Dubinina Tatyana Alekseevna

teacher-speech therapist of the highest category, Municipal Educational Institution Fornosovskaya

1. "Wild animals." The child repeats one line of the poem after the adult, coordinating speech with movements.

2. “Which one? Which?" The child lists the signs of the animal, “biting” his fingers with a clothespin:
The wolf is angry, gray, hungry, toothy, predatory.
The hare is oblique, cowardly, fleet-footed, small, long-eared.
The bear is big, brown, clumsy, club-footed, wild.
The fox is red, cunning, dexterous, predatory, insidious.

3. “Who lives where?” The child places his dominant hand on his hip, near his knee, and makes light pressure with his fingers as he pronounces each word, excluding conjunctions and prepositions.

A bear [with cubs] lives [in a den].
The wolf [with his cubs] lives [in a den].
The fox [with her cubs] lives [in a hole].
A squirrel [with cubs] lives [in a hollow].
The hedgehog [with hedgehogs] lives [in a hole].

4. “Trace along the contour.” The child traces the outline of a part of the animal’s body with his finger and names it.
Bear face, bear body, bear tail, bear paws, bear ears. Wolf muzzle, wolf body, wolf tail, wolf paws, wolf ears. Fox face, fox body, fox tail, fox paws, fox ears. Hare face, hare body, hare tail, hare paws, hare ears. Squirrel face, squirrel body, squirrel tail, squirrel paws, squirrel ears.

5. “What animals are hidden in the picture?”

6. “Help the hare get to the bunny, paint the path”


1. Vinogradova M.A. Formation of speech communication skills in preschoolers who stutter: Educational and methodological manual for speech therapists. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006 – 128 p.

2. Vorobyova T.A., Krupenchuk O.I. Ball and Speech: Ball games to develop speech, fine manual and gross motor skills. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003. – 96 p.

3. Krupenchuk O.I. Teach me to speak correctly! / A manual on speech therapy for children and parents. – St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2005. – 208 p.

4. Povarova I.A. Stuttering: diagnosis and correction of tempo-rhythmic disorders of oral speech. Monograph. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2005. – 275 p.

5. Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy for stuttering. Classes for children aged 5-7 years in kindergarten. A manual for speech therapists, educators and parents. – M.: Mosaic-Synthesis. 2006. – 64 p.

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Exercise 1. Parents are recommended:

Consider with your child illustrations depicting animals from our forests: a hare, elk, squirrel, wolf, bear, hedgehog and fox; note their external signs;

Talk about where they live, what they eat; consolidate the names of animals and their cubs in the child’s vocabulary;

As an excursion, visit the zoo.

Task 2 . Solve riddles (learn by choice).

I confess, I am guilty: I am cunning and cunning. I often sneak into the chicken coop in the evening. (Fox)

Under the pines and under the fir trees there lives a ball of needles. (Hedgehog)

A fast little animal hops and hops through the trees. (Squirrel)

Task 3 . Didactic game “Guess who it is?” (match nouns to adjectives).

Brown, club-footed, clumsy - .... Gray, toothy, scary - ....

Sly, fluffy, red - .... Small, long-eared, timid - ....

Gray - ..., clubfoot - ..., cunning - ..., prickly - ... .

Task 4 . Didactic game “Who has who?” (exercise in word formation): for a bear - a bear cub, cubs; for the wolf - ..., for the fox - ...; for an elk - ..., for a hedgehog - ....

Finger gymnastics “Squirrel sitting on a cart”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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"Domestic and wild animals"

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https://pandia.ru/text/80/287/images/image002_101.jpg" align="left" width="155 height=115" height="115">

Questions about the content of the tale

1. What did the hedgehog say to the squirrel?

3. How do hedgehogs winter?

4. Game " Tricky questions"

Who has more paws - a fox or a squirrel?

How many ears, tails, and paws do two hares have?

Whom (what) more - hares or bunny ears?

Who is bigger: a hare or a little hare, a bear cub or a she-wolf, a wolf cub or a she-wolf?

5. When do they say that?

Keep a tight rein. The bear stepped on my ear. If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.

6. Which word doesn't fit?

Wolf, wire, cub, she-wolf. Squirrel, squirrel, white, squirrel.

7. Who's the odd one out?

Wolf, fox, dog, bear. Elk, wolf, hare, deer. Owl, magpie, squirrel, crow.

8. What do they have in common and how do they differ from each other?

Squirrel and fox. Beaver and otter. Bear and badger. Fox and wolf. Elk and deer

Where are whose traces? Connect with arrows

Repeat the drawings by cells

Homework topic


Dear parents, reinforce the following vocabulary with your child:Subject: animal, bear, den, paw, claws, fox, hole, part, body, hedgehog, needle, hare, ear, torso, coward, squirrel, hollow, brushes, supplies, preparation, skin, elk, hooves, wolf, mouth, lair, fur, belly, boar, fangs. Verbal: live, prepare, hide, hunt, store, eat, change, hibernate, flee, howl, growl, swim. Signs: wild, forest, cowardly, big, club-footed, cunning, nimble, red-haired, small, shaggy, fluffy, brown, toothy, predatory, clumsy.

Listen and retell the story

“What did the hedgehog say?”

Everyone prepares for winter in their own way. A fidgety squirrel is jumping. He hurries, collects nuts, acorns, places them in hollows, in wood crevices, and if he finds a fungus on the ground, he picks it and hangs it on a tree branch to dry. She will need this during the long winter. The squirrel works all day and keeps looking at its neighbor, the hedgehog. Since the fall he has become lazy and clumsy. He doesn't run around the forest much and doesn't catch mice. It climbs into the leaves and dozes all the time. “Why, hedgehog, are you completely lazy? - asks the squirrel. “Why aren’t you preparing for winter, storing up food?” - - The hedgehog laughed and said something quietly to the squirrel.

Questions about the content of the tale

1. What did the hedgehog say to the squirrel?

2. Why doesn’t the hedgehog prepare for winter?

3. How do hedgehogs winter?

Where are whose traces? Connect with arrows

Wild animals in winter.

      Game "Clap, don't yawn." Clap the sound B.

      Determining the place of the sound B in words: pigeon, squirrel, curlers etc.

      Sound analysis of the syllable BI with laying out a graphic diagram

      Game “Name the Family” (word formation exercise).

Dad is a bear, mom is a bear, cub(s) is a bear cub(s); wolf, hare, hedgehog, fox...

      Game "Who has who?" (word formation exercise).

The bear has a teddy bear; from the wolf, from the fox. The bear has cubs; from the wolf, from the fox. Etc.

      Game “Who will we give what?”

Meat for the wolf; raspberries, honey, carrots, apples, nuts, mushrooms.

7. “Who has what house?”

All animals are preparing their homes for winter. The bear chooses... (den). The squirrel is looking for... (hollow). The fox is digging... (a hole). The wolf is making... (a lair). The den is the house... (of the bear). Hollow - house... (squirrels). Nora is the house... (foxes).

8.Say it correctly.

There were two squirrels - there were five... (squirrels) There were two foxes - there were five... (foxes) There were two hares - there were five... (hares) There were two wolves - there were five... (wolves) There were two bears - there are five... (bears) There were five squirrels - two left... (squirrels) There were five foxes - two left... (foxes) There were five hares - two left... (hares) There were five wolves - two left... (wolves) There were five bears - two left. (bear)

A girl was walking through the forest, and there was a squirrel with a baby squirrel... .(ka),

Here is the fox and the fox... (knock), Here is the she-wolf and the wolf... (knock),

Here is the hare and the hare.. .(nok), Here's a hedgehog and a hedgehog... (knock)

And without mom the bear... (knock).

11.Complete the sentence.”
The hare is white in winter, and in summer.... The hare has a short tail, and ears...

The hare has long hind legs, and the front ones... The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog...

The hedgehog sleeps during the day, but hunts... The hedgehog is small, but the bear...

The squirrel is gray in winter, and in summer... The squirrel has a long tail, and the hare...

The squirrel lives in a hollow, and the hedgehog in... The fox has soft fur, and the wolf...

The fox lives in a hole, and the wolf in... The bear roars loudly, and the hedgehog snorts...

12.« Who was who? Reinforcing the names of baby animals.

The bear was... (bear cub). The hedgehog was... (hedgehog). Lisa was... (little fox). The moose was... (calf). The wolf was... (wolf cub). Badger was... (badger). The squirrel was... (little squirrel) - The hare was... (bunny). The boar was... (pig).

13.Answer the questions: whose? whose? whose?

Whose ears? Hare ears - .... Wolf ears - ... Squirrel ears - ... Bear ears - Fox ears - ,. Whose tail? Whose head?

14.Development of coherent speech

Tell us about your favorite animal:

What is the name of?

Where does he live?

What does it look like?

What does it eat?

How to protect yourself from enemies?

What do you like about this animal?

Olga Matsneva
Homework for a preparatory school group on the lexical topic “Wild Animals”

Subject « Wild animals»

With your child, look at illustrations depicting animals of our forests - a hare, squirrel, wolf, bear, hedgehog, fox, moose;

Note their external signs;

Talk about where they live, what they eat;

Consolidate the names of animals and their cubs in the child’s vocabulary;

Task 2. "Who lives where?"


Wolf___ Fox___

Task 3. "Name the body parts"

A person has a face, and animal?___

A person has a mouth, and animal? ___

A person has teeth, and animal? ___

A person has legs, and animal ___

A person has nails, and animal? ___

A person has hair, and animal?___

Task 4. "Name the Family":

Wolf___ Elk___

Hedgehog___ Hare___

Fox___ Bear___

Boar ___ Deer___

Task 5. In the forest, Aibolit provided assistance animals. “Who did the doctor cure what?”

Who and what was cured by Whose, whose, whose, whose?

The hare's ear was cured. Hare's ear.

Wolf - head

To the bear - a paw

Fox's tail

Squirrel - claws

Hedgehog - eye

Task 6. Color the picture with the image wild animals.

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