Almost every large modern company faces expenses such as entertainment expenses. They usually arise from interactions with various partners of the enterprise.

Entertainment expenses - these are expenses that are incurred by enterprises as a result of holding all kinds of official events, receptions, and in the process of servicing employees of other companies. These expenses also include the costs that the company incurs in the process of holding a meeting of the owners of the organization.

What exactly can be classified as entertainment expenses?

These include the following types of costs:

  • Expenses associated with an official reception, which may include lunch, breakfast or dinner, and they apply not only to the invited persons, but also to persons who belong to the organization hosting the reception;
  • Costs associated with transporting official and important guests;
  • Costs related to catering for various official events;
  • Costs associated with paying for the services of translators, if they are not on staff of the company.

Entertainment expenses cannot include expenses that were aimed at holding various entertainment events or for the prevention of diseases and treatment of company employees or other persons. These costs cannot be taken into account for tax purposes.

Registration of expenses

Many accountants are interested in: how to process entertainment expenses correctly and competently? To do this, you need to go through several stages, each of which performs specific work:

1. Initially, the general administrative official papers of the company are drawn up. They record the order, time and place of various official events. It is these documents that determine all kinds of organizational issues and regulations. At this stage, you need to take into account what events are planned to be held in the near future, how many guests will be present at them, and what expenses the company will have to bear.

Each large organization, as a rule, has a special local regulatory act that prescribes the procedure for preparing for these events and the specifics of their implementation. It also contains information about the specifics of transporting guests and hiring translators for them. These documents may relate to general or individual documentation.

2. At the second stage of processing entertainment expenses, official documents are developed that relate to a specific event planned for the future. There are a lot of important points to consider here. It is important that the event must be strictly official, and that the costs be targeted. The most important purpose of these costs may be to establish or maintain cooperation with other firms.

A large number of documents serve as confirmation, which include orders and notes, acts and other documentation. They are compiled directly by the company itself and during their development important and generally accepted rules and regulations must be taken into account. Also, during the enterprise itself, you need to keep minutes of this meeting, and based on its results, draw up a competent and detailed report.

3. At the third stage, documentation is prepared, which confirms the expenditure of funds for the event. Regardless of the specifics of the event, confirmation occurs in the same way in all cases. Typically, these documents are primary documents that represent payment confirmations. Here you can also use expense reports, which contain documents drawn up by the company's responsible person involved in payments.

Entertainment expenses are strictly standardized expenses. Therefore, when organizing any official receptions and events, you need to take this point into account. Entertainment expenses are normalized at an amount equal to 4% of the costs associated with wages for the tax period in which the expenses were incurred.

If their amount exceeds the norm, then the remaining part cannot be accepted for tax purposes, so it must be covered from the profit received in this tax period. It is important to consider that it is not those expenses that need to be taken into account that represent employee wages, but those that are associated with wages. Therefore, this includes all kinds of employee accruals, allowances, compensations, bonuses, incentive accruals, as well as costs aimed at maintaining employees.

Since the standards for hospitality expenses are too low, many companies are trying to reduce them in various ways.

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Entertainment expenses are the expenses of an organization for official receptions and business meetings that are carried out for the purpose of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Since 2002, entertainment expenses also include all company expenses that are not related to the production of goods (provision of services) and their sale. This type of expense is devoted to paragraph 2 of Chapter 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated 01.03.2007 No. F04-9370/2006 (30552-A81-27), the court indicated that entertainment expenses can also include those expenses that are directly in paragraph 2 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not mentioned. It is easy to understand that the list of entertainment expenses is open.

Criteria for recognition of entertainment expenses

To justify these expenses for income tax purposes, they must meet certain criteria:

  • Expenses are recognized as justified and documented expenses incurred by the taxpayer.

Justified expenses mean economically justified expenses.

Documented expenses mean expenses supported by documents drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Any expenses are recognized as expenses, provided that they are incurred to carry out activities aimed at generating income.

Documentation of entertainment expenses

There are no standardized forms for recording such expenses. Each organization develops its own convenient forms, some of which are mandatory:

  • Order for holding a representative event. The order must indicate the date and place of the event, the purpose of the event, the name of the counterparty organization, a list of persons responsible for conducting and ensuring this event, and the employee who is entrusted with control.
  • Representative event program. This program is attached to the order; it must reflect the main stages and dates of official reception. The program is approved by the head of the organization.
  • Estimate for a representative event. It is advisable to write out the estimate for each event separately. Must be approved by the manager. The estimate usually breaks down line by line: transportation costs, buffet service, costs for purchasing bouquets and souvenirs.
  • Event report. The report must reflect the date and location of the event, the purpose, the name of the partners, the participants of the event by name with their positions and the result that was achieved during the event.
  • Act on write-off of entertainment expenses. And the act must reflect the exact amount (down to kopecks), according to the expenses incurred. The act is signed by the chief accountant and the head of the organization.

In addition to drawing up internal documents, it is necessary to collect all receipts and documents confirming the amount of expenses incurred.

Tax accounting of entertainment expenses

In order to reduce income tax (as part of other expenses), the rate of recognition of entertainment expenses (this cost item is normalized) should not exceed 4% of labor costs for the reporting tax period in which the event took place.

“Input” VAT is deducted in the amount of recognition of entertainment expenses for profit tax accounting. If in subsequent quarters of the current year the remaining portion of entertainment expenses falls within the standard, then VAT on it can also be deducted.

What cannot be classified as entertainment expenses

Please note what expenses cannot be classified as entertainment expenses:

  • Lunches in boarding houses, sanatoriums, and entertainment (except bars and restaurants) places;
  • Processing visa documents for your employees;
  • Costs of decorating holiday events (for example, New Year, March 8, February 23), as well as employee anniversaries;
  • The amount of entertainment expenses in excess of the norm.

Rationing of entertainment expenses is mandatory and regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This is necessary for the correct calculation of the tax base for income tax. If the maximum values ​​of costs included in the calculation are not observed, the amount of income tax will be underestimated. Representative costs include expenses associated with organizing the negotiation process with business partners (including transfer to the meeting place of the parties, breakfasts and lunches, translation services).

Expenses may be recognized as a component of entertainment expenses if the discussion of business matters was of a formal nature. Judicial practice shows that expansion of the specified list of costs is allowed. This conclusion can be made on the basis of the Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated March 1, 2007 No. F04-9370/2006(30552-A81-27).

The Ministry of Finance in its Letter dated March 25, 2010 No. 03-03-06/1/176 indicated that expenses on food and alcoholic beverages can also be recognized as entertainment expenses, if this was used in the negotiation process and was necessary to obtain economic benefit. At the same time, in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated May 12, 2010 No. 03-03-06/1/327 on tea, coffee and food products intended for regular treats of representatives of counterparties (forwarders, etc.), a ban was introduced on inclusion of their cost in representation costs. Rationale: Treating clients is not a form of business negotiation.

Standards for entertainment expenses

The representative type of costs for tax purposes is transferred to the item of other costs. In each tax period, the amount of recognized entertainment expenses directly depends on the funds allocated to pay the company’s personnel. The higher the wage fund, the greater the amount of entertainment expenses that can be offset when calculating income tax. If in tax accounting these costs should be included among other expenses within the “floating” limit, then in accounting they must be reflected entirely as expenses associated with ordinary activities.

Entertainment expenses are normalized at 4% of the total costs allocated to pay for labor in the reporting period (clause 2 of Article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Calculation at the end of the year should be carried out cumulatively. If in one quarter it was not possible to take into account the entire amount of costs incurred, then in the next quarterly interval you can include the remainder of the costs (if the limit in the new quarter allows).

Business entities are not authorized to independently set the rate of expenses; all organizations must adhere to a fixed 4%, tied to expenses incurred in connection with the payment of hired personnel. If a company combines OSNO with UTII, then when determining the wage fund it is necessary to focus only on that part of the salary that applies to employees performing their labor function in the area of ​​OSNO activity.

For example, in the 1st quarter of 2018, Zvon LLC showed labor costs in the amount of 879,058 rubles. In February 2018, negotiations were held in the conference hall between Zvon LLC and Tend LLC on signing a contract for the supply of equipment. 44,580 rubles were spent on organizing the meeting.

Entertainment expenses are rationed in relation to salary costs. Calculation of the limit for recognizing these costs as part of other costs for the 1st quarter sets a limit of 35,162.32 rubles (879,058 x 4%). An accountant can reduce the tax base for profits in the 1st quarter due to entertainment expenses only in the amount of 35,162.32 rubles. The balance of expenses incurred 9,417.68 rubles (44,580 - 35,162.32) will not be recognized in the tax accounting of the 1st quarter, but it can be taken into account when determining the rate of entertainment expenses for the half-year.

For profit tax purposes, entertainment expenses are normalized in the amount - 2017 has not yet brought any changes in their amount. In the article we will tell you what entertainment expenses can be taken into account and what the norm is in 2017.

What expenses are included in entertainment expenses?

Before we talk about what is the standard rate for hospitality expenses in 2017? Let's figure out what applies to them.

Signs by which a company’s expenses can be considered representative include:

  • these expenses must be associated with the official reception and service of representatives of other organizations (participants who arrived at a meeting of the board of directors (board) or other governing body of the taxpayer);
  • these persons must arrive to negotiate (participate in meetings of the taxpayer’s governing body);
  • the purpose of negotiations is to establish and maintain cooperation (in particular, concluding a contract, preliminary agreement) or resolving certain issues of the organization;
  • entertainment expenses are recognized as such regardless of the place of negotiations (meeting of the board of directors or other body of the taxpayer).

Example. Alpha LLC purchased alcoholic products. It is needed for a business meeting. The accountant took into account the costs of purchasing alcoholic beverages as part of entertainment expenses. His position is confirmed by letters from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2010 No. 03-03-06/1/176, dated August 16, 2006 No. 03-03-04/4/136.

Entertainment expenses are normalized in the amount (2017) four percent of labor costs for the reporting (tax) period in which the entertainment expenses were incurred.

That is, you can reduce the tax base for income tax for the reporting period for entertainment expenses in the amount of no more than 4% of the company’s expenses for wages for the same period.

Example. In February, director of Romashka LLC Ivanov I.V. was sent on a business trip to a business meeting. Entertainment expenses for this meeting amounted to 3,000 rubles. Ivanov reflected these expenses in the advance report. He attached primary documents to the report.

For the second quarter at Romashka LLC, the total amount of labor costs amounted to 90,000 rubles. (Romashka LLC uses the cash method).

The maximum amount of entertainment expenses is 3,600 rubles. (RUB 90,000 × 4%). This amount is more than actual expenses. Therefore, the accountant wrote off the entire amount of entertainment expenses to reduce the tax base for income tax.

If expenses exceed the standard, they can be taken into account in the next reporting period. But only within the limits of the standard calculated based on the results of the current reporting period (year).

How to document hospitality expenses

So we said that entertainment expenses are normalized in the amount (2017) four percent. Now let's talk about how to arrange them.

According to regulatory authorities, documents confirming entertainment expenses include:

  • event report. It reflects the details of the event - the composition of the participants, the event program, location and time;
  • order from the head of the company to hold the event;
  • costings.

Develop the forms of supporting documents yourself. They must be attached to the order on accounting policies (clause 4 of PBU 1/2008, Article 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Example. Kondratyev A.S. Was sent on a business trip to conclude an agreement for the supply of equipment. He was allocated money to organize buffet service during the negotiations. Upon returning from a business trip, Kondratyev A.S. compiled an advance report, attached checks, receipts and compiled other reporting documents. See examples of reporting documents below.

In conclusion, we note that you do not need to pay either personal income tax or insurance premiums on compensation for entertainment expenses to an employee.

How to take into account entertainment expenses for organizations on the simplified tax system and on UTII

Representation expenses do not affect the calculation of the single tax under the simplified tax system. Organizations on the simplified tax system do not take them into account at all. That's why What is the standard rate for hospitality expenses in 2017? for such organizations it does not matter (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 11, 2004 No. 03-03-02-04/1/22).

Also, these expenses are not taken into account when calculating tax and organization on UTII.

expenditures Cost in tenge
1. Costs for holding official lunches and dinners are incurred for delegations per person per day. Costs of holding official lunches and dinners with the participation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and representatives of the chambers of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan per person per day. up to 6500 up to 12500
2. Buffet service during negotiations and cultural program events per person per day. up to 1040
3. Payment for the work of an interpreter (except for simultaneous translation) who is not on the staff of the government body receiving the delegation on an hourly basis. up to 700
4. Payment of transportation costs for servicing foreign delegations by road is provided for in the financing plans based on an hourly rate. up to 1200

Expenses for organizing banquets, leisure, entertainment or recreation are not deductible.


1. During official lunches and dinners, the number of participants from the Republic of Kazakhstan should not exceed the number of participants from foreign delegations.

2. If the delegation consists of more than 5 people, the number of accompanying persons and interpreters serving the delegation (except for simultaneous translation) should be determined at the rate of 1 interpreter or accompanying person for at least 5 members of the delegation.

Write-off of entertainment expenses for deductions is carried out within the limits of the organization's estimates and only in the presence of supporting primary documents (fiscal cash receipts, sales receipts) and documents that must indicate: date and place, program of the business meeting, invited persons, participants from the organization , amount of expenses.

Excessive expenses are covered from the net income of the legal entity if there is documentation or are attributed to the income of individuals - accountable persons.

If supporting documents are missing or do not provide reliability of expenses, then these amounts are attributed to the income of an individual and are subject to individual income tax.

If it is established that amounts have been written off from accounting without supporting documents, these amounts are also subject to income tax with the imposition of an administrative fine on the first manager and accountant.

The personal income of accountable persons includes expenses for entertainment events in the following cases:

— lack of approval of estimates;

— lack of a list of persons participating in meetings of the parties;

- lack of reporting documents.

Appendix 12 “Expenses for goods sold (work, services)” to the Declaration is intended to reflect the amounts of travel and entertainment expenses.

Entertainment expenses represent costs that are aimed at organizing receptions for representatives of various companies who come to negotiate cooperation with the company. This also includes not only any receptions, but also meetings that are related to the main activities of the company, and also on which funds have to be spent.

These expenses are not considered core expenses, since they do not participate in the main activities of the enterprise. This primarily includes the costs that are necessary for organizing various receptions, as well as the costs that the taxpayer has to bear in connection with servicing representatives of various companies with which a cooperation agreement has been concluded.

What is the standard rate for hospitality expenses in 2017?

These expenses are in no way affected by the location where the official events are held, so they are classified as entertainment expenses in any case.

Main types of entertainment expenses

The accountant of the organization must keep records of these expenses, and for this he must know what expenses can be classified as entertainment expenses.

These include costs for:

  • organizing and holding a reception, which can be expressed in the form of breakfast, lunch or evening, and it should be held for officials who participate in negotiations with the company and are representatives of other organizations;
  • buffet service, which is necessary during negotiations;
  • providing transportation for representatives of other companies to the venue of official events;
  • payment for the services of various translators, if necessary during the negotiation process.

It is impossible to classify as entertainment expenses those expenses that were aimed at organizing vacations for company employees or representatives of other companies, as well as for treatment or prevention of any diseases.

The expenses themselves must be classified as other expenses, and the amount of entertainment expenses cannot be more than 4% of labor costs in a particular period.

It is impossible to recognize as entertainment those expenses that were aimed at organizing a reception at which the main activities of the taxpayer’s company were not in any way affected. Therefore, tax authorities often doubt that the taxpayer has correctly classified expenses into a certain category, so this fact must be officially and documented.

Documentation of entertainment expenses

There are no specific documents used to confirm hospitality expenses.

Therefore, for tax purposes, you can use any primary documents that act as confirmation of these costs. These include all kinds of reports that must be approved by the company's management, and there may also be decrees or invoices, requests or contracts. Any expenses must be confirmed only by primary documentation, and otherwise the tax authorities have the right to refuse to classify them as representative expenses.

VAT and hospitality expenses

Value added tax must be paid only when an organization transfers to its customers any goods or provides services that are not provided free of charge. Therefore, entertainment expenses are in no way related to VAT, and therefore are not subject to this tax.

Registration and regulation of expenses

Entertainment expenses are standardized at 4% of the amount of wages of all employees of the organization for a certain period. However, each organization can independently approve special standards by order of the general director. Additionally, certain responsible persons are appointed to deal with these expenses. Also, these costs need to be properly and competently documented, and this is done by a special official with the appropriate authority.

For this purpose, a special report is drawn up, which contains the date of any event, its location, the number of invited guests, the meeting program, as well as the amount of hospitality expenses that were needed for the reception. This report must be accompanied by primary documents that serve as evidence of costs. These may include checks or acts, as well as other documents. Additionally, it is recommended that the report indicate the purposes for which a particular activity was carried out, and whether they were achieved.

Expense accounting

Write-off of entertainment expenses can only be made if they are official and supported by documents, as well as justified and correctly accounted for. Only in this case can these costs reduce taxable profit, resulting in a significant reduction in income tax. However, the amount of these expenses must be within certain standardized limits, otherwise the tax cannot be reduced. The amount of value added tax on these expenses, which reduce profit before tax, can be deducted, which significantly saves the company’s costs.

Therefore, every large company that is engaged in activities related to working with a large number of partners should know how to formalize entertainment expenses, what their size should be, and also what documents must be available in order for these expenses to be accepted for deduction. Tax authorities often have a negative attitude towards these costs, so it is often necessary to argue and prove the correctness of companies that have classified the costs as entertainment expenses. This can only be done if there is an appropriate report and primary documentation, which must be in full.

Representation expenses standard

Audit and expenses of the company / Representation expenses / Representation expenses standard

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Entertainment expenses are standard expenses. This means that when calculating income tax for the reporting (tax) period, an organization can take into account these expenses in an amount that does not exceed 4 percent of the enterprise’s labor costs for this period.

Rationing of entertainment expenses

Expenses and income when calculating income tax are taken into account on an accrual basis throughout the year. Therefore, the accountant needs to recalculate the amount of expenses that falls within the established standard. This can be done monthly for those organizations that pay monthly advance payments, or quarterly for those enterprises that transfer quarterly advance payments for income taxes.

Since in tax accounting the normalized expenses are not taken into account in full, then in accounting the costs turn out to be higher than in tax accounting. At the same time, expenses not taken into account in one reporting period may be recognized in another reporting period.

The amount of excess entertainment expenses is a constant difference (clause 4 of PBU 18/02). The resulting permanent difference can be taken into account as a separate subaccount to the cost accounting account, or reflected separately in the analytical accounting registers.

In the first case, two subaccounts are opened for the cost accounting account. For example:

– Subaccount 1 “Expenses taken into account for tax purposes”;

– Subaccount 2 “Expenses not taken into account for tax purposes.”

In the second case, the amount of entertainment expenses is fully reflected in the synthetic account without the use of subaccounts.

Based on the permanent difference, the organization is obliged to form permanent tax liabilities. This requirement is established by paragraph 7 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for income tax calculations” (PBU 18/02), which was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 No. 114n.

If a permanent difference arises during the reporting year, then in subsequent periods the specified amount of expenses may fall within the established limit. In this case, the accrued permanent tax liability must be reduced or completely written off.

Representation expenses within the established limits can be taken into account when calculating income tax on the basis of the same primary documents on the basis of which they were accepted for accounting.

If the amount of entertainment expenses in accounting exceeds the limit established for tax purposes, the accountant must draw up another document - an accounting certificate. In it you need to calculate the amount of entertainment expenses that can be taken into account when calculating income tax.

The organization makes advance payments for income tax on a monthly basis based on actual profits.

For 11 months of 2006, the organization’s labor costs amounted to 200,000 rubles. The amount of entertainment expenses reflected in the accounting records for this period is 11,300 rubles. (excluding VAT). In addition to the costs of organizing a business meeting, transport and catering services, they include the cost of visiting the theater and concert hall in the amount of 2,300 rubles. As we said above, for tax purposes these expenses do not apply to entertainment expenses. Moreover, they are not taken into account for tax purposes at all. Therefore, the organization will be able to include 9,000 rubles in entertainment expenses. (11 300 – 2300).

When calculating income tax for this period, an organization can take into account entertainment expenses in the amount of 8,000 rubles as part of the costs of the current reporting period. (RUB 200,000 x 4%). To adjust accounting data for tax purposes, at the end of November the organization’s accountant compiled the following calculation:

The following entries were made in the organization's accounting records:

DEBIT 26-1 CREDIT 60, 71, 76 ...

– 8000 rub. – reflects the amount of entertainment expenses that can be taken into account for tax purposes;

DEBIT 26-2 CREDIT 60, 71, 76….

– 3300 rub. (1,000 + 2300) – reflects the amount of entertainment expenses, which is not taken into account when calculating income tax.

The amount of excess entertainment expenses in the amount of 1000 rubles. (9,000 rubles – 8,000 rubles), as well as the amount of expenses associated with cultural and entertainment events in the amount of 2,300 rubles. is a permanent difference on the basis of which the accountant has formed a permanent tax liability:

DEBIT 99 subaccount “PNO”

CREDIT 68 subaccount “Calculations for income tax”

– 792 rub. (RUB 3,300 x 24%) – reflects the amount of permanent tax liabilities.

In December 2006, labor costs amounted to RUB 30,000. Therefore, in total for the year, labor costs are equal to 230,000 rubles. The amount of entertainment expenses incurred by the organization during the reporting period did not change.

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What is the standard rate for hospitality expenses?

The amount of entertainment expenses reduces taxable profit only if it does not exceed 4% of the organization’s labor costs (Article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The list of these costs is given in Article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The amount of entertainment expenses that exceeds this standard does not reduce taxable profit. The amount of VAT on entertainment expenses that reduce taxable profit is deductible.

Let's look at an example of how to reflect hospitality expenses in accounting.


In March, Aktiv CJSC received three delegations who arrived for negotiations to conclude agreements on the sale of finished products.

To ensure the reception of the delegation, the costs of holding lunches with each delegation were paid in the amount of 12,390 rubles, including VAT - 1,890 rubles.

To pay for entertainment expenses, Aktiva employee Ivanov was given an advance in the amount of 15,000 rubles.

When issuing funds for reporting, the Aktiva accountant must make an entry:

Debit 71 Credit 50-1

– 15,000 rub. – cash was issued to Ivanov to pay entertainment expenses.

Aktiva's expenses for paying employees in the first quarter amounted to 180,000 rubles.

The amount of entertainment expenses that reduce taxable income is: