For most dog lovers, the question of their relationship with children is relevant. Therefore, before you bring a husky into your home, it is useful to learn about how they relate to small children and other animals.

How this breed relates to children is best illustrated by stories about the Eskimos who bred this breed. The birth of a child among this people is a big event, since in the harsh northern conditions, pregnancy and the first years of a baby’s life are associated with various difficulties.

Eskimos use their beloved dogs as nannies and a source of warmth. They drive the entire pack into their home and place the child between the dogs. This is how the little Eskimo grows up, surrounded by warm and friendly Husky dogs. Of course, for modern people living in warm and cozy apartments, such excessive trust in dogs may seem strange, but this story clearly proves that children and huskies get along well with each other.

This breed is very welcoming and friendly towards all people; it is almost impossible to train. It was bred for other purposes, so it is not at all aggressive. The breeders of this dog note the husky’s reverent attitude towards children; there are no known cases of husky aggression towards people and especially towards children.

Although we should not forget that the genetic characteristics of a particular breed certainly play a big role in the formation, the upbringing of a particular dog also has a great influence. If the owner constantly sets a bad example for his husky by shouting loudly and physically punishing the child, then she may take this behavior as a basis.

A dog is a kind of reflection of its owner, so you should always remember this and behave accordingly, so as not to be surprised later why the dog began to treat your children badly.

They live like a cat and a dog

A husky and a cat can become good friends, or at least live in peace. To do this, it is advisable that they appear in your family at approximately the same time. There is an opinion that huskies are very hostile towards cats. The basis for this judgment was the fact that huskies are a pack animal that, in natural conditions, survives by killing weaker species for the sake of their survival.

If you don’t specifically train a husky to attack other animals, then your well-fed and well-groomed pet, so in this matter a lot depends on the owner. Although, of course, you should always remember that a cat is a weaker creature, and regulate the relationship between your pets so that everyone is happy and no one offends anyone.

In this collection Faktrum collected interesting facts about how people's relationships with cats develop.

Many cat owners probably dream of being in the shoes of their pet, at least for a day, to look at the world through his eyes. Although the visual organs of cats are similar in structure to humans, in the process of evolution, cats' eyes adapted to specific conditions, therefore Cat vision has its own specifics. Representatives of the cat family have learned to perfectly navigate in low light conditions and sensitively respond to the slightest movements, but for this they had to sacrifice the subtleties of color perception and some other capabilities.

Artist and researcher Nikolai Lamm managed to create a reliable model that makes it possible to imagine how cats see the surrounding reality.

When creating this model, Nikolai took into account a variety of factors: for example, the breadth of peripheral vision - in cats it is 30 degrees on each side, and a person can boast only 20, thus, the total breadth of vision in cats is 200 degrees (in humans 180). But we see much further- a person is able to clearly distinguish objects at a distance of about 30 meters, while it is difficult for a cat to see an object if it is located more than seven meters from it.

Also, a cat's eye does not perceive brown, red and orange colors well, but sees blue and yellow perfectly. Thanks to more special photoreceptors in the eyes cats see in the dark 6–8 times better than humans- this ability allows wild felines to hunt at night.

By the way, cat's eyes have an interesting feature that many have probably noticed: in the dark they emit an unusual phosphorescent glow, this is due to the presence of reflective pigment in the tapetum - the layer of tissue behind the retina.

The sound "meow" was intended by nature so that little kittens could call their mother. Growing up, kittens should stop using it. Adult wild cats living in their natural habitat never meow.

In the process of domestication, cats came to the conclusion that their infantile “meow” has the most effective effect on their owners: the sound sounds quite pitiful and loud enough. Meowing has become a universal way of communication between adult cats and cats. Cats do not meow when communicating with each other.

Dogs were one of the first domesticated animals. It is believed that hunter-gatherers kidnapped wolf cubs and raised them as hunting companions.

As for cats, they are mostly domesticated on their own. After people began to engage in agriculture and lead a sedentary lifestyle, they had to learn to store large reserves of grain in warehouses and primitive silos.

And if a lot of grain is stored in one place, then any farmer will tell you that eventually hordes of rats will come there. Thanks to this amount of food - rodents - cats gradually adapted to life next to people, became more open and trusting, and eventually became domesticated.

People tolerated cats because they hunted rats and thus helped to store grain, and cats tolerated people, because human granaries were always full of food for every taste.

Domestication is believed to have occurred in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, leading to the deification of cats in these societies.

Recent studies of the behavior of domestic cats have yielded an interesting result: it turns out that pets do not always like the caresses of their owner.

Experts from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, the University of Lincoln in the UK and the Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine found that the cat often experiences anxiety and restlessness from human touch, therefore, in order not to expose it to constant stress, it is better for the owner to avoid frequent stroking and other tactile contacts with the pet.

As Professor Daniel Mills, one of the leaders of the experiment, explained: “According to our research, those cats experience the greatest stress are those that who allow themselves to be stroked when they don’t like it”. Animals that were petted frequently and persistently by their owners had increased levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in their bodies.

During the experiment, the professor and his colleagues studied the behavior of pets living with people alone, in pairs, and also as part of a group of three or four cats, and it was discovered that, contrary to popular belief, domesticated felines feel just as comfortable in the company of their own kind as if alone. Moreover, young (under two years of age) solitary cats are even more susceptible to stress than their groupmates of the same age.

According to Mills, “Many people believe that it is better not to have several cats at once, because this will have a detrimental effect on their mental state, but this is not true - animals are so independent and independent that even if they cannot make friends, they will always find a way to avoid communicating with each other."

“The result of the experiment indicates that Cat owners should not express their affection and love too vigorously - animals do not like this. In addition, if you have several cats, make sure that each pet has its own personal space, toiletries and dishes,” concluded Daniel Mills.

Cat owners know that there is no better game for their pet than “hunting” for a laser pointer or a sun bunny. Although the light spot or laser trail does not even remotely resemble mice or other prey, their unpredictable, fast movements awaken cats' hunting instincts and an irresistible desire to give chase, which is ultimately doomed to failure.

Ethologists (animal behavior specialists) are confident that frequent “hunting” for a laser pointer or a sun “beam” can be harmful to a cat precisely because of the elusiveness of “game”.

“Chasing a spot of light excites cats so much that they cannot stop - it becomes a habit, but the result is unattainable, and the “unsuccessful pursuit” provokes mental trauma,”- Professor Nicholas Dodman, an employee of the School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University (Massachusetts), explained in an interview with Live Science magazine.

By the way, recently experts conducted a study that revealed some similarities between the pathology of cats’ endless “hunting” for laser pointers and people’s addiction to TV: in both cases, attention is tenaciously captured by the movements of light.

Cats have a much stronger bond with people than any other pet. They know how to not only bring joy to their owners, but also manipulate them.

A group of behaviorists from the University of Vienna analyzed the behavior of 41 cats and their owners, and also found out through tests how playful the animals were and how sociable their owners were.

Researchers have determined that cats and people have a strong influence on each other. The greatest mutual understanding was observed in the relationships between extroverted women and young, active animals. For successful communication, minor hints are enough for them - for example, a raised tail signals a desire for friendly contact. At the same time, cats skillfully use the love of their owners, in particular, in order to get more food.

Cats and people have a strong bond with each other. “A person and a cat know each other’s inclinations and preferences well. Their relationships are based on mutual attraction, ease of interaction, play, love and social support,” says study co-author Dorothy Gracie.

Such relationships are typical for people, but practically never occur in nature. Cats behave like little children who have not yet learned to talk, the researchers believe, emphasizing that the results of their work allow us to take a fresh look at these animals.

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There is no doubt that cats love us as much as we love them. If you are not one of the people who views these furry creatures favorably, then this will be hard for you to believe. And all because kittens show their affection in ways other than people. And in fact, even a pet's hurtful antics can express undying love. So, your cat loves you if he does the following things.

He purrs

All cats express love and affection through purring. Listen to the sounds your furry pet makes. They can accommodate a wide range of volumes, from soft and subtle to loud as a truck. Thus, cats express a different range of feelings, from delight to anxiety. However, rest assured, if your pet begins to purr in your presence, this means that he loves you.

He rolls from side to side at your feet

If a furry animal rolls from side to side at your feet, it is also showing its affection.
This way he can greet you or ask for some attention. Know that by exposing his tummy, he puts himself in a vulnerable position. And this means that he trusts you completely.

The cat rubs or butts your cheek

When your furry pet rubs its face against your cheek or butts you, this behavior also indicates affection. If you notice this behavior from your cat towards other cats or even dogs, don't be surprised. Cats are capable of loving not only people.

He sharpens his claws on upholstered furniture

If your furniture is completely worn out by a cat’s claws, this does not mean at all that this is how he sharpens his “weapons”. Leaving heavy scratches and puffs on upholstered furniture, he shows you how well he lives in this house. In addition, the fluffy leaves its scent through its claws, which means it marks its territory. You've probably noticed that damage to furniture occurs in the places you love most, and the cat will never sharpen its claws in a place specially designated for this. Of course, because he is so attached to his owner.

Trampling on various parts of the body

Do you think that if a kitten has literally trampled a whole path on your stomach, then he is asking you for something? This statement is only partly true. It turns out that kittens love to “milk” their mother cat by kneading her abdomen with their claws. But even in adult life, this habit remains with our pets. This way they show that they feel safe and relaxed. They are as comfortable with you as they were with their own mother in childhood.

He brings you a gift

Cats are born hunters, and this cannot be taken away from them. They chase rolling toys, laser fire, sparrows and mice. Having brought another bird from the street to your door, he shares the spoils with you and thanks you for your boundless love. Don't forget to praise the furry animal for showing such incredible generosity. He needs this so much. Otherwise, the cat may be offended, and you will be left without “gifts” in the future.

Fluffy animal plays with you

Cats can express their love through playing with their owner. At a young age, kittens play for so long that they never seem to get tired. They can scratch, bite and get real pleasure from it. The family member who receives more attention is usually the animal’s favorite.

He sleeps on your lap

It's no secret that cats sleep a lot. Scientists have calculated that they can spend up to 16 hours sleeping every day.
At the same time, they feel the most vulnerable and defenseless, so they choose only the safest place to relax. Well, if the cat lay down on your lap and fell asleep sweetly, this means that she feels completely safe next to her owner.

He's looking at you

The kitten's eyes, in proportion to its body, are very large. And if the human body had the same proportions, then we would have eyes with a slit of 20 centimeters. Cats are very protective of their eyes, which is why they are not used to making eye contact with someone. And if you catch yourself feeling that the cat is literally following you with his eyes, this indicates his complete trust. Zoologists sometimes call this gaze from a pet a “cat kiss.” If you notice that the cat blinks during the exchange of glances, do the same in response.

The cat shows you its furry butt

Sometimes this cat habit seems ridiculous to us. Why did the cat raise its tail again and poke its butt in the owner’s face? The answer is simple. This is how she shows you her trust and affection, and also greets you. Know that she will not perform this ritual with the “first person she meets.” You are among the chosen ones. This habit also takes its roots from cat childhood, when kittens thus greeted their mother returning from the hunt.

He meows

If a cat meows loudly and persistently for a long time, this does not mean at all that he wants to drive you crazy. Know that cats do not even communicate with each other by meowing; for this purpose, special chants are provided in the form of howls. Meowing is intended solely for communication with humans. Do you like to talk to people who are deeply unpleasant to you? Of course no. So cats communicate exclusively with pleasant people. You can be proud that you are among the chosen caste. Tip: next time don’t forget to give your pet some milk. Maybe this will save your ears from heartbreaking screams.

He "courts" you

If a cat licks an exposed part of your body, this does not mean that he is concerned about your hygiene. He simply expressed his affection to you and, of course, did not forget to leave his scent on your body. In the wild, felines are accustomed to licking every member of their family. Well, pets include their own owner, as well as all household members, in the family group.

He makes marks

You are likely to get very angry at your pet when you smell his urine in your shoe or even on your bed. Don't scold him, he didn't mean to hurt you. He simply calmed himself down after the stress associated with moving to a new apartment or the long absence of the owner.

Tail demonstration

Did you know that a cat's favorite part of the body is the tail? A cat will never let an unpleasant person touch its tail. She will definitely grab his hand. But if she stood in the middle of the room and raised her ponytail with a pipe, this means that she invites you to dialogue and requires special attention.

Recently I was asked a question: “Tell me, how can I tell if my cat loves me?” Really, how? I thought about it because I had never asked myself this question. We had to think about it together. It turned out that this man’s life circumstances were such that, not being able to get a dog, he got a cat... He is sure that he loves her, although he admits that he is far from adoration, and thinks that she treats him simply as a breadwinner .

I realized that there was no mutual understanding between the owner and the cat, and I was ready to bet that the cat was showing him her attention and friendship, but he simply missed these signals. There are at least five well-known characteristics that indicate a special relationship between a person and a cat, but many who grew up with dogs have little or no interaction with cats do not understand cat language and are not prepared for the intricacies of feline behavior.


If a cat rubs its head against your legs, arms, or even your face, there is more to it than just a need to “mark” its owner as its property. It is well known that all cats mark their territory in one way or another, marking everything and everyone who is on it. But why does the animal use its claws in some cases and in others? - urine, and thirdly - the secret of special glands concentrated in the head area? The point is that these are different marks. The cat leaves the secretion of the glands located on the face only on well-known, studied objects, animals and people who do not pose a danger to it. The smell of the secretion, by the way, is elusive to the human sense of smell. The presence of such identification marks allows the cat to feel confident in the environment, because they make objects familiar to the animal. By pressing its muzzle to your legs, wrapping its tail around you, the cat seems to be saying: “Hello, you are an old friend of mine.” I consider this behavior to be the first sign of a cat's friendly disposition towards humans and one of the characteristic ways of expressing gratitude.


Cats love warm places to sleep and rest. But comfort - is not the only motive that drives your cat when she chooses a place to sit or lie down. Sometimes she is not very comfortable, but she is with you. Some people like to perch on the back of the couch next to your head while you're watching TV, or on the computer keyboard while you're surfing the Internet, or on your lap while you're trying to read. For some reason she doesn’t find a more convenient place at this moment... Do you get the idea? If your cat chooses to sleep next to you when she usually sleeps in other, more comfortable places, be aware - this is a manifestation of love for you.


Cats do not like staring, but they will calmly tolerate a person’s gaze and can stare at someone they trust for a long time. If you can maintain visual contact with your cat for a long time - it means that you are a special person to her. It's just like a kiss. In cats this does not happen to everyone, it is a sign of trust and cat love.



Everyone knows about this sign of attention. Of course, purring is a clear sign of feline friendliness, but cats also make these sounds when they are sick or injured, during childbirth, or even when dying. Many experts in cat ethology say that a cat’s purr, like a human’s smile, can express greeting, pleasure or supplication. A cat can purr in different ways, but there is a special type of these sounds dear to our hearts, which she reserves only for those close to her. - it is a deep, rich hum that expresses only one thing: “I love you.”

  • According to estimates by scientists at the University of Lyon (France), there are 400 million domestic cats on the planet, with the largest number of them living in the United States. However, despite this, Australia still ranks first in the world in the number of cats, because there are 9 cats for every ten inhabitants. In Asia, the first place in the number of cats is occupied by Indonesia, where more than 30 million of these animals live, and in Europe - France, whose residents take care of 8 million domestic cats. There are also countries in which it is difficult to meet a domestic cat - these are Gabon, Peru and some others.
  • In Germany there is even the “First Cat Museum”. It contains over 3 thousand exhibits that Angelina Ramsperger painstakingly collected from all over the world. About 10 cats also serve as watchmen and caretakers in the museum.
  • There is a real Cat Temple in Japan. It is located in the city of Kagoshima and was not built in honor of the sacred Japanese cat, but in memory of seven cats who lived in the 17th century. In 1600, one military leader took these cats with him to war, and during the war they served for the soldiers... for hours! The Japanese could tell the time by the narrowing or dilating pupils of cats. Today this temple is most often visited by watchmakers.
  • Cats have had the hardest time today, perhaps, in America, although there they are considered one of the most beloved pets. In the late 80s, there were rumors in California that it was cats that carried AIDS, and Americans killed them in the hundreds, without listening to any denials. Scientists managed to convince frightened Americans not to do this with great difficulty.
  • But in Vietnam, people like to eat cats first of all: cat meat is served here as a real delicacy, and even until recently the country had a chain of Little Tiger restaurants. However, as soon as the mouse invasion began in Vietnam, the country's Minister-President Phan Van Hai ordered restaurants to be closed and the breed of domestic cats, which had become rare, to be revived: only this, according to the authorities, will help prevent the destruction of grain and rice by rodents.
  • In France, cats are treated more cruelly: according to the laws of commerce, a kitten that is not bought for a month... is destroyed, considering that it has no value. Many countries consider this cruel rule to be correct, because it supposedly allows them to control the number of animals. In the wild, of course, there is also such control, but nature itself and predators are responsible for it.
  • On the other hand, in Belgium (the city of Ypres) I celebrate a real cat holiday: this is a whole performance in which giant dolls of black cats and puss in boots take part. Also on this day there are dances, carnivals and comedy shows.
  • In America, cats are honored through cat races: the city of Little Rock annually hosts cat races over a 150-meter distance, and the winner of the race receives the main prize - 2 thousand dollars.
  • In Russia, the famous and one-of-a-kind cat theater performs under the direction of Yuri Kuklachev. There are wonderful cats working there, looked after by people who love these animals very much.
  • And on the island of Frajos in the Indian Ocean, only cats live! They have lived there since 1890, when a ship was wrecked on the coral reefs of the island, and the surviving sailors moved to land, but died without waiting for rescue. And the cats that remained on the ship managed not only to survive, but also to reproduce, and today there are over a thousand of them living on the island. They feed on fish, sea urchins and crustaceans.
  • In Egypt, cats are respected more than dogs, which are declared "unclean animals" by the Koran. And all because the Prophet Mohammed personally loved cats very much - one fell asleep on his robe, and he had to go spread Islam. And then he cut off the floor on which the cat had fallen asleep, so as not to disturb the sleeping animal. Subsequently, Mohammed, in addition to his other titles, was also called the father of cats.