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Construction work is a very complex technological process that includes many different stages. And, like many other similar processes, this one cannot do without the correct maintenance of extensive documentation. In the case of a do-it-yourself repair, it is compiled independently, but if you decide, then the contractor himself provides the working documentation. The main document, which defines all types of construction work (including installation and finishing), indicates volumes and prices, the composition of materials, is considered to be an estimate.

Verification of the estimate prepared by the contractor is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of falsification. Often the contractor tries to underestimate the cost of some materials or deliberately excludes some of the work from the list. Checking the estimate will reveal the facts of these violations. All works that were not included initially in the documentation will then cost more, almost half the cost. Checking the estimate allows the customer to control the cost estimate engineer working for the contractor. All shortcomings and hidden facts will become known immediately when the estimate is checked.

One of the significant pitfalls is the designation of the volumes and types of material required to perform the designated amount of work. Checking the estimate will reveal exactly where the contractor underestimated or overestimated the volume data.

You need to know that checking the estimate for any type of project documentation carefully reveals the correctness of determining the amount of work, labor costs, indicates their need in the right amount according to the instructions of manufacturers. Checking the estimate also takes into account the fact that the contractor does not always include in the calculations the coefficient of those losses that are difficult to replace.

Checking the estimate necessarily takes into account the correctness of the accrual of transportation costs, and storage costs are also included. It happens that contractors calculate transportation costs from the full estimated cost of materials and work, a check of the estimate will reveal this charge. Indeed, as a result, the amount is unreasonably high.

So, the calculation should be based on the price of materials. Provides verification of the estimate and the amount of indirect charges (presented as a percentage): this includes planned savings and all identified overhead costs. Analyze whether they are more than the maximum allowable values. Sometimes in the estimate documentation of the contractor you can see such equipment in the composition of materials, the depreciation and wear of which is taken into account in overhead costs.

There are cases when contractors submit estimates with consolidated data, they do not indicate the price of work and materials, or it is presented in absolute terms, without decoding by position. In such cases, the estimate check is carried out on the basis of an additional cost estimate provided by the contractor in order to determine the unit price of each item. The analytical work performed by experts will help the customer to find out all the subtleties, nuances and shortcomings of the proposed documentation.

There are quite a few detailed budget documents in the construction market. But only the detailing of the work will help to find "accidentally forgotten" items and find out if the contractor understands the technology of construction work, whether he uses the materials correctly. The cost estimate check determines if there is any redundant work that will not be done. For example, an increased amount of dismantling work is laid down (demolition of partitions, removal of electrical wiring, plumbing equipment, and so on), in such cases the customer cannot always control the correctness of charges. Checking the estimate is guaranteed to show how the contractor's calculations are made - detailed or not, because only a few companies work without overpricing. The main quantity is offered by enlarged calculations, indicating a dozen main types of work, where their cost is indicated, or, worse, they calculate the average value, if we take the cost per square meter of area, checking the estimate reveals well-thought-out schemes.

Contractors who offer the final cost for work and finishing materials save primarily on the customer. Replace quality products with similar, cheaper offerings. Checking the estimate clearly determines which work was overpriced. For example, in one case, engineers discovered a gross error - when checking the noise level in the room, they found that the value of the control indicators was almost the same as that of the wall, which did not perform soundproofing work. The analysis showed that instead of a detailed list of actions, they presented an enlarged one. In the estimate documentation, next to the item "wall soundproofing" they indicated - "soundproof materials". Non-professional performers did not suspect that checking the estimate easily reveals such nuances, and therefore, instead of a multilayer soundproofing plate, they purchased the thinnest polystyrene foam and laid it on the wall surface. Therefore, the check of the estimate showed that, despite the unworthy quality of work, the total amount of construction for such “magnificent craftsmen” was higher than for organizations with licenses.

Contractors usually do not fulfill well-defined costs for materials, and this is immediately determined by checking the estimate. After a short enumeration of positions, there is something surprising - “unaccounted for”, “other”, “if necessary”, “overhead”, and so on and so forth. The cost shown on the paperwork is never less, but a review of the estimate easily reveals these shortcomings. The experts of any reputable company will confirm that they have never in practice encountered a situation in which the contractor returned funds for incorrectly specified material. Checking the estimate will reveal a discrepancy, experienced engineers will check the checks, and if you “accidentally” purchased excess material, they will definitely find it and not allow it to be transported to other facilities.

Only when contractors purchase rough materials, so many additions, inconsistencies in technology, theft and elimination of defects due to materials purchased by the customer are often revealed, all these nuances can only be detected by checking the estimate. Often in "new buildings" construction contractors offer neighbors to purchase materials purchased with a surplus. An experienced engineer will detect fraud very easily, especially if liquid and (putties, primers, gypsum mixtures ...) are used.

Sometimes, in order to win the tender, contractors underestimate the cost of their services, checking the estimate proves any discrepancies. But after the order is submitted to the company, the facts of understatement are revealed, and the customer is forced to incur additional costs. As a result of the documentation analysis activities, it can be noted that there are cases when the facts of hiding real data reach 100% of the difference from the declared value.

You should be aware that checking the estimate will help the client clearly understand what exactly will be purchased, where it is directed and whether it is appropriate for the application of technology. For investors who are accustomed to control everything on their own, the cost estimate may not be checked, they just need to order a detailed description of the technological processes of repairing or erecting a building from a responsible company. It involves an indication of the cost of all services and materials, according to the provided dimensions of the premises. In detail, the instructions explain all the nuances of controlling the work for the facility under construction, although checking the estimate gives a better result.

But not only is checking the estimate the main profile of responsible specialists, they also have to carry out technical supervision, controlling the cost of materials and compliance with technologies. You need to know that checking the estimate from the contractor will never be redundant. Even an initial check of the estimate can significantly reduce costs, as well as identify possible violations in advance. When analyzing the estimate documentation for materials and work, all shortcomings are immediately identified. So, if the contractor, when purchasing drywall or frame elements, takes into account volumes that do not meet the project and working documentation, and then uses the wrong putty mixtures, then we can conclude that he does not know the technology of work.

Any responsible construction company knows that providing an estimate service is one of the best solutions for controlling a contractor.

In general, summing up the above, one should consider the types of work that any reputable repair and construction company is obliged to provide to its customers:

one). Development of estimates for construction, carefully controlled for cost.

2). Analysis of compliance of volumes with the project.

3). Calculation of contractual prices for all works.

four). Control of the correct use of coefficients, prices and markups - checking the estimate.

The services of any company involved in the construction of clients allow you to carefully describe each stage of construction, as a result of the calculation it becomes clear what the funds will be spent on. The entire construction is broken down into detailed details - even a small nail falls under the account.

  • The relevance of the editorial base and collections;
  • Checking the scope of work in the prices for compliance with the project;
  • Inflation indices suitable for the region and period of compilation;
  • Checking the need to apply constraint coefficients;
  • Preparation of a comparative analysis of current prices according to invoices and price lists of suppliers of equipment and materials;
  • Selection of collections and calculation methods;
  • Application of correction factors to NR and SP when performing new construction, repair of public and non-residential buildings.

Prices for work must comply with TER, FER, TSN, materials for TSTs, TSSTs, FSSTs, coefficients and indices TSN-2001.12, MDS 81-36.2004. The current prices in the estimate based on the codes and articles in the project or the defective list, correspond to the resources in the documentation for the contractor.

Rates used in estimates:

Prices take into account the full range of works by type of construction. Sometimes additional costs are taken into account in the estimate that have already been taken into account and this must be identified, which leads to cost reduction.

Examples of overestimation in the estimate:

  • Not up-to-date inflation indices and tightness (several factors must be met to take it into account);
  • Overpricing of resources;
  • Prices for "other" collections;
  • Doubling the work already taken into account earlier in the acts;
  • Not the amount of resources;

Estimates and estimate documentation are very important documents, which is why their preparation and preparation must be taken with all responsibility and seriousness. Indeed, if it is correct, problems can be avoided in the future, since both the selection of material and all the work that is necessary for the implementation of the project will be carried out correctly.


Most often, they turn to us to check estimates and adjust them, as a rule, when the estimate has already been checked somewhere and "failed". The most common things to check are:

The Osmeta company offers its customers such a service as checking estimates and estimate documentation. It is thanks to professional verification of estimates that you can understand all issues related to the construction, or repair, of premises. Check how rationally the budget allocated for construction (repair) is spent.


Checking the estimate documentation is the most important function of construction control. Very often, contractors overestimate price requests, thereby causing significant damage and reducing the effectiveness of the funds invested in the construction (repair) of the premises. This check can be carried out at different stages of the project. Both at the very beginning and already in the course of the process.

What are the most common errors in billing documents? Here, everything is very simple:

  • significant overestimation of materials;
  • respectively, and overestimation of work;
  • incorrect scope of work, in this case, you need to recalculate everything for the project;
  • various errors associated with the use of prices, coefficients, indices.


This is not surprising, because the general contractor is interested in profit and, of course, wants to complete the facility, for his own benefit. In order to get the maximum profit, subcontractors and general contractors, in the course of the work, go to various tricks.

Alas, not every customer will be able to see with the naked eye the fact that many costs are significantly overstated. After all, the estimate department of the general contractor does not cost anything, for example, to overestimate the cost of materials, or transport. There are a lot of different tricks. Without much experience in construction, it is not possible to independently check the estimate documentation.

That is why, in order to save the construction budget from “swelling”, it is best to turn to specialists and professionals in their field who, for an affordable price, will check the estimate documentation, analyze it, and save your nerves, time and, most importantly, significantly save the budget!

Checking the estimate documentation is aimed at:

✓ the correctness of the prices that are applied;

✓ correct use of correction factors;

✓ error-free calculation of the scope of work in accordance with the project documentation;

✓ Compliance of prices for equipment and materials with market values.

Why is budget verification so necessary?

Analysis of estimate documentation is an important step in the relationship between the contractor and the customer. And the rationality of the money spent on a construction project plays a significant role in these relationships. The customer must be interested and convinced in the correctness of the estimate, in real compliance with market prices, and also in not overstating the scope of work.

An experienced builder knows that in practice there is no perfect match between the cost of the cost estimate and the primary results of accounting documents, including overheads, machines in operation and wages paid. Checking construction estimates includes the purpose of identifying unreasonably high prices.

What contractor makes mistakes in the preparation of estimates?

Often observed when checking construction estimates:

✓ Overpricing of building materials

✓ Acceptance of errors in the calculation of the scope of work

✓ Incorrect use of correction factors.

In practice, quite often the contractor seeks to extract the maximum profit from the work performed and deliberately overstates the cost of materials. In the case when verification of estimates, the customer controls the cost of materials of funds.

When calculating the amount of work, such errors are usually made as: incorrect compilation of mathematical calculations, inattention in calculating the amount of work based on the drawings. Together with the estimate, project documentation is provided, allowing you to perform an analysis in the construction estimates for the reliability of the applied scope of work.

Incorrect application of prices and the presence of correction factors in the estimate indicate the ignorance of the estimator of construction technology. Since the preparation of estimate documentation belongs to office work carried out outside the construction site, the estimator may, due to ignorance of the conditions of production work, when using correction factors, make errors in the estimates.

How are construction estimates checked?

If the customer is interested in saving money and spending it correctly, he can seek help from an independent organization that checks prices in estimates. With the help of a special program that allows the estimated price to be divided into its component parts (salary, cost of materials, overhead, estimated profit, operation of machines), a professional estimator checks local estimates and analyzes possible savings options.

In some cases, during construction, additional work may be identified that is not included in the estimate, or it may become necessary to replace the work. In these cases, it is necessary to make adjustments to the estimates. That is why technical control and analysis of the implementation of the estimate is so important in the process of work. An independent organization will help the customer track the progress of construction work.

Implementation checking budget estimates

It is often necessary for budgetary organizations to carry out an audit of budgeting in order to conduct tenders. The limited possibilities of a budgetary organization force the customer to approach the cost estimates of budgetary institutions in the most economical way. Checking the estimates of budgetary organizations is aimed at price analysis of the materials used, the discovery of expensive items and the search for feasible ways to save. Among other things, compliance with fire safety requirements and sanitary standards for the materials used is checked. In these cases, in a budgetary institution, the use of an analysis of the estimate helps to competently carry out repairs to the facility, as well as put it into operation for regulatory authorities.


A correct check of the estimated cost and the amount of material consumption allows you to identify such fraud.


The more widespread the individual construction of residential buildings, the more often fraud in construction occurs. The most commonly practiced technique is overestimation of the estimated cost, which is not visible to the naked eye and requires a thorough examination by an independent organization. But you can do it easier and do the analysis yourself. In this material, you will learn about the most common methods of deception in construction. We will also tell you how to independently check and recalculate estimates.

Estimated check required!

Unfortunately, this type of fraud has always been widespread, such as deceiving customers in the preparation of construction estimates. In many ways, this is possible due to the fact that the construction estimate is a voluminous document that is obscure to a person who, by the nature of his activity, does not encounter issues of construction or repair. Therefore, checking the estimate in any case is necessary and you can do it yourself. What kind of tricks do not resort to the compilers of estimates and contractors in order to mislead a gullible client and take more money from him. This is an overestimation of the cost of materials, fraud with the use of norms and prices, etc. It is difficult to deal with this, and trying to challenge one or another position of the estimate is often impossible at all. Representatives of the contracting organization will put forward a “wagon and a small cart” of explanations and arguments, sprinkling them with specific obscure terms.

Checking the estimated cost and material costs

One of the most common fraudulent practices is the artificial overestimation of the cost of raw materials and materials used in the process of construction and repair work. A correct check of the estimated cost and the amount of material consumption allows you to identify such fraud.

When drawing up estimates, many contractors hope that a client who is not versed in matters of construction will not scrupulously check every item in the estimate. These hopes are almost always justified: no one wants to waste time studying obscure terms, formulations, numbers and coefficients. Everyone wants something completely different - to complete the construction or repair as soon as possible and forget about it, if not forever, then for a long time.

The more detailed the estimate of the consumption of material and raw materials, the easier it is to find various postscripts in it. In particular, upon completion of work and upon acceptance of the object, you can simply compare the estimates with what they actually are. Of course, it is difficult to check all items of the estimate with a high degree of certainty, but you can always count the number of electrical sockets and switches, check the availability of exactly the plumbing that is indicated in the estimate (and not cheaper), etc.

Checking the estimate documentation for artificial overstatement

Checking the estimate documentation for artificially inflating prices and expenses is carried out in order to adjust the parameters laid down in accordance with market realities.

Instead of control over the preparation of estimates, representatives of the contractor may limit themselves to listing one or two dozen works and materials, taking their cost almost from the ceiling.

One should be suspicious of construction or repair estimates, in which the cost of work or materials is indicated in the form of prices per 1 sq. m of floor space: it is extremely difficult to imagine a real picture of construction in such a situation. Well, if the cost of materials and works are combined in the estimate, then it is completely useless to look for the truth. That is why, by the way, many contracting organizations are trying to make just such estimates, convincing naive clients that this is the only way to work.

How to check the estimate yourself?

Under the association in the estimate of the cost of work and materials, blatant fraud is very often hidden. There are many cases when this technique made it possible to artificially inflate the cost of material and raw materials according to the estimate by a factor of two or more. Therefore, before you check the estimate yourself, read the reference materials.

With particular vigilance, you need to be careful about the items of the estimate, which are called: “Additional costs”, “Other”, “Unforeseen costs”, “Other expenses”, etc. It is here that builders often indicate an unjustified amount and the only thing they pay attention - this is so that the amount looks more or less organically in the estimate and does not arouse suspicion. It is best if, even at the stage of developing the estimate documentation, the customer firmly declares that he will not pay any “other” and other documented unconfirmed expenses. If such an item falls into the estimate, it will not be zero - an experienced contractor will always figure out what can be contributed here.

Even if one succeeds in insisting on the exclusion of any doubtful positions from the estimate, only part of the problem is solved. Knowledge of the cost of materials will not save either: the price may depend on the specific manufacturer, delivery conditions and other factors that the representative of the contracting organization will readily list, so when drawing up estimates, builders always have the opportunity to add a small amount to the price of some materials. It is unlikely that an uninitiated person will pay attention if a bag of some material in the estimate costs not $17.8 (as it should), but $18.5 or $19.7. Similarly, it is difficult to notice if the consumption of some materials in the estimate is overestimated.

ATTENTION! The easiest way is to deceive the client on materials, the consumption of which at the end of the work is too difficult or even impossible to calculate. If, for example, the same sockets can be counted, then it will not work to determine the real consumption of cement or plaster without special knowledge.

The estimate of the consumption of material and raw materials provides opportunities for fraudsters in construction. Moreover, the surplus included in the estimate can act as a kind of commodity: if construction or repair is carried out by several teams, then one can simply sell this “intangible asset” to their colleagues, lend it, etc.

Therefore, before agreeing to the proposed estimate, it is recommended that you take the time and carefully read its positions, paying attention to the consumption of material and raw materials and their cost. It will not be superfluous to turn to experts for help, which can be friends and acquaintances who are “advanced” in terms of construction, or representatives of a specialized laboratory. In the latter case, you will have to pay for the examination, but this amount will be less than the one that the builders wanted to deceive.

How to calculate the estimate?

In some cases, the results of the examination are so impressive that the client prefers to refuse the services of the selected contractor and look for more conscientious builders. But you need to know how to recalculate the estimate yourself, so as not to get into trouble due to your unprofessionalism. If you doubt your abilities, contact professionals.

Overestimation of the cost or consumption of material and raw materials is not always a deception. Sometimes this happens for objective reasons, because construction or repair is not only a complex, but often unpredictable process. For example, in the course of work it may turn out that some design requires additional reinforcement, some material is unsuitable for operation in given conditions and it will have to be replaced with a more expensive analogue, etc.

Overcharging for work and including unnecessary work in the estimate is another type of fraud in the construction industry and must be combated.

When performing construction or repair work, the customer and the contractor solve different economic problems. The first seeks to minimize the cost of construction or repair, while the task of the second is exactly the opposite: he wants to “inflate” the final amount of the estimate as much as possible. One of the tricky tricks that allow the contractor to achieve its goals is to artificially inflate the prices for the work performed, as well as to include in the estimate unnecessary or unnecessary work for this object.

It is worth noting that contractors can officially set high prices for the work performed: this will undoubtedly lead to a noticeable increase in the estimated cost of construction or repair, but at least it will be honest with the client. Moreover, high prices for work are often offset by the relatively low cost of materials, for example, if the contractor is able to receive them at a lower price than what the customer can see in hardware stores and markets. Such a reduction in cost can be achieved, in particular, through bulk purchases of materials. Here, savings can reach 10% or more. The customer may not be aware of such things: let the work cost more and the materials cheaper, but the total amount according to the estimate is acceptable, which means there is no reason to worry.

However, artificially inflating the cost of work or including unnecessary work in the estimate is already outright fraud. Contractors are smart: they advertise low prices for work - lower than competitors - and may also offer additional discounts for large volumes of work. When drawing up a preliminary estimate, the potential customer's last doubts are dispelled: the estimate looks attractive, the prices for the work performed are much lower than the average prices in the city.

In fact, not everything is so perfect. As practice shows, in such cases, contractors greatly overestimate the amount of work, and also do not hesitate to include unnecessary work in the estimate. Their calculation is that the client does not understand the issues of construction and repair (especially in the field of budgeting and rationing of work), as it happens in most cases.

There are several of the most popular methods of artificially inflating the cost of construction and repair work: unreasonable overestimation of various indices, overhead rates, tariff rates, deductions for the development of the production base, transportation and procurement and storage costs, planned savings, limited costs, etc. To understand in these subtleties, it is necessary to have, if not the appropriate education, then at least special knowledge, which, as you know, most customers do not and cannot have.

Another common way is the incorrect use of unit prices for collections and correction factors, as well as non-compliance with building material consumption rates. Again, a rare client has at least a superficial knowledge in these matters, and therefore a wide field of activity is opened for construction industry scammers.

A banal, even rude, but common technique is deliberate arithmetic errors in construction and repair estimates. If it can still occur to the customer to double-check the consumption rates or the justification for including certain items in the estimate, then practically no one will recalculate the estimate with a calculator - and, as practice shows, in vain: this simple trick allows you to take a considerable amount from the client in excess of what is due without any grounds.

How to check estimates

And now let's consider in more detail the question, which concerns how to check the estimates yourself. To quickly recalculate the construction estimate, it can be scanned and saved to Excel (this is easy to do using a scanner and the FineReader program). After that, you need to set the formulas in accordance with which the total amounts for the positions are calculated (as a rule, for this you should multiply the price and quantity), and formulas of the same type can be copied into the corresponding cells. To calculate the totals for the sections of the estimate and the entire estimate, it is also easy to set formulas, or you can do without it: Excel automatically sums up the numbers in the selected cells and displays the result in the status bar.

Another well-known method of deception is the re-introduction of works and materials into the estimate: for example, once at the beginning of the estimate, the other at its end. This trick can only be discovered with a very careful and scrupulous study of the estimate. However, even here the contractor can cheat by indicating the same position under different names.

Often, during construction or repair, modern and expensive work technologies are replaced by cheaper analogues. Of course, the customer does not suspect this and conscientiously pays for everything that he is told, in accordance with the estimate.

In recent years, some contractors have adopted another trick: they submit estimates for work for payment with some delay in order to legally adjust the amount for inflation.

It should be remembered that any unforeseen costs included in the construction estimate or act of completion must be agreed with the customer without fail. If a position was discovered that the customer was not previously informed about, then this is an attempt to "divorce" the client for money.

Installation, commissioning and design and survey work, regardless of the type of object, whether it be apartments, houses, offices, enterprises, as well as internal and external engineering systems.

Checking estimates can be carried out in any standards: FER, TER, TSN, MTSN, commercial prices and at general market prices.

The rates for checking estimates in our company are on average 0.2% of the estimated cost received. However, we evaluate our work on checking estimates depending on the complexity and most often the cost can be below 0.2%, for more information about our prices, see the prices page.

Working hours of our specialists: on weekdays and weekends and on holidays from early morning until late evening, and in case of serious need even around the clock!

CALL to clarify the cost of checking the estimate documentation for any types of work and other questions by phone numbers listed on the contacts page.

Checking the estimate documentation is aimed at:

✓ the correctness of the prices that are applied;

✓ correct use of correction factors;

✓ error-free calculation of the scope of work in accordance with the project documentation;

✓ Compliance of prices for equipment and materials with market values.

Why is budget verification so necessary?

Analysis of estimate documentation is an important step in the relationship between the contractor and the customer. And the rationality of the money spent on a construction project plays a significant role in these relationships. The customer must be interested and convinced in the correctness of the estimate, in real compliance with market prices, and also in not overstating the scope of work.

An experienced builder knows that in practice there is no perfect match between the cost of the cost estimate and the primary results of accounting documents, including overheads, machines in operation and wages paid. Checking construction estimates includes the purpose of identifying unreasonably high prices.

What contractor makes mistakes in the preparation of estimates?

Often observed when checking construction estimates:

✓ Overpricing of building materials

✓ Acceptance of errors in the calculation of the scope of work

✓ Incorrect use of correction factors.

In practice, quite often the contractor seeks to extract the maximum profit from the work performed and deliberately overstates the cost of materials. In the case when verification of estimates, the customer controls the cost of materials of funds.

When calculating the amount of work, such errors are usually made as: incorrect compilation of mathematical calculations, inattention in calculating the amount of work based on the drawings. Together with the estimate, project documentation is provided, which makes it possible to carry out an analysis in the construction estimates for the reliability of the applied volumes of work.

Incorrect application of prices and the presence of correction factors in the estimate indicate the ignorance of the estimator of construction technology. Since the preparation of estimate documentation belongs to office work carried out outside the construction site, the estimator may, due to ignorance of the conditions of production work, when using correction factors, make errors in the estimates.

How are construction estimates checked?

If the customer is interested in saving money and spending it correctly, he can seek help from an independent organization that checks prices in estimates. With the help of a special program that allows the estimated price to be divided into its component parts (salary, cost of materials, overhead, estimated profit, operation of machines), a professional estimator checks local estimates and analyzes possible savings options.

In some cases, during construction, additional work may be identified that is not included in the estimate, or it may become necessary to replace the work. In these cases, it is necessary to make adjustments to the estimates. That is why technical control and analysis of the implementation of the estimate is so important in the process of work. An independent organization will help the customer track the progress of construction work.

Implementation checking budget estimates

It is often necessary for budgetary organizations to carry out an audit of budgeting in order to conduct tenders. The limited possibilities of a budgetary organization force the customer to approach the cost estimates of budgetary institutions in the most economical way. Checking the estimates of budgetary organizations is aimed at price analysis of the materials used, the discovery of expensive items and the search for feasible ways to save. Among other things, compliance with fire safety requirements and sanitary standards for the materials used is checked. In these cases, in a budgetary institution, the use of an analysis of the estimate helps to competently carry out repairs to the facility, as well as put it into operation for regulatory authorities.

Not all work can be carried out by a person who has never been involved in piping, laying and preparing material, and even more so a full-fledged construction project. In such cases, they turn to repair and construction companies or to private entrepreneurs in the construction industry, and the risk of being deceived remains in both cases.

Before signing a cooperation agreement, specify the preliminary cost of the work or the average cost of the team's services. After signing, work on the preparation of the estimate will begin. You can check it yourself, but it will be difficult to understand all the nuances. In such cases, building control in the construction of private or public facilities solves this problem. You simply turn to specialists who will carry out a complete control of the design and working documentation.

Budget Structure

Unscrupulous teams often provide an estimate after the work has been completed and not a single requirement can affect this, therefore it is necessary to demand an estimate when concluding an agreement and be sure to take into account the presence of this clause in the text of the agreement.

The estimate often consists of a contract price, a local estimate, and a bill of resources. The contractual cost will be general calculations according to the local estimate, direct and production costs, resource sheets. Additional costs depend on many factors, which are quite difficult to calculate on your own without special education. Checking the validity of the estimated cost should be entrusted to specialists if you think that the cost is too high or there are unspecified items.

In the local estimate, you can find the entire list of planned works, the cost of these works and materials. The resource list must contain a complete list of materials with shipping costs and inventory already calculated. The stock is necessary in any material, since the standard dimensions and volumes of building materials will in any case change during work. But this indicator can also be taken into account in advance - for this there are special average indicators of material consumption within the normal range.