Street racer Bagdasaryan Mara in her twenties small years old managed to get a lifelong ban from driving. A number of accidents with fatalities did not frighten the girl, who continued to drive through the streets of Moscow at a speed of more than 200 km per hour.

In 1993, an ordinary little girl, who is now known as Mara Baghdasaryan, saw the light of day. The famous “major girl” has shown herself many times with the most negative side. Her parents divorced a long time ago, which may be the reason for the girl’s uncontrollable behavior.

It is difficult to say exactly where the girl was born, since she can speak names different territories: Grozny or Nizhny Tagil. Mary’s father is businessman and owner of the Nuchar meat processing company Elmar Baghdasaryan. The girl herself does not work anywhere and is probably getting an education at one university.

Strange behavior and hobbies

Those who observe the girl's strange lifestyle note it as apathetic and aimless. She sleeps during the day and drives through the streets at night, passionate about street racing. At the same time, no other activity amuses and invigorates her as much as racing through Moscow at night. Psychologists regard this behavior as unhealthy and requiring treatment.

During her years, the girl was absolutely not interested in anything except German cars. She has not achieved any worthwhile personal achievements, other than the recognition of friends who behave similarly.

Not just a harmless hobby

Street racing has become quite a popular hobby, especially among the children of oligarchs and prominent public figures. Night driving breakneck speed It has long been considered very dangerous not only for the lives of the drivers themselves, but also for those nearby.

But children who feel the back of their parents are not afraid to break the law, knowing that they will definitely be ransomed. This is exactly what Mara and her friends think. Therefore, she got into 4 accidents that had tragic consequences. Even the girl's driving instructor himself called her real killer on road. Nevertheless, Mary’s father maintains a huge fleet of cars and often pays her fines.

Photo: Mara with her father

This freedom of the girl is also explained by a possible relationship with the co-founder of the Rosneft company, Artur Bagdasaryan. According to some reports, he is the girl’s uncle. She also appeared with Ruslan Shamshurov, the son of the vice president of Lukoil. Such a rear does not allow law enforcement agencies to calm the girl down and fully punish her for breaking the law.

Consequences of Mary's ride

At the beginning of 2015, Bagdasaryan had a terrible accident. She was driving a BMW with her friends along Kutuzovsky Prospekt. As usual, the girl ran at full speed and flew into the oncoming lane. Mara crashed into a Range Rover. As a result of this terrible disaster Three people died: BMW owner Mark Halperin, another passenger in the car, and the driver of the Range Rover. Mara herself was also injured and ended up in the hospital. There she was in a coma for 3 weeks. She underwent an operation that lasted 20 hours and thanks to the efforts of the doctors, the girl came to her senses. However, after this accident she had to for a long time restore. The authorities decided that she was not the one driving at the time. However a large number of people say that it was Mara who was driving the car then. Immediately after discharge, the girl was detained until the circumstances were clarified.

Later in 2016, Bagdasaryan, along with other children of oil workers and top managers, staged a dangerous race along the roads of Moscow with a police car. Young people considered this behavior acceptable and enviable, since they began to brazenly broadcast it in live your race. At the same time, everyone shouted very obscene comments and rejoiced at breaking the law. During this evening, the youth broke about 20 rules traffic. And although everyone was detained and received up to 5 years in a penal colony, their “merciful” dads paid fines and bribes so that the “good” children would be released.

When the court hearing took place, Mara strenuously refused to work as a janitor, which she was assigned to do as a sign of punishment. She offered to pay double the fine, but this request was rejected. Ultimately, Baghdasaryan did not work on the street with a broom, but in an office with papers. This was explained by the fact that she was feeling very poorly and had not yet fully recovered from the operation. There is a certain amount of truth in this, since during the operation her spleen was removed and several units of blood were infused. And at that time there were still several metal pins in his legs.

A myriad of fines

In total, Mara was charged with more than 320 fines. During the court hearing, her father gave 1 million rubles to pay for them, but this amount was not enough. There are still more than 100 unpaid fines left. Considering that the girl does not think about following the rules on the roads, the number of fines will quickly increase. For such a number of unpaid fines, the court in 2016 sentenced Mara to 75 hours of correctional labor.

For some time, Baghdasaryan was in a pre-trial detention center due to lack of payment of fines. Surprisingly, the girl felt good there: she began to sleep normally and even had an appetite. Such a small change pleased Mara’s parents, who often visited her there. They really hope that over time their daughter will become more serious and sedate.

Plastic surgery Mary

The girl went under a scalpel several times to change certain parts of her body. According to Mara herself, she only had lip surgery. But the facts show that in her 23 years she has already tried Botox injections, significantly enlarged her breasts, changed the shape of her nose, eyes and corrected her stomach.

Photo: Mara Baghdasaryan before plastic surgery

Baghdasaryan loves to shock the public with his extremely candid photographs in in social networks. She can call herself differently there: Mara 049 (the girl has this nickname among her friends because of the license plate of her car), Mara Mercedesova, Mara Benoeva and others. In the photos posted on Instagram, you can see how much the girl’s appearance has changed after her next trip to the clinic.

2017 trial

By 2017, Mara was banned for life driver's license. However, the girl brazenly broke the rule and went to the city at a speed of 240 km per hour. The father justified his daughter and said that by such behavior she conveyed to people how her rights were brazenly infringed upon by strict laws. Moreover, Elmar said that the criminal record ruined the life of a girl who dreamed of working in the police. Such empty words were easily refuted.

Nevertheless, there were people who talked about the famous “major girl” pleasant words. According to some, she was distinguished by her calmness and quiet disposition when she worked in the library in Tver.

Photo: Mary Baghdasaryan’s father in the courtroom

Her desire to pay all the fines and work the required hours, for certain people are an indication that the girl has improved. And it doesn't matter what last time she broke the law again and raced through the city.

The latest shocking news from Mary's life

Those watching Mara's life were in great shock when they saw one important announcement on Instagram. In January 2018, Bagdasaryan put her favorite foreign car up for sale. At the same time, the girl wants to sell it urgently.

Maybe this is just another PR and “dust in the eyes”, or perhaps the girl decided to change and live according to the law. Time will tell how Mara Baghdasaryan’s life will turn out.

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Mara Baghdasaryan has been deprived of her driver's license for life. Whose daughter played the game with the police like that? The biography of Mara Baghdasaryan is quite ordinary, her father is Elmar Baghdasaryan.

Whose daughter is Mara Baghdasaryan - biography

Mara Bagdasaryan is a Muscovite, 22-year-old street racer. She has already ended up in the police station more than once because of her dangerous hobby. The biggest resonance on the Internet was a clash with the Moscow police on May 23, 2016, when Bagdasaryan and friends (among them was a top manager of Lukoil) were hiding from the police in an SUV, while broadcasting on the Internet and constantly using obscene language in the address of his pursuers. Then she was given 15 days of arrest.

The biography of Mara Bagdasaryan states that she was born on November 3, 1993 in Nizhny Tagil. Mary's parents are divorced. Father Elmar Baghdasaryan is engaged in the meat trade and owns Nuchar LLC. Since the age of 13, Bagdasaryan has been involved in karting and has the skills of a professional racer. In 2015, she received fines totaling 1 million rubles.

Bagdasaryan has been in an accident more than once. The country itself was an accident in October 2015 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, in which Mara was in one of the cars in the back seat. She was not the culprit at the time, but suffered serious injuries that left her in a coma for more than a month.

Mara Baghdasaryan whose daughter: parents, biography, photo. IN Lately The name of Mary Baghdasaryan often appears in the chronicles of incidents. But who is this girl? Mara Baghdasaryan is a typical representative of the “golden youth”, a “major girl”. Now she is 23 years old, and her biography is nothing but scandals.

Mara Baghdasaryan biography. Serious publications are unlikely to write about the girl’s “outstanding” achievements, and being a heroine of the yellow press is not a great honor. Mara's IQ level, according to her friends, is below average. The only thing that interests her is luxurious life, and even reckless driving in their numerous cars, including Gelandewagen. Bagdasaryan is a famous street racer. According to rumors, she was a participant in the scandalous Helik race, but in this high-profile case she is only a witness. On November 6, Baghdasaryan, disregarding all the rules, parked her car on the sidewalk. She was detained and an administrative report was drawn up. When law enforcement officers “punched” it through their base, other violations surfaced.

“In total, the police identified 16 traffic violations committed by the driver, the fines for which were not paid, and therefore she was taken to the territorial police department and notified of appearing at the court station,” noted the GUMVD. Previously, she had to serve a 10-day prison sentence for participating in racing. But most importantly, she may be responsible for the accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in the Russian capital, in which an 18-year-old student died. The accident occurred on October 3, 2015. At first, it was said that it was Mara who was driving the BMW that hit and killed Mark Golperin. After some time, the case was hushed up, and the blame was attributed to the deceased.

Mara Baghdasaryan whose daughter: parents. To avoid punishment for recklessness, the girl introduced herself to the traffic police as the daughter of a prosecutor. In fact, the “major” is the daughter of businessman Elmar Baghdasaryan, the owner of a large meat processing company. Her parents are divorced, her father spares no expense for his child. He has been driving cars since he was 15 years old. Prefers “Gelikas” and geldings.” She received the nickname “Mara 049” from her car number. On the Internet she has a lot of names with which she can introduce herself - Mara Benoeva, aka Mara Rakhmanova (MARA049), aka Mara Alekperova, aka Mara Mersovodova.

Mara Baghdasaryan video

Major Mara Bagdasaryan, who gained fame after racing at Gelandewagen with her son, Lukoil vice-president Ruslan Shamsuarov, posted her intimate photos. The pictures are a hit with her subscribers.

It is noteworthy that candid photos Mara Baghdasaryan began publishing shortly before the New Year. However, even during the holiday week, the racer delighted her subscribers with new pictures.

The racer rarely, but still published photographs with piquant content. For example, one of the impressive pictures was taken inside a car.

Note that during New Year's holidays girl in Once again emphasized her love for expensive cars. On social networks, she published a new photo from a premium car.

Let us remind you that on the night of January 5-6, traffic police officers stopped Mara Baghdasaryan to check her documents. Law enforcement officers issued a protocol against the violator for failure to pay 55 fines for violating traffic rules in the amount of 183 thousand rubles.

Employees law enforcement I had to interrupt the interrogation of the racer due to her deteriorating health. Doctors took the major to the hospital with a diagnosis of a condition following a convulsive seizure. However, Mara Baghdasaryan left medical institution immediately after the medical examination.