As you know, consultation with a tarot reader, especially regarding fortune-telling about relationships, advice in the field of various matters, etc., is mainly in demand among women. And, of course, the most important question in 90 cases from 100 is concern about your personal life, but what, strictly speaking, could be more important? Therefore, the main part of my work in the Astro7 service is focused on relationships , and I am convinced that the main party in a partnership is always led by a woman. A man can be strong, smart and vice versa - but in a partnership he almost always acts the way the woman wants, or the way the woman thinks. Well, what do you want, dear? What kind of love do you really need?

Why did I say specifically about thoughts? Because all our thought forms are our reality, no matter what we do, no matter what we strive for and no matter what we receive in reality - this is all a reflection of our thoughts.

Well, what is a thought? This is our inner mood. In fact, wherever we go, no matter what situations happen to us, this is precisely our attitude (not to be confused with mood - it can change quite quickly), but the attitude sometimes takes root for years. In partnerships, everything remains the same. Inside every woman there is an image, a model, a standard of what her union will be like. But this model has nothing in common with beautiful dreams and good wishes. What experiences are you internally tuned to? What do you subconsciously expect from a relationship? This is exactly the kind of partner you will choose for yourself, this is exactly the situation you will create, this will be both your joys and family conflicts! Tarot cards capture this hidden, subtle information and reflect it.

We now live in an era when no one forces anyone to do anything. Everything that surrounds us is our own choice. If you yourself did not want and did not expect such experiences, if you were not internally attuned to them, then your soulmate would simply disappear from your life, or even from the very beginning would not come within gunshot of you. And this all happens because we attract into our lives those people who can give us the experiences and emotions that we need. And this rule always remains the same.

This mechanism works quite simply: even in early childhood, we get used to a certain type of experience, and they become normal for us - this is the model of relationships, regardless of whether we like it or not. Over time, these experiences transform a little, and that's it, voila! The inner mood is ready. If it suddenly happens that these usual experiences do not exist, then we feel that something is wrong and begin to develop a double dose of emotions and thoughts so that everything returns to normal - and here it is, the psychology of family relationships, imbued with the feelings that we it wasn't enough.

Based on the above, during Tarot readings, I very often advise my clients to look inside themselves and ask: what familiar experiences were you missing? What relationship style did you set your partner up for? What emotions did you emit? Is this what your partner is waiting for?

When answering these questions, you need to understand that if you dreamed that in response to your anxiety, dissatisfaction, irritation, he would begin to show wise, patient understanding, bring you affection and reassurance, you are deeply mistaken. If you are sad, he will be sad too. If you constantly “hiss” and your tone is offended during a conversation, you will receive rudeness in response. If you “stop a galloping horse” and generally behave like a commander, what remains for him? His behavior is always only a reaction to your inner mood. “I’m fighting like a fish on ice, I’m spinning with all my might, and he...”. Whatever experiences you were internally tuned in to, that’s what you received in real life.

Then the next stage begins. Women begin to torment themselves with the search: what was I to blame for, what did I do wrong - but in fact, this is not a solution at all. It's not that you're doing it wrong. The point is what is inside you.

I always remain silent and just sympathize when a girl marries a drinking guy, a lazy guy or a mama’s boy. At the same time, each one says that she can re-educate him, that he simply needs to be torn out from his environment. But this is all self-deception - in fact, she unconsciously chose an object for herself to receive suffering, because she is so used to it, for her this is the norm, this is her inner attitude - “I want pain!” But what can you do - she was brought up that way and, without this pain, she will think that “This is impossible, this should not be, this does not happen.”

The next example: when a girl thinks that as soon as she marries him, he will immediately change, he will not be a rude egoist, as he is now. But, again, all this happened in her life before, these are all those “normal emotions” that she has always experienced, and now she needs them. So, essentially, there is no nonsense in this.

Another category of women are those who constantly feel unhappy, who are most accustomed to the role of victim, sufferer. There are also vice versa - fighters, leaders who take on the role of a man. What can I say - the choice of behavior model is huge, but the point is always that the woman herself behaves the way she wants to be behaved towards her. And only according to this single principle a partner is selected. Now your partner has several options for the development of events. The first is that he accepts your style of relationship, the second is that the relationship between you ends. But in both the first and second options, you dictate the rules - regardless of his character, desires, etc. If development went according to the second option, he left - naturally, he will eventually meet another. Having learned about his relationship with another woman, namely what this relationship is like, you are shocked - how has he changed, how does he behave with her? But there is nothing mystical here, she is simply tuned in to other experiences and other emotions. Now look at yourself, at him and at “her” and you will understand that what you are is like him, what she is like is like him. This means that the conclusion is simple and clear - only a woman decides what her love should be, and she deserves the love for which she is ready.

If you want to ask a fortune teller a question: « Is he my destiny, the one and only who was destined for me by the Higher powers? » then the answer will most often be like this: « You get exactly your King, your “destiny”, who will give you what you lack, who will complement you, so that you receive what you are set up for and are ready for».

Relationship fortune telling

How to find out your partner's attitude towards you using relationship fortune telling?

Fortune telling about relationships is very popular, as it allows you to find out your partner’s subconscious attitude towards you, as well as consider options for developing relationships and the consequences of such actions. You can guess about relationships not only between lovers, but also between any two people. However, most often there is a need to guess about relationships online or on cards when feelings develop between a man and a woman. If you are interested in fortune telling about relationships, it means that the connection that has arisen is not indifferent, but not everything is clear yet.

Why is online attitude fortune telling so attractive?

Of course, the relationship between a man and a woman can be friendly, business, or family, but, as a rule, if you are looking for online fortune telling for relationships, then the first place here is a wonderful feeling - love. Perhaps you are just at the very beginning of a whirlwind of passions and the flame of love, and you cannot understand how your other half truly treats you, what goals he pursues when communicating with you, so you want to guess about the relationship. To solve this puzzle using fortune telling about the relationship between a man and a woman, it is important to understand what kind of relationship is between you now.

Relationships between people are connections of a different nature that arose in the process of communication and actions in different life situations. As a result of such contact, we voluntarily and involuntarily form a perception towards another person and evaluate him on our own scale.

It is reasonable to assume that the desire to guess online about your relationship with someone specific confirms that you have already formed your attitude towards the person. Now you want to find out how similar your emotions, feelings and plans for communication are in the future. Fortune telling about relationships is a view from the outside: your “truthful” attitude towards a person and his vision of the situation with feelings.

Fortune telling by feelings can be realized using a 3-card Tarot card layout. With its help, you can understand the world of the subconscious, and this is very important, because often this way you can understand a person’s actions and behavior.

Online attitude divination will help you get answers to the following questions:

  • how strong is the love between you;
  • determine clarity in relationships;
  • consider options for developing your tandem in different ways.

Online fortune telling for relationships

Fortune telling about relationships online and in reality: types and purpose

Fortune telling by feelings is carried out:

  • playing cards in the “4 jacks” layout;
  • Lenormand cards – card layout “Two” and relationship layout “Short Lenormand layout”;
  • Tarot cards - “Pyramid of Lovers” layout.

Online fortune telling for relationships allows you not only to open all the love cards, but also to tell fortunes in the name of your betrothed, and also find out compatibility in the union, if one develops. Try online relationship fortune telling on Valentine's Day and get wise advice on Valentine's Day.

Mutual relations between a man and a woman are the presence of interest between two parties on some basis. Sometimes you feel a spark, a surge of passion and mutual sympathy, but there is no common topic for communication between you. In this case, guess what, it’s unlikely that such a connection will develop into a serious relationship.

You can guess about relationships online right now in order to find out how the person you are interested in feels about you. You may like the result of the alignment, but you will always be the conductor of your relationships, so only you yourself can correct your relationships. The fact is that it is difficult not to respond in kind to insults, but in response to affection and kindness, you want to do something pleasant and kind.

If you want to guess at a man’s attitude, then first study yourself: determine for yourself what you are ready to give and what you would like to receive from communicating with the person you are interested in. How your partner treats you depends on you, and the result of this communication will be a relationship.

Attitude fortune telling online

What types of relationships can there be between a man and a woman?

In order to correctly interpret the results of online relationship fortune telling, it is important to understand what type of relationship has been established or is just emerging between you. Just as there are no two identical people, there cannot be two identical relationships. Next, you will find out what types of relationships there can be, and in the future you will be able to predict your relationship based on the results of online attitude fortune-telling.

A partner is a loved one and a friend. Many will agree that this type of relationship is the most ideal, because in them partners help each other in everything, and do not compete. Both partners realize that they are only strong as a couple. Men in such a tandem do not tolerate pity, and will gladly help and give advice.

Stormy passion. This type of online relationship fortune telling means that everything between you is bright, passionate and stormy. Both of you are emotional personalities, and it is simply impossible to imagine your relationship without quarrels, showdowns and passionate love. In such relationships, jealousy, scandals and passion rule the roost. It will never be boring here, but it is very important not to “go too far” in order to avoid insults and reproaches. If you find yourself in such a situation in a relationship, think about how ready you are for “Italian” passions.

Fortune telling for future relationships


Such relationships are built on benefiting from communication with each other. At the same time, they rarely have passionate love and friendship. If you receive such a card in a relationship scenario, do not expect tenderness and “lisping”, scandals and passion from your partner - everything is simple, smooth and stable.

Relationships without obligations. This type of relationship is typical mostly for men. Female partners in a relationship without commitment can only take the plunge if their love affairs have disappointed them and they are not yet ready to start a serious relationship. This type of relationship in your scenario suggests that sooner or later you will reach the line - your relationship will fall apart or develop into a serious one. Typically, in such relationships, someone is simply waiting for the turning point to come. In this case, fortune telling for future relationships will help you take an important step and decide the fate of your tandem.

Fortune telling about a man's attitude

The simplest relationship fortune telling online

There are a lot of layouts for love and relationships, but we want to offer you a simple layout on a regular deck of playing cards to find out the thoughts and feelings of the person you are interested in. Online attitude fortune-telling in order to clarify relationships in love, marriage, and also when it comes to business partners and transactions.

The layout “You and your partner” is interesting because it allows you to evaluate both participants in the process in a partnership, show true feelings, thoughts and emotions, which, at times, greatly influence decision-making in love affairs and business. As a result, you will see how your partnership may develop in the future and decide on further developments.

So, online fortune telling for relationships requires a playing deck of cards in the amount of 36 pieces; if we are talking about a virtual request for cards, the method will be the same. Each card has its own meaning, which is based on the interpretation of the pictures on the Lenormand cards. The meaning of the card according to the Lenormand system is tied to a specific phenomenon.

To make fortune telling online as truthful as possible, perform a small ritual:

  • Relax and discard all extraneous thoughts;
  • Concentrate as much as possible on the question;
  • Imagine a person who is in a relationship with you;
  • Shuffle the deck of cards several times;
  • Slide the cards toward you with your left hand.

This way, you can “tune” the cards and yourself to the upcoming layout. Now, one by one, you need to remove cards from the deck. Below you will find an explanation:

  • The first two cards from the deck of playing cards are you and your partner in a relationship with personal positions and ambitions;
  • The next two cards will show the subconscious and feelings between you and your partner;
  • The third pair of cards is responsible for conscious thoughts and those in the subconscious, between you, and shows a variant of the development of events in the future, provided that the components of your partnership remain unchanged;
  • The ninth card is an advice card that sums up the entire layout and offers an option for action for the future.

Fortune telling about a man's attitude is only advice regarding how your tandem can develop if you treat each other as before. Whatever the relationship between you, the main thing in it is the comfort of both partners, which is achieved through such unshakable components as love, trust, respect and support for each other.

In the first few months, the relationship of many couples develops ideally: walking together, flirting, touching courtship, first kisses. But what happens next? A beautiful wedding and a happy life together? Or endless conflicts, as a result of which you will part as “just friends”? When entering into a relationship with who is your person?

Why do many people pair up with people other than “their own”?

Going on dates can be pleasant with almost any member of the opposite sex (if he, of course, does not cause antipathy): sunny weather, a cozy atmosphere in a cafe or cinema, melodious music create the illusion that you are happy together. There is often no time to think about the question: “How can you understand that this is your person by destiny?” Should you worry about tomorrow when you can enjoy today?

However, a long-term affair with a partner whose views on life are very different from yours can hardly be called happy. Gradually, both sides begin to realize that they have made a mistake. The guy and the girl notice shortcomings that they cannot reconcile with. Breaking up a relationship is most often painful for both.

It would seem that the scenario of unhappy love is familiar to everyone. No one wants to get into it. Why then do many girls and boys make a serious mistake - they enter into long-term relationships with partners who are not suitable for them? There are many reasons for this, the most common of which are:

1. Fear of public opinion. Many girls fear that if they remain alone for a long time, those around them will consider them “flawed” and “useless to anyone.” Attaching too much importance to the opinions of others, they rush into a relationship with a new partner without properly understanding their feelings.

2. Pressure from parents. Most mothers and fathers find it difficult to resist criticizing their child’s “wrong” behavior or giving him “practical” advice. It is difficult for young boys and girls to distinguish between their own and their parents’ opinions. Therefore, they often choose partners who are attractive to the older generation, and not to themselves.

3. “Falling in love” with any one quality of the other half: wealth, spectacular appearance, popularity. At an early stage, a partner’s positive trait may seem so significant that numerous disadvantages go unnoticed for a long time.

4. The conviction that you need to hurry up to start a family. Many girls who have spent too much time as brides are ready to accept a marriage proposal even from an unloved person.

5. Unplanned pregnancy. The future birth of a child often forces lovers to register their marriage as soon as possible. The groom is the father of a baby who will be born very soon. Therefore, girls in this situation often don’t even think about the question “how to understand that this is your man.”

6. There are many young men and women who at heart consider themselves unworthy of love and a happy marriage. They do not want to part with unsuitable partners because they think that they will not find anyone else.

What does "second half" mean? She is one?

Among romantically minded girls and boys, there is a widespread belief that a person can only have one true love. Is it really? There is a common plot in fairy tales: a handsome prince is destined by fate to have an extraordinary beauty as his wife. Having met, they realize at first sight that they have been waiting for each other all their lives and decide to get married.

In real life, however, there are many refutations of the fact that a person has only one “second half”.

Firstly, women and men most often fall in love more than once throughout their lives, and with each partner they are happy in their own way.

Secondly, young people usually do not have to travel all over the world in search of “the one” or “the one”. A loved one, as a rule, meets in his hometown: visiting friends, at work, on the street.

Thirdly, it is difficult to recognize “your” man or “your” woman in the first minutes of acquaintance. Relationships develop gradually. Again and again you have to ask the question: “How do you understand that this is your person “in life””?

In addition, psychologists say that for every guy and girl on the planet there are at least several thousand people with whom he or she can be happy in marriage. Thus, the myth of a single “other half” cannot be considered valid.

Signs that he is “your” person

When entering into a romantic relationship with a member of the opposite sex, pay attention to:

  • what feelings do you have towards him;
  • how he behaves with you;
  • how relationships develop.

At first glance, it may seem that you are mutually in love. But how do you know if this is your person for life?

The following signs will indicate this:

  1. Together you feel easy and comfortable. You feel sympathy for each other.
  2. There are common interests and hobbies. Your views on life are largely similar.
  3. Your significant other cares about your opinion.
  4. The motives for his actions are clear to you.
  5. It is pleasant for you not only to talk together, but also to be silent.
  6. You are not annoyed by your partner’s shortcomings; he is also calm about your “quirks.”
  7. In general, you are confident in the feelings of your loved one. You don't have to wonder why he behaves the way he does.
  8. You give each other approximately equal amounts of attention.
  9. Your relationship begins to resemble a marital relationship: common affairs, plans, and similar points of view on various issues appear. You easily agree with each other.
  10. People notice that you and your loved one are similar in appearance. You can see it yourself.
  11. The style and his are similar.
  12. You feel that even if your loved one is seriously ill or left without work, he will still not lose his attractiveness in your eyes.

Signs that a relationship probably won't work out

1. He openly flirts with other girls in front of you.

2. Some features of the chosen one are very annoying; I want to “re-educate” him.

3. You like some special quality of your partner, such as good looks or wealth. But deep down you understand: he will cease to be attractive in your eyes, having lost his advantage.

4. He regularly breaks promises to you.

A guy can be very good-looking, but neither at school nor in universities they explain how to understand that this is your man. Relationship psychology, however, is a full-fledged science. Researchers in this area know many methods and tricks that help find the answer to the important riddle of fate.

For example, try using these methods:

1. Imagine as if you were already living together: you greet each other in the morning and start a new day. Pay attention to details: who takes the bathroom first, what do you eat for breakfast? Imagine how you solve everyday issues together, agree on plans for the evening, distribute the budget, relax? When visualizing a possible future, pay attention to how you feel.

2. Tell your boyfriend stories about problematic situations (real and imagined) from the lives of different people. Ask unobtrusive questions to understand how your chosen one would act under similar circumstances.

3. Carefully ask how your loved one’s relationships with girls were in the past. For what reasons did he break up with his former passions? However, you should not bring up this topic more than once in conversations.

4. Invite your chosen one to do something together, for example, invite friends over and prepare for the party in advance. Pay attention to how you both feel and behave in situations where you need to do something together.

From the point of view of the Orthodox religion

How to understand that this is your person? Orthodoxy recommends turning to the Holy Scriptures for this. The stories of the Bible indicate that a person does not choose his half, that God sends it to him.

The clergy remind:

  1. When making a choice, it is important to remember God and God's Will.
  2. You can turn to the Almighty in prayers asking for help in making the right decision.
  3. Young people must remain faithful to each other, live in sincere love and harmony, without even committing adultery in their thoughts. Therefore, the choice of a spouse should be taken responsibly.
  4. Christianity neither approves nor strictly condemns marriage with a person belonging to a different faith. It is highly undesirable to marry only an atheist.
  5. You cannot choose a life partner based only on his physical attractiveness or financial status. When choosing a couple, it is important to take into account the commonality of worldviews.
  6. Marriage should be based on consent, respect and cooperation.
  7. It is important to find out how your loved one feels about religion. Correct family life, according to the laws of Christianity, is when a husband and wife worship God together, know Him through their love, and pray together.

How to understand that this is your person by destiny? Orthodoxy helps you make the right decision.

From an esoteric point of view

Many people, in order to solve important life problems, turn not to religion, but to other knowledge. Of course, how to understand that this is your person by fate, esotericism will not immediately give an exact answer. But by turning to this teaching, you will learn to “order” the Universe to fulfill your desires.

Esotericists recommend saying words, addressing them to the Higher Power in which you believe and from which you expect help (angels, the Universe): “Please make sure that I know for sure whether this is my person.” Please indicate the time period within which you would like to receive a response. Many people who practice communication with a Higher Power have reported that a clear and distinct “response” from the Universe came to them within the first minutes after the request was formulated. The answer came in the form of an overheard phrase from a conversation, a fragment of a TV show, brief advice from a stranger, an unusual event.

However, fate’s answer may not contain a clear “yes” or “no.” The “Universe” may recommend, for example, thinking about a problem on your own or talking to someone about an exciting topic.

Signs of fate

If you believe in fate and pay attention to its signs, you will immediately feel if something special begins to happen in life. When you get into a relationship with a guy, you want to know how to understand that this is the person for you. When solving this difficult problem, pay attention to whether your connection has the following signs:

  1. Many times you run into this guy on the street or visiting friends, without at all trying to do so.
  2. It's like he looks like one of your old, long-forgotten friends.
  3. If you have a desire to break up, new circumstances arise that clearly interfere with this.
  4. You receive amazing hints from fate that you will be together. For example, you accidentally come across an article in a magazine or a film whose plot resembles the story of your relationship.

It should be borne in mind, however, that if fate pits you against a guy, this is not at all a guarantee that your relationship will subsequently be happy and last a lifetime. It is quite possible that the universe needs your connection for a short period. For example, so that as a result an unusual child is born.

Dream analysis

How can you understand that this is your person if you regularly see and remember specific dreams? Night visions can provide a lot of valuable information. How to work with it?

  1. When you wake up, immediately write down your dream. Record on paper all the details of the night vision: the sequence of events, the relationships of the characters, the furnishings that you remember, your feelings. It is especially important to note “strange things” that could not happen in reality. Often these are the clues to the meaning of night vision.
  2. In order to interpret the dream, you should re-read what was written down. By the way, people often understand the meaning of night vision already when they record its contents on paper.
  3. Don’t rush to consult dream books. Most often they contain incorrect interpretation of symbols. Pay attention to how professional psychologists and fortune tellers on the Internet analyze the plots of dreams. Try to learn from their experience.
  4. Think about what area of ​​life does night vision concern: love relationships, career, creativity, health? Girls, for whom the question of how to understand that this is your person by fate is very important, often have dreams about relationships between men and women.
  5. Come up with a title for your recorded story.
  6. Write down the characters you met in your dream. Give names to unfamiliar people and creatures. Try to guess why they might have appeared in your night vision.
  7. Pay attention to awkward situations and feelings that arose in your dreams

By analyzing night visions, you will understand a lot about your relationships with the opposite sex.

From an astrological point of view

Is it possible, by studying the secrets of the stars, to obtain reliable information regarding whether you will be together? How to find out that this is your person by date of birth? You should not rely only on this method and take forecasts too seriously. However, you can play with the numbers and find out what makes your relationship with your loved one unique.

Write down your date of birth and your partner's date of birth in numbers.

If the result is a two-digit number, its digits must be added again: 5+2=7.

1 - you are both leaders and subconsciously always fight for who is in charge.

2 - relationships are based on a material basis. Such families, as a rule, are very wealthy, because a business partnership develops between the spouses. Even just by talking with each other, you can generate ideas on how to increase your shared wealth. But there is little passion and sensuality in such unions.

3 is the number of impermanence. Partners communicate a lot with each other, but not regularly. They can pair up multiple times and separate again.

4 is the number of homeliness, warmth, comfort. It's very easy for partners to work together. However, when uniting, they aim not at cooperation, but at joint recreation. “Fours” often hinder each other’s professional development.

5 is a very romantic union, in which there is a place for tender kisses and heart-to-heart conversations. They say about such people: “They married out of great love.”

6 - both partners are ready to jointly strive for financial prosperity and help each other solve problems of various kinds. The number is favorable not only for marriage, but also for creating a business together. Often men and women in such couples, even after breaking up, continue to communicate with each other as comrades and partners.

7 - the girl and the guy come to an excellent agreement with each other. Each behaves diplomatically towards the other. But the “seven” is characterized by some optionality: lovers often do not fulfill the promises made to each other.

8 - a strong mutual attraction arises between people in such a union, but one partner always manipulates the other.

9 - the relationship between two “philosophers”. A man and a woman influence each other in such a way that both “fall out” of real life. Their favorite pastime is to talk for a long time about impossible dreams.

Is your boyfriend a mystery? But now you know how to understand that this is your person by destiny. By date of birth of both of you!

Magic rituals that allow you to recognize “your” person

How to understand that this is your person by destiny? Fortune telling has helped our grandmothers since time immemorial. There are rituals that help determine whether you are destined to be together.

Try one of the magic rituals described below:

"Conversation with a Higher Power"

Light a candle. Say the words: “Angels of love, reveal the truth to me, ... (your name), will I be together with ... (name of the chosen one).” Inhale the aroma of the candle. After this, you need to go out into the street and ask the first person you meet any question that requires a “yes” or “no” answer. For example:

  • Do you have a watch?
  • Was there a man coming out of this entrance just now?
  • Did you choose this beautiful suit yourself?
  • Do you live in this house?
  • Do you have a brother (sister)?
  • Have you ever vacationed in Bulgaria?

If a person answers positively, you are destined to be with the chosen one. If negative, then you will most likely break up.

"Pendulum of Fate"

Take a small object that can act as a plumb line (bolt, pebble, heavy button, needle), tie a thread to it. Take the resulting pendulum in your hand. Wait until he freezes. Ask the “pendulum” if he is ready to “talk” to you. If an object tied to a thread begins to sway, sometimes approaching you, sometimes moving away, this should be interpreted as an affirmative answer. If it moves from left to right and vice versa, then the answer is no. At the moment when the pendulum is ready to “communicate”, you can ask any questions about your chosen one.

"Magic Conspiracy"

This method was used by our great-grandmothers, who always knew how to understand that this is your person by destiny. The spell will help if you pronounce it over melt water.

First you need to prepare such water. To do this, pour non-carbonated mineral water into a regular glass glass and place it in the freezer. Wait until the liquid freezes completely. Then take the glass of water out of the freezer and wait for the water to thaw. When only a small ice cube remains, remove it from the glass and throw it away. Water from a glass can now be used for a spell.

Leaning over her, you need to say the words: “Higher power, let me, ... (your name), know for sure whether this is my person. Reply within 24 hours." After this, drink water. The answer will come soon.

Some magicians claim that a spell in poetic form is more effective, for example this:

Leaning over the water

I urge: to my house,

Angel of Light, come

Stand behind me, behind me.

And in about...twenty hours

Please let me know:

Who's got the bolt on his heart

Mine will be able to rip it off.

If you're already dating a guy you like, how do you know if he's the one for you? Listen to yourself and your feelings. If you are destined to be together, then all doubts will very soon disappear by themselves.

Numerology is an ancient mystical science that studies the energy of numbers and its impact on human life. Anyone can do fortune telling by date of birth for the future by adding up the numbers that form the date. This way you can find out about your destiny, love compatibility, marriage prepared for you and the number of children.

All calculations are very simple, even a first-grader can handle them.

To begin to master the principles of numerology, we will conduct a simple fortune telling by date of birth and year of birth, which will show the number of your destiny. Let us consider this calculation in detail using a conditional example.

  • Let's say you were born on October 30, 1990. Write your date of birth in a similar format: 10/30/1990.
  • Now add up all the numbers you see. 3+0+1+0+1+9+9+0 = 23.
  • If you get a two-digit number, continue adding the visible numbers until you get a result from 1 to 9. In the example, 2+3 = 5.

This is your destiny number, which determines the core of your personality. Other numbers present in your date of birth describe character traits that are expressed to a lesser extent.

In our example, these are the numbers 1,3,9, and weakly expressed 2. The qualities inherent in the numbers, which are not in the calculation, are not inherent in you from birth, they can only be acquired by long and hard work on yourself.

Many character traits are inherent in people from birth and are their mission; they cannot be corrected by upbringing.

Destiny number meanings

  • 1. Number of bright individuals. You are a born leader and know how to lead people. Easily become the life of the party and win sympathy. Higher powers have allowed you to pass a lot of energy through yourself, treat this gift with care. Without understanding that all people on earth are equal and deserve love, it is easy to catch “star fever” and begin to push people away with inflated self-esteem.
  • 2. The number of people with a soft character. You do not like conflicts, preferring to give in in disputes and adapt to your interlocutor. Family and friends value you, and you are always happy to help them, but selfish people can easily use you for their own purposes. You rarely change anything in your life, more often you adapt to circumstances that do not suit you. You are attracted to spirituality and love children.
  • 3. Number of optimists. In everything you see first of all the positive side. You have a lot of energy, which you use to improve your destiny and help others. You prefer to take responsibility and be an activist in any area of ​​life.
  • 4. Number of rebels. Your purpose is to break down what does not lead to good and benefit, to rid other people of what is unnecessary and outdated. Being a “revolutionary” in life is your essence, and no one has the right to reproach you for it. If you feel that your intervention will help in some situation, do not hesitate to take action. But remember about self-control, such a gift can develop into a desire to contradict any rules.
  • 5. Number of experimenters. Your creative character immediately sets you apart from the crowd of banal people who live only by work and family. You love traveling, learning new things, experimenting with appearance and clothing. Everything you undertake goes smoothly and quickly in your hands. However, you become easily discouraged when, for some reason, your life becomes mundane. Only a new idea can return you to your usual state.
  • 6. The number of choleric people. It is in your nature to be defiant and prone to hysterics. Remember that everything that higher powers give us, they do for some purpose, a secret for people. Live in peace with your character, accept and love yourself for who you are. The people who are meant for you will be there anyway, if you lost someone because of your character, then it was destined to be so.
  • 7. Number of philosophers. You love to think about how life works. It will be easy for you to succeed in any work related to mental work. However, you may find it difficult to relate to people because your mind outweighs your feelings. Read books on psychology to better understand those around you and make it easier to establish contacts with them.
  • 8. Number of singles. You tend to be introverted, withdrawn and cold. There is a need within you to create your own little world, subordinate only to you. However, deep down, you need warmth and support from other people. You are destined to find a few good friends with whom you will feel comfortable, but an active social life is not for you.
  • 9. Number of leaders. You were born to control other people. You are hardworking and love to be an organizer, you look to the future and confidently move towards your goals, achieving success in any endeavor. Having the right to judge other people, you are inclined to objectivity and impartiality, the principle of “to each his due.”

Compatibility calculation by date of birth

Having mastered the method of calculating the fate number, you can conduct fortune telling for compatibility by date of birth. To do this, under a plausible pretext, find out the date of birth of your chosen one; the exact year is especially important, because it happens that boys add years to themselves, and girls get younger. Knowing both dates of birth, you can calculate compatibility for a couple. Let's look at this again with an example.

  • Let's say that girl with a date of birth of 10/30/1990 met a guy with a date of birth of 07/19/1996. Let's add together the numbers from both dates: 3+0+1+0+1+9+9+0+1+9+0+7+1+9+9+6=65
  • From the result you need to subtract the number 22 until you get a value from 1 to 22. In the example it will be like this: 65-22= 43, 43-22=11.

Favorable numbers for serious relationships are 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 17, 19, 21. You may want to break up with your partner if you get 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18 and 22. Future pairs with numbers 1, 4, 7, 8, 11,14, 22 are completely in your hands.

There are many options for relationships between a man and a woman. Choose not the “right” one, but the one that suits you.


  1. Love is war. Partners will always compete because everyone wants to be the leader in the relationship. It is very difficult for such a couple to find harmony.
  2. The perfect couple. You fit together like two halves of one whole. Such couples often live to see their golden wedding, maintaining love and tenderness for many years.
  3. Ideal lovers. You are well suited to each other in bed, and your union is based on romance. Relationships are unstable and can fall apart due to the influence of outsiders. However, they can also lead to the creation of a family - everything is in your hands. Listen to your partner, respect him, look for more interests in order to maintain the union.
  4. Patriarchy. The relationships are similar to those described in “Domostroy”. Constant jealousy on the part of a man, a desire to take control. Frequent scandals. Decide, do you need it?
  5. Misalliance. Partners are not alike. Sometimes it is visible outwardly - a man or woman is several decades older. But more often it is a union of people who have completely different ideas about life. People say about such couples that “opposites attract.” The karmic goal of this connection is the mutual development of two souls, learning a different point of view, acquiring new experience.
  6. A strong family. These relationships are built on mutual understanding and respect. But there is a danger of losing love; at first, a strong feeling will turn into a habit over the years, the marriage will depend on children and common life. Unfortunately, many people live like this.
  7. Companions. Such a union is based on the common hobbies of a man and a woman. They may be colleagues, or love to travel, or meet at a stamp collecting club meeting. Partners support each other, and both strive to develop in their occupation.
  8. Partners. Unfortunately, the love in this couple will not last long. But a common cause can unite you as friends for many years.
  9. Individuality. This union will not work out until the end. At the energy level, a man and a woman will not merge into a single whole; each will remain with their own goals and objectives. In the eyes of secular society, such a family will be complete, but many, subconsciously feeling karmic incompatibility, continue to look for a partner, which leads to betrayal.
  10. Fragile relationships. You and your partner are suitable for each other and can eventually start a family. However, such a marriage is unstable to external circumstances and can easily fall apart due to damage to the relationship or everyday problems. Knowing this, be tolerant of your spouse, choose dialogue instead of quarrel.
  11. Union of egoists. Both partners are not inclined to give in to each other and compromise even in small things. As a rule, these relationships do not last long.
  12. The need for sacrifice. These couples are bound by true love, but sooner or later a moment arises when one of the partners must sacrifice something important in order to preserve the union. For example, a man will work 12 hours a day so that he has enough money for the children, or a woman will be forced to move to her husband’s city, leaving her parents and friends
  13. Unfavorable number. The couple will soon separate.
  14. Stormy passions. The couple will have heated quarrels and reconciliation; how long this will last depends on the patience of both.
  15. Lie. One of the partners is hiding something. These could be children from a previous marriage, infidelity, facts about one’s past. Insincerity leaves a crack in the couple’s energy field, so the union can be easily destroyed by outside influences. But it is better not to develop this relationship at the very beginning.
  16. An affair. One of the partners is not serious about the other. Even if it comes to marriage, it will soon fall apart. But such couples are well compatible in bed.
  17. Loneliness. Couples cannot complement each other to become one. Everyone notices that something is missing in the relationship, and people soon break up.
  18. Matriarchy. In a relationship, the woman is in charge, she is the one who makes all the main decisions, and the future of the union depends on her wishes. Under excessive pressure, a man either becomes henpecked or begins to lead a double life, releasing his personality outside the family hearth.
  19. Movement. Partners will push each other to develop and explore the world together. The future of the relationship is entirely in their hands.
  20. Family nest. Tender and long-term relationship. In such marriages many children are born, and the spouses remain together until old age.
  21. Exam. The couple will face many difficulties at the stage of getting to know each other and getting used to each other. But the partners will overcome all conflicts and external circumstances, the marriage will be strong and long.
  22. Unpredictability. Fate will test this couple all the time. If your partner is truly dear to you, prepare for life like on a powder keg.

When I get married?

Surely, after the previous fortune telling, this question interested you. And again, numerology will help. Let's do fortune telling for marriage based on date of birth. Your destiny number will come in handy again. Find it in the list below and see which numbers of the year correspond to it.

  1. - 1,4,5,7
  2. - 1,5,6,8
  3. - 3,6,7,9
  4. - 1,4,7,8
  5. - 2,5,7,9
  6. - 1,3,6,9
  7. - 1,2,4,8
  8. - 1,2,6,8
  9. - 2,3,6,7

The number of the year is calculated simply, for example 2017=2+0+1+7 = 10 = 1. Find 1 in the right half of the list above. This means that women with destiny numbers 1,2,4,6,7,8 can get married this year.

Here are the numbers calculated for the next ten years:

  • 2017 = 1;
  • 2018 = 2;
  • 2019 = 3;
  • 2020 = 4;
  • 2021 = 5;
  • 2022 = 6;
  • 2023 = 7;
  • 2024 = 8;
  • 2025 = 9;
  • 2026 = 1;

That is, a woman with a destiny number of 5 will most likely get married in 2017 or 2021. Compare lists, find favorable years for yourself, but remember that everything is in your hands. You won't be sent an invitation to your own wedding if you sit within four walls and don't meet men.

How many children will there be?

And numerology knows the answer to this question. Fortune telling by date of birth for future motherhood is very simple. Count all your brothers and sisters, both natural and step-brothers, and even adopted ones. Add their number to your destiny number.

Let's say a girl with destiny number 5 has a paternal half-brother and an adopted sister. Then 5+2=7. If you get more than 10, add the numbers again.

Find the number you got in the list:

  1. - as much as you can save. If you wish, you can even become a mother of many children, but you will face challenges during pregnancy and in the first years of the baby’s life. Therefore, if you want many children, you should be more careful about your health now
  2. - one child. Don't be upset if you want more. In this case, you will have to show the higher powers that you will be a good mother - choose a worthy man, resolve financial issues in the family, raise your first child with love and care.
  3. - as much as you want, but not right away. Perhaps you will have a long search for a suitable father, or the need for treatment, or other circumstances will prevent you from having children. All tests are sent for the good, for your development, you will definitely become a mother when you come to this.
  4. - two, a boy and a girl. Ideal option, right?
  5. - high chance of having twins. Or you will have at least two children, of any gender.
  6. - several children from different fathers. Try to raise them by giving the same amount of warmth and attention to each.
  7. - Having children is not your priority. You will become childfree or give birth to one late child. This is your path and no one has the right to judge you, everyone has their own karma. If you want to change your destiny, read about the number 2.
  8. - you are destined to become a foster mother. You can have as many children as you like; your duty is to give warmth not only to your baby. This does not have to be realized through adoption; you can, for example, become a second mother for your nephews, or choose a job related to children - a teacher, nanny, playground instructor.
  9. - two children of any gender.


Remember that numerology tells you about destiny, destined even before birth. But our destiny is half made up of what is given to us, and half of our conscious actions taken day by day.

A person's life is not written like a book, from the title to the epilogue. The destiny destined for you before birth is a plan for a future masterpiece, a script, a list of chapters, to which the Creator easily makes adjustments as he writes. It all depends on your business.

Having familiarized yourself with the basics of numerology, you know what to pay attention to and in what direction to develop. Good luck to you!

Video: “Simple fortune telling by date of birth”

Comments from site visitors

    I was interested in numerology when I was younger, and was amazed at how accurately everything was written out! My number is, for example, 8 - and I practically saw myself in the description. Indeed, I am a loner, I live in my own world, I have a couple of good friends with whom I see once every few weeks and that’s enough. But I never knew about the numerology of relationships before this. The Internet has never been as diverse as it is now. Thank you very much for the useful information!

    Please tell me, if the numbers in the numerology of relationships do not match, well, more precisely, the young man and I have been for a couple of years now, and according to this fortune-telling we are completely unsuitable for each other, what can be done about it? Maybe play it safe with a love spell? I love him so much.

    I believe that both the date and name of a person determine his character and destiny. I got the number 5. Everything that is written in the article is true, just 5 is about me. I checked both my husband and sister. Now, in order to get to know a person better, I will ask for his date of birth) My husband and I are compatible with each other, but my sister and I are not. In fact, my sister and I fight all the time)

    1) The sum of the numbers in the date of birth resulted in 5. The number of experimenters. And I want to say that in my case everything came together, I’m really quite a creative person, at one time I realized that the office work schedule of 40 hours a week was not for me and I went free. And what really brings me out of my good mood and tone is the fact when life becomes boring. Still, there is some special magic in numbers.

    I compared the compatibility of my date of birth and that of my husband. The results showed that we are “Companions”, funny, but quite suitable for our union. My husband and I met at a German course and somehow immediately connected on the basis of our hobbies. We love German cuisine, especially the German football team, we made some discoveries for each other related to Germany. So in our case the calculation turned out to be correct

    My destiny number is 4. And yes, I really am still a rebel at heart)) In general, I really love numerology and even tried to master it on my own for some time, but it turned out to be not so easy, there is a lot to know. And by the way, as stated here, I got married in 2017.)

    4) Based on the sum of the numbers in my date of birth, it turned out to be 9, here in the description of “Leader”, corresponding to the number 9, I literally read to myself, everything is really like that. And because of this, problems arise in relationships, because I do not allow a man to be stronger than me, I “crush” him with authority, as my friends say. But this article promises me 2019

    For me, numerology is a very interesting, but distant science. I have an acquaintance who did the whole layout for my relatives and for me too, and everything very clearly coincided in terms of psychotype, internal qualities, and compatibility with the immediate environment. I believe and read your article with interest, thank you for the useful information.

    I got a 4 based on my date of birth - rebel. And I really am a rebel in life. So how can you not believe in numerology? My wife's number is 2, she is truly calm and balanced. And I checked with my friends, it seems to me that everything matched for everyone. A very interesting article, I have never seen fortune telling by date of birth before.

    I also checked the date of compatibility with my husband, well, nothing unusual, exactly as indicated “on a powder keg” we constantly quarrel, run away, in general, like a cat and a dog, not a day goes by without incident. Sometimes I grab him and then he grabs me. In the evening everything is calm, like on a honeymoon. Numerology tells you how to behave better.

    I consider fortune telling by date of birth reliable, because it is given once for a lifetime and we do not choose it. It influences our destiny. My number is 8 and this is definitely about me. I am secretive, cold and calculating. When I get married and how many children there will be, unfortunately, I can’t check yet) I’ll try in a few years.

    I completely agree that everything matches. In terms of compatibility, my husband and I got the number 7 Companions. Such a union is based on common hobbies. We are professional rock climbers; we met at the club and love to go hiking and rafting together.

    My brother and I share the same date, but we are very different. We got 3 but it doesn’t suit him, he’s very much like a squirrel in a wheel, he constantly needs something. Not a single girl stays with him for long. They can’t stand such activity, he needs a volcano girl. For me everything is the other way around: I am quiet and calm, behind my husband. My brother will probably only get married when he is an elder.

    I can’t calculate when I’ll marry my husband, I don’t quite understand. But I checked my compatibility with a guy, but not just one, I’m dating two, one in the army, the other already working not far away. They are so different, but I have good numerology compatibility with them. Now I can't choose. Maybe he should wait until he decides who to be with?

    I myself saw a girl who practices numerology. In our maternity hospital, I’m a nurse, they brought a woman in labor to us, a very strange one who refused to give birth until she was 12, but still she couldn’t stand it. I gave birth at 11:40 and was very upset. Then we asked why she was so upset. She took out all sorts of notes and said that according to fortune telling she should give birth after 12, we were shocked.

    Checking personal compatibility is a great way to protect yourself from mistakes and avoid connections that will not bring you joy. And vice versa, it will help you find people with whom you will be happy. I use it very often when meeting new people. It also helps in meeting men. I always ask for a passport, as if to make sure that I am not married.

    In addition to the fortune telling given here, in numerology there is also a choice of professions based on date of birth. It’s a very cool thing, I advise everyone to go through it (maybe it’s even better to go to an experienced numerologist in your city) because what is given out by numerology actually matches. Your inclinations, success in what profession you can achieve - all this can be found there.

    Once upon a time, a period began in my life when I began to look for myself and ask many questions, such as why I live, what profession I should become, what awaits me in the future. I started reading a lot of books related to the meaning of numbers and numbers in our lives. Believe me, everything is not as simple as it seems) And in order to give some kind of prediction based on your data (including birth), you generally need a large combination of knowledge.

    Number 11: Union of Egoists. Both partners are not inclined to give in to each other and compromise even in small things. As a rule, these relationships do not last long.
    I calculated for myself and my boyfriend. That’s right about us, we live together, I feel that the relationship will soon fall apart, sometimes we almost kill ourselves.

    I have a very good attitude towards numerology, because when we were born, what time, etc. This applies to the whole life. You know, this butterfly effect applies here) If you were born one day later, you may have completely different inclinations, character traits, and priorities in life.

    My mom has a twin sister, but they are so different from her. They came up with the number 4 based on their date of birth, but it doesn’t look like their mother at all. Absolutely. But about the aunt - it feels like they took it directly from her and wrote it, exactly. Well, I thought that maybe the time of birth and the sum of the numbers there also plays a role, because they have a 13-minute difference between the birth of her mother and her sister.

    All these dates of birth, personal numbers, etc. are a super opportunity to check your future union with a man. You can save yourself from difficulties in advance or, on the contrary, try to prevent them if you really want to be with him. You can find people who are close in spirit and interests, I always check when meeting a new person.

    I am a nurse by training, at one time I worked in a maternity hospital and noticed the time of birth of babies. Of course, I never crossed paths with them or their mothers in my life, but it was so interesting to watch these little ones and already know a little about their future)) I remember their last names, almost no one in the maternity hospital gives names yet, maybe I will cross paths someday - somewhere somewhere with one of them, already an adult)

    My number is 7. Honestly, I completely agree. I like to think, read, solve problems, puzzles. And any physical work - oh no, spare me. Even cleaning the apartment is problematic for me. Here they write like this: “7 is the number of philosophers. You love to think about how life works. It will be easy for you to succeed in any work related to mental work.”

    Tell. I once heard that it’s not just the number that matters, but the number combined with the zodiac sign, is that true? If so, then maybe you can somehow clarify the meaning for me, Leo according to the zodiac horoscope, Tiger according to the eastern horoscope, with the number 4? If you think about it, then indeed, this too can leave weight on your character. It’s more likely that astrology is added to numerology

    I checked my number first - well, it more or less coincided. There are more coincidences about my husband, but I think if he had read it, he would not have been happy and would not have agreed; he would not have accepted many bad criteria to himself, but I can see better from the outside) For my daughter, even at 5 years old, you can also do the same some conclusions and similarities with the description)

    I checked the compatibility with my wife first, yes, that’s what happened: we constantly fight, we got together, then we separated, friends were already joking that we would give birth to children and grandchildren, and we would still get divorced and get back together again) But no, we still got divorced before the children, if I had come across this interpretation earlier, maybe they would have fled earlier.

    Numerology uses numbers to determine a person's character, prospects, inclinations, relationships, strengths and weaknesses. This is a simple and accessible method to learn about yourself from the outside, to determine the best period to start something. Why weren't we taught it in school? Now sit and comprehend... I think this science would be very useful during school years.

    In general, there are different things - the number of birth and the number of destiny. It is also necessary to consider the date of birth separately, namely the day itself. Based on this, a more detailed breakdown of the person can and will be made. But I didn’t find any information here in the article, maybe you can clarify or create a separate article about the number of birth?

    Yes, indeed, the first couple of relationships with my husband were built perfectly, without lies and betrayals. The quarrels became more and more emotional the further they went. And the further it goes, the more difficult it is to reconcile, because in quarrels they tried to cling to each other more, hurt each other, offend each other, both stopped compromising, forgiving, turning a blind eye... Our situation is a little incompletely described here, but on the whole, more yes than no .

    I love numerology, I calculate everything for myself, mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, sister, girlfriends, colleagues. Some people ask on their own, I just compare the values ​​with the numbers, for the most part everything is the same, but I’m still learning, there are a lot of subtleties and nuances. Even my dog ​​showed “the number of rebels” :)))) All about our Azochka))

From time immemorial, people wanted to look into the future and find out what awaits them, so the work of fortune tellers and psychics has always been in demand. But from the point of view of human energy, the most effective and truthful fortune-telling is considered to be “Me and my destiny,” which is performed independently, having carefully prepared.

Tarot cards, playing cards, and Scandinavian runes will help you find out your fate at home. The “Me and My Destiny” layout is used by many magicians; it has more than 100 variations, but the essence is the same - the choice of three cards out of 36.

No less interesting will be the fortune telling “Fate or no fate” - probably the most ancient alignment of fate. It was known to Romanian gypsies at the beginning of the 16th century. Fortune telling is based on an intuitive solitaire game, with mental fixation on the question of interest.

A godsend for those who want to know their fate will be runic fortune telling, which was used by Norman sorcerers. With the help of runes, they could change the weather, calm the waves and control the destinies of people.


During fortune telling, the following rules are observed.

  1. You cannot perform the ritual at night; evil forces can play a trick on the fortuneteller and confuse his cards. The best time is from sunset to half past twelve at night.
  2. You cannot touch cards or runes while intoxicated. In this case, it is difficult to correctly interpret the meaning and you can set yourself up for self-programming.
  3. During the process you cannot engage in other activities. You need to concentrate completely and not be distracted.

An important component of fortune telling “Me and my destiny” is preparing the deck. A completely new 36-card deck will be required. Immediately before fortune telling, you need to take the deck in your left hand, cover it with your right and focus on the question “What fate is destined for me,” then take out a card that will become a determinant indicating the fortuneteller himself.

  • ♧ Queen of Clubs - a dark-haired and light-eyed woman;
  • ♤ Queen of Spades – a woman with dark eyes and hair;
  • ♡ Queen of Hearts – a woman with fair hair and dark eyes;
  • ♢ The Queen of Diamonds is a light-eyed woman with very blond hair.
  • ♧ King of Clubs - a man with brunette or brown hair with blue or gray eyes;
  • ♤ King of Spades – a man with dark hair and light eyes;
  • ♡ King of Hearts – a fair-haired man with dark eyes;
  • ♢ The king of diamonds is a man with blond hair and light eyes.

So, the determinant card has been selected, it must be placed in the center of the table and begin the ritual.

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Fortune telling and the meaning of cards

Next, following intuition and random choice, randomly pull out three cards one at a time and place them in turn under the determinant. The first means the current state of affairs, the second will announce possible obstacles in fate, and the third will tell about the future of a person and his purpose.

The meaning is interpreted very arbitrarily, each card does not have a specific interpretation, there is only a general interpretation.

Suit. Each suit has its own sacred meaning:

  • ♧ Clubs – career, work;
  • ♤ Peaks – trials, difficulties, adversities;
  • ♡ Hearts are home, family, love;
  • ♢ Bubi – money, profit and material wealth.

Low cards from 6 to 10 have a specific meaning. They represent actions that a person performs throughout his life.

  • 𝟞 Six – moving, change of residence;
  • 𝟟 Seven - marriage, change of marital status;
  • 𝟠 Eight – birth of children;
  • 𝟡 Nine - rapid enrichment, profit;
  • 𝟙𝟘 Ten - sudden illness, injury and mutilation.

High cards. Jacks, Queens and Kings. The meaning is based on color.

  • Black jack - the negative influence of a young man on the fate of a fortuneteller, a distant relative;
  • Red jack - a close relative has a negative impact on the fate of a person;
  • Black lady - for a woman - the appearance of an influential person, friend or boss. For a man - the possibility of an affair with a woman more influential and successful than himself;
  • Red lady - for a woman it means close friendship, a close spiritual connection with a woman. For a man - an affair with a woman, based on spiritual intimacy and sincere friendship;
  • King black - for a woman, foreshadows a relationship of patronage, perhaps with a much older man. For a man, success in his career is foreshadowed, thanks to the influence of a status patron;
  • The red king - for a woman - a forecast for mutual and happy love, creating a family. For a man, kings of diamonds and hearts represent authority earned through hard work and honesty.

Knowing the meaning, you can begin to interpret. For example, the determining card was the queen of spades - a brown-eyed, brown-haired woman. The first card was the Queen of Diamonds, the second was the Six of Diamonds, and the third was the Six of Spades. Thinking analytically and applying the meanings of the cards to the layout, we can conclude that the fortuneteller is connected by bonds of friendship with another woman, and this situation will help her change her place of residence. The suit of the second card is diamond; this sign promises material profit. Most likely, the fortuneteller will improve her financial situation thanks to her friend. This could be a joint business or a creative project. And then he will change his place of residence. The third card also indicates a move, but the suit here is spades. This suit represents various difficulties and adversities. When combined with a moving card, it should be assumed that the fortuneteller will not like the new place of residence, perhaps due to nostalgia and longing for her previous place of residence.

This kind of fortune telling is popular, and experienced fortune tellers will be able to tell the whole fate of the questioner, but one must understand that a lot depends on the ability to analyze the alignment and interpret it correctly.

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Fate or no fate

Ancient gypsy fortune-telling “Fate or no fate”, based on playing solitaire. The fortuneteller should ask the cards a question formulated approximately like this: “Is it fate for me to buy a car this year or not?” Then, take turns laying out the cards face down, saying their names from six to king. If a coincidence occurs, set the pair aside. No coincidences - no fate. There is at least one thing - the future is variable. Two or more - the plan is destined to come true.

Other fortune telling

You can predict fate using candles, cards, a magic ball and runes. Runic fortune telling is very ancient, but it still works. To do this, you will need fortune telling runes and a bag of opaque fabric.

Mix the runes in a bag and pull out exactly as many as the letters in your name. Mentally asking what fate has in store. Due to the limited number of runes, use a short form of the name. The meaning can be found in the runic reference book.

Fortune telling using wax candles will be interesting. This method is used before a decisive event in life. For example, when planning to accept a proposal from her lover, a girl should ask the day before “My destiny or not” and light a wax candle. If the candle burns out completely, then it is her fate, and if not, the event is not her fate.

Fortune telling is effective and proven, but you shouldn’t rely on predictions in everything, they can lead down the wrong path and give false hope. Any ritual must be supported by specific actions. For example, having prophesied great wealth, it is wrong to sit back and wait for money to rain. Even the famous predictor Nostradamus said: “The past is ephemeral, the future is illusory, the present is in our hands”.

The strong connection established between lovers will allow them to very much feel each other’s energy. Looking for an answer to the question, how to understand that this is your person according to Fate, remember how often you, without saying a word, dialed each other’s phone number or at the same time appeared to your loved one in a dream.

How to find out if a person is destined for you

How to understand that he or she is your judge, how to find out that you have met true Love, and have not become another passing hobby for a person, answers to simple questions will help. The main thing is to be honest with yourself and not try to make light of the situation. Test your chosen one:

  • When help is needed, is he nearby or busy with “urgent matters”?
  • Do you discuss difficult or important life issues together?
  • Does he call first if something serious happens?
  • Do you know his relatives and friends?
  • Does your loved one use the expression “we” in conversation?
  • How often do you have to make concessions to him?

You can talk about strong and mutual feelings only if the answer to each of the six main questions is in your favor. If the object of your adoration often demands to “understand him and forgive him,” is in no hurry to introduce you to relatives and friends, and is always busy at the very moment when you ask for help, this is not your person!

Many women think that Love is the ability to sacrifice oneself or the willingness to forgive insults and humiliation. However, the risk that you will simply be used in their own interests is too great. Mutual love involves an exchange of energies and a willingness not only to give, but also to receive something in return. A man who is mutually in love will never demand sacrifices or understanding from you for his problems. On the contrary, he will try to apologize even for something that is not his direct fault. If in a love game you take the role of a victim, then your feelings will soon cool, and your place will be taken by a more cunning rival.

Ritual to find out if he is destiny

Every woman wants to know whether it is worth continuing a relationship with a man, fighting for his love, having a child from him, making plans for the future. A strong ritual that can be performed on any day of the Lunar calendar will give the correct answer to the question. The only restriction is that the ritual cannot be performed on Friday the 13th.

In order to perform the ritual, you need to obtain the hair of your chosen one and purchase a blessed candle in the church. Next, the candle is placed in the center of the table, lit with a match, and the hair of the loved one is taken in the left hand and the spell is whispered:

“Help me, Higher Powers, find out the truth. Give an answer to the question: is it my destiny to (name of beloved) or not? Reveal the truth to me, will this person be with me! Amen"
The man's hair is burned on a candle so that one can smell the smoke. After this, you need to go out into the street and ask the first person you meet any question that requires a “yes” or “no” answer (for example, did he read the latest news in the country today?). If you are answered in the affirmative, the ceremony was successful and your loved one is ready for a long-term relationship. When the answer is “no”, you need to come to terms with the fact that this is not your man according to Destiny.

Who is destined for you

There are many effective ways how to understand a person by Fate and check the authenticity of the chosen one’s feelings. For example, you can try to “let go of the situation” and not remind yourself at all for a while. Next, look at the reaction of your loved one: if he is worried and offers help, he loves and appreciates you, if he does the same in return, and is even offended by where he went, the relationship is “raw” and not worthy of serious attention.

Your subconscious will also tell you how strong the Love is between you. Tell yourself honestly, what do you pay more attention to: his appearance, the opportunity to be with him more often, or the essence of your conversations and the warmth of your relationship? If you are little interested in his hobbies and inner world, then you are deceiving yourself: there is no real love, what attracts a man is his social status and nothing more.

If you want to ask the Higher Powers how long the relationship with a man that you have in reality will last, do such a ritual on the Full Moon. A photograph of a mysterious person is placed under the pillow with the words: “If you love, dream about it; if there is no love, go away and never come back.” I will ask the sky for help, I will invite my beloved into my sleep. Whatever you dream about, so be it!”

After that, go to bed peacefully, and the next morning try to figure out what you dream about. A good sign if you dream about water, a park, a flowering tree, a stork, the aroma of expensive perfume, a pair of shoes or a young moon.

Be wary if you dream of rain, a dolphin, an eclipse of the Sun or Moon of an unusual color, a wedding (your own or someone else's), your own naked body, earth, stones, sand or a dark room without light. If you couldn’t remember the dream at all, it means that the time for a serious relationship with a man has not yet come.

Also, throughout the next day, look closely and listen to the prompts of Fate; perhaps the exact answer to your question will come in a completely unexpected form.

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