Vladimir Turchinsky was a talented person who, by his own example, was able to prove that mind and strength can perfectly "cohabit" in the body of one person.

At the very beginning of his public career, he became famous as an athlete, after which he tried his hand at the role of a film actor, TV show host and private entrepreneur. His whole life was filled with bright moments and proceeded at a fairly fast pace. It is likely that it was for this reason that Vladimir passed away quite early.

But despite the fact that this bright and versatile showman is no longer there, his memory is still alive - in the memories of his family and friends, as well as in his creative heritage.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Vladimir Turchinsky

Turchinsky was a very interesting and prominent personality. Athlete, actor, TV presenter ... What he just did not do. And in each of these areas, he was able to win the attention of many fans. And naturally, many people were interested in any details from the life of this person. Most often, in the first place, the search engines requested his height, weight, age. Years of life of Vladimir Turchinsky: 1963-2009. He lived in this world for only 46 years, and we can say that not a single year of these forty-six was wasted.

The height of the athlete was 175 centimeters, and the weight was about 110 kilograms. Looking at the photo of Vladimir Turchinsky in his youth and now, it is rather difficult to recognize in this simple young man with a beginning mustache the handsome muscular man he will become in the future.

Biography and personal life of Vladimir Turchinsky

Vladimir was born on September 28, 1963. His father, Evgeny Vladimirovich Turchinsky, left the family when Vladik was still small, therefore, from an early age, the future celebrity was brought up by his stepfather.

Stepfather - Vyacheslav Sergeevich Silaev replaced the child's own father, taking care of him as if he were his own son, therefore the boy did not experience a lack of love. Vyacheslav's work at that time was quite serious. He held a high position in the management of the Soviet border troops of the KGB, and had an officer's rank. He had no children of his own. Mother - Nina Nikolaevna Turchinskaya was a simple woman, but at the same time, she also held senior positions in the meat industry. Over the years of honest and painstaking work, she managed to earn the post of deputy director at the Cherkizovsky meat processing plant.

Little Vladik started going in for sports in elementary school. And by the age of 16 he won the title of master of sports in sambo. He entered the university as a programmer, but three years later he voluntarily joined the army. During his life, Turchinsky tried many professions. From an interpreter from English to a primary school teacher.

In 1999, he tried himself as a presenter, and the very next year he became a promising actor. After the release of the television series “Cobra. Antiterror", Turchinsky's filmography began to grow rapidly. In total, he played in about thirty films, including "The Best Movie", "Special Forces", "Storm Gate" and others.

The biography and personal life of Vladimir Turchinsky have always been filled with interesting and bright moments. It is safe to say that he lived a full life.

Family and children of Vladimir Turchinsky

During his life, Vladimir was married three times. And each of his wives were athletes in one way or another.
For example, his first wife, Irina, was a multiple champion in arm wrestling. It was she who gave Turchinsky the first child - the son of Ilya.

His second wife, Larisa, was involved in athletics and was quite famous in the world of sports. She went to Australia for one of the tournaments, where she later stayed.
The third wife, the full namesake of Vladimir's first wife, works as the general director of a fitness club, and is also one of the coaches of the popular show "Weighted People". She gave birth to her husband's daughter Ksyusha. The new family and children of Vladimir Turchinsky have always supported each other. Apparently, this is why they were always frankly happy in joint photographs.

The son of Vladimir Turchinsky - Ilya Turchinsky

The son of Vladimir Turchinsky - Ilya Turchinsky, a son from his first marriage, was born in 1986. Now he is already 31 years old. Ilya, in a sense, followed in the footsteps of his father - he is the champion of the capital in hand-to-hand combat, a weightlifter. He graduated from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and currently works as an administrator of security systems.

Ilya is not such a public person as his father was. But in one of the few interviews, he once admitted that, having matured, he ceased to maintain a close relationship with his father, especially with his new family.

Daughter of Vladimir Turchinsky - Ksenia Turchinsky

The daughter of Vladimir Turchinsky - Ksenia Turchinsky was born in 1999, in the last, third marriage of Vladimir. In family photos, the girl always looked joyful and it was clear that she loved her father.

When Vladimir Turchinsky died, the girl was only ten. But she was able to finally come to terms with this heavy loss only eight years later. According to her, time, maternal support and passion for dancing helped her in this. Ksenia also said that her father greatly influenced her perception of the world. Currently, the girl is still only choosing her path in life.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Turchinsky - Irina Turchinsky

The ex-wife of Vladimir Turchinsky - Irina Turchinsky became his first wife. And it seems that there is nothing surprising in the fact that the first wife of a famous athlete, however, like everyone else, was also involved in the world of sports.

Irina is a nine-time armwrestling champion, including the shot put. In this marriage, the first-born of Vladimir, the son of Ilya, was also born. It is not known what really did not work out in this marriage, but together they lived for a relatively short time. Ilya, after the divorce of his parents, remained with his mother.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Turchinsky - Larisa Nikitina

The ex-wife of Vladimir Turchinsky - Larisa Nikitina also connected her life with sports. She gave her life to athletics, eventually gaining great fame in this field, and winning the title of master of sports. Perhaps this marriage for both of them, or only for Turchinsky himself, was not the happiest.

The couple had no joint children. The reasons for the divorce are also unknown. But one day Larisa went to an athletics competition in Australia. At the end of the speeches, she decided not to return to her homeland.

Wife of Vladimir Turchinsky - Irina Turchinsky

The last legal wife of Vladimir Turchinsky - Irina Turchinsky turned out to be the full namesake of the showman's first wife. She graduated from two metropolitan universities. Her first specialty is digital data protection, and the second is a body fitness expert. He also works in the field of sports.

She is a former body fitness champion of the capital, today she holds the position of general director in one of the capital's fitness clubs, as well as a coach in the popular television show "Weighted People".

Causes of death of Vladimir Turchinsky

Recall that the successful actor and showman passed away at the age of 46. The causes of Vladimir Turchinsky's death are related to his health - the man died of a heart attack early in the morning on December 16, 2009 in his own house.

According to his wife Irina, it was still possible to save him, but instead of twenty minutes, the ambulance for some reason traveled an hour and a half. The funeral took place two days later, in his native village of Voskresenskoye. The grave of Vladimir Turchinsky is located at the local cemetery. He was buried next to his stepfather.

Wikipedia Vladimir Turchinsky

The official page with information about him, namely the Wikipedia of Vladimir Turchinsky, appeared quite a long time ago. There you can read not only a short version of his biography, but also a list of some of the films in which he played. About how he built his career in various fields.

Also learn more about his sporting achievements, records and various awards. Including read in more detail about the death of this wonderful man who succeeded in everything he did.

Almost nine years ago, one of the most famous Russian bodybuilders, Vladimir Turchinsky, passed away. On September 28, Dynamite would have turned 55 years old.

On December 16, 2009, in his house in the village of Pashukovo in the Moscow Region, Turchinsky became ill. For some time now, his heart had been troubled. His wife Irina called an ambulance. But, unfortunately, the doctors could not save Vladimir.

The cause of death was coronary insufficiency. There were many rumors about what killed the showman. Some claimed that Dynamite took too many steroids. Others believed that Vladimir was killed by the method of blood purification, which he used on the eve of his death.

Vladimir met his wife Irina at the gym in the mid-1990s. They soon started dating and then got married. After the death of her husband, Irina left her job as the director of a fitness center in Moscow. Now she starred in television projects dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, writes articles about proper nutrition, trains in the gym.

In 1999, Irina gave Vladimir a daughter, Xenia. When her father died, she was only 10 years old. After graduation, she entered the Higher School of Economics. However, she wanted to try herself on the podium. Ksenia worked as a model in China for some time. Upon returning to her homeland, Turchinskaya entered the Moscow Art Theater School. The girl recalls that she tried to endure the loss of her father. She thinks about her dad every day. Now she has a tattoo "I love my dad" on her shoulder.

Turchinsky was married three times. And the first and third wife's name was Irina. The first Irina also gave birth to a child from Vladimir. In 1986, Dynamite had a son, Ilya. After the divorce, father and son practically did not communicate. During his life, the young man managed to work as a loader, auto mechanic and cynologist.

He was involved in American football, became the winner of the championship of the capital in arm wrestling. In the same 2009, Turchinsky's son himself nearly died when his girlfriend's brother stabbed him in the stomach. Now Ilya is 32 years old, he is administering security systems.

Vladimir's mother, Nina Nikolaevna, is now 81 years old. She lives in Moscow and carefully keeps children's drawings of Vladimir and the first newspaper articles about her son.

In 2009, she buried both her husband and son. In February, her second husband, Vyacheslav Silaev, died of cancer. He was a stepfather to Dynamite, but raised Vladimir as his own son. Therefore, Turchinsky himself was very worried about the death of his stepfather.


The son of a famous bodybuilder and TV presenter Vladimir Turchinsky was stabbed after he got involved in a family quarrel between his girlfriend and her brother.

The first details of the tragedy that broke out over the weekend in the North-Eastern Administrative District (SVAO) of Moscow have become known. Then the 21-year-old son of the actor and showman Ilya Turchinsky was stabbed and was hospitalized. The young man stood up for his girlfriend when a family conflict broke out before his eyes, Interfax reports with reference to the press service of the internal affairs department for the North-East Administrative District.

According to the police, last Sunday evening Ilya Turchinsky came to visit his girlfriend, 21-year-old Yevgenia Belkovskaya, who lives in house number 13 on Vereskova Street. "At first everything was fine, they were talking peacefully," the police department explained. "Then the girl went to the kitchen for tea."

In the kitchen was the brother of an acquaintance of Turchinsky - 26-year-old Dmitry. An unpleasant conversation ensued between them, which turned into a quarrel. Dmitry began to scream and insult his sister, after which she returned to her room.

"Ilya didn't like it, he went into the kitchen and asked the offender to apologize to his sister," the police added. After that, a fight broke out between the young people.

Dmitry's mother, Victoria, who was also here, tried to separate the fighters, but at that moment her son grabbed a kitchen knife and began to threaten Turchinsky. "Ilya, being not timid, tried to knock out a knife, fell on Dmitry, as a result of which he fell," the police department said. After that, Dmitry stabbed Ilya in the left side with a knife.

Dmitry's mother began to provide first aid to Ilya. And her daughter called an ambulance.

Turchinsky, diagnosed with a stab-cut penetrating wound of the abdomen, was taken to the 20th City Clinical Hospital, where he underwent surgery. The condition of the victim is currently stable.

Meanwhile, a source in the medical circles of the capital said that the life of Turchinsky Jr. was out of danger. Fortunately, the internal organs were not affected. The young man underwent ultrasound diagnostics, the operation did not have to be done.

Ilya has already been allowed to receive visitors. He will be sent home soon.

Quiet museum watchman

We add that Dmitry's mother still does not understand how the tragedy happened. Her daughter has known Ilya for the last eight years, and on that fateful day a group of friends came to visit her. Toward evening, the guests dispersed, but Turchinsky Jr. lingered.

“I was about to put my grandchildren to bed (Zhenya has a little son, her older brother Dmitry has a daughter, they all live in the same two-room apartment), explains Victoria. “Suddenly I hear that Dima quarreled with his sister because of something in the kitchen. Daughter in tears.

The woman ran out of the room and saw the grappled men on the floor. Dmitry had a knife in his hand, which he obediently gave to his mother. Then only Victoria saw Turchinsky's blood.

Now Dmitry is in the police. “I don’t know what will happen to him. He seems to be a quiet guy with us,” Victoria adds. “He works as a watchman in a museum. Something inexplicable has come over him.”

At the police station, Dmitry said that he lost his temper when Ilya began to "teach him about life."

The police opened a criminal case under Part 1 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (infliction of severe bodily harm). While the investigation is ongoing, it is difficult to predict how this case will end. But the guilty person under this article faces from 2 to 8 years in prison.

"Bloated Household"

The star father of the victim, Vladimir Turchinsky, speaks sparingly about what happened, calling the drama with his son "an ordinary everyday situation, which, unfortunately, is very much in our harsh reality," writes the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

Only to the indiscreet question of whether Evgenia is Ilya's bride, Turchinsky Sr. answered emotionally. “Yes, what a bride! An acquaintance. The most ordinary domestic quarrel, and journalists, out of habit, made some kind of action-packed detective out of this,” he said.

Vladimir Turchinsky is known as a bodybuilder, TV presenter and actor. He hosted the programs "The Last of the Mohicans" on the radio station "Silver Rain", "Fear Factor" and "Fear Factor - 2" on NTV, "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family" on the Rossiya TV channel. He is the host of the program "The Strongest Man" on the TV channel "Sport", and since April 2007 he has been broadcasting "Laughter without rules" on TNT.

He starred in the series "Cobra", "Cobra-2. Antiterror", "Special Forces", "Russian Special Forces", "Russian Special Forces - 2", "The Motherland Awaits" and others.

Turchinsky is a master of sports in judo and sambo. Repeated record holder of the Guinness Book of Records, the Book of World Records. Holder of many titles in bodybuilding. President of the Professional League of Power Extreme of Russia.

The son of a bodybuilder, Ilya Turchinsky, followed in his father's footsteps. From the age of 11 he has been professionally involved in sports. He was the champion of Moscow in arm wrestling among students of vocational schools. He also played American football.

By profession, Ilya is an auto mechanic, he graduated from the Moscow vocational school No. 57. He served in the Birobidzhan border detachment.

How many people do you know who can move a Ruslan plane, weighing 260 tons, or lift an elephant? Vladimir Turchinsky was often called the "terminator", "Russian hero" and "gladiator", but only one title was assigned to him - Dynamite - and he fully justified it.

Sports and healthy eating were the main life credo of the star. He could do a lot, and most importantly, the bodybuilder was able to destroy the stereotype that a mountain of muscles is a sign of a lack of intelligence. He often became the hero of comedy shows, joked a lot and, it seems, did not think about the bad at all. Looking at him - so strong and, as it often seemed, so correct, it was impossible even to feel the approach of trouble. The athlete first drank and smoked at the age of 40 ... and at 46 he died of a heart attack. "The Irony of Fate!" - could exclaim everyone and would be right.

On December 16, at about five in the morning, Vladimir became ill in his own house in the Moscow region. His wife called an ambulance, but it was not possible to save him - he fell and never regained consciousness. Later, Irina Turchinskaya admitted that her husband had complained of heart pain before, even being treated in one of the capital's clinics. It was rumored that during the autopsy, the experts established a completely different cause of death - coronary insufficiency. There were rumors that the bodybuilder used the blood purification procedure that was fashionable at that time, which became fatal for him. But does it matter now what really broke Turchinsky's heart?

Today, September 28, the athlete could have turned 55 years old. His family and thousands of fans will remember on this day Dynamite, which was such a bright flash, but burned out overnight.

“Don't feel sorry for me,” said Vladimir Turchinsky's wife. From her beloved husband, the wise Irina seemed to have absorbed all the best, especially fortitude. She courageously endured even the most merciless versions of the death of her husband, and after a short time she was reborn, like a phoenix from the ashes.

She was only 20 years old when she first saw Vladimir in the international show "Gladiator Fights", and three years later they met by chance in a fitness club so as not to part. Even after the death of a bodybuilder, Irina devoted herself to continuing his work. Now the widow of Turchinsky is a well-known fitness specialist and the author of her own exercise methodology for weight loss and control.

“I could not come to my senses for a long time. She resigned as director of the Miss Fitness fitness club, received additional education and became a nutritionist, Turchinskaya shared with StarHit. - I understand fat people - they are desperate, they think that nothing can be changed in their life. When my husband passed away, I thought my life was over. But at some point I believed that I could be happy again. And everything started working out for me.”

The 44-year-old woman has written more than one book about a healthy lifestyle, and three years ago she became the host of the reality show Weighted People on STS. And now, together with a colleague on the TV show Denis Semenikhin, she created her own project "Superbody". “Among the huge number of complexes, lessons, schemes, we are able to give a person something elusive - to include in them that facet of character, which then manifests itself in action. And in a new life, ”shared Irina, according to some reports, recognized as one of the highest paid coaches in Russia.

Between the author's seminars and training, Turchinskaya finds time for the main mission - raising her daughter. In November last year, the athlete's heiress celebrated her coming of age. Ksenia inherited perseverance from her father, and beauty from her mother. Not wanting to waste both gifts of nature, the girl graduated with honors from school and, according to the results of the exam, went to the Higher School of Economics, but decided to take advantage of the privileges of her youth, so she flew to China to conquer fashion catwalks.

This summer, Ksenia conquered the selection committee of the production department of the Moscow Art Theater School with the same ease. “Dad constantly told me that his merits had nothing to do with me, so that I would not become arrogant. Now I know that nothing is given just like that, and only hard work can be successful, ”she said.

In one of the interviews, she admitted that, which overtook her after the death of her father. “I kept myself young. I cried for the first time in a very long time. I can say one thing: in such a situation, no training, or even religion, will help you. Only time and work heals, ”said Ksenia, on whose shoulder only a few words in English were forever imprinted with a tattoo - I love my dad. I love my dad.

In the footsteps of his father, the son of Turchinsky followed, who was presented to him in 1986 by his first wife, armwrestling champion Irina Alexandrovna. Vladimir never liked to talk about this marriage. They met when the girl came to train in his judo section. “She was older than him and very unattractive,” Nina Nikolaevna, the mother of the bodybuilder, later recalled. They did not agree on interests - this is the official version of their breakup, after which Vladimir married the athlete Larisa Nikitina, but he could not find family happiness with her.

His first-born Ilya, the Moscow arm wrestling champion, is now 32 years old. Having worked as a loader in one of the capital's stores, Ilya became a cynologist. And in February 2009, shortly before his father's death, Vladimir's heir was involved in a high-profile case - standing up for a friend during a party in her apartment, he was stabbed and hospitalized.

It was rumored that after the divorce of his parents, the boy stayed with his mother and practically broke off relations with his famous father. However, a month after the death of the weightlifter, Ilya created an album on his page on the social network, which he called "Dad and I", and this means only one thing - he did not forget.

The love of only one woman accompanied Vladimir Turchinsky from birth until that fateful morning - his mother. 81-year-old in the area of ​​the Universitet metro station, and to this day keeps her son's school drawings and articles about him. “I grew old in just a week, lost 15 kilograms,” the woman admitted to StarHit. “I just decided not to live. I once asked the priest: “What was my fault that my son left so early?” To which he replied: “Why did you decide that the worst go there? On the contrary, now is the time to take the best. Your son has fulfilled and exceeded his mission on earth. Do you have grandchildren? So take care of them."

In one year, Nina Nikolaevna lost two beloved men at once - her son and husband. Vyacheslav Silaev was the athlete's stepfather, but he raised Vladimir from childhood. His death from lung cancer was a real tragedy for loved ones, and who knows, perhaps it was this blow of fate that such a big and kind heart of Vladimir Turchinsky was unable to withstand.

Yesterday, the son of the famous sportsman and TV presenter Vladimir Turchinsky, Ilya, was wounded in Moscow. According to the police department of the capital, the victim was stabbed in the abdomen.

The conflict, according to investigators, occurred at the beginning of the ninth evening on Sunday in one of the apartments of the house number 13 on Vereskovaya street. The suspect was familiar with Ilya Turchinsky. According to representatives of the district police department, they were together visiting a friend of a girl. During the conversation, the young people quarreled, and a friend hit the TV presenter's son with a knife. Now, according to police, he has been arrested.

Ilya Turchinsky was taken to the 20th city hospital and operated on. At the moment, his life is not in danger.

“Now the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided,” the law enforcement agencies told the SP correspondent. - Now he will come to his senses after the operation, we will interrogate him, and if we receive a statement from him, we will begin an investigation.

Ilya Turchinsky is 22 years old. He is the son of a famous athlete from his first marriage. Wife Irina Alexandrovna - also an athlete, shot putter - was 4 years older than her husband. They got married in 1984, and two years later they had a son. Turchinsky often admitted in an interview that he named him after the hero Ilya Muromets. From the age of 11, the son of a bodybuilder became seriously involved in sports, in particular arm wrestling. I went to the American football section.

After the 9th grade, he entered vocational school No. 57 and became a certified auto mechanic. But he did not work in his specialty. His father offered him a place in the Marcus Aurelius sports club, but his son chose his own path and joined the army. He served for two years on the border with China in the Birobidzhan border detachment of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Khabarovsk Territory. But he did not give up playing sports and took 4th place among representatives of law enforcement agencies in Birobidzhan. Returning to Moscow, in 2007 he entered the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Vladimir Turchinsky is one of the most powerful people in Russia, a multiple record holder of the Guinness Book of Records, the World Book of Records. The biggest object that Vladimir managed to budge was the Ruslan plane. Master of sports in sambo and judo. He became famous in the mid-90s as a strongman named Dynamite, participating in the TV show "Gladiator Fights". He was the host of the Fear Factor programs on NTV, the Russian Records Show on DTV, The Strongest Man on RTR-Sport. Currently, together with Pavel Volya, he is hosting Laughter Without Rules on TNT. He starred in the films: "Cobra", "Cobra-2: Antiterror", "Russian Special Forces", "Special Forces", "The Motherland Awaits", "Russian Special Forces-2", "Elysilium", "Golden Medusa", "Antidur", "The best movie". Fitness director of the network of sports clubs "Mark Avreliy". From his third marriage, he has a daughter, Ksenia.