Every mother wonders how to get her child interested in learning letters. After all, knowledge of letters and the ability to put them into syllables and words directly depend on the further development of the child and his performance at school. Therefore, for example, teaching letters to 5-year-old children is not only possible, but also necessary. At the same time, you should not delay the learning process, but, on the contrary, try to speed it up.

When starting to work with their baby, many mothers are faced with the problem that the child does not want to learn letters. The fact is that children, depending on their age, can remain focused for several minutes. In this connection, you need to interest and intrigue the child so much that the child will happily complete all the tasks prepared for him and look forward to the next task.

Advice: since it is almost impossible to force a child to learn letters, make sure that he wants it himself, for which you will need to prepare an educational game program on your part.

Otherwise, from the first days you will sow in the child’s soul a strong dislike for science and learning, which will not have a positive effect on his school years in the future.

Child development: learning letters

There are many online resources, books, magazines, and courses that tell how to teach a child to learn letters. It is worth noting that it is recommended to use a whole complex of existing materials, which will allow the maximum variety of tasks for the baby, with the help of which the learning process will take place. This way, the baby will not get bored, because one activity will replace another, and the baby will remember the letters without significant effort. In addition, it is worth considering that the lesson should not last more than 10-15 minutes, but must be conducted daily without exceptions or cancellations.

The main methods used to learn the alphabet are as follows:

  • Musical ABC for children. We learn letters, in accordance with this technology, through grammatical songs about letters. You can find a lot of such materials on Internet resources. This way, the baby will hear the letter, its sound and its application, which will allow him to immediately learn the letter in everyday life. In addition, songs are usually composed in the form of a simple rhyme, which makes it as easy as possible to remember the lyrics.
  • Tactile alphabet. It is an alphabet made from cubes, cards or magnets - any option on which a letter and accompanying images are located. With its use, ask the question: “How to teach a child letters?” you won't have to at all. After all, it already depends on your imagination.

Important: keep in mind one piece of advice: do not teach individual, disconnected letters with your baby - they do not carry any information for the baby. At the same time, if, having learned 3-4 letters, you put them into a word that is understandable to him, then the baby’s delight will know no bounds.

In addition, from time to time you can take out a card or cube in the middle of another game and ask for a letter. Having guessed correctly, the child receives encouragement.

  • Abundance of materials. Kids absolutely love to collect everything. They have the utmost love for blocks, cards, a book, etc., as long as it is bright and colorful. Therefore, purchase a bright alphabet in the store that will correspond to the child’s age. To prevent your baby from losing interest in it, give it only at certain times: for example, while traveling on public transport. Print cards with a variety of images. In addition, it is best for these images to be characters from your favorite cartoons, so he will treat the cards like real friends.

  • Letter. How to teach a child letters without writing them has not yet been invented. A letter is only considered learned when the baby recognizes it in a word, names its sound and knows how to write it. Of course, writing is initially carried out in the form of block letters. Despite the fact that the baby has long succumbed to fine motor skills of his hands, he is not yet able to perform such miniature movements as writing letters. Therefore, initially invite your child to write with his finger in the sand, on a window, or using paints and paper. When the baby masters these movements, you can gradually put a pencil, chalk or pen into his hand.
  • Eternally visible. The baby should always have letters in front of his eyes. They can be located in the form of a poster, a magnetic board or a special electronic alphabet in the form of buttons, by pressing which the baby hears brief information about the letters. This way the alphabet will constantly influence the brain, using photographic memory, which is best developed in children.
  • Needlework. Do a variety of work that results in letters. Since it is possible to correctly teach a child letters only if he is completely absorbed in some task, then make sure that these tasks are as diverse as possible. Ask your little one to draw letters, buy coloring books with large letters, sculpt them, lay them out with chips or mosaics, build them from construction elements. The more varied the tasks, the more reliably the child will immerse himself in work and the more pleasure he will wait for the next lesson.
  • Physical activity. Since teaching a child to learn letters is difficult due to their incredible activity, it is worth thinking about turning our enemy into a companion.

That is, it is necessary to create tasks for the child that will require not only his mental work, but also some endurance.

You can ask your child to run around, outlining the appearance of the letter you are ordering. As a variant of the task, you can consider the game “Crocodile”, where the child thinks of a letter, shows it to you and you guess it, after which you change places with the baby. You can write on the asphalt the letters that the baby should begin to pronounce after you name them. Again, it all depends on your imagination: remember your childhood and what amused you.

  • Letters for lunch. It’s no secret that children learn about the world exclusively through their mouths, so initially it’s not clear to kids what letters are in principle and why they should be taught, since they can’t try them out by touch. You can solve this issue with the help of carving - artistic cutting of fruits and vegetables. In addition, you should not limit yourself to vegetation: lay out the porridge in the form of letters, cover the sandwich by drawing letters, etc. All in your hands.

You should understand how to teach your child letters correctly, only you know. After all, only you know your baby, his interests and preferences. Only you he trusts in the first place and only you know how to fully interest and intrigue him with a certain task. Moreover, you are an example for him. If your baby sees you reading fairy tales from a book every evening, he will want to be able to repeat after you. The main thing is to support his endeavors and show that by knowing the letters the World becomes endless and limitless for him.

How to learn letters with your child

Greetings, friends! I'll tell you today! After all, everyone knows that children remember information much easier, faster and more willingly if it is presented in the form of a game. So let's take advantage of this and teach the kids letters!

Read on and find out how my child (Lenya) and I easily and quickly learned letters by playing, and now my daughter is learning letters using this method. Do not forget that when teaching a child letters, it is necessary to name the sounds (b, c, d), and not the names of the letters (be, ve, ge).

How to easily learn letters with your child (games)

  1. We write letters. In order to learn letters, you can write them in a variety of ways:
    pencils, crayons, pens and markers on a piece of paper
    you can write letters with ordinary paints, gouache, and also use finger paints
    chalk on the street while walking
    chalk or special markers on an easel
    draw letters with a stick in the sand
    arm yourself with a water pistol and write wet letters on the sidewalk
    draw letters with your fingers in semolina or flour sprinkled on a tray
    writing on the wall while bathing with toothpaste or dad's shaving foam
    The child will appreciate this method of writing letters and will be happy to take an active part in writing, because it is so interesting and fun.

  2. We make letters. To help your baby remember the letters, you can sculpt them from clay, plasticine, or salt dough. By the way, modeling games have a positive effect on the baby’s fine motor skills and speech.
  3. We color the letters. For older children, you can print the letters on an A4 sheet and have them color them. Younger children may find it difficult to color the letters without going off the line. So for kids, you can cut out letters from a piece of paper or cardboard and offer to paint them in the color that he likes best. Learning letters turns into a fun game. This way, unnoticed by yourself, your child will quickly and easily learn all the letters of the alphabet.

  4. Application. Many children love this type of creativity; mine always squeal with pleasure when I suggest making an applique. When studying letters, we, of course, included application in our lessons. For variety, you can make an applique not only from colored paper, but also from pasta, cereals, shells, sand pebbles, laying out letters with them.
  5. Magazines. If you have a stack of old magazines lying around in your apartment for a long time and you don’t know what to do with them - they don’t seem to be needed, but it’s a shame to throw them away, use them when learning letters. Look through magazines with your child, find the most beautiful letters, name them and cut them out. From the cut out letters you can try to form simple words “dad”, “mom”, “cat”, “kitty”, the child’s name. How much joy this will bring to the child - after all, he himself was able to form a word from letters.
  6. Talking alphabet. The assortment of stores includes many speaking alphabet books, both books and posters. We opted for a poster that we hung on the door at the child’s height so that my daughter could press the buttons at any time. When choosing the Talking Alphabet, be sure to pay attention that it does not pronounce the names of the letters (be, ve, ge), but rather the sounds (b, c, d). Otherwise, you will have to reteach the child later when the time comes to teach him to read. When teaching a child's letters using the alphabet, you can play this game - mom or dad name the letters, and the child looks for it on the poster. Our talking alphabet, in addition to letters, also has two functions: it tells tongue twisters, which Lena really likes and he has already learned many tongue twisters. The second function is to announce the names of objects that are depicted near a certain letter. My daughter likes this feature, and she has learned some of the words that the alphabet says. For example, when I put a hat on my daughter, I always voice my actions and say that they put on a hat. Nastyushka used to call her “cap,” but after listening to the ABC, she started calling her cap “hat” and you can’t convince her otherwise)))
  7. Computer. To be honest, at such a young age, I don’t particularly welcome a child sitting in front of a computer/tablet/phone/TV, because it damages the eyes, and it’s much more useful and interesting for a child to learn with his mother! So we resort to this method extremely rarely. In order to teach your child letters using a computer, you can, of course, use a variety of educational games. Or you can do it easier - open the Word program, which is on every computer. Set the font to 60 and some bright color, for example blue or red. Click on the letters and say it. Next, the baby can press the keys himself, and you voice what kind of sound it is.
  8. Associations. For older children (4-5 years old), it is interesting to learn letters using associations. The letter D is like a house, O is round like a ring, C is like a crescent, and E is like a ladder, E is with bumps on its head, etc. By using your imagination, you can find an association for each letter.
  9. Letter outlines. You can invite your child to trace the outlines of the letters with his finger. For these purposes, you can purchase a special alphabet, which has a different surface of the letters. Or you can try to make such an alphabet yourself. If you decide to go with the second method, then draw the letters and make different textures: one rough (for example, using semolina), another soft (use a soft cloth), a third convex, a fourth smooth, prickly, velvet, porous, foam and etc. You can repeat textures. But the more variety, the better. After all the letters are ready, glue them onto the cardboard. When the alphabet is ready, call the baby, take his finger, trace the letters with it and name them.

I hope you enjoy our games for teaching your child letters, and you will enjoy learning letters with the help of fun, interesting games!

Teachers do not have a consensus on the age at which it is best to teach a child the alphabet. Supporters of early development argue that familiarity with the alphabet is possible from the cradle. Others talk about wasted efforts that deprive the child of the joys of childhood. In textbooks on classical pedagogy it is written that the optimal age for teaching a child the alphabet, based on developmental characteristics at this age, is approximately .

Only after the 5th birthday, the child’s type of thinking changes from visual-actional to abstract, left-hemisphere, when the perception of information in the form of signs (letters, symbols, etc.) begins. From birth to 5 years, the baby’s consciousness is aimed at socialization and acquaintance with the physical world. There is no point in loading him with additional information; it will not be absorbed.

The speech apparatus of many children under 5 years of age is imperfect; children can pronounce some sounds incorrectly and remember them incorrectly, which often leads to difficulties in learning to write and read. At the age of 5, curiosity and interest in new things are especially evident, so large amounts of information are remembered without effort.

  • The child should choose the book to read himself;
  • The baby needs to turn the pages independently;
  • Look at the pictures in the book together and discuss them;
  • Reflect together on what you read, invite your child to retell fairy tales or stories;
  • Do not force your child to learn letters; conduct lessons in a playful way, arousing interest. If it’s not there, then it’s too early to practice, try again after some time;
  • Choose games that will be interesting to your child. Classes should evoke positive emotions, the child’s overall literacy, the development of his speech, and interest in science depend on this;
  • Start studying letters from simple and most commonly used (first vowels, then consonants) to complex and rarely found in texts. Please note that you should learn sounds, not letters (N, not “EN”);
  • Learning 1 letter in 2 days is a sufficient pace for a child. You can tell your child what the image of the letter reminds you of, what it is associated with, find and read a poem about it, or listen to a song. Lay out letters from beads, matches, raisins, berries, pebbles, leaves, shells, buttons and other small objects;
  • Start classes with 5-10 minutes, bringing them to 15 minutes for a 3-year-old and up to half an hour for a 5-year-old (you can take a break - no more than 3-5 minutes);
  • Consolidating the result is an important stage, you should not skip it. In order not to forget the letter that the child learned in the last lesson, you should start the lesson by repeating what you have learned. Ask your child to name objects in the environment that begin with a certain letter, he can also draw them. Use cards - stick on them images of objects cut out of paper, pieces of fabric, drawn with plasticine;
  • Creating an author's primer is very useful. Draw a letter or cut it out of colored paper, depict an object starting with this letter, creating a page in the album. You should connect tactile impressions to visual ones, make letters from materials of different textures, let the baby run his finger over them;
  • Practice making syllables using blocks, magnets or construction sets. The baby must realize that sounds are formed into syllables, and then words;
  • Pay attention to signs on stores, read them, ask your child to repeat them;
  • Fill the space around with cubes, magnets, construction sets, coloring books with large letters, and alphabet books. The color scheme should be bright, but not in caustic shades. Make letters from plasticine and salt dough, draw them on the sand, lay out applications from pasta or cereals. If you practice regularly, success will not be slow to come.

3 mistakes parents make when teaching their child the alphabet

It is worth recalling what not to do when teaching a child:

  • Don't demand more from your child than he can remember;
  • You should not make too much effort and insist on studying if the child is not rested or does not feel well: what is important is not the number of letters he has learned, but the love of reading;
  • Do not reproach your child if he makes mistakes, do not compare his successes with the achievements of children of his age.

Video on how to teach a child the alphabet

Attention! The use of any medications and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any therapeutic methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

We are all different. We perceive and solve problems differently, we fall in love and love, we raise children differently. Why do some parents’ children read fluently at 5 years old, while others at 7 don’t even know letters? Who is to blame - children or parents? How to teach a child to read?

Teaching methods

Parents can be divided into 3 categories:

  • first, they work with children to show off their successes to others;
  • second, they think about how to learn letters with their child before sending them to school.

The third category of parents is unlikely to admit to themselves their desire to learn the alphabet early with their baby, but they do this so that "untie your hands". What the baby will read - books or comics on computer sites - does not matter, the main thing is that he will be busy.

Of course, the classification is more of a joke for parents, but almost all mothers and fathers have to face the problem of how to teach a child to read and help them learn letters. How to quickly learn letters with your child and make the lessons bring him joy?

If you present information in a playful way, it will be easier for your child to remember the names of the symbols.

Electronics help

If earlier cubes with symbols were used for learning - the child was shown pictures and the sounds were named, now it will help to quickly teach the child to pronounce sounds "Talking ABC".

This game is a table of letters, but has several variations.

You can learn the alphabet using a computer - there are enough educational programs, but if you are wondering how to learn letters with a 3-year-old child, it is better not to put him in front of the computer. The retina of the eyes is not sufficiently developed, and screen flickering will negatively affect the condition of the visual apparatus.

Modeling or coloring

You can instill in your child the desire to learn the alphabet from an early age by reading books to him. Of course, he himself will want to know what is written there.

It will be interesting for young children to memorize letters if they sculpt or paint over the symbols - a child under 5 years old is not yet able to write clearly, his motor skills are not yet sufficiently developed.

Parents cut out symbols from paper and offer to paint them over, or sculpt them together from plasticine or ceramic clay - in the future, all this “material” will be useful for composing syllables. An additional bonus is the development of fine motor skills.


The names of letters are remembered after associations:

  • house - D;
  • bagel - O;
  • cross - X.

This method is not very convenient.

By the way, in textbooks for primary schoolchildren and associations differ: the authors can call a broken ladder A or E.


Appliqué also develops fine motor skills; this method is suitable for teaching children over 5 years old - they should already have mastered working with scissors. Parents will have to help their children draw letters on colored paper, and they will have to cut them out carefully themselves.

Letters can also be found in old magazines, cut out, first syllables, then words.

Writing skills

How to learn letters with a 6 year old child?

Preschoolers can already be taught to write. “Classical” lessons are not welcome - they are boring and get boring quickly. There is another disadvantage of independent study - children are taught to write using certain pedagogical techniques to develop legible handwriting. That is, the baby must first master the sticks and loops, and then the letter symbols.

The goal is to teach the names of letters. Therefore, they are not even written - they are drawn: with a felt-tip pen, chalk, paints - on asphalt, album sheets, with a finger on the sand of the beach.

Everything that the child depicts is clearly stated by the parents.

Teaching Methodology

You should not immediately force your baby to memorize the entire alphabet. It is enough to first learn a few more frequently used letters, and then form words from them - otherwise it will be uninteresting to play. The most commonly used are M, A, U, S, O.

  • Mother;

There are few symbols, but many words - it will be interesting for the baby to play. As he progresses, the remaining letters are also mastered - they are introduced when composing words.

For example: “Uma. And if you add the letter K, you get the name of the cartoon bear cub - UMKA". And show a picture with a teddy bear.

There are children for whom it is much more difficult to form syllables into words than to learn the names of individual
letters For them, it is better to draw cards - first with individual letters, then with syllables. By memorizing entire two-letter syllables, they will quickly learn to form words.

Vowels are usually mastered first, and only then consonants. It is difficult to remember them by ear, especially for deaf people. If the child has already mastered the syllable technique, then it will be easier for him to pronounce consonants.

It is imperative to analyze whether the baby understands the words that he is already reading. If he knows that each combination of letter symbols means a certain object, action or quality, he will be interested in learning. You can play the word-object game.

Cards are prepared in advance. The baby must name the letters, read the word, and then find objects in the room. At first he will probably confuse “TABLE” and “CHAIR”, “LAMP” and toy “LAMA”. This will enliven the lessons and bring a lot of fun to the “teacher” and “student”.

Adults must explain everything calmly; this is the only way they will be able to help the child learn letters. Bad mood and screaming during lessons do not allow children to relax, and they prepare in advance that school will be even worse. At home, children at least have the opportunity to move, but in class they will have to sit in one place.

In order to teach your child the alphabet, you should be patient. Even a very sociable little person who literally grasps everything on the fly can “slow down” at a certain moment, and one lesson will have to be carried out several times, using different techniques.
When should you teach your child reading skills? Methodists believe that when choosing the age for mastering the alphabet, one should focus on oral speech.

The child should already have a decent vocabulary and speech without significant defects. However, this opinion is also conditional. Some children learn to read before they can speak well.

If the baby asks: “What letter is this?” and he is interested in studying; he can master the alphabet at any age.

Often, not only do we teach our kids, but they also give us certain knowledge. Don’t be afraid to learn new things – teach your child. Good luck with your learning for you and your baby!

How and when can you start teaching your child the alphabet?

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By the age of five, you already need to know the alphabet. Only if this condition is met will a preschooler be able to turn into a first-grader. The question of how to teach a child the alphabet is solved in various ways. And although a child can only study systematically from the age of three, some methods allow you to work with six-month-old babies. Is it possible to teach the alphabet at this age? The practice of various families shows that it is possible.

Up to three years

If the baby cannot speak yet, this does not mean that he does not understand what is said to him. The teaching method at this age is based on subconscious memorization, more specifically, on visual memory. In order to connect an image and a sound in a child’s head, it is enough to simply show the child cards with letters from time to time.

It is important not to pronounce the name of the letter, but the sound (for example, not “re”, but “r-r-r”). You should start learning with the most common sounds. To trigger the mechanism of unconscious memorization, cards need to be shown very quickly - no longer than a second. But it is necessary to pronounce the corresponding sound very clearly.

While leafing through his first books with your baby, you can point to the text and read it. Gradually, the child will understand what the letters are for and where they are found.

If there is no interest in learning yet, you can awaken it by watching educational cartoons on the Internet. The alphabet for children is widely available on YouTube.

At three years old

Children will begin to show a conscious interest in letters after the age of three. It is important to catch this moment: that is when you need to start your daily “lessons”. Let these classes be very short (up to ten minutes), but regular (every day). If you finish the lesson before your child gets tired of it, interest in further classes will be maintained.

From now on, the methodology is also changing. Now we teach each letter in detail and spend at least two days on each one. The first letter considered is “a” and the one with which the child’s name begins. The best way to connect sound and image with tactile sensations is to make the letter so that you can touch it. They will come to the rescue:

  • cubes with letters;
  • refrigerator magnets in the form of the alphabet for children;
  • pencils and crayons - everything you can use together to draw the letter you are studying.

When practicing modeling, you can try to depict the subject of study with plasticine. Any other available materials can be used. It’s more convenient to do all this at the table, so you need to equip your child’s workplace in advance.

At four years old

The previously mentioned classes continue, enriched with new techniques:

  • letters, sawn from hardboard or cut out of cardboard, are placed in an opaque bag. The kid puts his hand into the bag and guesses what he caught;
  • The child selects for each letter several cards with images of objects whose names begin with it.

On the Internet you can choose a suitable online game on the theme “Find the letter”. Such simulators are much more useful than watching educational cartoons, but you can sometimes watch the latter to relieve stress.

Cartoons are good if they create associative connections in a child’s brain. An excellent example of an associative cartoon is “Plasticine ABC,” but it also has disadvantages. Thus, the word “window” is not suitable as an example for “o”, since it begins with the sound “a”. This is a gross pedagogical mistake. Before learning the alphabet using animation, you need to familiarize yourself with its content in advance.

Five years

Special workbooks “Learning Letters” are produced for five-year-olds. From now on, their use should diversify the activities conducted with preschoolers.

Speech development becomes a very important criterion for the correctness of education at this age. The child must express himself well and formulate sentences correctly. It is necessary to enrich your vocabulary by reading together, discussing cartoons, and talking.

Using Doman cards with whole words written on them will help you visually memorize spelling. Children learning the alphabet may also be interested in the relationships between letters. This is the easiest way for little people to learn to read.

The main thing in learning the alphabet should be the principle of maintaining interest. The baby will absorb everything very quickly, as long as he doesn’t get bored. Engage your siblings so that you can be proud of your children later.