torn button.

  • Cook. Come up with a menu, prepare breakfast-lunch-dinner. And so 7 days a week.

  • Waitress. Set the table, serve the food, clear the plates, wipe the table. This is every day, not to mention holidays and candlelight dinners, when you want romance.
  • Dishwasher. Of course, some homes also have dishwashers, but not everyone has them, and the dishes don’t load into them themselves.
  • Cleaning woman. Wash the floors, wipe the dust, put the scattered toys back in their places, remove the chewing gum from the furniture, sweep the candy wrappers from under the bed... well, and everything else, just little things...
  • Laundress. The washing machine has become the norm of life, but even if there is such an assistant in the house, there is enough washing work.
  • Ironer. Everything washed and wrinkled should be ironed and neatly put in a closet.
  • Psychologist. The son got into a fight in the garden, the boss at work became enraged, the husband has not shown any male interest for a week - to find the reasons and tactfully correct them, without having the right to break down - such an unbearable burden can be withstood by fragile female shoulders.

  • Secretary. The words: “Darling, the boss called you... I printed out all the documents... the papers are in the bottom drawer... you need to undergo a car inspection” are not so rarely uttered by women.

  • Emergency. At the first cry for help, you drop everything and run, and it doesn’t matter where - to remove a kitten from a tree, to calm down angry neighbors because of a broken window glass, or to take a tipsy husband home from friends...
  • Time manager. “Darling, get off the Internet, it’s too early for you to get up... Son, good children are all in bed at 9 o’clock... Don’t forget that tomorrow evening we are going to see mom...”
  • A teacher, especially in primary school. Homework is somehow completed through joint efforts.

  • Accountant. Accounting for income and expenses, limits and balances, how to make it to the salary...Who, if not a woman, is burdened with these problems?

  • Florist. How great it is if flowers on the windowsill please the eye. Well, as a last resort, at least remember to water the only cactus.
  • Photographer, videographer. Women's roles in the family also imply this. Who, if not a woman who is so sentimental about the past, will make sure that there is something to remember?
  • GR manager. Paying utility bills, an insurance policy, re-registration of a passport - a woman knows how and where this is done.
  • PR manager. Remembering the birthdays of all relatives and friends, congratulating them, calling parents and much more - a family woman also copes well with this.
  • And this is not a complete list of all women’s responsibilities that can be found.

    But no matter how wonderful, wise and skillful a woman may be, alone she will bend under the unbearable burden of family problems. It is the man who must give her the opportunity to be a woman in the full sense of the word.

    In order to fulfill her destiny in the family, a woman needs: absence of fear for the future of her children, self-confidence, boundless and unconditional faith in her man. Only if all these conditions are met, a woman will be able to create an invisible but strong protection around her family from all life’s troubles!

Woman - decoration of our planet! But in the modern world, not all women want to remain just an adornment. Unfortunately, both life and fate dictate a lot of conditions. And how you don’t want to obey them and fulfill them....!

This needs to be taken into account. Those ladies who have not yet met their husband are very different in priorities and views from those who have already realized themselves in family life. Since we started the conversation with this type of women, we will continue this conversation about them.

What kind of women find it difficult to live in the modern world?

In modern times it is very difficult to live for those who, for example, have never had a period of marriage. Because it’s hard to explain to people that it happened that way, that it’s not the fault of the unmarried that they didn’t have the chance to cross the threshold of the registry office.

Stop! There is wine, after all! The fact is that if a girl tries, she will definitely get married. The trouble is that not everyone will try to do something.

Reasons for passivity:

  1. Complexity. Terrible complex! The woman even avoids mirrors. Or, it is quite possible that in her apartment the mirrors are hidden far away in the closet or somewhere else.
  2. Diffidence. Such uncertainty when they say that a woman is pretty, attractive, beautiful, but she stubbornly does not believe in these words. It seems to her that she is being cruelly deceived.
  3. Inability to take care of yourself. Men love not just neat women, but also those who know what and how to do to become much more attractive than they currently are.
  4. Shyness, timidity, self-consciousness. These three friends always act collectively. And all they know how to do is ruin the whole situation. But this then affects the entire thread of later life!

It’s probably worth stopping, because I wouldn’t want to sow an overly pessimistic mood when talking about women. Let's talk, right now, about more confident individuals.

Who are they - “Modern, confident women”?

Let's divide these women into some categories:

Women are leaders

Such women achieve almost everything on their own. They do not wait for the moment when the cronyism turns to face them. They believe only in their own strengths, in luck, and do not expect an ounce of help from anyone.

Women are careerists

For them, the world of men is almost in the last place.

Their position is this: first reach heights in business, and then you can think about starting a family. And then, for starters, just think...

Nobody knows what's in the minds of these mysterious creatures! They are inspired by self-realization.

Women are housewives

They can be either married or unmarried. And not necessarily that they like to play the role of a housewife. Some men simply do not allow their wives to work.

Are you interested in the reasons?

They are completely banal and uncomplicated: jealousy, possessiveness, fear, selfishness. But, alas, not every spouse asks women whether she wants to work or whether she is satisfied with unemployment.

Women of the “star” profession

Models, artists, translators, guides, reporters, journalists... Many people madly love their job and would never change it for the man of their dreams or their spouse. Every cup of their soul is filled (overflowing) with feminism.

Married women

Married, but it is not known whether they are happy... But they are very proud of their marital status. And if they managed to have children, the joy will be double.

What is the true role of women in modern society?

Well, she certainly is: not exclusively the keeper of the hearth!

It would be terribly boring for the female half of humanity to perform “single”. Modern ladies can only be satisfied with the “combination” of several roles.

By the way, modern women very expressively advocate equality between the sexes. In order to somehow influence this, they even choose professions that have always been considered masculine.

Modern women like cars, mopeds, motorcycles, football, hockey, and darts.

But what's surprising, being carried away by “unfeminine things,” the fairer sex does not forget about their femininity.

They can go riding a motorcycle wearing makeup, or they can wear makeup while driving a car until the traffic light changes.

The woman loves to break stereotypes

They simply act as obstacles in her path. A woman hates when something prevents her from achieving her goals. Something or someone. If a boyfriend or spouse interferes, she will arrange a tough showdown and remind her of her rights. A modern woman will not remain silent about what she doesn’t like.

A woman does not despise public opinion, but does not get hung up on it, trying to remain herself

But it’s difficult, after all, to remain yourself when a lot of changes are happening around. The fact that this does not scare a woman proves once again that she is not such a weaker sex as they say and write about her.

A woman does not tolerate the condition well when she feels someone’s envy.

And women envy almost everyone and almost always. And the feeling of envy is reflected negatively both on those who envy and on those who are envied.

What does a modern woman need from our world?

Money, style, good job, wealthy husband or boyfriend…. A car (preferably several), several expensive handbags, a chest with jewelry, a huge closet with clothes, an equally huge cabinet (or shelf) for shoes, a laptop or netbook with the Internet, a sea of ​​cosmetics... Big list. It could grow further, but some things from the lives of women must remain temporary.

It is very difficult to surprise a modern woman, but very easy to upset her

Moreover, she can get very upset even because of the slightest little thing. Either it somehow genetically “came up”, or the world began to treat women this way. But this does not break a woman. She continues to move forward, destroy barriers and obstacles, she is looking for new ways to solve problems...

A woman is offended by the attitude of many men towards her

Men cannot understand why and why she is offended...

Men believe that the main purpose of women is to give birth and raise children.