Growth hormone: before and after results

How quickly will I see results from HGH? This is the main question for athletes and ordinary people using this drug. Let's figure out what effects come from using growth hormone, and for how long. To do this, we will look at the results of use from 2 weeks to 6 months.

How long will it take to see results from HGH?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. This is explained by the fact that each person is individual, everyone has different ages, the body’s regenerative abilities, predisposition to this drug, and so on... So some notice the effect of growth hormone within one week after use, while others need at least 2- 3 weeks to feel any results. The dosage of growth hormone also plays an important role. But still, it is not recommended to exceed the optimal amount of active ingredient for your weight, for the sake of faster progress. We will try to track what effects growth hormone has on the average person in a specific period of time.

Growth hormone results after 1 month

As soon as growth hormone enters your body, changes immediately begin to occur. During the first few weeks, these will be visible through increased energy and vitality, which in turn can lead to increased productivity. Your workouts in the gym will take place in one breath, and you will hardly feel tired. There will be a strong feeling that you are able to make a knot on the training bar. Finally, many HGH users report that their mood improves and their depression goes away.

HGH results after 2 months

After 2 months, after starting to take growth hormone, the results will be more noticeable. This manifests itself in improved skin condition and improved muscle tone, as growth hormone helps the body regenerate cells faster. Thanks to this, even the eye muscles are strengthened. This will manifest itself in improved vision and night vision. Metabolism also does not stand still, and 2 months after a course of growth hormone, it accelerates. As a result of this, you will see the first fat loss.

HGH results after 3 months

This month marks another important milestone. After a 3-month course of growth hormone, we can see the first improvements in the appearance and condition of the hair. Your bones will begin to become stronger and stronger, and although you are unlikely to feel this effect, you will likely notice greater flexibility in your joints and a decrease in joint pain. The female gender, in turn, can get rid of the bad PMS symptoms that arise with age.

HGH results after 4 months

The consequences of using growth hormone before and after become more and more noticeable and obvious within 3-4 months after the start of the course. The results affecting mood, energy, stamina, skin and hair condition also continue to improve in a positive direction. And the metabolic rate returns to its “young” pace. You will see gradual fat loss and muscle gain, especially if you train at the gym.

HGH results after 5 months

After 5 months, after starting the growth hormone course, you will want to take photographs to clearly demonstrate to yourself and others your progress. You will notice clearly visible improvements in the condition of your hair. They will become thicker, much more elastic and shiny. Additionally, skin discoloration, which is one of the signs of aging, will be greatly reduced. After 5 months - the transformation of the body will be clearly visible to the naked eye, the appearance will improve significantly.

HGH results after 6 months

  • Sleep will be better and much deeper
  • Skin - smooth and elastic, will gain a more youthful appearance
  • Acceleration of metabolism
  • Improving immunity and cardiovascular system
  • Increased energy, endurance, strength.

Thanks to the improvement in metabolism and the ability of growth hormone to influence muscle growth, after a six-month course you will see wonderful effects related to your figure. In addition to fat loss and muscle growth, HGH reduces cellulite and helps the body gain good proportions faster. You will become more successful in sports, the results will be much higher than before, you will be able to easily endure long-term physical activity, thanks to increased endurance, muscle strength and increased bone strength.

Growth hormone BEFORE and AFTER

So what does growth hormone do, and what are its effects? Growth hormone can change your appearance and life for the better, it affects everything from sleep and mood to hair and skin condition. Let's look at the main areas of influence of growth hormone.


Before - graying and dry hair. Wrinkles and skin discoloration.

Afterwards - thick and healthy hair with a characteristic shine. Perhaps there will be less gray hair or even its original color will be restored, the skin will become smooth and more elastic, and its tone will improve.

Physical form

Before - there is excess weight. Incorrect ratio of fat and muscle in the body. Poor muscle tone.

Afterwards - excellent proportions, a compact and more muscular body, greater fat loss.

Physical abilities

Before - low endurance and joint strength. Deterioration of vision, especially in the dark.

Afterwards - increased endurance and the ability to perform intense physical exercise, improved results in sports, vision also improves.

General state

Before - poor sleep, low energy and decreased mood, poor concentration and productivity.

Afterwards - deep and healthy sleep, increased vitality, stable optimistic mood, increased mental capacity and productivity.

If you want to improve your overall well-being, as well as get rid of a few hated kilograms of fat, while gaining muscle mass, then growth hormone is perfect for these purposes. Before use, be sure to consult with specialists so that your course is as effective as possible.

A growth hormone- a powerful anabolic steroid, the action of which is aimed at activating the metabolic resources of the human body. Thanks to its presence in the body, it becomes possible to build muscle mass and burn subcutaneous fat. It activates higher regulatory centers, which leads to increased libido.

Athletes who want to improve their athletic performance are interested in the question of how growth hormone can achieve this, and whether it is possible to increase its level in natural ways. A clear understanding of the mechanism of production and action of this powerful anabolic helps to find out all this.

Synthesized in the pituitary gland, this hormone fully lives up to its name. It stimulates cell growth and repair, which helps build muscle and increase bone density. Growth hormone is responsible for maintaining normal tissue function in the body, including the central nervous system and internal organs.

It is active in the blood for only a few minutes, during which the liver converts it into growth factors. The most important is IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1). Growth hormone was first isolated in the fifties of the last century from cadaveric material. It began to be synthesized in laboratory conditions in 1981. A little later it began to be produced in dosage form. The drug quickly gained popularity.

How much growth hormone is produced in the human body?

Per milliliter of blood in men there are up to 5, and in women - up to 10 nanograms of the hormone. The difference is due to a surge in concentration during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This powerful anabolic reaches its highest concentration in the blood of both sexes during puberty, and after 20 years it decreases.

How can you find out about a hormone deficiency?

According to the results of a blood test, which is no different from any standard one performed in a laboratory. It can be done on a referral basis, which you should ask your doctor for.

Is synthetic growth hormone dangerous?

There are many cases of exaggeration of the negative effects of various artificially produced substances on the body. For a long time, even creatine, which is one of the safest and most effective dietary supplements, was presented in the media as potentially harmful to humans.

A similar situation arises around growth hormone. According to experts, the risks from taking it are limited to an increase in blood sugar and swelling. An increase in the size of the liver or leg are isolated cases, the cause of which was excess dosage.

Why is growth hormone taken?

The age-related decline of this hormone is a natural process, but it does not affect a person in a positive way. Its function is not limited to stimulating muscle growth. It slows down the degenerative pathologies that occur in the body of every person with age, is responsible for sexual desire, supports mental activity and general well-being.

A drop in growth hormone causes the opposite result. A person’s vitality decreases and sexual desire is dulled. Losing muscle mass, as a rule, begins to be replaced by fats deposited in the subcutaneous layer, that is, the silhouette begins to lose its attractiveness. To prevent this from happening, take its synthesized analogue of growth factor.

Where can I buy the drug?

Insulin-like growth factor-1 is prescribed to people who have low tissue sensitivity to the hormone. Such a prescription can usually be obtained at a specialized clinic. The synthesized hormone is even sold online.

The main thing is to make a purchase either through a pharmacy chain or in a store whose specialty is sports nutrition and supplements. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to check the quality of the substance.

Increasing growth hormone without taking synthetic analogues

Proper sleep, that is, sufficient time, as well as strength training, allows you to stimulate the natural production of the hormone. The more time devoted to physical activity, the more active synthesis occurs.

A recent study showed that people who regularly exercise have increased circulation of IGF-1 and growth hormone in their blood after exercise, which was not found in untrained “subjects” who performed the same training.

The production of the hormone occurs throughout sleep, but the greatest peak, according to research, is observed precisely at the beginning of the deep phase. Therefore, how much sleep a person gets is important. The recommended sleep duration should be between seven and nine hours.

Equally important is proper nutrition. The diet should be balanced. Preference should be given to lean foods, as fatty foods lead to a decrease in growth hormone.

Useful dietary supplements

The concentration of nutrients plays an important role in hormone synthesis. A slight increase in its level can even be achieved by taking a regular multivitamin. The combined use of glutamine with arginine has a much greater effect.

As has been proven through research, such a mixture must be prepared in the correct proportions. And to achieve truly good results, it is better to purchase a supplement rather than mix the components yourself.

Substances that increase hormone levels

Represented by seven main groups:


These are not only vitamins A, B5, B12, but also folic acid, as well as inositol hexanicotinate.

Amino acids


This group is represented by substances such as zinc, iodine, chromium and magnesium.

Vital substances

Colostrum and Alpha GPC (alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine), which is known to many as alpha GPC, are represented.


The use of melatonin, DHEA, and pregnelone can also help get rid of growth hormone deficiency.

Substances of plant origin

This group includes: silymarin, forskolin (coleonol), chrysin, griffonia and tribulus.

Natural adaptogens

These are plants that increase the body’s resistance to negative effects of various types, while stimulating and toning. The most famous adaptogens are ginseng and angelica chinensis. Growth hormone can be stimulated by eating the fruits of the jujube tree, schisandra and wolfberry berries, wild yam extract, polygonum multiflorum root extract, as well as the roots of plants such as ashwagandha, astragalus and eleutherococcus.

The effectiveness of each of the listed substances has been proven through many years of research. Minerals with vitamins are found in regular multivitamins, and amino acids are present in various sports nutrition. There are also substances, including ginseng, chrysin and others, that are not included in conventional products, but are purchased separately.

Growth hormone course is a very expensive, effective and dangerous doping, although for medical purposes, under the supervision of doctors, somatotropin is practically harmless. Here it would be appropriate to recall the well-known Paracelsus, who somehow believed that everything is poison and everything is medicine. At the same time, they very often say that growth hormone is generally harmless, but they immediately recommend taking it together with insulin and/or thyroid hormones. A course of growth hormone, in fact, can lead to diabetes, suppress the secretion of thyroid hormones, and also contribute to the development of cancer. We definitely don’t recommend using co-ma-to-tro-pin, but, since there is no rest for the pumped-up, we’ll have to consider the reception and this- th drug.

A course of growth hormone involves injections of exogenous somatotropin, that is, we are not talking about the stimulation of its own secretion, but about the introduction of the hormone itself from the outside. There are several ways of producing co-ma-to-tro-pi-na, but we, like pot-re-bi-te-ley, are not in-te-re-su-et it’s how it’s produced, but how high-quality and cheap it is, or rather, what we’re interested in is the price-quality ratio, which we talk about in detail. -lee. The secretion of somatotropin can be stimulated with natural remedies and the use of peptides, but we will talk about this in separate articles. In this article, we will look at the best brands of growth hormone, how to check its quality, how to store it, how to take it, and what results other than cancer member, you can expect so-ma-to-tro-pi-na from the course.

Properties of somatotropin and consequences of taking

A growth hormone is a polypeptide hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which in adolescence, until the “growth zones” of bones close, is responsible for their growth in length, which is what its name is associated with. Also, the functions of somatotropin include stimulating the synthesis of protein structures and the reduction of subcutaneous fat. This is why the growth hormone course alone is used only for “drying”, and together with AAS and/or in-su-lin also for gaining muscle mass. As you understand, in terms of protein metabolism, growth hormone and insulin are synergists, both hormones enhance protein synthesis, but in terms of carbohydrate metabolism they are antagonists. In-su-ling reduces the level of sugar in the blood, but growth hormone, on the contrary, significantly increases it. This is precisely why in long-term courses or when dosages exceed more than 10 units per day, so-ma-to-tropin is recommended together with insulin.

The natural production of growth hormone occurs according to circadian rhythms and, although the average value of the hormone in the blood is 1-5 ng/ml, during hormone releases this concentration can reach from 10 up to 40ng/ml. On average, such emissions occur every 3-5 hours and occur most intensely during sleep, and 1-2 hours after a person falls asleep, such a release necessarily occurs . Re-gu-li-ru-et-sya you work with somatoliberin and somatostatin, the first, as the name implies, sti- mu-li-ru-et the secretion of the hormone, and the second one slows it down. You control this hormone with the hypothalamus, and all natural methods of increasing growth hormones and peptides act on the same principle - stimulate you-to-work-ku so-ma-to-li-be-ri-na gi-po-ta-la-mu-som.

Growth hormone can influence the synthesis of protein structures, both directly through co-ma-to-tropin receptors and through IGF-1. In general, the anabolic effects of so-ma-to-tro-pi-na are associated specifically with IGF-1, but the breakdown of fatty acids occurs along a different route. In practice, all of the above means 2 facts: a course of growth hormone can at the same time gain muscle mass and burn fat, but this can lead to serious consequences. -do with side effects. We have already listed them above, but it would not be amiss to say about them again: firstly, this is diabetes, but this side effect can be stopped with in-su-lin or diabetes-free CF, secondly , this is the suppression of the secretion of thyroid hormones, which is stopped by taking them during the course and, thirdly, the development of cancer cells, which is impossible to grow. It is also worth noting that insulin can lead to hypo-gli-ke-mi-ches-koy with a fatal outcome, and thyroid hormones can -re-re-tion of own hormones.

During a course of somatotropin lasting up to 2 months and in dosages of up to 10 units per day, you can use Diabeton MB as a safer analogue of insulin. As for T3 and T4, that is, thyroid hormones, with dosages of up to 10 units per day and a course duration of up to 2-3 months, you can do without them. But we do not recommend that you live without androgenic anabolic steroids. In general, we don’t re-co-men-do-eat either one or the other, since amateurs don’t need it, and for pro-fessionals it’s simply not ethical, but, if you are so pumped up that you are injecting so-ma-to-tro-pin, then be so kind as to give yourself an AAS. The point here is simply a matter of effectiveness, taking co-ma-to-tro-pin without AAS is like drinking vodka without beer, you can, but there’s no point.

How to choose growth hormone

Today, the somatotropin market in Russia is flooded with growth hormones from Europe, China, as well as domestic manufacturers. European growth hormones are all very high quality, they can be bought at the pharmacy, as well as a number of Chinese and Russian preparations, but they are very expensive. Vadim Ivanov, owner of, conducted a number of pre-pa-ra-tov tests in 2015, checking their compliance with the declared quality, but we sis-te-ma-ti-zi-ro It was these data that produced the following table. But before moving on to its content, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the % of pureness may vary depending on si-mos-ti depends on how long the growth hormone takes. It’s best to take the drug up to six months. The fact is that it needs to be stored at the op-re-de-lent temperature, and this is often violated, which leads to the destruction of the active substance . In terms of health, this is not scary, since somatotropin is dissolved in amino acids, but paying through the nose for protein is probably pointless.

Name Price for 10 units A country Certificate Examination Purity Fake
Humatrope 6000 rub. France There is There is 97-100% There is
Saizen 3700 rub. Italy There is There is 97-100% There is
Rastan 3425 rub. Russia There is No 94% There is
Genotropin 2300 rub. Belgium There is There is 94% There is
Omnitron 1750 rub. Austria There is No 93-95% There is
Norditropin 1650 rub. Denmark There is No 96% There is
Jintropin 1150 rub. China There is There is 95% There is
Neotropin 1000 rub. China No No 92% few
Dynatrope 800 rub. Russia No No 89% No
Ansomon 600 rub. China There is There is 97% few
Hygetropin 450 rub. China No No 93% few

The optimal drug, as the study showed, is ansomon, since all dealers without exception can imitate it. The fact is that in the Russian Federation there is no official pre-sta-vi-te-la, so anyone can order the drug directly from the factory. The quality and price of the ansomon have led to a frantic demand for this preparation, which is why it is always fresh, and the fresher the pot, the more active it contains substance, all things being equal. In general, at the time of writing the article, the optimal pre-pa-ra-t was ansomon, but what you inject yourself, people from the future, we still don’t know.

How to take a course of growth hormone

Storage of the drug: Growth hormone should be kept in the refrigerator, since high temperatures promote the destruction of somatotropin into amino acids.

Preparation of the drug: wipe the jar with somatotropin and the ampoules with the liquid with which you will dilute the drug with alcohol; the drug can be diluted with bactericidal or sterile water; the amount of liquid that you will dilute the growth hormone can be anything, it all depends on your preferences; if you dispense 10 units per 1 ml of liquid, then 10 marks on a U100 type syringe will equal 1 unit; the water drawn into the syringe must be mixed with growth hormone powder; for this, it is injected slowly through the syringe into the wall of the jar with so-ma-to-tro-pi-n, so that the water is honey-flax - but it flowed into powder, after which, with light circular movements, the mixture was reduced to a homogeneous mass in the form of a transparent liquid.

When and where to put: You need to take growth hormone in the morning before meals, 2 hours after meals and half an hour before meals, during or immediately after training, during drying, you can put it before bed if you wake up at night for in order to give an injection, then this will also be a good time for injections. In other words, injections should be given when your blood sugar is low. The drug must be administered at the same time. Growth hormones are placed under the skin, most often in the abdomen, which theoretically should contribute to a more rapid reduction of subcutaneous fat in this area. The injections are placed at an angle of 45° and are not given in the same place.

Duration and dosage: the duration of the course of growth hormone is from 2 to 6 months, and dosages range from 5 to 25 units per day; effective dosages start from 10 units, but they need to start from 2-3 weeks, provided that you feel normal; do-zi-rov-ki above 10 units per day are intended for pro-fes-sio-na-loving; The duration of the solo course is 2 months, if you use it for longer than 2 months, then you must include Diabeton MV, but long-term courses of 4-6 months are better because - be careful, because they may require the inclusion of insulin.

Solo course: intended for “drying”, the course begins with 5 units per day, injections are given once a day, if everything is fine, then at 2-3 weeks they begin to give 10 units per day, dividing them into two doses. ema. Duration is from 2 to 6 months, if the course lasts more than 2 months, then you need to drink Diabeton MV, if the course lasts more than 4 months, then you need to drink T-Rock-Sin 25 mcg per day for protection of the thyroid gland. Injections are not given for longer than 6 months, since this threatens to clog the receptors and the production of tolerance to the growth hormone.

Course with AAS: intended for “drying”, duration of AAS course is 8 weeks, give 30 mg win-stro-la per day, and the somatotropin course completely repeats the solo course.

Course with AAS and insulin: intended for weight gain, the duration of the AAS course is 8-12 weeks, as a rule, testosterone enanthate 500 mg per week, you can also add more oxandrolone 40 mg per day, the course of a small dose repeats the solo course, but in this case it is also not necessary to give 10 units of short-acting insulin per day, give 5 units an hour after the injection of somatotropin and after that eat tightly.

A course with AAS, insulin and thyroid hormones: this course can be for weight, it can be for cutting, depending on whether insulin will be involved, but this course is simply long-term, that’s why During it, thyroid hormones are also given. Sometimes they charge 2 courses of AAS per cycle, and the dosage reaches up to 25 units per day, but this is a course for those who plan to take places in professional tournaments. So you just need to know that such courses simply exist in principle.

Good day, dear readers! Today we have an interesting article. On the one hand, it is far from the “pumping up” topic, but on the other hand, it is most directly related to it, because it allows you to control the development of muscle mass. This “control” is called growth hormone somatotropin , and it is a powerful stimulating factor in pumping up iron muscles.

So, during the course of this article you will learn what somatotropin is, why it is needed at all, how you can manage your hormonal growth processes, and much more from the same series.

Well, let's start lightly, let's go.

What is growth hormone somatotropin

In our previous articles, in particular this one and this one, we talked about factors that affect the anabolic functions of the body. It’s good that we paid attention to them, but the “chemical” component of this process, i.e., slipped away from under our watchful gaze. We completely forgot about hormones. But they, in particular endrogen ones - testosterone and growth hormone, are one of the main triggers in the development of a harmonious and proportional body.

We will talk about one of them (the last one) further.

If you listen to foreign literature, they usually call growth hormone HGH(growth hormon), growth hormone or somatotropin. It is a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland with a peptide structure (i.e. consists of 191 amino acids), which is used to form muscle mass and build defined muscle relief. It is produced by the endocrine gland in relatively small quantities throughout a person’s life.

Why is somatotropin called growth hormone?

The hormone is named so for a reason, because it causes (usually in young people j) pronounced linear growth due to the development of tubular bones of the limbs. The average concentration of this hormone in the human body is about 1-5 ng/ml, during the peak period it can rise to 45 ng/ml.

In addition to being directly involved in stimulating muscle growth, it also:

  • normalizes metabolic processes (more proteins are used to build muscles, less fat is stored as reserves);
  • inhibits muscle catabolic processes;
  • enhances the process of lipolysis (burning) of fats;
  • increases the supply of glycogen depot in the liver;
  • allows you to quickly regenerate new tissue and heal body wounds;
  • increases the size and number of cells of the liver, reproductive and thymus glands;
  • improves skin tone (regulates collagen synthesis);
  • increases the growth of young people up to the closure of growth zones ( 25 years) ;
  • strengthens the joint-ligamentous apparatus;
  • increases ;
  • improves blood lipid composition (reduces “bad” cholesterol).

It should be borne in mind that somatotropin “works” not alone, but in conjunction with the hormone IGF-1(insulin-like growth factor). The latter is produced in the liver under the influence of growth hormone and stimulates the growth of almost all internal organs. If we consider the positive effects of growth hormone in sports (particularly in bodybuilding), then they are all associated with the direct action of the hormone IGF-1.


Maximum secretion of growth hormone is observed before the age of 20 years, then it decreases on average by 15% during 10 years.

Of course, at different stages of life, the concentration of somatotropin in the body is different, and this is clearly demonstrated by the following image.

Therefore, the best period for exercising your body is the age from 14 before 25 years, and the closer to the first digit, the better. Those. While the growth zones are active, the concentration of the “growing” hormone is high - this is truly the golden time for building muscles. However, the latter does not mean at all that a person after 25 nothing has been shining in the gym for years. No, it will just be necessary to put in more effort, and the process of achieving the desired result will take longer.


The secretion of growth hormone occurs periodically and has its peaks throughout the day. In particular, the peak production of the hormone occurs every 4-5 hours. The highest peak occurs at night, an hour after falling asleep.

Somatotropin: mechanism of production

The mechanism of production of the “growing” hormone is as follows. The pituitary gland, receiving a command from the hypothalamus, produces somatotropin, then it enters the blood, reaches the liver and is converted into a working substance - somatomedin. This substance enters the muscle cells of the body.

So, we have already laid some foundation, now let's delve into the consideration of the next issue.

Somatotropin in bodybuilding: natural stimulation of muscle growth

Any athlete is more interested in how such a powerful anabolic growth factor can be used to the “maximum”.

Well, firstly, it is worth keeping in mind that growth hormone can be used for weight loss due to its high ability to influence the metabolic rate. We know that any cell in the human body is fueled by either glucose or fatty acids (FA). The amount of glucose is regulated by insulin, while the amount of fatty acids is regulated by the “growing” hormone.

It turns out that in order for the body to start losing weight and burning fat, it needs to be instructed to switch to “fat” channels and feed on them, and not on glucose. We cannot have any feasible influence on insulin, because its task is to keep sugar levels normal and force cells to consume glucose. But somatotropin can force the cell to feed on fatty acids and reduce its need for glucose consumption.

In order to carry out this event, it (the hormone) needs to be embedded in the membranes of fat cells and serve as a transport system for them, which takes up and removes fatty acids into the blood, giving them oxygen. Those. it turns out that growth hormone can trigger lipolysis (the process of breaking down fat cells by the body itself), and it occurs when cells have an urgent need for FA.

Secondly, it is no secret that when it comes to growth hormone in relation to bodybuilding, we mean various medications and injections that stimulate muscle growth. However, as I have repeatedly said, I am for “clean” sports and natural results, so we will not consider information about the pharmacological properties of this drug here.


International Olympic Committee in 1989 year banned the use of somatotropin for athletic purposes.

Somatotropin: how to increase growth hormone levels

Better yet, let’s figure out how to naturally increase the concentration of this hormone in the body. So, let's go by the opposite and consider factors that can serve as an obstacle to the production of the “growing” hormone: 1) periodic stressful situations; 2) high level; 3) depletion of the central nervous system; 4) wrong food.

Stimulations contribute to:

  • High volume strength training

The duration of training should not exceed 45-50 minutes.

  • Food releasers

Amino acids: arginine, ornithine, glutamine, can be consumed with sports nutrition, but can also be obtained from: pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, hard cheese, cottage cheese, soy, boiled eggs.

  • Quality sleep + interval rest

Near 80% growth hormone is produced during sleep, so “press” the pillow about 7-8 hours - quite a useful activity for a bodybuilder. If it is possible to give “Khrapovetsky” during the day ( 20-30 minutes), then this will only benefit you. Remember the saying: after a delicious dinner, according to the laws of Archimedes, you should... - and if possible, follow it.

  • Periodic stress: sudden temperature changes, hunger

Sometimes (near 1 once a month) It is useful to force your body into unusual limits, for example, sleeping on an empty stomach or a sauna, then immediately a cold shower.

  • Proper protein nutrition

It is necessary to thoroughly “refuel”, observing the principles. In addition, at night it is advisable to consume slow and easily digestible protein: low-fat cottage cheese (up to 3% ), egg whites.

  • Dosed pain effect

Enormous effect on secretion G.H. (increase in 30 once!) provides b-endorphin. To synthesize it, it is necessary to use “unconventional” methods of influencing the body. For example, acupuncture, painful massage, whipping with a broom, placing needle rubber mats on the body (Kuznetsov applicator) or standing on them. It is most effective to influence the collar area and the entire spinal column.

  • Oxygen starvation

By reducing the oxygen content in the air (for example, training in mountain climatic conditions), you can achieve a significant increase in somatotropin in the blood. In urban conditions, oxygen starvation can be simulated by performing exercises aimed at holding the breath, as well as by using various fixing corsets.

  • Aerobic exercise

The best way to increase the concentration of growth hormone is interval (for short distances), sprint running. It is also good for building muscle.

  • Warm clothes

It is best to start your workout in light outerwear, regardless of the weather outside. Also, try not to catch a cold after your workout, e.g. If you shower, try to dry yourself thoroughly and dress well.

  • Consistency is the friend of stagnation

Over time, the body develops a habit of any load (exercise), so try to change them from time to time and not do the same thing, month after month.

By following these simple rules, you will significantly increase the secretion of growth hormone in your body.

Something like this, let's move on to the conclusion.


Today we have looked at growth hormone from all the angles we need, and we can draw the following conclusion. Of course, somatotropin is a powerful anabolic factor in muscle development, which simply must be in the arsenal of any novice (and not only) bodybuilder. The main thing to remember here is that there are a lot of natural ways to increase its content in the body, and therefore there is no need to resort to “chemistry”.

Well, that’s all, see you again on the pages of “”, bye!

PS. Friends, were you familiar with growth hormone in general and ansomon growth hormone in particular before this article? Write your answers in the comments below.

In the sports field, when talking about anabolic steroids, you can often hear the name “growth hormone”. What is this notorious drug and what is it combined with? Growth hormone or somatotropin is a peptide hormone produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which is part of the human brain. The drug causes a strong anabolic effect on the growth of muscle tissue and a catabolic reaction, which promotes increased fat burning.

Growth hormone contains 191 amino acids. It received its name for the expressive effect, which is characterized by the growth of tubular bones in length in young people.

It was first obtained in the seventies of the last century. It was extracted using a special extract from the pituitary gland of corpses, which was a very expensive undertaking.

From 1981 to the present day, the drug has been synthesized artificially. In 1989, the Olympic Committee banned the use of growth hormone. However, it has found wide application in bodybuilding. In sports, growth hormone is used to increase strength and increase lean muscle mass. Today it can be purchased in many online stores. In recent years, its sales have increased several times.

In medicine, growth hormone is used to prevent age-related disorders.

Due to its unique pharmacological properties, growth hormone is of key importance in bodybuilding. It has the following effects on the human body:

  • stimulates the growth of muscle tissue;
  • reduces body fat;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on human skin and organs;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds and recovery from injuries;
  • accelerates bone growth in young people under the age of twenty-five;
  • helps strengthen ligaments, bones and cartilage;
  • increases strength indicators;
  • reduces the breakdown of muscle fibers;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • regulates metabolism;
  • increases blood glucose levels;
  • has a regenerating effect on internal organs.

It should be noted that somatotropin in combination with other steroid drugs is responsible for the main effect that promotes rapid muscle growth in a bodybuilder.

As practice shows, if before using growth hormone a bodybuilder had good proportions and good muscle mass, then after using it the quality of the athlete’s muscles improves several times. These include: increased venousness and dryness of the body, bulge and a clearly defined muscle contour.

HGH Dosages

A safe dosage of somatotropin is within 30 IU (international units indicating the degree of activity of a substance).

Depending on the effectiveness of the drug, daily dosages may vary within the following limits:

  • from 2 to 4 IU for speedy rehabilitation from injuries;
  • from 4 to 10 IU to enhance the fight against adipose tissue in the body;
  • from 8 to 30 IU to increase muscle mass and increase strength.

When injecting throughout the day, it is necessary to imitate the natural production of the hormone. To do this, you will need to administer about five equal-volume portions of somatotropin every four hours.

The use of combined hormone courses

Using somatotropin in combination with other hormones, you can significantly increase the volume and definition of muscles. The course, as a rule, is based on the base drug (growth hormone) in combination with testosterone or sustanon.

How is growth hormone taken? Today, many athletes are puzzled by this question. Using only one growth hormone, it is impossible to achieve a significant increase in muscle mass. This drug exhibits its anabolic effect only in combination with androgenic hormones and steroids. Its properties are most pronounced in the presence. When gaining muscle mass, it is recommended to use up to 10 IU of this drug. But it is necessary to take into account that at the stage of fat burning it will be necessary to exclude the use of insulin, since it significantly inhibits the process of lipolysis (the breakdown of fats).

Growth hormone for women is used in cases where figure correction and elimination of excess weight are required.

For girls who want to look athletic and attractive, it is additionally recommended to start eating right and sign up for classes at the gym.

  • At the stage of using the combined course, it is necessary to inject drugs that would stimulate the production of your own growth hormone. For these purposes, the following pharmacological agents can be used:
  • GHRP-2, GHRP-6 (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide). This drug is the most powerful and safe booster (stimulator) of somatotropin secretion of all those existing today. When used, the production of growth hormone can increase tenfold or more.
  • CJC-1295 DAC (Drug Affinity Complex). This is a peptide hormone that consists of 30 amino acids and has a long half-life - about two weeks. Combines well with GHRP-2 and GHRP-6.
  • Sermorelin. The drug consists of forty-four amino acids. The half-life is thirty minutes. It is an analogue of the one popular among bodybuilders. To achieve a synergistic effect, it must be used together with GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 peptides.
  • Mod GRF 1-29. This peptide has a longer half-life (several times) than sermorelin. It is recommended for use by people aged forty years and above to prevent changes associated with age.

It is necessary to take into account that when using growth hormone with supplements containing arginine and glutamine, the effect of the drug increases three times. To avoid serious disorders in the body, the combined course is not recommended for more than seven weeks.

Nutrition for bodybuilders

In order to build a significant amount of muscle mass, strength training and taking anabolic steroids alone are not enough. An integrated approach combined with proper nutrition will help you achieve good shape, and sculpted muscles will not take long to appear.

From the very beginning of the training process, you must avoid the following products:

  • smoked meats;
  • foods containing high levels of salt;
  • confectionery products;
  • fatty foods;
  • chocolate;
  • ice cream;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • heat-treated juices;
  • semi-finished products.

An athlete's daily diet should consist of 50% proteins, 30% carbohydrates and 20% fats. The basis of a bodybuilder’s diet is natural protein products. These include:

  • chicken's meat;
  • veal;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • legumes;
  • chicken eggs.

The following are used as carbohydrates:

  • rice, buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • apples;
  • bran.

Vegetable oils should be used as fats: olive, flaxseed and sunflower.

Foods containing simple carbohydrates should be avoided, as they are quickly processed by the body and converted into fat. It is also necessary to exclude salty foods from the diet, as they retain water in the body.

Burning fat during the drying period

At the stage of drying the body, it is necessary to carefully approach not only the diet, but also you need to start using growth hormone for weight loss. To eliminate excess fat deposits, thyroid hormones and somatotropin are used.

Represented by the following types:

  • thyroxine (T4);
  • triiodothyronine (T3);

These hormones help increase metabolism in body tissues from 60 to 100%. The use of thyroid hormones is quite dangerous. The consequences of uncontrolled use can be irreversible and lead to serious metabolic disorders.

Using growth hormone to burn fat is a fairly safe procedure. But during the course, it is necessary to set the dose within 4-10 IU per day. Only in this case the effect will be most pronounced.

It is worth noting that to increase the fat burning effect, it is necessary to use the following drugs in combination with growth hormone:

  • adrenalin;
  • testosterone;
  • adaptogens;
  • glucagon;
  • endorphin;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins.

During the period of extreme drying of the body, water is removed, and along with it calcium and other valuable elements are washed out. This process has very negative consequences for ligaments and joints. Thus, at the stage of enhanced fat burning, during training, the athlete may damage his knee or foot, since these joints are subject to the greatest impact. It should be borne in mind that in everything you need to observe moderation.

When using growth hormone, sports nutrition is also necessary. Today, all of these products can be found in numerous sports stores.

The use of melatonin in bodybuilding

One of the important elements when doing bodybuilding is taking a drug called melatonin. It is a hormone produced by the human pineal gland and is intended to provide good sleep to the athlete. But the beneficial effects are not limited to healthy sleep. also affects other functions of the body. These include:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reducing the risk of cancer;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • reducing the risk of developing stress;
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • reduction in obesity levels.

Today, analogues of the human hormone are sold on the domestic market. Types of medications containing melatonin:

  • "Melaxen";
  • "Melaxen balance";
  • "Circadin";
  • "Epithalamine."

The mechanism of action of drugs containing melatonin is quite simple - after administration, the substance penetrates the blood and then into the neurons of the brain. Melatonin does not accumulate in the body. It can be used for a long time - a month or more.

Side effects from using hormones

Despite the large number of positive properties, somatotropin also has side effects. These include:

  • Increased blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). If you abuse somatotropin, hormonal imbalance may occur. Sugar levels are lowered by using insulin or insulin substitutes. If there is not enough insulin produced by the pancreas, diabetes can occur.
  • Increased blood pressure. During the course, you will need to reduce your drug intake or use antihypertensive medications.
  • Numbness of the limbs. Eliminated by reducing the dose of the drug.
  • Swelling of the body. This effect can be prevented by avoiding salty foods and alcohol.
  • The risk of hypertrophy of the heart and other vital organs. To eliminate side effects, you should not abuse the drug and you must adhere to the prescribed course.

Nanodrop - a device for determining the amount of protein

The device was developed for the study of nucleic acids and proteins. It is necessary in cases where the dose of the substance for analysis is very limited.

Area of ​​application of the device:

  • establishing the concentration of nucleic acids;
  • determination of protein amount;
  • cell research;
  • determination of structural characteristics and quantity of nanoparticles;
  • measuring the amount of labeled proteins;
  • carrying out general diagnostic measures.

The NanoDrop spectrophotometer is developed using a special technology that does not require cuvettes or capillaries. The sample under study is pipetted onto the surface of the measuring device, and the automated system determines the optical distance from 0.05 mm to 1 mm, which will be optimal for the sample under study.

Rating of drugs for the production of growth hormone

A rating was compiled based on reviews of growth hormone. It looks like this:

  1. Ansomon.
  2. Neotropin.
  3. Getropin.
  4. Kigtropin.
  5. Hypetropin.
  6. Dynatrope.
  7. Genotropin.
  8. Saizen.
  9. Humatrope.

In order to avoid purchasing counterfeits, muscle growth hormone must be purchased from reputable and trusted online portals.


  1. Govyrin V.A., Zhorov B.S. Ligand-receptor interactions in molecular physiology.
  2. Marinchenko G.B. Radioiodination of peptide hormones // Methodological recommendations.
  3. Vorobyova O.A. Growth factors are new regulators of reproduction

Roman is a bodybuilding trainer with over 8 years of experience. He is also a nutritionist, and his clients include many famous athletes. The novel is with the author of the book “Sport and Nothing But..