Dedicated to those who like to be the center of attention, as well as to those who dream of arousing certain emotions, the desire to purchase this or that product or service application, as well as our website for boosting VKontakte comments Ad-social. With its help, you certainly won’t suffer from a lack of attention from people on your friends list and more. In addition, this simple application can completely change your life! Ask how? What needs to be done for this? Download the application, register in it and create tasks for other users who also want to increase their popularity. Let's take a closer look...

For example, you would like to make a certain Vasya Pupkin jealous. You know for sure that he himself will not write to you or leave a comment under the photo, but your pride does not allow you to take the first step. Well, in this case, you just need to set the task “Reply to Vasya Pupkin in the comments under the photo,” and then write the desired comment. Vasya himself will not even realize that the phrase under the photo was written by a stranger and will immediately begin to be jealous!

Positive comments to increase customer interest

Let's look at the situation from a different perspective. Some people need to cheat VKontakte comments for love affairs, while others dream of making money online by creating groups with commercial offers. In order to increase user interest in your company, order positive comments that users will leave on different pages about your business. This way you are guaranteed to increase the number of potential clients. And note, the Ad-social developers offer such a useful and completely safe promotion method completely free of charge. By spending a couple of tens of minutes a day, you can dramatically change the further course of events!

What else is good about the Ad-social service?

If you look not superficially, but more deeply, then in fact a simple application for getting likes on VKontakte can affect a person’s self-confidence. Of course, who wouldn’t stand more firmly on their feet after numerous positive comments addressed to them?! And then, your efforts will always be not in vain, because after downloading a new photo album or joke, your friends will certainly join in a new conversation. This is needed not only by ordinary users, but also by moderators of various groups. It should also be noted that the Ad-social service is simple enough so that anyone who wants to increase their popularity or draw attention to their profile can use it.

Now let's talk about comments. Now I'll show you how to increase comments on VKontakte. The main methods that you can use online will be discussed.

Video lesson: cheating comments on VK for free

We use groups for mutual exchange

A lot of VKontakte users are looking for an opportunity to exchange likes, reposts and comments. You just need to find them. To do this, type in the search "Mutual comments", go to the “Communities” section, and select an open group.

Come inside. Now either find a suitable ad or write one yourself.

If you go the first route, you need to pay attention to the wall. There people write their requests, and in response they offer to fulfill yours. Here's an example.

Go to the page that this girl indicated and write a comment. After this, send her a personal message informing her that her request has been fulfilled (see). And in return, you want her to comment on your material.

Or you can write an ad in the group yourself. Indicate the material for which you need to increase comments, and say that you will do the same in return. Now just wait for messages from users.

Cheating VKontakte comments with the Turboliker service

We have already become familiar with this service. Here are the instructions:

Let's now use it to increase comments on VK.

Log in to the service:

In the left menu, open the “Comments” section. And then click "Crank".

We will go to the order form. Here you need to fill in the following fields:

  • Order name
  • Comments. If you need to get specific comments, enter them in this field, separated by commas.
  • Link to the material for which you need comments
  • Required amount

Adjust targeting if necessary. When you fill out everything, click the “Order” button.

The order will be processed. All you have to do is wait for it to complete.

In the Turboliker service, you can also add likes to your comments. Simply create a task of the appropriate type, indicating the link to the desired comment.


Thus, comments can be increased like any other VKontakte indicator. If you want to do it for free, use mutual exchange. Or earn currency in the promotion service by completing tasks of other users and spend it on your orders.


In contact with

Hello! Your VKontakte group is dying... And it seems that its best days are in the past... how to bring it back to life, what to do? There is an exit! Program for cheating comments on VKontakte Viking Troll will help revive the group and bring it to a new stage of development, because only an active discussion will stimulate visitors to leave their message and help attract new clients;).

Of course, there are many ways to boost VKontakte comments for free and for a fee; you can get acquainted with the most popular ones in this one. I’ll say right away that if you are serious about promoting a VK group, then the best and most profitable of the methods considered is the use of specialized software. It is enough to understand the principle of operation once and in the future all actions will be performed automatically.

Cheating comments using the program

To bring the group’s brilliant future to life, we will need the Viking Troll program, thanks to which you can easily exchange comments and effectively promote Vk:smile:. This software is provided by the Viking Studio project, which specializes in developing programs for promoting VKontakte groups.

By the way, the software developed by this project is the most popular in RuNet - Viking Inviter (for inviting people to groups) and Viking Botovod (for getting visitors, likes, posting). You can get acquainted with them in detail in this article.

The principle of operation and cheating of comments in the Viking Troll program

Next, add accounts to the program and provide the opportunity for other users of this software to leave comments on their behalf, that is, from the added Vk accounts. Moreover, profile registration data is not transferred anywhere; all work takes place automatically exclusively on your computer.

With the help of Viking Troll, you can simply comment on your own news, posted goods and services on behalf of someone else, while creating the effect of lively and relaxed communication, attracting real people and potential clients to take part in an exciting discussion.

Now it’s very easy to create the desired image for your brand on a social network or build a favorable image of a product in the minds of customers;). It is enough to write a potentially profitable question and start answering it yourself on behalf of various representatives of the social network, leaving positive reviews on the wall. See how Viking Troll works:

It's no secret that the success of promoting a blog or website, or any products and services, is built not on single sales, but on their regular use with subsequent recommendations to their friends and acquaintances. But before buying anything or starting to use any product, the buyer will definitely look at the reviews and read the comments.

With the help of software, you can generate the right opinion and the necessary reviews from real people for yourself, and not wait until enthusiastic statements from clients begin to fall from the sky. It is thanks to the VKontakte Viking Troll comment exchange program on behalf of various users from the database you contributed that you can achieve a positive result.

Today you can try the program's features for free, to do this you should download Viking Troll Lite from the official website page, you can also read the user manual and functionality of the software in more detail.

Anyone who wants to achieve their own goals and automate the process of making money online will definitely read everything. I strongly recommend that anyone who strives not just to practice, but also to get a return from them, buy a full-fledged version of the software, the cost of which today is 1,200 rubles.

Moreover, it is most profitable to buy Viking Troll right now, because according to the developers, it is planned to increase functionality and introduce additional options, that is, you save on purchasing software today and receive the next updates completely free of charge, because the validity period of the key is unlimited! Think carefully, because the program for boosting VKontakte comments will soon cost much more.

It is also useful to use to develop your group, and expect new releases about promotion on social networks soon, so I advise you to subscribe to blog updates.

For dessert, I suggest you watch a creative video about funny Mario in the Russian heroic performance;):

Happy promotion!

It is used for various purposes, and most of our regular readers come to it to make money or promote their sites.

To be credible and attract attention, posts must be actively commented on. It can be difficult to get many entries from users, but this can be easily fixed.

Boosting VKontakte comments is the easiest way to turn any post into an actively discussed entry. As practice shows, when comments are increased, people become more active in leaving their opinions. In this article we will tell you how to increase VKontakte comments using various services.

How to increase comments on VKontakte?

If you need to quickly boost VKontakte comments, and you are willing to spend money on it, use the Soc-service. Thanks to this system, you can receive hundreds of comments in a few minutes, and for each of them you will pay only 50 kopecks.

There are several databases to choose from:

If there is nothing suitable, go to “My Comment Databases” and add any entries. After checking by moderators, your database will be approved and it will appear in the list when ordering.

You won’t be able to use this system without spending money, but if you don’t have money, read the article further.

Cheat VKontakte comments for free

There are services where you can complete tasks of other users and then order any cheat for yourself. Free boosting of VKontakte comments is available thanks to such services as:

  1. Wmmail is a click sponsor with a large number of different tasks. You can register or download some game to get money, and then use this money to start your task. You can specify any requirements for performers. It’s convenient that for completing one difficult task you can get a couple of dollars, and indicate 2-3 cents in payment for your task (Vkontakte comments are an easy task).
  2. Seosprint is another mailer where VKontakte comments are boosted in a similar way. After completing several tasks of other participants, you will receive money and start your promotion. As for prices, here you can pay for one performance from 30 kopecks, but it is better to pay a little more, otherwise no one will want to work.
  3. – a mutual PR exchange with limited possibilities for boosting comments. After logging in, you will need to repost, like, join groups, participate in polls and leave comments to receive hearts. Then these hearts are spent on boosting comments. The only disadvantage of the exchange is the small selection of ready-made records:

Using any of the services for free boosting VKontakte comments, you will be able to customize filters. For example, indicate the age or gender of the performers. On mailers this must be indicated in the task, but on Olike there is a special form.

Program for boosting VKontakte comments

You can get a huge number of entries under your posts using a special program. Each user of this software adds their accounts and exchanges comments.

In other words, someone will write on your behalf, and you will use their profiles for it:

The number of users of this software is simply huge, so you can easily generate any number of comments. You will have to write the texts yourself, but this is exactly what is needed in most cases. The only thing is that you will have to pay about 890 rubles for ViKing Troll.

As you can see, cheating VKontakte comments is available to everyone and it is not difficult to launch it. It is important not to use the described methods to distribute spam.

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There is no doubt that every owner of his own page on social networks has encountered a lack of visitors. A small audience of subscribers can interfere with the promotion of a particular project. Cheating VKontakte comments will help solve this problem.

How does a social network work?

The audience of VKontakte is more than 100 million users. Today it is the largest social project in Europe. With its help, you can keep in touch with friends, find new acquaintances, exchange information and even sell certain goods and services.

However, simply posting interesting content is not enough to be successful. Today there are millions of pages and groups on the Internet. And boosting comments will help you stand out from this crowd and attract attention. And if you do it correctly, then the success of your project is guaranteed.

Why do we need comments and boosting comments on VK?

Just like in blogs, it is advisable to use comments on social networks. First of all, if visitors see the reaction of other readers, then they understand that the content is interesting to others. This increases interest in the page or group, makes you want to become its subscriber and regularly view new information. Thus, boosting VKontakte comments attracts attention to your posts and increases your rating.

In addition, using user reviews of this or that material, you can work more effectively with your target audience and find out their preferences. It has long been established that this method works no worse than full-fledged marketing research. So, if you take the opportunity to increase VKontakte comments for free, you will undoubtedly make your project more successful.

How to increase the number of comments?

It’s easy to increase the number of reader reviews. The algorithm of actions is very simple:

We also offer our clients paid promotion services on social networks. From us you can purchase the required number of likes, votes and comments. It is enough to simply pay for them through the payment system connected to the site.