To start conducting marketing research, it is necessary to determine the sample. Since the sample is part of the population under study, the data obtained from the sample will most likely not exactly match the data that can be obtained from all units of the population.

When conducting marketing research, only two of its values ​​are usually considered: 95% or 99%. Z=1.96 corresponds to the first value, Z=2.58 to the second. e %, is equal to the percentage of sample members that fall within the same error range.

Assuming a variation of 50%, an accuracy of +-10%, at a 95% confidence level, we calculate the sample size:

Development of a questionnaire for conducting a survey

To conduct a survey, it is necessary to develop a questionnaire. A questionnaire is a research tool for collecting primary data by a survey method, which is a formalized composition of questions that the respondent must answer.

96 people answered the proposed questionnaire. Respondents responded to identify preferences regarding the products of the Danone brewing company.

Data obtained during the interview (in % of the larger number of respondents interviewed)

1. Do you drink yogurt?

3. Do you drink Danone yoghurts?

yes 73% no 27%

4. What brands of yogurt do you prefer?

5. How do you rate Danone products?


Design/ packaging

brand fame

6. How do you rate any other company's yoghurts?

  • 8. If your favorite varieties of yogurt are not on sale nearby, you:
    • a) keep looking 12%
    • b) choose another 47%
    • c) temporarily refuse to buy 25%
    • d) other 16%
  • 9. Purpose of purchase?
  • a) health, diet 36%
  • b) tasty 25%
  • c) convenient 26%
  • d) useful 10%
  • e) other 3%
  • 10. Gender
  • a) woman 29%
  • b) male 71%
  • 11. Age
  • a) 10-35 years old 32%
  • b) 36-45 years old 37%
  • c) over 46 years 31%
  • 12. Monthly family income
  • a) up to 5000 rubles. 29%
  • b) 5000-10000 rubles. 22%
  • c) 10,000-15,000 rubles. 19%
  • d) 15000-20000 rubles. 23%
  • e) more than 20,000 rubles. 7%

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 50", Kaluga

Research work

« All about yogurt»


Semyonova Valeria, student of the 1st "A" class

scientific director

Kholina Elena Mikhailovna,

primary school teacher




Introduction page 2 – 3

Chapter 1. The origin of the word "yogurt". History of yogurt creation pages 3 – 4

Chapter 2. What is yogurt and what is its use? pp. 4 – 6

Chapter 3. How is yogurt made and what is the advantage of natural yogurt? pp. 6 – 7

Chapter 4. Homemade Yogurt Recipe page 7

Conclusions pages 7 – 8

References page 9

Applications pages 10 – 15


In an amazing product

There is milk and fruit

There are a few in it.

Who is he? Of course… (yogurt)

There is not a single person on Earth who would not imagine his daily diet without yogurt. People consider yogurt not only a low-calorie and healthy product, but also a product that can quickly saturate the body. Therefore, due to its positive properties, yogurt is an ideal snack food.

In our work, we decided to understand and find answers to the following questions:

How did yogurt appear in our diet;

What are the benefits of yogurt and how yogurt is made;

Can you make your own yogurt at home?

We consider this topic to be relevant, since according to the health care of the Russian Federation, a large percentage of the incidence of the gastrointestinal tract (including indigestion, gastritis, gastroduodenitis) occurs in students of educational institutions.

Objective: learn the whole truth about yogurt.

Problem: What are the benefits of yogurt for humans?


    Learn the history and process of making yogurt.

    Find out what are the benefits of yogurt for the human body.

    Take a tour of the farm.

    Learn how to make yogurt at home. Shoot the film "Cooking yogurt ourselves."

    Conduct a class survey about the benefits of yogurt to elementary school students.

Hypothesis: if you conduct explanatory work on the benefits of using yogurt for human health, then the level of understanding of the role of healthy nutrition in human life will increase.

Object of study: healthy lifestyle. Preserving your health and the health of your loved ones is the main task for every person, and no one has any doubts that the leading role here belongs to food and nutrition.

Subject of study: yogurt.

Research methods:

Theoretical - comparative analysis of information.

Practical - excursion, questioning, observation, practical work.

Chapter 1. The origin of the word "yogurt". History of yogurt

The word "yogurt" is Turkish (tur: yoğurt), and means "condensed".

Each nation has its own name for yogurt - Tatars, Bashkirs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Azerbaijanis call it katyk and gatyk, Armenians - matsun, Egyptians - leben, Sicilians - mesorad. A similar name - matsoni - exists in the Georgian language.

There are many different legends about the creation of this miracle product. One of the legends says that the ancient Turks invented yogurt, wanting to set their guardian angels in a peaceful way. They called this tasty and healthy product "white oxygen".

However, another version is the most plausible. In accordance with it, the predecessor of yogurt appeared in those distant times, when the ancient nomadic peoples traveled, transporting milk in goat skins. Bacteria got into the milk from the air, from the movement of animals the milk in the skins on their backs was constantly mixed and, fermented in the heat, turned into a special product that was the forerunner of modern yogurt.

Yogurt was first mentioned around 6000 BC. In ancient India, people filtered milk through a coarse homespun cloth and made it into an unusually tasty and healthy product, similar to yogurt.

And in ancient Greece and Rome, yogurt was an indispensable attribute of an exquisite feast.

In medieval Europe, yogurt came from the Mongols and rhinestones were widely used there - both as a nutritious food product and as an effective means of traditional medicine.

Fermented milk is also mentioned in the chronicles of the Crusades, where the legend is told that the king of France, Francis 1, owes his miraculous healing to a medicine based on yogurt and prescribed to him by a doctor from Constantinople.

The countries of the Balkan Peninsula, or rather ancient Thrace, are considered the birthplace of modern yogurt. According to one theory, the ancient Thracians were the first to manufacture a product resembling yogurt. They bred sheep and noticed that sour milk lasts longer than fresh milk, and they began to mix fresh milk with sour milk sourdough, thereby obtaining the first yogurt.

The great Russian biologist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov in 1908 put forward his famous hypothesis, according to which the Bulgarian stick (contained just in yogurt) is able to protect the body and even prolong its life. In addition, Mechnikov believed that it could not only have a beneficial effect on the entire body, but also significantly improve the situation with the digestive tract.

The product that we know as "yogurt" was invented in Russia at the beginning of the last century. It was called "Mechnikovskaya curdled milk" (named after Ilya Mechnikov) and was assigned to kids. One "but": curdled milk was healthy, but almost tasteless. Over time, the technology for making curdled milk went to the West, and in the late 1980s the product returned to us under a new name - "yogurt".

The work of the Russian scientist inspired Isaac Karasu to found his company selling yogurt in Western Europe. Karasu lived in Thessaloniki, Greece. Since childhood, he was attached to yogurt, which was sold right on the streets of the city in glass jars. He had to leave his homeland, due to the fact that in 1912 the first Balkan war began.

Thus, Isaac ended up in Barcelona. The first thing he did was change his last name. Now he began to be called Isaac Carasso. In Spain, he got acquainted with the works of Mechnikov, who made a great impression on Carasso. He realized that the product so familiar to him was absolutely unknown to Europeans. It was an opportunity to be seized.

In 1919, Isaac founded the Danone company, in honor of his son Daniel. It should be noted that Isaac was a doctor by profession. To some extent, this contributed to the fact that he decided to distribute yogurt through a network of pharmacies, as a medicine.

The product immediately began to enjoy quite good demand. The main supplier of Danone was Mechnikov's laboratory at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. It was from there that the company received the famous Bulgarian stick and some other ingredients. When the leadership of the company passed to Daniel Carasso, he immediately made a number of significant changes in its structure. So the Danone company has become for many a symbol of high-quality and unusually tasty yoghurts.

Chapter 2. What is yogurt?

In accordance with international standards, in order for a product to be entitled to be called yogurt, it must meet three criteria:

1. The main ingredient in yogurt is milk.

2. The main production process is fermentation.

3. The main condition for fermentation is the direct participation of living microorganisms from the family of lactobacilli (Bulgarian bacillus) and Streptococcus thermophilus (thermophilic streptococcus).

It is allowed to add food additives, fruits, vegetables and products of their processing to yogurt.

What are the benefits of yogurt?

1. Yogurt is digested better than milk.

2. By including yogurt in your diet, you help your body because:

    Yogurt contains lactobacilli, which have a beneficial effect on bowel function

    Yogurt is a valuable source of calcium.

Two cups of yogurt contains 450 mg of calcium. This is half the recommended daily intake of calcium for a child and approximately 30-40% of the norm for adults.

    Yogurt improves the absorption of other nutrients.

3. Yogurt strengthens the immune system.

There is evidence that if a person eats two cups of yogurt daily, his body intensively produces immunity-boosting interferon. The bacterial cultures found in yogurt stimulate white blood cells that help fight infections.

4. Yogurt helps to recover from intestinal infections. It is also helpful to eat yogurt if you are taking antibiotics because it minimizes the negative effects of this group of drugs on the intestinal mucosa.

5. Yogurt can suppress fungal infections.


Natural yogurt contains 10-14 grams of protein (two cups), which is 20% of the recommended daily intake for any person.

7. Yogurt reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol. It is believed that the inclusion of yogurt in the diet can affect cholesterol levels.

8. Yogurt is a "combination" product.

Two nutritional benefits of yogurt support this notion. Firstly, it is easily absorbed by the body, and secondly, it improves the absorption of vitamins and microelements obtained from other products. That is why yogurt can be used as a sauce or replace sour cream with it..

Chapter 3

To answer this question, we went to a farm located in the Moscow region, Stupinsky district (CJSC "Tatarinovo") (Attachment 1).

Here we learned that:

    all yoghurts are made from cow's milk of the 1st grade, but reconstituted milk can be used;

    then milk is normalized for fat;

Milk gets a "dose" of beneficial bacteria. Two microorganisms - Lactobacillus and Streptococcus thermophilus - are added to pasteurized milk. While the milk is still warm, bacteria convert the sugar into a special milky substance, which is what makes yogurt so tasty. It acts on proteins, forming a soft clot.

In the future, the stages of yogurt production are different. In one case, after the addition of thickeners and beneficial bacteria, the yogurt is ripened and packaged under sterile conditions, and in the other case, after fermentation, a thickener and fruit and berry fillers are added to the yogurt, then it is re-processed, which significantly increases the shelf life.

What are the benefits of natural yogurt?

When comparing the nutritional information of natural and fruit yogurt (same volume), which can be seen on the packaging, the advantages will be on the side of the first. Because:

Natural yogurt has fewer calories.

Natural yogurt contains twice as much protein.

Natural yogurt is 2 times richer in calcium.

Natural yogurt does not contain sugar.

If natural yogurt may not be very tasty, it is still better to buy it. By adding, for example, your favorite fruits to it, you can completely exclude yoghurts with sweeteners from the diet.

chilled yogurt- this is one product, but frozen - completely different. Frozen yogurts, even those containing live bacterial cultures are not as beneficial. Lactobacilli are a sensitive substance, and they are unlikely to like the freezer.

We conducted a survey of students in our class, which showed that not all children understand the benefits of yogurt, how it is produced and whether yogurt can be prepared at home. (Annex 2) Therefore, we have prepared a reminder for the guys about the benefits of yogurt. (Annex 3), told them the story of the appearance of this interesting product and showed the film "Cooking yogurt at home"

Chapter 4

We decided to make yogurt at home.

To make yogurt, take:

    one liter of whole milk,

    150 g sourdough (Lactobacillus),

    1 tablespoon sour cream (Streptococcus thermophilus)

Mix everything and pour into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Yogurt” mode.

Ready yogurt must be put in the refrigerator to stop the growth of bacteria. Otherwise, your homemade yogurt will go sour.

You can serve ready-made yogurt with syrup, jam, fresh berries or fruits.

Natural homemade yogurt is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week, ideally 4-5 days.

What are the benefits of homemade yogurt?

Homemade yogurt is full of live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli that inhabit the intestinal microflora, beneficially affecting the digestive system and immunity in general.

Yogurt has an anti-allergic effect, helps the body cope with dysbacteriosis.


As a result of our work, we learned:

    the history of yogurt;

    origin of the word "yogurt";

    visited a farm and learned how to make yogurt at home;

    filmed an interesting film "Cooking yogurt at home";

    learned and told the children about the beneficial properties of yogurt; prepared a memo.

Our hypothesis was confirmed. In the course of the work with the students of our class, many of them thought about the benefits of a healthy diet for the body.

As a result of the observations and searches, a lot of useful information about yogurts was revealed and the following conclusions were made:

    Yogurt is primarily an excellent source of calcium, which is especially important for those people who do not like milk. Regular consumption of this product in food helps to improve digestion and metabolism.

    The components and enzymes contained in yogurt remove harmful substances and toxins from the body, increase resistance to infections.

    Yogurt is rich in proteins, mineral salts, enzymes and vitamins, even rare ones like D and B12. Yogurt gives gut bacteria their favorite food, lactose. For those whose intestinal microflora is destroyed by antibiotics, doctors recommend drinking yogurt to restore it.

    Yogurt is a natural antibiotic. It is able to destroy some types of amoebas and dangerous bacteria such as staphylococci, streptococci and typhoid bacilli. If you add 2-3 tsp to the sourdough. natural juice, the finished yogurt will acquire a pleasant fruity taste.

Next year I would like to continue working with yoghurts. Determine which yogurts are better to buy in the store and how to choose the right yogurts containing a large number of bifidobacteria. Find out if all these bacteria are “alive” or not. To do this, using a special method, try to grow on special media, i.e. sow in Petri dishes and determine the amount of lactic acid or bifidobacteria. Compile your own collection of culinary recipes that use yogurt.


    Yogurt - Wikipedia.›Yogurt›human/humanis/human98.htm

    Benefits of yogurt Health benefits of yogurt›m0c3i2060.html

    Yogurt is a valuable dairy product.›yogurt.html

    History of yogurt.›Articles›Products›228

Appendix 2

Questionnaire "What is the use of yogurt?"

    Do you love yogurt?

Picture 1

    Do you eat yogurt every day?

Figure 2

    Do you know what "live" yogurt is?

Figure 3

    Do you know how to choose the right yogurt?

Figure 4

    Do you know the benefits of yogurt?

Figure 5

    Does your family know how to make yogurt at home?

Figure 6

    If you were a yogurt maker, what would you add to it?

P amyatka

"How useful is yogurt?"

    Live yoghurt cultures have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Yogurt is a good source of vitamins, especially B2 and B12, calcium and other minerals.

    Yogurt strengthens the immune system.

    Yogurt is a wonderful source of proteins.

    Homemade yogurt is tastier and healthier than store bought.

    Natural yoghurt:

    less calorie;

    contains twice as many proteins;

    2 times richer in calcium;

    does not contain sugar.

Appendix 4

Making yogurt at home

Homemade yogurt is really a very tasty and healthy product and cannot be compared with store-bought yogurt.

To prepare it correctly, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

    In unsterilized milk, there are various lactic acid bacteria that, during the cooking process, will compete with the bulgarian stick (sourdough) and turn the milk into sour milk. Therefore, milk must be sterilized (i.e. boiled) before fermentation.

    Sourdough in milk should multiply at a certain and rather strict temperature of 36 ... 40 degrees. If the temperature is lower, you will get a tasteless yogurt consistency. If the temperature is higher, then fermentation will not occur, or the process will be greatly delayed. Maintaining temperature is very important.

    Yoghurt takes about 5 hours to prepare. At the same time, the milk turns into a homogeneous, dense mass, which, when the can is tilted, does not pour out, but falls out in large pieces. Sometimes you need to shake. The taste is neutral and almost non-sour. If you like sour foods, you can increase the holding time.

    After 5 hours, the yogurt is ready, but if the fermentation process is continued (36 ... 40 degrees), then the acidity will gradually increase. With a total exposure of 10 hours, a sharply sour taste will be obtained.

    If you get a good homogeneous yogurt, then you can put some of it in a clean jar in the refrigerator for sourdough.

    From yogurt, incl. and failed, you can make the most delicate and delicious cottage cheese. Very tasty yogurt omelet.

Marketing research of yogurt brand "Activia"

general characteristics

I conducted a marketing research of the Activia fermented milk products trademark. The study was based on the following imaginary market situation: demand fell, and as a result, sales of Activia brand yogurt decreased, which required a marketing research to develop specific recommendations and tips to improve product sales.

For this, one of the methods of marketing research was chosen - a survey. The purpose of the survey is to identify the preferences of buyers in terms of assortment and price. Both closed and open questions were used in the questionnaire in order to obtain the most information. As a result of the survey, 22 people were interviewed. At the same time, various methods of obtaining information were used: a personal survey - 77% (17 people), a telephone survey - 14% (3 people) and an Internet survey - 9% (2 people).

The survey was conducted on an objective stratified random sample. Respondents were selected on a random basis. The entire number of respondents was divided by age, gender and income level, with the majority of the respondents being women. All questionnaires filled out by the respondents are given in the appendix.

Answers to questions 1-4 contain detailed information about the identity of the respondent, which allows you to segment the market by gender, age and other characteristics.

Questions 5-9 ask about the tastes, preferences and habits of dairy consumers. They also determine the most important properties of dairy products, according to the respondents (question 9).

The answers to question 8 provide information about the main competitors and preferences of the respondents. Allows you to identify the leader and draw certain conclusions on the further work of the company.

Questions 10-17 clarify the attitude of buyers to the products of the Activia brand in general and their individual characteristics, provide information about the price barrier, product quality and usefulness. Question 17 gives the respondent the opportunity to give recommendations and advice for the future successful functioning of the company.

Questionnaire analysis

Let us analyze the results obtained for each question.

Question 1. What's your gender?

a) male b) female

The purpose of the question: to segment the market by gender. This question is at the heart of the sample: it was not known in advance how many men and women would be interviewed. The survey was based on the principle of randomness.

As a result, 41% of men and 59% of women (9 men and 13 women from different age categories) were surveyed, which made it possible to determine the difference in tastes and preferences of representatives of different sexes.

Question 2. Your age?

a) up to 20 years c) from 31 to 40

b) from 21 to 30; d) 41 and older

The purpose of the question: to segment the market by age. This question underlies the sample: it was not known in advance how many approximately respondents of different ages would be interviewed. But as a result of the survey, all age categories of the population were interviewed.

This question allows you to determine the difference in tastes and preferences of representatives of different age groups.

Thus, it was asked:

1. Women:

· from 21 to 30 - 27% (6 people);

2. Men:

up to 20 years (inclusive) - 14% (3 people);

· from 21 to 30 - 9% (2 people);

· from 31 to 40 - 9% (2 people);

41 and older - 9% (2 people).

The ratio of respondents of different age categories, men and women together, is shown in Diagram 1.

Diagram 1. Ratio of respondents of different age groups

Question 3. Your family size is:

a) 1-2 people b) 3-4 people c) 5 or more

The purpose of the question: to segment the market depending on the number of people living in a given family of the respondent.

The family size of 18% of the respondents (4 people) is 1-2 people, and the same percentage is made up of families with 5 or more people. The largest number of respondents have a family composition consisting of 3-4 people - 63% (14 people).

Diagram 2. The ratio of respondents with different family sizes

This question allows you to determine the difference in the preferences of different groups, depending on the composition of the family of the respondents, and it also provides information on the possible volume of product consumption.

Question 4. Your average monthly income:

a) less than 5000 rubles. b) over 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

c) over 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. d) more than 30,000 rubles.

The purpose of the question: to segment the market depending on the level of income of buyers.

The respondents have the following income levels:

27% (6 people) have an income of less than 5,000 rubles;

41% (9 people) - over 5,000 to 10,000 rubles;

27% (6 people) - over 10,000 to 30,000 rubles;

5% (1 person) - more than 30,000 rubles.

The ratio of respondents with different income levels is shown in Diagram 3.

Diagram 3. The ratio of respondents with different income levels

This question allows you to provide information about the respondent's income and financial situation. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to determine the capabilities and abilities of the respondent to make a particular purchase, as well as the importance of price when choosing a product.

Question 5. How do you prefer to receive information about dairy?

a) shopping

Purpose of the question: to identify sources of data on dairy products.

According to the results of the survey, 18% (4 people) of the surveyed respondents receive information from promotions. An equal percentage of respondents answered that they learn about the product by visiting stores, as well as by radio and television - 36% each (8 people each). And only 9% (2 people) offered their own answer.

Diagram 4. Ratio of respondents by source of information.

Question 6. What types of dairy products do you prefer?

a) milk b) kefir

c) yogurt c) other ________________________________

The purpose of the question: to segment the market of preferences and tastes of consumers by types of dairy products.

As a result of the survey, the following data were obtained: milk is consumed by 55% (12 people) of the respondents, kefir - 14% (3 people), yogurt - 50% (11 people) and 27% (6 people) wrote their answer. The data exceeds 100%, since the majority of respondents chose several dairy products at once.

Diagram 6. Consumer preferences when buying dairy products

According to the survey, it can be seen that a very small part of the respondents consume kefir, only 14%. Based on these data, Activia should pay attention to the manufacture of this particular type of product in order to attract a buyer. It may be necessary to improve the taste of products, useful properties, strengthen advertising and expand the range.

Question 7. How often do you eat yogurt?

a) daily b) 3-5 times a week

c) 1-2 times a week d) never

Purpose of the question: to determine the frequency of consumption and the needs of respondents in the use of dairy products.

As a result of the survey, the following data were obtained:

daily - 23% (5 people);

3-5 times a week - 23% (5 people);

1-2 times a week -50% (11 people);

never - 5% (1 person).

Diagram 5. Frequency of consumption of dairy products by respondents

Based on the data obtained, we can say that half of the respondents (50%) consume dairy products 1-2 times a week. And this is not entirely good for the development and profit of the company, since there is no particular demand for dairy products. Therefore, Activia needs to develop strategies for the best promotion of its product and look for new methods to attract customers.

Question 8. What is important to you when choosing yogurt?

The purpose of the question: to find out the most important properties of dairy products, which the buyer relies on when choosing a product.

Let's display the survey data in the table:

Table 1

The ratio of the level of respondents in terms of the importance of the properties of dairy products is reflected in diagram 7.

Diagram 7. Assessing the Importance of Dairy Product Quality

Summing up, we can say that:

1. Taste is the most important indicator when choosing a dairy product buyer, as it is rated with the highest rating. And only a small part of consumers does not pay special attention to this property. It should be noted that not a single respondent gave the taste a negative assessment.

2. Quality, like taste, according to the results of the survey, plays one of the important roles when choosing a product. Interestingly, the answers in terms of taste and quality coincide in terms of the number of percentage components.

3. Despite the current situation in the country, the price is not the main factor when buying dairy products. Most of the respondents do not pay much attention to the price. This means that Activia should not get too hung up on the price barrier.

4. Useful properties are in third place in importance when choosing products. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they are difficult to feel and impossible to verify, therefore, useful properties are not as important when buying as the taste and quality of the goods, according to the respondents.

5. Packaging according to the results of the survey is not the main indicator. Most of the respondents rated this factor negatively.

Therefore, Activia should pay due attention to the taste, quality and useful properties of its products.

Question 9. Name 3-5 brands of yoghurt manufacturers that you prefer ___________________________________

The question is open.

The purpose of the question: to determine the clear leader of dairy products on the market, and therefore to know your competitor.

In this question, the respondents themselves suggested brands of dairy products that they prefer. According to the results of the survey, the most common, well-known and most often consumed brand of dairy products is Danone 50% (10 people). Also, the most frequently used brands were the following companies: Vkusnoteevo - 41% (9 people), Activia - 41% (9 people), Ivan Poddubny - 23% (5 people), etc.

Based on this situation, Activia needs to pay attention to its products, as it is slightly behind the competitor's company. It is necessary to disseminate more information about your products, expand the range and introduce your innovations, which will significantly increase the demand for goods. Competitors should also be monitored.

Question 10. What is your opinion about Activia products?

The purpose of the question: to find out the general idea of ​​the respondents about the product and products of the Activia trademark. The question is open.

Respondents gave different answers, the most common opinions were: normal - 36% (8 people), excellent - 27% (6 people), good - 23% (5 people). 14% are answers of other content.

In general, there were no negative opinions about Ativia, which is a positive factor. And it indicates that the increase in demand for goods depends only on the further actions of the company.

Question 11. What flavor of Activia yogurt do you prefer?

a) natural b) fruity

c) with cereals d) other ____________________________

The purpose of the question: to determine the demand for a certain taste of yogurt in connection with the constant choice of its respondents, as well as to determine the preferences of the respondents.

The poll results are as follows:

natural - 18% (4 people);

fruit - 50% (11 people);

with cereals - 27% (6 people);

other - 5% (1 person)

Diagram 8. The ratio of respondents by taste preference

It follows from these data that half of the interviewed respondents prefer the fruit flavors of yogurt. Therefore, Activia should increase the productivity of fruit flavored yoghurts and pay more attention to other flavors in order to attract the buyer. In my opinion, Activia needs to develop a series of new flavors that will include exotic fruits, and at the same time give good advertising and conduct a number of promotions for tasting yogurt. In my opinion, this will increase interest in this brand, both among buyers and competitors.

Tasteless ___________________________________ Tasty

The purpose of the question: to determine the assessment of taste, as well as the attitude of respondents to Activia yogurt.

Yoghurt "Activia" was evaluated on a 10-point scale of taste. The highest percentage of respondents rated 8 - 36% (8 people), 27% (6 people) rated yogurt 5 points, 9% (2 people) rated 6 points and only 14% (3 people) gave the highest score.

Based on the results of the survey, we can say that, in principle, the ratings were not bad, but still not the highest. Therefore, Activia needs to work on the taste properties and improve its product in order to increase the quality rating.

Question 13. Are you satisfied with the price of Activia yogurt?

a) yes b) no d) anyway

The purpose of the question: to find out the opinion of the respondents about the price of Activia products, whether it is important when buying a product and whether it should be given due attention.

According to the results of the survey, it was revealed that 41% (9 people) do not pay tribute to the price, and they do not care what the price of Activia yogurt is. But the percentage of those who are not satisfied with the price, which is 32% (7 people), is more than the percentage of those who are absolutely satisfied with the price - 27% (6 people). This means that Activia sometimes needs to lower the prices of its products in order to attract more customers. But, despite this, the survey result showed that it was not the price that became the decrease in demand for the goods.

Question 14. In your opinion, the most optimal price for Activia yogurt (400 ml) is within:

a) from 10 to 20 rubles. b) from 20 to 30 rubles.

c) from 30 to 40 rubles. d) your choice ______________

The purpose of the question: to determine the scope of the desired price for buyers. And according to the acceptable, from the point of view of the buyer, price of the goods, calculate the average sampling error and the limit values ​​of the general average.

Table 2 Acceptable price of goods from the point of view of the buyer

1. I will first calculate the average sampling error. To do this, I find the arithmetic mean of the series using the formula:

where is the average value of the studied indicator in the i-th interval;

The number of respondents in the i-th interval.

x \u003d 15 * 11 + 25 * 11 + 0 * 35 / 22 \u003d 165 + 275 + 0 / 22 \u003d 20

The dispersion is calculated by the formula:

f \u003d (15-20) 2 * 11 + (25-20) 2 * 11 + (35-20) 2 * 0 / 22 \u003d 275 + 275 / 22 \u003d 25

When selecting, the error of the sample mean is determined by the formula:

where n is the number (size) of the sample.

µ = v25 / 22 = 1.07

2. The marginal sampling error is calculated as:

The values ​​of t and P (the probability of making one or another error) are given in special tables, where P is considered as a function of t.

Let's find the limiting values ​​of the general average with the probability P=0.954. According to the table of values ​​t=2, then

2 * 1,07 = 2,14

20 - 2.14? X? 20 + 2.14

17.86? X? 22.14

Thus, with probability P=0.954, the lower limit value of the average purchase amount is 17 rubles. 86 kopecks; and the top - 22 rubles. 14 kop.

Question 15. Do you agree with the expression that Activia brand yogurt has a beneficial effect on your body?

a) totally agree

b) find it difficult to answer

c) totally disagree

The purpose of the question: to determine the opinions and personal feelings of the respondents on the presence of useful properties in Activia yogurt.

41% (9 people) absolutely agree with this expression. The largest number of respondents found it difficult to answer the question 59% (13 people) and not a single person answered that they did not agree.

The data obtained may indicate that the majority of consumers very rarely consume Activia yoghurts, so they find it difficult to answer or do not pay due attention to this. The task of the company is to maximize the interest of buyers in the presence of useful properties that are not contained in other brands of dairy products. Since, as mentioned above, the beneficial properties of dairy products occupy one of the main places when purchasing goods by the respondents.

Question 16. If you are offered to participate in the action "Activia - the health of your body." You:

a) of course, take advantage of this offer

b) maybe take advantage of this offer

c) you might not take advantage of this offer

d) don't take advantage of this offer

The purpose of the question: to reveal the confidence of the respondents and to determine the level of interest in the Activia trademark.

The result of the survey was the following data:

· Of course, they will take advantage of this offer - 32% (7 people);

· possibly take advantage of this offer - 50% (10 people);

· perhaps they will not take advantage of this offer - 14% (3 people);

· will not take advantage of this offer - 9% (2 people).

Diagram 9. The ratio of interest and trust in the company "Activia"

Summing up the data of this question, it should be noted that half of the respondents will probably participate in the promotions held by Activia. This means that buyers do not have much interest in this product and they doubt the positive result of the action. The firm's goal is to increase this interest in a variety of ways, not just by holding promotions, as judging by the survey, they do not generate particularly good results.

Question 17. Your suggestions, advice and recommendations for the future prosperity of the company ______________________________________

The purpose of the question: to identify specific measures to improve products and raise demand, as well as the best promotion of the product on the market. The question is open.

· 23% (5 people) advise expanding the assortment, developing new flavors of yoghurts;

· 27% (6 people) of respondents refrained from the proposed question.

Having conducted a marketing research on Activia's dairy products, I would like to make recommendations for promoting products on the market.

1. The company must first of all pay great attention to the opinions and suggestions of consumers, that is, take into account the above recommendations.

2. The company needs to increase demand for some types of dairy products that are not in high demand among consumers in order to increase sales and increase profits.

3. It is also possible to introduce innovations, innovations. This can be either the development of new flavors or a change in the form of packaging to increase interest and attract a new circle of buyers.

4. I would also like to advise the Activia company to carry out more promotions related to the upcoming holidays, the change of season, to make special offers that will attract people of different ages (price reduction, increased immunity, when buying 2 types of goods, providing the 3rd one for free ).

1. The company "Activia" must first of all pay great attention to advertising. Since the majority of respondents know little about its products, therefore, they choose dairy products of those brands that they have heard the most about. Based on this, low demand is planned.

2. It is recommended to reduce prices to the most acceptable ones, adhering to the limit values ​​of the average purchase amount of 17.86 ? X? 22.14, and also taking into account the prices for similar dairy products, which are the leader in Voronezh due to lower prices compared to other brands.

3. And also one of the most important tips is to expand the range of products. This will significantly increase interest and demand for Activia products. It will allow you to bypass competitors and switch the attention of consumers to your product.

The purpose of our study: To identify information about which brand and taste preferences about yogurt are most in demand by consumers in Nizhny Novgorod Objectives: To study the most popular brand of yogurt among the respondents To study the preferences of buyers regarding packaging, flavoring additives To find out the impact on a particular choice of yogurt, where and how often do you buy it

Subject The subject of the study are questionnaires with a list of questions about yogurt. ObjectThe object is the suggested answers about yogurt. RespondentsRespondents of the marketing research are men and women aged 15 to 65 years old - the immediate environment, numbering 109 people. Method of research The method of research is a questionnaire. Some of the questionnaires were distributed to respondents, the other part is posted on the Internet.

Yoghurt Yoghurt is a fermented milk product, similar in texture and taste to low-fat sour cream, obtained by fermenting milk with specific yoghurt bacteria. It is considered a traditional Bulgarian drink, which is part of many first and second courses.

There is a legend according to which the Lord God revealed the secret of yogurt and its miraculous properties to the forefather Abraham, who lived, as they say, 175 years old. Fermented milk has been used since prehistoric times. In ancient times, in the East, in the tribes of nomadic shepherds, the milk that they received from their cows, sheep, goats, horses and camels was stored in vessels made from the skins and stomachs of these animals. The legend says that yogurt owes its appearance to a shepherd who for a while forgot that he had left some milk in one of these vessels. When he remembered this and looked into that vessel, he saw that the milk had turned into something thick and tasty.

In Europe, yogurt became popular in the first half of the 20th century, thanks to the Danone company, but subsequently their products began to differ from standard yogurt and, in fact, turned into yogurt products. It was sold in pharmacies as a remedy called yagurt. USSR pharmacies In Ushakov's explanatory dictionary (1935) there is the word "yogurt" (and, as a pronunciation variant, "yagurt") with the interpretation: "Bulgarian sour milk." In the 1980s, they began to produce fruit kefir, which began to be labeled "fruit yogurt". But very soon this initiative was stopped by Western giants who came to the domestic market. Founder of Danone - Isaac Carasso from Greece

Unflavored - This natural product contains nothing but two main ingredients - milk and sourdough, which gives yogurt a sour taste. Flavored - This yogurt has a fruity or vanilla flavor that can be created using either natural puree or extracts or chemical flavors. With pieces of fruit (berries) - These ingredients make up about 30% of the volume of one serving of thick yogurt, which gives the product a rich fruity or berry flavor. Types of yogurt

In order to identify consumer preferences for yogurt, we ask you to answer the following questions of the questionnaire. 1.Do you buy yogurt? Yes Often Rarely No 2. What is your gender? F M 3. What is your age? More than 55 4. What kind of yogurt do you buy more often? Drinkable Regular (in a plastic cup)

5. What brand(s) do you prefer? Activia Miracle Frutis Gentle Ermigurt Danissimo Rastishka Bio-max Immunele Other ______________ 6. What flavor do you prefer yogurt? With berry With fruit With dry filling (flakes, balls) With jam Without additives and sugar 7. What is the benefit of using this product in your opinion? Improving digestion Eliminating toxins Immunity strengthening Nutritional function 8. Does your choice depend on the package design? Yes No Whatever

9. What kind of yogurt packaging do you prefer? Plastic cup Bottle Package Cardboard box 10. What influences your choice of yogurt? Price Quality Packaging and design Promotions and offers 11. Where do you most often buy yogurt? In large supermarkets In grocery stores In the market Other ______________ 12. How often do you eat yogurt? Every day Several times a week Several times a month Several times a year Almost never Don't know Thank you for your time!

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