One of the most beautiful European female purely Christian names is the name Christina. In this article we will talk about what days and in honor of whom its bearers celebrate their name days.

As you know, every person baptized in the Catholic or Orthodox Church is named in honor of one or another saint, who is subsequently considered the patron saint of the believer. The day of the church memory of this saint or the saint of God becomes what people call the Day of the Angel. Another name for this day is name day. The name Christina in this sense is especially lucky, because there are quite a few holy women named by him.

Nevertheless, every woman, like every man, can have only one Angel Day a year. Therefore, at baptism, it is necessary to choose exactly your patroness. To do this, we will give below a list of the main ones revered in the Russian Orthodox Church. Surely there are others, but the trouble is that there is no single list of all the saints in the world - there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions. And there are new ones all the time. For each saint on our list, we will attach the date of the celebration and a brief biography so that you can decide which one you like best. But one more thing must first be noted - in the Eastern Christian tradition, the name Christina is usually transliterated in the Greek manner, namely as Christina. This is his ecclesiastical pronunciation.

February 19th. Martyr Christina of Caesarea

Christina, whose name day (Angel's Day) falls on this winter time, celebrates the memory of her eponymous martyr, who came from Caesarea in Cappadocia and lived in the 3rd century. It was a difficult time for believers, when simply for recognizing oneself as a Christian one could be subjected to torture, confiscation of property and death. Nevertheless, believers endured all sorrows courageously and bravely, meeting torment and death with joy, as a feat for the sake of Christ. Some, of course, due to cowardice, weakness of character and fear fell away and renounced their faith. Christina was from the first category. She, along with a sister named Callista, was seized for belonging to the church and forced to recant. The girls categorically refused, for which they were tied to each other with their backs and burned alive in a barrel soaked in resin. Christina's name day in honor of this woman is celebrated on February 19.

26 March. Martyr Christina of Persia

A little later than the previous martyr, namely in the 4th century, another Christina suffered for her faith in Christ. This time it was in Persia, where the local pagans also opposed the spread of Christianity. Moreover, in the Roman Empire, faith in Christ was already legalized and even made the state, official religion instead of the former paganism. Therefore, Persia, which perceived Byzantium as its political opponent, saw Christians as potential traitors, agents of influence of the Roman Empire and politically unreliable people. Because of this, believing Christians were persecuted in every possible way and forced to renounce their faith. Saint Christina refused to do so and was beaten to death with whips for her faith. The name day of Christina, named after this saint, is celebrated on March 26.

May 31. Martyr Christina of Lampsaki

Another martyr during the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. By order of Emperor Diocletian, another wave of oppression and demonstrative executions broke out in the state. During this process, a resident of the city of Lampsacus of the Hellespont also suffered. She was beheaded for refusing to renounce her Christian confession. She probably had Roman citizenship, since only the Romans were executed in this way, because other methods of execution in relation to them were prohibited. Christina's name day, bearing her name in memory of this woman, is celebrated on the last day of May.

June 13th. Martyr Christina of Nicomedia

It so happened that all the saints of Christ listed in this article are martyrs. The woman that will be discussed now is no exception in this sense. On the 13th day of the first summer month, Christina celebrates her name day, named in her memory. But little is known about the details of the life of this saint. We can only say with certainty that she came from the city of Nicomedia, where she was killed because she was a Christian and did not want to give up her beliefs when it was required.

August 6th Martyr Christina of Tire

This holy woman was not just a Christian. She was born and lived in the 3rd century and came from the family of the ruler of the city of Tyre. According to legend, her father prepared her for the career of a pagan priestess, but the daughter, contrary to the hope of her parents, converted to Christianity and flatly refused to fulfill her parents' will. In anger, the father, as the life of the saint says, first beat her, trying to force her to apostate, but, not having achieved success, he brought her to justice. In the future, no matter how parents or judges tried to persuade the girl to return to the bosom of paganism, she remained true to her choice. In the end, she was hacked to death with a sword. The memory of this martyr for her faith falls on August 6th.

18 August. Martyr Christina

This is the last in our list of saints named Christina. Orthodox name days can be celebrated in her memory, despite the fact that absolutely nothing is known about her, except that she once lived and was forcibly put to death for her faith in God.

Christina - Greek christianos - Christian; belonging to Christ. The name is also pronounced Christina.

Christina's name day according to the church calendar:

  • February 19:Christina of Caesarea (Cappadocia), mts.
  • 26 March:Christina Persian, mts.
  • May 31:Christina Lampsakiyskaya, mts.
  • June 13:Christina of Nicomedia, mts.
  • August 6:Christina of Tirskaya, mts.
  • August 18:Christina, mts.

Characteristics of the name Christina

Christina is growing up as a lively, agile, quick-witted girl. She does not need to repeat twice, she catches on the fly, she understands her parents perfectly. Sometimes she is naughty, but quite easily succumbs to persuasion. Christina is quick-tempered, impressionable, dreamy. She learns to read early and explores the world around her with interest. Christina likes to go to the zoo, to the circus, to a dance or sports club. She hates household duties, perceives them as a difficult necessity, but she is happy to help cook and set the table.

At school, Christina usually does well. She has an excellent memory, very observant, listens carefully. Sometimes she has some difficulties in certain subjects, but with her diligence and diligence, Christina overcomes them. She is extremely active, trying to be in time everywhere, to cover everything. Christina's curiosity is insatiable, every day is a discovery for her. She enthusiastically takes on all sorts of assignments, helps teachers, lagging behind classmates. Christina is unusually artistic, she is often chosen for the main roles in school performances, she becomes the host of matinees and concerts. She has excellent diction, she reads with expression, masterfully enters the role. Classmates usually love Christina for her cheerful disposition, sincerity, and spontaneity.

Adult Christina knows her worth well. She has business acumen and is very ambitious. She cannot stand the fuss, haste, hastily done work. Usually Christina thinks everything over, carefully weighs, evaluates, and only then makes a decision. If she does not like the business, or she is not sure of success, Christina will never take it on. She likes to take a leading position, she loves to be consulted, listen to her opinion. In her soul, she is suspicious, conceited, dreams of universal recognition, but superbly controls herself, skillfully hides her shortcomings. Work is not the main meaning of Christina's life, but she will do what she loves with full dedication. Christina can work in a hairdressing salon, beauty salon; be a designer or model. She is able to organize her own small company, which she will skillfully manage. Christina is quite successful as a movie star, singer, dancer, artist, TV presenter.

Christina has many friends and acquaintances, but only one real, trusted friend, with whom she, most often, has been friends since childhood. Christina is sociable, easy-going, loves to visit and go to parties. She is a talker, not averse to gossip, but she will never give out the secret of her friend. Christina loves to discuss her affairs and worries, but always cheerful, with a sense of humor, without complaining. She is receptive and will always try to help a person in need.

Christina was born for love. She is feminine, flirtatious, attractive, always fashionable, tastefully dressed. She has no end to her fans. Christina is amorous, but fickle. She knows how to charm a man, subdue him, make him fulfill her every whim. Christina is important external manifestation of feelings. She likes it when a man gives her flowers, admires her talents, invites her to restaurants, arranges romantic evenings. Christina has a passionate nature. True love can push her to rash acts, she becomes unpredictable. However, Christina will find the strength to curb her temper. She will marry a wealthy, experienced, reliable person. Christina will be a tender mistress. She is a great hostess, always ready to pamper her family with some delicious dish. This is an ideal wife, able to support her husband in any situation, to forgive him for his weaknesses. Christina will overprotect the children, delve into all their problems. She will remain faithful, but if her husband cheats on her, she is able to take revenge.

In church language, this name is pronounced as "Christina", but in modern sound it sounds like "Christina".

Christina's name day is celebrated at different times according to the church calendar. That's when it's better to celebrate the name days of girls and women with this beautiful name.

When is Christina's name day according to the church calendar

The very name "Christina" is translated as "Christian". This name has Greek roots and gives its owner softness, playfulness, responsiveness and kindness.

Christine's name day is celebrated according to the church calendar:

  • February 19 - this day is the day of memory of Christina of Caesarea;
  • March 26 and 31 - days in honor of Christina of Persia and Christina of Lampsaki;
  • June 13 - Christine's summer name day in honor of Christina of Nicomedia;
  • August 6 - the day of Christina of Tire;
  • August 18 is the day of the martyr Christina.

In autumn, Christina's name day is not celebrated. But this does not mean that Christine's name day, born in the fall, cannot be celebrated - it is better to choose the day of baptism and celebrate it as your name day.

Christina's Angel Day

It is believed that this day is usually celebrated cheerfully, if possible, visit temples and do good deeds. Girls with the name Christina are distinguished by their good disposition and cheerful character, which allows them to perfectly cope with all life's difficulties.

In the cold season, you can arrange a bachelorette party with a pie. If the name day falls on Maslyanitsa, then they bake pancakes with different fillings and treat them to relatives and friends. A good omen is red fish and caviar on the festive table.

Summer Christinas can celebrate their name day outside the city, in the country or in nature, weave wreaths of daisies and dandelions, swim in the river, sing songs and take amazing photos. The main thing is that this day was fun and gave everyone a great mood.

The name Christina in Orthodoxy

The name "Christina" is literally translated as "Christian, worshiper of Christ." In a modern way, it sounds like Christina and remains the most fashionable name in different countries, including abroad.

In pagan times, for any Christian woman, this name was associated with a feat. After all, to call oneself publicly a Christian meant throwing oneself to the mercy of one's faith. It is for this reason that the Christinas died a martyr's death for the faith, therefore the church considers them great ascetics and greatly appreciates those who give their daughters this name Christina.

There is an opinion that a name reform is being prepared in the church. This means that babies can be baptized with any name they like at any time. Therefore, Christinas born in autumn can also take this Christian name for themselves, even though their angel's day is celebrated in summer and at the end of winter.

Christina Persian martyr life

Christina of Persia lived in the 6th century AD in Persia among the pagans. Imbued with Christian doctrine, she fiercely preached it in Persia. At that time, the country was full of pagans and actively fought against Christians. At that time, she was at enmity with Christian Byzantium and considered Christians traitors to their homeland, was against them and waged a political struggle with them.

For adopting a Christian name - Christina of Persia called herself that, in the pagan world she had a completely different name - she was tortured and she died during torture with steel bars. But the church recognized Christina of Persia as a saint and began to venerate her along with other saints.

Holy Martyr Christina of Tire

This girl made a real feat for the sake of Christianity. She was born into a noble and noble family of the king of Tyre. She was supposed to become an honorary priestess of a pagan temple, but against the will of her parents, she converted to Christianity.

No beatings, cruelty of her own father could not return her to the path of paganism. As a result, Christina was hacked to death with a sword. But the memory of her was preserved for many years and Christina of Tire became a saint.

On August 6, the day of her death is celebrated and she is considered the conqueror of all Christines born in September and August.

Christina of Caesarea Cappadocia

Her memorial day is celebrated on February 19, in the dead of winter. This saint lived in the 3rd century, when the fiercest struggle was waged against Christianity. Even the name Christina was shameful among the pagans, and the girls who called themselves that sometimes doomed themselves to certain death.

Together with her sister, the girls did not renounce Christianity and began to preach the faith. Then they were put in a barrel of tar and burned alive. So Christina became a holy martyr along with her sister. The memory of this feat is honored at the end of winter - February 19th.

Christina of Nicomedia

One of the most obscure Christine. Today it is known about her that she was born and preached Christianity in the city of Nicomedia, even gave herself the Christian name Christina, for which she died a martyr's death.

It is customary to celebrate her memory day in the summer, June 13th. She is considered the patroness of Christines born in May and in the summer months until August.

Christina - is considered the Russian version of the name "Christina" which is translated from Latin as "Christian". In ancient times, this name was called the poor, the peasants. Then the name Christina was considered the name of aristocrats, wealthy people who have a title and position in society. The name is used by representatives of both the Orthodox and Catholic churches.


Christina is an eccentric, inconsistent girl with ambitions and her own opinion. Despite these qualities, people with this name have a slightly slow reaction, they think a lot and it is not easy for them to make a decision. Often they will change their mind a lot of things before they decide on something. She never rushes or panics, she does everything in moderation. But, nevertheless, if there are too emotional situations, or if Christina is well shaken, angry, she will not hesitate to start firing in the heat of the moment. But, oddly enough, decisions made in a hurry are much more positive for the future fate of the girl than those that have been thought over a hundred and fifty times.

Christina never wastes time on sky-high dreams, she is a terrible realist, which is the key to her constant prosperity. A girl at first glance may seem timid and insecure, but if you delve into her soul, you can understand that this is a person with great willpower, endurance and inner perseverance.

She is a little lazy, often preferring to watch TV or read a book than to walk in the fresh air with a handsome brunette. But, if he gets out for a walk, it will be for the whole day. Christina loves to immerse herself in scientific activities, she thinks about something great all the time.

A girl named Christina should not be interfered with in matters of choosing a profession. If you do not let her make a decision on her own, blame yourself - then you will become guilty of all mortal sins. Christina is quite impressionable, takes everything too close to her heart. Therefore, they tend to quickly turn gray. Well, try worrying about everything and everyone.

She has a very developed intuition, but such a materialist can only listen to her common sense. She always plans everything in advance, because what Christina undertakes must be more than perfect.

Perfectly finds a common language with new people, especially with the opposite sex. If you have to break away from your permanent place of residence, or move, no problem, Christina adapts to any situation. This woman is her own person in a circle of men. Her "best friend" is most often in the form of a handsome broad-shouldered man, with whom she shares all her innermost secrets. Christina proves that friendship between a woman and a man does exist.


She is never weak. Does not show that he needs someone or something. She prefers to achieve everything herself, rather than asking someone for a favor, showing weakness in front of someone. Christina is an ardent fighter for gender equality, but her husband will be the happiest, because a woman is able to sacrifice her "I" and always tries to make her and her partner's life peaceful and comfortable. But, nevertheless, if you hurt the girl's ambitions, try to infringe on her rights, it will only get worse. It is better for a man not to quarrel with her, for the girl is vindictive and can remember all the insults. In most cases, guided by moral standards. Wants to love and be loved, always supports the soul mate and tries to understand. She is quite calm in life, but hot in bed. Despite the fact that the girl never talks about sex, however, this does not affect the burning nature in any way. However, this also takes time and the patience of a partner. Just because you do not reveal all the secrets of a girl named Christina.

A person with this name prefers to have a few really loyal friends than dozens of just acquaintances. She is always glad to guests, meets them with delicious pies. But do not come to her without an invitation - it cannot be worse, because it should still be perfect - from a cleaned house and a set table to a brilliant hostess.

Christina needs to have a husband whom she can completely trust, whom she can so easily rely on. She always needs support, a strong male shoulder.

A girl needs to take care of her health all her life. Considering that she is prone to a passive lifestyle, she should spend at least half an hour a day in the fresh air, walk a lot, do exercises, and see a doctor. If you monitor your health from childhood, there will be practically no problems. She can catch a viral disease. She has weak lungs, so it is better to give up bad habits. Possible osteochondrosis, problems with teeth.

Advantages of Christina's character: strong character, perseverance, fortitude, she completes everything to the end, works efficiently. She always looks chic, beautiful, always shines. They always pay attention to her, she adheres to a certain style, both in clothes and in behavior.

Cons: the girl is slightly lazy, ambitious, arrogant. Always stands on his own and few people and when inferior. He believes in his ideals and always defends them. Like to sting, which often exacerbates the situation. But, if from childhood she was not taught to be a leader, Christina can become timid and insecure. A lot of things in the character of Christina depend on the time of year when she was born.

"Winter Christina" is usually silent, overly serious, thoughtful. She always willingly takes on a new business and brings it to perfection. It is easy to persuade her, to persuade her to something. However, she is overly stubborn if touched to the quick, quick-tempered and often offended by trifles, does not like criticism. Living with such a girl is very difficult. Therefore, her husband must be very patient and love his Christine immensely. Only in this way will their life be harmonious.

"Spring Christina" - a person who does everything that the soul desires. This is a romantic fantasy. She lives in her dreams, but does not forget about the outside world. Often her emotions prevail, she can cry and laugh in the middle of the street and she does not care what others say, but she knows that she has to be at work at 9.00. The nature is creative, loving. If he falls in love, then only at first sight, and then he cries and gets upset in men. But, if her choice is not a losing one, then she turns from an eccentric and fickle into a fluffy, complaisant soul mate.

"Summer Christina" is able to strangle the whole world in its arms. This is a sincere person, always ready to help, help out in any situation. It is too soft, which can be a problem in terms of career growth. For fear of offending someone or hurting someone, she will not be able to work in a leadership position. As for the nuances of love, “Summer Christina” is the record holder for the seduction of men. She is so romantic and sensitive that she drives you crazy with just one look. Moreover, there is something in the girl that cannot but captivate, a secret that cannot be revealed.

"Autumn Christina" is overly emotional. In a fit of passion, she can: both kiss and “warm” with a rocking chair. Despite the flurry of emotions, Christina remains principled and always adheres to her ideals. She is highly moral, slightly arrogant, but this only benefits her - self-esteem is clearly not underestimated. Her behavior is always within some limits, therefore, from the people around her, she expects a certain moderation. She is pedantic, therefore her husband must be just as strict and scrupulous, so that everything would be right.

Mystery of the name

Speaking about the secret of the name, you need to focus on the patrons of "Christina". These are: “Martyr Christina of Tyre”, “Martyr Christina of Persia”, “Martyr Christina of Caesarea”, “Martyr Christina of Lampsaki”, “Martyr Christina of Nicomedia”, “Martyr Christina”.

There are many legends about this name, which can explain many interesting facts. By studying them, Christina herself can understand the character and abilities of this name. Each name carries in itself, to some extent, a force, a code that projects a future life.

For example, one of the legends says about the “Martyr Christina”, who lived in the third century and was the daughter of the ruler of the city of Tyre. She was excessively beautiful, she had a lot of suitors, but her father planned to make her a priestess. The father did not succumb to persuasion and Christina lived in prison, where she constantly prayed to the one God. An angel came to her and declared her the bride of Christ. Then the girl threw away all her idols, after which her father put her in prison and tried to drown her. But even here the Angel saved the girl, untying her from the stone, and Christina appeared before her parents. The father, deciding that she was a witch, imprisoned her daughter in a dungeon, where only a few people came to pray and listen to her sermons. Five years later, when Christina's father died and another ruler took his place, he also mocked the poor fellow and eventually closed her in a red-hot oven. When the furnace was opened five years later, Khristina remained alive.

When according to the church calendar is Christina's name day:

August 6 - Christina of Tire, martyr; February 19 - Christina of Caesarea, martyr; March 26 - Christina of Persia, martyr.

Even if you are not a believer, you probably know that each of us has not only a birthday, but also an angel's day. For some people, this is really a special holiday. Indeed, on this day they honor and glorify the personal protector of a person, the holy great martyr, who helps in difficult times.

Some people celebrate name days several times a year. This is because the church calendar mentions several saints with the same name. Christina's Angel Day is one of such "reusable" holidays. Girls with that name can receive congratulations not one, but as many as six times a year. Why is this exactly so and when does Christina celebrate her name day? Let's find out right now.

What is she, Christina?

Before you go to Christina's name day, you should study the “subject” of congratulations a little. This will help to surprise such a wonderful girl. Having studied all the subtleties of the name, you can please its owner with a pleasant and original gift.

The name Christina came to us from Ancient Greece. In the language of the Hellenes, it meant "Christ's" or "dedicated to Christ." One of the brightest qualities of this girl from an early age are:

  • kindness;
  • dexterity;
  • vulnerability;
  • giftedness;
  • slowness;
  • striving to achieve the goal.

From a very young age, Christina is very sensitive to questions of kindness and tenderness. She suffers greatly when they shout and quarrel around her, trying to reconcile everyone.

Most often, Christina is very talented. A girl with that name necessarily has some kind of creativity: she sings, writes poetry, dances, draws, and so on. She does not necessarily realize her skills in the professional field. But creativity allows Christina to throw out her feelings and emotions.

With age, a girl with that name understands more and more that the world is a rather cruel thing. Therefore, many adult Christinas grow up closed. They create their own narrow "chamber" world, where not everyone is allowed. It is there that love, mutual respect and boundless kindness reign.

According to the church calendar, Christina's name day is celebrated several times a year. This is due to the fact that there are at least six female martyrs who sacrificed themselves for the sake of faith. For this they are still revered by the church.

February 19 and March 26

Christina of Caesarea is venerated by the church on February 19. This is the first day of the angel Christina since the beginning of the year. It was then that the church honors the martyr Christina, who lived in Kessaria (Cappadocia), in the third century. This period was famous for the brutal persecution of Christianity. Even for one suspicion or attributing oneself to this faith, it was possible to lose not only property, but also the head. Many people out of cowardice renounced for fear of being executed. Others, despite all the persecution, steadfastly endured all the bullying, and even courageously accepted death for their faith. That is exactly what Christina of Caesarea was like. She, along with her own sister, was suspected of belonging to the Christian church, they were seized and bullied and forced to return to paganism. But the girls flatly refused to do so. Then they were tied back to back, put in a tarred barrel and burned alive. But, even dying, the martyrs did not renounce the accepted faith.

Christina of Persia.The next time Christina's name day is celebrated in the spring, on March 26th. This time the story takes us to VI century, to Persia. The local pagans of that time fiercely opposed Christianity. This was due to the fact that in the Roman Empire at that time Christianity was already officially recognized and was considered a nationwide religion. Persia, which has always perceived Byzantium as an ideological and political enemy, recognized Christians as traitors, spies and simply unreliable people. A huge number of people were persecuted on religious (with overtones of political) grounds. Christina, later recognized as a saint, refused to renounce her faith and died beaten to death with whips.

May 31 and June 13

Here we see another Christian martyr Christina of Lampsaki. She was a resident of Lampsaka of the Hellespont, who was executed by beheading for refusing to turn away from her religion. It is not known for certain, but most likely, the girl was a Roman, since other types of execution were considered “unclean” and were not applied to Roman citizens. The name day of Christina, so named in memory of this great martyr, is celebrated on a warm spring day on May 31.

Christina of Nicomedia. "Summer" Christina celebrates her name day on June 13th. Despite the known date and information that this girl was a resident of the city of Nicomedia, the rest of the data here is rather vague. It is only known that Christina of Nicomedia also suffered for her faith in Christ and accepted death because she did not want to renounce God when this was demanded of her. She chose to die but remain a Christian.

August 6 and August 18

In early August, name days are celebrated in memory of Christina of Tire. This girl did not just die for her faith, but accomplished a real feat at that time. According to the surviving information, she came from a very noble family and was born to the ruler of Tyre. By the will of her parents, she was assigned a very responsible and honorable mission. She was supposed to become a pagan priestess. But, having believed in Christ, the girl refused to follow her parents' will and converted to Christianity. No matter how the angry father tried to dissuade his daughter, nothing worked. Desperate to influence the disobedient child with beatings and persuasion, the father put her on trial. There, the beatings and bullying continued, but the girl steadfastly endured all the suffering. As a result, for refusing to back down from her decision, Christina was hacked to death with a sword. Now, on August 6 of each year, the Christian world remembers her as a martyr who suffered for her faith.

In mid-August, the church also remembers another martyr named Christina. Unfortunately, apart from the fact that she also suffered innocently for her beliefs, little is known about her. Memorial Day falls on August 18th.

What to give for angel's day

Of course, such a huge number of birthdays and memorable dates does not mean that you can celebrate the day of the angel almost every month. If you know for sure that your parents did not name you in memory of a particular saint, but in honor of, for example, your beloved grandmother, then you can choose your own guardian angel. To do this, you need to open the church calendar and select your namesake whose memorial day is closest to your date of birth. She will become your guardian angel. It is to her that you will direct your prayers for intercession.

If you are invited to an angel's day celebration, it is worth buying a small gift. On a spiritual holiday, you should not give any valuables. For a gift, things that are directly related to the name or faith are best suited.

Small vignettes or stylized pictures will look beautiful as a present. Christine's birthday cards can also be purchased at the art supply store. But it is best to make such a present yourself. If there is no creative talent, beautiful candles, a book, a small icon depicting a saint would be appropriate.