Sergei Solovyov, director of the cult film “Assa,” starred his ex-wife Tatyana Drubich in the film “Anna Karenina.” At the time of filming, the actress was almost 50 years old.

Although filming of the film ended several years ago and the debut screening took place back in 2009, it was released on screens only now. More precisely, a television version of the film, consisting of 5 parts.

The meeting between Drubich and Solovyov took place in 1974, when the 14-year-old girl starred in the second film in her life, “One Hundred Days After Childhood.” This was not Solovyov’s first directorial work. By that time, the 30-year-old director was already married for the second time, to actress Marianna Kushnerova, and was just waiting for a new addition to the family.

Tatyana did not enter the theater school, but went to study to become a doctor. However, she did not stop acting in films, from time to time appearing in films, including those by Solovyov. In 1983 they decided to throw in the towel and got married.

Despite the lack of specialized education, Tatyana Drubich brilliantly played leading roles in her husband’s films, which received universal recognition. These are “Assa,” released in 1987, and “Black Rose is the Emblem of Sadness, Red Rose is the Emblem of Love” (1989). The last year of the 80s became a year of separation - the couple divorced.

But a breakup in life did not become a breakup on the set. Soloviev continued filming Drubich. The role of Pauline Viardot in the unfinished film “The Metaphysics of Love”, the continuation of “Assa”, and finally – “Anna Karenina”.

Was it worth entrusting the role of 26-year-old Anna to an actress who is almost twice her age? The director has no doubt about it. She fully managed to live through the drama of unhappy love, and even the bloody scene at the end of her life does not spoil the impression, Soloviev is sure.

Viewers of Channel One can form their own idea of ​​the film. The screening of the film began on March 4.

Tatyana Drubich is one of the few women who does not live in monotony. She is a mother, grandmother, doctor, actress - seemingly incompatible things - combined in one person. Tatyana has a very interesting destiny, which one can even envy. From a young age, when one day her future husband saw her as an actress, the girl’s life began to sparkle with new colors. True, at first the affair with Sergei Solovyov smacked of a criminal case, because the girl was only in the eighth grade, but in the bustle of everyday life as an actor, I didn’t think about it.

Tanya’s husband doted on her, and when their common daughter Anya appeared, he didn’t let go of both of them at all. From an early age, Annushka was a frequent visitor to film sets, managed to make her own film, and even saved money for filming for some time.

And at this time, my mother, Tatyana Drubich, in addition to raising her daughter and filming days, was busy getting her doctor’s education and studying for a residency. Sergei was against his muse parading around the clinic in a white coat; perhaps the divergence of views on future life led to the divorce of two loving people.

Yes, yes, exactly the loving ones! According to daughter Anna, the parents did not separate after the divorce, so the divorce process did not cause psychological trauma in the child. Anya was also surrounded by the love and care of her parents, who, in addition to their personal lives, continued to work together in cinema.

Tatyana Drubich in the film “Ten Little Indians”

Anna’s mother never forbade her to look for herself in life, and allowed her to make a choice in the direction of her favorite activity, because she believed that a person’s health and age depend half on work that brings pleasure. My father was also a man without stereotypes, and believed that a creative person and individuality cannot study well and get good grades; this contradicts the choice of his path in life. Anna became a successful composer and musician. Three films by Sergei Solovyov - “2-Assa-2”, “Anna Karenina” and “Odnoklassniki” - received musical accompaniment from Anya. Tatyana Drubich, of course, believed that talent is an unreliable thing, since inspiration is fickle, and did not recommend that her daughter study music, but her father once said: “Don’t listen to her! Mom is a doctor and doesn’t understand anything about this!”

Tatyana Drubich in the film "Anna Karenina"

The last joint work of the Drubich-Soloviev couple was the film adaptation of Anna Karenina, where Tatyana played the main character; she, like no one else, managed to bring to life the image of a sophisticated, confused and very unhappy woman who throws herself under a train, seeing no other way out for herself. The film has already received several high awards and deserves the best reviews. The acting of Drubich, Yankovsky, Boyko defies description, as does the high quality of the director's work.

As Tatyana comments, she has long given up the question of which activity is the most important in her life, because it’s the same as choosing which leg is more important and which one can be abandoned. At the moment, Tatyana Drubich is the mother of two beautiful daughters and a young grandmother, who will be remembered by everyone forever as a fragile and gentle girl.

Sergei SOLOVIEV’s film “Anna Karenina” will be released soon. The title role in it will be played by the director’s ex-wife Tatiana DRUBICH, whom the viewer will see naked in the frame. This is basically what there is a lively discussion about on Internet sites.

I talked about the controversial personality of Sergei Solovyov with the writer and screenwriter Alexander ALEXANDROV.

- Alexander Leonardovich, what do you think about the new “Anna Karenina”? They say Drubich will run around there naked...

Well, which of Drubich is Anna Karenina? And as for naked... I know these movie things.

Do you really expect to see Tanya’s real charms on the screen?! I remember we once filmed a young actress, one of her tits was almost ten centimeters longer than the other. The make-up artists pulled everything together so well, not a hitch, as they say.

I believe that after 60 years a person should not make films at all. His drive disappears. Soloviev fell into insanity long ago. And Drubich will turn fifty dollars next year. A 50-year-old aunt climbed naked onto the screen! Then there’s no need to lie that she doesn’t want to act. I know that Soloviev constantly persuades Tanya to return to him. They haven't lived together for more than ten years.

- Karenina performed by Tatyana Samoilova is considered a classic...

Of course, you believe her Karenina, such a deep image! Poor, drunk Tanya Samoilova...

- In one of his last interviews, Solovyov says that Drubich is “extraordinarily smart.”

Her mind is purely feminine and very, excuse me, f... twisted. There were many stories with men. Everyone knows that Drubich had an affair with Vanya Dykhovichny. Before she gave birth to Anka from Solovyov, she ran with huge bouquets of flowers to concerts with Vladimir Spivakov... In general, I have a great attitude towards her. You know, two years ago Drubich adopted a little girl from an orphanage. Tanechka is a wonderful woman, the kindest soul. That's why she doesn't live with Solovyov.

High relationship

There are enough blank spots in Solovyov’s biography, says Alexandrov. - His second wife was film critic Marianna Kushnerova, whom he wrested from a cameraman who had gone to serve in the army. (Kushnerova played the main role in Solovyov’s film “The Station Agent.” - B.K.). On the set of “One Hundred Days After Childhood,” Soloviev began an affair with Drubich, and she was then 14-15 years old. We all understood perfectly well that the matter was under jurisdiction.

And just in September 1974, Marianna gave birth to a son, Mitenka. It turns out that Serenya started sleeping with Tanya in front of his pregnant wife. These are the “high relationships”! And I was the baby's nurse. Every evening, together with his wife, he bathed Solovyov’s son. True, I usually arrived drunk. Therefore, it was difficult for me to keep his head and ears covered. And Marianna kept repeating: “Sanechek, turn away! If you breathe, the little one might die!”

- Where was the happy father?

And at that time the happy father, under the pretext of editing a picture on some sofas, was, excuse me, lying around with the minor Drubich. Moreover, he “edited” the picture almost five times a day. I think it's a shame to have a close relationship with an actress you work with. Some kind of bestiality! She is dependent, like a horse, practically an animal.

And now a month and a half has passed. Nice but naive Marianna suddenly cautiously asks me: “Sanechek, you’re smart, tell me, can a person become impotent at the age of 30?” I became wary: “What, some problems?” She, of course, remained silent. And then I understood everything. I am still indignant: if a 30-year-old man cannot serve two women, the question arises, why have a mistress?!

Not enough brains

- Solovyov recently published a collection of scripts for his films. I know it didn't excite you.

Of course. Look what it says there: “One Hundred Days After Childhood” - author S. Soloviev. And here you go - a State Prize laureate diploma issued to me, the AUTHOR OF THE SCRIPT of this picture. And here is the agreement with me, signed by the general director of Mosfilm. And the story with such an exclusive title was also written by me. I abused it once and threw it away. And Solovyov read it. Together we sketched out a complete outline of the script on restaurant napkins in literally an hour. Soloviev simply didn’t give a damn about Alexandrov! Because he is a pathological liar and a sick person. I wrote about this situation in detail on my blog No one denies that Solovyov has talent. But it has already been proven that he is a thief. I have said and will continue to say - Alexandrov made Solovyov’s career! For the only time in his life he received a prestigious award precisely for the film “One Hundred Days...” - “Silver Bear” (Berlin Festival, 1975. - B.K.). So he went crazy.

Then I began to call Seryozha “the world’s largest Soviet dwarf.” But the entire film, from the selection of characters to the interiors and clothes of the actors, was put through me! After our creative union with Solovyov fell apart, we somehow met by chance and drank heavily in his kitchen. And a real hysteria happened to him: with white foam on his lips, screaming and moaning. “I needed your brains! And you betrayed me!” Just some kind of Salieri... This is what Karenina did for 15 years! He clearly doesn't have enough brains.

- Alexander Leonardovich, won’t people think that Alexandrov is grumbling because he has been out of work for a long time?

As one of my friends said: “You have an impeccable reputation as a brawler!” For your information, Pavel Lungin and I are currently working on the script. I won't reveal the plot. Let me just say that filming will take place in Jerusalem. As for fame... I have written 12 books, three plays, 20 staged films. Of course, you can steal text. But you can’t steal a name!

She does not like to give interviews, does not consider herself a muse, and in general she is not a professional actress, but a professional doctor. But, as her ex-husband Sergei Solovyov, the father of her only daughter and the director who revealed her to the world, says, she herself is a Woman with a capital letter, Tatyana Drubich, the embodiment of naturalness.

The main films of actor Tatyana Drubich

  • short biography

    Tatyana Drubich was born on June 7, 1960 in Moscow into an intelligent family. Dad was a watchmaker who restored old watch mechanisms, and my mother, an economist by training, dreamed of becoming an actress and collected postcards with images of famous artists. At school, Tanya studied well, pleased her parents, and one day she was invited to act in a movie, in the leading role, in Inna Tumanyan’s film “The Fifteenth Spring.” The girl didn’t feel any euphoria about her debut, she didn’t like the way she looked on the screen - it was and went, as they say. However, a year later, people from the Mosfilm film studio came to the school where Drubich studied - they were looking for a girl to play the main role in a film by the young director Sergei Solovyov. Tanya agreed to come to the audition on the promise that she would be excused from classes. Solovyov was not impressed by Drubich and also told the director that she did not like acting - she had already had such experience. However, the creative team insisted on Tanya’s candidacy, and Solovyov decided to try to film the most difficult scene of his film with her. And everything turned out just perfect, absolutely natural. The role of Lena Ergolina in the film “One Hundred Days After Childhood” (1975) turned out to be truly iconic. The film received international recognition, in particular, the Berlin Film Festival's Silver Bear prize for best director. And Tatyana was predicted to have a fantastic film future. However, Drubich had her own plans: after graduating from school, she entered the medical faculty of the Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after N. A. Semashko and graduated from it. Medical education, according to Tatyana, can replace almost any other education, including acting, when it comes to understanding a person, his essence, and motives.

    Acquaintance with director Sergei Solovyov, their romance and love brought Drubich, despite working in a district clinic as an endocrinologist, new roles in films. Again, Tatyana herself says that her appearance in cinema is a chain of random coincidences that might not have happened. But they were. Soloviev directed Drubich in his films “The Rescuer” (1980) and “Heiress in a Straight Line” (1982), thereby completing the trilogy about the life and feelings of teenagers, begun by “One Hundred Days After Childhood.” And after working together on the film “The Chosen” (1983), about the life of emigrants in Latin America, Solovyov and Drubich got married. In 1985, their daughter Anya was born. Tatyana Drubich starred in films by other wonderful directors: Roman Balayan in “Keep Me, My Talisman” (1986), Stanislav Govorukhin in “Ten Little Indians” (1987), Eldar Ryazanov in “Hello, Fools!” (1996).

    In the late 80s, Sergei Solovyov’s trilogy was released on the country’s screens, consisting of the films “Assa” (1987), “Black Rose - the Emblem of Sadness, Red Rose - the Emblem of Love” (1989), “House under the Starry Sky” (1991). Tatyana Drubich starred in the first two parts. “Assa,” as they say, “blew up” Soviet society. The film featured stars of Russian rock, which, according to its fans, reached the peak of its development in the 80s.

    In 1989, the marriage of Solovyov and Drubich broke up, but they maintain friendly and creative relations. Solovyov says that Tanya is an unusually smart person, and her mind is precisely that of a woman, very powerful, and even “not a mind, but a mind, and her feminine mind is sometimes much cooler than many so-called male minds.” And Tatyana Drubich says that Sergei Solovyov is a brilliant director and a unique person. Tatyana Drubich's favorite novel is “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy. In an old interview, Drubich admitted that she would not play Karenina, because the best Anna was played by Tatyana Samoilova. But when Sergei Solovyov decided to film his version of Anna Karenina and invited Drubich to play the main role, Tatyana agreed. The film was released in 2009.

Tatyana Lyusenovna Drubich. Born on June 7, 1960 in Moscow. Russian theater and film actress.

Father - Lucien Izrailevich (Ilyich) Drubich (1932-1978), engineer, originally from Belarus.

Mother - Lyubov Vladimirovna Drubich (born 1933), economist.

Her father died when Tatyana was 18 years old; according to the actress, it was a big shock for her.

Her mother had an economic education, but in her youth she wanted to become an actress. One of the family stories is connected with the actor Mikhail Zharov: Tatyana’s mother collected a collection of photographs of artists, which included photos from the filming of the film “A Troubled Economy”, where Mikhail Zharov and Lyudmila Tselikovskaya were captured - later the famous artist begged to sell him this photo, but she refused .

I never dreamed of becoming an actress. But already at the age of 11, Tatyana first came to the set: she was approved for the role of Alena in the film "Fifteenth Spring" directed by Inna Tumanyan.

The debut turned out to be successful and other directors paid attention to her. It was then that Sergei Solovyov decided to film his "One Hundred Days After Childhood". They showed him a photo of Tatyana. She was 14 when she was cast in the role of Lena Ergolina.

One day there was terrible rain on the set. The girl managed to hide under the roof of one of the pavilions along with the director. “In this booth, under this rain, in some incomprehensible way, Tanya and I arose a strange feeling of a difficult to explain, but undoubtedly natural involvement with each other. It was as if we suddenly learned that we both knew one, perhaps even the most important, secret of life,” Soloviev said.

And the film “One Hundred Days After Childhood” was a huge success, winning several prizes, including the “Silver Bear” at the Berlin Film Festival.

Her work in Pavel Arsenov’s film turned out to be just as successful. "Confusion of Feelings", in which she played the role of Masha.

Tatyana Drubich in the film "Confusion of Feelings"

Despite her successful debut film roles, Tatyana Drubich, after graduating from school in 1977, chose the profession of a doctor. “I consider medical education to be the most valuable. It can replace acting and almost any other when it comes to understanding a person, the motives of his actions, reactions. But most importantly, it gives a different - full - perception of life. After all, nothing shows does not clarify life... like death. And this is a medical fact," she explained.

After graduating from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after. Semashko, Tatyana Drubich got a job as a doctor in a clinic, worked as an endocrinologist.

At the same time, Tatyana continued to act in films. She played with Sergei Solovyov in “The Rescuer”, then in “The Chosen” (at the end of filming they got married). Next were “Assa” (1987), “Black Rose - the Emblem of Sadness, Red Rose - the Emblem of Love” (1989).

Tatyana Drubich in the film "Assa"

Tatyana Drubich in the film "Ten Little Indians"

In the 1990s, she decided to try herself as a businesswoman. First, she opened a club called the Assembly Hall, which was popular, but did not last long. “What I received in two months, I have never received in my entire life: bandits, showdowns,” she recalled.

In 1999 she starred in the video “Rassvetnaya”.

Films with her participation were released in the 2000s "2-ASSA-2", film adaptation of the novel by Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina", fantasy film "Rita's Last Tale" and several others. In 2009, at the Constellation Film Festival, she received the prize of the Guild of Cinema Actors of Russia “For the best Anna Karenina in the 21st century on the world screen” for the film “Anna Karenina”. In 2012, she won the Nika Film Award for Best Supporting Actress in the film “Rita’s Last Fairy Tale.”

Tatyana Drubich in the film "Anna Karenina"

She transferred her shares to management because, she said, “you can’t do business and star in Anna Karenina at the same time.”

Collaborates with, helping children with leukemia. He works at the hospice of Vera Vasilyevna Millionshchikova - he is co-chairman of the board of trustees of the Moscow charitable foundation for hospice assistance "Vera".

She criticized the adoption of a law prohibiting the adoption of children by US citizens. Negatively assesses the situation in Russia. “After Dima Yakovlev’s law, I realized that the country is currently dead. There is nothing more to wait here. Changes are possible. All kinds. I don’t expect them. If someone can leave, there is no need to live here. If you are controlled by apathy, overcome it her. But Russia has one serious advantage. Here, where there is winter for six months and many other incidental circumstances, you must be able to counteract them with something very serious in order to be happy. If you know how to do this, you have already succeeded. And you have to be able to. Because to live and never be happy is too great a luxury, a person cannot afford it,” she said.

Tatyana Drubich in the program "Looking at Night"

"Happiness is the right choice of three things. The person nearby. Professions. The places where you live", says Tatyana Drubich.

Tatiana Drubich's height: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Tatyana Drubich:

She was married to a film director who was sixteen years older than her. Their relationship began when Tatyana was a minor (14 years old) and at first her affair with Sergei Solovyov smacked of a criminal case: the girl was in the eighth grade.

On June 27, 1984, the couple had a daughter, Anna Drubich, a composer and pianist. Anna graduated from the Higher School of Theater and Performing Arts in Munich in 2006 - piano department. She has performed in concerts and collaborated with the Salzburger Mozarteum orchestra, the Moscow Virtuosi orchestra, the Crimean Symphony Orchestra, and the KREMLIN Chamber Orchestra. Three films by Sergei Solovyov - “2-Assa-2”, “Anna Karenina” and “Odnoklassniki” - received musical accompaniment from Anna. Since 2013 he has lived in Los Angeles, composing music for films.

Divorced in 1989. “A man appeared in my life, a director, whose name is Ivan,” explained Drubich. According to media speculation, she meant Ivan Dykhovichny.

At the same time, daughter Anna said that after the divorce her parents did not separate, so the divorce process did not cause psychological trauma for the child. Anya was also surrounded by the love and care of her parents, who, in addition to their personal lives, continued to work together in cinema.

Tatyana Drubich, Sergei Solovyov and daughter Anna

Later, Tatyana Drubich had a second daughter, Maria (in the film adaptation of Anna Karenina, she appears in the frame as the one-and-a-half-year-old daughter of Anna Karenina and Vronsky). The actress hides who the father is. There were rumors that the possible father could be Sergei Soloviev. Among other versions, the child is adopted. Drubich herself answers all questions briefly: “No comment.”

Filmography of Tatyana Drubich:

1971 - Fifteenth Spring - Alena
1975 - One hundred days after childhood - Lena Ergolina
1977 - Confusion of feelings - Masha
1979 - Particularly Dangerous - Tanya Shevchuk
1980 - Rescuer - Asya Vedeneeva
1982 - Heiress in a straight line - Valeria
1982 - The Chosen - Olga Rios
1985 - Tester (film) - daughter of a tester
1986 - Guard me, my talisman - Tanya
1987 - Sunday Walks
1987 - Ten Little Indians - Vera Claythorne
1987 - Assa - Alika
1988 - Black Monk - Tanya (voiced by Marina Neyolova)
1989 - Black rose - the emblem of sadness, red rose - the emblem of love - Sasha
1991 - Anna Karamazoff
1994-2002 - Ivan Turgenev. Metaphysics of Love - Pauline Viardot (the film was not completed)
1996 - Hello, fools! - Ksenia
2000 - Moscow - Olga
2002 - Ice - woman in the elevator
2003 - About Love - Elena Popova
2009 - 2-Assa-2 - Alika
2009 - Anna Karenina - Anna Karenina
2009 - Volunteer - Storm's mother
2012 - Rita's Last Fairytale - Nadya