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An employee who allows himself to close the distance between you too much is annoying. Firing him and forgetting him is a solution that has every right to exist. Well, what if he is a good specialist, professional, neat, obliging, and you don’t want to lose such an employee?

Find a solution

It’s another matter if, upon joining the employee, he was familiarized with the norms of corporate behavior in your company, where your accepted procedure for interaction – norms, standards, rules – was outlined in black and white, clearly, clearly and understandably. However, he allows himself to break these rules. The reasons for this behavior are worth thinking about.

Perhaps you yourself did not strictly adhere to the “manager-subordinate” framework. Your employee’s behavior in this case is just a logical response step. Return to the role of a leader, eliminating the options “the leader is your boyfriend,” “the leader is a soul-man,” etc. Be a leader in its purest form, so that an employee can be a pure employee, and not “an employee is a joker,” “an employee is also a person,” etc. If the manager himself adheres to the established standards, this will most likely help avoid unpleasant proceedings regarding non-compliance with subordination. It is more difficult to stop violations of subordination if there seem to be no visible reasons for non-compliance. You do not allow yourself to become familiar with an employee, but he goes beyond the boundaries.

On the one hand (if we are talking, for example, about jokes addressed to you), it may be a matter of the subordinate’s desire to win your favor and sympathy in this way. And here, as in the case of an unintentional violation, a direct conversation will help resolve the issue.

On the other hand (if we are talking, for example, about aggression or rudeness of an employee towards you), the behavior of your subordinate may be the result of contradictions that have accumulated between you. Understand the situation. Find out the reasons for the sharp attacks against you. It is not so easy to listen to someone else’s point of view; it is even more difficult to understand and accept it. But without this, the situation can hardly be resolved constructively. After listening to your specialist, tell him that you value and respect him as a professional, but ask him to control himself in the future.

Be wise

In any case, if your employee does not respect the chain of command, you will need patience, restraint and wisdom. After all, from wisdom, as Democritus said, the following characteristics flow: the ability to make excellent decisions, as well as the ability to accurately speak and do what should be done. Understanding, making the right decision and saying what needs to be said is the way out of a situation where your employee does not respect the chain of command.

Chief - subordinate

Attitude towards a supervisor depends on a number of factors, including established work process standards and maintaining the authority of the supervisor. For correct subordination, it is necessary to correctly determine the company’s service discipline, the ethics of communication with the manager, and establish the framework of orders for its employees. When staff are not informed about the procedures and norms of business communication, discomfort appears in the team, people feel uncomfortable when communicating with the boss, do not know how to perceive his words (as a request or order), and do not show initiative. That is why every employee from the moment of arrival must be familiar with the norms of business and working relations.

Pay attention to the selection of tips on business relations between a manager and an employee:

  • If an employee fails to comply with your order, you need to remind him that you are waiting for the result, otherwise he will decide that the task has been forgotten and will not carry it out. Such comments make it clear to the employee the seriousness of the order given to him and the possible consequences of failure to fulfill his duties.
  • Criticism of an employee should concern his actions and behavior at work. Personal insults and humiliation should not be present in a conversation with a subordinate.

A manager should not insult or humiliate his subordinate

  • It is unacceptable to give personal advice to your subordinates. Do not forget that responsibility for the result will be on you.
  • Whatever happens, subordinates should not notice fear and panic in the actions and words of the leader. Otherwise, authority will be seriously undermined.

Employees shouldn't see fear in their boss's eyes.

  • Appreciate the work of your employees. The reward for a completed task should correspond to the amount of effort and time expended.
  • Do not skimp on praising an employee. If he has done a good job, he should receive not only financial, but also moral reward. The employee must understand that his work was appreciated by management.

An employee must understand that his work is appreciated, so do not forget to express gratitude and praise employees

  • Give orders based on two factors: the specific situation at hand and the character of the subordinate. Some employees immediately begin to carry out assignments and approach their work responsibly, while others need to be supervised and monitored for results.

When communicating with subordinates, you initially need to choose the form of instructions, be it an order, a request, a recommendation, or a question for thought. Orders are issued either in the event of a critical situation requiring immediate execution, or when communicating with an unscrupulous employee who does not understand other forms of instructions. The request is used in a standard situation and is expressed in the manager’s goodwill and trust. In the case of a request, the employee can offer his own options for solving the problem and express his opinion on the current situation. Such behavior by an employee is unacceptable when receiving an order that cannot be discussed and is executed without delay. A request differs from an order in its emotional presentation and sternness in the voice.

If a manager raises a question for consideration, it means he is waiting for feedback and wants to create a discussion of the problem. In this way, managers identify proactive employees who will subsequently solve the stated task or problem. Recommendations are given by the manager in order to help the subordinate quickly find a solution to the problem, but they may not be implemented by the employees.

The boss should not allow familiar relations with the team. Its employees perform functions in the same way as people outside the company whom we pay for the work done. If relationships are built on the principle “I pay money - you do your job,” then the business usually moves forward.

The manager should not stand in the shoes of his subordinates, delve into their problems and get away with violations, otherwise the staff will simply sit on his head.

Subordinate - leader

You also need to be able to build relationships with your boss, just like relationships between a boss and a subordinate. After all, his future career will depend on how correctly an employee adheres to the norms of business relations. Inept actions and ingratiation with the manager can push him away from his subordinate and force him to draw negative conclusions about the employee. Therefore, we will give several examples showing correct and incorrect behavior in communication between an employee and his boss.

  • Try to help create a positive atmosphere among the team, because the manager strives to unite the staff and set up teamwork in the company.
  • You must express your position and work proposals tactfully and politely; the manager will not tolerate impudent comments in his direction. Use the phrases: “Let me point out...”, “How would you feel about the next proposal...”, “Could we try this option...”.

Employees should voice their suggestions delicately and tactfully

  • You cannot give monosyllabic answers and talk to your boss in a categorical tone. The manager may consider that the employee has a negative attitude towards him, and such people do not stay in the team. The first to be laid off are the taciturn and eternally dissatisfied subordinates.
  • It is necessary to avoid jumping “over the head” of the immediate supervisor, except in urgent and emergency cases. Such behavior will be regarded by the immediate superior as disrespect and doubt in his professionalism. In this way, the employee undermines the authority of the boss in front of the entire team, which can serve as a reason for a reprimand and a fine.
  • You cannot enter the boss’s office without knocking, and also not visit it if the boss is communicating with someone. This conversation can be important, and you can interfere.

Between managers

Business relationships can also be built horizontally, for example between two managers. At a business meeting, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • Speak clearly and to the point; there is no need to start the conversation with jokes and unnecessary expressions of interest in your partner’s health and affairs. In Russia, meetings can last several hours due to the incorrectness of the stated purpose of the conversation. Many business people have a negative attitude towards empty dialogues because they value their time.
  • Use facts and figures in your conversation; this will attract your partner’s attention and concentrate his attention on the dialogue.
  • If the interlocutor begins to behave aggressively, remain calm, this will reduce the degree of dissatisfaction.
  • Offer prepared ways to solve the problem; your initiative can be appreciated by your partner. This way you can show your level of knowledge and competence in the matter.

Offer your ways to solve the problem, your partner will definitely appreciate the initiative

  • Try not to answer phone calls; this may seem disrespectful on the part of the interlocutor.
  • Exchange business cards; this emphasizes your status and allows you to maintain contact with the right person.
  • In a telephone conversation, be sure to ask the other person if he can talk at the moment.
  • Do not use swear words in a business conversation; this characterizes the manager as an uncultured and poorly educated person. They try not to have anything in common with such a contingent of people in business.

Between colleagues

Finding contact and building proper communication with colleagues is also an important task. There are employees who, thanks to good relationships, shift their responsibilities to their comrades, or try to show others in an unfavorable light in front of their superiors. To avoid problems, you need to properly communicate with your colleagues.

  • When performing a common task, divide the responsibilities in equal parts if the supervisor has not done so. This will help avoid the appearance of “drones” that will not be useful in your work.

Divide responsibilities equally between the team so that no one shirks about work

  • Try to avoid crossing work contacts and intercepting clients of your colleagues. This will definitely lead to conflict and ruin your relationship with colleagues. It will be difficult to work in a tense environment in the future.

Poaching clients will definitely lead to conflict within the team

  • Don't promise what you can't deliver. If a colleague asks you for something (replace me tomorrow, help me solve a problem), then first make sure that you can help him, and only then give an answer.
  • Try to avoid personal topics; work is not the place for intimate conversations.

A brief excursion into the world of formal relations in the workplace

You and colleagues

  1. Everyone needs to be greeted - from the janitor or security guard to the president of the company - regardless of rank and official position.
  2. You shouldn’t realize yourself at the expense of your colleagues. The boss may not appreciate this, and relationships with colleagues will be ruined forever. Therefore, taking clients away and blaming all the troubles on your roommate is the last thing.
  3. If you are performing a common task, then try to divide it among yourself in equal parts, unless, of course, the manager has done this. This will help avoid the appearance of “drones” who will not be useful in the work, but will receive a bonus.
  4. Don't provoke your colleagues with personal questions in the middle of working hours. Not everyone comes to the workplace to sharpen their lasses. If you see that a colleague is immersed in the work process, do not distract him, even if you are on friendly terms. All personal questions - only after the factory call about the end of work. If you see that a person is not particularly busy and is happy to make contact, then why not talk?
  5. It is impossible to answer unequivocally how to address employees: “you” or “you”. If this is a small company with close relationships, when communication is not limited to working hours and boundaries, then it’s possible on a first-name basis. But if there is a division of responsibility, a division of functionality, then it is better to respect the chain of command. And remember, you have to respect the person who does the more difficult work. In companies with many levels of hierarchy, the ability to maintain a “you” position is necessary. At least in front of colleagues and superiors. Even if you are close friends who work in different departments, or he is your boss, then in public - only on “you”. The rest of the time - as you please.
  6. The most important thing is not to make trouble and maintain an atmosphere of friendliness. And then everyone, from heaven to management, will thank you.

You and the boss

  1. Leadership is a sacred matter, but not so sacred that at the sight of it you fall into sacred awe and remain silent, like Gerasim from Turgenev’s story. Don’t be shy to express your position and suggestions for work, but do it tactfully and politely, because the manager will not tolerate impudent comments in his direction. Use phrases like “What do you think if...” and other cautious expressions at the “please-let me” level to carefully hint to your superiors that there are bright ideas in your head.
  2. You need to talk to your boss as if you were at a social event. You cannot speak in a categorical tone. The manager may think that you have a negative attitude towards him, and such people do not stay in the team. The first to be laid off are the taciturn and eternally dissatisfied subordinates.
  3. It is necessary to avoid jumping “over the head” of the immediate supervisor, with the exception of urgent and emergency cases when there is simply no time left for a meeting. Such behavior will be regarded by the immediate superior as disrespect and doubt in his professionalism. You undermine his authority in front of the entire team, you despise him, disgrace him... Then try to explain that you are not out of malice.
  4. Next is the topic of closed doors, eternal and relevant. For example, you cannot enter the boss’s office without knocking, and you also cannot visit it if the boss is communicating with someone. This conversation can be important, but here you are with your most important matters. Although if you work at a nuclear power plant and an explosion occurs, then to hell with it, you can kick the door and scream about what happened to the entire affected area.
  5. Of course, we cannot help but touch on the topic of familiarity. If it’s customary in your office to address each other as “you,” then for God’s sake. But in this case, there is no need to stand out and call your superiors “you” (don’t be a black sheep, they don’t like people like that), and in other cases, publicly “poking”, even if you are friends, is strictly prohibited. This undermines the image of the boss.

You and your subordinates

  1. When you communicate with a subordinate, there are only two forms of communication - an order and a request. An order is given in an emergency situation, while in a standard situation go to a request. It is expressed in the friendliness and trust of the leader. In the case of a request, the employee can offer you his options for solving the problem, express his opinion on the current situation, and you have no right to interrupt him. But in the case of an order - no demagoguery.
  2. Familiarity from the boss is also not always welcome. Walking up to your subordinates, clapping them on the shoulder and saying: “What a piece of crap you did, Valerka,” is not very good. In any case, psychologists do not advise. In a personal conversation, you can allow something like this to cheer up a tired employee who has worked for a year without rest, but not in public.
  3. But praising employees is highly recommended. If he has done a good job, he should receive not only financial but also moral reward. The employee must understand that his work was appreciated by you.
  4. There is no need to stand in the shoes of your subordinates, delve into their problems and get away with violations, otherwise the staff will simply sit on their heads. Praise is one thing, but you can't do it without an iron hand. Remember, the carrot and stick method has been proven for centuries. But do not stoop to humiliation based on personal qualities. Aren't you disgusted? By the way, you shouldn’t get into their souls, it’s at least indecent, you shouldn’t tease them or joke about them.
  5. If the employee does not comply with your order, you need to remind him that you have a large collection of torture instruments. These are extreme measures, just remind him that you are waiting for the result, otherwise he will decide that the task need not be completed. And the comments make it clear to the employee the seriousness of the order given to him and eloquently remind him of the possible consequences.
  6. Remember the names of your employees and study their performance. You just need to know what kind of people are working for you, what tasks can be entrusted to them and what not. Sometimes recommendations need to be let go. Don’t forget to publicly report to you for everything they do!

Denis Perepelkin

subordination, crap - no way, this doesn’t work anywhere in most cases. Rules and life are diametrically opposed things. If the team knows where it is going, the chain of command will flow on its own, there will be no need to explain anything to anyone, because everyone will know their role and respect others. And if it’s fear and the letter of the law, then you can dig yourself into a post. The old army saying: “If you don’t want it the bad way, the good way it will be worse” is true in such cases.


Define the “work scope” exclusively in writing. After completion, for each written task there is a memo from the manager about the quality of execution and the violations committed, which entailed, for example, some consequences. Remark order against signature. Then the second one. Look, it will “fit into the frame.”

Alexandra Postovan

I believe that the biggest mistake of a manager at all times is familiarity; even in small companies such relationships should not be allowed. Subordinates, for their part, must always be clearly aware of the burden of responsibility that lies on the leader (accordingly, that’s why the boss is always “senior”, even if this is not the case by age).

By the way, in medicine this issue has been resolved since ancient times. Most of the responsibility always lies with the doctor, so nurses strictly observe the chain of command. And the better they realize this, the more and better they help. Such nurses are highly valued by doctors themselves. There can be no familiarity.

If he doesn’t follow orders, bring him to the disciplinary center. Look at the job description, check the instructions and here you go. A remark, a reprimand, a severe reprimand - goodbye.


Write a memo, add witness signatures. Collect these papers. monitor how the person copes with his responsibilities. if there are such facts, then draw up a report, then if the violation occurs again, you can be fired under the article.

Andrey Osintsev

If he is a subordinate, put him in his place, you have endless administrative resources for this. If he is a colleague, respond in kind or set up a work team after him. Complain about him to the manager, let him educate him.


If you have a higher status, then threaten with dismissal. If you don’t understand, then excuse me and let this be a lesson for him and for the rest.

Snow White Queen

The grave corrects such people! You can write a report for rudeness to your superiors, but it’s useless to deal with people like that anymore—if you start being rude in response, they’ll crap even more, and you won’t hear them answer politely at all.


Well, I think, for starters, it’s correct to ask for subordination at work. Well, if he doesn’t understand, make it clear that you categorically don’t like it. but under no circumstances should you enter into an altercation with him, and the final option is to inform management about the ethics of communication….


Complaining to your superiors is the last thing to do and means an inability to resolve conflicts peacefully. You need to be able to talk to people, as my senior work colleague said.

The definition of “subordination at work” means a set of rules of business etiquette, the main task of which is to correctly determine the relationships between employees within one team or an entire enterprise. Thus, the rules for communication between an employee and a superior manager and the basis for relationships between subordinates are established. Recognition by employees of the authority of the leader, execution by employees of assigned tasks and assignments, level of education and expression of personal initiative, determination of work responsibilities according to position and status - all this includes the concept of subordination.

Basic principles

The general principles of subordination must be observed not only by employees, but also by managers. The structure of the service hierarchy implies that the boss with the department at the level below is subordinate to the manager at the level above. If this rule is not followed, the authority of the entire management team will be undermined.

A competent manager adheres to the principles of corporate culture and does not allow familiar behavior towards subordinates. Mutual adherence to etiquette by all parties helps to avoid misunderstandings in the work process and incorrect actions.

Familiarity, an inappropriate categorical tone and banter, especially when communicating with a manager, make an employee a prime candidate for dismissal.

A boss who discusses personal problems and experiences with employees condones indiscipline and negligence in the performance of official duties and may ultimately lose his authority and reputation as a leader.

What is subordination at work and what are the features of inter-level relationships within the company are explained to all employees at the stage of applying for a job.

According to the requirements, every boss is obliged to observe the basics of business ethics when giving instructions and orders to subordinates. All instructions must be drawn up correctly; humiliation of self-esteem and criticism of the personal qualities of junior employees are unacceptable.

Respectful communication is the key to proper working relationships between superiors and subordinates, as well as a favorable environment within the team.

At all enterprises, in any company, there are established regulations for the boss to submit orders to his subordinates. Employees must be familiar with the rules adopted in the organization, the forms in which they report to management on the work done.

Along with his job responsibilities, an employee needs to know about his right and opportunity in controversial situations to appeal the actions of his immediate superior to higher management.

Types of relationships and subordination

If in an enterprise all employees report directly to the director (first person), then with regard to the subordination of the team everything is simple. Problems with subordination may arise in organizations with more complex hierarchy systems. A common task and a single goal unite all departments into an integral enterprise with a single structure.

The company defines two directions of relationships.

  • Horizontal (functional) tasks (applications), which are determined in accordance with the positions occupied. The entire list of responsibilities is functionally spelled out in the business process or job description. Determines relationships between colleagues at positions of the same level. Communication is based on equality, the principle of mutual respect, and partnership. There is a favorable environment in the department, productivity is increasing, the team is a single team. There is a risk of professional relationships turning into friendships.
  • Vertical (administrative) tasks do not provide a clear plan regarding what the employee is required to do. These are tasks that managers set for immediate subordinates to perform. Labor relations are built on a top-down principle and imply direct communication between the manager and the subordinate. A vertical is a defined and agreed upon hierarchy of relationships within a team.

The assigned tasks, horizontal or vertical, are mandatory for execution.

Monitoring the implementation of the task, coordinating work processes, and evaluating performance based on the results of implementation is carried out by the management team, depending on whose subordination the employees are.

Executive efficiency depends on the degree of management and control, so the work process can be controlled or uncontrolled, thereby determining the level of the result obtained.

There are three types of subordination.

  • Administrative establishes the affiliation of a specialist to a specific department according to the staff of the organization. The employee is directly subordinate to the head of the department where he works.
  • The functional subordination of employees regarding functional tasks to the heads of other departments is indirectly or directly in accordance with internal regulations. The powers of managers over employees of other departments are insignificant and relate only to the timing and quality of specific types of work.
  • Ethical subordination determines informal subordination. Widely used in medicine. Characterized by goodwill and respect, based on mutual assistance and a sense of tact on the part of superior officials. Discipline and the moral and ethical component increase the level of interaction in the team.

Importance and necessity

Subordination involves a position of neutrality in the expression of emotions towards employees. Restraint and even communication towards all subordinates is the main task for a good manager.

There is a procedure and regulations for subordinates to visit their manager. There are a number of employees who have the right to contact their boss without prior information due to special job responsibilities.

For other subordinates, the visit is strictly timed. This allows each employee to be sure that he will have the opportunity to meet with his manager at the reception.

The principles of subordination serve as the basis for the etiquette of corporate relations, allowing one to define a clear boundary of interaction. Each company has its own criterion of liability for non-compliance with subordination.

The foundations of hierarchy and subordination are determined by the corporate regulations of the enterprise:

  • the employment contract (agreement) determines the conduct of each employee and his official responsibilities;
  • the collective agreement establishes the key principles of interaction in the team;
  • the job description clearly defines the position in the hierarchy of the enterprise, the responsibilities of the employee regarding the position held;
  • internal rules outline the work schedule, helping the employee to correctly distribute work and rest time.

Each company (enterprise) can individually establish a job hierarchy and determine the degree of responsibility for failure to comply with subordination. The charter takes into account the relevance and specificity of the working conditions, the basis remains unchanged. All this helps to build further tactics.

Consequences of insubordination

Service relations are determined by the scope of professional activity in the implementation of labor discipline. The job description determines the actions of all employees and their level of responsibility. The manager does not have the right to additionally assign other duties and assignments to the employee other than those established in the contract.

Each employee has a direct supervisor, whose tasks he is obliged to carry out. If he disagrees with the methods and actions of the manager, he can appeal them in the prescribed manner. When available, initiatives are taken to improve performance and product quality. Failure to carry out instructions from the boss is excluded if the rules of subordination are followed.

The responsibility of each employee, from employee to director, and their relationships are regulated by subordination. Ordinary employees may lose their jobs, and the director risks his image and business reputation. The entire vertical and horizontal of power is completely built on subordination.

The outcome and type of punishment for non-compliance with the rules of subordination are determined by the type of violation that the employee committed.

  • A verbal remark from the boss about the inadmissibility of this kind of behavior. It follows after a one-time violation of the principles of subordination and existing principles of business communication.
  • A simple or severe reprimand is assigned for a disciplinary offense and systemic violations of discipline and labor regulations; a record of this is recorded in a personal file.
  • Dismissal at own request (article). Type of punishment for failure to fulfill immediate duties, systemic failure to comply with labor discipline.

Good business relationships within an organization contribute to the efficient running of the business, thereby ensuring a healthy work environment. If a manager values ​​the company’s reputation, his work with employees and partners is based on ethical standards and compliance with the principles of subordination.

One employee has been assigned different tasks at the same time by two managers, but he can only accomplish one thing - what to do? The manager tore his direct subordinate to smithereens in the presence of his employees - and they stopped listening to him - why did this happen? Two different departments constantly complain about each other to their superiors and hardly communicate with each other - what to do?

These and many other questions are relevant for organizations in which a second level of management appears. How to interact with each other as the complexity of the organization increases and the organizational structure grows.

In this article we will look at the main mistakes and rules of horizontal and vertical communications, which will allow you not to step on management mistakes and strengthen the controllability of the organization.

1. Types of subordination

Let's give this definition of chain of command- these are the rules adopted in the organization for the interaction of different positions with each other in the performance of their official duties.

And if in an organization, when everyone is directly subordinate to the First Person, everything is basically clear with subordination, then in more complex systems problems arise. Let's sort them out.

Let's imagine the organization as follows:

Fig.1. Organization structure and types of subordination

All divisions of the organization are connected into a single structure (), everyone does a common job. In this case, we can distinguish two types of tasks that are assigned in the organization:

  • Vertical tasks (shown by red arrows in Fig. 1) that managers assign to their direct subordinates. We will call such problems administrative, or simply tasks(which are not included in the employee’s functionality, that is, not what he should do anyway).
  • Horizontal tasks (shown in Fig. 1 by horizontal arrows), which assign positions to each other in accordance with what they should do anyway - that is, in accordance with business processes and prescribed functionality. We will call such problems functional, or applications.

In the organization, tasks are assigned both horizontally and vertically and management processes of setting, accepting for execution, monitoring, evaluating and coordinating tasks and requests are implemented. These processes can occur in a controlled or uncontrolled manner, and then the efficiency can be high or “as God wishes.”

For convenience, we will divide types of subordination on administrative, functional and ethical, and we will deal with the main mistakes and formulate rules.

10 main mistakes of subordination

1. Assigning a task to an employee “over the head” of his manager

Fig.2. Assigning a task to an employee “over the head” of his manager

We encounter this type of error most often when conducting organizational diagnostics. While gaining in the speed of solving the problem, in the long term this leads to a decrease in the controllability of the system:

  • The immediate manager stops assigning tasks himself and transfers this function to his boss
  • Direct subordinates no longer perceive their manager as a boss
  • The senior manager begins to spend more and more time on managing the department

Fig.3. The manager ceases to be the head of the department

These processes occur even faster if a superior manager begins to cancel the manager’s decision or change the priorities in the work of his subordinates without his consent.

You can also often encounter a situation where subordinates are assigned tasks by heads of other functional departments without the consent of their immediate supervisor.

Fig.4. Heads of other functional departments assign tasks to subordinates without agreement with the immediate supervisor

And, perhaps, the fastest way to reduce the controllability of a department is to assign a task to the manager through his subordinate: “Tell your manager to get it done...”. Usually it sounds like “The boss said”, which is passed from mouth to mouth, and, naturally, is transformed, changed, and performed incorrectly.

2. Controlling the completion of a task by someone other than the person who assigned the task

You can often come across this mistake when a separate position of controller of the orders assigned by a superior manager is introduced. Let's give a historical example.

As you know, Joseph Stalin in the 20s was responsible for monitoring the implementation of Politburo decisions. Having established a control system, he was able to bring to execution the decisions he needed, and leave unimplemented decisions that he did not need, thanks to which he very quickly increased his apparatus weight and won the struggle for power. Therefore, it is very important here to immediately determine the authority of the person who “controls” the execution of the task.

3. Punishing an employee without notifying his supervisor

Here is a case from our practice:

One day we witnessed such a story. During the org. diagnostics, we got acquainted with the organization’s office, and the general director gave us a short tour of the office. Seeing the employees of the marketing department in the kitchen, the general director said: “But here is our kitchen and the marketing that is registered here. No matter how much I go into the kitchen, they sit here all the time, drinking tea, idlers.” The marketing employees, looking down, did not answer. Then, during an interview with the marketing director, we found out that his employees, before going to the kitchen, spent 4 hours without a break preparing one of the company’s workshops for video filming. It turns out that the marketers got nothing from the CEO, and the marketing director received unmotivated employees and lost some of his authority.

In our opinion, this error primarily appears due to weak communication ethics in the organization.

4. Appointment of two responsible executors for completing one task

Despite the obviousness of this error, we also encounter it very often when conducting organizational diagnostics. Case from practice:

In the protocols of one large trading company, several responsible persons were always indicated in the “Responsible executor” field, which is why many tasks did not begin to be completed for a long time until responsibility was clarified. After the logging rules were formed, it was decided to write only one employee in the “responsible” field, and the “Co-executors” field was also added - and the work went faster.

As a consequence of this error, one can also encounter such errors as a lack of understanding of the role of co-performers in completing the task, as well as the lack of their resources to complete the task.

And as an extreme case, you can encounter a situation where the same task is assigned to two performers at once on the principle of “someone will do it.”

5. Appeal to a superior manager without the consent of the immediate supervisor

Such cases also erode the responsibility and authority of the immediate manager. Case from practice:

One of the leading engineers at a research institute approached the director directly to obtain permission for a new project. When the director gave permission without understanding, the relationship between the development team leader and the engineer was damaged, and both competing projects were ultimately not completed due to unconstructive competition between the leader and the lead engineer

6. Incorrect response of an employee in case of refusal of another functional department to fulfill a request

“The sellers did not issue an invoice for our application on time”, “Producers are pushing our request for re-installation”, “Marketers forgot to call and take feedback from the client”, “The complaints service called the client only 3 months after the complaint” - These and other examples of departments complaining about each other can be heard in most organizations.

Divisions connected by common business processes assign requests to each other, but without understanding the escalation mechanisms, one division thinks that it has submitted a request, while the second division believes that there was no request. This often leads to functional holes, when instead of coordinated horizontal work of departments requests turn into tasks and are resolved only through senior managers, because of which time is wasted and competition is lost. Here's a typical example:

A marketing department employee approached a PR department employee to arrange an interview. A PR specialist, who had a task assigned by his immediate supervisor, refused an employee from the Marketing Department. The marketer eventually turned to his manager and told him about the PR department’s refusal (perhaps embellishing the situation a little). The head of the marketing department immediately turned to the Commercial Director, who, without understanding, reprimanded the head of the PR department. After this, the relationship between the marketing and PR departments was even more damaged, and all communications between them passed only through their immediate supervisor - the Commercial Director.

In order to avoid functional holes, it makes sense to regularly prescribe horizontal cross-functional business processes and, since it is impossible to prescribe everything, it makes sense to train employees on escalation rules in case a failure occurs.

7. Failure to understand the priority of completing a task or request by an employee

Such errors can be seen especially often in organizations with a matrix structure. Case from practice:

In one production and trading organization, the HR director from the central office demanded that a functionally subordinate HR specialist from the plant take photographs of the working day for 5 production positions. At the same time, the director of the plant instructed the same HR specialist, but administratively subordinate to him, to carry out an urgent recruitment of new workers, since production facilities were idle. And the result of the variable part of the remuneration for the HR specialist’s work depended on the assessment of both the plant director and the HR manager. As a result, after two months of not receiving the variable part, the HR specialist quit, and only after that the procedure for planning the work of HR specialists was rewritten, leaving the last word in setting priorities and determining remuneration to plant directors.

8. Discussion of the decisions and actions of the leader in front of his subordinates in the absence of the leader himself

Any discussion of a manager's decisions in the presence of his direct subordinates greatly affects his authority. Especially if the leader is accused in the presence of his subordinates. Case from practice:

One day, during an org. diagnostics, we attended a department meeting chaired by a senior manager. He reproached the department head for failure to implement the plan in front of his subordinates in vain. The situation was aggravated by the presence of strangers (consultants) at the meeting. The manager left the meeting red-faced, and 2 days later submitted his resignation, which turned out to be a big surprise for the superior manager. After this incident, we try to attend meetings discreetly, via Skype or through hidden video recording.

9. "Criticism of the sinner, not the sin"

One of the eternal Russian questions is “Who is to blame?” Often, in situations that the manager does not like, a search for those to blame begins instead of making improvements to the management system. Moreover, this happens unnoticed, at the level of the imposed rules of the game, and manifests itself in such seemingly harmless phrases of the leader as:

  • Why trust you with something, you still won’t do anything again?
  • I teach you, I teach you, but it’s all to no avail.
  • Why else should I explain to you, why am I paying you money?
  • What does the regulation have to do with it, if you have to think for yourself!

Thus, the manager himself gives his employees the right not to play by the rules, remaining at the level of management “by convention”.

10. Heterogeneous type of treatment in the company

We noticed that error No. 9 occurs, as a rule, in organizations with a culture of communicating with each other on a first-name basis. For some reason, in our culture, employees very quickly and willingly move to the personal level of “you-communication”, because of which the official role in their head is replaced by a personal one, the manager and subordinates become friends, and the business suffers, since friends can no longer fully perform management functions, which also involve various types of coercion.

True, too much distance is also often harmful, as it makes it difficult for the manager to receive feedback. When everyone in an organization addresses each other by first name and patronymic, the situation begins to resemble a pantheon of celestial beings, the indicators of everyone’s personal ego go off scale, information begins to get lost and the business, again, suffers.

And if in an organization in one division everyone addresses each other first name and constantly drinks beer after work, and in another division everyone addresses each other only by first name and patronymic and does not even congratulate each other on their birthday, then the corporate culture begins to differ greatly, hostility between departments increases and the common cause also begins to suffer.

Every person from childhood is instilled with respect for elders and rules of behavior in society. This can be briefly formulated as follows: “The junior must respect the elders, and the subordinate must respect the superiors.” It sounds somewhat militarized, but at work it’s like at war: without order, rules and subordination, any tactics will be a failure! Any process of joint work requires the placement of workers, timely control, as well as the debugging of relations between its participants. These relationships are always built on power and subordination. Respect by a boss for a subordinate and vice versa, mutual distance, compliance with established rules constitute such a concept as subordination. And most workers perceive it as a necessary condition of work, and not as an infringement of their rights.

Definition of the concept and content of subordination

Subordination comes from the Latin word subordinatio, meaning subordination, and is a system of official relations associated with hierarchy, the subordination of some managers along with their departments to managers of higher levels. Such regulated relations are the subject of subordination. The content of subordination is following the established rules of interaction between persons of different hierarchical levels (managers at various levels and ordinary employees) within the work collective, organization, institution.
Subordination provides for a respectful relationship between a superior and a subordinate, a special procedure for giving orders and instructions to the superior, as well as reporting the results of their implementation to the subordinate. In addition, the rules of subordination regulate the appeal of the actions of a superior to a superior superior. The lower-level manager (together with his department) is subordinate to the upper-level managers.

Subordination system

A clearly regulated system of business relations allows us to achieve coordinated work of the entire team, united by a common goal. Many people can work on one task. Each employee at his workplace must clearly know which of the other colleagues he interacts with, whom he has the right to ask, and who has the right to ask him.
Subordination presupposes strict and unquestioning subordination (depending on the individual's official position in the company or position) of juniors to seniors and is based on the principles of official discipline. A striking example of a system of subordination is the mechanism for regulating relations adopted among military personnel. However, in almost any team from the public sphere, the principle of subordination is observed at all levels.
In commercial organizations with more than one manager, the introduction of a system of subordination of juniors to seniors is also mandatory. This becomes especially relevant when the number of employees increases and the company’s functions expand. Then there is a direct need for bosses, each of whom manages his own department. The head of a small company may be separated by one or two steps from those at the lowest organizational level, and in large organizations there may be more than a dozen management positions between the steps.
Meanwhile, experts come to the conclusion that a short hierarchical chain is optimal, otherwise there is a high risk of problems associated with the distance of ordinary employees from the highest level managers. In foreign companies, there has been a tendency to reduce the length of the hierarchical ladder and increase the role of horizontal service relationships. At the same time, the opportunities for ordinary employees to make organizational decisions are expanded. But, regardless of the length of the management chain, any department head has the authority to make decisions solely within the limits of his own official responsibility.

For your information. Strict observance of subordination implies that each manager must automatically transfer to higher levels the solution of those tasks that go beyond the boundaries of his competence. After all, “jumping” over the steps of the management structure can reduce the authority of higher management.

Subordination as the basis of corporate etiquette is based on the rules of labor discipline or “unwritten laws”, which are transmitted orally to newcomers. Labor regulations imply that discipline is observed in relationships within the team and they are strictly within the framework of work. Each employee has a direct supervisor whose instructions must be carried out. In case of disagreement with the actions or orders of management, you can appeal them in the manner established by the work regulations, without violating the chain of command and without going over the head of the immediate supervisor. Following the rules of business communication is one of the most important components of success these days. The ability to maintain subordination is a significant element of professionalism.

Standards of behavior exist not only for subordinates

Insubordination is a common phenomenon. Most often this is expressed in violation of labor discipline. Punishments include reprimand, reprimand and dismissal with the mandatory preparation of reports or explanatory notes.
However, each employee may have his own idea of ​​the boundaries of what is permitted. In order to avoid conflicts in internal labor regulations or in job descriptions, it is useful to set out in detail what exactly is considered subordination and its violation. Just as for ordinary employees there are fixed rules for observing subordination and measures of responsibility for its violation, so for management there are rules and techniques that allow them to increase the level of business communication and their own authority, and avoid mistakes. It is the leader who lays the foundation for the psychological climate in the team by defining patterns of behavior.
Experts highlight some rules of business communication for managers:
1) make comments when employees fail to complete tasks. But criticism should occur in a form that is not offensive to the subordinate and should concern not some of his personal qualities, but professional shortcomings;
2) do not discuss their personal problems with subordinates and do not give advice. The distance must be maintained on both sides;
3) under no circumstances show your subordinates that you have ceased to control the situation, even if this has happened;
4) be fair. Any success, even insignificant, should be encouraged;
5) reward your team with kind words even when success is achieved mainly due to your efforts. Without the help of employees, the assigned tasks would not be fully realized;
6) do not create favorites: their appearance causes envy and hostility in the team. Treat everyone equally to maintain a healthy work environment;
7) do not reprimand the guilty in public. Such degrading treatment is unacceptable. Such tactics of behavior can not only seriously offend a person, but also cause a serious nervous breakdown;
8) when communicating with subordinates, be correct and give orders according to the levels of the hierarchy;
9) observe the principle of emotional neutrality in relation to subordinates. Treat everyone evenly and with restraint. Personal likes and dislikes are inappropriate;
10) regulate the procedure for employees to gain access to you.
The basics of subordination are a universal concept. But each organization sets its own level of strictness of compliance. The lack of business ethics and standards of behavior negatively affects the working atmosphere and the mood of the entire team, which can lead to violations of discipline and failure to complete tasks.


Sometimes the subordination system becomes a special tool with which the manager achieves high-quality work and high performance.
The need for subordination, for a certain subordination, is caused by the need for many people to achieve common goals, the interrelation of common interests and special, private ones. That is, superior management subjects set goals for subordinates, who are called upon to implement them taking into account their individual interests.
To ensure subordination, the use of direct power methods of managerial influence is typical. And the abuse of this instrument leads to strict regulation of the activities of performers to the detriment of their independence, to the underutilization of their creative potential. Subordination accompanies the natural course of professional events and labor relationships in any organization and helps to ensure basic order and efficiency of activities in it. However, sometimes it can turn out to be “inconvenient” and unprofitable. If a manager needs his subordinate to take initiative, boldly put forward original ideas, and perhaps criticize his ideas, he can offer to “put aside” the chain of command for the duration of such a discussion. When joining a team, a new employee gets used not only to established rules and behavior, but also to a certain “family” nature of working relationships and, unfortunately, sometimes forgets that he does not work among close people, but primarily among colleagues and under the guidance of his superiors. . For example, he may flare up or become “you” in communication, often be late or allow himself to make inappropriate statements. And if in small companies or firms with a democratic “form of government” they can turn a blind eye to such familiarity or, at most, make a remark, then in large corporations or government agencies for such an offense they can not only be fired, but, for example, ruin their reputation among “their own people.” “and deprive not only career growth, but also decent work in the future. Only the manager decides when and how appropriate subordination is.

Subordination is a service relationship that is built on a hierarchical principle. They are needed to maintain a certain distance between subordinates and superiors. Competent and correct subordination has a positive effect on productivity and helps maintain a good working atmosphere in the company.

Subordination in business relationships works both ways, since not only subordinates must listen to and respect management, but management must also be tactful and polite, even when they are dissatisfied with the work of employees and do it to them.

From the legal side, working subordination is also regulated by the main Charter of the organization. When hiring a person, a specific contract is concluded with him, that is, which spells out all the rights and obligations regarding subordination. Sometimes companies also have an agreement, which is concluded by the entire team, and certain norms are also spelled out in it. Naturally, the main importance here is mainly the norms of ethics and their non-compliance is a direct violation of the mentioned labor discipline.

All subordinates, in order to maintain a positive atmosphere in the team, are required to behave correctly, politely and tactfully with their director. An employee's career growth largely depends on his behavior, so a rude tone, as well as boorish address to higher authorities, are not acceptable. Such behavior may be considered an administrative violation.

Each company and organization must have its own vertical and horizontal lines of subordination. Deviation from them leads to a certain, and not only individual, but also collective.

Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists all types of subordinate disciplinary sanctions. Violation of subordination in business relations may entail consequences, namely:

  1. Comment. It can be caused by a one-time violation of labor relations, after which management will more carefully monitor the quality of the subordinate’s work and the fulfillment of all duties.
  2. Rebuke. This type of punishment can be both oral and written, with an entry in the employee’s personal file. The reason for such a penalty can be either one-time or regular violation of subordination.
  3. . An extreme measure of punishment, for which one, however, extremely gross violation, falling under one or another administrative or even criminal article (for example, physical harm to one’s superiors), will suffice. However, sometimes employees are fired for not so serious, but regular offenses that negatively affect the work environment.

Types of subordination

As mentioned above, there are 2 lines of subordination in the team. This means that, accordingly, there are 2 types of subordination in business relations:

  • Vertical labor relations
  • Horizontal labor relations

Vertical subordination implies a direct relationship between a manager and a subordinate, that is, this system is characterized by a “top-down” scheme. With this type of relationship, it is believed that the bosses will not allow themselves to have an overly familiar attitude towards their subordinates, and they, in turn, will not joke or behave too openly with management. The vertical is a clear and coherent hierarchy in the team.

The advantages of such a system:

  • Coordinated and productive work in a team, since employees do not waste energy and time sorting out any relationships with management
  • Each person, due to a clear hierarchy, has his own clear place, and his rights are not infringed in any way
  • The management treats all its employees equally and does not reward those with whom it is on friendly terms

The vertical has only one significant disadvantage: excessive subordination, with which management can go too far. In this case, work in a particular company will resemble a totalitarian state, and subordinates will simply stop trying, and the working atmosphere will be disrupted.

His further career growth depends on how a subordinate communicates with his manager. Excessive ingratiation or, conversely, a rude tone can anger your superiors.

Horizontal subordination implies relationships between colleagues occupying equal positions: for example, between heads of different departments, or ordinary workers of one. In this case, the key rules of communication are different and imply equality, partnership, mutual assistance and mutual respect.

The advantage of horizontal subordination is that with a good atmosphere in the team, overall productivity increases. People who respect and listen to each other and work as a team are truly capable of amazing things.

The disadvantage of horizontal is obvious. Unfortunately, colleagues often use each other for selfish purposes, especially if their relationship develops into friendships and goes beyond work. For example, some people can do someone else's work for someone else simply because he asked. It should be remembered that even if you are equal, you need to keep a certain distance.

Common mistakes

Many people often make mistakes in the vertical-horizontal subordination of business relationships. For example, the director should not distribute his own without the knowledge of the head of the department. Thus, he undermines the authority of junior management, and his subordinates will simply stop respecting him, and as a result, listening to him.

Another mistake is that sometimes a randomly selected person from the team controls the work of another person or the entire department, without being the immediate superior. Remember that there should always be a specially authorized person to check and evaluate a particular work process.

A person who is directly one career step above him should punish this or that employee, i.e. his junior boss. Naturally, other management also has the right to do this, but only in the presence and with the consent of immediate management. This rule is often forgotten in various companies.

Unfortunately, what often happens is that management does not give clear orders to subordinates, which is why they get the impression that the director himself does not know what he wants. Remember that a good boss always makes it clear exactly what tasks need to be completed, and also clearly sets deadlines for completing them.

And, of course, the most important mistake is that sometimes superiors go beyond the boundaries of business subordination and condemn not the quality of a particular work, but the character or even appearance of the subordinate. Such behavior is unacceptable; it completely destroys the working atmosphere in the team and humiliates the personal dignity of subordinates. Management should under no circumstances interfere in the personal life of a subordinate, give the employee advice that has nothing to do with work, or evaluate things that have nothing to do with the work process.

Consequences of non-compliance

Fortunately, in most cases, insubordination in business relationships is not, and often it is an ordinary violation of certain ethical standards.

Subordination is a way of designating responsibility for each employee, both for superiors and subordinates.

Obviously, it is different for each worker, and, for example, an ordinary employee risks being left without a job, and the boss, on top of everything, also risks his reputation, as well as money. Therefore, the higher the responsibility, the more demanding a person is in relation to his subordinates. The company will not be successful without maintaining horizontal and vertical subordination.

Remember that even if an employee is irreplaceable, and at the same time takes liberties in relation to colleagues and superiors, you still need to apply certain punitive measures to him, up to and including dismissal. The boss is the leader in the team, and he must monitor compliance with subordination.

The consequences of failure to maintain proper labor relations depend on how far the subordinate has departed from the chain of command in relation to his superiors. A one-time violation of norms will be punished by verbal reprimand and deprivation, but a disciplinary offense or regular disregard for subordination may result in a severe reprimand. A reprimand is not entered in the work book, but may well be considered grounds for dismissal.

Dismissal under this article can greatly affect your future career, since other employers will not want to hire employees who are prone to violations of labor discipline. If the management itself does not comply with subordination, then subordinates must complain to higher authorities, then the same penalties will be taken against him.

    I work at a school where I once studied several years ago, and many teachers remember me, as they say, “from the cradle.” Naturally, everyone calls me “you,” and only one teacher who taught me calls me “you.” Everything would be fine, I don’t mind, but sometimes in front of the children they call me by name and “you,” which I think is unacceptable. How can I explain this to them? Is this subordination or basic rules of etiquette during working hours?
