80th anniversary script for a woman
Part 1

Good evening, dear guests!
Hello, dear birthday girl ____! Our occasion today is simply wonderful - exactly eighty years ago this amazing woman, an affectionate mother, a caring grandmother and great-grandmother, was born! Let me be the first, on behalf of all those present, to congratulate you on this wonderful date and wish you good health, happiness, family well-being and long, long life! Let your life consist only of warm, sunny days, and may troubles and sorrows bypass your home! How many paths of life are every person destined to travel!

May your soul today bathe in the pure dew of the kind words of all your dear, near and dear people who came to congratulate you on an amazing holiday - your anniversary!

It's time to make a hearty toast!
So that laughter, fun and smiles
Didn't disappear until the morning
Let's shout without hesitation
In honor of the birthday girl “Hurray”!

The eighty-year anniversary in a woman’s life is a grandiose event that turns the birthday girl into a legend, regardless of whether she was famous, performed a heroic deed, or created something outstanding. It is enough that she was able to live such a huge and, in any case, difficult life.

Eighty years is like a prize medal for longevity. And this is certainly admirable.

Presentation of the medal


We gathered for the anniversary -
Favorite holiday of kings!
And in honor of a wonderful event
Great discoveries await us:
Treasures are allowed to be opened!
There is so much treasure that it cannot be counted!
Treasures are wonderful words!
Their brilliance makes you dizzy.
And every smile in them is a diamond.
For you, madam, for you!
Today, here and at this very hour
We'll take out the crown for you!
Let's proceed to the coronation to a unanimous ovation!

Let Her Majesty rule justly.
And our holiday will be beautiful.

Host: And now I have my first task:
Who can come up with the best continuation of the famous saying “between the first and the second...”
For example, “Between the first and second
another liqueur with caviar...

Meeting the guests

Now I suggest we get to know each other a little... I ask everyone to think of a number from 1-5
Please rise up whoever wished for the number 1 - Applause to the most beautiful guests of our holiday!
Number 2 - Applause for the most dancing guests!
Number 3 - Applause to the most cheerful guests!
Number 4 – Applause for the sexiest guests!
Number 5 – Applause for the best dressed guests!

Why do we need anniversaries?

To capture happy moments,
Hearing congratulations from loved ones.
And then alone with myself
Let's remember the past years again.
There was a quiet, earthly happiness.
Where and in what colors to look for it?
Fate gave us a salad
From flattery, truth and lies.
That was a heady aroma!
And this is also our life.
Why forgotten worries?
The song of joy sounds again.
A different holiday mood.
Once again you want to love.

We are opening the ball today,
Yes, such that no one has seen.
On this glorious anniversary day,
It was not in vain that we all gathered together,
Congratulations to our beloved mother,
Applaud loudly friends!
We congratulate our mother,
Happy birthday, my dear!
Raise the anniversary cup!

And drink the drink to the bottom

Dear mommy!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So may your rays continue to grace us with affection,
And life seems to us like a big fairy tale.

So that we can extend this fairy tale,
At least for a little bit
Take your time, manage to walk
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
You only need one guess.
Feel free to take the star path
And guess something!

The hero of the day walks on the stars

Each of us dreams about this,
I think that includes you,
Get it from a man's hands
Now beautiful... (flowers.)
To remember later your biography,
We will now take this... (photo.)
From now on, spoil your granddaughter more often,
After all, she gives you her... (kiss.)
For the hero of the occasion
In moments like these,
We are ready to give endlessly... (applause.)
And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here the anniversary... (fireworks.)
Today we are mommy
Congratulations to our
Happiness and luck
There will be plenty for her.
Good health
We wish her
We promise we'll all come
For the hundredth anniversary.

And smiles without a doubt
They will illuminate this whole hall,
Happy Birthday,
Fill your glass quickly!

And our mother
Everything comes out clean
And order in the house,
There are children and grandchildren,

Great-grandchildren and great-granddaughter are growing up quickly.
She has many talents
Can't count them all

Let today in this hall,
Songs flow until the morning,
And for our hero of the day
Let's shout hurray loudly!

Mom is the most precious thing a person has on earth. A mother is a person to whom children are always in debt. She protected us when we were little, she protects us now, when we can no longer be called little. We know that she thinks about us day and night, dreaming that the fate of all her children will be happy.

Perhaps today it is worth asking our mother for forgiveness for all the insults and sadness that, in our foolishness, we often caused her. Mommy, we ask for your forgiveness! Thank you for the patience, care and warmth that you gave and are giving to us! Happy birthday!
Throughout all these years, despite adversity and troubles, the birthday girl was able to maintain sparkle in her eyes, alertness of mind, and cheerfulness. And this, you see, is a lot.

(music video from grandchildren with photo of grandmother)

Dear mommy, kind, nice
In our destiny, you are the most important.
We congratulate you on your birthday
And we wish you everything from the bottom of our hearts
Health, success, luck and happiness
Let no bad weather come into your father's house
Thank you for being alive in the world
With love to you, your adult children.

SONG PERFORMED BY DAUGHTERS (from the repertoire of Irina Allegrova)

Years are carried away by fleeting time,
Blurring the lines between adults and children,
And we caught up with mom,
Now we're just women
We are already giving her advice.
And we caught up with mom,
Now we're just women
We are already giving her advice.

Mom, don’t regret anything,
Far from your autumn,
Mom is far from September,
We're just big for you.
Mom, don’t regret anything,
Far from your autumn,
Mom is far from September,
We're just big for you.

You would like to receive letters from us,

And we find time - and call.
Why is the paper crumpled?
And the postman with a briefcase,
We'll talk better live.
Why is the paper crumpled?
And the postman with a briefcase,
We'll talk better live.

Chorus: same

Let's sit on the sofa next to each other,
We will soon fly to our own lands.
Sorry that you rarely see us,
You see us all so rarely,
Oh, my beloved mother,
Sorry that you rarely see us,
You see us all so rarely,
Oh, my beloved mother,

Chorus: same

Dear children and grandchildren, do you know everything well about your mother and grandmother? Dear hero of the day, if they think about it, then answer it yourself.

1. Place of birth.

2. Parameters at birth.
3. What time of day was she born?
4. Favorite toy
5.What is your favorite flower?
6. Favorite dish
7. Favorite activity, hobby
8.Favorite drink
9.Favorite color
10. Favorite song
11. Favorite singer.

12. Give the exact date and time of birth of your grandmother.
13. Which school subject was her favorite?
14. When was the first child born? Second? Third? (Name the date, time.)
15. What is your grandmother's favorite dish?

16. On what street does grandma live, what is the house and apartment number?


For my beloved for ______
We baked a loaf.
You _______ don't be shy,
And climb onto the chair.

Like on our anniversary

Honest people gathered

Such a height

This is the width

Congratulations on your anniversary

We all wish you happiness together

This is the width

Such a height

So that you don't know poverty

To receive a pension

This is the width

Such a height

For guests to come

And they brought gifts

This is the width

Such a height

So that there is a sea of ​​​​happiness

And if there is grief

These are the dinners

Such lowlands

How about your name day

We baked a loaf

Such beauty

So delicious

(carrying out the cake with candles)

Dear guests, some foreigner is eager to visit our mother, I think she speaks Italian. Oh yeah she's not alone with a translator

The foreign woman, gesticulating wildly, chirps in her own language, and the translator translates everything in a completely colorless voice.
Italian: Brilliant, blooming, smelling of spring, anniversary.
Translator: Dear!
I: Granto is drunkenly collected! P: Dear guests!
I: Get off the figato and hurry up!
P: Greetings to everyone who is here!
I: Slurp on anything.
P: I arrived on a special flight.
I: There was a stubborn light shining in Italy’s eyes.
P: From sunny Italy.
I: Congratulations mommy-myo
P: Congratulations to the hero of the day
I: Toschito devilishly chatted from itoliano in chechanto different nonsense.
P: I brought greetings and congratulations from Italian and German friends.
I: It’s all unnecessary junk.
P: And small, modest gifts.
I: Mia Mordano raised her face gracefully.
P: I raise this glass with pleasure.
And: Mama Mio, Santa Mario
P: For the hero of the day
I: Zhemanto erotico valokordino.
P: I wish you cordiality.
I: Bizneto sponsorino. P: More money.
I: Pomerento wished, forgiven.
P: In conclusion, I would like to wish.
And: the back is not sore, the nose is not chihanto, zubato is kusanto, legs are shoganto.
P: Health.
And: copanto in the garden, tidy in the house, tascanto bags, timeless everywhere.
P: Youth, long life.
I: Always loved, respected. P: Love of loved ones
I: Pour a bucket for ____________
P: Let's drink to ______________________

Dear guests, fellow countrymen of the hero of the day have come to us from sunny Kazakhstan, Sultan Zatrakhan and his loyal subject Ali - Khuli - ibn Rashid Kharlamtyevich

Sultan: Bautygar Kurbashi tykh Zeraitan shukshala Khanuma - Lina - jan!
Translation: Sultan Zatrakhan wishes you, oh sun-like one, long life, Asian health, fulfillment of all your desires, prosperity, so that your beauty becomes brighter every moment and delights our eyes.

Sultan: - O Allah, serbinbay, alai, humpty, chat, ay lyuli, ekshi.
Translation: Let there be light over you, over your family, over your home.

Sultan: - Kyrtynzyn, jan bailak, work - pindyr, ruble - oh la la sigidym, ali fuck Zatrakhan...
Translation: The Sultan wishes you to be healthy like his mares, beautiful like his concubines, rich like himself.

Sultan: - Khanum Lina - jan, yashki sekas keel manda kurbashi - shaitan - malayku kulyam bar, blasphemy bar, lukum bar, bai pisyukaty, tyr holes bar from bar...
Translation: In the near future, I will send one of my maids to take care of your home, porch and small house to handle big and small needs in the backyard

Sultan; Kurantai am – am. Save your ass.

Translation: After three full moons, I will send you a handsome, hardy home doctor so that he can take on all the worries about your health.

Sultan: Stan yakshi bar - bite, bar bite yum - yama. Hooli-hack without yum. Yok - yok - yok, you've got the Kulob fucked here!
Translation: I propose to raise our glasses and drink to the health of our fellow countrywoman

The daughters dress up as grandmothers Ezhek, the soundtrack turns on, they jump out and start singing:

All: Stretch the bellows, accordion,
Eh, play, have fun!
It's mommy's birthday
Drink, don't talk!

I walked along the forest side,
The anniversary ran behind me:
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil!

And mommy is cheerful,
And beautiful and slim,
I called people here
To celebrate the anniversary!

How old is she -
This is not a secret at all!
She will always be twenty years old
Even at 80 years old!

All: Stretch the bellows, accordion,
Eh, play, have fun!
It's mommy's birthday
Drink, don't talk!

Astrological forecast for the anniversary

(guests draw out a serial number and their names are included in the forecast)

Today _________________ stars predict that at exactly 21-00 you will be lying under the festive table at the feet of the birthday girl.
At 22-00 _____________ will fall face first into the salad and say: “Don’t bother me, I’m having dinner.”
___________ will fall asleep in a sweet dream on ____________’s broad chest. The same chest will later serve as a pillow for several more honored guests.
At 22-30 the dance program will begin, where __________ and ___________ will perform the erotic dance “Apple”, for which they will collect a large sum of money to purchase refreshing drinks in the morning.
At 23-00 _______ will sit on the table with the words “Who ordered hot? I’m burning all over!”
Today ______________ will be inviting everyone to the bathhouse all evening.
The evening will end with a musical number. The duet consisting of ____________________ and __________________ will perform the song “Good night, kids.”
Tomorrow he invites ________________ to improve his health

(sons-in-law singing)

We wish you inspiration
happiness and success,
To be young
Like Edita Piekha!
Every day early in the morning
Eat banana and orange
To make your face look pretty
There were no wrinkles at all
Smoke comes in rings,
Smoke from a cigarette.
let them always be in your pocket
Sound coins.
So as not to rob me,
I drive a tank.
And I want to open it for you
Swiss bank account
Let them jump straight into your mouth
Fatty pancakes.
Let there be an inheritance
From a German grandmother
Galoshes float down the river
Four pieces in a row.
May it be according to your horoscope
They promise only joy.
Tears are bitter, don’t fall!
Poor heart, be silent!
From the newest apartment
Let them hand you the keys.
Let in the next two years,
To spite the predictions
Rent will not increase
There will be light, water, warmth.
There's a picture hanging on the wall,
The picture shows a sailboat.
May you need it less often
There will be a syringe and a thermometer.
It smells like kerosene.
I feel like the porridge is going to burn.
Don't let them bother you
Diarrhea and gastritis.
Riddles for guests:

What should you do when you see a green man? Cross the street
Green, spotted, jumping. Paratrooper
What kind of woman first rubs up against you and then demands money? Conductor on a tram
What plant does everyone know? Horseradish
What has a head but no brain? Cheese, onion, garlic
One eye, one horn, but not a rhinoceros? A cow peeks out from around the corner
What can't be done in space? hang myself
In what case will six children, two dogs, four adults, climbing under one umbrella, not get wet? If it doesn't rain
These three TV stars are well known to each of us. The blonde's name is Stepan, the brown-haired guy's name is Philip. What's the bald guy's name? Piggy
What is blue gold? My beloved wife is frozen
When the goat turns seven years old, what happens next? The eighth will go
Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? By gender
It nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter, cheers in the spring, cools in the summer. Vodka
Four brothers stand under one roof. Mafia
What is Adam's front and Eve's back? The letter a"
What is this: sitting on the window, speaking French? Frenchman
“What kind of company are we?”

The presenter acts as a predictor. Guests are invited (one at a time) to name a number from 1 to 20 (and the one that first came to mind). The encrypted phrase under the number will be the most secret and desired for the answerer.

Who were you in a past life?

1. A hermit monk.

2. A navigator.

3. The royal jester.

4. Renaissance artist….

5. A eunuch in a harem.

6. A concubine.

7. Beggars.
8. Roman legionnaire.

9. A slave on a plantation.

10. Astrologer.

11. A swindler of noble origin.

12. An artist in a traveling circus.

13. Card sharper.

14. Tribal leader.

15. Provincial actress.

16. Innkeeper.

17. Medieval knight.

18. Organ grinder.

19. Camel driver.

20. Court lady

2. What is your character?

1. Good.

2. Good-natured.

3. Very controversial.
4. Difficult.

6. Weak.

7. Strong-willed.

8. Scandalous.

9. Optional - Your vice.

10. You are too decent.

11. Wonderful!

12. Jealousy spoils you.

13. Very heavy.

14. You are almost a child.

15. Naivety adorns you.

16. It is difficult to say anything good about your character.

17. You need to be simpler.

18. Your character has not yet been formed.

19. You are just an angel.

20. Your character depends on the circumstances.

3. What type of transport matches your image?

1. You are better off walking.

2. Reindeer team.

3. Bicycle..

4. Cinderella's carriage

5. Balloon.

6. Race horse.

7. "Moskvich-412".

8. Pie.

9. Airliner.

11. Hang glider.

12. Freight train.

15. Russian troika.

16. White Chevrolet.

18. Gypsy wagon.

19. Personal jet.

20. Racing motorcycle.

4. What's good about you?

1. You do not bore with your presence..

2. Refined manners

3. Graceful figure..

4. The ability to choose friends

5. Luxurious hair….

6. Ability to sit on two chairs at once

7. Loyalty to ideals

8. And face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts

9. Almost everything.

13. The ability to turn a blind eye to other people's vices

14. The desire to notice the good in others.

15. Flying gait..

16. Your hospitality

17. Love for people..

18. Charming smile

19. Fantastic generosity.

20. Rare wit.

What is your life motto?

1. After me there might be a flood.

2. All - or nothing!

3. Whatever is done, everything is for the better.

4. Out of sight, out of mind.

5. My hut is on the edge.

6. Through thorns - to the stars

7. I came, I saw, I conquered

8. Nothing human is alien to me

9. Take everything from life.

10. Man is a wolf to man.

11. If you don’t know the ford, don’t poke your nose into the water.

13. Don’t be surprised by anything

14. If you want to be happy, be it

15. Seize the moment.

16. The end justifies the means

17. Not a day without love.

18. Give people joy.

19. Time is money.

20. Don't spit against the wind.

6. What do you dream about most often?
1. Something that will never happen in reality.

2. Past life.

3. Nightmares

4. Treasures

5. Lots of food

6. They don’t talk about this out loud.

7. Fragments from pornographic films.

8. Romantic trips.

9. Stage and fans.

10. Money, money, money

11. Leadership position.

12. Beloved person.

13. Childhood.

14. flight to the moon.

15. Luxurious mansion

16. Gardens of Eden.

17. Blacks and the sea.

18.neighbor (neighbor)

19. First love

20. God knows what!

7. What would you give half your life for?

1. No way.

2. For the fulfillment of your innermost desires.

3. For a bottle of good wine.
4. For talent.

5. For an ardent lover (ardent lover).

6. For extraordinary love.

7. For a rich groom (rich bride)

8. For a secure old age.

9. For a graceful figure.

10. For good health.

11. For your loved one.

12. For first love.

13. For worldwide fame

14. For the opportunity to become a Hollywood star.

15. For eternal youth.

16. For a villa by the sea.

17. For a ticket to Rio de Janeiro.

18. For slender legs.

19. For a clear conscience

20. For a tight wallet.

8. Where would you rather spend your holidays?

1. At the dacha.

2. I can do without a vacation.

3. On a Mediterranean cruise

4. At home on the couch.

5. on potatoes

6. In the kitchen

7. At parties

8. In Paris..

9. While running around the shops.

10.in Antarctica

11. Reading detective stories

12. Where there is wine and women (men).

13. It's hard to say.

14. Tent, fire, loneliness.

16. Visit museums and libraries.

17. In the best restaurants in the city.

18. On a nudist beach.

19. In a family that hasn’t seen you for a long time.

A festively decorated hall. The walls are decorated with posters containing photographs from the birthday girl’s archive: childhood, youth, study, wedding, maturity, photos of children and grandchildren, significant dates. One of the posters shows a large number 80. The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons, and tinsel. All guests line up on both sides of the entrance to meet the birthday girl.

Friends! I am sincerely glad to welcome you in this cozy hall for a festive anniversary evening dedicated to the birthday of a beautiful and wise woman, a caring mother and grandmother, a devoted friend and keeper of the family hearth (name)!

Solemn music sounds and the birthday girl enters the hall to warm applause. The host invites all guests to the table, the hero of the day takes pride of place at the head of the table.

They say that wisdom can be determined not by the numbers on your birthday, but by the deeds and actions of a person. Our birthday girl (name) had many wonderful deeds and good deeds in her life. So let us all together wish that your love and wisdom will decorate the lives of your loved ones and those dear to you for many, many years, who have gathered in this room today to congratulate you on the best holiday of the year - your birthday.

At the command of the presenter, everyone shouts three times in unison - congratulations!

First toast.

Anniversary - what a word!
This is a holiday, this is a celebration!
And there is joy and warmth in the house!
Friends and employees, without sparing words,
They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!
You are full of light and joy, happiness,
Your advice is important and necessary for us.
Your family loves and appreciates you,
Hopes, your faithful friends.
We all wish you health and strength;
So that youth, happiness, luck, success
Fate has always given you without hindrance!

Dear guests, I invite everyone to fill their glasses and drink to the bottom of the birthday girl’s health!

I invite everyone to go back 80 years and remember what a significant event happened then. In the family... a beautiful golden-haired girl was born named... (The following is a very brief biography of the hero of the day, perhaps in a comic form, without mentioning specific dates).

Second toast.

I propose to raise a glass to the people closest to the birthday girl - her children and grandchildren. (Word to relatives).

And now we will try to find out the name of the person who, over the years of acquaintance and friendship with the hero of the day, best learned her character and habits, who knows all the main main events of her life. A quiz is held to determine the most informed guest.


1. When was our birthday girl born (exact date of birth)?
2. Where did this significant event take place (city)?
3. What was (name)’s favorite toy?
4. The year in which (name) went to school?
5. The name of the hero of the day’s first school love?
6. Name of your best friend from school?
7. In what year did (name) graduate from school?
8. When did the birthday girl get married (date and day of the week)?
9. Where did the future spouses meet?
10. Who were the witnesses at the wedding?
11. In what year were the children of the hero of the day born?
12. Who in (name)’s family chose the name of the child(ren)?
13. What are (name)’s favorite flowers?
14. What is the birthday girl’s hobby?
15. What is (name)’s favorite song?
16. Which pop performer (name) do you like best?

At the end of the quiz, the host sums it up and gives the winner a prize.

Third toast.

Dear friends! Today is a significant day for our dear birthday girl, and, of course, for her other half - her beloved man. I propose to make a festive toast for your beloved woman to her husband (name)!

I invite everyone to fill their glasses and congratulate such a wonderful couple with applause, wish them family happiness, immeasurable love and long, long years of life!

Guests are invited to the dance floor, where between dances a competition is held for the best couple to perform a waltz dance. The best couple is chosen by the hero of the day and awarded prizes.

The host invites the guests to join in a round dance.

We'll be doing a round dance now,
Our hero of the day needs to be in the center,
For starters, she has 80 compliments,
For wonderful spiritual moments,
And then let's congratulate
Praise our hero of the day!

The guests form a large round dance, the birthday girl stands in the center of the circle. Everyone takes turns saying compliments in her honor, and then doing the “Loaf” round dance and singing.

After a dance break, guests are again invited to the table.

Fourth toast (congratulations to sisters and brothers).

Since childhood, brothers and sisters have been united not only by family ties, but also by strong friendship. And now we invite you to say a congratulatory toast to people dear and close to the birthday girl - brother and sister.

Fifth toast (friends).
Sixth toast (former colleagues).

Musical break.

And now - a competition for those with loud voices,
For the perky and frisky!

It's called "Chastushechka". A competition is being held to sing ditties. The prize is awarded to the one who performs the most ditties.

The next competition is musical. The prize will be given to the one who knows the most love songs.
(Guests take turns singing a few lines from songs dedicated to love. The prize is awarded to the most active participant).

Guests are again invited to the dance floor.

The host invites everyone in the network to the festive table.

A birthday cake decorated with candles is brought into the hall on a beautiful tray.

Dear friends, our wonderful holiday today was filled with the light of your smiles, the warmth of friendly hearts, warm greetings that sounded in honor of our (name), a wonderful person whom fate awarded with talent, wisdom, true friends and wonderful children and grandchildren.

And now we’ll ask the birthday girl to make a cherished wish and blow out the candles on the festive birthday cake to your loud applause!

On your anniversary day,
Memorable, solemn,
May the blue skies smile on you,
Let the stars intertwine
For your longevity
Many years to you,
Honor and praise to you!

Dear (name)! Let me once again congratulate you with all my heart on this wonderful holiday and thank you for your warmth and kindness, wisdom and responsiveness. May your long and happy life be filled with bright and joyful moments, and may your radiant smile illuminate the hearts and souls of your family and friends for many years to come! I wish you health, vitality and many happy days of life!

The presenter invites everyone to the street, where a festive fireworks will be given in honor of the hero of the day.