Psychologists recommend various exercises to develop self-confidence, and one of them is a clearly thought-out and original story about yourself. Which you need to memorize to the point of insanity, so that at any moment you can quickly and interestingly tell the world about yourself and your loved one.

Obviously, our English teachers were all psychologists in a past life, because any of you are already starting to ache just from the name of the topic “Talking about yourself.” Starting from 5th grade, everyone conscientiously writes in a notebook: “My name is Masha. I am from Russia. I am 11. I’ve got a mother, a father, a sister and a dog.” I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t remember anything from such a speech.

Therefore, let's create a sincere story about ourselves that will not be like everyone else. To make it easier, let’s look at how others have already done this and draw inspiration from their stories about themselves. Then, using a construction set, you will assemble your unforgettable speech.

Where to begin

But not with “I am Vasya”. In the end, are you a person or what? Let's add some intrigue.

Let me introduce myself. Let me introduce myself.

What about me? Well...What would you like to tell us about yourself? Well... (and then my signature characteristic)

It is difficult to describe myself. I think I am... It's difficult to describe yourself. I think that I... (and again the catchphrase).

To tell many good words about yourself is not very modest, but I am… Actually, it’s not very modest to say a lot of good words about yourself, but still I (and you continue to praise yourself).

The most difficult thing is to tell something objective about myself, but I will try. The most difficult thing is to tell something objective about yourself, but I will try.

It is hard to speak about myself as only people surrounding me can see me objectively.- It’s not easy to talk about yourself, because only people from the outside can see me objectively.

If you push your speech in an informal environment, then you can be sophisticated in any way:

Once upon a time a nice blonde was born in Moscow. And that was me, of course. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, a pretty blonde was born in Moscow. And this, of course, is the past.

Is there anyone going to listen to my story? Is anyone going to listen to my story (a line from a Beatles song)

It’s time to throw off the mask and tell something important about myself. It's time to drop the mask and share something important about yourself.


My name is Mariya Sokolova.

Parents decided to call me Ann, and I think they were right. My parents decided to name me Anya. I think they were right.

Yesterday I was Vasya, but today you can call me as you want. Yesterday it was Vasya, and today you can call him whatever you want (well, this is for special situations, of course)

Iam 18.

Next spring I will be 19. I'll be 19 next spring.

Iwonttellyoumyagebecause.Idontrememberit. I won’t tell you my age because I don’t remember.

Brief description of yourself, your loved one

Let me tell you a little about my family- Let me tell you about the family.

Family takes an important part of my life- Family plays an important role in my life.

I've got a husband and a daughter- I have a husband and a daughter.

Ihavemanyrelatives: … - I have many relatives: …

Theyaremynear/ distantrelatives - They are my close/distant relatives

Have you talked? It's time to indicate who is godfather, brother and matchmaker. List who is part of your family.

mother- mother
father- father
daughter- daughter
son- son
sister- sister
brother- Brother
grandfather- grandfather
grandmother- grandmother
aunt- aunt
uncle- uncle
niece- niece
nephew - nephew
Grandson - grandson
granddaughter - granddaughter
cousin- cousin, cousin, cousin, cousin
wife - wife
husband - husband

About myself beloved

People who are afraid of open space (including on their personal page on the Internet) can follow the path of least resistance and borrow template phrases, as in those proposed. Don’t be surprised if your friends call such a story by a different name - “Many Letters.”

Try to briefly talk about your main interests and activities, rather than post a list of all Madonna's songs from the new album. For example, car ride in the countryside, surfing, hiking in the forests or mountains, rock climbing... Those. talk about any non-work related activities. Volunteer, amateur, creative, etc.

Connect the sentences with each other with feeling, sense, arrangement:

As for my interests... - As for my interests, then...
I am fond of… - I am fond of...
I am interested in... - I'm interested...
I like… - I like...

I adore… - I really love...
I devote much time to…- I devote a lot of time...

paintball- paintball
shopping - shopping for things and more
visiting museums - visiting museums
nightlife - night life
Buddhism- Buddhism
art - art
learning foreign languages ​​- learning foreign languages
knitting - knitting
dancing - dancing
traveling - trips

What else can you tell about yourself?

Share your musical preferences (favorite music): whose songs you drive to work to, whose voice the alarm clock wakes you up and the phone rings. As they say, whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll get songs on social networks.

Tell us about your favorite films (Favorite movies): what films do you like, what genres should an interested stranger invite you to the cinema, and which ones are better not to try.

Discuss your favorite TV shows (Favorite TV shows): Have you forgotten about the existence of such a dinosaur as a TV, do you know if they show something worthwhile or if the TV is only good as a decoration for the New Year’s table.

Remember the proverb “tell me your favorite book and I will tell you who you are” and name your favorite books (Favorite books): how much of a reader you are and what a reading person is. Or your favorite books ABC book, second and blue

List the games you are interested in (favorite games): Have you joined progressive humanity, playing “Dixit”, “Elios” and other entertaining and educational toys, or the words “Counter strike” are still something like a way of life for you.

Add some flair and mention your favorite quotes (Favorite quotes): eloquence is a gift, so you shouldn’t rush to extremes from “I have nothing to say” to “when I was taken from the maternity hospital...”. Perhaps someone’s witty and succinct statement will describe you best. Just God forbid you from “Everything that doesn’t kill me makes me stronger” and “I can’t be forgotten and I’m easy to lose.” Every second lover of philosophy on social networks “shines” with them.

...Pdeceive oneself or how to end a story about oneself

The Little Prince, no matter how sweet his soul, could confuse his interlocutors by ending the story about himself in the same way as he did with the narcissistic king on one of the asteroids: “I don’t like to pass death sentences. And in general, it’s time for me to go.” And so he was. Think in advance about what words to summarize your self-presentation; this will be remembered much more clearly than the first introductory phrases:

"Thank you for your attention, good bye."- Thank you for your attention, goodbye.

You can talk about your aspirations and plans in a couple of phrases:

I want to become a well-educated person. - I want to be a well educated person.

I hope to be a good daughter for my parents. - I hope to be a good daughter to my parents.

I plan to develop myself and become the best athlete. - I plan to develop myself and become a better athlete .

In any case, the story should end on a positive or at least neutral note. Of course, everything depends on the case, but we did not consider the options of contacting the guardianship and trusteeship service or the “Wait for me” program.

You can probably forever look at fire, water, how others work and... talk about yourself. The finest hour of the last letter of the alphabet has come! So... Let me introduce myself!

Each of us has ever had the task of telling about ourselves in writing or orally. This could be when applying for a job, when meeting new people, when filling out an application, taking an exam, or simply it was the topic of your school essay.

It is important to immediately determine how deep and extensive your story about yourself should be. Of course, it all depends on the situation. If you are preparing for an interview, then the story should be clear, concise, and businesslike. You should focus on your education, work experience, your business qualities, and in general, your advantages and prospects as an employee. If your story is aimed at new acquaintances, then most likely you will mainly talk about your interests, hobbies, habits, character, etc. In your school essay, you will definitely have to talk about your family and friends and plans for the future . Situations in which you need to talk about yourself can be very different.

If you are faced with the task of talking about yourself in English, then ready-made phrase templates will come to your aid, adding to which you will get a full-fledged essay. First, you need to determine for yourself what exactly you want to talk about and draw up a clear plan for the story. I suggest you learn a “universal” self-narration plan that will work for almost any situation. You can decide for yourself which points in your essay will be covered in more detail and which not. For each item, you will be offered template phrases with translations, which you will need to supplement with information about yourself.

The outline of our story will be as follows:

1. Introduction and general information about myself
2. Place of residence (The place where I live)
3. Information about family
4. Education
5. Place of work (My job)
6. My hobbies, talents and interests
7. Character traits
8. Plans for the future

Template phrases are the main assistants when writing a story about yourself

Writing a story “About myself”

As an introduction, if the situation allows it, you can say the following phrase:

  • It’s hard to speak about myself as only people surrounding me can see me objectively - It’s very difficult to talk about yourself, because they can only perceive me objectively from the outside
  • Let me introduce myself - Let me introduce myself
  • Let me tell you a few words about myself - Let me tell you a little about myself

First of all, state your name:

  • My name is Valentin - My name is Valentin

If your loved ones call you differently, you can add the following words:

  • But my friends call me Vel - But friends usually call me Val
  • But people usually call me Valea - But they usually call me Valya
  • But you can call me Vel - But you can call me Val

You can indicate the origin of your name or something interesting about it:

  • It is a Latin name - This is a Latin name
  • I was named after my grandmother - I was named after my grandmother
  • My name is quite unusual and I like it - My name is quite unusual and I like it

After this you can specify your age:

  • I am 25 years old - I am 25 years old
  • I was born in 1988 - I was born in 1988
  • I will be 30 in three months - I will turn 30 in three months
  • I will be 20 next Octomber - I will turn 20 next October
  • I am from Saint Petersburg - I am from St. Petersburg
  • I come from France, I live in Paris - I am from France, I live in Paris
  • I used to live in Saint Petersburg, but now I live in Moscow - I used to live in Saint Petersburg, and now I live in Moscow.
  • I was born in London and I have lived there all my life - I was born in London and live there all my life
  • I was born in Balta. It is a small town near Odessa. When I was 16 I moved to Saint Petersburg with my family - I was born in Balta. This is a small town near Odessa. When I was 16, I moved to St. Petersburg with my family

If your interlocutor is interested, you can devote a couple of sentences to your city, its location and attractions. In America, when meeting a new person, this point is simply mandatory. For some reason this is very important for Americans. A person may be born, for example, in the state of Illinois and move to another state in early childhood, but when meeting you, he will certainly mention that he is from the state of Illinois.

  • My home town is very big, one million people live there - My hometown is very big, a million people live there
  • It is located in the south of the country - It is located in the south of the country
  • My home city is the center of light industry - My hometown is the center of light industry
  • My home town is famous for its theater - My home town is famous for its theater

If you are writing an essay about yourself in English, then you must definitely mention your family:

  • I come from a large/ small family - I am from a large/ small family
  • All members of my family are helpful and friendly - All members of my family are friendly
  • There are five of us in the family - There are five of us in the family
  • We get on well with each other - We get along well with each other
  • I have a father a mother and two younger brother/ sister - I have a father, a mother and two younger brothers/sisters

If necessary, provide general facts about each family member. Talk about how old they are, what they do, their education, where they live, etc. But don’t get too carried away. The whole story is still about you, and not about your family members.

The next point of our plan concerns education. It will most likely be mandatory in any case. If you are still in school, but you can use the following phrases:

  • I go to school. I am in the ninth form - I go to school. I'm in ninth grade
  • I am good at German and Math - I do well in German and mathematics
  • My favorite subjects are Spanish and Literature - My favorite subjects are Spanish language and literature

If you have already graduated from school and are a student, then the following phrases are for you:

  • I finished school in 2010 - I graduated from school in 2010
  • I am a student of London University of the Arts - I am a student at the London University of the Arts
  • I am a first-year/ second-year student - I am a first/second year student
  • I am in my first/second/third year - I am in my first/second/third year
  • My major is Psychology/ I major in Psychology - My specialty is psychology

If you have already completed higher education:

  • I graduated from University in 2014 - I graduated from the university in 2014
  • I graduated with honors - I graduated with honors
  • I majored in Philology - My specialty is philology
  • I was trained as a lawyer - I was educated as a lawyer
  • At University I studied many subjects - At the university I studied many subjects

If you work, be sure to devote a couple of sentences to your profession:

  • I am /I work as a teacher - I work as a teacher
  • In future I want to be a lawyer - In the future I want to become a lawyer
  • I work for (the name of the company) - I work in (company name)
  • I am looking for a job at the moment - I’m currently looking for a job
  • I am unemployed at the moment - I am currently unemployed

Dedicate several sentences to your hobbies, interests, and talents. To do this, use the following phrases:

  • As for my interests, I am fond of music - as for my interests, I am fond of music
  • I am keen on sport - I am keen on sports
  • I can play tennis very well - I can play tennis well
  • I am interested in history - I am interested in history
  • When I have some free time I go to the gym - When I have free time, I go to the gym
  • In my free time I usually read books - In my free time I usually read books
  • I devote much time to learning foreign languages ​​- I devote a lot of time to learning foreign languages

When telling a story about yourself in English, you must describe your character. You can name your advantages and disadvantages. You can also name the qualities that you value in people, or vice versa - you do not accept.

  • People who know me well, say that I am a reliable person - People who know me well say that I am a reliable person
  • My best qualities are patience and creativity - My best qualities are patience and creativity
  • I am a communicative person and I have a lot of friends - I am a sociable person and I have a lot of friends
  • Sometimes I can be lazy - Sometimes I can be lazy
  • I like to associate with polite and intelligent people - I like to communicate with well-mannered and intelligent people
  • I appreciate sincerity and trust - I appreciate sincerity and honesty
  • I hate when people lie and betray - I hate when people lie or betray
  • Those who are unreliable irritate me - Unreliable people annoy me

To describe your character, you may need the following adjectives:

active - active
communicative - sociable
creative - creative
reliable - reliable
self-confident - self-confident
friendly - friendly
sociable - sociable
absent-minded - absent-minded
calm - calm
lazy - lazy

You can complete your story about yourself with a couple of sentences about your plans for the future or simply about your dreams:

  • In future I want to be a doctor - In the future I want to become a doctor
  • I want to become a famous person - In the future I want to become famous
  • My dream is to travel around the world - My dream is to travel around the world
  • I dream of having a big house - I dream of a big house

When telling a story about yourself in English (about myself), it is very important to move smoothly from one point to another. You should end up with a beautiful, coherent essay, and not just a list of phrases. Use linking sentences.

About myselfABOUT MYSELF
Done by: Fanis Kh.

Hi, my name is Fanis. I'm 19 years old. I was
born in Kukmor the district of Tatarstan.

I learn in the Volga region state Academy of physical culture, sports and tourism.


At the Academy I found a lot of new friends. Together we go to school, holidays, and sports.


During the weekend we with the judges "collective drive on the Tatarstan to judge competitions in badminton. I really like to judge competitions. Having judged many competitions and I was given a third judging category.


My family is small. FATHER, MOTHER, me and my sister. FATHER is a teacher of social studies and history. moTHER is temporarily closed. sister goes to school in the 10th grade.


A detailed story about yourself in English is most often required in a lesson or exam (conversation or presentation on the topic “About Myself”) or at a job interview. In each case the story will be different. We will look at situations with possible questions and answers, examples of the story.

1. Educational task “About Myself” in conversation format

You may be asked to talk about yourself in English lessons or in exams to assess your knowledge and speaking skills. This could be your monologue-presentation or an interview with a teacher. That is, either you talk yourself all the time, or answer questions.

Let's start with a simpler version with questions. Everything is simple here, try not to answer in monosyllables (yes / no), but you should not go into a detailed biography.

Here are a few questions that come up most often and possible answers:

  • What is your name?- What is your name?

My name is Alexey. - My name is Aleksey.

I'm Victor. – I’m Victor (My name is Victor).

Where are you from?- Where are you from?

I'm from Russia. - I'm from Russia.

  • How old are you?- How old are you?

I'm twenty years old. - I am twenty years old.

I'm twenty four. - I am twenty four years old).

  • Are you married? / What is your marital status?– Are you married? / What is your marital status?

I’m married and have two children. – I am married and I have two children.

I’m not married / I’m single. – I am not married (not married).

I'm divorced. - I'm divorced.

Well, I have a girlfriend / boyfriend. – Well, I have a girlfriend/boyfriend.

  • What do you do?- What do you do?

This means type of activity.

I’m a student of the Moscow State University, and majoring in economics. – I am a student at Moscow State University, majoring in economics.

I study economics at the Moscow State University. – I study economics at Moscow State University.

I work as an accountant for a local construction company. – I work as an accountant in a local construction company.

I am a sales assistant. - I am a salesperson.

I fix bikes, buy and sell spare parts. – I repair bicycles, buy and sell spare parts.

  • How do you spend your free time?- How do you spend your free time?

I like watching TV shows and playing online games. – I like to watch TV series and play online games.

I go out with my friends. – I go somewhere with friends.

I don’t have much free time and prefer to spend it with my family. – I have little free time, and I prefer to spend it with my family.

  • What are your hobbies?– What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are reading and drawing. – My hobbies are reading and drawing.

I collect postal cards. – I collect postcards.

  • What is your favorite subject in school?– What is your favorite subject at school (educational institution)?

Math is my favorite subject, because I’m good at numbers. – Mathematics is my favorite subject because I am good with numbers.

My favorite subject is literature, because I read a lot. – My favorite subject is literature, because I read a lot.

  • Tell me about your family.– Tell me about your family.

I have a big family with two brothers and two sisters. – I have a big family, two brothers and two sisters.

I have a small family. My brother and I live with my parents. - I have a small family. My brother and I live with our parents.

I have a wife and a daughter. – I have a wife and daughter.

We've been married for five years. – We have been married for five years.

You can clarify what they do: who they work for and what their hobbies are. For example:

My sister studies history in a college, she is a total bookworm and always busy with her researches. My sister is studying history at college. She is a real bookworm and is constantly busy with her research.

My brother is a software developer. He works on some kind of videogame and on his own project. – My brother is a software developer. He's working on some kind of video game and his own project.

  • What are your favorite books, movies?– What are your favorite books and films?

It’s better not just to name the movie or book, but also to mention what it’s about. For example:

I like detective stories. My favorite one in ‘If Tomorrow Comes’ by Sidney Sheldon. That novel is about a young woman from a good family who was betrayed by the man she loved. - I like detective stories. My favorite detective story is “If Tomorrow Comes” by Sidney Sheldon. This is a novel about a young woman from a good family who is betrayed by her lover.

Another example:

My favorite book is ‘Flowers for Algernon’ by Daniel Keyes. It’s a science fiction short story about a man who participated in an experiment. He underwent surgery which was supposed to increase his intelligence. – My favorite book is “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes. This is a science fiction story about a man who participated in an experiment. He underwent surgery that was supposed to improve his intelligence.

You may also be asked some questions not from this list, but within reason - not about the design of an internal combustion engine. You will also be asked a couple of questions to clarify your answers. For example, you said that you are interested in drawing, you will be asked if you paint portraits, landscapes or still lifes. If drawing is truly your hobby, then telling us more about it will not be difficult.

Some tips:

  • Do not express yourself too sophisticatedly where you can get by with simple words and constructions.
  • Don't go too far off topic. The more difficult you answer, the more sophisticated clarifying questions will follow.
  • If it turns out that a word is not familiar, you can always choose a simple synonym or convey it descriptively.

Video: examples of talking about yourself in English during the exam

This video from the British Council gives two good examples of talking about yourself in English in an exam conversation format.

2. Presentation story “Let me introduce myself”

It’s a little more difficult to talk about yourself when they simply tell you “Tell me something about yourself” and expect a detailed answer. In fact, such a presentation is the same dialogue that we discussed above, but without the interlocutor’s remarks. That is, you take turns answering questions like what is your name, where are you from, and so on. You can start your story about yourself with a short introduction, for example:

Let me introduce myself.

Let me tell you about myself.

Or you can do without an introduction.

You can tell us more about your studies or work, as if you were asked a clarifying question about it.

If appropriate, you can talk about your family.

Some tips:

  • When preparing for a presentation about yourself, simply answer the questions from the list in step 1. This is better than memorizing a ready-made text from a collection of topics, especially if it consists of complex, cumbersome sentences.
  • Before any oral presentation, rehearsing on camera helps. Record yourself on your phone and watch from the outside. Horrified, try again. And so several times until a satisfactory result.
  • Don’t try to speak perfectly correctly and insert sophisticated ones like Future Perfect Continuous. The simpler you speak, the less confused you are.

3: Talking about yourself during an interview

During interviews for positions where language skills are required, general questions like “Tell me something about yourself”, “Please describe yourself”, etc. are asked to see how you speak English and to give you the opportunity to tell the most important things about yourself. Don't miss this chance to present yourself in the best light.

What you don't need to talk about

The employer does not need information that is not related to the position and your professional qualities.

There is no point in talking about how many brothers and sisters you have or how much you like to play beach volleyball if this information has nothing to do with your position. There is no need to tell stories about how you worked at McDonald's in your first year if you get a job as an electrician. The truth of life is that during an interview you are first and foremost a potential employee, good or bad, and then a person, great or not.

Also, do not retell your resume in detail - tell the most important things.

What needs to be said

The most important thing for an employer is to know what your current job is (your last job), what work experience and education you have. There may be other important points, but this depends on the specific position.

As in the case of a “school” presentation, you can simply imagine that you are answering questions, thus building your story.

  • What do you do?- What is your occupation?

I'm a driver. - I am a driver.

At the present time I work as a foreman. – Currently I work as a foreman.

I’m an administrative assistant in Big Chances. – I work as an administrative assistant at the Big Chances company.

  • What's your work experience?– What work experience do you have? (related to this post)

I’m a personal fitness trainer with 3 years work experience in Silver Gym. – I am a personal fitness trainer with three years of experience at Silver Gym.

I have 10 ten years driving experience. – I have 10 years of driving experience.

I have worked the last 3 years as a reporter in The Times-Picayune, New Orleans. “For the past three years I have worked as a reporter for The Times-Picayune newspaper in New Orleans.

I have spent the last five years developing my skills as a sales manager in Evil Corp. – For the last five years I have been improving my skills as a sales manager at Evil Corp.

  • What's your education?- What education do you have? (educational institutions, courses, work experience)

I’m a university graduate with a master degree in law. – I am a university graduate with a master's degree in law.

I have a degree in economics. – I have a degree in economics / I have an economic education.

I was majoring in graphic designs in college and practiced a lot working part-time for New Logo. – I studied graphic design in college and practiced a lot while working part-time at New Logo.

Here is an example of a short presentation:

What to do if you need to prepare an oral story about yourself, and you are terribly worried?

Some people don't like preparing a speech; they prefer to improvise. But if you want to thoroughly prepare for a responsible presentation, here are some tips:

  1. Make a list of questions that the interlocutor would like answers to. If this is an exam, then the questions are general or related to study: about family, about favorite books, about work. If the interview is for a job, then you need to talk about your profession, experience, and education.
  2. Answer each question orally. Answer not too abstrusely, without difficult turns, but rather completely. For example, if you say that physics is your favorite subject, explain why. At this stage, it turns out that you do not know some words, for example, how to say “opening” in English. It's time to look in the dictionary and write down the necessary words.
  3. Using the list of questions as a cheat sheet, record your speech on a camera (webcam, phone, camera).
  4. Review the recording and note any mistakes you made. Errors are always more noticeable from the outside. Don't worry if the performance is bad. Practice works wonders.
  5. Repeat the speech to the camera several times, each time trying to make it faster. For example, the first time you recorded a speech in 5 minutes. In the second, write down in 3 minutes, and in the third in 2 minutes. Let the content and meaning of the speech remain approximately the same, but the text itself becomes denser. The result will be a concise, competent and confident speech without water.
  6. Try answering the questions a little differently. For example, if the first time you talked in detail about why you love physics, then the second time tell us why you hate biology.
  7. If the conversation is going to be important, you can prepare with the help of a friend who will ask questions.
  8. If the conversation is VERY important, you can hire a tutor who, in one or two lessons, will work through your speech inside and out, significantly giving you confidence.

As a result, you will not memorize a set of answers to questions, but rather you will train yourself to confidently answer questions from a list. In my opinion, this is better than writing the lyrics to “About Myself” and memorizing it and then recite it from memory. When a person recites a memorized text, his monotonous intonation and thoughtful facial expression give him away. If you are distracted, you can get lost and forget what comes next.

A friend told me this incident from her studies. She memorized the topic “About Myself” from the book, putting in her name and age, and recited it in class by heart. Having reached the phrase “Actually, I am crazy about football” (actually, I’m crazy about football), she started the phrase and forgot what preposition comes after “crazy”. It turned out that she was talking about herself, and then blurted out: “Actually, I am crazy” (actually, I’m crazy) and abruptly fell silent. Prepare your speech according to the scheme above, and you won’t have such problems!

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