The text of the Appeal published on the website of the Information and Educational Department of the UOC is given below without changes.


Episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

to the clergy, monks and laity

since the 1030th anniversary of the Creation of Kievan Rus

Honorable fathers, honorable monasticism, dear brothers and sisters!

1030 years have passed since the Holy Apostolic Prince Volodymyr himself received baptism and brought his people to Christ. From the banks of the Dnieper, the Christian faith expanded in this land, as a result of which, for the entire Slavic world, Kiev became “another Jerusalem”, and the Dnieper - “another Jordan”.

The Christianization of Russia ushered in a new era in the history of our people. The light of Christ's faith changed the spiritual, moral, spiritual and sovereign life of Kievan Rus. Our ancestors knew the true God, whose commandments were changed by their pagan sons.

One of the most important for Ukraine's successors to accept faith in the One True God was the strengthening of the unity of the ancient Russian marriage, the unity between the tribes that were part of the Kiev state. The basis of this unity was the Kiev Metropolis, the legal and rightful successor of which is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Without exaggeration, we can say that the Orthodox faith and the Orthodox Church themselves shaped the soul of our people and fostered the awakening of our sovereignty.

Today our Church stood before many voices. Over the course of the remaining months in the information sphere of our region, the clamor for the possibility of granting the Tomos of autocephaly has not subsided. We confirm that the apparent canonical status of our Church at the present time is entirely sufficient for it to fully carry out its mission among its people. Trying to change this status will lead to a loss of rights and freedoms with which our Church is endowed, including the rights of broad autonomy. Before that, try not to become victorious, but rather to deepen the split both in Ukrainian Orthodoxy and in the Ukrainian marriage. There is also a possibility of creating a parallel church jurisdiction in Ukraine.

Currently, we are on guard against the influx of external forces to transform the Church into a warehouse of geopolitics, ideology and sovereign security, which is discussed openly in the public space. Such statements and such urges to call out our turbulence, and also to honor the Church. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church stands for the defense of the canonical foundations of its body, for the defense of its believers, who are often defamed and kicked out of churches, for the defense of internal church freedom from the influence of political forces.

They reconfirmed that the Church of Christ is not guilty of being an instrument in the hands of any power or political ideology, no matter what. Aje, the Lord Jesus Christ fell asleep His Church not to serve the interests of the Roman Empire, in the hours in which He was born, carried out His saving mission, died and was resurrected. The Lord fell asleep His Church for the salvation of human souls.

At the same time, this does not mean that the Church is aloof from the people and current problems that real people, the kingdom and the state are experiencing. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church instills in people true patriotism, love for God, for one’s neighbor and for the Fatherland. Only such patriotism can be a healthy foundation for the establishment of a state.

It is a pity due to this fact that the members of the church schism are fighting against the current government in order to justify and legalize their sin against the Church. It is clear that this destructive activity, constant information attacks and attacks against the Church lead to what the holy Apostle Peter said: “through them the road of truth will be ruined” (2 Pet. 2:1-2). As a result of so many people who could come to the bosom of the Church, those who indulge in such activity should not come. We are sure that those who do this will learn the consequences of their actions and will bring harm to the Church of Christ.

This also applies to all clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Dear father and brother! The unity of our Church lies with us! We have been appointed to “shepherd the Church of the Lord and God, as He has added His own Blood” (Acts 20:28). Our ministry is not to preach any cultural or political ideas. If any secular ideology penetrates into the Church and its surroundings, then our commitment in word and deed is to preach to people not the same earthly ideology, but Christ - Who stretched out His hands on the Cross And to unite everyone. The Church exists to unite, not divide people. So, “I give you my blessing, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you may all speak the same thing, and that there may not be division among you, but that you may be united in the same spirit and in the same mind” (1 Cor. 1:10 ).

Our special words today are dedicated to these children of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church who live in Donbass and suffer from military operations:

Brothers and sisters! You are not alone in your experiences. Our entire Church never prays, experiences, helps, and will continue to pray, experience, and help you. Your suffering and your pain are filled with pain in our hearts. According to the words of the Apostle Paul, “one member suffers, and with him all the members suffer” of the body, that is the Church of Christ (1 Cor. 12:26). We deem it necessary for the archpastors, pastors, monks and all the laity of this part of Donbass to endure the half-way war, for your manhood, for your experiences with your flock, for the enduring trials that befell your lot. We pray to the All-Merciful God and we believe that the war will soon end and God will see tears before your eyes (Okr. 21: 4).

As we celebrate the Holy Day of our people’s birth in Christ, we may as well think about the past and talk about the present, and think about the future. The main cry of the Church of Christ for all ages is the sacred commandment of the Savior: “Let all the nations who follow them go to the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). The insignificance of the Word of God to people, as if they were condemned, they cannot live a life with Christ, our greatest and most permanent tasks.

A sermon among people who are still far from the sight of Christ, a mission among the youth, a dialogue with the intelligentsia, with people who have doubts about the faith, as well as a dialogue with the unbelievers, and the whole world. and the faith of our people - all this is part of the mission of the Church in a current marriage. Social activity - helping the poor and sick, displaced people, all people who suffer from the war in the Assembly of Ukraine - through the instillation of Christian love, which is reflected in the skin faith people Lord. And in the minds of these cries, as we stand before the Church today, we can work in the spiritual field even more diligently, even following the words of the holy Apostle Paul: “Now is the hour of joy, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2).

On the day of the Great River - the 1030th anniversary of the Baptism of Kievan Rus - we offer prayer and praise in the Trinity to the glorious God - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for the gift of baptism. We pray that the Lord will grant us to be worthy disciples of the spiritual ministry of the Holy Apostolic Grand Duke Volodymyr, to protect the Holy Orthodox Faith and to practice it in the right way of love, mercy and peace!

May the blessed God be with us!

A country: Russia


Born on November 18, 1979 in a family of employees in the city of Skopin, Ryazan region. In 1995 he graduated from secondary school No. 2 in Skopin. In 1995-1997 studied at the Ryazan Theological School.

In 1997, he entered the 3rd year of the Kaluga Theological Seminary, from which he graduated in 1999.

In 1999-2003 studied at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. In June 2005, he defended his thesis on the topic “Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Counter-reformation aspect of activity."

On April 7, 2000, in the Church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian in St. Petersburg, the rector of St. Petersburg theological schools, Archbishop Konstantin of Tikhvin, made him a reader.

After completing his studies at SPbDA, by decision of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, he was placed at the disposal of the administrator of the Ryazan diocese for teaching at the Ryazan Theological School and in August 2003 he was appointed teacher of the subjects History of the Russian Church and General Church History.

In 2003-2004 - economist of the Ryazan Theological Seminary.

On November 7, 2004, in the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ in Ryazan, Archbishop Pavel of Ryazan and Kasimov ordained him a deacon.

On February 15, 2005, in the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ in Ryazan, Archbishop Pavel of Ryazan ordained him a priest.

On March 15, 2005, he was appointed vice-rector for academic affairs at the Ryazan Theological Seminary. On April 10, 2005, he was awarded the right to wear a legguard and a purple kamilavka.

On April 10, 2006, he was appointed rector of the metochion of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Ryazan on the territory of the Ryazan Clinical Hospital named after. ON THE. Semashko."

In 2006, on the occasion of Holy Easter, he was awarded the right to wear a pectoral cross.

In June 2007, by decision of the Academic Council of the Ryazan Theological Seminary, he was appointed head of the sector for increasing the level of spiritual education of clergy of the Ryazan diocese.

In 2010, he underwent professional retraining at the Moscow Academy of State and Municipal Administration.

On March 5, 2010, he was appointed dean of the 1st Skopinsky district and rector of the St. Nicholas Church in Skopin.

On July 23, 2011, in the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Ryazan Kremlin, Archbishop Pavel of Ryazan tonsured him into a mantle with the name Vladimir in honor of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

On August 1, 2011, he was relieved of the post of vice-rector for academic affairs and appointed first vice-rector of the Ryazan Theological Seminary. On August 22, 2011, he was appointed acting. Viceroy of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Ryazan.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of October 6, 2011 (journal No. 135), he was elected Bishop of Skopinsky and Shatsky.

On November 25, 2011, at the working Patriarchal residence in Chisty Lane, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill led the ceremony of naming Archimandrite Vladimir Bishop of Skopinsky.

On December 2, 2011, at the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill led the consecration of Archimandrite Vladimir as Bishop of Skopinsky and Shatsky.


1999 - Kaluga Theological Seminary.

2003 - St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

2010 - Moscow Academy of State and Municipal Administration.

Diocese: Skopino diocese
(Ruling Bishop)

Scientific works, publications:

Word of Archimandrite Vladimir (Samokhin) at the naming of Bishop of Skopinsky and Shatsky.

We, the bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, concerned about the fate of Holy Orthodoxy in our native Ukrainian land, draw the attention of the entire Fullness of the Orthodox Church, which is under the omophorion of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', to the unworthy behavior of the former Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Philaret (Denisenko) and in connection with We hereby declare the following:

  1. Metropolitan Philaret treats the clergy under his jurisdiction and his brothers in the episcopal ministry with extreme cruelty and arrogance. Instead of fatherly care, love and compassion for the younger brethren, he took the path of dictate and blackmail, which is completely unacceptable in the behavior of an Orthodox bishop, for he, according to the word of the holy Apostle Paul, must be blameless, like God’s steward, not impudent, not angry, not a drunkard, not a murderer, not a covetous man, but a lover of hospitable things, a lover of goodness, chaste, just, godly, self-controlled (Titus 1:7-8). Canon 27 of the Holy Apostles prescribes the deposition from the sacred rank of those bishops, presbyters or deacons who commit physical and spiritual violence.
  2. Metropolitan Philaret, with his personal life, brings temptation among believers, and also gives rise to reproach and blasphemy of the Orthodox Church from the outside world, for which, according to the 3rd rule of the First Ecumenical Council and the 5th rule of the Fifth-Sixth (Trullo) Council , is subject to the strictest canonical punishment, for, as the Holy Scripture says, woe to that person through whom temptation comes (Matthew 18:7).
  3. Metropolitan Philaret, who gave his word at the Council of Bishops before the Cross and the Gospel to urgently convene a Council of Ukrainian Bishops in Kiev and announce his resignation at it and completed it, committed an oath, entailing, according to the 25th rule of the holy apostles, ejection from the priesthood.
  4. Metropolitan Filaret, after the completion of the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church from March 31 - April 5, 1992, maliciously, publicly, through the media tried and is still trying to distort the decisions made at it and thereby became a slanderer and blasphemer of our Holy Orthodox Church and as such , according to the 6th rule of the Second Ecumenical Council, bears strict canonical responsibility.
  5. Metropolitan Philaret, having ignored the decisions of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of May 27, 1992 and having lost the conscience of a shepherd, sacrilegiously acquired the right to perform sacred rites as a bishop that did not belong to him. In particular, he repeatedly celebrated the Divine Liturgy and ordained deacons, presbyters and even bishops, without having any authority to do so from the Holy Synod. For such actions, the 28th Canon of the Holy Apostles subjects those who disobey canonical discipline to complete cutting off from the Orthodox Church: “If anyone, a bishop, or a presbyter, or a deacon, who has been righteously cast out for obvious guilt, dares to touch the ministry that was once entrusted to him: let him be completely cut off from the Church.” .

    Basil the Great, in a letter to Gregory the Presbyter, included in the canonical code under the name of the 88th canon, warns the temporarily banned cleric that if he, neglecting the prohibition, dares to “touch the sacred rite,” then there will be “anathema before all the people.”

  6. Metropolitan Philaret, through his actions, caused a schism in the Church, for which he is subject to defrocking on the basis of the 15th rule of the Double Council.

We submit all of the above to the judgment of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church and urgently ask that strict penalties be taken against Metropolitan Philaret, as a conscious violator of church piety and canonical order, as required by the sacred canons, which we all solemnly promised to follow in the face of the Orthodox Church.

Metropolitan of Kharkov and Bogodukhov NIKODIM
Metropolitan of Vinnitsa and Bratslav AGAFANGEL
Archbishop of Chernigov and Nizhyn ANTONY
Archbishop of Zhitomir and Ovruch JOB
Archbishop of Rivne and Ostrog IRENEY
Bishop of Volyn and Lutsk BARTHOLOMEY
Bishop of Ivano-Frankivsk and Kolomyia, temporary administrator of the Kherson diocese HILARION
Bishop of Donetsk and Slavic ALIPIY
Bishop of Chernivtsi and Bukovina ONUFRY
Bishop of Ternopil and Kremenets SERGY
Bishop of Simferopol and Crimea VASILY
Bishop of Kirovograd and Nikolaev VASILY
Bishop of Sumy and Akhtyrsky NIKANOR
Bishop of Lugansk and Starobelsk IOANNIKIY
Bishop of Khmelnytsky and Kamenets-Podilsky NIFONT
Bishop of Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye GLEB

    - ... Wikipedia

    The article provides brief current information about the dioceses of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church within the Moscow Patriarchate. See also the article Dioceses of Ukraine Name of the diocese Foundation Ruling Bishop Territory of Parishes Monasteries Deaneries... ... Wikipedia

    The list includes living bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate). The episcopate of the Russian Orthodox Church numbers (as of December 20, 2012) 313 people, of which 219 are diocesan bishops, including ... ... Wikipedia

    All diocesan and vicar bishops (except for those retired and those under ban) participate in the Local Council. In addition to them, one delegate is elected from the dioceses from the white clergy, from the monastics and from the laity. Total number... ...Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Ukrainian Orthodox Church Ukrainian Orthodox Church ... Wikipedia

    The article presents brief current information about the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate). All dioceses are listed by region of their location in alphabetical order. The titles of bishops coincide with the names of those headed by them... ... Wikipedia

    The Russian Orthodox Church includes dioceses of direct subordination in Russia, the Near Abroad, America and Europe, the Chinese and Japanese Autonomous Orthodox Churches, the self-governing Ukrainian, Moldavian, Latvian, Estonian and Russian... ... Wikipedia

    The cradle of Russian monasticism Kiev Pechersk Lavra The history of the Russian Church is the history of the Orthodox Church on the territory of historical Russia. Modern both ecclesiastical and secular historiography of the Russian Church has as its starting point... ... Wikipedia

Exhaustive and concise evidence of the connection of the UOC-MP with terrorists, as well as their recruitment of their own “power wings”.. (The investigation was carried out using the OSINT method and based on open data from the Ministry of Justice).

Note. The fact that individual priests and bishops of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate deeply and actively sympathize with the terrorists of “Novorossiya” is an open secret. However, in response to direct accusations of this from the lips of MP speakers and defenders, the refrain of the late Churkin usually sounds: “there is no evidence that we are there.” Fine. While colleagues from InformNapalm are publishing evidence of the presence of Russian troops in the Donbass, we will devote a little time to highlighting evidence of the connection of the UOC-MP with terrorists, as well as their recruitment of their own “power wings”. And let's start with the Zaporozhye diocese.

Several years ago, ominous rumors spread in church circles: in the UOC-MP, Cossack fighting squads were being hastily created in every diocese and almost every church. Allegedly, this event is taking place centrally on the basis of certain circulars from the Kyiv Metropolis - the legal leadership center of the UOC-MP.

And the supposedly official goal of these organizations is to protect the churches of the canonical Church from raider attacks by the unruly “right-wingers” and schismatics. And since the darkest assumptions were circulating regarding unofficial goals (for example, that the UOC-MP was actually gathering all kinds of “titushki” under its wing to participate in destabilizing Ukraine at the first green whistle), an irresistible desire arose to figure out what was really happening.

I can’t say anything about the presence or absence of a circular from the Kyiv Metropolis - what I didn’t see, I didn’t see. But the fact that everything does not look like an accident or coincidence is for sure.

Let's start with the Zaporozhye diocese of the UOC-MP. The choice fell on her not by chance. Since March 2013, the head of this division of the UOC, Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko), bears the proud title of chairman of the Synodal Department of the UOC MP for the pastoral care of the Cossacks of Ukraine and the spiritual and physical education of youth (previously he headed a very exotic department for interaction with industrial enterprises and organizations of the Donetsk diocese) . In short, the chief of guardianship of the Cossacks. It must be said that Cossack organizations in Ukraine are a separate topic for investigation, and, God willing, we will begin this investigation sooner or later. In the meantime, let’s return to the Zaporozhye diocese of the UOC-MP and its ruling bishop. The investigation was carried out using the OSINT method and based on open data from the Ministry of Justice.

Metropolitan Luke - “ruler of New Russia”

Metropolitan Luke is a very entertaining and colorful personality. An original theologian (the author of the statement “you cannot pray for the inveterate dead, otherwise the priest and his children will get sick”), a lover of expensive watches and cars, this native of Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region, from time to time becomes a newsmaker. However, for some reason one event from his pious life slipped past the attention of the public. Although it was not something secret.

Small notabene. As is known, from the very beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the UOC-MP has in every possible way rejected any accusations of its involvement - direct or indirect - in inciting this war. Weapon? No, we don't store it. Separatists? No, we don't hide them. Moral support for terrorists? No, this is not us (options: this is vile slander, these are not terrorists, this is not support, this is at gunpoint). The point is clear: no one in the UOC-MP wants to appear as accomplices in the Hague process. But in this case, the statement “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are” is true.

Let's return to the chairman of the Synodal Department for the Care of the Cossacks, Metropolitan Luke. In May 2017, he and a group of pilgrims visit Serbia. Official information about this visit to the Stari Yazak monastery is on the website of the Zaporozhye diocese of the UOC MP.

In the center of the photo is Bishop Luke. Who's that on the far left? And this is someone Sasha Vujic, called “the ataman of Vojvodina, the Cossack esaul of the Embassy village in Serbia.” So that there is no doubt that the appearance of these two people in a common photo is not an accident, there are photographs where the Bishop and Sasha appear in a closer circle.

So what, the reader will say, the Metropolitan takes care of the Cossacks, in Serbia he met with local Cossacks, that’s all business. Purely professional interest, isn't it? Well, if this meeting took place within the professional powers of the Ukrainian bishop, then the choice of the counterpart is very strange. We will not repeat everything that Zaporozhye journalists found out about this man. This is a furious Putinoid and an adherent of the war in Donbass.

And this Sasha Vujic became so angry that on his Facebook page he called the Metropolitan “the ruler of Novorossiya.”

It is difficult to say whether Luka Kovalenko himself actually has such ambitions. But, logically, if a decent person is awarded some very odious title in a public space, then a decent person considers himself obligated to publicly disavow this title. Ideally, he would even isolate himself from those who set him up. In this case, Metropolitan Luke did nothing of the kind, so we will assume that he is not against it.

From all of the above, it is quite reasonable to conclude: the Metropolitan of the UOC-MP, responsible for the guardianship of the Ukrainian Cossacks, abroad quite consciously maintains relations with representatives of pro-Kremlin Cossack organizations taking part in hostilities in the Donbass on the side of terrorists.

What about in Ukraine?

"Radomir" - the power wing of the UOC MP

Here we return to the question stated as the object of study of this article. The search leads straight to the GO “Orthodox Union “Radomir””. This civil association (but not in the form of a Cossack organization) is quite rightly considered the main military wing of the Zaporozhye diocese of the UOC-MP.

To begin with, some dry legal information confirming the inextricable connection of the diocese with Radomir. According to free data from the website of the Ministry of Justice, the GO "Orthodox Union "Radomir"", legal entity identification code 39824725, was registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs on June 8, 2015 at the address: 69027, Zaporozhye region, Zaporozhye, st. Stolyarnaya, 30. Founders: Timofeeva Natalia Vladimirovna, Seredich Maxim Vladimirovich, Kolodka Konstantin Alexandrovich, Litvin Alexey Vladimirovich. The head of the Civil Defense since October 17, 2016 with the right to sign documents is Kabanets Andrey Yurievich.

Searching for information about the founders gives the following results. A lady with similar data - Timofeeva Natalya Vladimirovna - ran in 2015 for the Zaporozhye City Council on the lists of the political party "Officer Corps" (yes, this is the same party, the founder of which is the "Colonel General" who is engaged in the exchange of prisoners in the Donbass and, according to according to media reports, is related to Medvedchuk’s “Ukrainian Choice”).

The second among the declared founders is the head of several enterprises at the same time (Naukovo-Vyrobnicha Company Naftogazinzhiniring LLC, code 35803188; MAZHPROM LLC, code 25478381) and is very similar to an ordinary Zits-chairman, who, for a fee, is part of the founders or managers of various legal entities We could not find any information about Alexey Litvin. But we know who Konstantin Kolodka is. According to the official website of the Zaporozhye diocese of the UOC-MP, Archpriest Konstantin Kolodka is an active clergyman of this diocese and labors in the church in honor of the Holy Spirit in Zaporozhye.

This archpriest does not hide his political convictions at all and is unofficially considered the spiritual mentor of Berkut, which was disbanded after the Maidan. The scandal with his participation in the boxing tournament “in memory of Sergei Tsvigun, who died during the riots in Kyiv in 2014” alone is worth it. After this event, Deputy Chairman of the National Police in the Zaporozhye region Andrey Dolinny was deprived of his position. Video of this tournament was published on the YouTube channel of the Zaporozhye diocese of the UOC MP, which says a lot.

Security without a license?

But “Radomir” is interesting not only for the fact of the direct involvement of the Zaporozhye diocese in its creation, but also for its activities. This organization regularly appears as a public order guard at various events. Firstly, this is the protection of the so-called “religious processions” of the UOC-MP with a political overtone. Secondly, this is the protection of actions under the code name “Immortal Regiment”. Enough has been written about what it is. This is an organization with an extensive military-patriotic structure, created under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation, with branches in various countries (including Ukraine) and operating on a franchise basis.

The former ataman of this organization, Alexander Panchenko, is known for the fact that in 2009, together with the predecessor of Metropolitan Luke, as part of the Ukrainian delegation, he went to the elections of the Patriarch of Moscow, and also for the fact that in January 2014 he dispersed the local Euromaidan in Zaporozhye, for which he was later solemnly imprisoned trash can by pro-Ukrainian activists.

It is possible that it was after a conflict with this organization that the former head of the Synodal Department for the Care of the Cossacks lost his position in favor of Metropolitan Luke. Although knowledgeable people claim that this position is by default attached to the head of the Zaporozhye diocese of the UOC-MP, no matter who this head is. However, we repeat that analysis of the activities of the network of Cossack organizations in Ukraine is a topic for a separate investigation.

Instead of a postscript. The Zaporozhye diocese of the UOC-MP is not the only one that has acquired its own tame “titushkas”. For example, a very interesting picture emerges in the Sumy diocese of the same jurisdiction. But that's a completely different story.

APD. After the publication of the article, we were able to clarify the identity of one of the founders of Radomir, Alexey Litvin. Who would have thought - he is also the archpriest of the Zaporozhye diocese of the UOC-MP. And here it is video with him - watch from 19:40.

(To be continued).