A cognitively oriented lesson, educational area “Cognitive Development” for children of the middle group. The proposed lesson is aimed at developing horizons, vocabulary, and observation skills. Expands ideas about migratory birds (characteristic features of appearance, lifestyle). Foster a caring and caring attitude towards birds.



Topic: “Migratory birds.”
Goal: expand understanding of migratory birds.

Development of horizons, vocabulary, observation. To form an idea of ​​birds with characteristic features of appearance, lifestyle..

Introduce children to the concept of "migratory bird"

Develop children's speech by enriching them with new words (birdhouse, migratory bird), logical thinking, attention, and communication skills.
Foster a caring and caring attitude towards birds.
Educational area: Cognition (acquaintance with the environment).
Integration of educational areas:
Cognitive development. Didactic games: “Draw spring”, “Collect a bird”

Speech development. D/I “Describe the birds”, “What is the name of the chick”

Physical development. Physical exercise.

Social and communicative development. D/u “How to behave in the forest” Artistic and aesthetic development. View the presentation "Spring".

Forms of direct educational activities:
cognitive-research (solving problem situations, games with rules, modeling), communicative (conversation, leading dialogue, situational conversation), gaming (games with rules, didactic games).
Forms of organization: group.
Preliminary work: examining albums and magazines with migratory birds.
Cut-out pictures depicting a swallow, rook, starling.

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, guests have come to us. Let's say hello to our guests. I hope that today you will be attentive and friendly and active.

Today is an unusual day, I want to surprise you, I want to show you something very interesting now.(film showing).

Educator: In the spring, guys, nature comes to life, wakes up from winter hibernation. What happens in nature?

D/i “Draw spring”

you need to name the signs of spring with the following words: “Spring is when

Children: The sun is shining brighter, the cold snow is melting. The buds are swelling on the trees. The first flowers (snowdrops) are sprouting. Animals wake up from hibernation (bears, hedgehogs, the grass turns green, birds chirp, snow melts...)

Educator: And in the spring, birds arrive. Do you know where they were?

Why do birds fly to warmer climes? Children: Because it gets cold, insects disappear, plant seeds fall off. Water bodies will soon freeze and it will be difficult for birds to get food. .

What are the names of the birds that fly to us from warm regions? !

Children: Migratory birds.

Educator: What birds are called “migratory”?

Educator: These birds fly south in the fall and fly back to our homeland in the spring, make flights, which is why they are called migratory. Homeland is the place where you were born. Therefore, the birds return to build a nest and hatch their chicks. The chicks are born blind, helpless, covered in down. Parents feed. Over the summer, the chicks grow up and in the fall, they fly away with their parents to warmer climes. In order to return to their homeland again in the spring.
Educator: The first migratory bird arrives... - the rook. (slide). Describe what he is like.
Children: The rook is a large bird. Its body is covered with black feathers. They have strong wings. The beak and paws of rooks are light.
Educator: They had a difficult road. When they arrive from warm countries, I begin to build nests (slide) to hatch and feed the chicks. Look, the rooks have a large nest, it is lined with large branches.
Educator: The next birds to arrive are starlings. (slide) They arrive later than rooks. Educator. Guys, describe the starling, what he is like.
Children. Starlings are small. They are gray-brown and mottled. They have thin beaks. Paws and beak are light.
Educator. The rooks have already hatched their chicks, and the starlings are still building a nest in the birdhouse. (slide)
If rooks build a nest from large branches, then starlings carry thin twigs, blades of grass, and feathers into the birdhouse. Starlings are small and their nests are small. Birdhouses are made by people and attached to trees.
Physical exercise “Birdhouse”.
I'll cut the boards with a saw - whack, whack, whack, whack. (Children imitate the movements of sawing a board).
I’ll put them together into a birdhouse -knock, -knock, -knock, -knock. (Children imitate the movements of hammering nails.)
Birds fly to visit us, -to us, -to us, -to us. (Perform the movements of swinging your arms towards yourself).
We will hang birdhouses - here and there, - here and there. (Tilts with arms outstretched up, to the sides, down).
Educator. Swallows also fly in from the south. (slide) Guys, describe the swallow, what is it like?
Children: They are small, almost black, their tail looks like a fork, they have sharp wings.
Educator. They also build nests under the roof of the house. The swallow sculpts it from lumps of clay. Lines the inside with leaves, feathers, and down. Why do you think birds need nests?

Children: hatch chicks.

D/I “What is the name of the chick”

Educator. While we were talking about migratory birds, the mischievous Winter, who does not want to give in to Spring, froze the birds and broke them into pieces. Please help me warm up the birds.

D/i “Collect a bird”Children collect swallows, starlings, and rooks from cut-out pictures.
The result of GCD.

Educator: What are birds for?

Children: Destroy insect pests; They delight us with their singing and bright colors.
Should birds be protected and protected? How? Make birdhouses, feeders; feed; You cannot destroy nests or collect bird eggs; shoot at them with a slingshot; make noise, shout, listen to loud music in the forest, park where birds live.
Educator: You must remember:
Why don't you catch birds?
You should always love birds.
Don't destroy birds' nests,
Help the birds in winter,
Feel sorry for them, protect them.
Educator: You guys are great, did you like our work? What birds were we talking about?

Why are these birds called migratory birds? (These birds fly south in the fall, and arrive from the south in the spring)

Which migratory birds arrive first in spring? (The rooks arrive first in the spring)

What other birds fly in in the spring? (In spring, starlings, cranes, storks, thrushes, swans, swallows, geese, ducks, nightingales, siskins arrive)

What games did you play? What did you like?

I have a surprise for you - bird templates.

Among the challenges facing the preschool education system, education occupies an important place. One of the main indicators of a child’s readiness for successful learning is correct, well-developed speech.

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for the child to express his thoughts, the wider his ability to understand the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers and adults, the more active his mental development is.

Psychological and pedagogical research in correctional pedagogy shows that currently there is a steady trend towards an increase in the number of children with complex speech development disorders.

IN direct educational activities (DEA) The tasks are selected in such a way as to develop children’s speech, introduce them to the world around them, and develop all mental processes.

Summary of direct educational activities for children of the speech therapy group of senior preschool age on the topic: “Migratory birds”

Purpose: To clarify children’s knowledge about spring and flying birds.

Educational objectives: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about spring, the signs of spring and which birds are migratory; continue to teach children to form diminutive nouns; teach to understand the figurative meaning of riddles; continue to teach how to answer questions clearly and in complete sentences (cognition, communication).

Developmental tasks: Develop children's coherent speech, enrich their vocabulary; interest in the life of birds; higher mental functions (logical thinking, speech, memory, imagination, fine motor skills, auditory and visual attention, memory (music, communication, physical education).

Educational objectives: To cultivate love for native culture and traditions; a kind, caring attitude towards feathered friends, continue to introduce children to works of fiction (cognition, socialization, reading fiction).

Integration of educational areas: cognition, socialization, music, physical education, reading fiction.

Preliminary work:

Conversations on the topics: “Birds of passage”, “Our feathered friends”, “Signs of spring”, etc.; viewing illustrations and reproductions of paintings on a spring theme; reading fiction by S. Gorodetsky “How birds learned to build nests”, T. Nuzhina “Swallow”, “Sparrows”, reading Russian folk songs, calls on spring themes; asking riddles about the seasons, birds, animals; listening to audio cassettes “Voices of Nature”, “Sounds of the World”; didactic and outdoor games: “Owl - owl”, “Wintering and migrating”, “Sparrows”, “When it happens”, “Show without words”, etc.

Conducting GCD:

1. Motivation.

Children enter the hall and stand around the teacher.


It gets light early in the morning.
Thaws here and there,
The stream roars like a waterfall
Starlings fly to birdhouses.
Drops are ringing under the roofs
The bear with the spruce tree got out of bed.
The sun caresses everyone with warmth,
Who knows this time of year?…. (spring)

2. Subject message:

Educator: After a cold winter, spring has come to us again.

Today we have gathered here to welcome the Red Spring and wait for the first birds to visit us. Let's imagine that we are in a spring forest. In spring, everything in the forest comes to life, wakes up and is filled with thousands of different sounds.

A quiet voice fell to the ground: “Ay!”
The unknown bitch shuddered: “Kuk-ku!”
There was a knock on the trunks: “Knock-knock!”
The forest rises to meet us: “Who’s there?”

Let's sit down on the chairs and listen to the sounds and voices of the spring forest.

3. Work on the topic:

When and where do birds sing like that? (In the spring, when they arrive).

What mood did the singing of birds make you feel?

March 22 is the day when the larks begin to arrive. Previously, in houses they baked these birds from dough and distributed them to children. And the children with larks ran out onto the hills and shouted:

Larks, come,
Take away the icy winter,
Bring warm spring.
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread.

Thus, the children called, that is, they called the larks, and with them Spring - Krasna. I suggest you also call for spring.

What birds fly in in the spring? (Starlings, rooks, swifts, swallows, larks, ducks, swans, redstarts.) As the children answer, the teacher displays pictures on the laptop (slides 4-13).

How can you call these birds in one word? (Migratory)

Who knows what names these birds have and how to distinguish them from others?

(The swallow has a black head, wings, back, and a white breast, a small beak, and a tail like two pigtails.

The oriole has yellow plumage, and the wings and tip of the tail are black.

The starling is all black, its beak is sharp, and its breast is spotted with white shiny specks. And so on.

Game “Name the birds affectionately.”

Call the birds affectionately. What are they doing? When answering the question, change the word “flies”.

Starling - starling... (flies out)

Nightingale - nightingale... (flies away)

Cuckoo - cuckoo... (flies in)

Crane - little crane... (flies up)

Rook - rook... (flies in)

The structure of birds.

Guys, tell me what all birds have in common?

(They have a head, neck, wings, beak, tail, 2 legs. Their body is covered with feathers).

Exercise “Say in one word”

Guys, please stand in a circle. I will throw the ball to you, and you will return it to me with an answer.

The stork has long legs, what is it like? ... /long-legged/. The stork has a long beak, it is... /long-billed/. The swallow has a long tail, it is... /long-tailed/. The swallow loves warmth, she is ... /heat-loving/. The swallow has sharp wings, it is... /sharp-winged/. The nightingale has a ringing voice, he... /clear-voiced/.etc.

Educator: - How do they find their way to the south and back here? /we don’t know/.

It turns out that some birds fly away at night, others during the day. But before the flight, they make test flights, eat more than usual, put on fat - there is nowhere for them to eat during the flight. In flight, they are guided by the stars, and if the sky is overcast and the stars are not visible, then they are guided by the magnetic oscillations of the Earth.

Have you noticed that some birds fly away in “flocks”, all together; some, for example, cranes, line up in a “wedge” in the form of a triangle; others line up in a “chain”, in one line. This probably depends on the habits of the birds: some birds need leaders who show the way (slides 14-16).

Didactic game "Fourth odd".

Children identify a bird that is “lost” (Slides 17-21).

Finger game "Birds"

The fingers are the head, the wings are the palm. (Turn your palms towards you, the thumbs are straightened away from you and intertwined, as if clinging to each other, the thumbs are the head, the remaining closed fingers are the wings. Flapping the wings, flying, etc.)

Educator: Indeed, in the spring the sun not only shines, but also warms. Migratory birds are returning and bringing spring on their wings. Now we will check how well you know these birds. There is such a game - “Wintering and Migratory Birds”, let’s play it.

Game “Wintering and Migratory Birds”

Children put on hats of birds - migratory and wintering; Sunny and Snowflake stand in the middle of the hall. Birds run scattered to the music, with the words:

Birds are flying
The grains are collected.
Little birds
The birds are small.

After these words, the music ends and the “migratory” birds should gather near the Sun, and the “wintering” ones near the snowflake.

Exercise “Continue the sentence, find the reason”

Birds that feed on insects are the first to fly south in the fall, because... /insects are hiding and they have nothing to eat/. The woodpecker can be called a forest doctor because .../he takes out bugs and insects from under the bark/. The cuckoo does not hatch its chicks because .../it does not build its own nests/. All people love to listen to the nightingale, because .../he sings beautifully, bursts into song/. etc. In the spring, migratory birds fly back because... /they need to hatch their chicks/.

Guys, why do you think birds are called man’s friends?

(Benefit). Birds make us happy with their chirping, people have more fun, life is more joyful.

What happens if the birds suddenly don’t return to us in the spring?

(An environmental disaster will occur. There will be no one to protect parks, gardens, forests from harmful insects. Insects will eat all the vegetation, destroy all crops. There will be no one to spread the seeds of berries and plants across the earth. We will never hear their wonderful songs, etc.)

Thank you, our faithful friends - birds! For the fact that you are returning to us, to your homeland.

Lesson Analysis:

Guys, please tell me what we talked about in class today?

What new migratory birds have you learned about?

What interesting things have we learned about the cuckoo?

How do they find their way to warmer climes and back to us?

Guys, I liked the way you worked in class: you listened carefully, thought, and answered in complete sentences. Well done!

Kondratyeva O.V.
Summary of a lesson in the senior group on ecology “Migratory Birds”

Goals :

1. Expand and generalize children’s knowledge about arrival birds

2. Introduce children to concepts: “fly in a wedge, in a chain, in a flock.”

3. Cultivate in children a kind attitude towards all living things in nature.

4. Develop interest in life birds , imagination, thinking, speech of children, enrich their vocabulary.


Migratory birds illustrations , audio recording of voices and singing birds

Preliminary work:

1. Learning proverbs, sayings, riddles about birds

2. Reading stories about birds

3. Observation while walking birds.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Lexical exercise“The one who repeats a series of words will sit down.”.


Children, now you must be very careful. Will sit down on

The chair is the one who will repeat a series of words, and the one I look at will repeat.

Stork, goose, warbler;

Crane, goose, wagtail;

Heron, nightingale, swan;

Rook, starling, cuckoo;

Swallow, hoopoe, oriole;

Warbler, duck, swan;

Nightingale, heron, cuckoo;

Wagtail, stork, siskin.

How to call them in one word?

Children :

- Birds .


By what signs do we distinguish birds from other living beings?

Children :

The head and body are covered with feathers.

They have wings.

They can fly.


And what kind birds are called migratory?

Children :

Those who fly away in the fall and return from warm countries in the spring.


Name the migratory birds?

Children :

Swallow, woodpecker, rook, heron, crane, starling, lark.


Please guess puzzles :

What kind of bird is this?

Doesn't sit on the egg

Snooping around other people's nests,

He doesn't know his children.

Children :



Well done. Please listen to the cuckoo cry. /audio recording/. Guess the next riddle.

If he wants, he will fly straight,

He wants - he hangs in the air,

Falls like a stone from the heights

And in the fields he sings, sings.

Children :



Well done.

The teacher plays an audio recording of a nightingale song.


Another mystery:

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He flies to hunt

For frogs to the swamp.

Children :



Birds delight us not only with their appearance, the wonderful coloring of their plumage , but also with their songs. The world around us is full of sounds, and sound signals occupy a special place among them. birds

Now let’s have some physical education:

Physical education minute: « Migratory birds»

The insects are gone

The birds in the forest are bored.

Flapping your arms (wings).

They began to think and guess,

How can they avoid trouble?

Fingers to the temples of the head,

shaking the head to the right - left.

Gathered together

They called themselves a pack.

Children stand in a circle, holding hands.

They took off together

We flew south.

They turn to the right, wave their arms, and run in a circle.

We flew for a long time, we were tired,

We sat down, rested,

They stop and crouch.

We took off again

They get up, run in a circle, flapping their wings.

Here are the southern edges,

We've arrived, friends!

You are tired, take a rest.

Look for insects.

The children stop and disperse in different directions.


Do you know howbirds are flying towards us? That's right, in a flock, but they can still fly : in a string, one by one, in a wedge.(I hang up the corresponding pictures).

Insectivores leave us first birds . The word insectivores hides two words : eat insects. Repeat - insectivores. They eat chafers, butterflies, wasps, dragonflies and bees. And these ones fly away birds immediately after the first frost, as soon as insects disappear. The earliest birds to fly away are flycatchers, redstarts, wagtails, thrushes, larks, buntings, and starlings.

When bodies of water (rivers and lakes) freeze, waterfowl head south birds - geese , ducks and swans. The word waterfowl also contains two words - swim in the water. Repeat - waterfowl.

Exercise “Continue the sentence, find the reason”

They are the first to fly south in the fall birds who feed

insects because... /insects hide and have nothing to eat/.

Yes, you can call him a forest doctor, because... /he gets

bugs and insects from under the bark/.

The cuckoo does not hatch its chicks because... /she doesn't howl

nests for yourself/.

All people love to listen to the nightingale because... /he sings beautifully,

is poured/. and etc.

in spring migratory birds fly back, because. /they need

hatch chicks/.

Educator : Didactic game.

"Which bird is the odd one out?"

Magpie, tit, chicken, stork;

Owl, eagle, falcon, heron;

Crow, crossbill, nightingale, sparrow;

Wagtail, pigeon, starling, duck.


In conclusion of our classes I would like to read a poem by Alexander Yashin


Feed the birds in winter.

Let it come from all over.

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

I need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

It will be winter for them.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is,

And it's warm for the birds.

Is it possible to forget:

They could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Together with people.

Train your birds in the cold

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring.

Developmental lesson for a preschool educational psychologist

for children of senior preschool age.

Topic: Migratory birds.

Purpose of the lesson : Development of cognitive activity of preschool children at the stage of preparation for school through play activities.


    Expand children's understanding of the life of migratory birds (rook, starling, nightingale, swallow).
    2. Introduce birds that arrive in early spring (rook, starling), in the middle and at the end of spring.
    3. Introduce children to exotic birds and their life in hot countries.
    4. Master the action of visual modeling of classification relationships between concepts.

Type of activity : combined.

Methods : verbal, visual, practical (exercises, game).

Introductory part: Game “And I’m here!”

Everyone stands in the circle of Good, then joins hands. In turn, each child says: “And I’m here!” All the children follow him by calling his name: “And... here!”

Then the children chorus, first in a whisper, and then loudly: “We are all here.”

What month is it? March. But winter did not give way to spring for a long time. What signs of spring do you know?What are the names of birds that fly to warmer climes for the winter?(migratory) . When do birds return from warmer climes?(spring) Z

Indeed, in the spring the birds return home to their nests. But when migrating, birds face different dangers, and not all birds can fly to their home. I know you have a good heart, listen to how it beats. Children put their hand to their heart.
I suggest going on a hot air balloon ride to meet the birds to help them fly.

Progress of the lesson

A difficult road lies ahead of us. We need to test our readiness for adventure.

Game "Ha ha ha"

Well done. You can hit the road. Sit on the chairs. (in a circle) Close your eyes. Imagine that you and I are rising higher and higher in a hot air balloon. Below we see trees, houses, cars moving away from us. Houses become like cubes. The road looks like a gray ribbon, and the river looks like a blue one. Now we have risen high above the ground. Here, at a bird's eye view, a strong wind always blows.

Game: “The wind blows on that...”.

( who has blue (red) in their clothes, who can count, who helps a friend in need, who wants to go to school, who loves their mother)

Well done! Everyone is very attentive.

The first picture from a series of plot pictures is exhibited.

What time of year is shown in the picture?(spring) How can you confirm that it is spring?

Guys, remember the famous traveler who went to warmer climes with wild ducks, and then told everyone about her adventures?(Frog traveler).

So today she returned and came to visit us.The speech therapist shows the children the “Frog” toy.

Today we will find out which birds have returned from warmer climes.

Consolidation of the concepts of “migratory” and “wintering” birds

Game "Find the migratory bird."

Guys, the breeze accidentally mixed up the photographs of all the birds. Let's see which of these birds will stay with us for the winter, and which will fly away from us to the south. If birds stay with us for the winter, what are they called?

Children find migratory birds from several wintering ones and name it.

Teacher: And very soon starlings will fly to us.

Development of word formation

What is the affectionate name for a starling?(skvorushka).

Who are the starling's babies?(starlings).

What is their mother's name?(starling).

What kind of house do people build for starlings in the spring?(birdhouse).

The children pass and sit on the sofa. Music from the TV show “In the Animal World” is playing. Children wear badges with a picture of a bird on their chests.

Teacher: Children, I am glad to welcome you to the meeting of the Nature Lovers club.

Teacher: We know the saying “The starling is flying - winter is over.” What do birds have in common and how are they different?
Children. General features: two wings, two legs, tail, round head, oval body, plumage, down. The difference is size, plumage color, singing, nesting place, habitat, food.
Teacher: Why can birds return to their native places in the spring?
Children. All nature wakes up, the birds have food.

Outdoor game "Migratory Birds".

Children depict migratory birds, if the months of winter are named, they fly away to warmer climes, children should go to the poster with a picture of Africa. If it's the summer months, they stay in place.

Game: “Release the bird.”(Development of fine motor skills.)

The teacher invites the children to cover the picture with their palm, so that each finger covers the drawn bird.

- Imagine that a bird is sitting in a cage and you want to release it. It is necessary to lift your fingers one by one and “release” the bird, saying the words: “I will let you out of the cage...”.

The game is repeated with both hands alternately.

Dynamic pause.Game “Who moves how?” [Development of speech hearing, creative imagination, imitation. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (changing nouns according to cases)].

Before the game, the speech therapist directs the children to show how the animal moves. Swallow, bear, squirrel, heron, hare, snake, rook, rooster.

Turn around yourself and turn into a swallow.


Turn around yourself and turn into children.

What birds did you depict? (Swallow, heron, rook, rooster.)

Game: "Intonation"

When we talk, we, of course, pay attention to the meaning and content of messages. But the intonation with which we pronounce this or that phrase is no less, if not more important. Any sentence can be pronounced with a huge number of shades, and each time, due to intonation, the sentence will have a new meaning. Try saying a simple phrase: “Well, that’s all!” But it needs to be said...

· joyfully, as if you had finished writing the essay assigned for home;

· bloodthirsty, as if you had exterminated all the flies flying around the apartment;

· sad, as if you watched the last episode of your favorite television series to the end;

· scared, as if you were caught up by a wolf you were trying to escape from;

· tired, as if you had just peeled two buckets of potatoes.

Intonation 2

“My friend and I are having a lot of fun together!”

Game “Funny Ball”.

Throw the ball to your child and name the bird. The child throws the ball back and says “migratory” (p) or “wintering” (h).
Bullfinch (h), rook (p), sparrow (h), tit (h), crane (p), swallow (p), blackbird (p), wagtail (p), duck (p), owl (h), woodpecker (h), cuckoo (p), etc.


I am agile, light-winged,
The tail is forked, like a pitchfork.
If I'm flying low
It means rain is somewhere nearby.

Black, agile,
Shouts: “Krak”
The enemy of worms.

Who is without notes and without a pipe
He produces trills best of all,
More vocal, more tender?
Who is this? ...

Who's on the Christmas tree?
keeps count: “Ku-ku. Cuckoo”? (cuckoo).

Stands on one leg
He looks intently into the water.
Pokes his beak at random,
Looking for frogs in the river. (heron)

Let's repeat the names of the birds. ( Repeat in chorus and one at a time.)

Who is this? How to call it in one word?


Why do you think these are birds?

Why haven't we seen these birds in winter?

They flew away to warmer climes.

What are the names of birds that fly to warmer regions in winter and return again in spring?

Migratory birds.

We are returning back to kindergarten.

What did you enjoy most about our journey into the natural world? Children's answers.

Summary of the lesson. Game: “We are together!”

Lesson notes "Migratory birds" (senior group).

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge about migratory birds.Tasks. Educational: - activation and replenishment of the vocabulary on the topic “Migratory Birds”; - development of word formation skills; - improving the grammatical structure of speech; - exercise in constructing grammatically correct sentences; - learning to compose a descriptive story based on a subject picture and a schematic plan.Corrective : - development of attention, memory, thinking (game “Guess”); - development of general and fine motor skills (physical minute); - automation of delivered sounds - control and self-control of sound pronunciation.Educational: - cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and a desire to protect it and all living things; - cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other; - cultivate patience, perseverance, the ability to listen and kindly evaluate the stories of comrades.Working methods : gaming, visual, verbal, practical.Techniques : riddles, leading and prompting questions, remarks, reminders, speech patterns, assessment of children’s participation in the lesson - a surprise moment.Equipment : silhouette pictures depicting migratory birds, a plan diagram for writing a descriptive story, a magnetic board and silhouette pictures for the exercise “Who lives where.”Preliminary work: - conversation about migratory birds;- reading poems about migratory birds;- bird watching while walking;- learning finger games and physical exercises. a minute or sorelevant topic;- selection of equipment necessary for the lesson.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment: (creating a positive emotional mood, developing empathy, general motor skills, activating the vocabulary on the topic “Birds of Migratory”, exercising in the formation of relative adjectives, developing attention).L-d : From distant hot countriesGuests rush to visit us in the spring. Who is this?.... (children's answers) birds, migratory birds. L-d : Let's see how well you know migratory birds? I name the birds and, if it is migratory, you flap your arms like birds. If not, stand still. Attention! Storks, rooks, swallows, crows, nightingales, owls...The children explain why they stood calmly when the wintering birds were named. L-d : And now the riddle: Without hands, without an ax, a hut was built..... What is this? The answer is a nest. -Where do birds build their nests? Answers (complete) - birds build nests on trees (on bushes, in grass, in hollows, in birdhouses).

Game “Where did the bird make its nest?” (on the magnetic board there are silhouette pictures of an owl, a starling, a rook, a cuckoo and silhouette pictures of a tree with a nest, a hollow, a birdhouse with slits so that you can insert the corresponding picture with the image of a bird).L-d : Show and tell where and what kind of bird made the nest?Answers - It's an owl. Owl's nest in a hollow (the child combines the corresponding pictures).This is a starling. Starling nest in a birdhouse. This is a rook. Rook's nest on a tree. This is a cuckoo. The cuckoo has no nest.

Guys! There's one extra bird here. The answer is an owl because it is a wintering bird.

II. Main part. Introduction to the topic : Guys! Today Dunno came to visit us. He claims to know all migratory birds. Let's check it out. Tell Dunno the riddles that you know about migratory birds.- Riddles (training children's memory, attention, thinking - ability to identify descriptive features of a migratory bird, development of dialogic speech, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech, automation of sounds).

    Who is this bird? Never builds nests. He leaves the egg to the neighbors and does not visit the chick.

Dunno makes mistakes all the time and the children correct him. Cuckoo.

After each riddle, the children explain: How did you guess the correct answer? What new have you learned about migratory birds?

2. This is an old friend of ours. He lives on the roof of the house - Long-necked, long-beaked, Long-nosed, voiceless. He flies to hunt for frogs in the swamp. Stork.

3. All migratory birds are blackHe clears the arable land of worms. Rook.

4. I make a nest under the roofFrom lumps of clay.For the chicks I put a soft feather bed on the bottom. Martin.

5. There is a palace on the pole. There is a singer in the palace. Starling.

L-d: Children! You see that Dunno doesn’t know migratory birds very well. Let's help him - tell him about these amazing travelers. And here is a diagram that will help make your story detailed and interesting. - Children's stories (2 people - children choose a silhouette picture of a migratory bird if they wish).

(An exercise in composing a descriptive story based on a subject picture and a schematic plan; development of monologue speech using an expanded, grammatically correct phrase; automation of delivered sounds; formation of attention to the statements of other people, goodwill, the ability to wait for one’s turn to participate in a particular activity) .

III. Phys. just a minute. (Development of gross and fine motor skills, relieving muscle tension, maintaining a positive emotional mood in children). During the physical minutes, children perform movements corresponding to the text.

The chick in the nest woke up, He perked up. Stretched. And he nodded his head, And he wagged his tail. (finger exercise) - He opened his beak wide, Loudly, loudly squeaked: Pee-wee-wee, pee-wee-wee…. Bring the worm quickly. - Mom and Dad started circling, They carried the treat... (finger exercise) - Worm, flea and midge, Eat, eat, our baby

(one palm is wide open - “the chick’s mouth”, the fingers of the other hand are gathered together - “the mother’s beak, the fingers gathered together rest against the open palm, then the position of the hands changes - every spoken word leads to a change of hands). - The chick is full, he’s sleeping again. Shh-tsh-tsh, we can't wake him up, Children! Remember, when birds hatch and feed their chicks, you must behave very quietly around them so as not to frighten them.Game "Bird Family" (word formation exercise):L-d : And now I propose to break into groups of 3 people. Now you are not guys. You are a family of birds. Think about it: - Whose family are you? Who are you in every family?The speech therapist helps give a sample answer…. We are a family of rooks. I rook (speech therapist), I am a rook (child), I am a rook (child). (Families: storks, starlings, ducks, swans). -Continuation of children's stories. Exercise “Complete the sentence.” (Exercise in composing complex sentences; train memory, attention, thinking, imagination; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, towards all living on Earth).L-d : Dunno really liked all your stories. But he still had some questions. Let's help him answer them. - In the spring, birds build nests because... (children repeat the phrase and finish it) they hatch chicks in them. - Swallows are the first to fly south because.....they feed on insects. - Swans, geese, and ducks are the last to fly away in the fall, because…..reservoirs do not freeze for a long time and provide them with food. - All people love to listen to the nightingale, because.....he sings wonderfully. - Caterpillars cannot destroy the crop because…..birds destroy them. - Birds need to be loved and protected, because.....they bring great benefits (they decorate nature, sing wonderfully, etc.)III . Summing up the lesson: Guys, Dunno really enjoyed your lesson. Now, like you, he knows a lot about migratory birds. What did you like about our lesson? What do you remember?