Artemy Lebedev's studio presented the tourist logo of the Crimean Peninsula. The designers proposed the brand idea to the leadership of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea, which agreed to cooperate with the Moscow studio and granted the right to develop the official logo to it. According to the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea Elena Yurchenko, the symbol “will be used in the infrastructure of the peninsula, in the labeling of Crimean products and will mark the original tourism product.”

Let us remind you that a year has passed since Crimea joined Russia. Now the authorities of the peninsula are completing the so-called “transition” period with a new logo and visual identification system, which was developed by Artemy Lebedev’s studio, known for its work for St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Saratov and other Russian cities.

The peninsula logo was created in Russian and English. As for the concept of the symbol, the details reflect the history and geography of the peninsula, and the design of the letters allows the sign to be used as a stencil. The sign does not have a specific color and can be painted in any shade. For the ceremonial version, the authors of the project created meaningful and abstract backgrounds for all occasions.

Crimea logo

Logo variations

Examples of using

Grigor Badalyan, Director of Branding, Apostol Center for Strategic Communications

It is very difficult to judge the effectiveness of a visual solution in isolation from the brand ideology. The question is what meaning was put into the logo and the design system.

Without clear communications about why the sign is such, the target audience is forced to interpret for itself what it means. An external observer may have various associations here: from the cap on a bottle to the ancient symbol of ouroboros. In other words, cyclicity, a closed cycle, eternal (re)return in the sign are most articulated. Whether this meaning was included in the logo, and how it relates to the essence of Crimea - that is the question.

In any case, territorial brands have a very clear criterion for success: if the local population sees themselves and their native land in them, accepts and uses them, and further develops them, then this can be considered a success; if not, then no. Time will tell.

Mikhail Gubergrits, creative director of LINII Group

In my purely personal opinion, the projects of Artemy Lebedev’s studio in the field of territory branding have recently jumped over all reasonable boundaries of good and evil, after which I can no longer take their work seriously. Including this one. This is politics, conjuncture to a much greater extent than design. I’m still a designer, and I don’t see much point in commenting on this work from a design point of view.

Mikhail Shishkin, founder and creative director of the SHISHKI agency, curator of the Design department at the IKRA School

The concept reads as a statement of the Soviet past, and seems to look forward. The color patterns should, in theory, symbolize the unity of the past and the future, but everything looks rather strange. One cannot help but consider it a reference to camouflage and connect it with the events of a year ago. Some are proud of this, some are ashamed, but in any case, I don’t think that the future of the peninsula should be built on this. He needs a truly fresh idea for transformation, an idea that could change something, and not play on the feelings of nostalgic patriots. But this idea needs appropriate design, obviously it’s not like that.

On the official website of the company.

“Crimea is a stronghold of the Black Sea Fleet and a legendary resort, famous for its sunny weather, mineral springs, healing mud and beautiful architecture. Writers, poets and artists have repeatedly praised Crimea in their works, and millions of tourists come to Crimea every year to enjoy the warm sea, aromatic wine and picturesque views. A year after Crimea joined Russia, the peninsula received a new logo and visual identification system,” the company’s website says.

The art director of the project was Artemy Lebedev himself. The logo was released in two versions: in Russian and English. “The sign does not have a specific color and can be painted in any shade. Preference is given to bright gradients on dark or mixed backgrounds,” explain the developers.

According to the designers, the details in the logo reflect the history and geography of the peninsula, and the design of the letters allows the sign to be used as a stencil. The logo was created with meaningful and abstract backgrounds, including “beach”, “waves”, “sand” and “camouflage”.

“It’s easy to continue the collection of patterns by playing with different scenes. Pattern elements, if desired, fill out any graphic forms and expand the possibilities of corporate style,” says the company’s website.

The studio cites a letter from the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the peninsula, Elena Yurchenko, which states that Crimea needs a “new face” and that “the interest of Russian citizens in Crimea is great.” “Today everyone’s attention is focused on Crimea. The peninsula is known even in the most remote corners of the world. A large number of web designers are already offering us free assistance in resolving this issue, but we would like you to do us the honor and propose the idea of ​​a new Crimean brand, which will be used in the infrastructure of the peninsula, in the labeling of Crimean products and will mark a high-quality original tourism product,” the text says.

UPD (16:23): In a conversation with the Russian News Service, the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea Elena Yurchenko said that she knew nothing about the new logo of the Lebedev Studio.

“Next to me is my press service. We are forming an official response to this position. We will now prepare everything and post it on the website within an hour and a half,” the minister added.

03/17/2015 at 17:14, views: 7674

The Ministry of Resorts of the Republic of Kazakhstan considers the tourist logo of Crimea, previously developed for 150,00 hryvnia, to be morally obsolete.

Today, the new tourism logo of the Republic of Crimea was presented to the public. The Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan became concerned with the issue of creating a logo and visual identification system for the peninsula back in October last year. At the same time, the ministry sent an official letter to the well-known Artemy Lebedev studio.

“Crimea has its own logo “Crimea - the pearl of the world,” but, in our opinion, due to the fact that the concept of recreation in Crimea has changed significantly, it needs to be transformed,” the corresponding letter from the ministry says. “At the same time, it is also a great responsibility to demonstrate how Crimea will position itself in the future. A large number of web designers are already offering us free assistance in resolving this issue, but we would like you to do us the honor and propose the idea of ​​a new Crimean brand, which will be used in the infrastructure of the peninsula, in the labeling of Crimean products and will mark a high-quality original tourism product. Knowing you as a highly professional specialist in the development of brands and logos, admiring your work, we hope for cooperation and assistance!

This is how the designers of Artemy Lebedev’s studio visualized the peninsula

The Ministry of Resorts of Crimea emphasized that they would like to see in the new Crimean visual brand a combination of the unique heritage of the peninsula: attractions, diversity of nature, history, numerous man-made and natural monuments, various types of tourism presented in Crimea.

And now the logo is presented, but it is not specified on a gratuitous or commercial basis. On the Lebedev studio website, the work on the logo is described as follows.

— Crimea is a stronghold of the Black Sea Fleet and a legendary resort, famous for its sunny weather, mineral springs, healing mud and beautiful architecture. Writers, poets and artists have repeatedly praised Crimea in their works, and millions of tourists come to Crimea every year to enjoy the warm sea, aromatic wine and picturesque views. A year after Crimea joined Russia, the peninsula received a new logo and visual identification system, the description says.

The explanation states that the logo was created in Russian and English, while the sign does not have a specific color and can be painted in any shade. Preference is given to bright gradients on dark or mixed backgrounds.

Different variations of the new logo

Crimean users of social networks perceived the product of Lebedev’s studio ambiguously, and for the most part critically. Some people liked the work, while others saw the fonts of the new brand as similar to Soviet postcards of the 80s, and the logo itself evoked various associations among users, up to and including “a children’s badge from the times of the USSR.”

Let us remind you that Artemy Lebedev’s studio has been criticized more than once for its work. One of the latest scandals was associated with the frivolous rebranding of the Moscow metro for 232 million rubles.

Images of the new tourism logo taken from Artemy Lebedev’s website

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Artemy Lebedev became the center of a scandal in Crimea. A famous Russian designer made a new brand logo for Crimea and published it on his studio’s website. While the Crimean public is discussing the artistic qualities of the new brand, journalists are trying to find out who will pay for it and how much. The Ministry of Tourism categorically refuses to answer these questions.

Seascape or manhole cover

Rumors that Artemy Lebedev would create a new brand of Crimea appeared in the fall of 2014. It was reported that the designer negotiated with the authorities of the republic, but demanded about 2-3 million rubles for his work. This price allegedly confused the tourism department. The media, citing anonymous sources, wrote that Lebedev did come to Simferopol for negotiations.

The current resort logo of Crimea was chosen in 2011 during an open competition. The winner was the Kiev company iBrand Design Consulting. The logo represents a stylized shell representing the sea and mountains. Logo signature: “Crimea – the pearl of the world.”

Having learned that the designer was going to create a logo for Crimea, local artists were indignant. Thus, Olga Stepanova, a member of the Russian Union of Designers, said that the best Russian designers, among whom there are world-class specialists, should be involved in creating the Crimea logo, and not give the project to “a studio that has a dubious reputation among professionals.”

“Not being a professional designer, he successfully engages in his own PR through scandals surrounding his studio’s projects. I wouldn’t want Crimea to become another reason to promote Lebedev and not get a logo that will work fruitfully,” the designer emphasized.

The Ministry of Tourism did not comment on possible negotiations. And everyone forgot about the brand for several months.

But on March 17, the “New Logo of Crimea” was published on the website of the Artemy Lebedev studio. The sign is based on a characteristic inscription on a replaceable background. The background is represented by several themes: “sea”, “landscape”, “camouflage”, “sand”, “nature”, “beach”, “coffee with milk”, “abstraction”, “waves”. A number of pictures are accompanied by the following text: “A year after Crimea joined Russia, the peninsula received a new logo and visual identification system.”

Crimea logo. Photo: Artemy Lebedev Studio

The studio explained that the designers were faced with the task of developing a modern visual identification system for Crimea.

Netizens are already comparing the new emblem with a manhole cover, soda, beer, cream, or with a paper label that was stuck on ice cream in waffle cups in Soviet times.

Whose initiative?

In response to Lebedev’s publication and numerous media questions, the Crimean Ministry of Tourism said: “The Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea expresses gratitude to the design studio “Artemy Lebedev” for taking the initiative to propose ideas for a new tourist logo of the Republic of Crimea. The Ministry has familiarized itself with the work with interest and proposes to put it up for public discussion as part of the Competition of Ideas for creating a tourism brand of Crimea, which starts on March 18, 2015, the Day of the Reunification of Crimea with Russia.”

The news that Artemy Lebedev, who is implementing multimillion-dollar projects, “decided to take the initiative” and participate in the competition, caused bewilderment among Crimeans. It is noteworthy that on the studio’s website, in the “process” section, a photocopy of an official letter from the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea, signed by the head of the department, Elena Yurchenko, was published, in which the ministry asks Artemy Lebedev to develop a new logo for Crimea.

“We would like you to do us the honor and propose the idea of ​​a new Crimean brand, which will be used in the infrastructure of the Crimean peninsula, the labeling of Crimean products and will mark a high-quality, original tourism product,” the letter says. The authors of the appeal also indicate that they would like the unique heritage of the peninsula to be combined in the new brand: sights, nature, monuments and tourism.


Now, the department apparently disavows this letter. At least he refuses to give comments.

Thus, at a press conference held on March 19 in Simferopol via teleconference with Moscow journalists, Minister Elena Yurchenko categorically refused to explain who asked Lebedev to create the Crimea brand, and whether he asked.

“I would really not like the site of this press conference to become an advertisement for someone or something, rather than an advertisement for the tourism product of Crimea. Therefore, I do not consider it necessary to even comment on this,” Yurchenko said.

To another similar question, the minister replied: “Today the theme of the logo is not the most, far from the most important thing for Crimea.”

A competition to create a new brand of Crimea was nevertheless announced on March 18. Its results should be summed up by July 30. The winner (or winners) of the competition, according to Yurchenko, will receive a tourist voucher to travel along the “Golden Ring of the South of Russia.”

Let us remember that thanks to Lebedev “for his initiative,” the Ministry of Tourism wrote: “We are confident that such a well-known professional in web design as Artemy Lebedev will withstand the competition with other participants in the competition with honor.” It is unlikely that such payment for work will suit Lebedev. The hero of the scandal himself, unfortunately, does not comment on the situation.