Traveling abroad is not surprising these days. Many people often vacation in other countries, go to visit loved ones or go on business trips. When traveling, even on trains, many people use mobile devices and do not change SIM cards. This way they always remain available to their loved ones. All these opportunities, of course, are given to them by roaming, which is provided by the operators themselves.

Profitable Beeline roaming abroad is connected as standard in auto mode after SIM activation. Take advantage of connections abroad and communicate with people you care about calmly. To do this, you first need to find out what offers your operator has in this regard. To learn how to make calls abroad as cheap as possible, read this article.

Beeline roaming tariffs

Beeline makes it possible to make calls while roaming at a competitive price. Call the operators at 0611 (also see others) and find out the specific cost of calls in roaming, and also get acquainted with everything in this regard. Next, we’ll talk about how to activate roaming on Beeline abroad.

Connecting international roaming to Beeline

If you are planning to go abroad soon, then prepare for this in advance and take care of connecting roaming to Beeline abroad. The operator takes care of the needs and desires of its customers. Therefore, there is a large choice here. Thus, being abroad, you can use roaming with peace of mind.

Are you planning to vacation abroad soon? Do you have Türkiye, Egypt, Thailand, Tunisia or others in mind? Prepare in advance to make calls when you are in one of these countries and sign up for Beeline roaming tariffs abroad on favorable terms.

Roaming service "Planet Zero"

This service will give you the opportunity to receive incoming calls for free, but only from the second to the 11th minute of the call. This applies to any incoming calls, regardless of the caller's number. You can find out more about this option on the corresponding page of the official Beeline website. The service is activated using a request *110*331# . To turn off, dial *110*330# .

Roaming service “My Planet”

“My Planet” is a service that allows you to make calls on favorable terms when you are abroad. You can also find details about prices and other characteristics and conditions on the website in the appropriate section. To connect to the service, dial Beeline on your phone *110*0071# . If you want to disable the service when returning home, dial *110*0071# .

"Roaming lightly"

This service is now impossible to activate, but it operates on the numbers of those who activated it at one time. But don’t be upset anyway, because the services described above are quite suitable for communication when staying abroad, and Beeline will never leave you without lucrative offers, and you can always get profitable Beeline roaming abroad. 2017 is already giving you the most optimal offers.

"International Communications"

As for the ability to make calls abroad while in your own country, for such cases there is a useful service that allows you to do this profitably. If you need to frequently call someone outside the country, then activate the “International Communications” service. This service is just for you! It will significantly reduce the cost of calls to other countries. The service is activated by command *110*131# , and turning off - *110*130# .

If you still have questions on the topic “Beeline Roaming Abroad,” then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

If you travel frequently or are on business trips abroad, then you should get a good mobile operator with a favorable roaming tariff. The “Best Tariff” service from Beeline will help you save your money for more important expenses abroad.


The “Most Profitable Roaming” service includes a package of 10 minutes for 100 rubles, SMS messages for 10 rubles and 40 MB of Internet traffic for 200 rubles for use abroad. According to Beeline, this is the most favorable tariff at the moment.

Connection This service is not required, because while in roaming, it is automatically connected when making a call or other actions via the mobile network. Having assessed many reviews and comments, a large number of users were dissatisfied with this function. After all, not everyone needs the same mobile Internet in roaming, but only calls are enough.

We can say with confidence that the “Best Tariff” service really beneficial, but for those who communicates a lot abroad, and not 1-2 minutes a day. Below you will find the cost of using the service depending on your location.

Cost in CIS countries

Conversations rounded up up to a minute, which can save package costs and be profitable. The number of SMS sent is not limited, and the traffic should be enough for Internet messengers and upload a couple of high-quality photos.

Cost in Europe and popular countries

Cost in other countries

Here are the prices for the “The most profitable roaming” service for other countries in which this service operates.

Beeline is one of the largest companies providing cellular communication services. Therefore, subscribers of this operator do not experience communication difficulties while abroad. In addition, all services that are included in your tariff plan will be available in full when you activate roaming. But to save money, it is recommended to disable some of them that you will not use. Let's take a closer look at how to activate roaming on Beeline abroad and its main features.

Tariffs for international roaming Beeline

In order not to be left without cellular communications abroad, before your trip you should find out what conditions for roaming Beeline offers in the selected country.

Not so long ago, there were two separate options “ ” and “ ” for international roaming. Now, to make it easier for its subscribers to prepare for travel, they have been closed and a new Beeline service has been created - “ The most profitable roaming».

With this service, the cost of roaming directly depends on your destination. So, in some countries a minute of conversation will cost 10 rubles, and in others it can reach 100.

Calls SMS Internet
CIS (Abkhazia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.) Package 10 minutes/day – 100 rub.
A minute outside the package is 10 rubles.
10 rub. Package 40 MB/day – 200 rub.
1 MB outside the package – 5 rubles.
Europe and popular destinations (Austria, Spain, Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, Cyprus, etc.) Package 20 minutes/day – 200 rub.
A minute outside the package – 10 rubles.
10 rub. Package 40 MB/day – 200 rub.
1 MB outside the package – 5 rubles.
Other countries (Australia, Vietnam, China, Mexico, etc.) Incoming calls 25 rub./min.
Outgoing calls 100 rub./min.
19 rub. 1 MB (except China) – 90 rub.
In China: Package 40 MB/day – 200 rubles.
1 MB outside the package – 5 rubles.

The “Most profitable roaming” service does not apply to trips to exotic countries (Barbados, Venezuela, Cuba, Tunisia, etc.). There, incoming and outgoing calls will cost 200 rubles/min, SMS - 29 rubles, and an Internet connection - 15 rubles/20 KB.

If the country you are going to is not in the table, then you can find out the cost of services on the official Beeline website.

How to connect Beeline Internet abroad?

Even when we are at home, we constantly use the Internet. And on a trip this option can become indispensable. The "" service from the Beeline operator does not require connection. It is available to all prepaid subscribers and is activated automatically when you go online while abroad. If you do not use the Internet abroad, you will not have to pay for it.

This service includes the following prices for mobile Internet:

For subscribers with postpaid tariffs, the service “ Internet Planet" and will provide exactly the same conditions.

How to enable and disable international roaming on Beeline?

The undoubted advantage of “The most profitable roaming” is that it does not require a special connection and does not require a fixed payment. It automatically begins to operate as soon as you leave Russia. In this case, funds will be debited from your account only when you use the connection or the Internet. For those days when you do not use the operator’s services, you do not need to pay.

Disable Beeline services " The most profitable roaming" And " The most profitable internet in roaming“You don’t have to, they will automatically stop working when you return home.

The article describes prices for international roaming from Beeline.


A service such as roaming from mobile operators is designed for convenient use of cellular communications abroad (or when traveling within the Russian Federation) without the need to change your number. This is certainly a big advantage, but the disadvantages of roaming include the high cost, for example, of incoming/outgoing calls. Although, the price can be reduced by activating certain services on the number.

In this article we will talk in detail about international roaming from the operator " Beeline", we will describe the tariffs and prices of the most popular destinations. In addition, we will tell you how to enable or disable roaming on " Beeline».

Beeline roaming abroad

Description of roaming on " Beeline»

Tariffing and prices for international roaming for " Beeline" connected with location company clients. There are only three main directions:

  • Post-Soviet spaces (CIS)
  • America, EU, other popular countries
  • Canada, other countries
  • Incoming calls – 49 RUR/min
  • Outgoing calls (at your place of residence, as well as in the Russian Federation) - 49 rubles/min
  • Calls to other countries – 129 RUR/min
  • SMS – 19 RUR/min

America, EU and other popular countries:

  • Incoming calls — 69 RUR/min
  • Outgoing calls (at your place of residence, as well as in the Russian Federation) - 69 rubles/min
  • SMS - 19 rubles

Canada, other countries:

  • Incoming calls — 129 RUR/min
  • Outgoing calls (at your place of residence, as well as to Russia) - 129 rubles/min
  • Calls to other countries - 129 RUR/min
  • SMS – 19 rub.

More accurate prices set to date are provided for review on the website “ Beeline" There is a special calculator with which you can find out prices for cellular communications anywhere in the world. To do this, you will need to enter the name of the required state and click on the results.

Attention: if you are a subscriber " Beeline", and you have set up conditional forwarding on your number, then your communication costs while roaming may double due to double charging. If you want to forward calls, it is best to use unconditional forwarding.

Service from " Beeline» for calls in international roaming – « My planet»

Beeline roaming abroad

As mentioned above, if you, as subscribers " Beeline“, you are not satisfied with the prices for using roaming abroad, then you can activate some services on your number. For example, we may introduce you to a service such as “ My planet" This service does not require any subscription fee, but makes it possible to reduce the cost of calls to the CIS countries, the EU and other popular destinations. We will show it more clearly in the numbers below.

By CIS countries, EU and popular destinations:

  • Incoming calls – 15 RUR/min
  • Incoming calls from other countries – 49 RUR/min
  • Outgoing calls - 25 rub./min
  • Outgoing calls to other countries – 49 rubles/min
  • SMS – 9 rubles/min

Activate the service " My planet" can be done as follows:

  • Dial USSD request - *110*0071#Call

Deactivate the service " My planet" you need using the command:

  • Dial USSD request - *110*0070#Call

Beeline’s service for calls in international roaming – “Planet Zero”

Beeline roaming abroad

Service " Planet Zero" from " Beeline» is another economical solution for calls abroad. This service also does not require a subscription fee and is valid in the EU, CIS, popular destinations, etc.

Within the CIS:

  • SMS – 7 rub.

In Europe:

  • Outgoing calls – 20 RUR/min
  • Incoming calls – 1-20 min – free, from 21 min – 10 RUR/min
  • SMS – 7 rub.

Popular destinations:

  • Outgoing calls – 20 RUR/min
  • Incoming calls – 1-20 min – free, from 21 min – 10 RUR/min
  • SMS – 7 rub.

For other countries:

  • Outgoing calls – 45 RUR/min
  • Incoming calls – 1-20 min – free, from 21 min – 15 RUR/min
  • SMS – 9 rub.

To activate the service " Planet Zero"follows:

  • Dial USSD request - *110*331#Call

To deactivate the service, you can choose the following method:

  • Dial USSD request - *110*330#Call
  • Call 0674030

Attention: services " My planet" And " Planet Zero» cannot be activated on one number at the same time. When one service is activated, another is deactivated.

Internet operation in roaming on Beeline

Beeline roaming abroad

As for the Internet, when roaming on " Beeline"He has high prices. Internet in roaming works thanks to the service activated by default for all subscribers " Beeline».

By EU, CIS countries and popular destinations:

  • First 40 MB – 200 RUR/day
  • From 40 MB and above – 5 RUR/MB

How to activate roaming on Beeline?

International call service on " Beeline", that is, international roaming, is activated on all SIM cards of this mobile operator by default. In some countries where roaming is difficult, subscribers " Beeline» must have at least 300 rubles on your balance, otherwise international calls will not be available.

How to deactivate roaming on Beeline?

To disable roaming on " Beeline» You should contact the nearest company offices or call the help desk of this mobile operator.

Video: Instructions from Beeline: you are going to roam

Traveling outside the country will no longer surprise anyone. Many people travel abroad on vacation, to visit or for work matters. While on a trip, many people continue to use their cell phone without changing the number and remaining accessible to their friends. This opportunity exists thanks to roaming provided by the mobile operator.

The roaming service is activated automatically when the SIM card is activated and you can safely use the connection while outside the country. However, in order not to get into an unpleasant situation and not be left without communication in a foreign country, you need to know not only the basic nuances of roaming and tariffs, but also how you can make calls while roaming abroad cheaper. Then, unpleasant surprises can be avoided.

Tariffs for international roaming Beeline

Beeline provides its subscribers with the opportunity to make calls while roaming at a minimal cost. You can find out the specific cost of calls by calling the operator at 0611. You can view the basic roaming tariffs by following this link.

How to activate international roaming on Beeline

When going abroad, the subscriber must take care to activate roaming on Beeline abroad. Beeline takes care of the needs of its subscribers and provides them with a choice. When going abroad, you can activate international roaming.

If you are going on vacation abroad in the near future, for example, to Abkhazia, Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey or Thailand, then you need to take care in advance about the ability to make calls from abroad and activate profitable roaming from Beeline.

"Planet Zero"

Thanks to you you can receive incoming calls from any number from 2 to 11 minutes of conversation for free. More details about the conditions of this option can be found on its page. To activate this service, you need to dial the combination *110*331#, and to disable it, just dial *110*330#.

"My planet"

Allows you to make profitable calls from abroad - prices for tariffs as well as a complete list of characteristics of this service can be found on its page. In order to connect and, in the future, use the “My Planet” service from Beeline on your number, you need to dial the combination *110*0071#, and to disable this service, dial *110*0070#.

“Roaming lightly”

The “Easy Roaming” service is currently not available for connection, but continues to be provided to those who have already switched to it. However, there is no need to worry about this - the new options “Planet Zero” and “My Planet” are collectively much more profitable.

“International communications”, or How to make profitable calls abroad?

If you need to frequently call abroad while in your home region, the “International Communications” service is just for you! With its help, you can significantly reduce the cost of your international telephone calls. To connect it, you need to call 067409131 (calls to the number are not charged) or dial the command *110*131#, and to turn it off - the command *110*130#.