Search and create public transport routes that are optimal for you FROM your location to the desired street or house, as well as car, bicycle and walking routes for walking.

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Public transport By car Bicycle On foot

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Route on the city map.

Are you asking where you can get or how to get to a certain street or house in Moscow? The answer is very simple, find your optimal route around the city using the trip planner on our website. Our service will find for you up to 3 options for travel around the city of Moscow FROM your address to your destination. On the map with routes, click the more details button (the start icon) and go to a detailed description of travel options. For all routes, travel time will be shown taking into account traffic jams, numbers of buses, minibuses and other public transport.

Popular routes:

  • FROM: Moscow, Dubninskaya street, 26k2 - TO: Moscow, 1st Maryina Roshcha passage, 11;
  • FROM: Moscow region, Odintsovo urban district, Usovo-Tupik village - TO: Moscow, 1st Smolensky lane, 17с3;
  • FROM: Moscow, Tallinskaya 24 - TO: Moscow, 1st Spasonalivkovsky lane, 9с2;
  • FROM: Moscow region, Dzerzhinsky - TO: Moscow, 1st Kuryanovskaya street, 4;
  • FROM: Moscow, Novokosino metro station - TO: Moscow, 1st Naprudnaya street, 19;

Users of our site often ask, for example: “How to get from the bus station to the hospital?” and so on. We decided to make it easier for everyone to find the optimal route.

Driving along a pre-designed route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for directions on the road and turns.

Using the trip planning service, you just need to enter the beginning and end of the route, then click the “Show route on the map” button and you will receive several route options. Choose the most suitable one and start moving. Four modes of route planning are possible - by city public transport (including minibuses), by car, by bicycle or on foot.

Changes to the city's route network have come into effect.

Having gone out to public transport stops in the morning, Oryol residents were not immediately able to navigate the new routes. On August 9, that is, today, changes to the city public transport network, aimed at optimizing it, came into force. We wrote a lot about this, let us remind you that all routes duplicating each other have been removed, directions have been reduced: out of 49, 29 remain, all buses will become socially significant.

12 routes will remain unchanged:

No. 3 "Livenskaya gas station - State University-UNPK";

No. 4 "Alrosa St. - State University-UNPK";

No. 6 "Alrosa Street - State University-UNPK";

No. 11 "Special vehicle depot - Veselaya Sloboda";

No. 12 "Bus station - Tsvetaeva St.";

No. 17 "State University-UNPK—store "Zvezdny";

No. 28 "GRINN Megacomplex - Tsvetaeva St.";

No. 35 "909 block - Tsvetaeva street";

No. 39 "Botanika microdistrict - 1st Posadskaya street";

No. 47 "State University-UNPK - Yuzhny lane";

No. 48 "State University-UNPK - Yuzhny lane";

No. 60 "Veselaya Sloboda - Railway Station".

17 routes will take you on uncharted paths:

No. 1 "Luzhki Station - Chasovaya St." via Polovetskaya St.;

No. 2 "Planernaya St. - Gaidar St." across K. Marks Square;

No. 5 "Megacomplex GRINN - Bulgakovo village";

No. 7 "Planernaya St. - Gorky St." along Gorky St. in forward and reverse directions (without Priborostroitelnaya St.);

No. 8 "GRINN Megacomplex - Naugorskoe Highway" without entry to Chasovaya St. and Voskhod Lane;

No. 9 "Zarechensky Microdistrict - Silikatnaya St." via Emlyutina St.;

No. 10 "OJSC Severstal-Metiz - Naugorskoye Highway";

No. 13 "Cosmonauts Street - Chasovaya Street";

No. 15 "Special vehicle depot - Zhivmash plant";

No. 16 "Planernaya St. - OJSC "Severstal-metiz" through Kosmonavtov St. and Burov St. in the opposite direction;

No. 18 "Planernaya St. - Gaidar St." via 1st Posadskaya St., in the opposite direction through Lenin Stadium;

No. 19 "Planernaya St. - Trudovyh Reservov St.";

No. 20 "Zarechensky Microdistrict - Kosmonavtov St." across Emlyutina St.;

No. 21 "Botanika Microdistrict - Roshchinskaya St." to No. 12 on the 5th Eagle Rifle Division St.;

No. 22 "TB dispensary - Luzhki station";

No. 25 "Livenskaya St. - School No. 50";

No. 26 "Chasovaya St. - sanatorium "Lesnoy" through Burova St. and Kosmonavtov St. in the forward direction.

Routes that are excluded from the route network:

No. 2 "909 block - Tsvetaeva St." across 1st Posadskaya St.;

No. 9 "1st Posadskaya St. - Luzhki station";

No. 10 "909 block - Silikatnaya St." across K. Marks Square;

No. 15 "Veselaya Sloboda - Railway Station" via 1st Posadskaya Street;

No. 16 "Yuzhny Lane - 909 block";

No. 20 "Plant "Zhivmash" - sanatorium "Lesnoy";

No. 22 "Microdistrict Botanika - State University-UNPC";

No. 25 "GRINN Megacomplex - Zvezdny Store";

No. 27 "GRINN Megacomplex - Silikatnaya St." across 1st Posadskaya St.;

No. 31 "909 quarter - State University-UNPC";

No. 33 "909 block - RIO shopping center";

No. 43 "Livenskaya gas station - State University-UNPK";

No. 49 "Luzhki Station - OJSC Severstal-Metiz";

No. 50 "RIO shopping center - Gorky street";

No. 54 "Megacomplex GRINN - Veselaya Sloboda";

No. 57 "909 block - Semashko hospital" across Herzen street;

No. 59 "Luzhki Station - Alrosa St."


Elbrus- the highest mountain range of the Greater Caucasus. At the same time, it bears the proud title of the highest point in Europe and Russia. Elbrus is located in the Side Range system entirely on the territory of our country. It is a cone of an extinct volcano. The Western peak of Elbrus (height 5642 m) and the Eastern peak (5621 m) are separated by a deep saddle (5325 m). The first recorded ascent of Elbrus was made in 1829 by an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society led by General G. A. Emanuel. The first to climb the Western Summit (5642 m) in 1868 was the Englishman Douglas Freshfield. Climbing Elbrus is included in the international program "7 Summits".

Which route to take to climb Elbrus?

In addition to being the highest point in Russia and Europe, it is an incredibly beautiful free-standing mountain that can be seen from a variety of points. Wherever you are, in Mineralnye Vody, in Nalchik or coming from the Western Caucasus, Elbrus will always be completely diverse. And that's what makes this mountain special. Ascents along different routes are different routes. 50% of people who climb to the top return there again. This is the same mountain that you can climb several times. The peak itself is not the goal. The main thing is victory over yourself. Going to the top is really hard and scary, there are mountains and cracks all around. In martial arts, someone will hit harder, in running, someone will run faster, but here you are a champion.

Categories of difficulty of climbing routes to Elbrus

Vertex name Height (m) Difficulty category Nature of the route Route Supervisor Year of passage
Elbrus Eastern 5621 2A ice-snow from North K. Khashirov 1829
2A ice-snow via Shelter-11 D. Freshfield 1868
Elbrus Western 5642 2A ice-snow via Shelter-11 A. Grove 1874
2B ice-snow across the Western Shoulder ("Dome") N. Popov 1932
3A combined along the northwestern edge A. Shvyrev 2003
Elbrus East-West 2B ice-snow traverse
2B combined from North R. Gorda 1975

Information taken from the classifier of routes to mountain peaks 2013

Today there are 4 main routes for climbing Elbrus. This is an ascent from the south, west, east and north. We will tell you about their features.

Elbrus from the south. Classic route

Elbrus from the south is the most developed and comfortable route. You get here through the Terskol Gorge, where the Azau and Cheget ski resorts are located. The cable car reaches a height of 4055 m. You live in comfortable hotels. The route can be started by leaving the shelters. If desired, you can get to a height of 5000 m by snowcat. On the one hand, this devalues ​​the sporting component of the climb, and on the other, it reduces the climbing time to 3 hours. We recommend this route for your first ascent of Elbrus. It is the most comfortable, accessible and understandable.

An asphalt road leads to the village of Terskol. On walks along the Abakan Gorge you will see blooming rhododendrons, the Maiden's Braids waterfall, and the international observatory Terskol Peak. The first acclimatization trips are walks to the Terskol or Cheget peak. For two days we walk through alpine meadows at an altitude of 3200 m, which allows us to adapt well to the altitude. All this time we have been living in a hotel in the village of Terskol.

There is an acclimatization schedule when climbing Elbrus from the south, which we recommend sticking to. The first three days in the mountains you feel some kind of physical ailment: you are out of breath even at low altitudes, you don’t get enough sleep or you have a headache. We are used to living at sea level with an atmospheric pressure of 760 mmHg. Art. and a certain oxygen content in the air. The higher we rise in the mountains, the lower the pressure and oxygen content in the air. In order for acclimatization to take place fully, we need to build "saw" of acclimatization. We gain altitude and then definitely drop it.

Acclimatization schedule for climbing Elbrus from the south

The acclimatization process begins with arrival in the village of Terskol (2000 m), where we spend the first night. The next day we go to an altitude of 3200 m and again descend to the village at 2000 m. A day later we rise higher to 3600 m and again return to Terskol. Thus, we make acclimatization trips and drop altitude. This allows us to wake up more acclimatized in the morning and climb to higher altitudes the next day.

The first sign of altitude sickness is euphoria, which can cause you to fall into "oxygen debt". This is the body's ability to maintain an increased level of oxygen consumption, which is dissolved in your tissues, 2-6 hours after the end of physical activity. But later he becomes unable to breathe, and it is quite difficult to restore the oxygen balance. That is why we give the body a load and return to its starting position within 2 days. On average, acclimatization should last at least 7-8 days without harm to health, mental disorders or any other negative consequences for the body.

Then we take the cable car to an altitude of 4000 m. You can, of course, walk up along the lift, but it is better to save time and acclimatize at an altitude of 4000 m, where there are several options accommodation.

1. Barrels are the cheapest, but not very comfortable option.
2. Your own tent
3. Other houses or containers that can accommodate about 400 people at a time. But all these houses have one thing in common: outdoor amenities.
4. LeapRus bivouac hotel, built according to an Italian project 2 years ago. This is an amazing structure that looks like a flying saucer on the slopes of Elbrus. It was originally conceived as an alien station that processed the waste products of visitors. But now it only works at half its functionality: the sewage system freezes, or other problems arise. However, there is electricity and a comfortable dining room with large panoramic windows. This is the most comfortable accommodation to date on Elbrus. It can accommodate 28 people at a time, with another 24 people on the third shelves less comfortable. The price of accommodation is quite high. Starting this season, you can book LeapRus on

1. Take a snowcat to the Pastukhov rocks (4600-4800 m)
2. On foot
3. On a ski tour, so that you can then ski down from the top. Good snow conditions from early April to late June. Good preparation for off-piste skiing is essential.

There have been other stories when people climbed to the top on SUVs, bicycles, ATVs and even horses.

At an altitude of 4200 m we spend 2 nights in Shelter-11, where one day we make an acclimatization trip to the Pastukhov rocks and conduct snow and ice classes, and on the second day we rest or walk again to the rocks. Before climbing, you need to get a good night's sleep, because... the rise before the ascent is at 1 am, and it takes about 12 hours to ascend and descend to the camp. We climb to the top on foot. The steepness of the route can be from 20 to 35 degrees in places. Equipment required are crampons, trekking poles and an ice ax. In the steepest place there are ropes.

Between the two peaks there is a saddle the size of several football fields at an altitude of about 5200 m, from where you can climb both the East and West peaks. Trained climbers can climb "Cross of Elbrus"— climb both peaks at once.

The danger of Elbrus is that it is quite difficult to predict weather forecast. This is a separate high-standing mountain, and the weather is formed on Elbrus itself. If a front of warm air breaks through the Main Caucasus Range, a thunderstorm may form around the summit. No websites predict this. The weather can turn bad in an hour. The winds revolve around each peak, and at the saddle these currents converge. Finding yourself at this moment on the saddle with zero visibility, it is almost impossible to get out without a navigator. 70% of people die here, simply because they could not find their way back. Therefore, if the weather worsens, never be afraid to turn back. We recommend checking the weather forecast at and The wind forecast here is quite accurate.

If you are stuck on a saddle, it is quite difficult to survive there. The Russian Mountaineering Federation has tried many times to resolve this situation and implement some new new project. The most expensive project was the dome hut, but the first winter it was ripped off its bolts and thrown down. Winds on Elbrus in winter can reach 200 km/h. Perhaps the engineers did not calculate the strength of the structure for such extreme conditions. After that, RedFox built a small trailer under the Western peak, where 6 people can fit sitting and 4 lying down. In bad weather it is quite difficult to find this trailer; you need to know its exact location. But, nevertheless, he has saved more than a dozen lives.

On the approach to the western peak there is a cave that can accommodate 6 people. Elbrus is a stratovolcano. When the wind blows from the west, you can smell hydrogen sulfide. At this point, warm air flows out, which forms a fumarole. The cave never freezes. Once upon a time a wooden hut was built there, but one day they forgot to close it, it became filled with ice and was soon abandoned. Now it serves as a good landmark to find the cave.


Get directions by car

This service allows you to quickly get a route between any cities

Russia and Abroad, and immediately see the route laid out on the map.

Why do you need a distance calculator?

Look at which cities will pass the route, you will be able to decide in advance on a place to stay for the night.

You will see the approximate fuel consumption for the entire trip and be able to estimate financial
expenses. You will know how long you will spend on the road.

How to get directions by car?

First you need to set the starting and ending points of the route. In the calculator

The calculation has two fields - “city from” and “city to”. Enter in the appropriate fields

Names of cities.

In the “fuel consumption” field, enter the corresponding characteristics of your car

(in liters per 100 kilometers). In the “fuel price” field - the average price of gasoline,
with which you fuel your car.

This data is needed to calculate the total fuel costs for the entire trip.

In the “additional distance calculation settings” tab, you can specify more

Several conditions:

- “Detour countries” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified countries.

The function is especially useful for international transport. Allows you not to stop by

To the territory of countries with a visa regime and avoid customs inspections.

- “Detour of cities” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified

Cities. If you do not want to pass through a certain city, enter its name in

This field.

- “Detour routes” - exclude the specified routes from the calculation.

- “Through cities” - the function allows you to navigate a route through a specific

A city or cities, even if they lie outside the shortest path.

- “Speed ​​on the road” - there are 4 types of roads - territorial,

Regional, highway, motorway. You can exclude one from the calculation

Or several types.

You can plot a route by car in one of two modes:

The shortest route is the minimum distance from one city to another;

The fastest route - the minimum travel time (only


After you have set all the conditions, click the “calculate” button.

On the map that appears, the route will be marked with a thick red line, and all cities along the route will be marked with red markers.

The calculation results are presented in the form of a table, which shows the length of the entire path, the time in

trip, total fuel consumption and the amount this fuel will cost.

The table also contains a list of all cities through which the route is laid, with

Division into regions and countries.

The results obtained can be printed on a printer and taken with you on the road instead

Atlas. If you have the ability to access the Internet in your car (for example, through

satellite or cellular network), you can check the route and correct it in

Depends on the circumstances.

Please remember that the calculations use average data. That's why

The results obtained are only indicative values ​​and not exact figures.

You can calculate the distance between cities for free using our website. The distance between cities is calculated using the shortest paths. At the same time, fuel consumption is shown depending on the type and brand of the car.

The calculation can be useful in the following situations:

  • planning a private vacation trip with the whole family by car or determining the optimal route for a business trip. The calculator will help you calculate fuel costs while traveling (we know the average fuel consumption and its price);
  • will help professional long-distance drivers navigate routes between cities;
  • calculator options are useful for cargo senders when determining the cost of transportation services (the calculator determines the kilometer, the carrier gives the tariffs);

How to use the distance calculator?

Setting and planning a route between cities is not difficult. To do this, you will need to enter the starting point along the route in the “From” field. A convenient way to select cities has been created. The arrival field for a given route is filled in similarly. After selecting cities, click the calculation button.

A map will open with a plotted route and an indication of the starting and ending points of movement and cities. They are indicated with red markers. The route by car between cities is drawn with a red line. The following data is provided on top of the map for reference:

  • estimated route length;
  • travel time;
  • how much fuel is required for the trip.
  • what type of roads along the route;
  • the route is divided into separate sections indicating the length and time of travel.

This route data can be printed and received in a convenient A4 format. If necessary, you can make adjustments to the calculation. Set the parameters you need for your trip and request a quote again.

Additional settings make it possible to make adjustments to speed calculations for each type of road surface. There is an option to select transit settlements.

A fuel calculator will be very useful. Substitute into it the parameters of the car (average fuel consumption) and the current average prices for 1 liter of fuel. This will allow you to find out the required amount of fuel and its cost.

Alternative routing methods

If you have a road atlas at hand, then you can use it to roughly determine the route on the map. A curvimeter, if available, will help determine quite approximately the distance between cities.

It will be more difficult to find out the time spent on the trip. The entire route will need to be divided into fragments with roads of the same type. Knowing the speed at which you can travel on each class of road and knowing the length of such sections, you can calculate the travel time.

Data from reference books and atlases on distances between cities can also come to the rescue. Please note that such tables usually indicate large cities.

Algorithms for calculating distances between cities

Route calculations are based on an algorithm for finding a path using the shortest principle. Distances between cities by car are determined based on satellite coordinates of settlements and roads. As a result of reading all the data on a computer, the result is given as a simulation option. When planning a long trip, don’t be lazy and take care of your backup options.

In practice, there are two main methods for calculating distances between settlements:

  • exclusively on existing roads, taking into account access roads;
  • in a straight line (like a bird flies - straight and free). The distance turns out to be shorter, but in practice it has no practical significance - there are no roads along such a route.

Our program is used to calculate the distance between cities along highways and roads.