Pregnancy calculators

Your personal calendar of fertile days and safe sex days.

There are three questions this calculator can answer:

    When can you not use protection? (the calendar method of contraception is considered ineffective)

    When could you get pregnant? (better ask it to another calculator, it's called " ")

    When to get pregnant? (this question is the most appropriate)

The arrival of a baby in a family is a significant and very important event; they always prepare for it in advance. And not always from the moment the expectant mother becomes aware of her pregnancy - planning for the birth of a child, like , often occurs long before the onset of pregnancy.

The correct lifestyle that an expectant mother should lead is one of the prerequisites for the birth of a healthy and full-fledged baby. In addition, for the birth of a healthy baby, it is necessary, before calculating the conception calendar, to undergo a full medical examination, treat chronic diseases (for example, tonsillitis), visit a dentist, and also talk with a geneticist. When the preparatory stage is over, and you are convinced that the future parents (yes, the father too!) are healthy, you can start... counting.

How to calculate the conception of a child

Choosing the right moment of conception today is quite simple thanks to modern science; there is a special calendar for conceiving a child - an average scheme that can be used as a guide when calculating. To obtain reliable information and compile an individual conception calendar, automatically calculated by a computer using the program, you only need to enter your data - the average duration of the menstrual cycle (it is counted from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next) and indicate the first day of the last menstrual cycle. The main task of the child conception calendar is to show the most favorable days for conception, when the female body is most ready for fertilization.

Using the child conception calendar or, you can try to program the gender of the unborn child - geneticists say that the birth of a girl will ensure the conception of the baby before the peak of ovulation. And if conception is correctly calculated and carried out immediately at the moment of ovulation or immediately after it, a boy will be born. You can find out when you are ready for procreation by using or passing an ovulation test.

A little educational program

A high level of information technology does not necessarily mean that we all have full knowledge of the necessary information. What are the conception calendar calculations based on and how safe are the “safe days for sex”?

During the menstrual cycle, the female body is differently prepared to rebuild itself and allow it to settle inside a new life. Those days when full sexual intercourse with ejaculation does not lead to conception are called safe days, and the most suitable days for conception, when the most active sperm is quickly and quite successfully able to fertilize an egg, are called ovulation days or favorable for conception.

The moment of ovulation is the time when female germ cells are in “active mode”, that is, they are completely ready to perform their functions. This moment occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle and lasts 2-4 days, so calculating ovulation is not difficult if you know exactly the duration of your cycle. For automatic calculation, a special one has been developed, which in a few seconds is able to calculate ovulation and indicate the optimal days for conception.

It should be remembered that each human body is a purely individual mechanism, so you should not completely rely on counting the days for safe sex. Because the concept of safe days existing in obstetric terminology, which relates to the topic of pregnancy planning, has an indirect relationship to protection from unwanted pregnancy. Calculating the conception calendar in order to select days when you can have safe sex without protection is illiterate and stupid, since your body may have “dangerous” the end of the menstrual cycle (and this happens when the cycle is unstable and the time of ovulation is extended , therefore it fails correctly).

How to get a wonderful person

No one will argue that everything around us affects our state, attitude, and ultimately, our life. But few people realize that the roots of this influence are very deep. They are hidden in the most intimate mystery - the moment of conception. Therefore, if with your help you have determined the most favorable day for conceiving a child, try to turn it into a real holiday - bright, joyful, happy. Even if you are a non-believer, then let the results of medical research, which claim that even flora responds to beautiful music and plants grow faster, tell you the right way to show your baby that he is wanted, expected and already loved.

It is not for nothing that in many languages ​​there is a romantic name for the act of copulation between a man and a woman - making love. Let sex on the day you choose to conceive a child become not just lovemaking, but a desire to share your love not between two, but three - you, the parents, and your baby. And then, as you wanted, your child will be the smartest, the most beautiful, the healthiest, the most...

Questions for the article

Almost in a row WITHOUT ejaculations, what is the probability...

Shows a positive result. What is the probability that it will...

Protected. And 06/05 interrupted coitus, 06/06, 06/07 protected....

Is the fruit strengthened?? (well, that is, after how many days can we count...

Interrupted sexual intercourse in a row. is pregnancy possible?...

Sometimes 26 sometimes 28 days. it was 11.12. 12/18 and 12/21, 12/21 was like...

27.10.-02.11. The last sex was on the night from 02.11 to 03.11. was interrupted...

Not in the vagina, but, say, on the stomach or back, and if after that...

2 days after my period and the condom broke and the guy came in...

(I removed the coil that day). She made me feel very bad and I stopped...

I drank a pack, (I was under a lot of stress), my period didn’t come, it was on 03/01/2012...

Possibility of getting pregnant? the thing is that there was a condom, but...

I’m reading, but I can’t figure out how to count them! ((((Menstruations for...

It turns out that this month the PA was during ovulation, and on the 16th day of breastfeeding...

After unprotected sex? Can pregnancy symptoms...

Ultrasound. Help determine the date of conception. menstrual cycle 30-31...

I'm gaining strength and vitamins))) We use it as a method of contraception...

She had sensations) appeared at first light-light pink, and...

I don’t know the cycle) ejaculation occurred internally, at that time...

Unprotected 04/13/12 could pregnancy occur? ...

The last time was 29 days. Sexual intercourse took place on 14,15,18. Is it possible...

I did 2 tests "Evitest", the first at lunch, and the second the next day...

My period is 30, but it hasn’t come yet, so I’m pregnant?...

I finished, and after that it happened the same way once more, I was just wondering...

Graphics. Question means I’m not pregnant? Although I had sex in days...

2-5 days before ovulation, then you will get a girl, and during and 2 days after...

The instructions say that when taking the pills from the first day...

It even seems like the uterus is tingling. The discharge is cloudy and profuse....

I'm on my period and my partner cums inside me. the likelihood of pregnancy?...

It's coming. Is it the body itself that takes a break from it? or whatever is inside...

According to statistics, the number of abortions in developed countries of the world is not getting smaller. And in developing countries, this is the most common method of ending pregnancy today, despite the prohibitions and risks associated with possible complications and infertility.

Recently, one can increasingly hear about various safe contraceptive products produced by industry. However Most modern women are increasingly inclined to calculate “safe” days much healthier and more correct than drinking dubious drugs and using condoms made of unsafe latex. Absolutely every woman can create a calendar of safe days.

Menstruation, cycles and phases of their occurrence

In medicine, the days when the female body is ready for ovulation are called the fertile period. With a probability of 85-100%, every first woman who gave birth to a child conceived it during this period of time.

The menstrual cycle consists of three main phases of dangerous and safe days:

  1. The phase when a woman is completely sterile. The countdown starts from the last day of ovulation and ends with the first day of menstruation.
  2. Relative sterility(the possibility of fertilization is 10-15%). This time falls on the period of time from the last menstrual day to the day when ovulation begins.
  3. Fertility. The most favorable time to conceive a baby. These are 2-3 days in the middle of the menstrual cycle, called ovulation days.

Naturally, when using online calculations of the safe days calendar, you must remember that it does not take into account the individual characteristics of each woman’s body. And therefore, at the boundaries between the phases of sterility, relative sterility and ovulation, it is necessary to leave several days in one direction or another. This kind of “reserve” may become another certain precaution for you.

Online safe days calculator

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Calendar of safe days - why can calculations be more useful than dubious drugs?
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Calendar of safe days - why can calculations be more useful than dubious drugs?

Calendar and safe days calculator

Calendar calculations of sterile days and family planning methods are associated with the physiological characteristics of most women and scientific observations. Most often, when calculating sterile (safe) days, the phases of the menstrual cycle are taken as a basis.

Calendar method

Keeping a calendar of safe days may require attention and discipline from a woman for some time. This is due to the fact that You will need to keep a diary for several months, in which to record a number of your indicators, and then conduct an analysis based on them. In addition, after 3 months of keeping such a diary, you should definitely consult a doctor.

However, every woman who keeps a calendar must understand that no one can give a 100% guarantee that she will not become pregnant on sterile days. Preliminary calculations only make it possible to determine the fertile period and minimize the likelihood of pregnancy if it is unwanted.

However, the calendar of safe days of the menstrual cycle has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Calendar calculations can be used both for contraception purposes and if the family has begun planning to conceive a child.
  • This is the only environmentally friendly method of contraception that completely eliminates unwanted side effects on the female body.
  • Calculation by the calendar will allow you to better understand a woman’s reproductive system and increase a man’s responsibility for family planning and health.

However, couples experiencing difficulties with the need to abstain during the fertile phase, as well as women who do not have permanent partners, should use this method with extreme caution. The former have a high probability of unwanted conception, the latter are at risk of contracting viral and infectious diseases.

Contraception and conception calculator

Determining the days of contraception is possible using a special online calculator. In order to determine safe days, you need to enter just a few numbers into the appropriate cells - the duration of the entire menstrual cycle, indicating the exact date of its start. The cycle is counted from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next.

The safe days calculator is ideal if a woman has the same menstrual cycle. In this case, both the favorable day for conceiving a child and sterile days can be calculated with almost 100% accuracy.

Measuring basal temperature is a cheap and reliable way to determine flight days

How to determine the beginning of menstruation if the cycle is “floating”? In this case, the onset of menstruation is determined by measuring body temperature in the rectum (basal temperature). By taking measurements in the morning while lying in bed, you will be able to notice that on the days of ovulation (middle of the cycle) the readings will increase by 0.2-0.50C.”

Online calculators for determining “dangerous” days for conception are, of course, convenient, but very unreliable. Especially for women with irregular cycles. A more reliable way to determine the time of ovulation is to measure basal temperature, that is, body temperature immediately after waking up (it is believed that this is the lowest temperature during the day).
It is very important to measure basal temperature correctly in order to calculate dangerous days for conception. Follow these guidelines:

  • the temperature is measured immediately after you wake up - it is undesirable to even get out of bed, so keep the thermometer on the bedside table;
  • Only a mercury thermometer is suitable for measurements - you need to use the same thermometer;
  • the thermometer is inserted into the rectum 6 cm and kept there for 3-4 minutes;
  • the results obtained are entered into the table.

A sign of ovulation is an increase in rectal temperature by 0.2-0.5 degrees. In this case, you need to be absolutely sure that there are no other reasons for the increase in temperature: infection, taking certain medications, active sexual activity that night.

Important! It is useless to try to measure basal temperature under the armpit, in the mouth, or in other places.

Another way to correctly determine the indicators that are entered into online tables and calculators is to calculate the days of ovulation from vaginal mucus. In this case, by the middle of the month the mucus becomes transparent, stretchy and slightly thinner than usual.

If you are a modern person and seriously care about family planning, then this converter is what you need. The safe days calendar will allow you to more accurately warn about the days when you are ovulating and when the days are safe for conception.

It is simple and convenient to work with. What any woman diligently calculates with a pencil, the safe days calendar converter gives out instantly and accurately.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 31 February March April May June July August September October November December 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 20 19 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 1st day of last menstruation 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Average cycle length 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Duration of menstruation

Family planning is a fairly fashionable term at this time and is most often used when referring to birth control for children. Many modern families are seriously concerned about the timing of pregnancy and the desired number of children. In general, this is quite good, because we all want the pregnancy to proceed calmly, and not during a session, diploma or move.

Family planning begins almost immediately after you decide to get married and live together. The most important thing in this case is the understanding and consistency of the plan, this is a common desire. After all, having become husband and wife, you are not always ready to become parents.

When the mystery of the birth of a new life occurs, it is a miracle and one must treat it with reverence and be fully prepared.

In what environment will the child grow up, how to raise him - I think these thoughts are born in the heads of a young family as soon as they begin to think about children. And this is quite natural and responsible in relation to the unborn child. Parents are not born, they are made. You just need to prepare mentally and financially for conceiving a baby.

The calendar method of contraception is probably one of the most ancient and well-known. It refers to natural family planning and is based on sexual abstinence during the period of greatest likelihood of conception.

And, conversely, if conception is desired, planning sexual intercourse on days most conducive to this.

However, when planning your first child, you need to take into account the advice of doctors. For women, the most favorable period for conception is up to 30 years of age, and a later birth of the first child can cause problems, both with conception and during pregnancy.

For men, time also does not stand still and the most productive age for conceiving a baby is up to 40-45 years old.

So plan your family, but do not forget to include in this plan the timely arrival of your first child.

Periodic changes that occur in the reproductive organs of women of reproductive age and contribute to conception are called the menstrual cycle.

Its beginning is conventionally considered to be bleeding lasting from 3 to 7 days. The period of female menstruation is on average 28 days (with fluctuations from 21 to 35) and varies depending on the individual physiological characteristics of the female body.

Of the three phases of menstruation - follicular, ovulatory, secretory - the shortest is proliferative (ovulatory), accompanied by the release of a mature egg. It falls in the middle of the cycle (with a 28-day cycle – day 14). Conception, as well as the division of dangerous and safe days, depends on its presence/absence.

A non-dangerous period is a time period of the menstrual cycle that is unlikely for pregnancy during unprotected intercourse and includes several days before and after bleeding.

Since the female body is unpredictable, the impossibility of conception in a given time period is very conditional. Specialists in the field of gynecology and reproductive medicine believe that fertilization of an egg can occur at any point in the cycle, since the menstruation of most women is irregular and its duration can vary. In addition, hormonal imbalance provoked by external factors can lead to conception even in the safest period. Medical professionals, however, confirm that there is a period of time that reduces the risk of pregnancy.

How to calculate safe days

The period during which it is impossible to get pregnant is the period of time before and after the ovulatory phase, which occurs in a woman’s body every month, with the exception of rare cases when this process starts 2-3 times per cycle or is absent altogether. Accordingly, you need to know the dates when you can use physiological methods of contraception.
Every month a woman experiences menstruation, which renews the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ, clearing the remains of the endometrium.

With a constant cycle, the proliferative period begins on days 14-16, leading to fertilization and dangerous for those who are not planning a pregnancy. The period before and after ovulation is defined as safe.

However, this is not a 100% guarantee, as there are exceptions to the rules.

How to calculate days that are safe for fertilization?

It is necessary to take into account a number of conditions for their calculation. These include:

  1. regular uninterrupted menstruation;
  2. discipline, balance and responsibility of partners;
  3. use of spermicides.

In addition, the following factors should not be neglected:

  • due to stress and hormonal imbalances, several eggs may mature in a cycle;
  • different times for the release of the female reproductive cell (before and after the middle of menstruation);
  • The viability of the egg is on average 12–48 hours;
  • sperm remain active for up to a week;
  • cyclic failures are possible.

Taking these factors into account, it is possible to determine which days are considered safe and do not require protection during intercourse.

Methods for calculating safe days

There are easy and accessible physiological methods for calculating safe days before and after menstruation that do not lead to pregnancy:

  1. maintaining a calendar;
  2. ovulation test;
  3. cervical method;
  4. temperature control in the anus;
  5. symptothermal method.

Statistics show that none of the methods guarantees 100% reliability. Let's consider the main ones in more detail.

Calendar method

The calendar method is the most convenient and accessible, based on calculating the safest days for unprotected sexual intercourse, regulated by the duration of the female cycle.

The idea of ​​the method is to determine the fertile period, limiting sexual intercourse, excluding fertilization of the egg. The calendar method is highly accurate only with regular menstruation; it requires a woman to carefully keep records throughout the year recording its duration.

Calculations of dangerous and safe days directly depend on the duration of the menstrual cycle.
The beginning of the dangerous period is determined by subtracting 18 from the duration of the shortest cycle for the year. Let's say it's 27 days. Accordingly, the beginning of the ovulatory phase occurs on the 9th day of the menstrual period.

The end of the fertile period is calculated by subtracting 11 from the longest female period of the year. So, it is 35 days, so the end of ovulation occurs on the 24th day. This means that the period of possible pregnancy begins on the 9th day, ends on the 24th day and is 15 days.

Safe days before menstruation begin before the 9th day (equal to 1 day of menstruation), and after bleeding from the 24th day of the cycle.

The advantages of this method of contraception for women include the absence of side effects, accessibility and freeness; The disadvantages are the inaccuracy of observation (especially with irregular periods), the need to keep records, and vulnerability to sexually transmitted diseases.

However, online calendars have come to the aid of modern women, they are always available and allow you to automatically calculate the dangerous and safe periods. You just need to enter the start and end date of bleeding.

If an online calendar is not available to you, you can calculate with great accuracy which days after your period you cannot get pregnant:

  • with a three-week cycle, the period from 10 to 21 days is safe;
  • with a 28-day female period, it is safe to have sex from days 1 to 7 and from 18 to 28;
  • with a long five-week cycle, the first two weeks and the period from 25 to 35 days are considered the safe days of the month.

Cervical mucus method

This physiological method of contraception is associated with the release from the vagina of cervical (cervical) mucus of varying quantity and structure. Under the influence of female sex hormones, it can be thick and sticky (immediately after menstruation), impervious to sperm; or transparent and liquid, helping the gametes reach the egg. The amount of fertile mucus increases the day before ovulation. The last day of discharge of a transparent and liquid mass indicates the completion of ovulation. The mucus becomes thick again and after 3 days a completely sterile phase begins, lasting until the next menstruation.

Pregnancy becomes impossible in the period from the 18th day of the cycle to the first day of the next menstruation. Record keeping is encouraged.

The disadvantage of this method is the inaccuracy of visual determination of the consistency and color of mucus, as well as the possible presence of other secretions depending on the woman’s health.

Basal temperature measurement

The temperature method of physiological contraception requires keeping a calendar. Its essence comes down to monitoring the temperature of the anal passage during three female cycles, subject to the following conditions:

  1. measuring temperature daily at the same time (preferably in the morning), without changing the thermometer;
  2. the procedure should be carried out while lying on the bed (it is important not to get up before this);
  3. after 5 minutes the data is recorded in a special diary.

At the end of data collection, calculations are made by plotting a graph. A two-phase curve graph will show a slight increase (0.3 - 0.6) in basal temperature.

During the follicular phase of menstruation, the basal temperature is below 36 °C. Before ovulation, it decreases sharply and then rises to 37°C and above, continuing until the end of the ovulatory phase. Graphically this is expressed by an extended downward angle.
Based on the graph, the highest point over the last 4-6 months is determined. Let's say this is day 12 of the cycle.

Safe days are calculated as follows: 12 – 6 = 6 and 12 + 4 = 16. Accordingly, the time period from days 6 to 16 is considered dangerous, and on the remaining days you can not resort to contraceptives.

This method is accurate, you just need to take measurements very carefully and be absolutely healthy. Otherwise, the data may have large errors. There are online versions of entering data, which will greatly facilitate the task and save time.

Symptothermal method

A comprehensive method for determining the days of the female cycle that do not lead to pregnancy is reliable and effective, as it includes the above methods and requires determining:

  1. temperature in the anus;
  2. cervical mucus;
  3. indicators of the ovulatory phase;
  4. changes in the cervix;

It consists of changing the temperature and mucous mass in different cyclic periods.

The safe days for fertilization are determined by the position of the cervix and its structure: rising upward: pregnancy is possible, downward: conception is unlikely.

Ovulation test

The easiest way to use is to purchase and conduct a ready-made test at the time specified in the instructions.

Many women use physiological contraception methods, since calculating safe days is quite simple. During the menstrual cycle, approximately one week is allocated, guaranteeing the onset of pregnancy. The remaining days of the cycle are theoretically safe. However, statistics claim that 20% of the fair half of humanity become pregnant using these methods of contraception. Be careful, monitor your health, listen to your body and do not forget to consult with specialists.

What days are the most dangerous for pregnancy, when conception can occur? Every educated woman knows that she cannot conceive every day. It is possible to get pregnant only on the days of ovulation, when an egg is “born” in the ovary. Before and after this event there is no egg, which means there cannot be a child. However, in this case, different nuances are possible. Let's talk about dangerous days for pregnancy, the accuracy of their calculation, and why women, even those who know their physiology well, still get unplannedly pregnant.

So, the female menstrual cycle is divided into three phases. The first begins with the next critical days. In the first days of the cycle, 5-7 days, bleeding is usually observed. The dominant follicle in the ovary is determined, and hormonal changes occur, due to which it ruptures, and a mature egg, ready for fertilization, is released into the internal genital organs. This process is called ovulation. This is the second, ovulation phase of the cycle, which falls approximately in the middle of the cycle.

Immediately after ovulation, a corpus luteum appears in the ovary, which begins to produce the hormone progesterone. The endometrium is transformed and becomes favorable for egg implantation. And if fertilization of the egg occurs, and it exists only for a maximum of 48 hours, and more often 24 hours, then the level of progesterone remains high. This is expressed as tenderness of the mammary glands, as a rule. If conception does not occur, then shortly before the onset of menstruation, progesterone levels decrease. And these hormonal changes provoke endometrial detachment and the beginning of a new menstrual cycle.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation, say, on the seventh day of the cycle? Ovulation cannot happen that early. However, sperm have the property of not dying in the female genital tract for up to three days. Therefore, there is a small probability of pregnancy if a woman has a shortened menstrual cycle, its duration is less than the statistical average. Just over 20 days.

Well, according to most women, after menstruation, the days dangerous for pregnancy begin around the tenth day. And ends 2 days after ovulation. Thus, to avoid unwanted conception without using medically recommended contraception, you just need to learn how to calculate or determine ovulation. Ovulation has some pretty noticeable symptoms.

1. Copious, mucous discharge from the vagina that “stretches.” Similar to egg white. They are often found on toilet paper.

2. Minor spotting, stabbing pain in the ovarian area. Injection in the ovary begins immediately at the “birth” of the egg. Well, spotting is a small detachment of the endometrium that occurs in response to a temporary decrease in hormones. It doesn't happen to everyone. They often go unnoticed due to their small numbers.

3. Increased libido. Sexual desire is at the highest level. This can be explained by some natural pattern. This ensures better fertility.

4. Increase in basal temperature. Its measurement is best done in the rectum. Be sure to do it in the morning, without getting out of bed and without making unnecessary movements. In general, in order to create your own conception calendar, that is, to calculate online days that are dangerous and safe for pregnancy, it is enough to enter the start date of the last menstruation and indicate the duration of the cycle. But by charting your basal temperature changes, you can get even more accurate data.

So, just before ovulation, a few hours before it, the temperature drops slightly, and immediately after it rises to 37 degrees or higher. At the same time, it remains elevated almost until the beginning of the next menstruation. And in case of pregnancy it does not decrease at all.

However, no calculation of dangerous days for pregnancy or otherwise safe days of the cycle provides 100% guarantees of accuracy. Often calculations and subjective feelings turn out to be erroneous, and an unwanted pregnancy occurs. It will be more correct and effective to use contraception approved by doctors.