Sometimes it is simply impossible to find the required item or ammunition. There is no time and energy. Why bother when in Fallout 3 ID allows you to register the desired item in your inventory directly through the console? It's fast, simple and convenient. Therefore, let’s get acquainted with the identifiers of the most necessary and important items.

How to add an item via the console in Fallout 3

To use any of the IDs, you need to enter the corresponding code into the console:


Instead of the latter, you need to substitute the desired item. And then it will appear in the inventory. You just need to select the desired item.

Armor ID

Reliability, protection and availability. Items of equipment necessary for any traveler to survive in battles:

  • Tesla armor and helmet – 0006b464 and 0006b465
  • Power armor and its helmet - 00014e13 and 00014c08
  • Medical power armor (prototype) – 0007836e
  • Ranger combat armor and helmet - 00023030 and 00034105
  • Improved anti-radiation suit – 0003307a

ID of weapons and ammunition

Protection is good. But don't forget about the attack. Therefore, here are the IDs of the best weapons, guns and ammunition that you can find in Fallout 3.

Brass knuckles and gloves

Unique and dangerous options that fit on your hands. The best in Fallout 3 for those who appreciate hand-to-hand combat:

  • Unique power brass knuckles “Fist!” – 000cb601
  • Power brass knuckles – 00004347
  • Shocker – 000bff62
  • Plunkett's Arguments (unique studded brass knuckles) – 000cafa9
  • Deathclaw Glove – 0000432b


The next step after fighting without weapons. The best examples of blades, sledgehammers and swords in Fallout 3:

  • "Shish-kebab" -
  • Tiny Killer Knife – 0002869c
  • Fox's Unique Super Sledgehammer – 0007843f
  • Ripper – 00004349
  • Vampire Fang (Chinese sword) – 00078441
  • Bloodsucker (combat knife) – 000c80be


Guns with the highest damage and ammo available. Convenient, dangerous, pleasant to play:

  • Revolver "Blackhawk" – 000303a2
  • Unique 10mm PP Sidney – 0006e7cc
  • Railway rifle – 00004348
  • Reservist rifle – 00092966
  • “Terrible” shotgun – 0006b534


Advanced guns for serious battles in Fallout 3. The alien weapons of all variants are especially pleasing:

  • Alien Blaster – 00004322
  • Firearm (pistol) – 000c80ba
  • Plasma pistol – 00004343
  • Plasma rifle A3-21 – 0006b539

Heavy weapons for various purposes

This weapon is capable of annihilating anything.

  • “Racket” – 0000434b
  • Gatling laser "Avenger" – 000cb547
  • Minigun "Eugene" – 0006b538
  • Incinerator – 000c80bd
  • Multi-charge nuclear grenade launcher – 0003422b
  • “Fat Man” – 0000432c


Without grenades and mines, nowhere. Therefore, here are the IDs of the most necessary ones in Fallout 3:

  • Molotov-Cola – 00004342
  • Cover-mine – 0000433a
  • Plasma mine – 0000433d
  • Plasma Grenade – 00004332
  • Pulse Mine – 0000433e
  • Pulse Grenade – 00004331

Cartridges and ammunition

The most necessary and popular ammunition in Fallout 3 can be registered with the same code. But after the desired ID you need to add the number of cartridges.

  • .44 Magnum – 0002937e
  • Chuck 10 mm – 00004241
  • Cartridge cal. 308 – 0006b53c
  • Cartridge with buckshot – 00028eea
  • Flamethrower fuel – 00029371
  • Alien Energy Cell – 00029364
  • 5 mm cartridge – 0006b53d
  • 5.56 mm cartridge – 00004240
  • Nuclear shot – 00020799
  • Electronic charge – 0006b53e
  • Micronuclear battery – 00004485
  • Battery – 00020772
  • Railway spike – 00029384
  • Pencil (for “Racket”) – 0005b63c

IDs of different abilities

To add a new ability to a character, just enter the following code:


To remove it, you need another code in the console:

player.removeperk ID

Hello, Igrozor! I managed to notice that the topic of codes, cheats and passwords has not yet been touched upon, therefore, I will cut the red ribbon with a combined list of codes for Fallout 3 And Fallout New Vegas.

To enable code usage mode in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, press the "~" key on your keyboard. A console line will appear at the bottom. At some resolutions it is not visible, but the codes will be entered one way or another, or change the screen mode to windowed.

Basic passwords for the game:

Are common:
tgm- invulnerability and endless ammo.
tcl- mode of walking through walls (flight mode).
tmm 1- shows all locations on the map.
tmm 0- removes all locations from the map.
tfc- free movement of the camera (the character cannot be controlled in this mode).
tfow- displays and hides everything on the area map.
help- displays a list of console commands.
tdt- on/off Debug information mode.
tm- hides/shows the interface.
coc NAME- teleport to a name or place.
enableplayercontrols- allows you to move during story scenes.
tsb x- stains the screen with blood (instead of x, put a number, the larger it is, the more blood).
fov x- changes the viewing angle (x=1...180).
save save name- save the current game with a description.
save save name 1- save the current game with a description and an output .txt file with information about the game.
load save name- load the game from a previous save.
qqq– Quick exit from the game.
To adjust your character's attributes and skills, use the code player.setav x y- where x is the name of the attribute or skill, and y is its desired value.
For example: player.setav strength 10- will set the strength value to 10.
Attribute names:
strength - strength
perception - perception
endurance - endurance
charisma - charisma
intelligence - intelligence
agility - dexterity
luck - luck
Skill names:
barter - Barter
unarmed - Without weapons
lockpick - Hacking
explosives - Explosives
survival - survival
speech - Eloquence
medicine - Medicine
science - Science
guns - Weapons
smallguns - Light weapons
repair - Repair
sneak - Stealth
meleeweapons - Melee weapons
energyweapons - Energy weapons
bigguns - Heavy weapons

player.setlevel- set the level of your character.
advlevel- adds 1 level to your character. Be careful, don't make it so that you have extra experience points, otherwise you won't be able to continue the game.
advSkill- add skill points.
addtagskills- adds the specified amount of Tag Skill Points.
settagskills- adds the number of skill points.
addspecialpoints x- gives x attribute points. Be careful with scoring, the game may not continue.
setspecialpoints- indicate the number of points for basic statistics.
rewardkarma x- gives or subtracts x karma points (-1000<х<1000).
getxpfornextlevel- provides experience that is not enough to reach a new level. Be careful with gaining experience, the game may not continue.

tdetect- turns on/off the ability to detect the player character by other NPC characters.
kill- kills the selected NPC. To do this, you need to select the desired character in the console by pointing at him with the left mouse button (an inscription will appear at the top of the screen). Immortal characters, as they should, faint.
killall- kills everyone in the current location. If you use the code in the wasteland, then there will be no survivors left on it.
tai- disables artificial intelligence for NPCs.
tcai- enemy characters stand in one place and do not attack.
resurrect- resurrects the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
removeallitems- removes all items from the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
agerace x- changes the age of the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
sexchange male or female- makes the character a man or a woman.
setscale x- changes the size of any object or hero? which you selected in the console menu by pointing at it with the left mouse button (x=-10...10, by default x=1).
resethealth- will restore the character's health.
player.resethealth- restores your character's health.
caqs- complete all parts of the quest (everything in general).
completequest- complete the current (active) task (quest).
movetoqt- teleports the hero to the goal of the current quest. Be careful, some quests do not work with this code.
shownamemenu- ability to change your character's name (opens a menu for changing the character's name).
showracemenu- allows you to enable a menu in which you can customize the character's face, hair color and hairstyle, as well as change the gender.
player.agerace x- changes the age of your character.
player.modscale 1 or -1- makes you a giant or returns you to normal height.
player.setscale x- set character height to x (default - 1.0).
setgs fjumpheightmin x- sets the jump height to x (default x=64). If you're going to jump high, don't forget to turn on immortality. :)
player.sexchange- changing the character's gender.
setgs fMoverunmult x- changes running speed (by default x=4). Note: If the running speed is not changing in the current game, try crouching and standing up.
player.modav actionpoints x- changes the maximum action points by x (V.A.T.S.).
player.modav carryweight x- changes the maximum carried weight by x.
setgs imaxcharacterlevel x- sets x to the maximum possible level that can be achieved by honest work. It is not recommended to set it more than 45-50, otherwise you will upgrade everything and will not be able to exit the menu for distributing ability points.
set timescale to x- changes the speed of time. The larger x is, the faster day follows night, and night follows day.
unlock- opens the specified door or container that you selected in the console menu by pointing at it with the left mouse button.
lock 0-9- locks the specified door or container (a number from 1 to 100, indicates the difficulty level of the lock), which you selected in the console menu by pointing at it with the left mouse button.
activate- opens doors that are unlocked using buttons and switches (that is, not keys or master keys). In the console menu, point to the door with the left mouse button.
disableallmines- clears all mines in the game.
setownership- make an object yours (for example, a closet, a bed, a weapon).
setpccanusepowerarmor 1-0- the ability to use power armor (Power Armor), 1-enable, 0-disable.
player.additem 000000F x- get the specified number of caps (x - value).
Player.SetWeaponHealthPerc 100- repairs your weapon.

coc testqaitems(only works in Fallout 3) - takes you to a room with all the items that are in the game (they are put in mailboxes). To get out of here, dial the code:
coc megatoncommonhouse. (Attention, do not take: rolling pin, Tiny Killer knife, Tiny Killer mask. Otherwise, you won’t be able to change weapons).

player.additem xxxxxxxx 0-9- Adds the specified item and the specified quantity to the character’s inventory (xxxxxxxx is the item code, 0-9 is the quantity).

Basic item codes for Fallout New Vegas:
"Shish-kebab" - 0000434e
Thermal spear - 0015c881
Super sledgehammer - 00004352
Throwing spear - 0014d2ac
"Nahrap" - 00155e6d
Ballistic Fist - 0015ba03
“Knock-knock” - 00156f7c

“The same one” - 00133058 (cartridges 0140a9f)
12.7 mm pistol - 0008f213 (001429cf cartridges)
Ranger's Sequoia - 00129a44 (cartridges 0013e43d)

12.7 mm submachine gun - 001429d1 (cartridges 001429cf)

Police shotgun - 0008ed0a (0008ecf5)
Hunting shotgun - 0008ed0b (0008ecf5)

Pathfinder Carbine - 000cd539 (ammo 0013e437)
Bear gun - 00121148 (cartridges 00121133)
Large-caliber sniper rifle - 0008f21c (0008ecff cartridges)
Sniper rifle - 00004353 (ammo 0006b53c)

Light machine gun - 000906df (ammo 00004240)

Plasma Defender - 00090727 (ammo 00020772)
Alien blaster - 00004322 (ammo 00029364)
AER14 prototype - 001479b3 (cartridges 00004485)
Gauss rifle - 0015837b (ammo 00004485)
YCS/186 - 0015b38d (cartridges 00004485)

Flamethrower - 0000432d (ammo 00029371)
Gatling laser - 0000432e (0006b53e cartridges)
Plazmoliv - 000906cf (cartridges 00004485)
Tesla gun - 000e2bec (cartridges 0006b53e)

"Fat Man" - 0000432c (cartridges 00020799)
Multi-charge 40 mm grenade launcher - 0007ea25 (0007ea26 cartridges)
"Annabelle" - 00162019 (cartridges 00029383)

Holy Frag Grenade - 0014ea5a
Time bomb - 0013d534

Spacesuit - 000ce552
Chinese stealth armor - 0015fd5c
Vault 34 Security Armor - 00138dc2
Reconnaissance armor - 0003064d
Combat armor, enhanced "Mark 2" - 0015ef66
Power armor T-45d - 00014e13
T-51b power armor - 000a6f77
Power armor of the Remainers - 00133166

That's all. I hope the list of codes and passwords for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas will be useful to you.

July 9, 2009 8072 3

To activate the mode of using codes for the game, press the "~" button on the keyboard. A console line will appear at the bottom right. At some resolutions it is not visible, but the codes are entered one way or another.

Basic codes for the game:

  • tgm- gives your character immortality.
  • tcl- Allows you to pass through walls. Useful if you are stuck somewhere and can't get out.
  • tmm 1— shows all locations on the map
  • tmm 0— removes all locations from the map
  • advlevel— adds 1 level. But be careful - don't make it so that you have extra experience points, otherwise you won't be able to continue the game.
  • getXPfornextlevel- provides experience that is not enough to reach a new level. Be careful as with the previous code.
  • addspecialpoints x- gives x attribute points. Be careful with scoring here. The game may not continue either.
  • showracemenu- allows you to enable a menu where you can customize your face, hair color and hairstyle, and select your gender.
  • kill- kills the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
  • tfow— displays and hides everything on the area map.
  • movetoqt— teleports the hero to the goal of the current quest. Be careful - some quests do not work with this code.
  • resurrect- resurrects the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
  • agerace x— changes the age of the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
  • player.agerace x- the same thing, but for yourself.
  • SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1— allows you to wear power armor without learning the corresponding perk.
  • SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 0— removes the ability to wear power armor.
  • tsb x— stains the screen with blood (instead of x, put a positive number, the larger it is, the more blood);
  • fov x— changes the viewing angle (x=1...180);
  • set timescale to x- changes the speed of time. The larger x is, the faster day follows night, and night follows day. From about 500,000 the disco starts.
  • player.modScale 1 or -1 - makes you a giant or returns you to normal height.
  • ShowNameMenu- the ability to change your name.
  • setgs fJumpHeightMin x— sets the jump height to x (default x=64). If you're going to jump high, don't forget to turn on immortality.
  • setgs fMoveRunMult x— changes running speed (by default x=4).
  • SetScale x— changes the size of any item or hero under the cursor (x=-10...10, default x=1).
  • tcai— enemies stand in a column and do not attack.
  • tai- disables artificial intelligence for NPCs.
  • sexchange male or female- makes the protagonist male or female.
  • Killall— kills everything living and robotic in the current location. If you use the code directly on the Capital Wasteland, there will not be a single living soul left on it.
  • EnablePlayerControls— allows you to move during story scenes.
  • disableallmines— clears all mines in the game.
  • player.modav actionpoints x— changes the maximum action points by x (V.A.T.S.).
  • player.modav carryweight x— changes the maximum carried weight by x.
  • Removeallitems— removes all items from the character under the cursor.
  • rewardKarma x- gives or subtracts x karma points (-1000<х<1000).
  • setgs iMaxCharacterLevel x— sets x to the maximum possible level that can be achieved by honest work. We do not recommend setting it more than 45-50, otherwise you will upgrade everything and will not be able to exit the menu for distributing ability points.
  • tfc— free movement of the camera (the hero cannot be controlled in this mode).
  • tm— hides/shows the interface.
  • unlock— unlocks locked doors, boxes, safes under the cursor.
  • lock x- locks the door to x level (where x is from 1 to 100).
  • activate— opens doors under the cursor, which are unlocked using buttons and switches (that is, not keys or master keys).
  • Player.SetWeaponHealthPerc 100- repairs weapons.
  • coc testqaitems- takes you to a room with all the items that are in the game (they are put in mailboxes). To get out of here, use the code coc megatoncommonhouse.(there it is best to take only ammo, weapons and armor. DO NOT TAKE: rolling pin, tiny killer knife, tiny killer mask. Otherwise you won’t be able to change weapons).