Scientists have explained who is drawn to salty foods and who is drawn to sweets

The head of the Smell and Taste Research Foundation, Dr. Alan Hirsch, has been studying food addictions for about 25 years, and more than 18 thousand people have participated in his research. They explained how people are characterized by a love for salty, spicy and sweet things.
A person’s food preferences can tell a lot about his personality, says an American scientist. He explained how people are characterized by a love for salty, spicy and sweet things.
The head of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Dr. Alan Hirsch, has been studying food addictions for about 25 years, and more than 18 thousand people have participated in his research. He believes that the irresistible desire to eat a certain product is determined not only by the needs of the body, but also by character traits.
“Such cravings have a certain physiological basis, but they also help you understand what kind of person you really are,” the website quotes the American scientist as saying.
So, for example, those people who are “drawn for something salty,” According to Dr. Hirsch, it is natural to “go with the flow.” According to Hirsch, salty food lovers believe that their fate is determined by external forces, and not by their own aspirations.
Spicy food stimulates the intensity of metabolism and warms the body. From a psychological point of view, a passion for spicy foods indicates that a person loves order and does not want to waste time and go into details.
Chocolate, says Hirsch, is a powerful antidepressant; it replenishes the body with pleasure hormones. For those who prefer dark chocolate, life is an endless celebration. Such a person lives easily and is always in the center of events. Those who prefer milk chocolate, on the contrary, are quiet people, immersed in their inner experiences.
People who prefer candy are generally similar to people who like chocolate. In general, people with a sweet tooth follow their instincts more than others, says Hirsch. He describes them as very cheerful people who are not used to regretting their actions. They love to stand out from the crowd and feel unique.
Those who equally love both sweets and salty foods have a sluggish metabolism, the scientist says. Such people are usually loners. Outwardly they seem reserved, but in practice they often show themselves as creative people.
This is not the first time such studies have been carried out. So, last year, Turkish psychiatrist Nihat Kay published the results of a long-term study, during which the scientist discovered the interdependence of food addictions and a person’s mental state. A psychiatrist claims that chocolate lovers experience an acute lack of love. Deep down, they feel lonely and unhappy, they lack pity and attention.
Nervous and aggressive people prefer meat, especially beef, the Turkish scientist believes. But people who prefer mainly fruits and vegetables have a calm and balanced character.
Meanwhile, back in the 19th century, biochemist Alexander Danilevsky, after conducting an experiment on pigeons, proved that meat eaters are prone to aggression and increased nervousness, while fruit lovers are calm and balanced. For several weeks, the scientist fed one group of birds with peas, and the other with boiled meat. At the end of the experiment, the carnivorous pigeons turned into real predators, and incredibly hot-tempered ones. Those birds that ate peas were still good-natured.
According to other studies, sausage and boiled meat are preferred by assiduous, diligent and committed people. Love for fatty foods reveals a jealous nature. The passion for kebabs and smoked sausage speaks about romance, wild imagination and thirst for travel. About daydreaming The love for seafood also speaks.
According to psychotherapist Vladimir Esaulov, an addiction to dairy products reveals a need for care: “After all, this food is associated with mother’s milk, and therefore with the period of life when we were protected and surrounded by love.” The craving for spicy foods, the psychotherapist believes, reveals a desire to add “pepper” to life, and for hard foods - nuts, hard fruits - a desire to win.
Russian psychologist Alexander Makarov claims that tomatoes are preferred by generous and democratic people with a broad soul, cucumbers by sensitive people, cabbage and beans by those who lack courage. and determination. Makarov considers lovers of carrots and apples to be the healthiest and most mentally balanced, but the scientist classifies fans of sour, salty and pickled foods as tyrants, although not always obvious ones.

The material was prepared by the editors of based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

It's pre-dinner time, all thoughts are about food. There is chatter about
taste preferences - who likes herring with milk
(male), some with caviar (female), some chicken, some cockerel.
One, who had been silent all the time, says:

  • Personally, in relation to all these chickens, geese, pigs -

Vladimir Putin prefers fish to meat and is indifferent to sweets

In the shop:

  • Do you have raisins?
  • What about raisin buns?
  • Eat.
  • Then pick me a kilogram of raisins.
    They picked him a kilogram of raisins.
  • Were the buns tasty?
  • Delicious.
  • Then pick it back up!

An elegantly dressed man comes to a restaurant, sits down at a table, takes a menu, looks and calls the waiter:

  • I want hazel grouse cutlets, but I would like to clarify something.
  • Yes, sir?
  • Are these cutlets really made from hazel grouse?
  • Almost, sir.
  • How many hazel grouse are needed for these cutlets?
  • Well, we're adding other meats, sir.
  • Which?
  • Well, for example, horse meat.
  • In what proportions?
  • 50 to 50.
  • A kilogram of hazel grouse per kilogram of horse meat?
  • No sir. One hazel grouse - one horse.

The cat goes to his bowl:

  • Ew, buckwheat!
    On the second day it is suitable:
  • Phew, yesterday's buckwheat!
    On the third day it comes:
  • Wow!!! Buckwheat!!!

Yesterday we drank vodka. Then the vodka ran out and we ran out for beer. They drank beer, and then, when the beer ran out, it turned out that the friend had some cognac left. And we started drinking cognac. And then I
poisoned by oatmeal cookies...

  • I am losing weight.
  • For a long time?
  • Almost half an hour.
  • Noticeable already.
  • Is it true?
  • Yeah. Hungry eyes.
  • What did this client write in the complaint book? - the waiter asks the chef.
  • I didn't write anything. He glued a schnitzel into it.

In a restaurant, an overweight Jewish woman suddenly starts shouting to the whole room:

  • Waiter! Water! My heart... my heart is burning! The waiter runs up:
  • Madame Rabinovich! Get your breasts out of the borscht!
  • Waiter! A toothpick!
  • Still busy!

Lesson in Georgian school:

  • Gogi, conjugate the verb “chickens” in the present tense.
  • I am a chicken, you are a chicken, he, she, they are a chicken.
  • Sit down, five! Vano, conjugate the verb “chickens” in the past tense.
  • I'm a chicken, you're a chicken, he's a chicken.
  • Sit down, five! Niko, conjugate the verb “chickens” in the future tense.
  • I am a kebab, you are a kebab, he is a kebab.
  • Sit down, two!
  • For what?
  • Shashlik is the future tense of the verb lamb. Future tense from the verb “hens” -
  • I'd like to drink something non-alcoholic, - The client says with a sigh to the waiter.
  • Lemonade, juice, mineral water?
  • I don’t care, I’m an amateur in this area...

Dietary products:
For Germans - non-alcoholic beer;
For Russians - non-alcoholic vodka;
For Ukrainians - low-fat lard.

Eating too little is harmful. Cavities form in between meals!

Restaurant owner:

  • And now there is a white dinner in our restaurant - the ladies treat the gentlemen!

Do you know why people prefer certain foods or drinks? Why do we sometimes really crave something sweet or salty or spicy? In our body, everything is interconnected and all body signals have a specific reason. But how can we determine and understand what the body is talking to us about?

To decipher the messages of your body, you need to be in contact with it, be friends with it, love it. Any sensation that a person feels is a conversation between the body and its owner. And if you understand what these signals are about, be in some kind of dialogue, then the body will reciprocate, will be healthy and strong.

There are a great many sensations in the body, from pleasant to painful. Most of them are not realized by us or are ignored, and pass by our perception. For example, sensations associated with eating. A person eats every day and several times. How do we understand what we want to eat? Who gives the signal that it is time to eat - the clock, other people, the type of food or the body?

During the process of eating, people tend to be busy with their thoughts in their heads, memories or dreams, watching TV, telephone, talking, etc. Because of this, overeating very often occurs. Because a person simply does not notice the body’s signal of saturation or does not even know what he “looks” like.

How do we determine what exactly we want to eat? In what quantity? And why exactly this, right now? Our appetite can tell you this.

Appetite signals what is happening to us on an emotional level. This is a psychological factor and has nothing to do with hunger. By appetite we can determine which of our feelings need nourishment at the moment.

According to the observations of psychologists, food preferences can tell a person in which emotional area to delve, what emotions to pay attention to, what to work through and let go.

If at some point we really want a certain food, there is a craving that is difficult to cope with, then by analyzing our emotions, feelings and sensations, we can understand the reason for this need and eliminate it. Very often our Soul asks for food, and we feed the body.

I remember an example from practice: a strong woman, (35+) overweight, came to me. She held a leadership position, had a large social circle, was busy, and therefore lacked time for herself. She wanted to “lose weight so that she could feel better and not have to update her wardrobe, since all the things she has are expensive and beautiful.”

In the process of work, the psychological reasons for gaining and maintaining weight surfaced, with which we successfully worked. These were suppressed and unexperienced feelings of anger, repressed experiences of grief, pain, and resentment. The body protects itself from a large amount of accumulated negativity by being overweight. It turned out that the woman, despite the large number of people in her close circle and being in demand at work, was lonely and unhappy at heart. In her position of authority, she seemed strong, but at the same time, she considered herself useless and unworthy of love. In fact, she had a high need for love, affection, tenderness and care, but she could not admit it even to herself.

We also analyzed her eating habits and preferences. Among other things, she said, she could eat a mountain of chocolates in one sitting, she was so hungry for sweets! Those around her were surprised at how quickly she did it.

Over several sessions of our work, she had many insights, experienced emotions, rethinking, and surprises.

Thanks to careful work with feelings, behavior and self-perception, I was able to let go of accumulated negativity, see myself, my body, food with different eyes, and bring new emotions and skills in relationships with food into my life. She wanted to rebuild her life in her favor! And here the main thing is not how much you weigh, but what you are filled with from the inside. And what’s interesting is that she still eats candy, but 1-2, savoring and enjoying its taste, but she doesn’t want more.

Other cases from my practice, as well as interesting materials and details about the relationship between the body and food on my pages on social networks. Let's be friends!

Photo: by unsplash Cover: tavernatravels/

A person’s food preferences can tell a lot about his personality, says an American scientist. He explained how people are characterized by a love for salty, spicy and sweet things. A person’s food preferences can tell a lot about the characteristics of his personality, the American scientist believes. They explained how people are characterized by their love for salty, spicy and sweet things.

The head of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Dr. Alan Hirsch, has been studying food addictions for about 25 years, and more than 18 thousand people have participated in his research. He believes that the irresistible desire to eat a certain product is determined not only by the needs of the body, but also by character traits.

“There is a certain physiological basis for such cravings, but it also helps you understand what kind of person you really are,” the website quotes the American scientist as saying.

So, for example, those people who are “drawn to something salty,” according to Dr. Hirsch, tend to “go with the flow.” According to Hirsch, salty food lovers believe that their fate is determined by external forces, and not by their own aspirations.

Spicy food stimulates the intensity of metabolism and warms the body. From a psychological point of view, a passion for spicy foods indicates that a person loves order and does not want to waste time and go into details.

Chocolate, says Hirsch, is a powerful antidepressant; it replenishes the body with pleasure hormones. For those who prefer dark chocolate, life is an endless celebration. Such a person lives easily and is always in the center of events. Those who prefer milk chocolate, on the contrary, are quiet people, immersed in their inner experiences.

People who prefer candy are generally similar to people who like chocolate. In general, people with a sweet tooth follow their instincts more than others, says Hirsch. He describes them as very cheerful people who are not used to regretting their actions. They love to stand out from the crowd and feel unique.

Those who equally love both sweets and salty foods have a sluggish metabolism, the scientist says. Such people are usually loners. Outwardly they seem reserved, but in practice they often show themselves as creative people.

This is not the first time such studies have been carried out. So, last year, Turkish psychiatrist Nihat Kay published the results of a long-term study, during which the scientist discovered. A psychiatrist claims that chocolate lovers experience an acute lack of love. Deep down, they feel lonely and unhappy, they lack pity and attention.

Nervous and aggressive people prefer meat, especially beef, the Turkish scientist believes. But people who prefer mainly fruits and vegetables have a calm and balanced character.

Meanwhile, back in the 19th century, biochemist Alexander Danilevsky, after conducting an experiment on pigeons, proved that meat eaters are prone to aggression and increased nervousness, while fruit lovers are calm and balanced. For several weeks, the scientist fed one group of birds with peas, and the other with boiled meat. At the end of the experiment, the carnivorous pigeons turned into real predators, and incredibly hot-tempered ones. Those birds that ate peas were still good-natured.

According to other studies, sausage and boiled meat are preferred by assiduous, diligent and committed people. Love for fatty foods reveals a jealous nature. Passion for kebabs and smoked sausage speaks of romance, wild imagination and a thirst for travel. The love for seafood also speaks of dreaminess.

According to psychotherapist Vladimir Esaulov, an addiction to dairy products reveals a need for care: “After all, this food is associated with mother’s milk, and therefore with the period of life when we were protected and surrounded by love.” The craving for spicy foods, the psychotherapist believes, reveals a desire to add “pepper” to life, and for hard foods - nuts, hard fruits - a desire to win.

Russian psychologist Alexander Makarov claims that tomatoes are preferred by generous and democratic people with a broad soul, cucumbers by sensitive people, cabbage and beans by those who lack courage and determination. Makarov considers lovers of carrots and apples to be the healthiest and most mentally balanced, but the scientist classifies fans of sour, salty and pickled foods as tyrants, although not always obvious ones.

Food preferences can tell a lot about a person. Psychologists came to this conclusion a long time ago.

Everyone has favorite dishes and products, and if you observe a person and his usual diet, you can draw up his psychological portrait.

Food and character: meat and poultry

Meat eaters are natural leaders. They usually have a cheerful and active character. They love risks, are assertive and energetic, sometimes impulsive and not always ready to criticize. People who prefer meat dishes can do a lot of things out of emotion that they later regret. But this type of people knows how to set goals for themselves and stubbornly follow in a given direction, regardless of obstacles. Meat eaters are successful in business; such people usually make good careers.

People who prefer chicken, turkey or game dishes are straightforward and somewhat harsh. They prefer clarity in personal and professional relationships, so they can easily tell the truth or bring a person to clean water.

Bird lovers have no problem admitting their guilt if they believe they were wrong. This is the ideal psychotype of people for family life, since loved ones come first for them.

Food and character: fish and seafood

It has been noticed that those who prefer fish dishes and seafood are calm people with an analytical mind. You can hardly expect a violent expression of emotions from such people, because by nature they are secretive and uncommunicative.

When meeting people, fish lovers usually behave with English dignity: politely and at a distance. But it cannot be said that this type of people is cold and indifferent to others; on the contrary, lovers of fish and seafood are friendly and correct. You can usually always rely on them.

Food and character: dairy products, cheeses

People who prefer dairy products are positive and energetic. At the same time, they have an excellent sense of humor, are friendly and gentle.

Cheese and milk lovers love to travel and make new acquaintances, they know how to make friends and be open.

As for food, in addition to their favorite dairy dishes and cheese, they are very picky about the products they consume. They care about their health, so they are demanding when it comes to the kitchen: if they have nothing to eat other than fast food, they will prefer to starve.

The integrity of this psychotype is manifested not only in relation to food. Over the years, maximalism awakens in such people: they want everything in their life to be comme il faut.

Food and character: vegetables and fruits

Those whose favorite food is vegetables are active by nature. They love everything new and entertaining, so they study with pleasure and usually achieve success in any endeavor.

Like meat eaters, they are ambitious and energetic. At the same time, they are serious (they like to think through every detail), stubborn and scrupulous in everything, especially regarding their health. Philosophy for many vegetable lovers is a way of life, which is why many become vegetarians.

People who prefer fruits to other foods are creative. For them, life is a book, each page of which fills them with new feelings and emotions.

At first glance, fruit lovers give the impression of frivolous and unreliable people. They are slow and non-conflicting. It seems that it is easier for them to have their head in the clouds, but this is a wrong opinion. They are either shy or simply restrained in expressing their feelings. But when you get to know each other closely, these people open up: they can be very attentive and caring towards others.

Many of them are interested in psychology, practice yoga or become vegetarians.

Food and character: sweets

Speaking about eating habits, we cannot ignore the topic of love for sweets. Often people with a sweet tooth are people with a fine mental organization. They are extremely vulnerable and sometimes suspicious, although they try not to show it. They are prone to introspection and often suffer from themselves.

Buns, cakes, pastries, cookies, sweets, chocolate, sweet drinks - all this is sometimes so unhealthy (affects weight), but it is this food that becomes the only joy for those with a sweet tooth and a way to avoid problems.

Food and character: hot and spicy dishes, fast food

Often lovers of spicy food are people prone to risk and adventure in life. They constantly need fresh air, new events, ideas that definitely need to be implemented. Passionate by nature, they love vibrant life in all its manifestations. Sometimes harsh, but easy-going, good-natured and charming.

As for lovers of fast food and other junk food, the reason here is most likely a negative, indifferent or even aggressive attitude towards oneself and the world. Fast food people are people who look at life one-sidedly.

Perhaps they can be passionate about something and achieve success in their business, but constant haste and inattention to their health over time turns a fast food person into a gastritic person with a nervous, restless look and excess weight.

Incredible facts

It's not just pregnant women who are drawn to certain foods. Have you ever had a craving for chocolate so bad that you were ready to do anything? Cravings for certain foods are common and it is worth listening to your body, as there is often a reason for this.

Eating preferences can also tell you about your personality type, says Alan R. Hirsch(Alan R. Hirsch), chapter Research Foundation And Taste and Smell Therapy Center. He studied appetite, food choice and personality type in 18,000 people over 25 years. So what does it mean to crave a specific food?

If you crave salty foods

What does this mean?

If you crave salty chips or other salty foods, then you most likely have mineral deficiency. Research has shown that women on low-calcium diets were more likely to crave salty foods than those who got enough of the nutrient. It is possible that sodium temporarily increases calcium levels in the blood, which tricks the body into thinking the problem has been solved. You may also be deficient in other minerals. In animal studies, scientists have found that lack of potassium, calcium and iron makes you crave salt.

What does this say about you?

You go with the flow. Hirsch believes that salt lovers tend to have an external locus of control, which means they tend to believe that external factors, rather than their actions, determine their fate.

If you're craving chocolate

What does this mean?

You are drawn to chocolate because its taste makes you ecstatic, because it promotes... release of serotonin. Chocolate is practically an antidepressant in a sweet form that your body instinctively seeks out when your own feel-good chemicals are low.

What does this say about you?

It depends on what type of chocolate you are drawn to. If you want dark chocolate, then you are most likely the life of the party, or a socialite and tend to lead team work. If you crave milk chocolate more often, then you are more likely to be a quiet introverted type. Most likely, you prefer to spend time alone or in the company of a good book.

If you crave spicy food

What does this mean?

If you have trouble cooling down, your body may require a hot taste in order to sweat. This may seem counterintuitive, but it helps explain why Mexican food is popular in hot weather. Some researchers also believe that people experience addiction to spicy food and the sensations it causes: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and rapid breathing.

What does this say about you?

You love order, do not like to waste time and pay attention to details.

If you have a sweet tooth

What does this mean?

This is similar to chocolate cravings: preferring sweets may mean that you want to cheer yourself up. You may also be lacking energy. The body absorbs refined sugar from sweets faster than from other foods, giving an immediate boost of energy.

What does this say about you?

Sweet lovers tend to give free rein to their actions and not think about the consequences. Hirsch describes them as cheerful people who have few regrets. They also love to attract attention and feel special.

If you crave salty and sweet foods

What does this mean?

You need glucose and sodium to keep your body functioning properly, and when your cells become sluggish and you're tired, you reach for salty chocolate chip cookies to fuel them up.

What does this say about you?

You are a loner, but quite talented. According to the data Hirsch, people who enjoy unusual combinations like potato chips and chocolate sauce are creative but introverted.