Smoked chicken is a tasty and quite expensive delicacy that appears on the tables of most of us exclusively on holidays. It can be used both as an independent dish and as an ingredient in salads. In this article, we will teach you how to smoke chicken at home. We are sure that you will be able to enjoy it not only on your birthday and New Year.

Smoke canning

We learned to smoke meat, fish and poultry a long, long time ago. Thus, our ancestors not only gave these products an indescribable taste and aroma, but also gained the opportunity to store them for a longer time. Smoking is a kind of preservation using smoke, as a result of which the product acquires antioxidant properties that inhibit the development of harmful bacteria.

When smoked, products do not lose their beneficial and nutritional properties, except that the taste of spices is added to them. They can be stored without refrigeration for up to three days without fear of poisoning the body. This is very convenient on long trips. Having mastered the basic recipes, you will know how to smoke chicken correctly, and you will always be able to stock up on this delicious food when moving to any distance.

Smoking methods

Of course, the most delicious smoked chicken (as well as fish and meat) is the one that is smoked the old fashioned way, that is, treated with wood smoke for quite a long time. It is this method that will give the products that true taste.

A simpler and more modern method appeared along with the so-called liquid smoke, which is obtained by combining the smoke of barely smoldering wood with water. Absolutely all smoked meats sold in stores are processed with liquid smoke and are literally stuffed with various preservatives. Many of them are unlikely to add to your health. Their names alone are worth it - acetone, phenol, formaldehyde and other extremely harmful components. In addition, such processing completely removes all beneficial substances from the product, making it completely useless in terms of nutritional value.

How to smoke hot smoked chicken in the absence of a smokehouse and without the use of completely unhealthy liquid smoke? Everything can be fixed if the house has such a miracle of modern kitchen appliances as an air fryer or In this article we will not only teach you how to use these devices. You'll also learn how to smoke chicken in a hot smoker using a variety of marinades. This way you can always prepare your favorite product in one way or another.

Straight from the smokehouse

If you are lucky and have a smokehouse or the opportunity to build one, then this recipe is what you need! How to smoke chicken in a hot smoker so that it turns out, as they say, to lick your fingers? Of course, it’s all about the marinade and proper preparation of the bird carcass. This is 80 percent of success and a guarantee that everything will turn out incredibly tasty.

Method one, spicy aromatic

Prepare the necessary ingredients, including:

  • Chicken - 1 carcass.
  • Salt - 0.5 tablespoon.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Bay leaf - to taste.
  • Black peppercorns - 5-10 pieces.
  • Juniper berries - 5 pieces.
  • Ground ginger - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Cinnamon - 1 pinch.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon.
  • Water - 3 liters.

First of all, wash the chicken, cut it into two halves and beat it lightly - this way the joints and bones will become softer and release the brain fluid.

Then prepare the brine. To do this, heat water in a saucepan and add salt, 2-3 finely chopped garlic cloves, bay leaf, black peppercorns, juniper berries, cinnamon, ginger, sugar and vinegar. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Place the chicken halves in a large saucepan or bowl and fill with brine until it completely covers it. Place in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

After two days, we take our chicken halves out of the brine, make a lot of small cuts in them and stuff them with garlic. Then we hang the halves of the carcass so that the excess brine drains and the meat dries completely.

Then we heat the smokehouse to maximum temperature and begin to smoke our bird, periodically dipping it in brine for a more lasting aroma and bright taste. How long does it take to smoke chicken in a smokehouse? It depends on the size of the carcass itself. The main indicator of readiness is a shiny film on the skin of the chicken: as soon as it begins to separate easily, smoking is complete. By the way, in this way you can smoke not only chicken halves, but also its individual parts - drumsticks, thighs, fillets or wings.

Method two, accelerated

Knowing that it is hot smoked in a smokehouse, you can simplify the recipe. Agree, there is not always time for long-term preparation of the bird. If you are planning to pamper guests or go on a business trip, smoked and boiled chicken, the recipe for which we offer, is an excellent option. This is a quick method that everyone will love. In addition, it does not require special culinary skills.

Knowing how to smoke chicken in a hot smoker, you can simplify the classic method, which takes three days. Agree, there is not always time for long-term preparation of the bird. Smoked-boiled chicken, the recipe for which we offer, does not require much effort. So, we will need the following products:

  • Chicken - 1 whole carcass.
  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Onion - 1 piece.
  • Salt (preferably sea salt) - to taste.
  • Spices, herbs - to taste.
  • Water - at least 3 liters.

Both chicken and broth

First of all, wash the bird, put it in a large saucepan and fill it with water so that it covers the chicken halfway. Peel the carrots and onions, cut into large pieces and add to the chicken. Add your favorite seasonings, salt and pepper - all in the same proportions as for the broth.

We put everything on high heat, wait for it to boil, set the flame to minimum and carefully remove the foam. Then cover the pan with a lid and cook the chicken for about 40 minutes. It should not be completely cooked - rather, half-baked.

After the allotted time, remove the chicken from the pan and leave to dry. You can speed up the process by using paper towels, carefully blotting away excess liquid. The resulting broth can be turned into soup or served for lunch with finely chopped herbs and croutons.

Next, we send our half-cooked chicken to the smokehouse. If you don't know how long to smoke hot smoked chicken after pre-boiling, use the instructions for your smoker. If there is none, then on average the whole process takes 2-4 hours. The finished chicken has a rich brown-golden color.

Smoked meats from a cauldron

If you don’t have a smokehouse in your house, it doesn’t matter! You can enjoy smoked chicken if you have such a necessary household item as a cauldron. It is from this that you can build a kind of smokehouse in which you can cook not only chicken, but also lard, meat and fish. For this we will need the following items:

  • Cast iron cauldron.
  • A cylinder-shaped stand made of tin (you can use a can of canned food).
  • Metal plate.
  • Wooden sticks.
  • Alder sawdust.

First we cook the bird. To do this, cut it into pieces, rub it with salt and leave to salt for 1 hour. While the chicken is “resting,” we begin making our ersatz smokehouse.

With your own hands

Take a cast iron cauldron and pour alder sawdust on the bottom. Sprinkle them with water and lightly sprinkle with sugar, mix. Thanks to this, the chicken will acquire a beautiful caramel color.

In the middle of the cauldron we place a tin can with the bottom cut off and holes drilled on the sides: it should be firmly placed on the sawdust. On top of this structure we make an improvised grid of wooden sticks, place a metal plate or bowl on it and put our meat there in one layer. The pieces should fit tightly one to one. Cover the cauldron with a lid, place on the stove and simmer for 60-80 minutes until golden brown.

The wonders of the air fryer

And finally, we offer another option for smoking chicken in a hurry using an air fryer and liquid smoke. As we already wrote above, this product will not bring any health benefits, but if you do not abuse it, there will be no particular harm.

We will need wings, thighs, or a chicken carcass cut into pieces. Wash the bird, dry it with a paper towel, rub it well with salt and your favorite spices and leave to marinate for 30-40 minutes. After this time, coat the chicken with liquid smoke and let it sit for another 30 minutes.

Place a wire rack in the air fryer, heat it to 250 degrees and place the prepared chicken there. The smoking process in an air fryer will take 40-50 minutes.

If you have a hot smoker, you can prepare a delicious delicacy in a minimal amount of time. Chicken is an optimal product for quick cooking because it is softer than pork or beef. The process of marinating and actually smoking takes a minimum amount of time - from the initial processing of meat to the finished product it will take no more than two hours.



  • medium sized chicken carcass
  • set of spices (to taste)
  • white semi-sweet wine (250 grams)
  • three tablespoons of salt
  • one tablespoon of sugar


First you need to cut the breast along the line of the spine (this will reduce the cooking time, in addition, this way the product will be smoked more evenly).

Using a small knife, remove any remaining fat and entrails from the inside of the carcass. Then you need to make deep punctures in the fillet parts for better absorption of the marinade. After this, the carcass is thoroughly washed under cold running water and dried for one to two hours, placed on a metal grill or hung on a hook.

While the carcass is drying, you can prepare a mixture of spices for the marinade.

To do this, you need to mix salt with pepper and other seasonings (you can choose different names to taste). Then add sugar and table wine, mixing the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Rub the resulting mixture thoroughly over the carcass, inside and out. Sugar in the marinade will create an appetizing caramel crust and enhance the taste of the finished dish.

If you need to cook the chicken as soon as possible, you can start smoking after 1-2 hours of marinating, but the chicken will taste better if you leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

Preparing the smokehouse

While the chicken is marinating, you can prepare the smoker.

Any hot smoked smokehouse allows you to cook over a fire. At the same time, you can cook both over an open flame and in the heat from a just burnt-out fire (as when cooking barbecue). We recommend the second option, since when cooking over an open flame, the body of the smokehouse becomes covered with a thick layer of soot, which will later be difficult to remove (some small models equipped with a water seal are suitable for cooking directly on the stove).

You can start smoking only after cleaning the smokehouse after previous use. It is recommended to wrap wood chips and sawdust in a loose envelope made of heat-resistant foil. In this case, the bottom and walls of the smokehouse do not come into contact with smoldering wood, making it easier to clean the product after use.

If the smokehouse model you are using is equipped with a tray for collecting fat, it can also be covered with heat-resistant foil before smoking, which will significantly reduce the time for cleaning after using the product. If there is no foil, you can pour a little fine sand onto the tray.

Hot smoking chicken

  • Place the carcass on the food rack belly down.
  • Close the lid and place the smokehouse on the fire.
  • If the smokehouse has a water seal system, fill the gutter with water.
  • After 4-7 minutes, wood chips or sawdust begin to smolder. Cooking at a temperature of 100-120 °C continues for an hour (depending on the size of the carcass and the characteristics of the smokehouse).
  • If your smokehouse has a gable lid, thanks to which accumulated carbon deposits and condensate flow into the water seal chute, you can check the readiness of the product after the specified time. If your smokehouse has a flat lid, we recommend opening the lid from time to time and wiping it with a dry cloth. Otherwise, condensation will drip onto the carcass, leaving unappetizing dark spots on it and worsening the taste of the product.
  • After cooking, you must wait for the smokehouse to cool completely. Before use, it is recommended to gently wipe the carcass with a dry, clean cloth to remove any adhering spices.

Using this recipe, you can prepare aromatic and juicy smoked chicken within a couple of hours, which will look like grilled chicken, but at the same time have a distinct taste and aroma of a smoked product.

Cooking homemade chicken in a hot smoker takes at least two days, and in a cold smoker it takes from three days to a week. In this case, a significant part of the time is spent on marinating the meat. But no matter how long this process takes, chicken smoked with your own hands is always tastier and more tender than store-bought chicken.

Preparing chicken for smoking

Before entering the smokehouse chamber, the chicken carcass undergoes a marinating process. There are two ways to prepare it: in brine and dry method. The wet method takes up to two days, the meat is thoroughly soaked in brine, its taste is more rich and aromatic. The dry method takes from 12 to 24 hours and is used when there is almost no time to prepare the chicken for smoking.

Marinating in brine

The carcass is washed, cut into two halves and lightly beaten. Both parts are dipped in brine and left in the refrigerator for 2 days. The marinade is prepared according to the following recipe: dissolve 90 g of salt in 3 liters of boiled and cooled water and add the remaining ingredients.

Ingredients for marinade:

  • 50 ml vinegar;
  • Garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • Ground ginger;
  • Cinnamon.

Apart from vinegar and salt, all components are added as desired, guided by your own tastes. After the marinating time has passed, the chicken is removed from the marinade and stuffed with garlic - the flesh is pierced with the tip of a knife and pieces of garlic are inserted into the slits. The stuffed parts are wiped with a napkin and hung in the air. After 1-2 hours, the brine will drain, the meat will dry, and you can start smoking the chicken in the smokehouse using the hot method.

Dry marinating method

The washed chicken carcass is wiped dry with a paper towel and cut into pieces. If the chicken is small, it is not necessary to cut it completely; it is enough to make a deep cut in the center of the breast, dividing the carcass into two parts. Rub the chicken with pepper, salt and other seasonings, wrap it in foil and place it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. As with wet pickling, the ingredients in the recipe can be adjusted as desired.

If there is absolutely no time, and marinating needs to be done quickly, cut the chicken into smaller pieces, separating the drumsticks, thighs, wings, back, and cutting the breast into two pieces. Small pieces can be marinated for 6-8 hours. Having taken the meat out of the foil, it is washed in water, wiped with napkins and dried in the open air for about 30-60 minutes, depending on the air temperature.

Hot smoking chicken

Place a handful of chips from fruit trees (apricot, apple, peach) at the bottom of the smokehouse and add a teaspoon of granulated sugar to it. Sugar is used exclusively for the preparation of hot smoked chicken, and contributes to the formation of a pleasant caramel shade of the skin on the finished product. A tray is installed above the wood chips, where the juice and fat from the meat will drain (if the fat gets on the wood chips, the smoke will turn rancid, which will affect the quality of the smoked chicken).

The pieces of meat on the grill are laid out in such a way that there are small gaps between them - smoke will break through them and come out through the top hole in the lid.

The smokehouse is placed on lit coals or firewood (the type of wood under the smokehouse does not matter), and a medium-intensity flame is maintained under it until smoke appears from the outlet. At this time, the fire is reduced and further adjusted according to the density of the escaping smoke. Smoking chicken takes on average 60 minutes. When the carcass is removed from the smokehouse, it is left in the air for another couple of hours to cool, after which you can start eating.

Cold smoking chicken

For cold smoking, chicken is prepared in the same way as for hot smoking. In a cold smoked smokehouse, the chimney channel is quite long, and the smoke has time to cool before it reaches the meat. The smoking process takes place at a temperature of about 40 degrees, and the entire procedure takes up to 3 days.

The disadvantage is that you need to maintain a constant temperature all this time, so someone needs to be near the smokehouse. From time to time the meat is turned over and checked for doneness. The pulp is pierced with a knife, and if it is white inside and there is no ichor, the product is ready for use. Cold smoking chicken has a significant advantage - meat prepared in this way has a long shelf life.

Features of smoking chicken

The smoke from the wood chips that permeates the meat is a seasoning in itself, so the use of additional spices is not necessary. Just add enough salt to the chicken and it won’t lose its flavor.

For smoking, choose a fresh chicken carcass that has not been frozen. Thawed chicken meat will crumble during smoking. If the chicken is smoked whole, place it so that the legs (can be tied) and wings do not stick out in different directions.

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Smoked chicken is an excellent appetizer and preparation; it can be served with vegetables and pickles, or added to soup for flavor or to a salad. If I smoke chicken for long-term storage, then I use poultry for this purpose, but this method is quite suitable for non-domestic birds. In this article, I will outline a hot-smoked smokehouse and describe in detail the process of marinating poultry for smoking.

Smoking chicken recipe

  • Domestic chickens – 4 pcs.,
for marinade, based on 1 liter. water:
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.,
  • Sugar – 1 tsp,
  • Vinegar 3% - 3 tbsp.,
  • Ginger, cinnamon, coriander, allspice and black pepper - ½ tsp each,
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.,
  • Garlic – 2 cloves,
  • Juniper berries – 5-7 pcs.

Preparing chicken for smoking

Domestic chicken must be carefully plucked, burned over a fire, and cleaned of entrails and excess fat. Cut off the neck at the second vertebra, cut off the paws at the first joint. Cut the carcass into two equal halves, first cut along the breast, and then along the spine. Rinse each half in cold water, place it on a kitchen board, cover it with another board on top and give it a few firm blows with a wooden mallet or rolling pin to break the joints and bones, in which case it will be better marinated and smoked.

Marinating chicken for hot smoking

I had 4 chickens, for this I needed 3 liters of marinade. Prepare the marinade: pour salt, sugar, spices into hot water, crush the juniper with a rolling pin and also into the water, mix everything well, leave the marinade to cool.

Place the prepared chickens in a marinating container, pour in the cooled marinade so that it completely covers the meat. We put pressure on top, marinate for 3-4 days in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2+4, every day the carcasses need to be turned over for better marinating.

After marinating, we hang each carcass in a draft to dry, and wrap it in several layers of gauze to prevent insects. Drying time depends on conditions and weather; in summer it takes approximately 12 hours to a day and a half.

Smoking chicken

To smoke poultry, I usually use alder chips mixed with beech or cherry wood; some of the chips can be soaked in water an hour before smoking. I always cover the smokehouse tray with foil, which makes it easier to clean later. This one involves initial baking, for this we smoke for the first 15 minutes over high heat so that the chicken is covered with an appetizing golden brown crust, then we reduce the heat by half and bring it up for another 20-30 minutes, then we let the chickens cook for another 15 minutes with the smokehouse lid open, heating we leave it the same. Next, the smoked meats should cool and spend another day or two in drafts or in the refrigerator, during which time the smoked aroma should be evenly distributed throughout the carcass.

Depending on the design of the hot smoked smokehouse, the cooking time may vary, and you also need to be careful about soot that may drip from the lid onto the food. To avoid black soot spots, you can cover the top of the chicken with foil or, during smoking, rinse the lid once or twice to remove black soot.

Smoked chicken according to this recipe is obtained with a beautiful ruddy color, a strong smoked aroma, and because the marinade consists of many spices, the smoked taste is especially pronounced. Personally, I use this smoked product in its pure form with pickled vegetables; homemade beer or dry wine is ideal as a drink. I recommend checking out the recipe for smoking brisket and the recipe for homemade chicken fillet balyk.

Below I present to your attention a detailed recipe for smoking chicken with the process of marinating, drying and tasting.

Chicken is a favorite meat for many people due to its light and great flavor. Smoked chicken is a favorite way to prepare this bird for many children and adults. Making smoked chicken at home is not as difficult as it seems.

Smoking of meat and poultry began in ancient times. True, the product was treated with wood smoke to disinfect it from dangerous bacteria. In modern conditions, smoking is aimed at imparting a special taste and aroma to dishes. Smoked chicken can be seen on the shelves of many stores. However, there is tastier smoked chicken than what is sold in stores. This is a home-smoked bird. But first things first.

Preparing chicken for smoking

Before smoking, the chicken is marinated. The number of modern pickling recipes numbers in the dozens. Each of them has its own characteristics, but the classic version can be considered proven. Fresh chicken is used for it. The carcass is cut along the breast so that the meat is better smoked. The larger the bird, the more marinade will be required.

Brine for smoking chicken

The meat is washed under tap water and placed in a container. Water is poured into the pan and brought to a boil. After this, the water is turned off for a few minutes to cool.

As soon as the water has cooled, add salt, bay leaf, black pepper, ground coriander, and finely chopped garlic to taste. All seasonings are added in arbitrary quantities, but if you feel that you have gone too far, you can soak the chicken in plain water.

Next, the marinade is stirred so that all the salt dissolves. After this, pour it onto the chicken carcass so that it covers it completely. The container is covered with a lid. After this, leave it in a cold place for several hours.

The following method of preparing marinade does not involve the use of liquid. The chicken is simply rubbed with salt and seasonings, wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerator for a day. After this, wash it under running water and wipe dry. In this case, you can use a towel or napkins. After wiping, the bird is hung out in the air to infuse. If you skip this point, the chicken meat will turn out tough and tasteless.

Preparing the smokehouse for smoking

The smokehouse must be washed if you have smoked fish or meat before. You need to pour sand into the tray or lay it down with foil so that it can be easily cleaned in the future. You can put wood chips or sawdust on the bottom. If you decide to use sawdust for smoking, it is better to take alder.

If these are wood chips, you should put beech or oak wood, but it is advisable to soak oak wood in advance and then dry it.

Smoking process

Hot smoked chicken

It all starts with lighting a fire. Some people don’t really like a very open fire, and the smokehouse has to be washed after all the manipulations are completed, because it turns black.

The chicken is placed belly down, after which it is covered with a lid and put on fire. After this, fill the water seal and begin smoking. The optimal temperature for smoking is 110-120 C. The process takes about an hour. Old smokehouse models work in such a way that sometimes the carbon deposits formed on the lid drip onto the food and give it unappetizing black spots. If you have such equipment, you can remove the lid during smoking and quickly wash it with water, then wipe it dry.

After smoking, the chicken should be left to cool. As you know, cooled smoked meats taste better. Once the chicken has cooled, you will need to run your hand over it. This will get rid of excess spices.

Chicken smoked according to this recipe turns out soft and very flavorful. In some ways it resembles grilled chicken, but at the same time it has a distinct smoky flavor and aroma.

If you have an electric smokehouse, then there will be no problems with smoking. All you need to do is turn on the device and load the ingredients. You need to marinate chicken for smoking in an electric smokehouse in the same way as for regular smoking. The procedure is similar, but in this case it is completely automated and does not require constant monitoring.

Cold smoked chicken

Anyone can smoke chicken at home. All you need is free time and patience. Marinated chicken is smoked using cold smoking for slightly longer than hot smoking. The chicken should remain in the smoke for at least 3 days. The temperature should be kept at 40 degrees. The bird carcass is turned over once a day and its degree of readiness is checked. To do this, pierce the meat with a knife. If there is no bleeding, then the chicken is ready. Not everyone succeeds in smoking chicken in a smokehouse the first time. To ease the lot of beginners, there is a special cooking technology.

There is a so-called method of semi-hot smoking of chicken, when hot smoke is mixed with cold air. This is achieved simply. You open the lid of the smokehouse. The smoking temperature should not be more than 80 degrees, otherwise your chicken will not be smoked, but simply cooked. The marinade for smoking chicken can be prepared the same as described above.

Smoking chicken in a smokehouse is possible not only at home, but also outdoors. In the latter case, a smokehouse can be built from available materials. For example, you can take a brick hearth for firewood and an ordinary steel bucket.

People who have never smoked chicken themselves before are trying different temperatures and experimenting. But this can be fraught with spoilage of food and mood due to a failed dish. Hot smoked chicken should be kept in the smokehouse for 12 hours, after which it is infused in fresh air for another couple of hours. Cold smoking chicken involves a longer preparation period. Accordingly, the shelf life of chicken is also longer. You can extend the shelf life of poultry so that the product does not lose its taste using a regular refrigerator.

Storing smoked chicken

Smoked chicken is often taken on the road by passengers on long-distance trains. Why? Because you can safely eat it the next morning. And yet, what is the shelf life of home-smoked chicken and what is the best way to preserve it?

Freezing in the refrigerator is considered the most reliable and safe way. Housewives on various forums often discuss this issue. Some people do not recommend doing this, hinting that the chicken will not be elastic enough. Others advise freezing so that smoked products do not lose their properties and spoil.

Of course, any food tastes better when freshly prepared. But if you cannot immediately eat the entire supply of smoked meats, then it is better to use the freezer than to let a tasty and healthy product go to waste.

For example, if you prepared a smoked breast or leg on the eve of a holiday, you can put them in the freezer and then defrost them at the right time. You can prepare some kind of salad or solyanka soup with meat, and on the same day. But if you want to freeze ready-made smoked brisket salads, then know that you cannot do this.

How to properly store smoked chicken in the freezer:

The chicken is cut into portions;

Wrap each piece in cling film;

Place in plastic bags;

Store in the freezer for no more than 2 weeks. If the bird was frozen using fast and deep freezing, it can be stored for up to a month. It is advisable to defrost in the refrigerator. Some people use a microwave oven, but this solution is not the best. Smoked chicken can become unpalatable.

It is better to let the chicken thaw gradually without sudden temperature changes. This applies to any meat, as well as fish and minced meat.

What to do if there is no refrigerator nearby? You need to look for rooms where optimal temperature and ventilation are maintained. An unheated attic of a private house fits these parameters. You need to stretch the wire and hang pieces of smoked chicken placed in linen bags on it. Here they can be stored for 5 to 6 months. At the same time, they do not lose their taste. If you have not prepared a lot of smoked meats, you can get by with a box made of plastic or wood. Packaged chicken pieces are placed in boxes in one row.

Instead of an attic, you can store smoked meats in a dry basement or cold pantry. But the room will need to be prepared in advance. Get rid of all rodents and insects if you have any there. Wash the floor and walls thoroughly and ventilate the room. Treat the shelves with hot water and baking soda and dry the room for several days.

Dampness in the premises is unacceptable, as it leads to the appearance of a grayish coating and even mold on the surface of smoked products. If you make a mistake and the smoked chicken has acquired a sour smell and is covered in mucus, do not try to save it. It’s better to throw it away - your health is more expensive.

When planning to cook smoked chicken at home, it is better to think about storage space in advance. In addition, you need to smoke exactly as much chicken meat as you can actually save without any losses in the future.