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Wherever we have to work and live, we will value our health. The country monitors the strength of our lungs. She is waiting for us who are resilient and light. Hardened in training, I will be strong, I will be agile. Health care is a big deal, and you need to bravely give it your strength. Our entire group of friendly guys are passionate about this work! Health is one of the main values ​​of life. Personal hygiene rules

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Riddles He lay down in his pocket and guarded Roar, a crybaby and a dirty one. They will have streams of tears in the morning, I won’t forget about the nose. It slips away like something alive, but I won’t let it go. It foams with white foam, I’m not too lazy to wash my hands. Soap has care Soap goes to work - It foams, lathers itself, Comes and lies in... I wipe it, I try, After the boy’s bath Everything is wet, everything is wrinkled There is no dry corner. With her hairy head she fits deftly into our mouths, And counts our teeth in the mornings and evenings. If I do my hair Helps me... I measured a hundred puddles I run to wash off the dirt Under... I wash my face early in the morning I use water from under...

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Who are microbes? Microbes are very small living things. They are not visible to the naked eye. To see them, you need to look through a special device called a MICROSCOPE.

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Wash your face in the morning and before bed. Wash your ears and neck every day. Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after eating. Wash your hands before eating and after every contamination. Keep your hair clean. Wash your feet before going to bed. Keep your nails short. Wash my entire body weekly. Not three eyes with your hands. Use a handkerchief. A few more rules of personal hygiene

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Hygiene is very strict It must always be observed... There is a lot of dirt under the nails, Although it is not visible. Dirt is scary with germs; Oh, they are insidious! After all, people get sick from them in a matter of days. If you wash your hands with soap, then the microbes quickly hide their power under the nails and look out from under the nails. And there are in the world, as if they grew up in the forest, incomprehensible children: they bite their dirty nails. Don't bite your nails, children, don't put your fingers in your mouth. This rule, believe me, will only benefit you.

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Summary of a lesson on teaching children a healthy lifestyle (HL) using health-saving technologies for senior preschool age.

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Program content: Continuing the conversation with children about the value of a healthy lifestyle. Make children aware of the need and importance of following hygiene procedures. 3.Rules for providing first aid yourself. Game – “Dialogue”: “The doctor is answering you.” Material for classes 1. Workbooks No. 3 “Safety” (N.N. Avdeeva). 2. Colored pencils. 3. Phone mockups (crafts made from Lego).

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Progress of the lesson Educator - Guys, we have already talked about the fact that health is one of the main values ​​of life. Each of you wants to be strong, cheerful, energetic - to run without getting tired, ride a bike, swim, play with the kids in the yard. And feeling unwell, endless runny noses, coughs, and headaches immediately spoil your mood. Because of this, you may be stunted, fail in class, be moody, or whiny. Therefore, everyone should think about their health, not harm their body, be able to independently provide first aid and know the rules of personal hygiene. Now let's guess the riddles: 1. Slipping away like something alive, But I won't let him out. It foams with white foam, I’m not too lazy to wash my hands. (soap) 2. Soap has care Soap goes to work - Foams, lathers itself Comes and lies in ... (soap dish) 3. I wipe, I try, After the boy’s bath Everything is wet, everything is wrinkled There is no dry corner. (towel)

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- And now, guys, we will open the notebooks to the first page. Let's look at the first picture. Is the girl behaving correctly? Child - No. Grandma just bought a pear at the market, and the girl eats it without washing it. Educator - Why is this girl’s behavior dangerous? Child - There are dangerous microbes on the surface of dirty fruits and vegetables. They cause diseases called infections. Educator - That's right, smart kids. Now we will color the picture by colored dots and see microbes that are so small that they can only be seen under a microscope. (Children complete the task). 4. With her hairy head she fits into our mouth deftly, And counts our teeth in the mornings and evenings. (toothbrush) 5. He lay down in his pocket and watches over the crybaby and the dirty one. He will wipe away the streams of tears and will not forget about his nose. (handkerchief) 6. If I do my hair Helps me...(comb) 7. I measured a hundred puddles I run to wash off the dirt Under...(shower) 8. I wash my face early in the morning I use water from under...(tap)

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Child - Yes, they look like monsters. There are so many of them! Educator - Next we will look at the pictures and determine who is doing well and who is not?! If it’s good, we put the sign – “+”, and if it’s bad – “-”. Child - The girls eat one gingerbread. This is bad. If one is sick, she will pass on her germs to the other, and the second will get sick too. Child - Girl eats banana. She does it right, because you don’t need to wash it, but just peel the peel that protects it. Educator - Pay attention to the following picture. You see how the girl loves her friends - a cat and a dog. She eats with them. And what do you think? Child - Well done for loving. But allowing them to rule the table is impossible and very dangerous. They can pass on all their diseases to the girl. Cats and dogs must be fed in their designated area. Educator - Correct! You know everything, well done! Let's look further. Child - You can’t drink from the tap, the water there is unclean and also dangerous. It's better to drink juice from a straw. Child - And the boy does it wrong. First of all, he didn’t wash his hands with soap; they were stained with dirt. And then the dangerous flies that fly above the table over the sweets carry germs because they fly everywhere. (Children mark the drawings with “+” or “–” signs).

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Educator - Guys, let's check if there are any slobs among us. I will read, and you walk in place and repeat the words: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” Who knows how to wash with soap and isn't afraid of a washcloth? How many of you know that fragrant soap makes fragrant white foam? Does he tickle his teeth with a toothbrush every day? Anyone who brushes their hair deftly knows where the comb is? Which of the kids sometimes forgets to wash their ears? Whoever is lazy will stop, and will begin to wash himself more often with soap? Who tries to cut their nails so they don't turn into claws? Who doesn't want to be a slob, a dirty, dirty little mess? Children (after every two lines) repeat: “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

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Educator - And now I suggest you play the game “The doctor answers you.” But before you start the game, you should remember a time when an injury occurred to you or to one of your friends. (Children walk around the group quietly, remembering). - I would like to remind you once again that in case of injury, very often we can provide first aid to ourselves. Today I will be an emergency doctor and answer how you should behave in case of injury. - Now everyone will take a number out of the box and take the phone. In order of number, you will call me, identify yourself and tell me about your case. (Everyone listens carefully, remembers what to do correctly in this or that case). - So, who has number one? I'm listening to you carefully. Child - Hello, doctor. I will soon be six years old. I was playing in the sandbox and cut my finger badly. There was blood and it hurt. I cried and held my finger in my dirty hand. Then he ran to his mother. She cleaned the wound and took me to the doctor for treatment. The finger was swollen and hurt for a long time. Doctor - Hello. You did it wrong. If you cut your finger, you need to raise your hand up and do not touch the wound with dirty hands. Therefore, the finger was swollen and hurt for a long time. And it was right to turn to my mother for help. Next time, take your health more seriously. Child - Thank you. I got it.

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Child - Hello. I am six years old. In the summer I swam and sunbathed for a long time. Suddenly I felt dizzy. I ran to my grandmother and fell on the way. Then I was admitted to the hospital. I felt sick, they gave me a lot of injections. I was sick for a long time. Doctor - Hello. You shouldn't have been in the sun for too long. And when you felt dizzy, you had to quickly sit down or lie down in the shade. And, of course, call adults. And you ran, fell, got a concussion, so you were treated for a long time. Take care of yourself. Child - Thank you very much. I will try. Child - Hello, doctor. I am five years old. In winter it was cold and windy, but my brother and I went for a walk. I got frostbite on my face. My older brother, he is eight years old, rubbed snow hard on my cheeks with his dirty hands. I started to have pain. Then I cried a lot and was treated for a long time with all sorts of ointments. Doctor - Hello. Your older brother gave you first aid incorrectly. It was necessary to easily rub your cheeks with a scarf or mitten, but not with snow or even dirty hands. Urgently go home and tell the adults. I sympathize with you, of course it was painful. You can't go for a walk in the cold. Be healthy. Child - Thank you for sympathizing with me. Now I don’t go for walks in severe frost. Child - Hello, dear doctor. I am six years old. My friend and I, who is the same as me, ran through the puddles at the dacha last year. My feet got very wet and my hands were very cold. I tried to warm my fingers in my mouth. In the evening I had a headache and a cough. I even ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. I was given a lot of painful injections, I was treated for a long time, then I realized that I was doing it wrong. I myself invited microbes into my body.

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Doctor - Hello. You see how dangerous things turned out for your health. None of this would have happened if you went straight home, changed your shoes, put on dry socks, washed your hands with soap and drank tea or milk. Next time, think about what you are doing. Child - Thank you, doctor. Now we know that we can independently provide first aid and take care of our health. And we know for sure that the doctor is our friend. Educator - Yes, guys, and if necessary, after conducting the necessary examination, the Doctor will write out a prescription according to which you need to purchase the necessary medicine. Who knows where they sell medicine? Child - For a sick person there is a pharmacy with medicines. Educator - You can get rid of nasty and nasty microbes. Think about it, guys, with dirty hands, with every serving of food you send troops of nasty and ugly microbes into your mouth, which will gladly settle in your cozy sweet tummy and will rejoice at unwashed vegetables, fruits and, especially, the dirty hands of their owner. Let it be your rule: Wash your hands after playing, after using the toilet, after a walk and, of course, before eating.

STATE BUDGETARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “KURGANIN AGRARITECHNOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGICAL TECHNIQUE” OF THE KRASNODAR REGION Conversation on the topic: “Personal and public hygiene. Hygienic foundations of physical exercise" Prepared and conducted by Curator Ekaterina Anatolyevna Belozerova, Kurganinsk, x. Red Field, 2017

"Hygiene" from the Greek word hygieinos, which means "healing, bringing health"

GOAL To find out how personal hygiene will help avoid diseases


Personal hygiene includes rules of hygienic maintenance Skin hygiene Oral hygiene Hygiene of clothes and shoes Linen hygiene Living hygiene Water hygiene Food hygiene

HOME HYGIENE Hygienic requirements WET CLEANING: Removing dust from any surface Washing plumbing fixtures, washing bathrooms and toilets, wiping kitchen units, microwave ovens, electric stoves Washing floors Cleaning carpets Cleaning upholstered furniture Cleaning air conditioners, radiators

SKIN HYGIENE Hygiene requirements To keep your skin clean, you should take a shower every day. Washing is the main type of skin care in which dust, germs, sweat, sebum, and various contaminants are removed from its surface. You need to be careful when using soap and shower gel, because their abuse irritates the skin, leads to dryness and flaking. The skin of the hands should be washed with soap and water at room temperature. The skin of the feet should be washed daily in the evening before going to bed.

Personal hygiene items

It is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet, interacting with animals, before preparing food and before eating, after going outside, cleaning the premises, and in all cases when your hands are dirty. Watch your hands carefully. Nails should be clean and cut short. Wash your hands often! Regular hand washing and nail care will protect against many diseases. Don't forget your feet. They often sweat and have an unpleasant odor, so they also need to be washed daily

Rules of body care For washing, use toilet soap or gel. Take a shower daily, especially after work that involves dirty skin and heavy sweating. Wash your body with warm water, soap and a washcloth at least once a week. After washing, put on clean underwear

Hair care You should wash your hair with warm, soft water. Long hair should be combed starting from the ends, and short hair should be combed from the root. The comb should not have sharp teeth, it should be sparse. It is unacceptable to use someone else's comb. Cold, sun, sea water, wind, dust, etc. makes hair brittle and dull.

CLOTHING HYGIENE Hygienic requirements for clothing and shoes Keep warm in the cold Do not interfere with heat transfer Beautiful and comfortable, the materials from which clothes are made must be natural (cotton, wool) Lightweight and practical Pleasant to people and others Clothes must be washed regularly and dry cleaned Behind shoes It is always necessary to carefully monitor (dry, being careful), clean. Shoes intended for constant wear must be light, match the size and have a heel no higher than 3-4 cm. It is unacceptable to use someone else's clothes and shoes.

Clothing and footwear Clothing must correspond to the climatic conditions of the environment and the nature of the work. It is better to choose clothes and shoes made from natural fabrics and leather. Keep your underwear clean and change your socks daily. Dirt and sloppiness in clothing is disrespect not only for yourself, for your health, but also for the people around you.

WATER HYGIENE Hygienic requirements for water WATER SHOULD BE: Transparent Odorless Refreshing taste WATER IN THE BODY PERFORMS THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS: Dissolves many chemicals Removes toxins from the body Participates in thermoregulation of the body

FOOD HYGIENE Hygienic requirements for nutrition Most food should be consumed boiled or steamed You should eat raw vegetables and fruits Eat food at certain hours It is harmful to eat a lot of food at once At lunch, it is important to eat salad first, and then soup You should not be forced to eat after force Storing food without a refrigerator is dangerous It is harmful to read, watch TV or get angry while eating It is important to chew food well and take your time when eating it Food hygiene rules must be observed by adults and children

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The presentation on the topic “Personal Hygiene” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: life safety. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 23 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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9th grade Egorova I.N.

Municipal educational institution Secondary school No. 17 of Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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Objective of the project. “Formation of personal hygiene skills in students.”

Purpose of the presentation. Motivate students to systematize their acquired knowledge to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Tasks. Teach students to clearly and competently follow the rules of personal hygiene. Develop a secure type of personality. Foster a culture of communication. Develop students' horizons.

Research methods: theoretical, practical, statistical, experimental.

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Oral hygiene

People began to ask themselves the question of the need to brush their teeth a very long time ago, not earlier than when they had teeth, and not later than when they began to eat. Food particles got stuck between the teeth, decomposed, and the person had to come up with something to change this situation. As a result of short research, the prototype of the first toothbrushes became ordinary branches of trees and shrubs, which were used to remove food debris from the interdental spaces. Along with the chopsticks used by one of the most vibrant civilizations of the past - the Aztecs, historians know the facts of the use of wooden spatula sticks in ancient Rome. The Japanese “Samurai Code” ordered warriors to brush their teeth after each meal with various branches of resinous trees, and in Indian bazaars you can still buy branches of the “neem” tree, all for the same purpose.

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There is an opinion that tooth decay and loss cannot be avoided with age. Therefore, many people do not think about preventing dental diseases until toothache forces them to see a dentist. Meanwhile, the risk of dental disease can be significantly reduced by following the basic rules of caring for teeth and gums. The main role in maintaining oral health is given to the correct use of high-quality oral hygiene products. It is very important not only to select them with the help of a dentist, but also to strictly adhere to the regimen and technique of their use. Read carefully and check yourself!

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Children's toothbrushes are made of soft fiber. Toothbrushes with the same degree of hardness are recommended for use by patients with periodontal disease. Hard brushes are usually recommended for people with healthy periodontium, however, if the teeth cleaning technique is incorrect, they can injure the gums and cause abrasion of hard tooth tissues.

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When buying a brush, remember the following rules: The head of the brush should be small (2-3 cm) and ideally have a power projection: an elongated and pointed protrusion of bristles that guarantees excellent access to the back teeth, which are the most difficult to clean areas. The edges of the head should be rounded so as not to damage the gums and sensitive mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

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Basic rules for using a toothbrush 1. Before brushing and after brushing your teeth, you must thoroughly wash the brush. 1. The brush should be stored with the bristles facing up. The brush case is used for transportation only. 3. It is not recommended to give your toothbrush to other people 4. The brush must be changed when it wears out (1.5 - 2 months) or after infectious and viral diseases. 5. Children should brush their teeth with a children's toothbrush selected according to their age.

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Toothpastes Toothpastes can be divided into children's and adults. Children's toothpastes differ from adults in having a softer abrasive and lower fluoride content. Children should brush their teeth with children's toothpaste. Toothpastes, depending on the composition, can have anti-caries, anti-inflammatory, whitening, reducing hypersensitivity and other effects. The active ingredients included in the paste are indicated on the packaging.

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Skin hygiene

To keep your skin clean, you should shower daily. Washing is the main type of skin care, in which dust, germs, sweat, sebum, and various contaminants are removed from its surface. If you have normal to oily skin, use regular toilet soap or shower gel. For very dry skin, it is recommended to use mild baby soap or rub special oils and creams into damp skin. You need to be careful when using soap and shower gel, because their abuse irritates the acidic membrane of the skin, leading to dryness and flaking. If you have to take a shower, for example, after sports training, then use detergents only if you are sweating a lot, in this case the acid shell is less irritated.

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If you are tired and want to cheer up, a contrast shower will help you. You should start with warm water, gradually increasing its temperature, and then quickly douse yourself with cold water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times and finish with cool or cold water. Such a contrast shower has a wonderful effect on the skin, as it improves its blood supply due to the instant narrowing and expansion of blood vessels. If after a busy day you want to relax, then when you get into the shower, make sure that first warm and then increasingly hot water flows down your back from the back of your head down your spine. The fact is that here is the central point of the nerve node, a kind of water massage of which will have a beneficial effect on you. Without dousing yourself with cold water, get out of the shower, rest, relax and lie down for a while.

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A very common problem is sweating. If you sweat excessively, you need to be especially careful about keeping your body clean, as the smell of sweat creates an unpleasant impression. In addition to water hygiene procedures and the use of special deodorants that eliminate the smell of sweat, try taking infusions of medicinal plants, which will undoubtedly help you in this situation. Infusion of sage or lemon balm, brew 2 teaspoons of herbs with 1 cup of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the cooled and strained infusion is taken in equal portions throughout the day. Infusion of sage and nettle, brew 15 g of a mixture of dry herbs with 1 glass of hot water, after 30 minutes the infusion is ready. Drink 1/2 glass a day 2 times for 4 weeks; after a few months the course of treatment can be repeated.

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Food hygiene

Improper storage of products leads to their spoilage, and consumption of such products can cause food poisoning and infectious diseases. In our environment: in the air, on furniture, kitchen utensils and on the products themselves, there are many microorganisms that, under favorable conditions, multiply quickly. Some of them are capable of producing strong poisons (toxins). The most common microorganisms include molds, yeasts and bacteria.

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Transmission of bacteria Bacteria cannot travel on their own. They come into contact with food in the following ways: - from dirty hands - from festering cuts, sores and burns - from dirty equipment and work surfaces - from air flow - from water - carried by insects, birds or rodents - carried by pets - very easily transferred from food waste not removed on time Cross contamination - bacteria entering fresh food with already spoiled food (directly or through an intermediary).

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Types of bacteria Escherichia coli is a group of microorganisms (more than 100 species) that live in the intestines of humans, animals and birds. They are highly resistant to adverse conditions and last a long time in water, soil, and on objects. They develop most intensively at a temperature of 37 ° C, but can also reproduce at room temperature. They die at +60 °C in 15 minutes. Poisoning often occurs when eating ready-made foods contaminated with these bacteria: meat, fish, minced meat, salads, mashed potatoes, etc.

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HEALTH AND HYGIENE WAYS TO MAINTAIN HEALTH Protecting yourself from illness and injury will require you to master many simple techniques called personal hygiene. Developing immunity will protect you from a number of very serious diseases that you may be exposed to - smallpox, typhoid fever, diphtheria, cholera, plague, yellow (tropical) fever. Firstly, you must always ensure that your underwear and socks remain clean and dry. At a minimum, it is necessary to shake out clothes, shoes and underwear every day, air them and dry them. Wash your hands with at least cold water. If weather and external conditions permit, be sure to swim in natural reservoirs with clean water or organize washing of limbs with hot water, as well as washing clothes.

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Secondly, you should avoid rubbing your feet at all costs. Scuffed feet usually occur from ill-fitting shoes, from walking for a long time in wet shoes, or from toenails that are too large and dirty. It is necessary that the shoes are always dry, worn in, without folds or unevenness inside. Daily skin and toe care is strictly necessary. One of the means of preventing fungal diseases is daily wiping the folds of skin between the toes with a disinfectant solution: 0.5% potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), 2-3% formaldehyde; soap paste, boric acid.

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Keep clean

1) Cleanliness of the body is the first defense against pathogenic microbes. The ideal would be to take a daily shower with hot water and soap. If this is not possible, keep your hands clean, brush your nails, and sponge your face, armpits, crotch and legs at least once a day. 2) Keep clothing, especially underwear and socks, as clean and dry as possible. If washing is not possible, shake out clothes, dry them and air them regularly. 3) If possible, use toothpaste every day. Soap, table salt or soda can successfully replace toothpaste, and a small green sprig, chewed well on one side, will serve you as a toothbrush. Another method is to brush your teeth with a clean finger. This method also massages the gums.

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Hygiene of clothing and footwear Footwear should always be carefully monitored, especially when operating in damp climatic conditions and in winter. Shoes need to be dried more often, being careful, since if they are dried quickly (over a fire, near a hot stove), they can deteriorate, as well as if wet shoes are left in the cold. A good way of drying is to fill shoes with heated (so that they do not burn) pebbles, sand, and small stones.

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When carrying loads, fill the backpack (satchel) correctly: small objects should be placed towards the back, hard and heavy ones - in the lower half of the satchel. Adjust the straps of the backpack according to your height so that its lower edge (attached weight) is adjacent to the sacrum. A backpack adjusted in this way does not hit the back and does not pull too much on the shoulders. When carrying a heavy load (more than 20 kg), it is necessary to take care of soft pads under the shoulder straps (made of foam rubber, felt, moss, etc.). In winter, you need to especially carefully monitor the condition of your clothes, keep them dry and protect them from burning.

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Prevent overheating by removing pieces of clothing and unfastening them at the neck, wrists and chest; - arms and legs cool faster than other parts of the body and should be given more attention. Cover your hands as much as possible. You can warm your hands under your arms, on your inner thighs, or on your chest. Since feet sweat quickly, it is difficult to warm them. It is better to wear larger shoes so that you can wear at least two socks. Never forget a good hat.

  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • Slide 1

    Personal hygiene. Hygiene of skin and clothing. Purpose: explain the importance of personal hygiene for overall health; to form an idea of ​​the hygienic conditions of normal nutrition

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    Hygiene (from the Greek word hygieinos - healthy) refers to the most ancient branches of medical knowledge. Hygiene as a science has been developing since the 2nd half of the 19th century. Its founder is considered to be Pettenkofer in England; in Russia – A.P. Dobroslavin and F.F. Erisman.

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    Hygiene is a field of medicine that studies the influence of living and working conditions on human health and develops measures to prevent various diseases, ensure optimal living conditions, preserve health and prolong life. Personal hygiene is a set of norms and rules, the observance of which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of human health.

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    The basis of personal hygiene is keeping the entire body clean. It has been established that within a week, the sebaceous glands of an adult secrete from 100 to 300 g of sebum, and the sweat glands - from 3 to 7 liters of sweat. Both lard and sweat create favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogens, not to mention an extremely unpleasant odor. During puberty, the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands increases.

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    A person’s hands become dirty most easily, since they constantly come into contact with surrounding objects. Therefore, they must be washed when returning home, before eating and before preparing food. The habit of washing your hands after visiting the toilet prevents the spread of infectious intestinal diseases, as well as self-infection with worms. By the way, biting your nails is a very dangerous habit (and ugly, too).

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    Body hygiene It is advisable to shower daily, especially in the hot season or after physical activity, when sweating increases. Linen must be changed. Washing with a washcloth and soap is recommended at least once a week. Feet are washed daily with soap and dried. Diaper rash, abrasions, and calluses must be treated, as they can provoke fungal diseases. Socks, stockings and tights are changed daily.

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    Hair hygiene It is advisable to wash your hair in soft water. The frequency of washing is determined individually, but it should be remembered that frequent shampooing strengthens the work of the sebaceous glands. It is good to rinse with water and vinegar, a decoction of chamomile or nettle. Head massage is very useful. You can do it before every wash. Don't be lazy to comb your hair morning and evening.

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    Dental hygiene (what are the functions of teeth?) Teeth are brushed daily in the morning and evening before bed, after eating it is better to rinse your mouth, this is much healthier than chewing gum. When brushing your teeth, plaque is removed from the tongue (heavy plaque is evidence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract). Bad breath can be caused by tooth decay, diseases of the throat, stomach or liver.

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    Avoid fatty, sticky and acid-forming foods; it can change the environment in the oral cavity and affect the composition of saliva in such a way that tooth decay and enamel erosion occur. Regularly clean the spaces between your teeth with a special floss or toothpick. To prevent diseases, it is recommended to visit a dentist at least 2 times a year.

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    Slide captions:

    Conversation on the topic: “Rules of personal hygiene”

    The word “hygiene” came to us from Ancient Greece and means “healing, bringing health.” Hygiene is one of the oldest areas of human knowledge. Its origins go back to ancient times. Even before the birth of hygiene as an independent science, experience in hygiene recommendations had been accumulated. These recommendations appeared in the process of observations, generalizations, and transfer of life experience to subsequent generations.

    Skin hygiene All parts of the skin that are not protected by clothing: face, neck and hands should be kept clean at all times. The face, ears and neck should be washed in the morning and evening, before going to bed. Before going to bed, be sure to wash your feet with cool water. This achieves not only cleanliness, but also hardening of the body; Hands must be washed after coming from outside, before and after each visit to the toilet, and before eating;

    Once a week, be sure to wash your entire body with warm water and soap: wash your hair; neck; torso and arms and finally legs.

    Skin hygiene The towel should be clean, soft, and should only be used by its owner. Perform intimate toileting at least twice a day! - Carry out water procedures in the morning: rubbing, dousing or showering, strengthening and tempering the entire body! - Take care of your hands and nails! Trim and remove dirt from under your nails regularly with a special brush!

    Hair hygiene - Wash your hair not with hot, but with pleasantly warm water! - Free your hair from the stress of coloring and perming! - Try to use a hairdryer as little as possible in winter! A large amount of dust accumulates in the hair, especially in summer. Mixing with sweat and sebum, dust forms a coating (film) on the scalp and hair, in which various microorganisms can develop. - You need to comb your hair every morning and keep your hair in order all the time! - Keeping your hair neat is one of the most important means of preventing scalp disease!

    Hygiene of clothing and footwear Clothing and footwear protect the human body from exposure to cold, excess heat and moisture. At the same time, clothing and shoes protect the body from contamination. Clothes should not restrict the human body! Clothes and shoes should always be kept clean! Underwear needs to be changed daily! Washing clothes must be done skillfully and rinsed well!

    Dental and oral hygiene Maintaining oral hygiene is the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and exacerbations of chronic diseases of internal organs.

    To prevent dental diseases, you need to regularly: - chew food thoroughly for a long time, be sure to include hard vegetables and fruits in your diet; - reduce the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, cakes, etc.), they are good food for the development of pathogenic microflora; - drink more, doing it slowly, retaining liquid in the mouth (maximum germs are washed away); - After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth with water.

    Dental and oral hygiene: brush your teeth in the morning (after breakfast) and in the evening (after dinner). You should start brushing your teeth on one side of the molars, gradually moving the brush towards the front teeth, the same procedure is done on the other side of both jaws; The chewing surfaces of the teeth are cleaned in two directions lengthwise and with sweeping movements;

    Dental and oral hygiene - toothpicks are designed to remove large particles of food from interdental spaces; - rinse your mouth between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner; do therapeutic exercises for the teeth and jaws, squeezing the teeth first weakly and then tightly several times, closing the mouth easily and with great force, moving the lower jaw to the side; To prevent diseases of the gums and other soft tissues, constantly strengthen the body’s defenses by doing sports and hardening.

    Take care of yourself! Practice good hygiene! And be healthy and beautiful! By choosing one or another lifestyle, diet, physical activity, personal hygiene, mental and emotional mood, everyone individually determines the duration of their life.