A comprehensive lesson on familiarization with the outside world and drawing for children 6-7 years old

Program content:

Develop cognitive abilities, expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties of water (using the example of experiments), tell and show children (using the example of experiments) about the properties of salt. Learn to establish connections and dependencies between natural phenomena. Continue decorating the starfish with salt. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the world around us, curiosity, and observation.


2 glasses of water, spoons, napkins, salt, raw egg, paper with a starfish painted on it.

Preliminary work:

Introduction to the properties of water, demonstration of experiments, viewing of color illustrations on the theme “From a drop to the ocean”, experiments with salt water and thread, conversations about the measure and its inhabitants.

Progress of the lesson:

(Music sounds quietly. Children are sitting at tables. The teacher drips water onto each child’s hands).

Educator: What happened to your palms?


Educator: They are wet, why? Today I invite you to talk about water. Tell me what is water needed for?



You cannot live without water.

Can't wash or drink without water,

A leaf cannot bloom without water

They can't live without water

Bird, beast and man.

And that's why it's always

Everyone needs water everywhere.

Educator: You and I guys know about the properties of water and the signs of water. There are glasses of water on your tables, pay attention. Tell me, what shape did the water take in the glass?

Children: (answers)

Educator: That's right, the water took the shape of a glass. And if we pour water into a cube, what shape will it take? (in a plate, vase). This means that water does not have its own form.


Educator: What happens to the water in the river when you open the tap?


Educator: Notice what color the water is?


Educator: Does water have taste? Try the water. Is it possible to change the taste of water? With using what? (salt, sugar).


Educator Does the water have a smell? Try to smell it.


Educator: This means that water is a liquid, it can flow and splash. Water begins with the concept of “drop” and ends with the concept of “ocean”. The life of people, animals and plants depends on water. The fate of water on the planet depends on man.

Now we'll play.

The game is called: “Once upon a time there was a mother Tuchka.”

Once upon a time there lived a droplet with Tuchka's mother. Mother Cloud sent them to earth to water the forests, fields, birds, and people. The droplets flew to the ground, jumped around, they became bored alone, they united into streams and ran in different directions (running in pairs). One day the streams met and became one big river (they run like a snake). The river flowed and fell into the sea (they make a circle), and the sea connected with the ocean.

Educator: Today I want to tell you about one sea. But first, guess the riddle: “There is water all around, but is there a problem with drinking? " Who knows where this happens? (in the sea).

Educator: Once upon a time, it was a large deep sea, fish, small ships, boats, boats swam in it. And now there is almost no water left in it. These guys are the Aral Sea. Looking at it from afar, it is fashionable to see white sand - this is salt. And this one appears on the shores of seas that are drying up. Salt is also mined in Sol-Iletsk, where many of you go on vacation. And salt is also mined on the site of the Aral Sea.

Show the children salt.

Educator: What color is salt?


Educator: What kind of salt is there? What does it consist of?


Educator: Why do we need salt? Without what is lunch tasteless?


Educator: Guys, remember the experiment we did with salt, water and thread. Who will tell what we did?


Educator: Show the children what happened with the thread, salt and water. Explain that the water evaporated, and the salt crystallized and remained along the edges of the glass and on the thread. And on the Aral Sea, in the same way, salt appeared on the edges of the shores.


Educator: There are glasses of water on the tables. We already know the taste of plain water. Let's try placing a raw egg carefully in the water. What happened?


Educator: Yes, the egg sank. Now put 4 tablespoons of salt in another glass and stir well until the salt dissolves. Try the water, what is it like? What happened to the salt?


Educator: Yes, it is salty, the salt has dissolved. Now take an egg from a glass of fresh water and place it in a glass of salt water. What happened?

Children: (answers)

Educator: Remember who swam in Sol-Iletsk, the water pushed you out. An egg does not sink in salt water, and a person stays afloat in salt water.

You see guys - “Salt will be born in water, but it is afraid of water.” It dissolves in water, and when the water evaporates, the salt crystallizes and shines.


We quickly went down to the sea,

They bent down and washed.

That's how nicely refreshed we were.

And now we swam together,

You need to do this manually:

Together once, this is breaststroke,

One, the other is a rabbit.

We went ashore to the steep shore,

All as one we swim like dolphins.

And we went home.

Drawing with salt “Starfish:

(The teacher shows how to sprinkle salt on a painted starfish).

Lesson summary:

Salt is white, dissolves in water, crystallizes, shines, sinks. That’s why they say: “He will be born in water, but he is afraid of water.”

Born in water, but afraid of water.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

See what it means: “Born in water, but afraid of water.” in other dictionaries:

    I saw my mother and died again (snow). There is a mountain in the cold yard, and water (snow) in the hut. It flies silently, sits silently, and dies and rots and howls (snow). A perhol was flying, a caftan without a hem, lay down, stretched out its neck, looked into the crack (blizzard). Grandfather's grandson... ...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Wed, music the fifth note is okay, ge. II. SALT (wives) a compound substance, a combination of alkali and acid into one, according to chemical affinity; in this meaning saltpeter and vitriol of salt, also gypsum, lime, chalk, etc. | Salt, table salt, kitchen salt, sodium chloride... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

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    To start, drink according to rank. Tea and coffee are not to your liking; there would be vodka in the morning. He does not drink, but he does not spill (he does not pour on the ground). Vintso is not wheat: if you spill it, you won’t get it. He doesn’t drink, and he doesn’t pour water either. He doesn’t drink, but only pours it behind his ear (at the collar). How… … IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

A comprehensive lesson on familiarization with the surrounding world and drawing for the preparatory group

Program content:

Develop cognitive abilities, expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties of water (using the example of experiments), tell and show children (using the example of experiments) about the properties of salt. Learn to establish connections and dependencies between natural phenomena. Continue decorating the starfish with salt. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the world around us, curiosity, and observation.


2 glasses of water, spoons, napkins, salt, raw egg, paper with a starfish painted on it.

Preliminary work:

Introduction to the properties of water, demonstration of experiments, viewing of color illustrations on the theme “From a drop to the ocean”, experiments with salt water and thread, conversations about the measure and its inhabitants.

Progress of the lesson:

(Music sounds quietly. Children are sitting at tables. The teacher drips water onto each child’s hands).

Educator: What happened to your palms?

Children: (answers)

Educator: They are wet, why? Today I invite you to talk about water. Tell me what is water needed for?

Children: (answers)


You cannot live without water.

Can't wash or drink without water,

A leaf cannot bloom without water

They can't live without water

Bird, beast and man.

And that's why it's always

Everyone needs water everywhere.

Educator: You and I guys know about the properties of water and the signs of water. There are glasses of water on your tables, pay attention. Tell me, what shape did the water take in the glass?

Children: (answers)

Educator: That's right, the water took the shape of a glass. And if we pour water into a cube, what shape will it take? (in a plate, vase). This means that water does not have its own form.

Children: (answers)

Educator: What happens to the water in the river when you open the tap?

Children: (answers)

Educator: Notice what color the water is?

Children: (answers)

Educator: Does water have taste? Try the water. Is it possible to change the taste of water? With using what? (salt, sugar).

Children: (answers)

Educator Does the water have a smell? Try to smell it.

Children: (answers)

Educator: This means that water is a liquid, it can flow and splash. Water begins with the concept of “drop” and ends with the concept of “ocean”. The life of people, animals and plants depends on water. The fate of water on the planet depends on man.

Now we'll play.

The game is called: “Once upon a time there was a mother Tuchka.”

Once upon a time there lived a droplet with Tuchka’s mother. Mother Cloud sent them to earth to water the forests, fields, birds, and people. The droplets flew to the ground, jumped around, they got bored individually, they united into streams and ran in different directions (running in pairs). One day the streams met and became one big river (they run like a snake). The river flowed and fell into the sea (they make a circle), and the sea connected with the ocean.

Educator: Today I want to tell you about one sea. But first, guess the riddle: “There is water all around, but is there a problem with drinking? " Who knows where this happens?(in the sea).

Educator: Once upon a time, it was a large deep sea, fish, small ships, boats, boats swam in it. And now there is almost no water left in it. These guys are the Aral Sea. Looking at it from afar, it is fashionable to see white sand - this is salt. And this one appears on the shores of seas that are drying up. Salt is also mined in Sol-Iletsk, where many of you go on vacation. And salt is also mined on the site of the Aral Sea.

Show the children salt.

Educator: What color is salt?

Children: (answers)

Educator: What kind of salt is there? What does it consist of?

Children: (answers)

Educator: Why do we need salt? Without what is lunch tasteless?

Children: (answers)

Educator: Guys, remember the experiment we did with salt, water and thread. Who will tell what we did?

Children: (answers)

Educator: Show the children what happened with the thread, salt and water. Explain that the water evaporated, and the salt crystallized and remained along the edges of the glass and on the thread. And on the Aral Sea, in the same way, salt appeared on the edges of the shores.


Educator: There are glasses of water on the tables. We already know the taste of plain water. Let's try placing a raw egg gently into the water. What happened?

Children: (answers)

Educator: Yes, the egg sank. Now put 4 tablespoons of salt in another glass and stir well until the salt dissolves. Try the water, what is it like? What happened to the salt?

Children: (answers)

Educator: Yes, it is salty, the salt has dissolved. Now take an egg from a glass of fresh water and place it in a glass of salt water. What happened?

Children: (answers)

Educator: Remember who swam in Sol-Iletsk, the water pushed you out. An egg does not sink in salt water, and a person stays afloat in salt water.

You see guys -“Salt will be born in water, but it is afraid of water.”It dissolves in water, and when the water evaporates, the salt crystallizes and shines.


We quickly went down to the sea,

They bent down and washed.


That's how nicely refreshed we were.

And now we swam together,

You need to do this manually:

Together once, this is breaststroke,

One, the other is a rabbit.

We went ashore to the steep shore,

All as one we swim like dolphins.

And we went home.

Drawing with salt “Starfish:

(The teacher shows how to sprinkle salt on a painted starfish).

Lesson summary:

Salt is white, dissolves in water, crystallizes, shines, sinks. That’s why they say: “He will be born in water, but he is afraid of water.”