Tibetan longevity gymnastics came to us about 30 years ago, back in Soviet times. And for the first time, a complete course of exercises was published in one of the most widely read publications of that time - Komsomolskaya Pravda. By devoting just 15 minutes a day to these activities, you can bring your hormonal levels back to normal; for this reason, this gymnastics is also called hormonal.

For thousands of years, Tibetan monks practiced this gymnastics, opening the path to rejuvenation and good health with its help.

Set of exercises

First of all, I would like to note the following: gymnastics for longevity should be carried out in the morning, preferably before 06.00. Moreover, all exercises can be done right in bed. In a word, it is very convenient and simple. All you have to do is wake up at the right time.

So let's get started.

Warming up your hands

The first exercise allows you to assess the state of your own biofield and fills you with healing energy. All that is necessary is to thoroughly rub your hands until they become hot. And here you can learn something about your health:

  • the hands are not warm and at the same time become wet - most likely, there are serious malfunctions in the body, and the biofield is very weak;
  • your palms heat up, but very slowly - your biofield is somewhat weakened and it is possible that you suffer from chronic diseases;
  • the hands warmed up very quickly and remained dry - the biofield is in excellent condition and no serious health problems are observed.

Don’t worry if the first exercise didn’t show the best results, because in any case, this gymnastics will improve both the state of the biofield and improve health.

Energy nutrition of the eyes

We lie on the bed, eyes closed. Place your hot palms on them and gently press 30 times. In this case, it is advisable to maintain a rhythm: 1 press per 1 second. Thus, to complete all movements you will need exactly 30 seconds.

In order for vision to gradually begin to improve, after applying pressure, you need to leave your hands on your eyes for two minutes. During this time, the eyeballs and all the receptors surrounding them will receive the necessary nutrition.

On a note! The same exercise also contributes to the gradual restoration of the natural shade of the hair, which occurs due to the activation of the pituitary and pineal glands, as well as the additional production of melatonin. Plus, the hormone melatonin, being a powerful antioxidant, takes an active part in cell rejuvenation!

Exercise for the ears

Continues yoga for health and longevity by pressing on the ears. Hot palms should be placed on the ears so that the fingertips are on the back of the head. We make 30 pressing movements - we spend 1 second on 1 press.

During this exercise, you may feel pain in your ears. This is evidence that you have an undetected or untreated ear disease. At the same time, you should not stop exercising. The only thing is that it is advisable to press more gently and carefully, and soon the pain will go away and your hearing will improve.

We tighten the oval of the face

This exercise helps improve skin condition, stimulates lymph flow and removes jowls. You need to do the following:

  • we bend our fingers at the phalanges and at the same time press the second phalanges to the chin;
  • with strong pressure, move your fingers from the middle of the chin to the ears;
  • if performed correctly, the thumbs should be behind the ears;
  • do it 30 times.

At the end of this exercise, the blood should flow to your face, and you may even be sweating.

Smoothing the forehead

We place the heated palm of the right hand on the forehead, with the left hand on top. We move our hands from the left temple to the right and back. Repeat 30 times.

On a note! Men put their left hand to their forehead and place their right hand on top of it!

If you want to smooth out wrinkles, then your hands must come into contact with the skin. If there is no such goal, then this exercise can be done without touching the forehead.

Massage the parietal area

This exercise must be performed in a sitting position, with a tight cushion under your neck. Place your hands above your head – right under left. At a distance of several centimeters, we make a “flight” with our hands from the forehead to the back of the head. Repeat 30 times. Afterwards, we stop above the parietal region and move our hands from the right ear to the left and in the opposite direction. We repeat the same 30 times.

On a note! This exercise helps normalize blood pressure, improves joint mobility and slightly pumps up the arm muscles. At the same time, the pain in the shoulder area will gradually go away and you will be able to freely raise your arms up!

Massaging the thyroid gland

Cover the thyroid gland with the hot palm of your right hand, and the left one on top. Without touching the body, we slowly move our hands to the navel area. We return to the starting position. Repeat 30 times.

We complete the exercise as follows: place the left palm on top of the right and hold your hands like that for 10-15 seconds.

Massaging the stomach

We fold our arms in the same way as in the previous exercise and move them to the stomach. We make 30 slow circular movements.

Here you can also perform additional massage on areas such as the hypochondrium, pancreas, solar plexus, groin and adrenal glands. At the end, you should lie on your stomach and massage the sacrum area.

Rotational movements of arms and legs

If you sleep on a fairly soft mattress, then this exercise is best performed on the floor. Lie on your back and raise your arms and legs perpendicular to the floor. In this case, the feet and palms should “look” at the ceiling.

At the same time we rotate the legs at the ankle and the arms at the wrist. We do this for 30 seconds. At the end, we fix ourselves in the starting position and shake our arms and legs. If desired and possible, the exercise can be continued by performing rotational movements in the knee and elbow joints, as well as the shoulder and pelvic joints. After each new approach, do not forget to do a “shake-up”.

On a note! This exercise is an excellent prevention of varicose veins and helps maintain healthy joint tissue!

Massaging the feet

We sit down as comfortably as possible and massage our feet. First we rub the side surfaces and gradually move towards the center. We pay special attention to pain points. The main emphasis is in the center of the foot, where the most important biologically active zones are located.

Now we move to the fingers - carefully “pull out” each finger. And at the end we massage the lower leg, thigh and area around the kneecap. You can spend a little more than 30 seconds on this exercise.

That's all!


As you can see, gymnastics for rejuvenation and longevity are incredibly simple and take no more than 15 minutes! This complex helps to significantly improve hormonal levels, stimulates the functioning of internal organs and makes the body more flexible and slender posture.

By practicing Tibetan longevity gymnastics for six months, you can eliminate many diseases, including those of a chronic nature. If the diseases are quite serious, their treatment may take a longer period of time - 1-2 years. In any case, this complex will be beneficial: you will feel a surge of strength and vitality. And after some time, you will no longer be able to do without these exercises, as you will understand that youth and good health suit you!

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

To form a good figure, gain energy and look young, it is recommended to perform Tibetan exercises to rejuvenate the human body. It is important to note that in Tibet there are a large number of centenarians who practice yoga. Such activities are only suitable for trained people who visit the gym and burn calories. However, there is a set of exercises that are much easier to perform. After several workouts, you can feel a surge of strength and activation of muscle groups throughout the body.

Tibetan exercises

The number of repetitions in each exercise depends on your physical fitness. Beginners are advised to rest 30-45 seconds between exercises.

After a few weeks, the body will be ready for heavy loads, so Tibetan exercises to rejuvenate the body can be repeated several times. Such classes are recommended for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Thanks to training, you can look younger than your age. To enhance the effect of exercise, you should adhere to a balanced diet. It is also recommended to consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of contraindications for such training.

Tibetan exercises for rejuvenating the body video:


These Tibetan exercises came to us from the East. This practice was carried out by the monks of a Tibetan monastery.

Tibetan exercises - give yourself just 5 minutes a day!

In my opinion, the advantage of this gymnastics is that this set of exercises is easy to integrate into your life. When there is not enough time for anything. And, as a rule, first of all - on yourself.

Gradually people are depleting their resources. They begin to look worse, older than their years. And then get sick.

What is the value of Tibetan exercises

These exercises compare favorably with other complexes for a number of reasons.

  • Lead to general rejuvenation of the body.

By doing these exercises REGULARLY, you will actually look younger after a while.

Of course, this time is different for everyone. And it depends on the current state of your endocrine system.

And also, on how consistently you perform these exercises. If you make it a habit to do this complex every morning, and this will take from 30 to 40 days, then the result will not be long in coming.

  • Easy to do.

Exercises that are difficult to perform quickly run out of steam. And people often give up what they started again with the best intentions.

Tibetan hormonal exercises are suitable for people from adolescence to old age. Everyone can do it!

So you can safely share this complex with older members of your family.

  • Helps you wake up and feel energized in the morning.

The exercises can be done right in bed. Which is what I do every morning. Therefore, about vigor - this is from personal experience.

When is the best time to do Tibetan exercises?

There is a subtle point that directly affects the effectiveness of this gymnastics.

If you wake up before 6 am, your efficiency increases. True, getting up early requires going to bed no later than 10 p.m.

But, if you neglect this rule of going to bed, then the body begins to deplete. And you will no longer want to do morning hormonal exercises. Because the body did not have time to rest and recover. Such an attempt to cheer him up is perceived as violence.

In this case, you will abandon gymnastics, put it off until later, perhaps. But this means one thing - you will take away a valuable resource that allows you to prolong your youth and stay healthy.

In any case, the choice is yours.

This gymnastics can be performed during the day. But, as experience shows, few people, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, remember to devote time to exercise every day.

A set of Tibetan exercises

Each exercise is done 30 times at an approximate speed of 1 time per second.

1. Activating energy through the palms

While lying in bed, rub your palms so that you feel the warmth.

By the way, this is how you can check your CURRENT energy level:

· with a good energy level, you feel that your palms are becoming hot and dry

· with low energy, the palms are warm after rubbing; can't get them hot

· a low energy level is indicated by the fact that the palms are difficult to warm and become damp

Whatever the outcome, performing Tibetan exercises makes it possible to make your energy level optimal.

2. Vision activation

Close your eyes with your palms and do 30 pressures. It is useful to hold your hands over your eyes for a while. Which leads to increased nutrition of the eyes and surrounding receptors. If vision is impaired, the exposure time can be increased to 2 minutes.

For some people, when performing this exercise, visual functions are restored..

3. Hearing activation

Place your palms on your ears so that your fingers rest on the back of your head. Press your palms onto your ears 30 times, pressing them towards your head. Make movements soft, do not allow pain.

For some, this exercise helps cope with chronic ear inflammation. Hearing improves. It is clear that the restoration of such violations requires a long time - about a year, or maybe more. The main thing is to develop the habit of doing exercises daily.

4. Improvement of facial contour

Place your thumbs behind your ears. Squeeze the remaining fingers and move your fists from the chin to the ear, as if fixing them at the top point.

The result is improved lymph outflow. The oval of the face is tightened.

5. Smoothing wrinkles on the forehead

The right palm lies on the forehead, the left one is at the top. Rub your forehead from temple to temple.

This accelerates the blood and helps smooth out wrinkles. It also helps clear the sinuses and activates the pituitary gland.

6. Normalization of pressure

Clasp your hands above your head. Right hand below, left hand above. Move your hands together a few centimeters from your head. First - from the forehead to the back of the head, then change the direction - from ear to ear.

If there is a problem with high or low blood pressure, it gradually returns to normal.

The mobility of the shoulder joints improves. The muscles of the upper arms are strengthened, making it easier to lift them.

7. Normalization of the thyroid gland

Place your right hand on the neck, in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. Left hand over right. Only the left hand moves to the navel and back, a few centimeters from the body.

Finally, place your left hand over your right again (as in the beginning), and hold it there for a while.

8. Normalization of intestinal function

Move your hands to your abdominal area. Right is below, left is above. Massage your stomach in a clockwise direction.

Exercise normalizes intestinal function. Allows you to solve the problem of recurring constipation.

9. Improving blood supply to capillaries

If the bed is soft, then move to a harder surface. On the floor, for example.

Legs and arms up. Rotate your palms and feet in different directions. And then shake your arms and legs vigorously.

This simple action not only improves blood supply to the capillaries, but also cleanses small energy channels.

10. Activating energy through the feet

It is more convenient to massage your feet while sitting. Rub your feet with your fists from bottom to top for 30 seconds. Focus on the center of your feet.

If the skin on your feet is dry, it is better to lubricate them with oil. You can use any vegetable oil. I prefer melted cow's milk.

Ready! You yourself already feel ready for a new day.

Especially for those who prefer to learn exercises not from text but from video guidance, this video from Ruslan Tsvirkun:

Do these simple Tibetan exercises and feel energetic, young, healthy and attractive!Tibetan yoga of rejuvenation. 5 Tibetan pearls

Tibetan yoga exercises for rejuvenation were discovered by an English military man who was stationed in India for a long time. Through lengthy negotiations, he achieved that he was allowed into one of the Tibetan monasteries, where, in fact, exercises to rejuvenate the body were shown.

It is worth noting that the monks, who looked like 25-year-old young men, were elders with an age of approximately 150 years, this was proven by the fact that they remembered many historical events that, by appearance, they could not have known.

In addition to practicing the Tibetan pearls themselves, a person who wants to rejuvenate his body must eat the right way. The diet should be dominated by cereals and legumes, meat consumption should be excluded as much as possible, eggs and dairy products can be consumed.

Rules of Tibetan yoga for rejuvenation

In addition to rejuvenation, these exercises bring the effect of good health and joy, but there is one “but” - you need to practice every day, trying not to miss a single day. As a rule, classes do not take much time and allow you to keep your body in good muscle tone. It is worth adding that the effect of the exercises is so colossal that even many old people change in such a way that it becomes difficult to recognize them.

5 Tibetan pearls for rejuvenation

So, the exercises themselves:

We stand straight, spread our arms to the sides and begin to rotate clockwise, thus we unwind a person’s energy chakras, which greatly improves the well-being and blood circulation of not only the brain, but the entire body. The number of repetitions in all exercises is 21 times.

We lie down on the floor; first you need to prepare some kind of mat to make you comfortable. The chin must be leaned against the chest, this is very important, then we straighten our legs and try to raise them 90 degrees, while our arms are relaxed and lie on the floor. This way you strengthen your back muscles, which will have a positive effect on your spine, and as you know, a straight and healthy back is the key to health. Your legs will get rid of many diseases, and the appearance of abs will be a pleasant plus. It is also worth saying that an excellent benefit from these exercises will be bringing the body to a comfortable weight.

After the second exercise, at first, most likely, both your back and abs will hurt, this exercise will remove this pain. So, we kneel down, then, as in the previous exercise, we lean our chin to our chest, we place our legs so that our toes rest on the floor and are bent. The goal of the exercise is to bend in the opposite direction as much as possible. The arms do not move and are relaxed, parallel to the body. The exercise allows you to effectively develop the joints of your legs, and most importantly, to resume the flow of energy through your lower limbs to your body, this is very important because all human energy comes to him either from the Earth or from Space. For the well-being of the body, the energy of the Earth is needed. The bonus of this exercise will be the additional development of your back.

We take a sitting position, then lean on our hands, which are behind our torso, and try, resting our legs, to tilt our head back to the maximum distance possible for you. The advantages of this exercise are that the cervical vertebrae will be significantly trained, this will allow you to get rid of headaches and neck pain.

We take a position as if we are going to do push-ups (we focus on our arms and legs), while we try, as in the previous exercise, to tilt our head as far back as possible, do not forget that the chin must be pressed to the chest. We inhale through our nose, exhale through our mouth, trying to exhale all the air that has accumulated in you.

It is worth noting that Peter Kalder, the man who gave a second birth to this technique, came up with the sixth exercise, but it must be used very carefully.

The sixth Tibetan pearl

We stand on our feet, lean our arms against our body, inhale as much air as possible, then begin to exhale it through our mouth, prolonging this process, then we try to bend towards our feet, when dark circles appear in our eyes, we straighten up and take a quick breath. If we do all the previous exercises 21 times, then this is no more than three. This pearl normalizes sexual energy, which will have a positive effect on many internal organs, and after it you will feel a strong current of energy, through which organ you yourself will understand.

It is very good to practice in the morning after waking up, but each person can choose a time that suits them individually.

In general, these exercises are designed very harmoniously and allow you to keep your body in excellent condition, regardless of your age, religion and much more. If you practice this system for a long time (daily for at least a month), then you will notice global changes not only in your body, but also your thinking itself will change: you will begin to think completely differently, and this is the greatest reward that you can earn. In general, good luck in your endeavors.

Message quote Five Tibetan pearls

"Exercises for raising energy and rejuvenating the body "Five Tibetan pearls"

The Five Tibetan Pearls exercises stimulate full circulation of energy through all chakras and breathe vitality into the corresponding nerves, organs and glands. These exercises also tone and strengthen major muscle groups, quickly restore tone and help you get into good physical shape.

Days after days, years after years fly by unnoticed, but you don’t want to grow old. Women are especially sensitive to change. They can’t come up with anything they can to delay youth, even if only for a moment. And then suddenly someone next to you drops the phrase that rejuvenation with just one exercise is possible. You grab onto it like “a straw.” Is this actually a myth or reality? Now let's figure it out.

Rejuvenation process

We will prove that one exercise can help get rid of gray hair and wrinkles. The face is a mirror that displays the processes occurring in the body. But what will surprise you most is that rejuvenation is possible with the help of one “birch tree” exercise, familiar to everyone from childhood. But most likely, few people know that it is one of the three poses used to preserve youth.

Yoga advises

I rejuvenate the process in this way using three positions or asanas:

  • The “birch” stand itself (on the shoulder blades, legs raised up).
  • Headstand.
  • Handstand.

By performing these exercises, you can achieve excellent results, just remember that not everyone can stand on their head. Not because it doesn’t work, but because side effects appear. The reason for their appearance is improper execution of the exercise.

In order for rejuvenation to occur with the help of just one exercise, do not strive to perform all three positions, opt for one asana - “birch tree”.

Doing the exercise correctly

It depends on this whether your idea of ​​obtaining an effect (rejuvenation) with the help of one exercise will come true or not. That's why carefully study how this is done. There are two ways to perform the “birch tree” stand.

  • Sarvangasana. While doing this exercise, try not to put too much stress on the cervical spine. Otherwise, you may get injured. Beginners are especially at risk of injury because it seems to them that performing this asana is simple and easy.
  • Viparita-karani. This position is safer than the first. Shoulder stand.

After the exercise is completed, move your legs behind your head, and then lower yourself onto your back, vertebra by vertebra. Rest for a few minutes lying on your back on a flat surface.

In order to get rid of gray hair and wrinkles, you should not be in an inverted position for more than thirty minutes. You should start the exercise from a rack for one minute, each time increasing this period of time by half a minute.

Rejuvenation effect

Rejuvenation with just one exercise is possible. How does this happen?

The answer is from a yoga perspective. At the top of the forehead is the Soma chakra. It exudes lunar nectar, which flows through the body in the form of an energy flow to the solar plexus, where Manipura burns it. Since nectar is a source of health and youth, you need to make sure that it falls on as little as possible. That’s why, by standing in the “birch tree” pose, you direct it in a different direction. Nectar accumulates more and more in the head, which leads to the development of unusual features and rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation with just one exercise has not left scientists indifferent. In their opinion, when performing an asana, part of the load is removed from the circulatory system, since it is necessary to overcome when the blood passes through the lower part. It flows to the organs located in the abdominal cavity, in the upper part of the body, to the neck and head. At this time, the blood vessels of the lower extremities rest, and the brain and thyroid gland receive more blood.

In addition, constant exercise helps eliminate constipation, indigestion, and anemia. The flexibility of the spine and human vitality improves.

Another way to “delay” youth

We hope you will also be interested in it: rejuvenation with just one Goltis exercise.

This technique has another name - “Healing Impulse”. It includes five parts:

  • Open heart (moral and aesthetic basis). All spiritual values ​​must be manifested in actions.
  • Exercises. By performing the routine on one muscle group per day, you ensure increased blood flow to the central and peripheral parts of your body. The purpose of this exercise is to include resources that are not used in everyday life. This leads to rejuvenation and longevity.
  • Nutrition is based on the body. Product compatibility must be taken into account.
  • Fasting is an extreme way that helps rejuvenate the body.
  • Hardening is a powerful enhancer of the results of the exercises performed.

Contraindications and restrictions

When using one exercise rejuvenation, there are some rules to keep in mind.

  • Do not eat anything before performing. You can drink a glass of juice.
  • It is best to start rejuvenating in the morning, preferably every day.
  • No alcohol, otherwise the effect will not please you very much.
  • Completely eliminate unhealthy and heavy foods.
  • If you don't have a goal to lose weight, eat right and increase the amount of food you eat.
  • During pregnancy and menstrual periods, refrain from performing the exercise.

And now about how to perform the exercise. Relax, close your eyes. If you can't do it, then you're doing something wrong. Stay in the Birch Pose until you feel discomfort. If you feel discomfort, stop doing the exercise.


To sum up all of the above, we can agree that rejuvenation with the help of one exercise is a reality. And here are a few reviews to prove it:

  • Some say that after performing the “birch tree” every day for six months, they noticed changes not only in their figure, but also on their face. There are fewer wrinkles and the double chin has disappeared.
  • Others advise doing yoga, in particular the “birch tree” position, in order to feel youthful throughout the body.
  • They also say that the condition of the thyroid gland improves, and this leads to the improvement of the whole body.

These four exercises that will strengthen and stabilize your health will activate your muscles. They will increase your flexibility and mobility, and the more experience you have with daily exercise, the faster you will feel the results.

These four exercises that will strengthen and stabilize your health will activate your muscles. They will increase your flexibility and mobility, and the more experience you have with daily exercise, the faster you will feel the results.

It would be wrong to say that your muscles will become voluminous and strong, that you will be able to do the splits with ease and begin to break speed running records. This is due to a genetic predisposition, which not everyone has.

4 general health exercises from Kazuzo Nishi

What these exercises really give is an increase in endurance and muscle softness.. Specifically, this manifests itself, for example, in the fact that you can easily walk longer distances than before or will not experience discomfort after lifting heavy objects. It will become easier for you to take on more complex physical activities than before, which means your body will take the path of progress.

Don’t worry if you don’t notice quick changes, it happens differently for everyone, the main thing is to believe that everything will work out for you.

When starting something, it is very important from the very beginning to believe in victory, in a positive result. I'm not asking you to be overconfident. Of course, effort is important when doing anything.

Each of us from time to time is faced with the fact that, even after making efforts and doing everything possible, we do not believe in victory, completely doubting whether what we started will work out.

Thoughts are part of our health, and by thinking about something bad, we thereby disrupt the functioning of systems. If the outcome of a matter does not depend on us, then it is better not to think about it at all. It is important to learn to think only well, call it what you want - optimism, positivity.

I can tell you about one simple exercise: as soon as you start thinking about something bad, find a secluded place and do 20 squats.

Intense physical activity will displace thoughts for a while, and having done a small but good deed for your body, you will no longer be so upset and you will not want to return to heavy thoughts.

And finally, the last piece of advice - enjoy these exercises, think during class about how you help yourself - with pleasant thoughts and doing things more fun, and, paradoxically, the effect of these exercises is much better than the same ones, but performed in a depressed state.

Exercise 1

standing; feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. There is an object on the floor (you can choose it yourself), which rises some distance above the floor.

Experiment, everything is individual: find an item that suits you.

You need to reach this object with the fingertips of your right (then left) hand, and you should bend only your torso, your legs should remain straight at the knees.

Exercise 2

Standing straight; legs together, arms relaxed.

Try to reach the ceiling with your fingertips.

Imagine that if you try really hard, it will work out. Stretch with all your might, stretch your arms, torso, legs.

Exercise 3

Close your thumb and index fingers (first your right, then your left) into a ring. Then place your middle finger on the middle phalanx of your index finger to create another ring. Do the same with the remaining fingers.

This exercise helps to develop and maintain good tone of the finger joints, as well as the muscles and tendons of the wrists.

Exercise 4

Standing straight; legs slightly apart. The arm (first the right, then the left) is extended forward.

Slowly move your arm back as far as you can. Do you feel your shoulder joint stretching? Now return your hand to the starting position.published.

Katsuzo Nishi "Selected Exercises and Meditations"

Any questions left - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet