Vitamins for dogs and minerals that the animal’s body needs are contained only in or holistic. When feeding an animal with other foods, including natural food, an additional complex is required.

This is especially true for certain periods in a dog’s life: feeding puppies, recovery from illness, the autumn-winter period and when prone to certain diseases (joints, skin, etc.).

Among the wide variety of dog vitamins and supplements, there are several categories: for the growing organisms of puppies; for pregnant and lactating women; for aging dogs; for joints; for wool; to strengthen bones; for the prevention and maintenance of immunity.

People often think that only their body needs vitamins.


To strengthen and develop the body and prevent diseases, animals also need vitamins. Although dogs and cats love to eat each other's food, their nutritional needs are very different. Of course, each of them will be able to survive after exchanging food, but health problems will soon begin. A dog's nutritional needs are more similar to humans, as they are omnivores and not carnivores like cats. Dogs get nutrients from animal and plant foods. The owner's task is to provide the pet with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin A

The vitamin is needed for good vision and a strong immune system. Because it is a fat-soluble vitamin and is stored in your dog's body fat, you must be careful not to overdose.

Vitamin D

Important for strengthening the dog's bones and muscles. Is fat soluble, so be careful not to give your dog too much vitamin D.

Vitamin B1

B vitamins are water soluble, so excess will be excreted in your dog's urine. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is needed for high energy and carbohydrate metabolism.

Vitamin B6

Dogs also need vitamin B6 for healthy blood, nervous and immune systems. Deficiency can lead to weight loss and anemia.

Vitamin B12

Along with other B vitamins such as niacin and riboflavin, vitamin B12 affects enzyme function. Loss of appetite, low white blood cell counts and anemia may be signs of vitamin B12 deficiency.

In addition to vitamins, puppies and adult dogs also need minerals:


All dogs need calcium. It is needed for strong bones and teeth, for blood clotting, plus a healthy nervous system. A lack of this mineral in your dog's diet can cause severe skeletal abnormalities.


An unusual mineral. Copper is essential for proper bone, tissue and cell formation. , pigmentation may mean that your puppy is not getting enough copper in his diet.


Thanks to iron, the normal functioning of red blood cells, which transport oxygen to the body, occurs. If your pet is lethargic and weak, it means he is not getting enough iron.

Your dog must receive the mineral for normal thyroid function and proper metabolism. An enlarged thyroid gland, dry, sparse hair, and weight gain are a sign of iodine deficiency.


This mineral is important for maintaining a healthy coat and skin. Lack of zinc in the diet can cause weight loss, vomiting, and skin damage.

Manufacturers of vitamins for dogs, which is better to buy?

Canina pharma GmbH (Germany) uses exclusively natural ingredients: plant extracts, seafood extracts, dried algae, yeast, high-value vegetable oils - cocoa butter and evening primrose. Monocomponent additives have been specially developed that can be independently combined with each other.

Nutri-Vet (USA), in addition to traditional multivitamins, has many specialized complexes, such as a combination of calming ingredients that help the animal avoid stress, Ligaments and Joints, including an enhanced complex for recovery from injuries. There are also such complexes as “Protection of fur”, “Fresh breath”, “Bladder control”, “Against eating excrement”, “Elimination of tear stains”.

8in1 complexes (USA) provide separate vitamins for dogs of different ages and breeds.

Also known are such manufacturers of vitamin complexes as Beaphar, Biofaktory (Czech Republic), ORLING.

How to choose vitamins for a dog?

What vitamins to give dogs and which ones are the best? If the animal is sick or has a recovery period, then the veterinarian will advise him on vitamins. If the dog is healthy and you want to support its body, then the choice of vitamins should be determined by its age, as well as its breed (essentially, its size). For example, small Chihuahuas and other small breeds that live in apartments and should not be given vitamin complexes that include fish oil. But their delicate bones need calcium.

Large breed dogs need special support for their joints, which are always overloaded with heavy weight.

Long-haired breeds especially need special vitamins for dog fur.

Most people love dogs; they are faithful companions. Make sure your dog receives proper and complete nutrition. Make sure your friend has all the vitamins and minerals he needs to live a long, healthy, happy life.

However, if you think that your dog needs vitamins, you should consult a veterinarian, since their excess (hypervitaminosis) is more dangerous than their deficiency and its advanced forms can lead to the death of the animal.


Currently, the prices for the most popular brands are as follows:

  • Vitamins Excel, 155 tablets per package. Sold at prices ranging from 250 to 300 rubles
  • Vitamins for dogs and puppies Brewers. Usually they come in jars of 150-300 tablets. Their cost varies from 200 to 300 rubles
  • Polidex. They come in jars of 150 and 500 pieces. Price depending on packaging from 400 to 700 rubles.
  • Wolmar, cans of 180 and 360 tablets. Cost from 500 to 1100 rubles.

Vitamin supplements are necessary for an animal at any age. A dog's daily diet must contain a certain amount of important nutrients to ensure the balance of the body's metabolism. Vitamins are especially important for puppies.

Each of the groups of drugs is an important link in maintaining and preserving the health of a pet. If there is a lack of them in food, the puppy may develop problems, which result in the appearance of various diseases, especially during the growth period.

Young dogs and puppies especially need vitamin A. If there is a deficiency:

  • digestion is disrupted;
  • eyes water;
  • Possible dysfunction of the reproductive organs and upper respiratory tract.

Deficiency of vitamins B and C leads to decreased immunity. Group B drugs are responsible for the prevention of neurosis, anemia, and are necessary for the skin, smooth and beautiful coat, and strengthening the muscles of the puppy. A lack of B12 can lead to baldness of the animal.

Tocopherol (Vit. E) is required:

  • for joints;
  • improvement of the skin;
  • against shedding;
  • from hair loss.

Vitamin D regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the puppy’s body, prevents the development of rickets and curvature of the paws. It is necessary for the growth of the dog.

Microelements are also important for the proper development of the puppy.

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Pets need care and attention. In addition to walking, feeding and training, dog owners must monitor the health of their animals. From time to time you need to contact veterinarians to check the well-being of your four-legged friend and carry out mandatory and preventive measures. The dog's body, like the human body, must receive certain micro- and macroelements, which are not contained in sufficient quantities in food products. In this case, vitamins and vitamin complexes in the form of food supplements come to the rescue. All you have to do is choose the ones that are right for your pet.

What to look for when choosing vitamins for dogs

  1. Nutrition. If the animal eats dry food, then when choosing vitamins, take into account its composition, since most feeds already contain added microelements.
  2. Age. Pay attention to the age labeling of vitamin complexes. Usually you can find three lines: for puppies, adults and older animals. Each life stage of a dog requires its own amount of minerals and trace elements.
  3. Features of the condition. For pregnant and lactating bitches, castrated and sterilized, as well as pets with certain problems (poor heart function, sore joints and ligaments, dull hair, etc.), special vitamins should be selected, the action of which will be aimed exclusively at solving these specific problems.
  4. Compound. Avoid containing dyes, preservatives and any chemicals, as these components can cause an allergic reaction.
  5. Taste preferences. Choose what your pet loves. There are vitamins that taste like meat, chicken, etc. Vitamin complexes without a distinct smell or taste are suitable for most dogs. It will be easier to mix them into food without interrupting your pet’s appetite.
  6. Release form. There are vitamins in tablets and capsules with a soluble shell, in the form of powder, granules, crackers, as well as suspensions and injections. The latter are only suitable if the owner knows how to give injections on his own, or will seek help from a veterinary clinic.

Rating of the best vitamins for dogs

Nomination place Name of product price
The best vitamins for large breed dogs 1 490 ₽
2 1,046 RUR
3 376 RUR
The best vitamins for small breed dogs 1 822 RUR
2 353 RUR
3 442 RUR
4 482 RUR
5 290 ₽
The best vitamins for dog fur 1 1,131 RUR
2 446 RUR
The best vitamins for dog joints and ligaments 1 1,599 RUR
2 1,627 RUR
The best vitamins for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches 1 822 RUR
2 481 RUR
The Best Vitamins for Older Dogs 1 1,333 RUR
2 415 ₽
The best vitamins for dog teeth and bones 1 530 ₽
The Best Vitamins for Dogs' Heart 1 1,430 RUR

The best vitamins for large breed dogs

The first in the rating category is a vitamin complex, divided into two types: Conditions and fitness tablets. The pills contain all the micro- and macroelements necessary for young dogs. Conditions are designed to generally strengthen the immune system, activate metabolic processes and improve the condition of joints, ligaments and coat. And fitness tablets help the growing body of large breed dogs accumulate the energy necessary for life and active activity.


    normalizes cardiac function;

    reasonable cost;

    leads to normal general health;


  • not suitable for older animals.

The second line is occupied by a complex vitamin preparation consisting of thirty 100% natural ingredients. The action is aimed at improving metabolism, metabolism, the condition of the coat and epidermis. Contains minerals (phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium), vitamins of groups A, D, E, C, B, microelements (manganese, iron, iodine, selenium, zinc, chromium), as well as Vit H, carotene. Suitable for puppies and adult dogs.


    increases immunity;

    excellent digestibility;

    promotes the removal of toxins and waste;

    improves the functioning of the gallbladder and liver;


  • not found.

The third position goes to the vitamin-mineral complex, which contains fish and wheat germ flour in its structure. The composition also includes skim milk powder, glycerin and B vitamins. As dog owners note, the consumption of the drug is optimal, so the package will last for a long time. The animal willingly eats food with this additive, unlike many other analogues. After use, your pet’s general health improves, activity increases and immunity strengthens.


    does not contain preservatives or dyes;

    price availability - 420 rub.

    quick and visible effect;


  • not found.

The best vitamins for small breed dogs

In first place is a multifunctional vitamin multicomplex, including calcium, phosphorus, fat- and water-soluble vitamins, as well as essential amino acids and probiotics. The drug is designed for small and dwarf breeds, and is also suitable for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches. Serves to prevent disorders of mineral metabolism in bones and reduces the negative effects of viruses, bacteria and allergens.


    strengthens the immune system;

    acceptable cost - 900 rubles;

    improves digestion;

    normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;


  • not found.

Second in the ranking is a vitamin and mineral complex supplement intended for puppies of small and toy breeds. Provides support during the period of active growth of the dog, preventing problems with an inadequate diet. Contains ten minerals and eleven vitamins, including zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, linoleic acid, vitamins C, B and E, Omega-3 fatty acids.


    improves the condition of the epidermis and coat;

    price availability - 400 rubles per 100 tablets;

    developed with the participation of veterinarians;

    strengthens the immune system;

    forms a healthy nervous system;

    increases stress resistance;


  • not found.

The third place is occupied by vitamins intended for dogs of any medium-sized breeds. Aimed at improving the overall health of the animal. The composition contains a balanced complex of essential trace elements, minerals and vitamins. This includes yeast, water, fish and fish products, as well as L-carnitine, which promotes fat burning and strengthens muscles, including the heart.


    provide increased vitality;

    strengthen physical condition;

    improve the body's resistance;


  • Not recommended for pregnant and lactating bitches.

The fourth position goes to a dietary vitamin supplement in the form of a paste that has two colors. It saturates the animal’s body with essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Indicated for use after illness, taking antibiotics and driving away helminths. Allows you to slow down aging. The composition contains L-carnitine, which promotes fat burning and improves the functioning of the heart muscle, as well as Omega-6 fatty acids.


    normalizes intestinal microflora;

    increases resistance to infections;

    accelerates wound healing;

    removes toxins;

    maintains a well-groomed appearance;


  • not found.

On the fifth line are vitamins intended for small breed dogs aged from one to seven years. The formula includes: brewer's yeast, biotin, magnesium, manganese, copper, iodine, iron, zinc, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, collidon 25, stearate and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, H. As noted by the owners In dogs, the drug does not cause side effects or complications if you follow the recommendations for use.


    normalize metabolism;

    price availability - 260 rubles per 100 tablets;

    maintain the epidermis and coat in good condition;

    strengthen the immune system;

    improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system;


  • not found.

The best vitamins for dog fur

In first place in the category is a vitamin complex that solves the problem of dry and brittle hair, eliminating dandruff, eczema and skin allergies. Recommended for use under stressful conditions, for example during pregnancy. Suitable for puppies and older dogs. Formula based on evening primrose oil with added biotin and zinc. The composition also contains sea and evening primrose oil.


    improves the functioning of the immune system;

    speeds up recovery;

    normalizes metabolic processes;


  • relatively expensive - 1100 rubles for 100 tablets.

The second position is occupied by a vitamin feed additive, which activates the metabolic processes of the dog’s body and improves the condition of the coat. In addition, it affects the strengthening of the immune system, resulting in increased protection against various infectious diseases. Biotin is responsible for the growth of a healthy, thick and silky coat. During the intake process, the condition of the animal’s epidermis improves, due to which the coat returns to normal.


    high efficiency;

    price availability - 290 rubles;

    heals microtraumas;

    removes dryness and itching;


  • not found.

The best vitamins for dog joints and ligaments

The first line goes to vitamins, which are suitable not only for adult dogs, but also for puppies from three months of age. The formula is characterized by a high content of sulfur-containing amino acids, glycosaminoglycans, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and microelements. All components are one hundred percent natural. The drug has a stabilizing and strengthening effect on articular cartilage, and also regulates the water balance in ligaments and tendons.


    have an anti-inflammatory effect;

    choice of volume – 90, 180 and 600 tablets;

    increase endurance and performance;

    reduce pain;


  • relatively expensive - 1600 rub.

Second in the ranking is a vitamin preparation based on methylsulfonylmethane, which has an analgesic effect. Recommended for dogs with problems of the musculoskeletal system, ligament system, hip dysplasia, osteoarthritis and during the recovery period after injuries to tendons and joints. Designed for young adult dogs of large breeds who have significant physical activity. Also suitable for older animals, helping them maintain good mobility.


    prevents damage to cartilage, ligaments and joints;

    choice of volume – 83, 165 and 330 tablets;

    long-term use is acceptable;

    removes pain;


  • relatively expensive - 1245 rubles.

The best vitamins for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches

In first place is the vitamin complex, which ensures the prevention of mineral metabolism disorders in the bones. The formula with probiotics, calcium, phosphorus, essential amino acids ensures the synthesis of enzymes, improves digestion and guarantees the absorption of nutritional components, and also normalizes the gastrointestinal microflora, reducing the negative effects of allergens, viruses and bacteria.


    maintains calcium balance;

    supplies the body with essential minerals, macro- and microelements;

    in lactating bitches provides prevention of postpartum eclampsia;

A dog is man's best friend. Everyone knows this, and the number of dogs kept in people’s homes is the clearest confirmation of this statement. Dogs are the most popular pets, rivaled only by cats. However, in this article we will talk specifically about dogs, namely the condition of their coat and skin.

Naturally, every person would like his pet to always be healthy, and all care for him consisted of giving him food and taking him for a walk. However, unfortunately, in the real world things are completely different. Often, dogs develop some problems with their coat and skin that will not go away on their own. Therefore, you need to know what vitamins dogs need for their coat and healthy growth.

In addition, skin health is also important, so don’t forget about vitamins that strengthen the skin and protect it from unpleasant diseases. This article will cover both possible problems and specific dog vitamins for coat and skin. We are talking about both artificial supplements, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy, and the natural method, that is, obtaining specific vitamins directly from food.


When it comes to dog vitamins for fur, the first thing you should pay attention to is shedding. This process is standard for absolutely all dogs, both long-haired and short-haired. Shedding is a seasonal process and is not a disease, so you shouldn't immediately rush to the vet if your dog's hair begins to fall out. The fact is that twice a year, most often in spring and autumn, the corresponding season begins for most dogs, when they shed their old hair so that they can grow a new, absolutely healthy one. Accordingly, you just need to be prepared to face the moult fully armed. The first thing you should do is determine when exactly your dog's seasonal shedding begins so that in subsequent years you will know when to start preparing. To properly deal with shedding, you will need tools for combing your dog so that he does not lick the fur, which will lead to stomach problems. You will also need vitamins for dogs for fur, which will normalize the condition of the animal’s skin, speed up the process of shedding old hair, and also ensure that the new one grows as healthy as possible. We are primarily talking about vitamins A and B.

What vitamins are needed?

What vitamins are we talking about in this case? We are talking about fatty acids, B vitamins, biotin and amino acids, as well as brewer's yeast, as they should be a key element in the fight against shedding. Please note that most dogs shed for about a month, but some breeds may shed faster and some may not shed for very long. One way or another, you should not let the process take its course. Take care of your dog's health!

Hair loss and its causes

One way or another, you need to make sure that you always have quality dog ​​vitamins for coat and skin, as without them your dog may experience severe discomfort. But it’s even more important to determine in time that your pet has a serious problem and visit a veterinarian so that he can prescribe professional treatment. Remember that vitamins A and B are a way to prevent problems, and if they have already appeared, then you should consult a specialist. If the disease progresses, dog vitamins for coat and skin will no longer help.

Drop protection

Naturally, there is no point in talking about advanced cases, since you will have no choice but to go to a professional. This article will discuss how to protect your pet from hair loss. Accordingly, you will find out which vitamins are best for dog fur. But we will talk about specific drugs a little later; now it’s worth considering the situation as a whole. So, what elements should be in your dog’s diet if you don’t want his hair to fall out outside of shedding?

First of all, you should pay attention to B vitamins, as well as various minerals. Most often, they are not contained in standard dry food, so if you feed your dog only such food, then he may experience a lack of the corresponding substances in his body, leading to hair loss. Accordingly, the easiest way to protect your dog is through a balanced diet and the use of natural grooming products such as shampoos and conditioners. And, of course, you will need the best vitamins for dog fur and skin so that the skin always remains healthy and the coat is thick.

Hair growth products

Even if your dog does not suffer from hair loss, you should make sure that you always have vitamins for dog hair growth, as they will come in handy both during shedding and on an ongoing basis. If your dog is healthy, this does not mean that he cannot get sick and begin to suffer from certain problems. Accordingly, be sure to have appropriate medications at home that would compensate for the lack of fatty acids, vitamins E, and amino acids. Well, brewer’s yeast, as mentioned earlier, is a real godsend for dog owners, since it not only makes the coat healthier, but also has a positive effect on the dog’s skin, as well as on its internal organs, such as, for example, liver.

But at the same time, you should not forget that there should not be too much of a good thing. The fact is that an excess of certain vitamins and minerals in a pet’s body will not be better than their lack. Therefore, you should always consult with your doctor regarding which medications you are giving your pet, what the dosage is for a specific breed, and so on. Your veterinarian will always be able to advise you on the best vitamins for dog fur.

What vitamins are needed to avoid skin problems?

Separately, it is worth mentioning problems with the dog’s skin. In most cases, skin and coat problems are interrelated, but it is better to be able to deal with each problem separately, so that you can then offer your pet comprehensive treatment. So, skin diseases are most often caused by a lack of vitamins A and B, and they include dermatitis, scabies, ringworm and pyodermatosis. As you can see, the problems can be more than serious, so you also need to take them seriously. If you properly monitor the condition of your pet’s fur and skin, you will be able to quickly and promptly notice the occurrence of certain problems. Then you can quickly contact a veterinarian and get a full consultation. But if you don’t want your pet’s skin to reach a state where you have to take him to the doctor, then you should make sure that he receives the necessary vitamins and minerals. And, of course, it is necessary to properly care for your pet, wash it with appropriate products, not give it harmful food, and so on.

How to choose the right vitamins?

Now you understand exactly how important vitamins are in your dog's diet, but now you are faced with a new question: what vitamins to choose for dog fur? User reviews can offer you a wide variety of options, but it is best, of course, to consult a doctor. If this is not possible, then you should read this article further, as later some options that are universal and effective will be indicated here.

In the meantime, it’s worth taking a look at exactly how you should approach choosing vitamins for your dog. You need to take into account several important parameters, such as the age of your pet, its breed, and its diet. The last point is the most important, since the necessary nutritional supplements and vitamins depend on what substances your dog receives along with food in his daily diet. Later, you will also learn about what natural products you can give your pet if you want to compensate for the lack of certain substances without using medications.

Vitamins from the most famous manufacturers

If you are looking for quality vitamins for dogs against hair loss, then you may have problems, since there are a huge number of offers on the market from a wide variety of manufacturers. If you do not want to buy a low quality product, then you are better off sticking to well-known manufacturers who have already proven their worth. For example, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product if you buy products from companies such as Canina pharma or Beaphar. It is also worth paying attention to companies such as Gelabon or Gelakan; recently, products from Sanal have been gaining great popularity.

Comprehensive products from leading manufacturers

All of them produce vitamins for dog fur, containing all the necessary nutrients and microelements. Each of these companies responsibly produces medications for animals, using only natural ingredients. If you compare their composition, you will find that they do not contain any harmful chemicals. If you compare the composition of these drugs with cheaper synthetic drugs, you will immediately be able to see the difference, since the latter will contain a large number of various unknown additives.

But it’s worth talking separately about the “8 in 1” vitamins for dog fur, which have the most positive reviews from users on the Internet. These are products of an American company that is famous for its effective products for caring for four-legged pets. And if you plan to purchase products from other manufacturers, then, first of all, you should pay attention to the naturalness of the ingredients, that is, you need to make sure that the products do not contain chemical additives that can harm your dog instead of helping it.

The best option

What vitamins does a dog need for its coat? If you are interested in this question, then you should definitely pay attention to Excel Brewers Yeast from the famous American company “8 in 1”, which is not the first time recognized as the best preparation for the skin and coat of dogs. This is not the first time they have received an average rating of 9.9 out of 10, and this is truly an impressive indicator. This is a completely natural product that is easily absorbed by your pet's body, has a fairly attractive taste so you don't have to force your dog to eat these tablets, and is also the most effective among the natural products available.

You can freely combine this drug with other vitamin complexes, and it is also worth noting the fact that you can purchase packaging with different dosages, depending on the size of your dog’s breed. Simply put, this is the perfect vitamin supplement for those who want to keep their dogs' coat and skin in tip-top condition. But what if you don't want to buy any supplements? In this case, you will have to think about where to get the necessary elements in standard products. This article will also help you with this.

Natural sources

If you want your dog to get the vitamins it needs for its coat from natural sources, then you should make sure to give it sea fish (vitamins A) and meat (vitamins B). These products also contain vitamin PP, which is very beneficial for coat and skin, which many people forget about. It can also be found in liver and cheese. Liver also contains vitamin H, but vitamin F, essential for dogs, is found in abundance in flaxseed oil.

Vomiting in dogs

Vomiting is an active process of ejection of stomach contents. First, nausea occurs, possibly drooling, then anti-peristaltic contractions begin in the stomach, while the abdominal and diaphragm muscles tense. Vomiting occurs.

Vitamins for dogs

The dog is one of the first animals to be domesticated by humans. Some archaeologists and historians are of the opinion that it was not even a person who did this, but the animal itself decided to make friends with him. This opinion has a right to life. It’s not for nothing that dogs are called our best friends. They are loyal, obedient, kind and affectionate, and, if necessary, become aggressive and angry to protect their owner.

If you have a true friend in this beautiful animal, then you probably wish him only the best. It is worth remembering that your four-legged companion, in addition to attention and delicious food, needs a complex of minerals and vitamins. If you do not give them to him in sufficient quantities, this will have a bad effect on the health and mood of your pet.

But how to choose the right vitamins for dogs?

To do this, you need to understand what your pet lacks. And this is not so difficult to determine.

For example, poor appetite, weakness, lethargy, and constipation are signs of vitamin B1 deficiency.

A lack of vitamin B2 usually causes inflammation of the eyes and oral mucosa.

Vitamin C deficiency is very common. Signs of this may include loss of appetite, fatigue and lethargy.

If you notice one of the above signs in your pet, then be sure to purchase the appropriate medications from the Swiss brand WOLMAR WINSOME, which are produced in accordance with the highest European quality standards. You can find them in pet stores, kennel clubs or online stores.

Vitamins for dogs are something that our smaller brothers sometimes lack. Don’t forget to feed your pet with high-quality and environmentally friendly preparations, and believe me, he will thank you more than once with his faithful service.

In this section you can get acquainted with the properties of essential vitamins for dogs and puppies, their physiological significance in the body, diseases associated with vitamin deficiency in dogs and the characteristics of essential amino acids.

Vitamin A (retinol) for dogs.

Unit 1 international unit (IU) = 0.344 mcg vitamin A acetate = 1 USP unit (United States Pharmacopoeia grade reagent).

Plant-based dog food ingredients, such as soybeans, grains, corn, potatoes, beets and their derivatives, do not contain β-carotene or contain it in small quantities. In dogs, different carotenoids can be converted to vitamin A to varying degrees. There are different ways of such transformation (theoretically, three ways are known). The absorption of carotenes depends on various factors, such as the form of binding, as well as the state of carotene and vitamin A supply.

In adult dogs, vitamin A intake approximately corresponds to the requirement; a deficiency is observed in working puppies and large breeds (German shepherds, Rottweilers).

Cats do not transform β-carotene into vitamin A in their bodies. Therefore, their food must always contain a sufficient amount of vitamin A.

Vitamin A is a protective substance for the ectoderm. In addition, it is necessary for the formation, protection and regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin A has a specific function related to vision. In the retina of the eye, retinal is produced from retinol, which condenses with the lysine residue of the opsin protein into aldimine, and thus the light receptor rhodopsin (visual purple) is formed. This light receptor is important for the function of twilight and night vision.

Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth of a dog's body, the formation of the skeleton of puppies and the normal production of offspring in adult dogs. Increased doses of vitamin A help to increase the production of antibodies and increase the body's resistance in puppies during the period of active growth. Vitamin A takes part in ensuring the functional reliability of cell membranes and various enzymes. Vitamin A also takes part in regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Vitamin A is especially necessary for young animals, as it prevents growth disorders. In the body of adult animals, vitamin A becomes important for ensuring the protective function of the epithelium.

Diseases associated with vitamin A deficiency in dogs

Insufficient intake of vitamin A from food leads to disturbances in the formation of skeletal bones in puppies, to pathological changes in the skin and mucous membranes, as well as to impaired vision (night blindness). In addition, with vitamin A deficiency, reduced resistance to various diseases and reproductive dysfunction (lack of fertility, sterility, fetal malformations) may be observed.

Vitamin B1 - Thiamine for dogs.

Contents in dog food. The content of vitamin B1 in dog food can be considered favorable. Rich sources of vitamin B1 are grain ingredients, dairy products, flour mill waste, dried feed yeast and cake flour. At the same time, vitamin B1 is found in small quantities in cassava flour, dry sugar beet pulp and bone meal.

In the form of thiamine-pyrophosphoric acid ester (cocarboxylase), vitamin B1 takes part in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Thiamine is also necessary for the normal functioning of nervous tissue and myocardium (especially for dogs older than 7-8 years). In addition, vitamin B1 performs a protective function of the gastrointestinal tract. It plays an important role in maintaining normal intestinal motility in puppies, ensuring fat resorption and intestinal enzymatic activity.

Diseases in dogs associated with vitamin B1 deficiency.

Vitamin B1 deficiency causes growth disorders in dogs, dwarfism in puppies and dysfunction of the nervous system in large breed dogs (Bobtail, Mastiff, Doberman, German Shepherd, etc.). In addition, disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism and water balance occur. There is also a lack of appetite and insufficient energy utilization in small breed puppies.

Need. Dogs should receive a sufficient amount of vitamin B1 along with their regular food or with WOLMAR WINSOME supplementary nutrition complexes. If the content of energy-rich foods increases in the diet of dogs or puppies, then the need for vitamin B1 also increases.

Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin for dogs

Physiological significance in dogs.

Vitamin B2 is a coenzyme of a whole series of redox enzymes, which are collectively called flavoproteins. They play an important role in the transfer of hydrogen atoms. However, like other B vitamins, vitamin B2 takes part as a coenzyme in the metabolism of proteins, fats and nucleic acids. In addition, vitamin B2 is related to the process of vision.

Diseases associated with vitamin B2 deficiency

Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 from food leads to growth retardation in puppies, poor absorption of food and diarrhea.

Need in dogs

Vitamin B2 performs specific functions in the metabolism of proteins and fats, so the need for it is determined by the protein and energy content in the dog’s diet. At low environmental temperatures, the body, especially of small breed puppies, Yorkshire terriers, and Chihuahuas, intensively breaks down carbohydrates to produce energy, so the need for vitamin B2 increases.

Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine for dogs

Physiological significance in dogs

Vitamin B6 plays a central role in protein metabolism in the form of pyridoxal-5-phosphate (coenzyme). In addition, the vitamin takes part in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, the breakdown of tryptophan and the metabolism of various minerals.

Diseases in dogs of some breeds associated with vitamin B6 deficiency

Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 from food causes growth retardation in puppies and dwarfism in dogs, as well as inflammatory skin diseases in dog breeds prone to these problems, such as: Chihuahua, English bulldog, American bulldog, Jack Russell terrier, West Highland white terrier, Dogo Argentino In dogs of other breeds, a lack of vitamin B6 leads to changes in the peripheral and central nervous system, decreased protein absorption, and damage to the liver and heart.

Need in dogs.

The need for vitamin B6 increases with increasing protein and energy content in the feed. The young body of puppies especially needs large amounts of vitamin B6 due to increased protein absorption during the growth period.

Vitamin B12 for dogs

Contents in dog food. Vitamin B12 is found only in foods of animal origin, such as fish meal, concentrated fish broth, bone meal, separated milk powder, whey powder. The vitamin B12 content of fishmeal and concentrated fish broth is more than 100 micrograms per kilogram, so they are considered reliable sources of vitamin B12. In most other feeds (especially dry industrial feeds), the vitamin content does not exceed 50 mcg/kg.

Vitamin B12 is also formed in the digestive tract of animals with participation in the digestion of microorganisms. However, the absorption of the resulting vitamin B12 occurs only partially, so animal feces also contain significant amounts of cobalamin.

Only heterotrophic microorganisms have the ability to synthesize vitamins, in other words, microorganisms that consume organic substances in the process of life.

Physiological significance in dogs

Vitamin B12 is important for the growth of puppies of all breeds; in adult dogs it is important for hematopoiesis and various metabolic processes, especially protein metabolism. In particular, it is necessary for the synthesis of certain amino acids.

Diseases in dogs associated with vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to growth problems in puppies and impaired absorption of nutrients, especially proteins, in adult dogs. In turn, this causes anemia, deterioration in the appearance of the coat and inflammatory skin diseases. A sufficient supply of vitamin B12 in the diets of working and sporting breeds of dogs, such as huskies, huskies, shepherds, pit bulls, and rottweilers is especially important.

Dogs' need for vitamin B12 and coverage of the need

With modern forms of keeping dogs and puppies, with food rations containing mainly plant components (reluctantly declared by dog ​​food manufacturers), the need for vitamin B12 should be replenished with the help of WOLMAR WINSOME supplementary nutrition complexes. In WOLMAR WINSOME products, special attention is paid to this component (B12) in products for puppies and pregnant bitches.

Vitamin C for dogs

Natural vitamin C is found only in certain foods (potatoes, beets, greens, milk powder). Natural vitamin C is absorbed in dogs in sufficient quantities.


Most mammals and birds have the ability to synthesize vitamin C. With rare exceptions. Endogenous synthesis of vitamin C is not possible, for example, in rhesus monkeys and guinea pigs.

Physiological significance in dogs.

Vitamin C takes part in redox processes in the body if they are accompanied by the transfer of hydrogen atoms. Vitamin C is also involved in the formation of steroid hormones and collagen synthesis (wound healing), especially in large breed dogs. Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infection and stress of all types, especially in puppies.

Dog diseases associated with vitamin C deficiency

With insufficient intake of vitamin C from food, there is an increased susceptibility of puppies and adult dogs to infections.

Vitamin D3 - Cholecalciferol for dogs

Unit 1 international unit (IU) = 0.025 mcg crystalline vitamin D3

Natural vitamin D is found only in some products included in prepared foods, such as whole milk and cod liver. Among the many chemical compounds that have the effects of vitamin D, only two are of interest: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Their provitamins are ergosterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol. In dogs, vitamin D3 can be synthesized from 7-dehydrocholesterol under the influence of ultraviolet rays. 7-dehydrocholesterol is also synthesized endogenously and is found in the skin and secretions of the skin glands. The plant provitamin ergosterol is transformed into active vitamin D2 after the death of plants under the influence of sunlight. Ergosterol itself is practically not absorbed in the animal’s body. In artificially dried grass, vitamin D activity is extremely low.

Physiological significance in dogs

Vitamin D is also called an anti-rickets vitamin because it prevents the development of rickets in puppies. Vitamin D is involved in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. In particular, it accelerates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the small intestine, regulates the excretion of calcium and phosphorus by the kidneys, controls the calcium and phosphorus content in the skeletal bones of puppies and increases the rate of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Vitamin D supplementation is particularly important for growing puppies of all dog breeds when the absolute calcium and/or phosphorus content or calcium to phosphorus ratio of the food is not optimal.

Diseases of dogs associated with vitamin D deficiency.

In case of vitamin D deficiency in the body of dogs, the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus is disrupted, the calcium content in growing skeletal bones decreases (rickets), mineral reserves in the growing bones of puppies and bitches are depleted (osteomalacia), which leads to deformations of bones and joints, growth disorders organism, this deficiency is especially critical in puppies of medium and large breeds of husky, husky, German shepherd, Rottweiler, bulldog, great dane, mastiff.

The dog's body's need for vitamin D depends on the intake of calcium and phosphorus. In case of insufficient intake from food or an unfavorable ratio of calcium and phosphorus in food, the need for vitamin D increases, vitamin D3 should be given to puppies and dogs in the form of supplementary nutrition complexes WOLMAR WINSOME.

Vitamin E - Tocopherol for dogs

Tocopherols are found in varying amounts in foods of animal and plant origin. However, of all the tocopherols, only active D-α-tocopherol is important for feeding dogs and puppies (has the highest vitamin E activity). Apart from it, only d-β-tocopherol has obvious biological activity. The tocopherol content is quite high in young green plants and sprouted wheat. In dry food, the tocopherol fraction consists only to a small extent of beneficial α-tocopherol, so ready-made industrial food cannot be considered a source of vitamin E.

Tocopherol is completely absent or contained in small quantities in root vegetables and food products after fat is extracted from them (waste after oil extraction, skimmed milk, whey, etc.). For practical purposes in the nutrition of animals, including dogs, instead of d-α-tocopherol, which is extremely sensitive to oxygen, dl-α-tocopheryl acetate is used. Its biological activity is approximately 2/3 of that of d-α-tocopherol.

Physiological significance in dogs.

Firstly, vitamin E is necessary for cellular metabolism (cellular respiration, nucleic acid metabolism), and secondly, vitamin E has antioxidant activity that suppresses the autoxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin E also performs the following functions: regulation of carbohydrate and creatine metabolism, as well as metabolism and glycogen levels in muscle tissue; regulation of the development and functioning of the gonads; preparation and maintenance of pregnancy; regulation of hormone metabolism through the anterior pituitary gland; stimulation of antibody formation; antioxidant in cellular metabolism.

Diseases of dogs associated with vitamin E deficiency.

With a lack of vitamin E, muscular dystrophy is observed, associated with the relief of skeletal muscles (loss of myoglobin), and degenerative changes in the myocardium, which can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. It is of particular importance in the diet of medium-sized, large working breeds and sporting dogs, such as terriers, huskies, huskies, Dobermans, shepherds of all breeds, pit bulls, Rottweilers, etc.

The vitamin E requirement of dogs and puppies depends on the following factors:
feed composition
amino acid content in food
concentration of nutrients. In particular, the need for vitamin E is largely determined by the quantity and quality of fat additives in feed and the content of unsaturated fatty acids in them. Due to the presence of a large number of factors, the need for vitamin E can vary widely. Ultimately, everything is determined by the specifics of the tasks assigned. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that organic changes in tissues in dogs of all breeds that occur as a result of vitamin E deficiency are irreversible and cannot be eliminated by subsequent administration of increased doses of vitamin E.

Vitamin H - Biotin for Dogs

Biotin is included in all products of plant and animal origin. Biotin is found in foods in free and bound forms. As a result of a large number of experiments, it was found that biotin in bound form is not completely absorbed in the body of dogs. Biotin is also synthesized by microorganisms in the digestive tract of animals.

Physiological significance in dogs.

Biotin is essential for the growth of puppies, and in addition, it takes part in various metabolic processes. It is a component of many coenzymes, with the participation of which reactions occur in the metabolism of carbohydrates, the synthesis of fatty acids, the transfer of carbon dioxide to other compounds (carboxylation), the synthesis of proteins and purines. In addition, biotin affects the metabolism of cholesterol and nucleic acids, the processes of tryptophan breakdown, deamination of amino acids, activation of lysozyme (development of immunity to various infections), the function of calcium glands in the skin and the biosynthesis of reduced and formed derivatives of folic acid. Biotin is related to vitamins B6, B12, C, folic and pantothenic acid.

Dog diseases associated with biotin deficiency

Biotin deficiency is characterized by a decrease in the metabolic ability to undergo carboxylation reactions. This has a negative effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which is reflected in growth retardation.

The following symptoms of biotin deficiency are observed: Dogs have dull coats, hair loss, eczema, hyperkeratosis, depigmentation (gray coat), hair loss.

Vitamin K3 for Dogs

Vitamin K is contained in feed in the form of provitamin K1 (phylloquinone). Grains, root vegetables and cake flour contain only small amounts of vitamin K1. However, vitamin K1 does not have a high degree of stability in the external environment, so only a small part of it is absorbed by the dog’s body. Vitamin K is found in animal products in the form K2 (menaquinone). Fish and bone meal contain moderate amounts of vitamin K2. Synthetic components contain mainly vitamin K3 (menadione), which in the animal’s body is transformed into the active form of vitamin K2.

Physiological significance

Vitamin K takes part in cellular metabolism and plays the role of a catalyst in the synthesis in the liver of certain proteins necessary for blood clotting, including prothrombin. Prothrombin is transformed into the blood clotting enzyme thrombin with the participation of the mentioned proteins and some other agents.

Diseases of dogs associated with vitamin K deficiency.

Vitamin K deficiency causes a decrease in prothrombin levels in the blood and blood clotting disorders. With vitamin K deficiency, even minor internal or external injuries (if stopped) can lead to massive bleeding (hemorrhages) in various organs and tissues, which in severe cases can lead to death. Symptoms of vitamin K deficiency may also occur if a dog is poisoned with a vitamin K antagonist (such as coumarin derivatives). Antibacterial medications (sulfonamides and antibiotics) can also cause indirect vitamin K deficiency, which is associated with the death of microflora in the animal’s intestines under the influence of antibiotics and a decrease in enteral synthesis of vitamin K.

The three forms of vitamin K—K1, K2, and K3—show biological activity to varying degrees. The following ratio of biological activity can be used when calculating the intake of vitamin K from feed: K3: K1: K2 = 4: 2: 1.

Nicotinic acid (niacin, vitamin PP, vitamin B3) for dogs

Niacin is found in all foods of plant and animal origin. Dried nutritional yeast, wheat bran, groundnuts, sunflower cake and concentrated fish broths are especially rich in niacin. All dairy products, soy flour and flaxseed meal, oats, rye and corn are relatively poor in niacin. In the body of dogs and puppies, niacin can be synthesized to a limited extent from the amino acid tryptophan; some microorganisms also have the ability to synthesize niacin from other amino acids (glutamic acid, proline, ornithine, glycine).

Physiological significance in animals.

Niacin and nicotinamide are components of the coenzymes NAD (adenine dinucleotide) and NADO (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate), which perform the function of transferring hydrogen atoms. They also take part in the metabolic reactions of the formation and breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Niacin deficiency leads to disturbances in glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, the respiratory chain and various synthesis processes such as fat synthesis.

Dog diseases associated with niacin deficiency:

Niacin deficiency leads to changes in the skin, gastrointestinal diseases, growth retardation in puppies, inflammatory changes and ulceration of the mucous membranes and changes in the joints in adult dogs. In dogs, a typical symptom of niacin deficiency, a characteristic sign (against the background of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis) is keratinization and a black coating on the root of the tongue ("black tongue"). It is of particular importance in the diet of small breeds of dogs such as Yorkshire terrier, dachshund, Pekingese, toy terrier, spaniel.

Pantothenic Acid for Dogs

Calculated coefficients 1 mg calcium d-pantothenate = 0.92 mg pantothenic acid, 1 mg pantothenic acid = 1.087 mg calcium d-pantothenate.

Biological value in animals.

Calcium D-pantothenate is well absorbed due to its good solubility and takes part in the metabolic process as pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid and pantothenates are optically active components and exist in D(+) and L(-) forms. Only D-forms are biologically active.

Almost all foods contain some amount of pantothenic acid. Milk and dairy products, concentrated fish broths, milling waste, various types of cake flour and other products that are a source of vegetable protein are rich in pantothenic acid.

Physiological significance for dogs:

Pantothenic acid, as a component of coenzyme A, takes part in many reactions in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It has a specific function in the breakdown and synthesis of fats. In particular, with the direct participation of coenzyme A, the transfer of C2 groups (activated acetic acid) and the activation of long-chain fatty acids occur. Activated acetic acid is necessary for the synthesis of phospholipids, cholesterol and some steroid hormones. The physiological importance of pantothenic acid is demonstrated by the fact that coenzyme A is found in all tissues of the dog's body.

Dog diseases associated with pantothenic acid deficiency:

Pantothenic acid deficiency can lead to various dysfunctions in animals. However, in each case there is a negative impact on the dogs' health and productivity. The following symptoms are observed:
Pathological changes in the skin and mucous membranes: loss of pigment, hair loss, dull hair, depletion of hair. Brown exudate around the eyes.
Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and changes in internal organs, formation of ulcers on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in the liver (fatty liver syndrome); These changes lead to loss of appetite, poor absorption of food and stunted growth of puppies, which is accompanied by weight loss.
Hormonal disorders, disturbances in the fertilization process, incomplete development of the reproductive organs (cryptorchidism).
Disturbances in the functions of the nervous system, the phenomenon of seizures, increased sensitivity to stress. It is of particular importance in the diet of small breeds of dogs such as Maltese, Yorkshire Terrier, Brussels Griffon, Belgian Griffon, Dachshund, Pekingese, Toy Terrier, Spaniel.

Amino acids in WOLMAR WINSOME products

Amino acids are the basic structural units of protein molecules. When hydrolyzing proteins of various natures, a mixture of 20 amino acids is always obtained. In the animal body, during the metabolic process, many amino acids are synthesized from other amino acids or compounds and are therefore called nonessential amino acids. But there are also amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the dog’s body or they are formed in it not quickly enough to satisfy the body’s needs. Such amino acids are called essential amino acids. Based on the content and ratio of essential amino acids, dog food proteins are divided into complete and incomplete. Dog food that contains a sufficient amount and the required ratio of essential amino acids contains complete proteins, and those foods that do not contain enough essential amino acids contain incomplete proteins.

Different amino acids contain different amounts of nitrogen.


One of the main components in the growth and synthesis of body tissues in dogs. The main source is animal products. Experiments have shown that valine increases muscle coordination in dogs and reduces the dog's body's sensitivity to pain, cold and heat. Sufficient consumption of valine is especially important in sports and service dog breeds: German shepherd, Rottweiler, bulldog, husky, husky.


Promotes tissue growth and repair in all animals. Contained in large quantities in hemoglobin; used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, ulcers and anemia. A lack of histidine can cause hearing loss.


Supplied with all foods containing complete protein - meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products.


Supplied with all foods containing complete protein - meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products. It is necessary not only for the synthesis of protein by the dog’s body, but also for strengthening the immune system of puppies.


A good source is fish. One of the important components in the production of carnitine in dogs. Ensures proper absorption of calcium; participates in the formation of collagen (from which cartilage and connective tissue are then formed in puppies and dogs); actively participates in the production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes. Deficiency can result in fatigue, damage to blood vessels in the eyes, hair loss, anemia and problems in the reproductive sphere. It is especially important for puppies of large and medium breeds: husky, husky, Doberman, shepherd dogs of all breeds, pit bull, bulldog, Rottweiler, etc.


Good sources include grains, nuts and grains. Important in the metabolism of fats and proteins, the body also uses it to produce cysteine. It is the main supplier of sulfur, which prevents disorders in the formation of hair, skin and claws; helps lower cholesterol levels by enhancing the production of lecithin by the liver; lowers the level of fat in the liver, protects the kidneys; participates in the removal of heavy metals from the body; regulates the formation of ammonia, affects hair follicles and supports hair growth.


An important component in the synthesis of purines, which, in turn, decompose urea, a by-product of protein synthesis. An important component of collagen, elastin and enamel protein; participates in the fight against fat deposition in the liver; supports smoother functioning of the digestive and intestinal tracts; takes a general part in the processes of metabolism and absorption in dogs.


It is primary in relation to niacin (vitamin B) and serotonin, which, participating in brain processes, controls appetite and pain threshold. Natural relaxant, strengthens the immune system; reduces the risk of spasms of the arteries and heart muscle; together with Lysine it fights to lower cholesterol levels.


Used by the dog's body to produce tyrosine and hormones. Used by the brain to produce substances that transmit signals from nerve cells to the brain; maintains the body in a state of wakefulness and receptivity, especially important for dog breeds: husky, husky, Doberman, shepherd dogs of all breeds, pit bull, bulldog, Rottweiler, Great Dane.


Used by the dog's body partially instead of phenylalanine in protein synthesis. Sources - milk, meat, fish.

Cystine (cysteine).

If there is enough cystine in the feed ration, the animal's body can use it instead of methionine to produce protein. Good sources of cystine include meat, fish, soy, oats and wheat.


It is an important source of energy for muscle tissue, the brain and the central nervous system; strengthens the immune system by producing antibodies; actively participates in the metabolism of sugars and organic acids.


L-Arginine causes a slowdown in the development of tumors and cancers. Cleanses the liver. Helps release growth hormone, strengthens the immune system, promotes sperm production and is useful in treating kidney disorders and injuries. Essential for protein synthesis and optimal growth. The presence of L-Arginine in the body of dogs promotes an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat reserves. Also useful for liver disorders. A sufficient level of consumption is relevant for the bulldog, Great Dane, Doberman, and mastiff breeds.


Aspartic acid is actively involved in the removal of ammonia, which is harmful to the central nervous system. Recent research has shown that aspartic acid may improve resistance to fatigue. A sufficient level of consumption is relevant for sporting dogs, huskies and huskies.


Important for normalizing sugar levels, increasing brain performance, and forming a healthy digestive tract. In the brain it is converted into glutamic acid, which is important for brain function. When consumed, glutamine should not be confused with glutamic acid; these substances differ in action from each other. Glutamic acid is considered a natural “fuel” for the brain and helps speed up the healing of ulcers.


Actively participates in providing oxygen to the process of formation of new cells. It is an important participant in the production of hormones responsible for strengthening the immune system, very important for Beagles, Maltese, Yorkshire Terrier, Brussels Griffon, Belgian Griffon, Dachshund, Pekingese, Toy Terrier, Spaniel.


Carnitine helps bind and remove long chains of fatty acids from the body of animals. The liver and kidneys produce carnitine from two other amino acids - glutamine and methionine. Meat is supplied to dogs in large quantities. By preventing the build-up of fat stores, this amino acid is important for reducing excess weight and reducing the risk of heart disease in older dogs. The body produces Carnitine only in the presence of sufficient amounts of lysine, iron and enzymes B19 and B69. Carnitine also increases the effectiveness of antioxidants - vitamins C and E.


Extremely important for the proper functioning of ligaments and joints; also participates in maintaining the performance and strengthening of the heart muscle. Important for dog breeds prone to musculoskeletal diseases, prevention of dysplasia in dogs of all breeds.


Participates in the storage of glycogen by the liver and muscles; actively participates in strengthening the immune system, providing it with antibodies; forms fatty “sheaths” around nerve fibers.


Stabilizes the excitability of membranes, which is very important for controlling the correct behavior of the dog (balance, calmness); correct, sufficient consumption is necessary for service breeds: Doberman, shepherd, pit bull, bulldog, Rottweiler, etc.

Taurine and sulfur are considered essential in controlling the many biochemical changes that occur during the aging process of dogs; participates in freeing the body from contamination by free radicals.

Nitrogen and crude protein content of various amino acids.

When feeding food rations with a deficiency of certain essential amino acids, dogs often develop malnutrition diseases, so animal diets must be balanced in all essential amino acids, for which purpose synthetic amino acids are introduced into the diet of dogs and puppies in the diets that lack them, in the form supplementary nutrition complex for dogs and puppies WOLMAR WINSOME PRO BIO L-COLLAGEN.

Chemically pure amino acids are powders, most of which are highly soluble in water and poorly or not at all soluble in organic solvents. Aqueous solutions of amino acids are stable and can be sterilized at temperatures from +100 to +120°C. Amino acids have a melting point of about +300°C and are not volatile. Amino acids contain both basic (amine) and acidic (carboxyl) groups, and therefore, like other amphoteric compounds, they can dissociate.

Vitamins for dogs and minerals that the animal’s body needs are contained only in super-premium or holistic dry food. When feeding an animal with other foods, including natural food, an additional complex is required.

This is especially true for certain periods in a dog’s life: pregnancy and feeding puppies, recovery from illness, the autumn-winter period and when prone to certain diseases (joints, skin, etc.).

Among the wide variety of dog vitamins and supplements, several categories can be distinguished: for growing puppies; for pregnant and lactating women; for aging dogs; for joints; for wool; to strengthen bones; for the prevention and maintenance of immunity.

People often think that only their body needs vitamins. Wrong!!!

To strengthen and develop the body and prevent diseases, animals also need vitamins. Although dogs and cats love to eat each other's food, their nutritional needs are very different. Of course, each of them will be able to survive after exchanging food, but health problems will soon begin. A dog's nutritional needs are more similar to humans, as they are omnivores and not carnivores like cats. Dogs get nutrients from animal and plant foods. The owner's task is to provide the pet with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

What vitamins do dogs need?

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is needed for good vision and a strong immune system. Because it is a fat-soluble vitamin and is stored in your dog's body fat, you must be careful not to overdose.

Vitamin D

Important for strengthening the dog's bones and muscles. Is fat soluble, so be careful not to give your dog too much vitamin D.

Vitamin B1

B vitamins are water soluble, so excess will be excreted in your dog's urine. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is needed for high energy and carbohydrate metabolism.

Vitamin B6

Dogs also need vitamin B6 for healthy blood, nervous and immune systems. Deficiency can lead to weight loss, muscle cramps and anemia.

Vitamin B12

Along with other B vitamins such as niacin and riboflavin, vitamin B12 affects enzyme function. Loss of appetite, low white blood cells and anemia may be signs of vitamin B12 deficiency.

In addition to vitamins, puppies and adult dogs also need minerals:


All dogs need calcium. It is needed for strong bones and teeth, for blood clotting, plus a healthy nervous system. A lack of this mineral in your dog's diet can cause severe skeletal abnormalities.


An unusual mineral. Copper is essential for proper bone, tissue and cell formation. Hair loss or pigmentation may mean that your puppy is not getting enough copper in his diet.


Thanks to iron, the normal functioning of red blood cells, which transport oxygen to the body, occurs. If your pet is lethargic and weak, it means he is not getting enough iron.


Your dog must receive the mineral for normal thyroid function and proper metabolism. An enlarged thyroid gland, dry, sparse hair, and weight gain are a sign of iodine deficiency.


This mineral is important for maintaining a healthy coat and skin. Lack of zinc in the diet can cause weight loss, vomiting, and skin damage.

Manufacturers of vitamins for dogs, which is better to buy?

Canina pharma GmbH (Germany) uses exclusively natural ingredients: plant extracts, seafood extracts, dried algae, yeast, high-value vegetable oils - cocoa butter and evening primrose. Monocomponent additives have been specially developed that can be independently combined with each other.

Vitamins for dog fur Nutri-Vet (USA), in addition to traditional multivitamins, has many specialized complexes, such as a combination of soothing ingredients that help the animal avoid stress, Ligaments and Joints, including an enhanced complex for recovery from injuries. There are also such complexes as “Protection of fur”, “Fresh breath”, “Bladder control”, “Against eating excrement”, “Elimination of tear stains”.

8in1 complexes (USA) provide separate vitamins for dogs of different ages and breeds.

Also known are such manufacturers of vitamin complexes as Beaphar, Biofaktory (Czech Republic), ORLING.

How to choose vitamins for a dog?

What vitamins to give dogs and which ones are the best? If the animal is sick or has a recovery period, then the veterinarian will advise him on vitamins. If the dog is healthy and you want to support its body, then the choice of vitamins should be determined by its age, as well as its breed (essentially, its size). For example, tiny Chihuahuas and other small breeds living in apartments are prone to obesity and should not be given vitamin complexes that include fish oil. But their delicate bones need calcium.

Large breed dogs need special support for their joints, which are always overloaded with heavy weight.

Long-haired breeds especially need special vitamins for dog fur.

Most people love dogs; they are faithful companions. Make sure your dog receives proper and complete nutrition. Make sure your friend has all the vitamins and minerals he needs to live a long, healthy, happy life.

However, if you think that your dog needs vitamins, you should consult a veterinarian, since their excess (hypervitaminosis) is more dangerous than their deficiency and its advanced forms can lead to the death of the animal.


Currently, the prices for the most popular brands are as follows:

Vitamins Excel, 155 tablets per package. Sold at prices ranging from 250 to 300 rubles.

Vitamins for dogs and puppies Brewers. Usually they come in jars of 150-300 tablets. Their cost varies from 200 to 300 rubles.

Polidex. They come in jars of 150 and 500 pieces. Price depending on packaging from 400 to 700 rubles.

Wolmar, cans of 180 and 360 tablets. Cost from 500 to 1100 rubles.