1.1. A standard technological map (hereinafter referred to as TTK) is a complex organizational and technological document developed on the basis of methods of scientific organization of labor for performing a technological process and defining the composition of production operations using the most modern means of mechanization and methods of performing work using a specific technology. The TTK is intended for use in the development of the Work Performance Project (WPP) by construction departments and is its integral part in accordance with MDS 12-81.2007.

1.2. This technical specification contains instructions for the organization and technology of work when installing vertical paint and lining waterproofing of foundation walls, defines the composition of production operations, requirements for quality control and acceptance of work, planned labor intensity of work, labor, production and material resources, measures for industrial safety and labor protection.

1.3. The regulatory framework for the development of technological maps is:

- standard drawings;

- building codes and regulations (SNiP, SN, SP);

- factory instructions and technical conditions (TU);

- standards and prices for construction and installation work (GESN-2001 ENiR);

- production standards for material consumption (NPRM);

- local progressive norms and prices, norms of labor costs, norms of consumption of material and technical resources.

1.4. The purpose of creating the TC is to describe solutions for the organization and technology of work on the installation of vertical painting and lining waterproofing of foundation walls in order to ensure their high quality, as well as:

- reducing the cost of work;

- reduction of construction duration;

- ensuring the safety of work performed;

- organizing rhythmic work;

- rational use of labor resources and machines;

- unification of technological solutions.

1.5. On the basis of the TTK, as part of the PPR (as mandatory components of the Work Project), Working Technological Maps (RTK) are being developed for the performance of certain types of work on the installation of vertical painting and waterproofing of foundation walls.

The design features of their implementation are decided in each specific case by the Working Design. The composition and degree of detail of materials developed in the RTK are established by the relevant contracting construction organization, based on the specifics and volume of work performed.

The RTK is reviewed and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Contracting Construction Organization.

1.6. The TTK can be tied to a specific facility and construction conditions. This process consists of clarifying the scope of work, means of mechanization, and the need for labor and material and technical resources.

The procedure for linking the TTC to local conditions:

- reviewing map materials and selecting the desired option;

- checking the compliance of the initial data (amount of work, time standards, brands and types of mechanisms, building materials used, composition of the worker group) with the accepted option;

- adjustment of the scope of work in accordance with the chosen option for the production of work and a specific design solution;

- recalculation of calculations, technical and economic indicators, requirements for machines, mechanisms, tools and material and technical resources in relation to the chosen option;

- design of the graphic part with specific reference to mechanisms, equipment and devices in accordance with their actual dimensions.

1.7. A standard technological map has been developed for engineering and technical workers (work performers, foremen, foremen) and workers performing work in the third temperature zone, in order to familiarize (train) them with the rules for carrying out work on installing vertical paint and waterproofing of foundation walls with using the most modern means of mechanization, advanced designs and materials, and methods of performing work.

The technological map has been developed for the following scope of work:


2.1. The technological map has been developed for a set of works on the installation of vertical painting and lining waterproofing of foundation walls.

2.2. Work on installing vertical painting and adhesive waterproofing of foundation walls is carried out in one shift, the duration of working hours during a shift is:

Where is the duration of a work shift without a lunch break;

Production reduction factor;

- conversion factor.

In calculating the standards for time and duration of work, a single-shift operating mode with a work shift duration of 10 hours with a five-day work week was adopted. Net working time during a shift is taken taking into account the coefficient of reduction in output due to an increase in shift duration compared to an 8-hour work shift equal to 0,05 and recycling rate 1,25 total time for a 5-day working week (“Methodological recommendations for organizing rotational work in construction, M-2007”).

where - preparatory and final time, 0.24 hours incl.

Breaks related to the organization and technology of the process include the following breaks:

Receiving a task at the beginning of the shift and handing over the work at the end 10 min=0.16 hour.

Preparation of the workplace, tools, etc. 5 min=0.08 hour.

2.3. The work performed sequentially during the production of waterproofing foundation walls includes:

- cleaning the insulated surface from debris and dust;

- drying the surface (if necessary);

- primer (for paint waterproofing);

- notching or surface treatment with a sandblasting machine (for plaster and cast waterproofing);

- direct waterproofing.

2.4. The main materials used for waterproofing are: bituminous varnish according to GOST 5631-79 *; bitumen primer; hydroisol EPP in accordance with GOST 7415-86; petroleum construction bitumen BN-70/30 according to GOST 6617-76 *.

2.5. Waterproofing work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

- SP 48.13330.2011. "SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction. Updated edition" ;

- SNiP 3.02.01-87*. Earthworks, bases and foundations;
* SNiP 3.02.01-87 are not valid. Instead, SP 45.13330.2012 applies. - Database manufacturer's note.

- SNiP 3.03.01-87. Load-bearing and enclosing structures;

- SNiP 3.04.01-87. Insulating and finishing coatings;

- SNiP 3.04.03-85. Protection of building structures from corrosion;

- Manual for SNiP 3.02.01-83*. A manual for the execution of work when constructing bases and foundations;

- STO NOSTROY 2.33.14-2011. Organization of construction production. General provisions;

- STO NOSTROY 2.33.51-2011. Organization of construction production. Preparation and execution of construction and installation works;

- SNiP 12-03-2001. Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements;

- SNiP 12-04-2002. Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production;

- RD 11-02-2006. Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects and requirements for inspection reports of work, structures, sections of engineering support networks;

- RD 11-05-2007. The procedure for maintaining a general and (or) special log of work performed during construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects.


3.1. In accordance with SP 48.13330.2011 "SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction. Updated edition" before the start of construction and installation work at the site, the Contractor is obliged to obtain from the Customer in the prescribed manner design documentation and permission to carry out construction and installation work. Carrying out work without permission is prohibited.

3.2. Before starting waterproofing work, it is necessary to carry out a set of organizational and technical measures, including:

- develop RTC or PPR for waterproofing foundation walls;

- appoint persons responsible for the safe performance of work, as well as their control and quality of execution;

- conduct safety training for team members;

- install temporary inventory household premises for storing building materials, tools, equipment, heating workers, eating, drying and storing work clothes, bathrooms, etc.;

- provide the site with working documentation approved for work;

- prepare machines, mechanisms and equipment for work and deliver them to the site;

- provide workers with manual machines, tools and personal protective equipment;

- provide the construction site with fire-fighting equipment and alarm systems;

- prepare places for storing building materials, products and structures;

- fence the construction site and put up warning signs illuminated at night;

- provide communication for operational dispatch control of work;

- deliver to the work area the necessary materials, devices, equipment, tools and means for the safe performance of work;

- check quality certificates, passports for reinforcing steel, lumber, plywood;

- test construction machines, means of mechanization of work and equipment according to the nomenclature provided for by the RTK or PPR;

- draw up an act of readiness of the facility for work;

Obtain permission from the Customer's technical supervision to begin work (clause RD 08-296-99).

3.3. Painted waterproofing is used mainly to protect structures from capillary moisture, and pasted waterproofing is used to protect underground structures from the effects of groundwater.

3.4. During the work process, insulated surfaces are protected from the effects of ground, surface and atmospheric waters, and industrial liquids. In the open air, insulation work is carried out in the absence of precipitation and the outside air temperature is not lower than +5 ° C or under the protection of mobile canopies covered with tarpaulin, and in winter - in greenhouses made of non-combustible materials. When using hot bitumen mastics, the outside air temperature should not be lower than -20 °C.

3.5. Before the start of insulation work, the following work must be completely completed and accepted by the customer:

- seams between prefabricated slabs are sealed;

- temperature-shrinkable seams are installed;

- embedded elements are installed;

- sections of vertical surfaces of stone structures are plastered to the height of the insulation junction.

3.6. Before starting waterproofing work, it is necessary to prepare the surface in the following order:

- leveling the concrete preparation with cement-sand mortar;

- plastering the inner surface of brick protective walls with cement-sand mortar with a device at the junction of the walls with concrete preparation of a smooth junction (curve) with a radius of at least 10 cm;

- sealing seams between prefabricated reinforced concrete elements of walls and floors with cement-sand mortar or concrete (if not included in the project - class not lower than B15), or quick-setting or non-shrinking mixtures (BUS, VRC, CB using embossing or shotcrete methods);

- cutting off mounting loops and cutting down sagging and irregularities on the concrete surface;

- leveling the concrete surface, which has cavities and unevenness, by grouting with cement-sand mortar (in the absence of instructions in the project - class not lower than B 7.5 with a layer up to 5 mm thick), when installing screeds in them, it is necessary to provide temperature-shrinkage joints;

- installation of a slope from 2 to 5‰ on the ceiling made of cement-sand mortar;

- arrangement of a fillet at the junction of the walls and the ceiling.

3.6.2. The completion of preparatory work is recorded in the General Work Log (the Recommended form is given in RD 11-05-2007) and must be accepted according to the Act on the implementation of occupational safety measures, drawn up in accordance with Appendix I, SNiP 12-03-2001.

3.7. Surface priming

3.7.1. The installation of waterproofing is preceded by work on cleaning the surface from debris and dust and drying it.

3.7.2. When working in subzero temperatures, the insulated surface must be cleared of frost, snow, ice, dried to 5% humidity and heated to a temperature not lower than +10 °C. Before gluing, roll materials must be kept for 20 hours at a temperature of at least +15 °C and supplied to the workplace in an insulated container.

3.7.3. Surfaces are primed with a bitumen primer or bitumen varnish.

Bitumen primer consists of a mixture of mass parts:

- bitumen grade BN-IV (25-35%);

- gasoline for industrial purposes Nefras with 50/170 (60-70%);

- industrial oil I-50A (5%).

The primer is prepared in a container with a volume of 30-50 liters. Industrial oil is added to the melted, dehydrated and cooled to 110-120 °C bitumen. The resulting mixture is gradually poured into a container with gasoline, continuously stirring manually or with a mechanized paddle mixer.

The prepared bitumen primer should have a viscosity of 10-15 s at a temperature of +20 °C. The bitumen primer that has thickened during storage is thinned with gasoline.

Bitumen varnish BT-577 at the work site they are made by dissolving hot bitumen grades BN 70/30, BND 40/60 or plastbit in a solvent - nephras C 50/170.

It is necessary to take the following ratio of components in bitumen varnish: bitumen - 1 part, solvent - 2-3 parts. The viscosity of the bitumen varnish should be from 40 to 16 s (with a drain capillary with a diameter of 5 mm and a temperature of plus 20 ° C).

A dosed amount of molten dehydrated and cooled to plus 90 °C bitumen is poured in a thin stream with continuous stirring into a container with a dosed amount of solvent.

Bituminous varnish is mixed either in paddle mixers with tight-fitting lids, or in containers with lids equipped with a light pneumatic drill.

If necessary, bitumen varnish is stored in hermetically sealed containers (barrels, flasks, cans). Bituminous varnish in containers is stored in a fire-resistant room away from fire.

Bitumen varnish that has thickened during storage is thinned with a solvent, which is added in the amount necessary to obtain bitumen varnish of the required viscosity.


General Director, Ph.D.

___________ S.Yu. Jedlicka


The map contains organizational, technological and technical solutions for the installation of paint waterproofing of foundations with cold bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics, the use of which should help speed up work, reduce labor costs and improve the quality of waterproofing of foundations.

The technological map contains: scope of application, organization and technological sequence of work, requirements for quality and acceptance of work, calculation of labor costs, work schedule, need for material and technical resources, decisions on safety and labor protection and technical and economic indicators.

The initial data and design solutions for which the map was developed were adopted taking into account the requirements of current building codes and regulations, as well as the conditions and features characteristic of construction in Moscow.

The technological map serves as a technological document in monolithic housing construction and is intended for engineering and technical workers of construction and design organizations, work producers, foremen and foremen involved in the production of waterproofing work on monolithic reinforced concrete structures, as well as customer technical services.

Employees of PKTIpromstroy OJSC participated in the development of the technological map:

Savina O.A. - development of technological map, computer processing and graphics;

Chernykh V.V. - general technological support;

Kholopov V.N. - checking the technological map;

Bychkovsky B.I. - development of technological map, technical guidance, proofreading and standard control;

Kolobov A.V. - general technical management of the development of technological maps;

Ph.D. Jedlicka S.Yu. - general management of the development of technological documentation.


Installation of a soft roof made of rolled fused waterproofing roofing material
(Stekloizol , Technoelast , Bikrost)

1 area of ​​use

The technological map has been developed for the installation of soft roofing from fused rolled materials Stekloizol, Technoelast, Bikrost and their analogues.

The rolled material consists of a cardboard, fiberglass or polyester base, coated on the outside with a layer of bitumen-polymer binder, and on the inside with a built-up layer of bitumen mastic, which allows it to be used for installing one-, two- and three-layer roofs without adhesive mastics. The bases for a built-up roof can be the surfaces of reinforced concrete slabs or thermal insulation, as well as prefabricated or monolithic screeds. For the installation of the lower and upper layers, roll materials of various modifications are provided. The type of roll material must correspond to the project.

The work covered by the technological map includes:

  • surface preparation;
  • vapor barrier device;
  • installation of a thermal insulation layer;
  • screed device;
  • installation of a fused roof made of fused rolled material;
  • installation of water intake funnels and junctions.

The construction of a soft roof made of fused rolled materials is carried out in accordance with the requirements of federal and departmental regulatory documents, including:

  • SanPiN Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Hygienic requirements

    to the organization of construction production and construction work.

Materials are supplied to the roof using a Pioneer cantilever-beam crane or a KOR crane.

Work is performed in one shift in summer conditions during daylight hours.

2. Organization and technology of work execution

Before the construction of the base and roof covering from fused rolled waterproofing material begins, the following organizational and preparatory measures and work must be completed:

  • work on the installation of load-bearing structures and parapets has been completed and accepted

    roofs, grouting of seams between prefabricated reinforced concrete


  • details of expansion joints are made;
  • embedded parts installed;
  • holes were made to allow communications to pass through;
  • sections of stone structures were plastered to the height of gluing

    roofing carpet;

  • a work permit for high-risk work has been issued;
  • tools, devices, equipment have been prepared;
  • materials and products are delivered to the workplace;
  • familiarize performers with the technology and organization of work.

The work front in the plan is divided into sections, and sections into plots. Work on the plot is carried out within one day.

The construction of the base and roof covering made of fused rolled material is carried out in the following order:

  • installation of drainage funnels;
  • leveling screed device;
  • vapor barrier device;
  • laying a thermal insulation layer;
  • the roof is installed layer by layer using a welded coating

    waterproofing roofing material.

The cement-sand screed is installed with a thickness of at least 30 mm in the following order: install guides from pipes with a pitch of 1.5...2.0 m; lay the mortar mixture in strips, leveling and smoothing it according to the guides in 2 stages: first, the odd strips, and after the mortar has hardened in them, the even strips.

The mortar mixture is supplied using mortar pumps through pipes or using trolleys on pneumatic wheels.

Expansion joints are installed in the screed at intervals of 4 meters. In places where the rolled carpet adjoins walls, parapets, shafts and risers, fillets with a radius of at least 100 mm are arranged.

After gaining strength, the cement-sand screed is primed with a cold bitumen primer primer. The primer is applied with brushes, a roller, and if the roof area is more than 200 square meters. - using a spray gun.

When installing a leveling screed made of asphalt concrete, it is laid in strips up to 2 m wide and compacted with a roller weighing at least 50 kg.

Before the installation of the roof covering begins, it is necessary to check the quality of the base and compliance with the slopes, check the completeness of other construction and installation work on the roof, check the availability and completeness of materials for the roof installation, prepare machines and equipment for transport and roofing work, prepare the construction site and workers places on labor protection and fire safety issues, check the availability and readiness of tools and devices.

When installing a vapor barrier, the following processes and operations are possible: cutting off mounting loops; removal of construction waste; alignment of defective areas on load-bearing structures; surface dust removal; drying wet areas; supply of vapor barrier materials to the work site.

Mounting loops protruding from the plane of the slabs are cut off with an electric grinder or gas cutter.

Dust removal of the surface is carried out with brushes, brooms, an industrial vacuum cleaner or a jet of compressed air.

Leveling the surface of the slabs, as well as sealing joints, chips, potholes and cavities larger than 5 mm, is carried out using cement-sand mortar grade 50.

Drying of wet areas of the base occurs naturally (solar radiation).

The surface is primed using a primer.

The vapor barrier is laid dry (the moisture content of cement-sand screeds should not exceed 4% by weight, and of asphalt concrete screeds - 2.5%.). The joints are taped with tape to seal the joints. The layout of the panels is carried out starting from low areas and drainage funnels.

The installation of bulk thermal insulation made of expanded clay is carried out in the following order: mark the top of the thermal insulation on parapets and lighthouse posts; install lighthouse slats in increments of 3...4 m and check their position; prepare and serve materials; distribute bulk material into strips with compaction.

1 - parapet; 2 - rail; 3 - expanded clay; 4 - lighthouse strip; 5 - solution or column.

Installation of soft built-up roll waterproofing roofing on corrugated sheets

The corrugated sheeting is laid in such a way that both transverse and longitudinal slopes to the drainage funnels are simultaneously created.

Before laying the vapor barrier layer, you must:

  • complete all types of construction work on the surface;
  • install shaped steel elements at the junction of the corrugated sheets

    to parapets and walls of lanterns;

  • install metal compensators at the device locations

    expansion joints.

The vapor barrier material must be glued to all vertical surfaces, extending it 30-50 mm above the thermal insulation layer.

When laying vapor barrier material on a corrugated sheet, the material is rolled out along the edges of the corrugated sheet. The lateral overlaps of the vapor barrier material should be 80-100 mm and always located on the edges of the corrugated sheet.

Laying thermal insulation on corrugated sheets under roofing waterproofing rolls
deposited material

Thermal insulation boards should be laid on a profiled sheet by positioning the long side of the insulation boards perpendicular to the direction of the corrugated board ribs.

When installing thermal insulation from two or more layers of slab insulation, place the seams between the slabs “staggered”, ensuring a tight fit of the slabs to each other. Seams between insulation boards of more than 5 mm must be filled with heat-insulating material.

Filling the voids of the corrugated board ribs with bulk insulation on the roof is not allowed.

It is easiest to start laying insulation from the corner of the roof. When laying, the thermal insulation boards are additionally cut so that the joints of the slabs of the 1st and 2nd layers do not coincide. This cutting of insulation is suitable for insulation with dimensions of 500x1000 mm or 600x1200 mm.

Roofers first lay the bottom layer of high-hardness mineral wool slabs on the finished vapor barrier layer, and then the top layer of hard mineral wool slabs. Next, using an electric screwdriver, install plastic anchor buttons. The roofer puts a button on the working tip, pushes it into the layer of thermal insulation with a light blow and at the same time turns on the screwdriver, which he uses to tighten the self-tapping screw.

When fastening Tekhnoruf mineral wool slabs to a corrugated sheet, the slab or part of the slab must be attached to the base with at least one fastening element. To fix the mineral wool insulation to the base through the first layer of roofing carpet, use a plastic cup with a diameter of 50 mm with spikes (Fig. 2); to attach only the insulation to the corrugated sheet, use a cup with a diameter of 75 mm (Fig. 2).

Insulation boards can be glued together hot roofing mastic TechnoNIKOL No. 41. The gluing must be uniform and amount to at least 30% of the area of ​​the surfaces to be bonded.

Tekhnoruf mineral insulation that gets wet during installation must be removed or replaced with dry material.

The insulating roofer uses a trolley to bring it to the workplace and then manually lays out the slabs over the area, starting from the top point. First, on an area of ​​10 - 20 m², the slabs are laid in the bottom layer, and then in the top.

The creation of longitudinal slopes to drainage funnels in gutters is carried out using Technoruf V60 slope(with a two-layer thermal insulation system, installation is carried out on the first (top) layer of material), Tekhnoruf B60 fillet(designed to ensure a smooth transition of waterproofing material from the horizontal plane of the roof to the vertical plane of the parapet), Technoruf N30 wedge (to create a slope on the roof of 1.7% and 4.2%,)

If the project provides for the creation of slopes to the water intake funnels, then before laying the slabs, bulk material is spread in a layer of variable thickness. The installation of a heat-insulating layer of mineral wool slabs is carried out after leveling the expanded clay. The slabs are laid close to each other in the direction from bottom to top. The insulation layer is laid in such a way as to ensure reliable drainage and prevent water stagnation. Hydrophobized aerated concrete slabs are laid dry on a vapor barrier.

Panels of rolled roofing fused waterproofing material are fused by liquefying the covering layer onto a screed, concrete surface, insulation or other underlying layer.

When installing a roll roof, processes and operations are performed in the following sequence:

  • preparation of roofing materials, mastics, compositions and parts;
  • installation of eaves overhangs;
  • supply of roofing waterproofing weld-on materials, mastics;
  • base primer;
  • gluing additional layers of rolled roofing

    waterproofing material in places where drainage funnels are installed,


  • gluing rolled waterproofing material at the junction points

    waterproofing roofing layer to walls, shafts, parapets, pipes;

    quality control of processes performed.

The installation of roll roofing on grips is carried out from low to high areas. Rolling out and gluing of panels of roofing waterproofing materials is carried out in the direction opposite to the water flow.

The gluing of panels of roofing waterproofing material is carried out as follows:

After preparing the base and marking the position of the first panel, roll out the roll along the marking line, then roll it up at one end by 1.5...2 m, light the gas burner and direct the flame to the mastic layer of the rolled roofing waterproofing material. The roofer holds the burner glass at a distance of 100...200 mm from the roll and melts the mastic layer by pendulum movements of the burner along the roll. After the formation of a bead of mastic layer flowing down from the underside of the roll, the roofer rolls out the roll, smoothes it and presses the panel to the base. The work proceeds cyclically: melting the mastic on the panel area, rolling it out. The gluing speed of the roll is determined visually as the bonding bead is formed during fusing.

Scheme for laying rolled roofing waterproofing material

1,2 - positions of the first panel;

2 - groove axis; 3-gas burner; 4 - folded part of the panel; 6 - panel; 7 - stack of rolls; 9 - cylinder.

The procedure for constructing a rolled carpet from fused materials is as follows. Mark the position of the first strip of material

Installation of rolled roofing waterproofing carpet in places installation of water inlets performed in the following order. Before gluing layers of the main roof covering, check the marks of the completed screed or laid rigid insulation. Under the collar of the water inlet funnel, two layers of underlying rolled waterproofing material are additionally glued.

Requirements for quality and acceptance of work

When installing a roof made of fused rolled material, production quality control is carried out, which includes: incoming control of materials and products; operational control of roofing work, as well as acceptance control of completed work. At all stages of work, inspection control is carried out by representatives of the customer’s technical supervision.

The manufacturer must accompany each batch of products with a quality document, which must indicate: - name and address of the manufacturer; number and date of issue of the document; batch number; name and brands of structures; date of manufacture of structures; designation of technical conditions.

A document on the quality of products supplied to the consumer must be signed by an employee responsible for technical control of the manufacturer.

Incoming quality control of materials consists of checking by external inspection their compliance with GOSTs, technical specifications, project requirements, passports, certificates confirming the quality of their manufacture, completeness and compliance with their working drawings. Incoming inspection is performed by line personnel upon receipt of materials and products at the construction site. The shape and main dimensions of the products must correspond to those specified in the project.

All products are subject to external inspection in order to detect obvious deviations in geometric dimensions from the design. Dimensions and geometric shape are checked selectively by single-stage inspection.

The construction of a roof made of fused rolled materials is permitted only after acceptance of the base elements. The operational quality control scheme is shown in the table.

Scheme of operational quality control of roofing
waterproofing works (example)

Controlled Operations Requirements, approvals Methods and means of control Who controlled it and when? Documentation
Screed device
Visually Foreman Quality document, project
Layer thickness Not less than 30 mm Measuring Master General work log
Compliance with specified planes, elevations and slopes Measuring Master General work log
Potholes, cracks Not allowed Visually Master
Screed strength According to the project Measuring Construction laboratory
Ready for roofing According to the project Measuring Foreman Certificate of inspection of hidden work
Vapor barrier device
Properties of the materials used Compliance with regulatory requirements and design Visually Foreman Quality document, project
Readiness of the base Compliance with the project Visually Foreman Acceptance certificate
Quality of application or installation Compliance with the project Visually Foreman General work log

Thermal insulation device
Properties of the materials used Compliance with regulatory requirements and design Visually Foreman Quality document, project
Deviation in the thickness of the thermal insulation layer + 10% of the design thickness, but not more than 20 mm Measuring, 3 meas. for every 70-100 m² of coverage Foreman in the process of work General work log
Deviation of the thermal insulation plane from a given slope horizontally +5mm vertically +10mm deflected. from a given slope no more than 0.2% Measurement for every 50-100m² Master in progress General work log
The size of the ledge between adjacent insulation elements No more than 5 mm Measurement for every 50-100m² Master in progress General work log
Roofing from roll material
Properties of the materials used Compliance with regulatory requirements and design Visually Foreman Quality document, project
Quality of base priming (application of primer) According to the project Visually Foreman Certificate of inspection of hidden work
Direction of sticker of roofing roll waterproofing material Sticker direction From low to high areas Visually Master in progress
The amount of overlap of adjacent roofing panels At least 70 mm in the lower layers, 100 mm in the upper layer Measuring, 2 meter rod Master in progress General work log
Compliance with specified plane thicknesses, elevations and slopes According to the project 5 measured. on 70-100m² visually Master in progress General work log
Strength of adhesion of layers of rolled material The tearing off of the canvas occurs along the material. Adhesive strength 0.5 MPa Measure at least 4 times per shift Master in progress General work log
The quality of gluing additional layers of material at the junctions with vertical structures According to the project Visually Master in progress General work log

Acceptance of work
Coating surface quality According to the project Visually General work log, acceptance certificate for completed work
Quality of junctions and drains According to the project Visually Foreman after finishing work
Amounts of panel overlap not less than 70 mm in the lower layers, 100 mm in the upper layer Visually Foreman after finishing work
Cross sticker of panels Not allowed Visually Foreman
The presence of bubbles, swelling, air bags, tears, punctures, spongy structure, drips and sagging Not allowed Visually Foreman
Waterproof Drains water from the entire roof surface without leaks Visually Foreman after finishing work

The installation of each roof element should be carried out after checking the correctness of the corresponding underlying element and drawing up an inspection report for hidden work. Certificates for repairs and installation of rolled waterproofing fused roofing are drawn up for the following work: preparation of the base, priming of surfaces, laying of each layer of rolled material, installation of junctions.

Acceptance of the roof should be accompanied by a thorough inspection of its surface, especially at funnels, drainage trays, in gutters and in areas adjacent to protruding structures above the roof.

The completed roll roofing must meet the following requirements: have specified slopes; do not have local reverse slopes where water can be retained; The roofing carpet must be securely glued to the base, not delaminate, have no bubbles or depressions.

Manufacturing defects discovered during a roof inspection must be corrected before buildings or structures are put into operation.

General safety requirements for major repairs of soft roofs or repairs of old rolled fused waterproofing material