• Types of steel production used in metal structures
  • Range for steel structures
  • Question 5. The influence of various factors on the properties of steel.
  • Question 6. Types of crystal lattice defects and the mechanism of destruction of steel. Work of steel under uneven stress distribution. Work of steel under uneven stress distribution.
  • Question 7. Aluminum alloys, and their composition, properties and operating features
  • Limit state groups
  • Calculation of structures based on limit states and comparison with calculations based on permissible stresses
  • Question 9. Loads acting on the structure. Types of loads. Standard and design loads.
  • Question 10. Ultimate resistance of a material. Standard and design voltages. Reliability factors.
  • Question 11. Types of stresses and their consideration when calculating structural elements. Basic, additional, local, initial stresses. Types of stresses and their consideration when calculating structural elements
  • Question 12. Work and strength calculations of centrally tensioned and centrally compressed elements. Tensile work of steel
  • Steel work in compression
  • Question 13. Work of steel in a complex stress state. Taking into account complex stress states in the calculation of steel structures. Work of steel under complex stress state
  • Question 14. Elastic-plastic work of steel during bending. Plasticity hinge. Basics of calculation of bending elements. Elastic-plastic work of steel during bending. Plasticity hinge
  • Question 15. Work of rods during torsion.
  • Question 16. Stability of elements of metal structures. Loss of stability of centrally compressed rods. Stability of metal structure elements
  • Loss of stability of centrally compressed rods
  • Question 17. Loss of stability of eccentrically compressed and compressed-bent rods. Loss of stability of eccentrically compressed rods
  • Question 18. Loss of stability of bending elements
  • Question 19. Loss of local stability of elements of metal structures
  • Question 20. Performance of steel under repeated loads. Fatigue and vibration strength.
  • Question 21. Strength calculation of steel structure elements taking into account brittle fracture (cold resistance test).
  • Question 22. Welding. Welding classification. Weld structure. Welding cracks. Thermal class of welding.
  • Question 23. Types of welded joints and seams.
  • Question 24. Calculation of butt and fillet welds. Calculation of butt welds.
  • Calculation of fillet welds
  • Flank fillet welds
  • Front corner welds
  • Question 25. Structural requirements for welded joints.
  • Question 26. Main defects in welds and types of quality control.
  • Question 27. Types of bolts used in metal structures. Bolted connections. Rivet connections. Bolted connections
  • Rough, normal precision bolts
  • High precision bolts
  • High strength bolts
  • Anchor bolts
  • Rivet connections
  • Question 28. Calculation of bolted connections without controlled bolt tension.
  • Calculation of bolts and rivets for shear.
  • Calculation of bolted and rivet joints for crushing.
  • Calculation of bolts and rivets in tension
  • Calculation of high-strength bolts.
  • Question 29. Calculation of friction joints on high-strength bolts.
  • Question 30. Design of bolted connections.
  • Question 31. Beams and beam structures. Types of beams and beam cages. Beams and beam structures
  • Beam cages
  • Question 32. Steel decking of beam cages. Fundamentals of calculation and design. Calculation of rolled beams. Flat steel deck beam cages
  • Calculation of rolled beams
  • Question 33. Calculation of split composite beams. Beam section layout. Changing the section of a beam along its length. Checking the strength of the beam. Calculation of split composite beams
  • Preliminary selection of beam section.
  • Beam Section Layout
  • Checking the strength of the beam
  • Changing the section along the length of the beam
  • Question 34. Checking the overall stability of the beam. Checking the local stability of the chords and the beam wall from the action of normal and tangential stresses. Checking the general stability of the beam
  • Checking the local stability of the compressed beam chord
  • Checking the local stability of the beam web
  • Question 35. Calculation of waist seams of composite beams. Calculation of the support edge. Calculation of an assembly joint using high-strength bolts. Calculation of waist seams.
  • Support rib calculation
  • Calculation of an assembly joint using high-strength bolts
  • Question 36. Centrally compressed solid columns. Types of sections. Calculation and design of a solid column rod. Solid Columns Types of Bar Sections
  • Column Bar Calculation
  • Question 37. Centrally compressed through columns. Types of sections. Types of gratings. The influence of lattices on the stability of a through column rod. Through columns Types of sections and connections of branches of through columns.
  • A through column rod with planks in two planes.
  • A through column rod with braces in two planes.
  • Question 38. Calculation and design of the rod of a centrally compressed through column. A through column rod with planks in two planes.
  • A through column rod with braces in two planes.
  • Question 39. Calculation of a braceless lattice (slats)
  • Question 40. Design and calculation of the base of centrally compressed solid and through columns. Calculation of the base of a centrally compressed column
  • Question 41. Column heads and connections between beams and columns. Design and calculation of the head of centrally compressed continuous and through columns. Design and calculation of the column head
  • Question 42. Farms. Classification of farms. Farm layout. Farm elements. Types of cross-sections of light and heavy truss rods.
  • Farm classification
  • Truss layout
  • Question 43. Calculation of trusses. Determination of loads. Determination of forces in truss rods. Design lengths of truss rods. Ensuring the overall stability of the trusses in the coating system. Selecting the type of cross section for bars.
  • Truss calculation
  • Determination of forces in truss rods.
  • Estimated lengths of truss rods
  • Ensuring the overall stability of trusses in the coating system
  • Selecting a section type
  • Question 44. Selection of the cross-section of compressed and tensioned truss rods. Selection of the cross-section of truss rods for maximum flexibility. General requirements for the design of light trusses. Calculation of truss nodes.
  • Selection of the cross-section of compressed rods
  • Selection of the cross-section of stretched rods
  • Selection of rod cross-sections for maximum flexibility
  • Design and calculation of truss units
  • The rigid connection of beams with columns forms a frame system (e).

    When the beams are unlocked from above, the supporting unit of the overlying structure has a transverse rib with a milled end protruding 15-25 mm, through which pressure is transmitted to the column (Fig. a, b, d). Less commonly used is a unit design where the support pressure is transmitted by the internal rib of the beam located above the column flange (c, d). If the transverse support rib of the overlying beam has a protruding end (a, b, d), then the supporting pressure is transmitted first to the support plate of the column head, then to the support rib of the head, and from this rib to the wall of the column (or crossbeam in a through column (e) and then evenly distributed over the cross section of the column. The base plate of the head serves to transfer pressure from the ends of the beam to the supporting ribs of the head, therefore its thickness is determined not by calculation, but by design considerations and is usually taken as 16-25 mm. From the base plate, pressure is transferred to the supporting ribs of the head through horizontal welds, the ends of the ribs are attached to the slab. The leg of these seams is determined by the formula

    When installing the base plate on the milled end of the column rod, it ensures complete contact of the plate to the column rib, and the support pressure is transmitted by direct contact of the surfaces, and the welds attaching the base plate are taken structurally.


    The width of the supporting rib is determined from the compressive strength condition.

    In addition, conditions must be met to ensure local stability of the supporting rib.

    The bottom of the supporting ribs of the head is reinforced with transverse ribs that prevent them from twisting out of the plane of the column under uneven pressure from the ends of the overlying beams, which arise from inaccurate manufacturing and installation.

    From the supporting ribs, pressure is transmitted to the column wall through fillet welds. Based on this, the required length of the ribs.

    The estimated length of the seams should not exceed .

    The ribs are also checked for shearing:

    where 2 is the number of slices;

    –thickness of the wall of a column or traverse of a through column.

    At high support pressures, shear stresses in the wall exceed the design resistance. In this case, the length of the rib is increased or a thicker wall is used. You can increase the wall thickness only at the head of the column (b). This solution reduces metal consumption, but is less technologically advanced to manufacture.

    Further distribution of pressure from the column wall over the entire cross-section of the solid column rod is ensured by continuous seams connecting the flanges and the wall.

    In through columns (e), pressure from the traverse is transmitted to the branches of the column through fillet welds, the leg of which must be at least:

    The column head with supporting ribs of the beams located above the column flanges (c) is designed and calculated similarly to the previous one, only the role of the supporting ribs of the head is performed by the column flanges. If the pressure from the head slab is transmitted to the column through welds (the end of the column is not milled), then the length of the welds attaching one flange of the column to the slab is determined from the condition of their cutting by the reaction of one beam:


    where is the support reaction of one beam, is the width of the column flange.

    If the end of the column is milled, then the welds are made structurally with a minimum leg. To ensure the transmission of support pressure across the entire width of the supporting rib of the beam with a large width of beam chords and narrow column flanges, it is necessary to design a widened cross-beam (Fig. d). It is conventionally assumed that the support pressure from the slab is transferred first completely to the traverse, and then from the traverse to the column flange; in accordance with this, the seams for attaching the traverse to the slab and column are calculated. When the structure is supported on the column from the side (e), the vertical reaction is transmitted through the planed end of the support rib of the beam to the end of the support table and from it to the column flange. The thickness of the support table is taken to be 5-10 mm greater than the thickness of the support rib of the beam. If the support reaction of the beam does not exceed 200 kN, the support table is made from a thick corner with a cut off flange; if the reaction is larger, the table is made from a sheet with a planed upper end. Each of the two seams attaching the table to the column is calculated for 2/3 of the support reaction, which takes into account the possible non-parallelism of the ends of the beam and the table, a consequence of manufacturing inaccuracies and, therefore, uneven pressure transfer between the ends. The required length of one table fastening seam is determined by the formula:


    Sometimes the table is welded not only along the tanks, but also along the lower end, in this case the total length of the seam is determined by a force equal to

    The column head serves as a support for the overlying structures (beams, trusses) and distributes the concentrated load on the column evenly over the cross section of the rod.

    The connection between beams and columns can be free or rigid. The hinge joint transmits only vertical loads (a, b, c, d, e).

    The rigid connection of beams with columns forms a frame system (e).

    When the beams are unlocked from above, the supporting unit of the overlying structure has a transverse rib with a milled end protruding 15-25 mm, through which pressure is transmitted to the column (Fig. a, b, e). Less commonly used is a unit design where the support pressure is transmitted by the internal rib of the beam located above the column flange (c, d). If the transverse support rib of the overlying beam has a protruding end (a, b, d), then the supporting pressure is transmitted first to the support plate of the column head, then to the support rib of the head, and from this rib to the wall of the column (or crossbeam in a through column (e) and then evenly distributed over the cross section of the column. The support plate of the head serves to transfer pressure from the ends of the beam to the supporting ribs of the head, therefore its thickness is determined not by calculation, but by design considerations and is usually taken to be 16-25 mm.

    From the base plate, pressure is transferred to the supporting ribs of the head through horizontal welds, and the ends of the ribs are attached to the plate.

    The leg of these seams is determined by the formula


    When installing the base plate on the milled end of the column rod, it ensures complete contact of the plate to the column rib, and the support pressure is transmitted by direct contact of the surfaces, and the welds attaching the base plate are taken structurally.

    The width of the supporting rib is determined from the compressive strength condition.

    In addition, conditions must be met to ensure local stability of the supporting rib.


    The bottom of the supporting ribs of the head is reinforced with transverse ribs that prevent them from twisting out of the plane of the column under uneven pressure from the ends of the overlying beams, which arise from inaccurate manufacturing and installation.

    From the supporting ribs, pressure is transmitted to the column wall through fillet welds. Based on this, the required length of the ribs.


    The estimated length of the seams should not exceed .

    The ribs are also checked for shear: ,

    where 2 is the number of slices;

    – thickness of the wall of the column or traverse of the through column.

    At high support pressures, shear stresses in the wall exceed the design resistance. In this case, the length of the rib is increased or a thicker wall is used. You can increase the wall thickness only at the head of the column (b). This solution reduces metal consumption, but is less technologically advanced to manufacture.

    Further distribution of pressure from the column wall over the entire cross-section of the solid column rod is ensured by continuous seams connecting the flanges and the wall.

    In through columns (e), pressure from the traverse is transmitted to the branches of the column through fillet welds, the leg of which must be at least:


    The column head with supporting ribs of the beams located above the column flanges (c) is designed and calculated similarly to the previous one, only the role of the supporting ribs of the head is performed by the column flanges. If the pressure from the head slab is transmitted to the column through welds (the end of the column is not milled), then the length of the welds attaching one flange of the column to the slab is determined from the condition of their cutting by the reaction of one beam:


    where is the support reaction of one beam, is the width of the column flange.

    If the end of the column is milled, then the welds are made structurally with a minimum leg. To ensure the transmission of support pressure across the entire width of the supporting rib of the beam with a large width of beam chords and narrow column flanges, it is necessary to design a widened cross-beam (Fig. d). It is conventionally assumed that the support pressure from the slab is transferred first completely to the traverse, and then from the traverse to the column flange; in accordance with this, the seams for attaching the traverse to the slab and column are calculated. When the structure is supported on the column from the side (e), the vertical reaction is transmitted through the planed end of the support rib of the beam to the end of the support table and from it to the column flange. The thickness of the support table is taken to be 5-10 mm greater than the thickness of the support rib of the beam. If the support reaction of the beam does not exceed 200 kN, the support table is made from a thick corner with a cut off flange; if the reaction is larger, the table is made from a sheet with a planed upper end. Each of the two seams attaching the table to the column is calculated for 2/3 of the support reaction, which takes into account the possible non-parallelism of the ends of the beam and the table, a consequence of manufacturing inaccuracies and, therefore, uneven pressure transfer between the ends. The required length of one table fastening seam is determined by the formula:


    Sometimes the table is welded not only along the tanks, but also along the lower end, in this case the total length of the seam is determined by a force equal to




    Centrally compressed columns are used to support interfloor floors and coverings of buildings, work platforms and overpasses. The column structure consists of the rod itself and supporting devices - the head and base. The overlying building structures that directly load the column rest on the head, the column rod transmits the load from the head to the base and is the main structural element, and the base transfers the entire received load from the rod to the foundation.

    Column types

    There are three types of columns used in building frames:

    — columns of constant cross-section;

    — columns of variable cross-section (stepped);

    — columns of separate type.

    Columns of constant section used in craneless buildings and in buildings with the possibility of using suspended and bridge electric lifting mechanisms with a lifting capacity of up to 20 tons, as a rule, with a useful height from the floor level to the bottom of the trusses of no more than 12 m.

    When using cranes with a lifting capacity of more than 15 tons, stepped columns consisting of two parts, the upper part is usually a welded or rolled I-beam, the lower part consists of a tent and crane branch that are connected to each other either by ties in the form of a solid sheet or by a through lattice of hot-rolled angles.

    Separate type columns are used in buildings with cranes with a lifting capacity of more than 150 tons and a height of 15-20 m. The tent and crane struts in this design are connected to each other by a series of horizontal slats that are flexible in the vertical plane, due to which the load perception is separated, the crane strut receives only the vertical force from the overhead crane, and the tent branch collects all the loads from the frame and covering of the building.

    Column sections

    Column rods are made from single wide-flange I-beams or made up of several rolled profiles; composite rods are divided into through and solid. Through ones, in turn, are divided into unbraced, lattice and perforated.

    Solid columns most often they are a welded or rolled wide-flange I-beam, where the welded option has an advantage due to the ability to select the optimal cross-section to ensure the required rigidity in the column while simultaneously saving material. Quite easy to manufacture are cross-section columns that are equally stable in two directions. With the same dimensions, the cross section outperforms the I-beam due to greater rigidity. Solid columns also include closed-section columns, which can be composed of paired rolled channels, bent electric-welded profiles or round pipes. A significant disadvantage of this option is the inaccessibility of the inner surface for maintenance, which can lead to rapid corrosive wear.

    Through columns – A typical structural design consists of two branches (made of channels, I-beams or pipes) interconnected by lattices ensuring the joint operation of the branches of the column rod. Grating systems are used from braces, braces and struts, and the non-bracing type in the form of planks. The column lattice is usually placed in two planes and is made from single corners, giving preference to a shapeless connection, with fastening directly to the shelves of the rod branches. To prevent twisting of such columns and maintain their contour, diaphragms are installed at the ends.

    Column parts and assemblies

    Column heads. There are two design solutions for supporting trusses and crossbars on columns, with a hinged free connection - the beams are usually installed on top, with hinged and rigid connections they are attached to the side.

    With top connection, the column head consists of a base plate and stiffeners that transfer the load to the column body. The ribs of the head are welded to the slab and branches of the column with a through rod or to the walls of the column with a solid rod. The height and thickness of the ribs are determined based on the required length of the welds, which must withstand the full pressure on the head and the resistance to collapse under the influence of support pressure. To compensate for the skew of the connecting flanges, giving additional stability and rigidity to the vertical ribs, they are, if necessary, framed with transverse ribs. The base slab is usually a planed plate with a thickness of 20...30mm, for light columns 12...30mm, the size of the slab contour in plan is assigned to be larger than the column contour by 15...20mm.

    With lateral attachment, the support reaction is transmitted through the supporting rib of the adjacent beam to a table welded to the column floors. The end of the supporting rib of the beam and the table are milled, the thickness of the table is taken to be 20...40 mm greater than the thickness of the supporting rib.

    Column base are the supporting part of the column and serve to transfer force from the column to the foundation. The structural solution of the base depends on the type and height of the cross-section of the rod, the method of mating with the foundation and the method of installation of the columns. They are divided into common and separate bases, which can be without traverses, with common or separate traverses, single-walled or double-walled. The main dimensions of the base plate are determined depending on the type of bases and bending calculations. The holes for the anchor bolts are laid 20...30 mm larger than their diameter, the tension is carried out through washers, which are then welded to the slab. To ensure the rigidity of the base and reduce the thickness of the support, traverses, ribs and diaphragms are installed, but due to this, the base with traverses is larger in size compared to one without traverses. The bases of through columns are usually designed of a separate type, each branch has its own loaded base. However, if the height of the column section is less than 1 m, it is permissible to use a common base, as with the solid columns discussed above.

    Consoles They are used to support crane beams on columns of constant cross-section; single-walled ones are predominantly used; if it is necessary to transmit large forces, double-walled ones are used.

    Explanatory note
    I Example of design of CM drawings using standard components
    An example of designing CM drawings using standard components. Plan of columns at elevation. 0.000
    An example of designing CM drawings using standard components. Cross sections 1-1 and 2-2
    An example of designing CM drawings using standard components. Calculation data tables for typical units
    An example of designing CM drawings using standard components. Longitudinal sections 3-3; 4-4; 5-5; 6-6
    An example of designing CM drawings using standard components. Diagrams of crane beams, brake platforms and connections along the lower chords of crane beams
    An example of designing CM drawings using standard components. Schemes of crane beams
    General Notes
    II Schemes with markings of columns and crane beams
    Marking of parts of continuous crane beams
    Marking of stepped column assemblies without passing along crane tracks and column assemblies in temperature conditions
    Marking of units of stepped columns with passage along crane tracks and marking of stops
    Marking of column units of constant cross-section without passage and with passage along crane tracks
    Marking of support points for crane beams on reinforced concrete columns
    III Factory and installation units of crane beams
    Details of welding of support ribs and stiffening ribs of continuous crane beams with a separation of less than 55 tons. Units 1; 2
    Details of welding of support ribs and stiffening ribs of continuous crane beams with a separation of more than 55 tons. Units 3; 4; 5
    Assembly welded joints of continuous crane beams. Nodes 6; 7
    Assembly joints of walls of continuous crane beams with high-strength bolts. Nodes 8; 9
    Assembly joints of the upper chords of continuous crane beams with high-strength bolts. Nodes 10; eleven; 12
    Assembly joints of the lower chords of continuous crane beams with high-strength bolts. Nodes 13; 14
    The location of the holes in the upper chords of the crane beams when fastening the rail to the slats and the holes in the railway. rail P43 when mounted on hooks
    Stops. Nodes 15; 16; 17; 18
    IV Nodes for supporting crane beams on steel stepped columns
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a lift of less than 55 tons. Outer row. Node 19
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a lift of less than 55 tons. Middle row. Node 20
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a lift of more than 55 tons. Outer row. Node 21
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a lift of more than 55 tons. Middle row. Node 22
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a lift of less than 55 tons. Outer row. Node 23
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a lift of more than 55 tons. Outer row. Node 24
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a passage in the column wall with a lift of less than 55 tons. Outer row. Node 25
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a passage in the column wall with a lift of less than 55 tons. Middle row. Node 26
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a passage in the column wall with a lift of less than 55 tons. Outer row. Node 27
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a passage in the column wall with a lift of more than 55 tons. Extreme row. Node 28
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a passage in the column wall with a lift of more than 55 tons. Middle row. Node 29
    Supporting beams on a stepped column with a passage in the column wall with a lift of more than 55 tons. Extreme row. Node 30
    Supporting beams with two supporting ribs on a stepped column with a passage in the column wall with a lift of more than 55 tons. Extreme row. Node 31
    Supporting beams with two supporting ribs on a stepped column with a passage in the column wall with a lift of more than 55 tons. Middle row. Node 32
    Supporting beams with two supporting ribs on a stepped column with a passage in the column wall with a lift of more than 55 tons. Extreme row. Node 33
    V Nodes for supporting crane beams on columns of constant cross-section
    Supporting beams on a column of constant cross-section. Last row. Node 34
    Supporting beams on a column of constant cross-section. Middle row. Node 35
    Supporting beams on a column of constant cross-section with a passage in the column wall. Middle row. Node 36
    VI Units for supporting crane beams on reinforced concrete columns
    Supporting beams on reinforced concrete columns of the outer and middle rows. Nodes 37; 38
    Supporting beams of different heights on a reinforced concrete column. Middle row. Node 39
    VII Intermediate units of crane beams
    Supporting beams of different heights on a stepped column. Knot 40
    Supporting beams of different heights on a stepped column. Node 41
    Supporting beams of different heights on a stepped column. Node 42
    VIII Intermediate units of stepped columns
    Diaphragms and single-plane lattice of steel stepped columns. Nodes 43; 44
    Diaphragms and two-plane lattice of steel stepped columns. Knots 45; 46
    Enlarged assembly joints of stepped columns. Nodes 47; 48
    Parts for fastening wall panels. Nodes 49; 50; 51; 52
    Parts for fastening wall panels. Nodes 53; 54
    IX Bases of stepped and solid-walled columns
    Bases of stepped columns of the outermost row with branches made of rolled profiles with a lattice in one plane. Node 55
    Bases of stepped columns of the outermost row with branches made of rolled profiles. Node 56
    Bases of stepped columns of the outermost row with branches made of bent and rolled profiles. Node 57
    Bases of stepped columns of the outermost row with branches made of bent and composite profiles with widened flanges. Node 58
    Bases of stepped columns of the outermost row with branches made of welded profiles. Node 59
    Bases of stepped columns of the middle row with branches made of welded profiles. Knot 60
    Column bases of constant cross-section. Node 61
    Bases of stepped columns in an expansion joint. Nodes 62; 63; 64
    X Recommendations for calculating nodes of steel columns
    Calculation of installation joints of continuous crane beams on high-strength bolts
    Stop calculation
    Calculation of the traverse of the stepped column of the outermost row
    Calculation of the traverse and passage in the wall of the stepped column of the middle row
    Calculation of stiffening ribs for a stepped column traverse
    Calculation of weld seams of column traverse and lining
    Calculation of traverse elements of a column of constant cross-section
    Calculation of welds and traverse elements of a column of constant cross-section
    Calculation of stands for continuous crane beams of different heights when supported by metal and reinforced concrete columns
    Calculation of a stand for continuous crane beams of different heights when supported by metal columns installed in a bracing panel
    Calculation of a stand for continuous crane beams of different heights when supported by reinforced concrete columns installed in a bracing panel
    Calculation of fastenings of continuous crane beams in a braced panel for tear-off when supported by one or two ribs
    Calculation of supporting beams of different heights on a steel column
    Calculation of bases of stepped columns
    Calculation of column bases of constant cross-section
    Calculation of column bases of constant cross-section and anchor tiles
    Instructions for the production of welded crane beams

    Columns serve to transfer the load from the structures above through the foundation to the ground. Depending on how the load is applied to the column, centrally compressed, eccentrically compressed and compressed-flexural columns are distinguished. Centrally compressed columns operate on a longitudinal force applied along the axis of the column and causing uniform compression of its cross section. Eccentrically compressed columns and compressed-bending columns, in addition to axial compression from longitudinal force, also work on bending from moment.

    The columns consist of three main parts: rod , which is the main load-bearing element of the column; head , serving as a support for overlying structures and securing them to the column; bases , distributing the concentrated load from the column over the surface of the foundation, providing attachment using anchor bolts.

    Columns differ: by type - constant and variable in height sections; according to the design, the sections of the rod are solid (solid-walled) and through (lattice).

    When choosing the type of column section, it is necessary to strive to obtain the most economical solution, taking into account the magnitude of the load, the convenience of connecting supporting structures, operating conditions, and manufacturing capabilities.

    The main type of solid columns, along with rolled ones, is a welded I-beam, composed of three sheets of rolled steel, which is most convenient to manufacture using automatic welding and allows for simple joining of supporting structures. The core of a through column consists of two branches (rolled channels or I-beams), interconnected by connecting elements in the form of strips or braces, which ensure the joint operation of the branches and significantly affect the stability of the column as a whole and its branches.

    A triangular lattice of braces is more rigid than slats, since it forms a truss in the plane of the column face, all elements of which work under axial forces. It is recommended for use in columns loaded with a longitudinal force of more than 2500 kN or with a significant distance between branches (more than 0.8 m). The planks create a non-bracing system in the plane of the column face with rigid nodes and bending elements.

    For inspection and possible painting of internal surfaces in through columns of two branches, a gap of at least 100 mm is established between the flanges of the branches.

    Column design diagram

    Rice. 4.1. Column design diagram

    Calculated column length lef taking into account the methods of fixing the column in the foundation and pairing it with the beam adjacent in the upper part, it is assumed to be equal to:

    lef = μ l,

    Where l – geometric column length;

    μ – coefficient of effective length, taken depending on the conditions for fastening its ends and the type of loading (under the action of a longitudinal force on the column from above: μ = 1 – with hinged fastening of both ends of the column; μ = 0.7 – when one end of the column is rigidly fastened and the other is hinged).

    When beams are supported on a column from above, the column is treated as hinged at the upper end. Fastening the column to the foundation can be hinged or rigid. If the foundation is sufficiently massive, and the base of the column is developed and has reliable anchorage, the column can be considered pinched in the foundation.

    Calculation of the strength of elements subject to central compression by force N should be performed according to the formula

    Where An– net cross-sectional area.

    Calculation of column stability under central compression is performed according to the formula

    Where φ – stability coefficient under central compression, taken according to conditional flexibility for various types of stability curves according to Table. 3.11.

    4.1. Calculation of rolling column

    Example 4.1. Select a solid column made of rolled wide-flange column I-beams with a height l= 6 m. The column is hinged at the bottom and top. Design longitudinal force N= 1000 kN. Construction material – steel class C245 with design resistance Ry γ With= 1.

    Rice. 4.2. Rolling column section

    We determine the estimated lengths of the column in planes perpendicular to the axes x-x And ooh:

    The pre-flexibility of medium-length columns with a force of up to 2500 kN is set within λ = 100...60. We accept λ = 100.

    The conditional flexibility of the column is determined by the formula

    V′′ (see Table 3.12) we determine the stability coefficient under central compression j= 0,560.

    We calculate the required cross-sectional area:

    Find the required radii of gyration:

    From the assortment we accept wide-flange I-beam Ι 23 K2/GOST 26020-83, having a cross-sectional area A= 75.77 cm 2; radii of gyration і X= 10.02 cm and і y= 6.04 cm.

    Defining flexibility:

    λ X = lX/і X= 600 / 10,02 = 59,88; λ y = ly/і y= 600 / 6,04 = 99,34.

    Conditional maximum flexibility of the column

    According to conditional flexibility y define j= 0,564.

    We check the stability of the column in the plane of least rigidity (relative to the axis y-y):

    The section has been accepted.

    If the stability condition of the column is not met, the section dimensions are adjusted (the adjacent number of rolled products is accepted according to the assortment) and re-checked.

    4.2. Calculation and design of a continuous welded column

    Example 4.2. Select a solid welded column of symmetrical I-section, made of three rolled sheets, according to example 3.4. At the bottom, the column is rigidly clamped in the foundation, at the top it is hinged to the beams. Markings: top of the working platform deck 13 m. Material of construction according to table. 2.1 – steel class C245 with design resistance Ry= 24 kN/cm2. Working conditions factor γ With= 1.

    Design diagram of the column in Fig. 4.1. Longitudinal force N, compressing the column, is equal to two reactions (transverse forces) from the main beams resting on the column:

    N = 2Q max = 2 1033.59 = 2067.18 kN.

    The geometric length of the column (from the foundation to the bottom of the main beam) is equal to the level of the working platform floor minus the actual construction height of the floor, consisting of the height of the main beam on the support h o , height of the deck beam hbn and flooring thickness tn, plus the depth of the column base below the finished floor level (a depth of 0.6 - 0.8 m is accepted):

    If there is an auxiliary beam in the beam cage (when the beams are coupled by floor), the height of the beam is added to the height of the floor hbv.

    Calculated column lengths in planes perpendicular to the axes x-x And ooh:

    Rice. 4.3. Section of a solid welded column

    Set by the flexibility of an average length column within λ = 100 – 60 for columns with a force of up to 2500 kN; λ = 60 – 40 – for columns with a force of 2500 –4000 kN; for more powerful columns, flexibility is accepted λ = 40 – 30.

    We accept λ = 80.

    Conditional flexibility of the column

    According to the conditional flexibility for an I-section with a stability curve type ′′ V′′ we determine the stability coefficient under central compression j= 0.697 (see Table 3.11).

    Required cross-sectional area of ​​the column

    Required radii of gyration of the section:

    ix = iy = lx/l= 813 / 80 = 10.16 cm.

    Using from the table. 4.1 dependencies of the radius of gyration on the type of section and its dimensions (height h and width b), we define for an I-beam:

    h =ix/k 1 = 10.16 / 0.43 = 23.63 cm;

    b =iy/k 2 = 10.16 / 0.24 = 42.33 cm;

    For technological reasons (from the condition of automatic welding of waist seams), the wall height hw should not be less than the width of the belt bf. We assign section dimensions, linking them with the standard width of the sheets:

    Further calculations are carried out only relative to the axis ooh, since the flexibility of the rod relative to this axis will be almost twice as great as relative to the axis x-x.

    The wall thickness is set to the minimum based on the condition of its local stability and is taken within the range of 6 - 16 mm.

    Limiting conditional flexibility

    Wall flexibility (ratio of design wall height to thickness hw/tw) in centrally compressed I-beam columns, according to the condition of local wall stability, should not exceed where the values ​​are determined from the table. 4.2.

    Determine the wall thickness at

    We accept a wall from a sheet with a cross-section of 400´8 mm with a cross-sectional area

    If, for design reasons, the wall thickness tw accepted less tw, min from the condition of local stability, then the wall should be strengthened with a paired or one-sided longitudinal stiffener rib dividing the design compartment of the wall in half (Fig. 4.4). Longitudinal ribs should be included in the design cross-section of the rod:

    Acalc =A+å Ap.


    l– conditional flexibility of the element, taken into account for stability under central compression;

    `l 1 – conditional flexibility of the element, taken into account for stability in the plane of the moment.

    Notes: 1. Box-shaped profiles include closed rectangular profiles (composite, bent rectangular and square).

    2. In a box section with m> 0 value ` luw should be determined for a wall parallel to the bending moment plane.

    3. For values ​​0 < m < 1.0 value ` luw should be determined by linear interpolation between the values ​​calculated using m= 0 and m= 1,0.

    Shelf overhang width ratio bef = (bftw)/2 = (40 – 8) / 2 = 19.6 cm

    to shelf thickness tf in centrally compressed elements with conditional flexibility

    l= 0.8 – 4 according to the condition of local stability of the shelf should not exceed

    from where we determine the minimum thickness of the shelf:

    Required area of ​​one shelf

    Rice. 4.4.

    Required shelf thickness

    We accept

    Section height

    h = hw + 2tf= 400 + 2 ∙ 1.2 = 42.4 cm.

    Shelf area

    We calculate the geometric characteristics of the section:

    - square

    – moment of inertia about the axis ooh(we neglect the moment of inertia of the wall)

    – radius of inertia

    – actual flexibility

    – conditional flexibility

    – stability coefficient under central compression

    General stability of the column relative to the y-y axis

    Checking the overall stability of the column relative to the axis y-y:

    Where gWith= 1 – coefficient of working conditions according to table. 1.3.

    Undervoltage in the column

    The section has been accepted.

    If the column stability condition is not met, the section dimensions are adjusted and re-checked. Adjustment, as a rule, is made by changing the size of the shelves, subject to the obligatory observance of the condition of their local stability.

    To strengthen the contour of the section and the wall of the column when install transverse stiffeners located at a distance a= (2,5...3)hw one from the other; Each sending element must have at least two ribs (see Fig. 4.4). Minimum dimensions of protruding part br and thickness tr transverse stiffeners are taken in the same way as in the main beam.

    We check:

    installation of transverse stiffeners is not required.

    In places where ties, beams, struts and other elements adjoin the column, stiffeners are installed in the zone of concentrated force transmission, regardless of the wall thickness.

    The connection between the chord and the wall is calculated for shear according to the formula

    Where T = QficSf/I– shearing force per unit length of the belt caused by

    conventional shear force

    Qfic = 7,15 ∙ 10 –6 (2330 – E/Ry)N/φ ,

    Here φ – stability coefficient for central compression, taken when calculating based on the conditional flexibility of the column relative to the axis x- x;

    Sf– static moment of the column belt relative to the axis x- x;

    Ix– moment of inertia of the column section.

    In centrally compressed columns, the shear force is insignificant, since the transverse force arising from random influences is small. The connection between the wall and the shelves is made by automatic welding. The minimum leg of the weld is adopted structurally depending on the maximum thickness of the elements being welded ( t max = tf= 12 mm) kf= 5 mm.

    4.3. Calculation and design of a through column

    Example 4.3. Select a through column from two channels connected by strips (Fig. 4.5), according to example 4.2.

    Rice. 4.5.

    Calculation of through columns relative to the material axis x- x determine the profile number, and by calculation relative to the free axis y- y, produced in the same way as solid columns, but with the flexibility of the rod replaced by reduced flexibility, the distance between the branches is assigned, which ensures the equal stability of the rod in two mutually perpendicular planes.

    4.3.1. Calculation of a column for stability relative to the material axis x-x

    It is recommended to pre-specify flexibility: for medium-length columns 5 - 7 m with a design load of up to 2500 kN, flexibility is accepted l= 90 – 50; with load 2500 – 3000 kN – l= 50 – 30, for taller columns it is necessary to set the flexibility to be slightly greater.

    Ultimate column flexibility Where – coefficient taking into account the incomplete use of the bearing capacity of the column, taken to be at least 0.5. When the column's load-bearing capacity is fully utilized lu= 120.

    Let's be flexible l = 50.

    Conditional flexibility

    According to the table 3.12 we determine the type of curve in accordance with the type of the accepted section (type ′′ b′′). According to table. 3.11 conditional flexibility = 1.7 corresponds to the stability coefficient under central compression j = 0,868.

    Find the required cross-sectional area using the formula

    Required area of ​​one branch

    Required radius of gyration relative to the axis x-x

    According to the required area Ab and radius of gyration ix We select from the assortment (GOST 8240-93) two channels No. 36, having the following section characteristics:

    Ab= 53.4 cm 2; A= 2Ab= 53.4 × 2 = 106.8 cm 2; Ix= 10820 cm 4; I 1 = 513 cm 4;

    ix= 14.2 cm; i 1 = 3.1 cm; wall thickness d= 7.5 mm; shelf width bb= 110 mm; reference to the center of gravity z o = 2.68 cm; linear density (weight of 1 linear meter) 41.9 kg/m.

    If the maximum channel profile = 2 = 22926.7 cm 4.

    Radius of inertia

    Column Bar Flexibility

    λ y = ly/iy = 813 / 14,65 = 55,49.

    Given flexibility

    Conditional reduced flexibility

    According to the table 3.11 depending on the type of stability curve ″ b″ we determine the stability coefficient under central compression φ = 0,830.

    We check:

    Column stability relative to the axis y- y secured.

    Undervoltage in the column

    which is permissible in a composite section according to SNiP.

    In columns with lattice, the stability of an individual branch in the area between adjacent lattice nodes must also be checked.

    Design force

    Nb = N/2 = 2067.18 / 2 =1033.59 kN.

    Estimated length of the branch (see Fig. 34)

    l 1 = 2b o tgα= 2 · 28.64 · 0.7 = 40.1 cm.

    Sectional area of ​​the branch Ab= 53.4 cm 2.

    Section radius of gyration [ 36 relative to the axis 1-1 i 1 = 3.1 cm.

    Branch flexibility

    Conditional branch flexibility

    Central compression stability coefficient for stability curve type ″ bφ = 0,984.

    We check the stability of a separate branch:

    The column branch in the area between adjacent lattice nodes is stable.

    Triangular lattice calculation

    The calculation of a triangular lattice of a through column is performed as a calculation of a truss lattice, the elements of which are calculated for the axial force from the conventional transverse force Qfic(see Fig. 4.8). When calculating the cross braces of a cross lattice with struts, one should take into account the additional force that arises in each brace from the compression of the column branches. The force in the brace is determined by the formula

    Section of a brace from an equal angle ∟ 50 × 50 × 5 , previously accepted when calculating the through column rod ( Ad= 4.8 cm 2), we check for stability, for this we calculate:

    – estimated length of the brace

    ld = bo/cos α = 28.64 / 0.819 = 34.97 cm;

    – maximum flexibility of the brace

    Where iyo= 0.98 cm – minimum radius of gyration of the angle section relative to the axis yO- yO(by assortment);

    – conditional flexibility of the brace

    – φ min = 0.925 – minimum stability coefficient for the type of stability curve ″ b″;

    γ With= 0.75 – coefficient of working conditions, taking into account the one-sided attachment of a brace from a single corner (see Table 1.3).

    We check the compressed brace for stability using the formula

    The stability of the brace is ensured.

    Spacers serve to reduce the design length of a column branch and are calculated for a force equal to the conventional shear force in the main compressed element ( Qfic/2). Usually they are taken with the same cross-section as the braces. We calculate the attachment point of the brace to the column branch using mechanized welding for the force in the brace Nd= 16.37 kN. We calculate the weld based on the metal of the fusion boundary.

    The forces perceived by the seams are calculated using the following formulas

    - at the butt

    Nabout = (1 – α )Nd= (1 – 0.3) 16.37 = 11.46 kN;

    NP = α Nd= 0.3 · 16.37 = 4.91 kN.

    Specifying the minimum leg of the seam at the feather kf= tyy– 1 = 5 – 1 = 4 mm, find the estimated seam lengths:

    - at the butt

    lw,about = Nabout/(β zR wz γwzγ c) = 11.46 / (1.05 · 0.4 · 16.65 · 1 · 1) = 1.64 cm;

    lw,P= NP/(β zRwzγ wzγ c) = 4.91 / (1.05 · 0.4 · 16.65 · 1 · 1) = 0.7 cm.

    We accept the minimum structural length of the weld at the butt and feather lw,about = lw,P= 40 + 1 = 50 mm.

    If it is not possible to place the welds within the width of the branch, then to increase the length of the seams it is possible to center the braces on the face of the column.

    When dividing a column into dispatch marks due to transportation conditions, the dispatch elements of through columns with gratings in two planes should be strengthened with diaphragms located at the ends of the dispatch element. In through columns with a connecting grid in the same plane, diaphragms should be placed along the entire length of the column at least every 4 m. The thickness of the diaphragm is taken to be 8 - 14 mm (Fig. 4.9).

    Rice. 4.9.

    4.4. Design and calculation of column heads

    The main beam rests on the column from above, and the interface is assumed to be hinged. Longitudinal compressive force N from the main beams is transmitted through a support slab planed on both sides with a thickness ton= 16 – 25 mm directly on the ribs of the head of a solid column and on the diaphragm in a through column.

    The ends of the column, ribs and diaphragm are milled. The transfer of force from the ribs to the wall of the column and from the diaphragm to the walls of the branches of the column is carried out by vertical welds. The plate is used to fasten the beams to the column with mounting bolts that fix the design position of the beams. The welds attaching the slab to the column are designed structurally with a leg of the minimum size, taken according to the greatest thickness of the joined elements (see Table 3.6). The dimensions of the slab in plan are taken to be larger than the contour of the column by 15 - 20 mm in each direction to accommodate welds.

    To impart rigidity to the vertical ribs and diaphragm, as well as to strengthen the walls of the column rod or branches of the through column from loss of stability in places where large concentrated loads are transmitted, the vertical ribs from below are framed by a horizontal stiffener.

    4.4.1. Solid column head

    The head consists of a plate and ribs (Fig. 4.10).

    Rice. 4.10.

    The required area of ​​the vertical paired rib is determined from the collapse condition:

    Fin thickness

    where is the conditional length of the distribution on-

    load equal to the width of the supporting rib of the main beam bh plus two thicknesses of the column head slab ( ton accepted 25 mm).

    Rib width (protruding part)

    We take two vertical ribs with a cross-section of 140´22 mm.

    We check the vertical rib for local stability.

    The height of the support rib is determined based on the placement of welds that ensure force transmission N from the ribs to the wall of the column.

    We specify the leg of the weld seam kf= 7 mm (within design requirements kf , min = 7 mm for mechanized sheet welding t max = 25 mm and – the smallest thickness of the elements to be connected).

    Required seam length

    Taking into account 1 cm for compensation of defects in the end sections of the seam along its length, we finally accept the height of the rib hr= 45 cm.

    The estimated length of the seam should be no more than 85 β fkf.

    We check it using the formula

    For thin walls of a solid column, the wall thickness tw check for shear along the edges of the fastening of the supporting vertical ribs. Required wall thickness

    which is greater than the accepted wall thickness tw= 8 mm. We locally strengthen the column wall by replacing a section of the wall within the height of the head with a thicker insert. We accept the thickness of the insert tw= 18 mm.

    To reduce stress concentration when butt welding elements of different thicknesses, we perform bevels with a slope of 1:5 on an element of greater thickness. The width of the horizontal stiffening ribs is taken equal to the width of the vertical support ribs bs= br= 140 mm. The thickness of the rib is determined from the condition of its stability:

    it must be at least We accept a paired rib from a sheet with a section of 140×10 mm.

    4.4.2. Head of a through column

    The head consists of a plate and a diaphragm, supported by a horizontal stiffener (Fig. 4.11).

    Rice. 4.11.

    The calculation is carried out similarly to the calculation of the head of a solid column.

    Diaphragm thickness td determined by calculation of crushing due to axial force N:

    where is the conditional length of the concentrated load distribution (see clause 4.4.1).

    We accept td= 22 mm.

    The height of the diaphragm is determined from the condition of cutting the walls of the column branches ( d= 7.5 mm – wall thickness for the adopted channel):

    hd = N/(4dRsγ c) = 2067.18 / (4 · 0.75 · 13.92 · 1) = 49.5 cm.

    We accept hd= 50 cm.

    We check the diaphragm for shear as a short beam:

    Where Q = N/2 = 2067.18 / 2 = 1033.59 kN .

    The strength condition is not met. We accept the thickness of the diaphragm td= 25 mm and check again:

    We determine the leg of the weld, made by mechanized welding and ensuring the attachment of the diaphragm to the wall of the column branches (calculation for metal fusion boundary):

    Where lw = hd– 1 = 50 – 1 = 49 cm – estimated seam length equal to the height of the diaphragm minus 1 cm, taking into account defects in the end sections of the seam.

    We accept the seam leg kf= 7 mm, which corresponds to its minimum value for mechanized welding of elements t= 25 mm.

    The estimated length of the flank seam should be no more than 85 β fkf. We check: lw = 49 < 85 × 0,9 × 0,7 = 53,5 см. Условие выполняется.

    The thickness of the horizontal stiffener is taken ts= 10 mm, whichever is greater

    Width bs we assign from the stability condition of the edge:

    We accept bs= 30 cm.

    4.5. Design and calculation of the column base

    The base is the supporting part of the column and serves to transfer forces from the column to the foundation. For relatively small design forces in columns (up to 4000 - 5000 kN), bases with traverses are used. The force from the column rod is transmitted through welds to the slab resting directly on the foundation. For a more uniform transfer of pressure from the slab to the foundation, the rigidity of the slab, if necessary, can be increased by installing additional ribs and diaphragms.

    The base is secured by fixing its design position on the foundation with anchor bolts. Depending on the fastening, the column is hinged or rigidly connected to the foundation. In a hinged base, anchor bolts with a diameter of 20–30 mm are attached directly to the base plate, which has a certain flexibility that ensures compliance under the action of random moments (Fig. 4.12).

    Rice. 4.12. Column base at Rice. 4.13.

    To allow some movement (straightening) of the column during its installation in the design position, the diameter of the holes in the slab for anchor bolts is taken to be 1.5 - 2 times larger than the diameter of the anchors. Washers with a hole that is 3 mm larger than the diameter of the bolt are put on the anchor bolts, and after tensioning the bolt with a nut, the washer is welded to the plate. With rigid coupling, anchor bolts are attached to the column core through traverse outriggers, which have significant vertical rigidity, which eliminates the possibility of column rotation on the foundation. In this case, bolts with a diameter of 24–36 mm are tightened with a tension close to the design resistance of the bolt material. The thickness of the anchor plate is tap= 20 – 40 mm and width bap, equal to four diameters of the bolt holes (Fig. 4.13).

    The design of the base must correspond to the method of coupling it with the foundation adopted in the design diagram of the column. A column base with rigid fastening to the foundation was accepted for calculation and design.

    4.5.1. Determining the dimensions of the base plate in plan

    We determine the design force in the column at the base level, taking into account the column’s own weight:

    Where k= 1.2 – design factor that takes into account the weight of the lattice, base elements and column head. The pressure under the slab is assumed to be uniformly distributed. In a centrally compressed column, the dimensions of the slab in plan are determined from the strength condition of the foundation material:

    Where y– coefficient depending on the nature of the distribution of local load over the crushing area (with uniform stress distribution y =1);

    Rb , loc– design resistance of concrete to crushing under the slab, determined by the formula

    Rb , loc= αφ bRb= 1 ∙ 1.2 ∙ 7.5 = 9 MPa = 0.9 kN/cm 2,

    Where a= 1 – for concrete class below B25;

    Rb= 7.5 MPa for concrete class B12.5 – the calculated compressive strength of concrete corresponding to its class and taken according to table. 4.3;

    jb– coefficient that takes into account the increase in the compressive strength of concrete in cramped conditions under the base plate and is determined by the formula

    Here Af 1 – area of ​​the upper edge of the foundation, slightly larger than the area of ​​the base plate Af.

    Table 4.3

    Design resistance of concreteR b

    Strength class

    Rb, MPa

    Coefficient jb no more than 2.5 is accepted for concrete of classes higher than B7.5 and no more than 1.5 for concrete of class B7.5 and lower.

    Let's ask in advance jb= 1,2.

    Base plate calculation

    Slab dimensions (width B and length L) are assigned according to the required area Af, are linked to the contour of the column (the overhangs of the base plate must be at least 40 mm) and are consistent with the assortment (Fig. 4.14).

    Rice. 4.14.

    Set the width of the slab:

    B = h + 2tt + 2c= 36 + 2 1 + 2 4 = 46 cm,

    Where h= 36 cm – height of the section of the column rod;

    tt= 10 mm – traverse thickness (take 8 – 16 mm);

    With= 40 mm – minimum overhang of the cantilever part of the slab (preliminarily assumed to be 40 – 120 mm and, if necessary, specified in the process of calculating the thickness of the slab).

    Required slab length

    For a centrally compressed column, the base plate should be close to square (recommended aspect ratio L/IN≤ 1.2). We accept a square slab with dimensions IN= L= 480 mm.

    Slab area Af= LB = 48 · 48 =2304 cm 2.

    The area of ​​the foundation edge (we set the dimensions of the upper edge of the foundation 20 cm larger than the dimensions of the base plate)

    Actual ratio

    Design resistance of concrete to crushing under the slab

    Rb , loc = 1 ∙ 1.26 ∙ 7.5 = 9.45 MPa = 0.95 kN/cm2.

    Checking the strength of concrete under the slab:

    Reducing the size of the slab is not required, since it was adopted with minimal dimensions in plan.

    4.5.2. Determining the thickness of the base plate

    The thickness of the base slab, supported on the ends of the column, traverses and ribs, is determined from the condition of its bending strength from the resistance of the foundation, equal to the average stress under the slab:

    In each section, the maximum bending moments acting on a strip 1 cm wide are determined from the design uniformly distributed load

    Location on 1 , supported on four sides:

    Where a 1 = 0.053 – coefficient that takes into account the reduction in the span moment due to the support of the slab on four sides and is determined from table. 4.4 depending on the ratio of the larger side of the plots b to less a.

    Table 4.4

    Oddsa 1 for calculating the bending of a slab supportedon four sides


    Values b And a determined by dimensions in the light:

    b = 400 – 2d= 400 – 2 × 7.5 = 385 mm; A= 360 mm; b/A = 385 / 360 = 1,07.

    Location on 2 , supported on three sides:

    Where b– the coefficient is taken according to the table. 4.5 depending on the ratio of the fixed side of the plate b 1 = 40 mm to free A 1 = 360 mm.

    Table 4.5

    Oddsb to calculate the bending of a slab supported on three edges

    b 1 /a 1

    Relationship between the parties b 1 /a 1 = 40 / 360 = 0.11; in relation to the parties b 1 /a 1 < 0,5 плита рассчитывается как консоль длиной b 1 = 40 mm (Fig. 4.15).

    Bending moment

    On the cantilever section 3

    Rice. 4.15.

    When a slab is supported on two edges converging at an angle, the bending moment for the safety factor is calculated as for a slab supported on three sides, taking the size a 1 diagonally between edges, size b 1 equal to the distance from the top of the corner to the diagonal (Fig. 4.16, A).

    If there is a sharp difference in the magnitude of the moments in different sections of the slab, it is necessary to make changes to the slab support scheme in order to, if possible, equalize the values ​​of the moments. This is done by setting diaphragms and ribs. We divide the slab on the site 1 half diaphragm thickness td= 10 mm (see Fig. 4.15).

    Aspect Ratio

    b/a= 38,5 / 17,5 = 2,2 > 2,

    When the slab is supported on four edges with the aspect ratio b/a> 2 bending moment is determined as for a single-span beam slab with a span A, freely lying on two supports:

    Based on the highest value of the bending moments found for various sections of the slab, we determine the required moment of resistance of a slab 1 cm wide:

    where is the thickness of the slab?

    We accept a sheet with a thickness of 30 mm.

    When determining the bending moment M 1 ׳ in a strip 1 cm wide for the section of the slab in question 1 it is allowed to take into account the unloading influence of adjacent cantilever sections along the long sides (as in a continuous beam) according to the formula

    M 1 ׳ = M 1 – M 3 =q(α 1 a 2 – 0,5c 2) = 0.9 (0.053 ∙ 36 2 – 0.5 ∙ 5 2) = 50.57 kN∙cm.

    4.5.3. Traverse calculation

    The thickness of the traverse is accepted tt= 10 mm.

    The height of the traverse is determined from the condition of placing the vertical seams for attaching the traverse to the column rod. For the safety factor, it is assumed that all the force is transmitted to the traverses through four fillet welds (welds connecting the column rod directly to the base slab are not taken into account).

    We accept the weld leg kf= 9 mm (usually set within 8 – 16 mm, but not more than 1.2 t min). Required length of one seam made

    mechanized welding, based on the fusion boundary

    lw = N/(4β zkf Rwzγ wzγ c) = 2184 / (4 ∙ 1.05 ∙ 0.9 ∙ 16.65 ∙ 1 ∙ 1) = 34.7 cm<

    < 85 β f kf= 85 · 0.9 · 0.9 = 68.85 cm.

    We accept the height of the traverse taking into account the addition of 1 cm for defects at the beginning and end of the seam ht= 38 cm.

    We check the strength of the traverse as a single-span, double-cantilever beam resting on the branches (flanges) of the column and receiving back pressure from the foundation (Fig. 4.16, b).

    Rice. 4.16.

    Where d= B/2 = 48 / 2 = 24 cm – width of the cargo area of ​​the traverse.

    Where σ = Mop/Wt= 178.8 / 240.7 = 0.74 kN/cm2;

    τ = Qetc/(ttht) = 432 / (1 38) = 11.37 kN/cm2.

    The traverse cross-section is accepted.

    Required leg of horizontal seams for force transmission ( Nt= qtL) from one traverse per slab

    where å lw = (L– 1) + 2(b 1 – 1) = (48 – 1) + 2 (4 – 1) = 53 cm – total length of horizontal seams.

    We accept the weld leg kf= 12 mm, which is equal to the maximum permissible leg kf, max = 1.2 tt= 1.2 · 1 = 12 mm.

    4.5.4. Calculation of slab reinforcement ribs

    For the designed base, it is necessary to install stiffeners

    there is no support plate on the cantilever section, so the calculation is given as an example for other options for designing the column base (see Fig. 4.16, A).M r And Qr according to the formula

    Where σ = Mr/Wr = 6Mr/(trhr 2) = 6 270 / (1 10 2) = 16.2 kN/cm 2;

    τ = Qr/(trhr) = 108 / (1 10) = 10.8 kN/cm2.

    Rib accepted.

    We check the welds attaching the rib to the traverse (rod) of the column for the resultant tangential stresses from bending and shearing.

    We assign a suture leg kf= 10 mm.

    We check the shear strength of the metal of a seam made by mechanized welding (estimated length of the seam lw = hr– 1 = 10 – 1 = 9 cm:

    We check the strength of the seams along the fusion boundary:

    Required leg of welds for attaching ribs to the base plate

    kf = Qr/ = 108 / = 0.77 cm.

    We accept the seam leg kf= 8 mm.

    The column rod is fastened to the base plate using a structural weld with a 7 mm leg (when welding sheets t max = tp= 30 mm).