Almost every modern person has heard about the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. Some believe in the advisability of applying these rules in practice, others do not. One thing is clear in the East the teachings of Feng Shui are taken seriously and comply with its provisions in the construction of houses, interior design, and in general to attract positive energy into life.

Let's start with bagua mirrors. This octagon symbol is used to determine zones in an apartment or house. It determines where your sector of wealth, success, financial situation, family, and so on is located. Knowing this information, you can choose the most suitable places for study, work, recreation and other activities.

Mentally imposing bagua symbol on apartment plan, you can see that on the north side of the room it is best to place objects that stimulate career success.

Placing symbols in Bagua sectors

The bagua mirror must be placed on the house plan in such a way that and on the north side was the main entrance. After this, you need to divide the apartment into eight parts to determine zones corresponding to living areas.

You should get the following:

  • central sector health and harmony;
  • Western sector children, future, glory;
  • southwestern sector - family relationships, marriage;
  • eastern sector family and past;
  • south-eastern sector material wealth;
  • southern sector fame;
  • northern sector-quarry;
  • northeastern sector - intellectual and spiritual development;
  • northwestern sector-travel.

This way, you can easily determine where the bedroom, study, and so on should be. If there is an area in your life that requires intense work, you need to put objects in its active zone that will receive the most attention. However, this zone should not stand out too much from others, otherwise there is a risk of undermining the harmony in life, which can lead to health problems.

What items need to be placed to activate different zones? For example, in the family sector it is best to place family photos, in the sector responsible for intelligence, a bookcase would be an ideal option. These items will help you recharge with vital energy every time you you will look at them. If such areas of life as material wealth or wisdom are not in your first place, in these sectors you can place objects that cause you relevant associations. For example, you can place an image of Buddha in the wisdom zone, and a beautiful piggy bank in the wealth zone. The main conditions are your personal associations.

How arrange the furniture correctly?

To the laws of Feng Shui started working for you, necessary activate all zones. This concerns not only the placement of the correct symbols, but also correct arrangement of furniture in rooms. Thus, proper circulation of vital energy Qi will begin in the apartment. The main rule is refusal overloaded space and bulky furnishings. After all, the space around us has a direct impact on our well-being.

Furniture in the living room:

  • Place tall furniture away from doors and near solid walls;
  • Doors and stairs should not be reflected on the polished and mirrored surface of furniture;
  • Place all seats with their backs facing the windows, not the doors, thus removing obstacles to the movement of Qi energy;
  • It is better to choose round tables;
  • Avoid placing the TV screen towards a window or door;
  • Decorate the walls with paintings depicting nature;
  • Choose chairs with high armrests and backs;
  • Place a photo of your family in the southwest of the living room and face it towards the southeast. This way you can attract good luck.

The right bedroom decor

As for the room itself, it is better to choose for the bedroom square or rectangular room. Furniture should also match these shapes and emphasize its boundaries. Generally, large furniture like a bed and a wardrobe needs to be placed along the wall. Also don't create dark corners, they may stagnate negative energy.

When choosing a bed, make sure that it stands on legs, allowing free movement of vital energy.Thus, your sleeping place will contribute to proper rest. As for the location of the bed, it should be visible doorway. However, you should not place it directly in front of the door; it is better to move it further towards the wall. It is better to hang a picture that pleases the eye on the opposite wall. This will help you always wake up in a good mood.

When choosing pieces of furniture for the bedroom It’s better to pay attention to models with rounded corners, so as not to create negative vibrations.

Fans of mirrors should take into account that it is not advisable to hang them in the place where a sleeping person will be reflected in the mirror. In general, in general It is better to avoid a large number of mirrors in the bedroom.

Another interesting point - do not place potted plants in the bedroom and, at most, you can afford a vase with small flowers.

The right environment in the kitchen

The most important kitchen appliances - stove- put in the southeast of the room, preventing contact with the southern and eastern walls. It is advisable that mistress standing by the stove, could see the doors. Try do not place a refrigerator or sink near the stove, since fire and water are opposite elements. Between them you can put shelves or cabinets.

As for the sink, the best place for it would be the north-eastern side of the kitchen.

If you have a large kitchen, divide it into zones, for example, using a bar counter. In this case, you also need to take into account the free space for the circulation of Qi energy.

When decorating a kitchen don't forget to take care about sufficient uniform lighting. Do not hang heavy curtains on windows or place a large number of plants. It is also important keep the glass clean.

Apartment plan according to Feng Shui

When considering an apartment plan from the point of view of Feng Shui, one should take into account many nuances concerning both the layout of the room itself and taking into account the individual characteristics of all the people living in it. Our task is to make the home as comfortable and favorable as possible for all inhabitants. This is not easy, because, according to , directions and areas that are successful for some may not be suitable for others. But more on that later.

Dividing the apartment into sectors

First, let's draw up an apartment plan according to Feng Shui. To do this, you will need the actual plan of your apartment, drawn on paper in compliance with all proportions, and a compass. Using a compass, determine the directions of all cardinal directions. In order to avoid errors, the compass should be installed on a flat surface, so that there are no metal objects, magnets or electrical devices near it. In accordance with the compass readings, divide the apartment plan into sectors corresponding to the directions of the world. In this case, the plan itself should be inscribed in a circle or square, superimposing it on it. Each Feng Shui sector is responsible for a specific area of ​​your life. Thus, the north refers to a career, the northeast - to acquiring knowledge, the east - to family relationships, the southeast - to acquiring and increasing wealth, the south - to fame and recognition, the southwest - to love affairs and marriage, the west - to creativity and the well-being of children, the north-west - to travel and the presence of helpers and patrons in your life. The center of the room is responsible for health.

The best shapes for an apartment or house are a square (ideally oriented to the cardinal directions), a circle, an octagon, or, to a slightly lesser extent, a rectangle. Of course, such favorable options are extremely rare, unless you create a house according to your own design. Some important areas may “fall out” from the plan, being located outside your apartment. But don’t be upset: you can “squeeze” the maximum benefit out of any room using the principles of Feng Shui, which will change for the better not only the atmosphere of your home, but also the quality of your life.

Finding your personal Gua number

Gua number for each family member

Now let’s determine the personal Gua number of the apartment owner and all his household members. We do not take animals into account, since they are able to intuitively find the most favorable places for themselves. Let's do a simple calculation. The last two digits of the year of your birth (according to the Eastern calendar) need to be added and, if the resulting number is two-digit, the operation must be repeated. If you are a man and were born before 2000, subtract the resulting number from ten, if after - from nine. Women should add 5 to the resulting number, for those born after 2000 - 6. If you again get a two-digit number, add its digits to finally get one. This will be your individual Gua number. Following this algorithm, determine the Gua numbers for everyone living with you.

Favorable and unfavorable directions

According to personal Gua number, all people are divided into two groups. Those whose numbers are 1, 3, 4, 9 belong to the eastern group. Directions useful for them are east, north, south, southeast; all others are unfavorable. People with Gua numbers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 belong to the Western group. Preferred directions are west, northwest, southwest and northeast. As we see, these two groups are antagonists, and directions that are favorable for one are simultaneously unfavorable for the other.

Group mismatch in Gua number

If all family members belong to the same group, this is the most successful option. In this case, it is easy to make the interior space of the apartment energetically comfortable for everyone. If not, you'll have to get creative. Moreover, first of all, when improving an apartment, one should take into account the Gua number of its owner (if he lives in it) or the number of the family member on whose shoulders lies concern for the well-being of others.

It is great if the entrance to the apartment is located in a direction favorable to the head of the family. In this case, luck will not leave him, and everyone entering the apartment (guests, household members) will bring positive energy into it, enhancing his success in business and improving his health. Of course, this will contribute to the prosperity of the family. At the same time, if the other inhabitants of the house belong to an antagonistic group, then every time they enter the apartment, they will be exposed to hostile energies. You can reduce the negative impact by placing a metal object (figurine, wall decoration) at the entrance. For the door, it is better to choose blue or black.

A difficult moment is choosing a direction that is good for sleep when the husband and wife belong to different groups. But here you can also find a solution that satisfies both. The fact is that not all favorable directions manifest their properties equally. The same applies to unfavorable ones. There are, so to speak, more and less harmful directions. You will have to study the issue further to find a good compromise.

"Dropping out" sectors

Overlaying a Bagua grid onto a plan

Most likely, some sectors will be missing from the plan of your apartment. If they relate to directions unfavorable for the head of the house, this is even good. If important areas “fall out”, this may have a bad effect on the state of his affairs. In this case, it is necessary to “strengthen” those favorable zones that exist, and other family members should provide support to their breadwinner in those areas for which the missing zones are responsible.

There is one more trick. You can choose the room that is most suitable for the owner, divide it again into sectors according to the Bagua grid and strengthen the desired area in it. Since rooms are usually shaped like a square or rectangle, this won't be a problem.

Room distribution

When choosing a room for each family member, you need to “dance” based on the location of the door. It should be in the most favorable direction for the resident. Then the energy flowing through it will have a beneficial effect on the owner of the room and contribute to his success, even if the apartment lacks some important sectors for him.

By the way, the more often you go to “visit” each other, the better this will affect the energy of each room. But a long stay in a room that is not suitable for you can be quite tiring and even exhausting.

If there are not enough rooms for everyone, people belonging to the same group should be placed in the same room. If this is also impossible, then again we divide the room into sectors and choose the best place for everyone’s bed or desk. If the groups do not match, they will not intersect.

Office premises

Apartment plan according to the Bagua grid

The best location for the toilet and bathroom is the area in the unfavorable direction. Of course, this will increase the negativity emitted by them, but they will not occupy a place in a successful sector. Besides, they don't spend much time there. You just need to remember the rules for arranging furniture in rooms adjacent to the bathroom. Don’t forget to also keep the plumbing fixtures clean and in good working order, and keep the doors to the toilet and bathroom tightly closed. If the location of these premises was in a favorable sector, you will have, sadly, to symbolically “cut it off” by designing the doors so that they do not stand out on the wall.

The kitchen, like any living room, can be a “place of power” for someone whose favorable direction coincides with its location. If this person is a housewife preparing food for the household, great. Other family members belonging to the same group can also spend time there. And not only at breakfast, lunch or dinner, but also by setting up a place there for reading, handicrafts, working on a laptop or helping with housework.

Unfortunately, we do not always feel comfortable in our home. This happens when the positive energy flows in the room cannot actively work. For this reason, we sometimes cannot relax while lying in our bed. Or we suddenly start to get sick. The worst thing is when this happens in the house all the time. Positive energy is at rest. It needs to be activated for it to work for the benefit of your health and mental well-being. In order to improve the atmosphere in your home, you just need to use the golden rules of Feng Shui.

Rule one. Rid your apartment of old junk. Everything that has long lost its former appearance must be taken out of the house. You also need to get rid of those things that are broken and no longer function. Get rid of things you haven't used for a long time. This way you can make room for new energy that will bring you prosperity.

Second rule. In order to protect yourself from the negative energy of people who come to your home, you need to hang a mirror above the front door, preferably a round or octagonal one. The mirror will reflect the negative energy of the person who enters, thereby returning it to the owner. This is also an excellent way to protect against damage and curses.

Third rule. Feng Shui of an apartment says that financial success will be brought by the front door, which will be located in the southeast. This part of the house symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The door must be wooden. If it is metal, then it should be covered with decorative wood or glass panels.

Fourth rule. The front door must be well lit. And not only inside the house, but also outside. This will attract positive energy and will also help neutralize negativity.

Fifth rule. The living room and hallway must be light and free. There should be nothing superfluous in these feng shui zones. Clothes and shoes for which the season has long passed must be put away in closets and only what you are wearing at that time should be kept in the hallway. Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness and order of the hallway and living room.

Sixth rule. There must be a wall or partition behind the head of any furniture (bed, sofa, armchairs), especially the one on which you sleep. There should be no empty space. This can rob you of your support and confidence in difficult situations.

Seventh rule. If the door in the room is opposite the window, then energy flies out of your home. It is extremely difficult to live in such premises. But this situation can be corrected with the help of plants. According to Feng Shui at home, it is necessary to place tall plants on the windowsill, mainly with thick and round leaves, for example, ficus or crassula. They will retain positive energy at home and prevent it from flying out the window.

Eighth rule. For financial well-being, hang a large mirror opposite your dining table. The mirror tends to double the energy. All food that lies on the table will be reflected, thereby doubling it. This will attract money to the house.

Ninth Rule. Corners and clear sharp lines should be avoided in the interior. Angles and sharp lines - . Under no circumstances should they be directed at your resting place, for example, on a sofa or bed, otherwise you will not be able to regain your strength and relax properly.

Tenth Rule. The largest room should house the oldest residents of the house or those who are the main breadwinner in the family. This gives a balance of energy between those living in the house.

If you follow all these simple rules, the atmosphere in your home will soon improve. When you come home, you will feel a surge of strength and vitality. Your home will become a place where you can relax and unwind. If you want to know more about Feng Shui, then write to us in the comments. And don't forget to click and

22.08.2013 15:20

The door is an important part of your home. Through it, energy, both positive and negative, enters the house. ...

Cloth- represents the dreamer’s character and concern for problems that are reflected by the specifics of clothing.

New clothes- goal achievement, success.

Old, shabby clothes- difficulties.

Being naked or half-dressed and feeling anxious- fear that someone will reveal your secrets.

Blouses, shirts- problems expressing or hiding feelings.

Dress, coat, jacket- problems of external relations (with outsiders).

Pants, skirts- concern about sexual image.

Panties, bras- sexual fears, innermost aspirations.

Hats- hiding thoughts

Freud's Dream Book

Clothing, including uniforms- symbolizes the nudity of the person on whom you see it, or is generally a symbol of the naked human body. However, for a person wearing a uniform, the symbol of nudity will be some violation of the uniform.

If you undress in your sleep- you are shy, ashamed of your naked body (maybe because of your age).

If you dress up in someone else's clothes- you underestimate the attractiveness of your body.

If someone's clothes caught your attention and you liked them- you would like to see him naked and even have sexual contact with him; or you accidentally saw him naked, and you really liked the sight; or you imagine his naked body very vividly.

If your attention is drawn to the clothes your sexual partner is wearing- intimacy with him gives you great pleasure.

If you don't like what someone is wearing- you experience physiological hostility towards him, and sexual contacts with him will not give you any pleasure.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream that you don't want to wear clothes that are already out of fashion- this means that you will part with your lover and you will have new connections. This dream promises change.

A dream in which you are dressed in white- portends quarrels and loneliness.

See yellow clothes- for entertainment and new acquaintances.

Blue clothes- portend support for a loved one.

Green robe- promises hope for cloudless happiness with the chosen one.

If in a dream the clothes don’t fit you or look bad on you- this means that you will break with your previous attachments.

If a girl dreamed that she didn’t like the way she was dressed- this portends rivalry and intrigue for her. Perhaps she will be separated from her loved one.

A woman who admires other people's clothing in a dream- a loved one will suspect of treason.

Losing an item of clothing in a dream- portends unexpected obstacles in matters of the heart.

If a girl dreams that she is dressed in black- this means that she will be disappointed in her friend.

A dream in which another woman is wearing crimson clothes- foreshadows the appearance of a rival who will destroy her happiness and embitter her against all women.

An abundance of bright things- portends broken hopes and unhappy love.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Clothes in a dream- symbolizes a person’s position in society.

Individual parts of the wardrobe- have their own meaning and are described in the relevant articles.

If you noticed someone's suit- such a dream may hint at the true character of this person.

Your clothes or clothes that don't belong to anyone- in a dream often reflects your immediate prospects.

If you dream of new clothes- this suggests that your status may soon change.

If you like your clothes- this is a sign of imminent changes for the better.

Dirty or torn clothes- portends serious problems with reputation.

Uncomfortable clothes- a sign of dissatisfaction with one’s current position. Unfortunately, such a dream does not promise you quick changes for the better, and you will have to make a lot of efforts to make your status more acceptable.

If your clothes are too big for you- the dream warns you that the position you are trying to occupy clearly does not correspond to your capabilities.

Sportswear- suggests that you should conduct your affairs more energetically.

Too colorful clothes- indicates an uncertain position. Most likely, you are wasting your life on trifles.

Service uniform- this is a sign of the responsibilities that you or someone from your environment will have to perform. At the same time, the meaning of uniforms does not always have a direct meaning.

For example, military uniform- usually symbolizes a certain necessity and the inability to evade any obligation; fireman uniform- indicates the need to resolve disputes and conflicts, and so on.

Jewish dream book

Cloth- a waste of money.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you notice that you are wearing a black suit- continuous troubles and undeserved grievances await you.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Cloth- This is a reflection of the inner world and individuality of a person. Does your clothing inspire admiration or ridicule? This is a mirror of your self-esteem.

Losing clothes- speaks of your vulnerability. Don't believe me? Try undressing, say, in a department store - let's see how confident you feel about it. Of course, these can also be sexual or exhibitionist fantasies.

Donate clothes- the matter is ambiguous. Who has not received clothes as a gift, which later became the talk of the town as a sign of bad taste? However, buying clothing that fits you well and makes you feel confident can lead to positive changes in your self-esteem. Sometimes you buy things for special occasions or clothes that are believed to have magical properties. In this case, you are simply seeking understanding or protection.

New family dream book

Dream about clothes- is always a kind of prediction. It all depends on the color of the clothes, as well as on what they were like in the dream: clean and intact or dirty and torn.

Great but unfashionable clothes- a sign that you will be lucky, but will neglect valuable ideas.

If you saw yourself or someone else in white in a dream- expect changes, and not the best ones.

Yellow color of clothes- portends interesting entertainment and financial success.

Blue- indicates that your energy and support from friends will help you achieve your cherished desires.

Crimson- promises deliverance from terrible enemies.

Green Robes- a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness.

Robes of many colors- mean drastic changes and interweaving of good and bad.

If your clothes don't fit you well- you will have to part with some of your attachments. Perhaps you will make a mistake in some enterprise.

A woman who in a dream does not like her clothes- will encounter unpleasant competition in achieving secular success.

The jealous suspicions of her lover will fall on her.

A young woman who saw herself in a dream in a black suit- sadness and disappointment are coming.

Dirty and torn clothes- always dreams of deception and warns against communicating with strangers, as well as against actions that can tarnish your reputation.

But clean clothes- dreams of prosperity.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you dream about clothes- can have both favorable and ominous meanings, depending on the cleanliness and condition of the clothing.

Seeing beautiful but old-fashioned clothes- means that luck will smile on you, but you will neglect progressive ideas.

If in a dream you refuse unfashionable, outdated clothes- in real life you will find yourself in a pleasant environment and make new connections, do new things, new love will inspire you - and all this will turn you into a completely different person.

Seeing yourself or others dressed in white robes- means events or changes in life that will sadden you.

Walking in a dream with a person dressed in white- predicts this person’s illness or misfortune, unless it is a young woman or a child. In this case, you will be surrounded by pleasant people.

Dreaming of seeing yourself or others dressed in black- portends quarrels, disappointment and grumpy companions. Perhaps the progress of business affairs will not live up to your hopes.

Yellow Robes- dream of fun, entertainment and financial success. This is a favorable dream. But if you see a ghostly, supernatural glow emanating from your clothes, then such a dream may portend changes for the worse.

Blue clothes- a sign that persistent attempts and fortitude will lead you to victory. Your friends will loyally support you.

Seeing crimson or dark red clothes in a dream- predicts that you will avoid the machinations of powerful enemies by changing your intentions in time.

Green clothes- a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

Multi-colored clothes seen in a dream- predicts rapid changes. Everything will be mixed up in your destiny, both good and evil.

If you dream that your clothes don't fit you- this is a sign of the transience and variability of your tastes and hobbies. Most likely, you will make a mistake in some endeavor.

Seeing old or young people in clothes that suit them- predicts that you will begin to do something that will not be to your liking and will cause you a lot of trouble.

If a young woman dreams that she is unhappy with her clothes- in real life she will encounter many annoying obstacles on the way to her goal.

If she admires the clothes of others- in reality she will be haunted by the jealous envy of her friends.

Losing an item of clothing in a dream- a sign of anxiety in love and commerce.

A young woman dreams that she is wearing a black transparent suit- means that sadness and disappointment will soon await her.

If she dreams that she meets another woman in crimson clothes and with a mourning crepe veil on her face- the dream predicts that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she had not previously taken seriously, and her soul will be filled with bitter disappointment.

When interpreting dreams about clothes- you should be attentive, careful and notice whether things look natural and natural.

If a bright supernatural light shines through the clothing, and the faces of the people wearing the clothing are distorted- beware: terrible misfortunes may await you on the path of life.

Seeing dirty and torn clothes in a dream- means that deception will bring you harm. Beware of friendly communication with strangers.

If a woman has such a dream- her virtue will be discredited if she is not careful in choosing friends.

Clean new clothes- promises prosperity.

If you dream that you have a large selection of clothes- the dream carries elements of doubt. Perhaps you will need the bare necessities. Young people have such a dream- promises unfulfilled hopes and disappointments.

Tear clothes to shreds- warns that your peace of mind will be disturbed due to gossip and slander.

Blue clothes- the subtle body associated with the ajna chakra (it is also blue, like this chakra). This is a tall body.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Cloth- reflection of the perceived image of oneself (worldview in relation to oneself).

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing velor clothes on yourself or others in a dream- means that you are living beyond your means.

Pink clothes- to fun, carefree days.

Take off your clothes- means to lend without return.

Splash clothes- splashing your new coat with mud in a dream means that people have a bad opinion of you.

Seeing tight clothes in a dream- means that you are going to seduce someone.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing velor clothes in a dream or buying them in a store- to the stability of your business.

Pink clothes- your naivety is unforgivable.

Take off your clothes- to loss of property.

Splash clothes (get dirty)- you will be slandered.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Velor clothing- to a joyful event, to a feast.

Pink clothes- to hopes.

Take off your clothes- to shame.

Splash clothes- to a damaged reputation.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Buy clothes- happiness; wear black- sadness; white- contentment; nursery- family quarrel.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Buying clothes in a dream- portends a happy event in your life.

Light clothes- means satisfaction and elation, dark- sadness in the soul and changes for the worse.

Baby clothes- foreshadows family troubles. Fashionable outfits- to interesting meetings and entertainment in the company of people you like, out of fashion- you will soon change your image by doing something else and making new connections.

Tailored and perfectly fitting garment- means that you will do something that will bring you a lot of trouble, but will give you deep moral satisfaction.

If clothes don't fit and ruin your whole figure- in reality you will break with old connections and attachments without making new ones.

To envy a rival who is dressed in an elegant suit that suits her very well- in real life you will be tormented by jealousy and consumed by suspicions.

If you don't like someone's flashy or tasteless clothes- you will have to try very hard not to look at least worse than others in terms of your appearance at an upcoming celebration or when attending some spectacular event.

A button that came off inappropriately or a lock that broke in the most interesting place- foreshadow sad events and temporary unsettlement.

Repair new clothes- portends that your inescapable energy will help overcome unexpected obstacles.

Patching old clothes- you will experience hardships that will not last long. Putting on old clothes from someone else's shoulder- portends the loss of a lover, seduced by the beauty and tinsel of a fool full of money.

Dirty clothes- warns of possible deception when purchasing an expensive item on the market. Washing clothes in a dream- in reality you will find yourself at a disadvantage by revealing your plans ahead of time. Take your clothes to the dry cleaner- portends unexpected income that will be used to pay off debts.

If in a dream you dye your clothes- it means you’ll have a great time this coming weekend; if you change it- you will have to get busy with household chores and devote your free time to communicating with your family.

If you dream that your wardrobe has a wide selection of outfits- do not rely on support and do not believe other people’s promises, because they will certainly let you down.

Seeing an empty closet, stripped of all your clothes- Beware of tarnishing your reputation by associating with people of questionable behavior.

Take off your clothes- in reality, you will achieve greater success by demonstrating feminine qualities that are especially valued by men. A dream where you put on a lot of different clothes or try them on one by one- promises you strong marital happiness. Giving someone your clothes in a dream- to loss of property.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

wear old clothes- troubles; see- decrease in income; take off- give up old plans.

Women's dream book

Cloth- it is important to pay attention to what the clothes were like in the dream: whole or torn, clean or dirty.

Dirty and torn clothes- always portends deception and warns against communicating with strangers. But you dream of clean clothes for prosperity.

If in a dream you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits- be careful in reality. Any wrong step can lead you to the point where you will not have enough of even the most necessary things for life. A young woman has such a dream- portends false hopes.

Wearing excellent but unfashionable clothes in a dream- portends luck and, unfortunately, complete neglect of valuable ideas.

Refusal of clothes that are out of fashion- means that you will soon leave your current environment, make new connections, relationships and novels.

If clothes in a dream do not fit you well- some of your attachments will soon become a thing of the past. Perhaps you will make a grave mistake in some enterprise. A woman has such a dream- foreshadows unpleasant rivalry among friends.

If she admires others' clothes- strong jealousy on the part of her friend is possible.

General dream book

If you dreamed that you lost your clothes- you will have troubles associated with the armed forces; you may be introduced to a very unpleasant military man.

In the dream you dressed quickly- There is some urgent matter to be done.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Your clothes- your second self is at the same time your protection from the elements. What is your emotional response to clothing? “They meet you by your clothes...” Does the way you dress reflect how you feel and what you want to say to the world? If not, change costumes. It's better to have a few favorite things than a whole wardrobe of anonymous clothes.

Clothes can also- talk about the roles you play in life.

Dream book of the 21st century

Washing viscose clothes in a dream- serves as a warning that your new frivolous hobbies can create big troubles for you in the future.

Have greasy stains on your clothes- means that you have a profitable business ahead of you. For young people such a dream- may be a harbinger of a rich marriage.

Black clothes in a dream- symbolizes illness, white- dreams for good.

Lots of clothes to see- means that there is a lot of trouble ahead.

If you saw a jacket in a dream- that means you might catch a cold.

Seeing or wearing a sheepskin coat in a dream- to wealth, unexpectedly high income, longevity without decrepitude.

Jumper seen in a dream- symbolizes the warmth of friendly relations, so wear a jumper- to making a new friend, wear it- to lasting friendship; take off- to a quarrel.

If you dress in your sleep- this means you can find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Dressing sloppily, inappropriately in a dream- to an unexpected guest.

Dressing in new outerwear in a dream- means a new wife or mistress; clean clothes- fortunately; have upholstered clothes with someone- to the betrayal of his wife; see in a dream many people in violet and purple clothes- to abuse; see a woman in men's clothing in a dream- to the birth of a son.

If in a dream you see fur clothes or wear them- this means you will receive some property legally.

Seeing yourself in a dream in brocade clothes- a harbinger of sadness and loss.

Burn clothes- to loss.

If your clothes are burning on you- to loss of property.

For a woman to dream of seeing a man in overalls- means that she will be deceived about the true character of her lover; for a married woman, it is a sign that she will remain ignorant for a long time about the reasons for her husband’s frequent absence, until an incident forces her to think seriously.

For a woman, a sundress seen in a dream- a sign that the desire to have fun can lead to problems in family life and mistrust on the part of the spouse.

English dream book

If you dream that you are updating your wardrobe- it means you will certainly achieve what you dream of.

Seeing yourself dressed smartly in a dream- a good sign, you will earn the recognition of your friends and win the heart of your chosen one.

In addition, if you dream of a variety of clothes- it means you are unhappy with the way you are dressed and dream of updates. You will be very well and beautifully dressed in reality if you dreamed of yourself naked.

A woman who sews children's clothes in a dream- will soon find himself in an interesting position.

A sailor who dreams that he is shipwrecked and left without clothes- will get married very soon.

If in a dream you see yourself wearing an expensive luxurious robe- don’t rush to rejoice at this when you wake up. The dream has the opposite meaning. Your life may turn out in such a way that you won’t even have anything to wear.

If in a dream you experience a shortage of clothes- this dream should be interpreted the other way around: you will have a huge selection of dresses for all occasions.

If you dream of yourself in a white robe- this is a sign of unconditional luck in love, career advancement and generally good luck in a variety of areas of life.

If in a dream you are following a funeral procession in mourning- this is a sign of an imminent marriage, in which both you and your loved ones are interested. But if the black vestment in your dream is not associated with mourning, then this is an unlucky sign. It means a disease that threatens you or your family. Having seen such a dream, put off all upcoming affairs, trips or legal proceedings for a while. Each of these cases can end in the most undesirable way for you. For lovers, such a dream may mean that their chosen one is in danger, suffering need and deprivation.

If in a dream you are dressed in blue or purple clothes- take this as a sign of future luck and prosperity. Love and respect from people dear to your heart await you. Your loved ones will be devoted to you, and those who are going to get married will find family happiness and peace. This dream also promises success in business, support from friends and great benefits from trading operations.

If in a dream you are wearing scarlet clothes- this means you should prepare for difficult trials. This could be illness, loss of friends, quarrels and disagreements on frivolous grounds, as well as constant worries and worries caused by the bad behavior of your children.

To the one who dreams of himself in a dark red robe- destined for a long and happy life. You are also on the verge of good news. And although the person you love will leave you for a short time, you can have no doubt about his loyalty and devotion.

If in a dream you are dressed in colorful multi-colored clothes- it means you are entering a period of everyday troubles. Perhaps you will quarrel with your dear friend, and only the intervention of your loved ones will reconcile you.

If in a dream you are wearing something new- this is a happy sign, foreshadowing success and recognition in the professional field.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Dress in white or light-colored- to pleasure

Wear white clothes- to compensation for losses.

See a white dalmatic- to great joy.

See yourself dressed in fine linen- to increase.

If someone sees himself dressed in a chlamys- this portends pleasure.

Wear linen clothes- to wealth.

Be dressed in colorful clothes- to illnesses.

To be dressed in purple robes- to ill health.

Be dressed in new clothes- to fun.

Wear light clothes- to pleasure.

Tearing clothes into pieces- to illness.

See yourself dressed in beautiful clothes- to joy, or to public recognition, or, according to some, to difficulties.

Wear red clothes- to anger.

Italian dream book

Cloth- behavioral cultural patterns of others.

Dream book of lovers

If you feel in a dream that your clothes cause discomfort or have long gone out of fashion- you are destined to learn about the existence of a rival. You will be unpleasantly surprised and disappointed.

If in a dream you admire the clothes of others- this means that jealous suspicions of your chosen one await you.

If you see in a dream another woman known to you or unfamiliar- with a mourning veil on your face, this means that you will be surpassed by a rival whom you considered unequal to yourself. Get ready for bitter disappointments and troubles - you will be left alone.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Clothes are good and clean- for a man, foreshadows a high position, honor, honors, benefit, piety, a significant position and a noble wife, and for a woman- husband; that is, if a woman sees a clean and beautiful dress in a dream- Her husband will be a good man.

Islamic dream book

Clothes are good and clean- for a man means high position, honor, honors, benefit, piety, position and wife, and for a woman- husband; that is, if a woman sees this clean and beautiful dress, then a good man will become her husband.

Lunar dream book

Clean clothes- glory, honor; soiled- dishonor; lose- shame; be half dressed- recognition of three virtues.

Lose clothes- shame; dress in a new dress- sadness; wear a long dress- reward.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Wearing/trying on someone else's clothes in a dream- try on someone else’s rhythm of energy movement. Any organs, primary elements and elements can influence the plot of a dream, depending on what part of the body the clothes were put on, but in any case the kidneys are affected.

Wearing/putting on someone else's clothes in a dream- means taking on all the features of the movement of qi energy in the body of the owner of the clothing, because all things, especially those close to the body, have the ability to be saturated with the rhythms of the owner and transmit/impose this rhythm on others. After all, things are blind, they can only repeat the frequency of energy vibration given to them.

Putting on someone else's trousers, shirt, coat accidentally, absent-mindedly, as sometimes happens with hats- it will be very difficult. Under no circumstances should you accidentally put on someone else’s item in a dream. A dream is a reflection of daytime excessive curiosity and the bad habit of delving into other people’s affairs, therefore all the possible bad consequences of a dream are brought to life by the dreamer himself: illnesses of the old owner of the clothes, like fleas, can jump to the new owner if the old one had continuous failures due to an inadequate attitude to others, then the same thing can happen to the new owner. First, the thing creates a structure around the new owner, the frequency of vibrations of the old one, then the vibrations penetrate into the inside of the body, causing irreversible changes. Sleeping with wearing someone else's clothes is unfavorable. This is a warning that the attitude towards others needs to be changed, curiosity must be moderated.

If the dreamer experienced fear while wearing clothes- You should immediately pay attention to the kidneys. Someone else's clothes, as well as all other people's objects in the house that are not needed by the dreamer, should be removed from the house. With the approach of a new spring, traditional Eastern medicine recommends removing from the house and from the soul everything old, unnecessary, incapable of further movement: things, habits, opinions, outdated views and goals.

Chinese dream book

Dreaming about a belt- foreshadows appointment to the place.

You put on a new robe, new outerwear- there will be a new wife or concubine, girlfriend.

You put on an expensive and beautiful dress- prosperity of children and grandchildren.

Doing laundry, cleaning clothes- in all cases, fortunately.

Throw a raincoat over your shoulders and cover yourself with clothes from the weather- there will be great mercy.

The dress gets dirty with oil or grease- there will be mercy, protection from above.

Worn clothes that are about to tear- the wife looks away.

Folding, collecting new clothes- there will be various adversities and failures.

You give a person clothes- there will be illness, illness, grief.

You cut your clothes, you wear mourning clothes- portends happiness.

The belt on the clothing unravels or unties on its own- in all matters good luck and happiness.

You wear yellow or golden, wheat-colored clothes- to happiness and good luck.

You put on white clothes- someone must make a request to you.

Wear blue or green clothes- there will be help and support from a wise, perfect person.

You put on azure, patterned, embroidered clothes- portends great benefits associated with his wife.

Many people dressed in purple or purple clothes- indicates abuse.

Many people dressed in blue clothes- indicates separation from family, separation from loved ones.

Many people dressed in white clothes- indicates matters related to the service.

Many people dressed in red clothes- indicates great happiness and good luck.

A woman puts on a man's clothes- indicates the birth of a noble offspring.

You own the same clothes as someone else- the wife has a lover.

Lost items of clothing- portends a difficult birth for the wife.

Do you want to cover yourself with your own blanket, wrap the canopy around- portends wealth and nobility.

Choose a hat or belt- you will have a promotion.

Woman putting on headdress and belt- foreshadows the birth of a son.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Lose clothes- loss; dress in new clothes in a dream- joy; to the old- sadness.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Cloth- the persona of the individual: his behavior, position and role; his thoughts and desires, often real facts. Clothing also serves as protection against unwanted touch.

Be dressed in a uniform or even armor; inability to undress- the danger of expressing conformity to the views of other people instead of developing an independent character.

Change of clothes- an attempt to change oneself, sometimes only externally.

Underwear- something that is not always visible, hidden (possibly conscious), has to do with sex.

A man dressing in women's clothing- transvestism, the individual’s desire to demonstrate his feminine side, perhaps incipient homosexuality or regression to teenage homosexuality after unsuccessful heterosexual contact.

Symbolic dream book

Cloth- is a certain symbol of position in society and an element of self-awareness. It is how we appear to ourselves and to those around us. It is possible to “expose” your feelings, to “undress” another person (in the sense of making him defenseless or ruining him).

Cloth- this is a social mask, disguise; what our true self hides behind.

Sometimes in relation to clothing, a dream uses a changeover, too expensive, chic or out of place clothes means the opposite - poverty, collapse of aspirations, loss of authority.

Cloth- emphasizes human attractiveness and can mean enrichment, career, acceptance in a team, trip. In women's dreams, clothing has a special increased additional semantic load, reflecting the success, type or prospect of the dreamer's love relationship and her business connections.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Clothes in general- mood; position in society; material level; self-conceit, own claims; reputation, authority; attractiveness for a woman.

Clothes color- indicates a specific emotional state.

Dressed in red- love for the sleeping person.

In stains, holes, tears, patches- harm, poverty, disappointment, shame, loss of reputation.

Original, out of fashion, out of place- a delicate, slippery situation; collapse of the situation.

Too chic, darling- ruin; dishonor.

Woman in a man's suit- luck.

Man in women's clothes- troubles; ailments.

Old, worn out clothes- feelings of fatigue, old age, ruin.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Burn clothes- a loss.

Your clothes are on fire- loss of property and health.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Clothes are black- a gift / for illness, misfortune, they will denigrate you, poverty, sadness, prison; white- good, they praise you, you will win / the disease; red- wait for matchmakers (girl) / sadness, illness, shame; green- dignity; new- good, luxury, profit, success in business, joy / illness, sadness; rich- good, truth / envy, misfortune (to the poor), death (to the sick); long, long-haired- honor; soiled- bad, sadness, misfortune; full of holes- trouble, lie; made of matting- annoyance; elegant-honor (rich), profit/illness, misfortune (poor); lose- shame; burning- boredom, slander, insult, quarrel with friends; who to see in old clothes- he is healthy and cheerful; a lot of clothes- a lot of trouble; dress- unpleasant situation; dress sloppily- unexpected guest; dress someone in white clothes- praise him; in black- there will be a dead person; dress in women's clothes for a man- shame, loss, deception; into a man's woman- temptation; clean clothes- profit / case in court, you will have to clear it.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Beautiful, fashionable clothes on yourself or on another person, seen in a dream- indicates that your intimate relationship with your partner is based solely on calculation.

If in a dream you wear such clothes- this means that in real life you strive to occupy an advantageous position, no matter by what means.

Torn, dirty clothes- speaks of undermining your reputation due to your own frivolity and frankness.

Esoteric dream book

See a lot of clothes- a lot of hassle, everyday things.

New - new things.

Worn- old troubles.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream that you are well dressed- people praise, but if you walk around ragged, then people judge.

Nice clothes- illness.

See yourself in white- to illness.

To be in black- sadness, sadness.

See yourself in red- to shame, to put oneself to shame.

She dreams that she is dressed in red as a girl- someone will match; married- any shame.

Suite, jacket (outerwear in general)- there will be some news.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The more clothes you wear- to greater troubles; half-naked- to well-being; put on in a dream- a sign of good luck or bad luck, a slippery position; brush a dress- profit.

Collection of dream books

Cloth- how others perceive you. The roles you play in life.

If in a dream a person is dressed in black- this promises loss.

If a person sees himself tearing his clothes in a dream- good, this means that he will be freed from everything bad.

see clothes- to consolation; torn or torn clothes - to the loss of a friend; burn clothes- to goodwill; new linen- to trust.

Cloth- a lot of trouble awaits you

Clothes, clean, tidy- to success in business; dirty- to shame and dishonor; long- to a reward; clothes in rags and patches- you can get involved in some dangerous adventure and cause yourself great damage.

Wearing clothes inside out- such a dream is a sure sign that you are thinking incorrectly about people or the current situation.

Clothes hanging on a hanger- news from a person who is on a journey.

Buy clothes- to good luck in business.

Throw away old clothes- New acquaintances.

Cloth- to be dressed in all bright red by someone - love and respect for the sleeping person.

If you dreamed about your clothes- joy awaits you.

Dirty and torn clothes- a warning that trouble will soon befall you.

Do you know the feeling when you wake up already tired? Thoughts about problems at work or in relationships relentlessly haunt you, resulting in internal dissatisfaction with yourself and disappointment with life. If this is the case, then it's time to change something. Changing the environment can be a good new start. Feng Shui is not magic or strange foreign beliefs. It is a practice based on the idea that our homes and apartments are a reflection of what is happening inside us. The goal of Feng Shui is to bring our home in line with our inner world and plans for life. In other words, harmonize your energy with the energy of your home.

How to do this? Feng Shui at home is aimed at carefully organizing space, which will allow energy flows to flow freely through your home. From arranging furniture correctly to choosing the perfect painting, here we've compiled Basic Rules design of a house or apartment according to Feng Shui. Keep them as a note!

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Bedroom design and bed placement according to Feng Shui

From a Feng Shui point of view, your bedroom is perhaps the most important part of the house, since it is here that you gain strength for each new day. The location of the bed according to Feng Shui is where you should start transforming your home when you want to sleep better and feel better during the day.

The picture on the left shows how to place a bed according to Feng Shui:

  • A is a good position for the bed. The bed is located away from the door and on its sides there is space for 2 bedside tables. The bed can also be successfully placed in front of the window, but provided that it is covered with blinds or the like.
  • B is a bad position for the bed because it is in line with the energy coming through the door. In addition, there is no second bedside table in the bedroom.
  • C - poor bed position. The energy coming through the bedroom door simply “cuts” the bed in half.
  • D is also a bad location. The bed is too close to the door, which will cause the person to experience anxiety while sleeping and when waking up.

The way the bed is positioned in the bedroom according to Feng Shui plays an important role in attracting good luck. The footboard should not point towards the door, and the headboard should only be placed next to a window if there is good support at the back - a high headboard, blinds or the like. In addition, bedside tables should be placed on both sides of the bed, as this balances the flow of chi energy in the room. Ceiling beams in bedrooms cause a ripple effect of chi energy, and its pressure from above can have a bad effect not only on a person’s sleep, but also on his health. If your bedroom has such beams, then they need to be painted the same color as the ceiling, or balanced with hanging crystal spheres.

Feng Shui practice also advises not to overcrowd the bedroom with unnecessary things and decor. It is better to place TV, laptops, exercise equipment and other equipment in the remaining rooms of the house. They bring only bad energy into the interior - stress, bad mood and anxiety.

The role of mirrors in the bedroom interior according to Feng Shui

If you have trouble sleeping, you should avoid having mirrors in your bedroom. When a mirror is needed here, it should be placed so that you cannot see yourself lying in bed, or use a blanket for it. Under no circumstances should you place a mirror directly in front of your bed, as according to Feng Shui, this can attract a third party into your relationship with your partner.

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The best colors in the interior according to Feng Shui

Each of us, returning home after a hard day at work, wants to find ourselves in a warm, loving and beautifully decorated environment. At the same time, Feng Shui at home does not mean that it must have bamboo, a fountain and other Chinese-style decor. However, it presupposes the need to connect the human spirit with its natural habitat - that is, nature. Therefore, red, green and blue are the main colors in the interior according to Feng Shui. How to use them correctly? Here it will help you to understand that each color symbolizes 1 of the 5 elements - wood, earth, fire, water or metal. The color you choose for a certain area will nourish it with the energy of that element. Moderate use of all basic shades will bring balance, harmony and a healthy atmosphere to your home.

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Order throughout the house

When we clear our home of clutter and unnecessary things, we literally open the door to inspiration and good energy. Having clutter in any room, including the balcony, can block the flow of chi and even the forward movement of your life. Remember: getting rid of the old always makes room for something new.

First of all, according to Feng Shui, you should take care of freedom of movement around the apartment, perfect order in the kitchen and the cleanliness of all windows. Windows generally play a very important role in our unity with the outside world. Fresh air penetrating into your homes through them cleanses their atmosphere of any negativity. Ventilate your house more often!

Bathroom design using Feng Shui (photo 2016)

The bathroom is designed to cleanse yourself of everything unwanted and renew your own strength. With the help of Feng Shui, you can easily turn your bathroom into a source of vital energy. Here are 10 best tips on how to use Feng Shui in your bathroom design:

  1. Your bathroom should be free and comfortable for relaxation (use headrests, chairs, etc.);
  2. It welcomes the presence of good ventilation and fragrances (candles, herbal mixtures, etc.);
  3. Lighting should be of high quality, but not too bright;
  4. The best colors for a bathroom according to Feng Shui are green and blue;
  5. Indoor plants will help purify the air and bring vital energy into the bathroom interior;
  6. The use of different images as a metaphor for cleansing and renewal is encouraged: trees, flowers, meadows, seas, rivers, etc.;
  7. Keep all doors closed and the toilet lid down;
  8. It is also recommended to cover drains when not in use;
  9. Adding wooden elements will help balance the water, and faceted crystals will enhance the energy;
  10. Try not to put pictures of your family, friends and loved ones in the bathroom, or any images related to your personal passions, career, etc. Otherwise, you will simply flush all the energy you direct towards them down the drain!

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Furniture design and arrangement according to Feng Shui

According to the basic rules of Feng Shui, the furniture in any room should represent a mixture of yin and yang. Dark and light colors should balance each other, as well as angular and rounded body shapes. The arrangement of furniture should be uniform over the entire area of ​​the space so that none of the sides visually “outweighs”. It is recommended to place sofas, armchairs and other seating furniture closer to the walls and away from doors, because It is believed that when there is a solid wall behind a person’s back, he is protected from misfortunes.

Please note that at night, all doors and doors in the house should be closed, including the doors of kitchen and wardrobe cabinets, shower stalls, etc. This way, you will allow the nourishing flow of energy to strengthen your health as well as your relationships.

Feng Shui paintings and other interior decor

When you choose furniture, statues, works of art and any other decor for your home, you should always listen to the feelings that the item evokes in you. Try to avoid buying things that make you sad, nostalgic for the past, or a strong reminder of loneliness. Instead, opt for a painting or table décor that represents what you want in your life. Different images can carry very powerful energy. For example, a person walking up a mountain represents growth, stability and passion.

In fact, Feng Shui at home is a very broad topic that cannot be discussed in one article. Here you have learned about some simple things that can be a good start to transforming your home and lifestyle. If you have any other questions on this topic, please leave us a message in the comments below and we will be happy to answer them!

Application of Feng Shui at home (tips and photos of interiors) updated: June 17, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko