The appraiser profession is quite new; it appeared in our country in the 90s, when market relations began to develop. Currently, appraisal companies are actively gaining momentum and are quite a profitable line of business.

In order to open an appraisal company, you must first become an expert in this matter. Among the professional requirements for an appraiser, the presence of a higher education, preferably economic, is noted. In addition, you need to obtain additional professional education in the field of Business Valuation. In the future, to work as an appraiser you will have to improve your qualifications every three years. There are also requirements for the appraiser's biography. This is the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for an economic crime, as well as for any crime of moderate gravity or especially serious crime.

Please note that currently an assessment can be carried out by an individual working in an assessment company under a contract or as an individual entrepreneur. Currently, there is no need to obtain a license to engage in valuation activities. However, responsibility for the quality of assessment has become stricter. If previously an appraisal company was deprived of its license for one year for a poor-quality appraisal, now an appraiser who performed work with violations will not be able to work in this area.

But remember that all appraisers must be members of one of the self-regulatory organizations (SROs). To join it, you must meet legal requirements. In addition to having an education, the activities of each appraiser must be insured for at least 300 thousand rubles. The higher the amount of insurance coverage, the better. When joining an SRO, you must pay an entrance fee and a contribution to the compensation fund (minimum 30 thousand rubles). It is created in order to compensate the consumer for damage caused by poor quality assessment.

When opening an appraisal company, please note that it must have at least two appraisers on its staff. Currently, it is the customers who set the requirements for appraisal companies. For example, banks only work with appraisers accredited by them, which means you will have to adapt to them. In large cities, the appraisal company must have at least five people on its staff; these are the requirements of customers. Please note that preference is given to those appraisal companies that, in addition to the liability of their employees, have also insured their liability as a legal entity, which is not required by law.

Evaluation is a broad concept. You can evaluate real estate, business, collections, etc. This means that almost everyone needs the services of appraisers from time to time. Thus, by creating an appraisal company, you have a chance to pay for yourself quite quickly if your company’s staff consists of competent professionals, and the company itself receives good promotion.

Decide what kind of appraisal company you want to open. This can be either a generalist firm, which has specialists in assessing various types of property, or a highly specialized firm. It all depends on what will be more necessary and profitable in your city.

Assemble a team of professionals. For an appraisal firm, staffing is of particular importance, since there are few good appraisers, and only certain universities produce them. In addition, if you are opening a general-profile appraisal firm, then you will need specialists in appraising very different types of property, who will be difficult to find. Be prepared for the fact that especially rare specialists will have to be lured away from existing companies.

Rent an office in the city center where you could receive clients. It should be convenient to get to the office, take care of parking spaces. Office furniture can be rented to save money.

Register your company. It is most profitable to create a limited liability company - LLC. To do this, you can hire a law firm involved in registration, whose services are currently inexpensive (7-15 thousand rubles). You can register an LLC yourself if you develop constituent documents, fill out the registration form correctly, pay the state fee (4 thousand rubles) and submit a package of documents to the tax office.

The profitability of your business depends on its promotion. Try to find clients before opening an appraisal firm. As a rule, if you or the firm's employees have been involved in valuation activities before, this is not so difficult, since old connections remain. Clients can also be found through professional communities of those who need the services of appraisers (realtors, collectors, etc.). For private clients, it is important that you have a website, since this is the method they most often use to find appraisers.

Video on the topic

The uniqueness of the idea lies in the fact that the procedure for assessing any asset will take no more than 15-30 minutes of the customer’s time. Based on a comparative approach. The basic principle in this case is the principle of substitution, in which the valuation should be such that the buyer understands that he will pay no more than for a similar property with similar characteristics.

To carry out such an assessment, a brief market analysis is carried out based on existing proposals. The pricing parameters of other properties offered for sale should be as identical as possible. The approximate range of cost deviation is determined, which gives the currently fair value. As a result, the customer receives a figure that will familiarize him with the approximate costs of purchasing an object, and he can compare it with the price of the asset that he is interested in.

This service is interesting and in demand not only in cases where it is necessary to establish the market price of an object, but also to determine the amount of material damage or to eliminate a conflict between the parties when different appraisers have different estimates that are significantly different. For an online assessment, there is no need for a specialist to visit the site - the application is left on the website, after which the customer receives an invoice for payment. As soon as the payment is made, the order begins to be processed, and its results are sent by email or SMS.

Online assessment of different types of objects

Express valuation can be useful for a wide variety of assets and situations:

  1. Valuation of an apartment when purchasing for cash or taking out a mortgage, as well as in cases of bidding, determining the liquidation value. It is necessary not only for individuals, but also for judicial authorities, banking institutions, bailiffs, insurance companies, etc.
  2. Valuation of houses and/or land plots. The procedure is in demand for purchase and sale transactions, registration of a secured loan, determination of cadastral value, insurance, etc. The price indicated in the report will be influenced by the distance of the property from the city limits, the presence of green areas and reservoirs, the development of the village, infrastructure and communications.
  3. Assessment of damage due to fire, flooding, etc. In this case, an objective assessment is necessary to establish the extent of material damage and subsequent compensation. By providing a report indicating the cost of restoration work, the likelihood of a refund can be increased.
  4. Assessment for court and guardianship. The procedure may be required when dividing property, resolving litigation and conflicts between participants, as well as when establishing the solvency of guardians.
  5. Vehicle assessment. Useful in proceedings with insurance companies, after an accident, theft, or damage caused by third parties.

In order to establish the approximate market price of an asset, the customer should send a photo of the object and indicate its characteristics. It is best if you provide scanned copies of technical documentation with retouched parameters in the form of an address, license plate, etc.

Step-by-step plan for starting a business; express assessment of real estate assets in 7 steps

An entrepreneur who starts by opening an appraisal agency should follow approximately the following instructions:

  1. We study the competitor market, prepare a commercial justification and proposal.
  2. We legally register business activities.
  3. We are looking for premises (if necessary).
  4. We find 2-3 licensed specialists and employ them on a permanent basis or negotiate the terms of cooperation and payment.
  5. We purchase the necessary software.
  6. We publish an ad and start with the private market.
  7. We are starting to cooperate with real estate, collection companies, and quick-loan organizations.

How much can you earn

A classic detailed assessment costs from 5,000 or more, depending on the object and its complexity. However, it takes at least a couple of days to prepare. Express assessment requires 150-30 minutes maximum, and the report itself is much more concise. Therefore, the approximate cost of the service may be 300-500 rubles. Thus, in 1 day, each specialist will be able to answer 5-7 requests and earn an average of 2500-3000 rubles. Both appraisers will bring the company about 150,000 a month. Considering the small initial investment, it can be recouped after just a couple of months of work.

How much money do you need to start a business?

The registration itself will take about 8-15 thousand rubles. About 25,000 rubles will have to be spent on advertising and posting information on bulletin boards, etc. A website and software for online assessment are required. It is worth providing about 100,000 rubles for these items. If you do not open an office space, but work only online and pay for the services of specialists on a piece-by-piece basis, then 140-150 thousand will be enough to open a small company, and it makes sense to spend the rest of the costs as the business grows.

Business organization technology

At first, the main load will fall on the website of the appraisal company. Therefore, it is important to inform as many potential clients as possible about the provision of such a service. The main focus is on individuals. Next, you need to go around the real estate agencies of your city (district) and leave them your coordinates and samples of work. You can work with them on the basis of a commission for each referred customer. The same applies to notaries, insurance (brokerage) companies, and banking institutions.

The profit received in the first year of activity pays for the initial costs and also becomes the basis for further business expansion. It is necessary to pay attention to website promotion, and subsequently order and release your own mobile application for gadgets and phones. After this, you can think about the feasibility of opening an offline representative office.

The uniqueness of the idea lies in the fact that you can start its implementation with 1-3 people remotely, using the Internet and your own website, and work throughout the entire Russian Federation. In the longer term, you can imagine a more hyped version of the project: several appraisers, IT specialists on the team, a lawyer, an accountant, a managing administrator and your own permanently functioning office.

Regulatory framework

Do I need permission to open a business based on express assessment of real estate assets?

Regulatory authorities do not require mandatory permits for these activities. When working on the Internet, you should not contact any authorities at all. If you open a representative office offline, then the premises must meet fire safety standards. Appraisers must have certificates confirming their qualifications, and they are issued after completing training and passing an exam. The professional activities of appraisers must be insured, and they themselves must be members of one of the SRO companies.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering?

We choose codes such as:

  • 68.31.1 “Providing intermediary services in the purchase and sale of real estate for a fee or on a contractual basis”;
  • 68.31.3 “Providing consulting services in the purchase and sale of real estate for a fee or on a contractual basis.”

What documents are needed to open

The creation of an appraisal company involves the same package of documents as for any legal entity. Constituent documents (agreement and charter) must be prepared, which specify all co-owners, as well as the contributed capital, types of activities, and composition of the management bodies. In addition, you need to fill out the application form form P11001 (you can get it on the website or at the Federal Tax Service office), and also attach a copy of the receipt for payment of the state duty. Signatures of senior management persons undergo mandatory notarization. A package of documents is submitted to the state registrar.

Which taxation system to choose for a business of express valuation of real estate assets

Since at first this business cannot be called large, the special tax regime of the simplified tax system may become the optimal alternative for taxation. In this case, the document flow is less, and you only need to pay one single tax: either 6% of the total turnover and receipts, or 15% of the difference between income and operating expenses.

Information support for business

One of the important points in order for online assessment services to develop, and the enterprise itself not to go bankrupt, is the promotion and advertising of its services. It is necessary to leave information about yourself at all thematic events that relate to working with real estate and other assets. These are round tables of real estate agencies, banks, insurance companies, and appraisal bureaus.

You also need to place ads on online platforms. First of all, this is Avito( free checklist for making money on Avito here), Business Market,, Slando,,, and the like.

The appraiser profession is quite new; it appeared in our country in the 90s, when market relations began to develop. Currently, appraisal companies are actively gaining momentum and are quite a profitable line of business.


To open the evaluation company, you first need to become an expert in this matter. Among the professional requirements for an appraiser, the presence of a higher education, preferably economic, is noted. In addition, you need to obtain additional professional education in the field of Business Valuation. In the future, to work as an appraiser you will have to improve your qualifications every three years. There are also requirements for the appraiser's biography. This is the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for an economic crime, as well as for any crime of moderate gravity or especially serious crime.

Please note that currently an assessment can be carried out by an individual working in an assessment company under a contract or as an individual entrepreneur. Currently, there is no need to obtain a license to engage in valuation activities. However, responsibility for the quality of assessment has become stricter. If earlier the assessment company for a poor-quality assessment, the license was deprived for one year, but now the appraiser who performed the work with violations will not be able to work in this area.

But remember that all appraisers must be members of one of the self-regulatory organizations (SROs). To join it, you must meet legal requirements. In addition to having an education, the activities of each appraiser must be insured for at least 300 thousand rubles. The higher the amount of insurance coverage, the better. When joining an SRO, you must pay an entrance fee and a contribution to the compensation fund (minimum 30 thousand rubles). It is created in order to compensate the consumer for damage caused by poor quality assessment.

When opening an appraisal company, please note that it must have at least two appraisers on its staff. Currently, it is the customers who set the requirements for appraisal companies. For example, banks only work with appraisers accredited by them, which means you will have to adapt to them. In large cities, the appraisal company must have at least five people on its staff; these are the requirements of customers. Please note that preference is given to those appraisal companies that, in addition to the liability of their employees, have also insured their liability as a legal entity, which is not required by law.

Assessment is a broad concept. You can evaluate real estate, business, collections, etc. This means that almost everyone needs services from time to time. Thus, creating an assessment company, you have a chance to pay off fairly quickly if your company’s staff consists of competent professionals, and the company itself receives good promotion.


Decide what kind of assessment company you want to open. This can be either a generalist firm, which has specialists in assessing various types of property, or a highly specialized firm. It all depends on what will be more necessary and profitable in your city.

Assemble a team of professionals. For an appraisal firm, staffing is of particular importance, since there are few good appraisers, and only certain universities produce them. Additionally, if you open the evaluation company wide profile, then you will need specialists in appraising very different types of property, which will be difficult to find. Be prepared for the fact that especially rare specialists will have to be lured away from existing companies.

Rent an office in the city center where you could receive clients. It should be convenient to get to the office, take care of parking spaces. Office furniture can be rented to save money.

Register yours company. It is most profitable to create a limited liability company - LLC. To do this, you can hire a legal company, engaged in registration, whose services are currently inexpensive (7-15 thousand rubles). You can register an LLC yourself if you develop constituent documents, fill out the registration form correctly, pay the state fee (4 thousand rubles) and submit a package of documents to the tax office.

The profitability of your business depends on its promotion. Try to find clients before opening an appraisal firm. As a rule, if you or the firm's employees have been involved in valuation activities before, this is not so difficult, since old connections remain. Clients can also be found through professional communities of those who need the services of appraisers (realtors, collectors, etc.). For private clients, it is important that you have a website, since this is the method they most often use to find appraisers.

Yes, sure. For example, a person gets into an accident and is recognized as injured. He turns to the insurance company to compensate for the damage, but the insurance company usually pays him 2 or 3 times less for compulsory motor liability insurance, and also for CASCO insurance. Naturally, our victim is not satisfied with this turn of events and then he turns to us to receive the full amount needed to repair the car. Sometimes the victim first turns to lawyers, who also refer him to our company. After that, we inspect the car, record and photograph all damage, and then using special programs we calculate the amount of damage. The car owner enters into an agreement with us, and we send documents with an assessment of the damage to the court. And now to the nuances of this situation... Insurance companies actually understand that they underpay people, but only 2 out of 10 people go to court, that is, according to statistics Only 20% of people who have not received their payments contact us. This happens because insurers understand that not everyone will sue them and engage in litigation over some 3 - 5 thousand rubles. But if we are talking about larger amounts, then the matter comes to court, having previously received an opinion from our company. And although it is quite small, and consists of only 2 people, we cope with our work quite well.

My partner Alexander helps me a lot, since he has a technical education, and he is directly involved in inspecting objects (cars), photographing them and describing the damage. It would be very difficult for me to perform all the functions alone.

At this stage, we look at what is more appropriate to do with the damaged parts of the car - repair them or replace them. It happens that in the event of serious accidents, the car cannot be restored or its main parts, for example the body, must be replaced.

I repeat once again that our type of assessment has certain specifics - we need very good technical knowledge.

It can be difficult when those at fault for an accident provide reports that do not correspond to reality, that is, with an underestimated amount of damage for the injured party, so that by court decision they will have to pay a smaller amount.

It happens that the insurance company does not agree with the assessment decision (amount) that we indicated for the injured party and then this conclusion is sent for forensic examination. It is handled by the same appraisers as us, who have only received a certificate of retraining in the field of forensic examination.

We send these specialists a report that contains photographs, a vehicle inspection report and calculations. Then they conduct their alternative assessment and almost always our opinions on the amount agree.