Remember: if you are unsure about the safety of a product, do not give it to your dog. If your dog has eaten something that you are not sure about, do not be lazy to consult a veterinarian.

Below we provide a list of foods that dogs can and cannot eat. It is not comprehensive and some points are controversial. If you know something that is not mentioned in the article, let me know in the comments.

We will tell you in detail about each product below, and now - infographics.

Is it possible to feed a dog banana? Yes

Bananas are completely safe for dogs as long as they don't eat them in bunches. Bananas contain substances that are difficult for dogs to get from other foods: vitamins B, C and potassium.

Bananas are rich in fiber, which dogs need no less than humans. Animals that have digestive problems especially need fiber.

Worth knowing: Feeding your dog too many bananas can cause constipation. But in moderation, bananas are a great addition to your diet.

Is it possible to feed a dog apples? In moderation

Apple contains many vitamins and minerals. It is also a fairly solid and fibrous food that is good for dogs' teeth.

Why in moderation? The seeds, core and stem of the apple contain cyanide. It is poisonous to both humans and dogs. If a person can separate the harmful parts, then the dog eats the whole apple. This is the problem.

You can give your dog apples, removing all the harmful parts, but you don’t need to feed them. The basis of any dog's diet should always be meat.

Can I give my dog ​​avocado? No

Avocados contain the toxic substance persin. Horses, birds, and rabbits tolerate it very poorly.

Dogs, although they don't have such serious problems with persin tolerance, can still get an upset stomach if they eat enough avocados. In some countries, this fruit is included in the list of harmful foods for dogs.

If your dog accidentally eats one avocado, there is no real reason to panic. Everything can be limited to diarrhea and vomiting. If we are talking about a large number, contact your veterinarian to be on the safe side.

A handful of popcorn won't hurt your dog. However, feeding an animal popcorn is not the best idea. Unopened nucleoli can easily enter the dog's mouth. They can cause stomach upset and, less commonly, lead to dental problems.

There is nothing healthy about popcorn for dogs. Why risk it then?

Is it possible to feed a dog carrots? Yes

Carrots are a healthy snack for your pet. It is included in many dog ​​foods, because carrots contain beta-carotene, which affects the animal’s vision.

This vegetable is also essential for your dog's skin and coat, so it should be included in the diet of long-haired animals.

In addition, dogs like the shape of the carrot - a stick that can not only be chewed, but also eaten. Dogs eat it both raw and boiled.

Don't feed your pet too many carrots if they have diabetes, as they contain sugar.

Is it possible to feed a dog grapes? No

Eating grapes can lead to kidney failure in dogs. To date, no one can explain why this is connected, but it is a fact.

But some owners use grapes to reward their pets during training? If you have been doing this for a long time, then there is no reason to worry.

Some dogs can eat grapes without harm to their health, but in others it can cause serious complications. No one can explain the reason for this phenomenon.

Can dogs be given mushrooms? In moderation

The only mushrooms that are safe for your pet are the ones you buy at the supermarket. Never give your dog raw mushrooms or mushrooms you collected in the forest. If you lack experience, you can easily confuse an edible mushroom with a poisonous one.

The best advice is to completely remove mushrooms from your dog’s diet so as not to take any unnecessary risks.

Can I give my dog ​​almonds? No

Dogs should not be given nuts of any kind. And almonds are the most dangerous nut for a dog. Although one or two things will not cause serious problems, it is still better to exclude them from your pet’s diet. Dogs' digestive systems are not designed to digest nuts.

Can dogs eat peanut butter? Certainly!

Dogs can't eat nuts, but they can eat peanut butter. Why? Peanuts are not a nut, but a plant of the legume family. Dogs love peanut butter.

Peanuts contain many beneficial nutrients for dogs: vitamin B, vitamin E and niacin. It also contains fats that are essential for the animal's digestive system.

Can dogs eat blueberries? Certainly!

Blueberries contain a lot of useful elements, including vitamins A, B, C, E and K. They contain fiber and a whole range of antioxidants. This berry is often included in the best dog foods. But you shouldn’t overfeed your pet with blueberries; a handful in the morning and evening is enough.

Celery is a nutrient-rich food, but it is also very tough and chewy.

If the dog chewed its food thoroughly, there would be no problems. But most pets swallow food in large chunks. And it is difficult for unchewed celery to pass through the digestive tract of an animal.

Can dogs be given onions or garlic? No

Garlic and onions in large quantities can lead to poisoning of your pet. The hotter the garlic, the more toxic it is to dogs.

If your dog grabbed a piece of garlic or onion that fell while you were preparing soup, then there is nothing to worry about. You have to eat enough onions for it to cause a problem.

Can dogs eat rice? Certainly

Boiled rice is an excellent food for dogs and can be found in many dog ​​foods. If you prepare your dog's food yourself, add rice, as this is a source of carbohydrates for your pet.

The rice must be well cooked! And be careful if your dog has diabetes: rice has a high glycemic index.

Can dogs eat fish? Certainly

Boiled fish is one of the best foods for dogs, because it is lean meat. Fish is rich in fatty acids that are difficult for dogs to get from other foods.

Bread is not the healthiest or most nutritious food for a dog. In some cases, it can even cause harm.

And never give dough to dogs. It expands in a warm environment, which is the animal's stomach. Be aware that the dough may literally double in size, which can cause problems such as stomach distension, loss of coordination, and even coma.

Can dogs drink beer? No

Ethanol (the alcohol found in beer) and hops are toxic to dogs.

Can dogs eat strawberries? In moderation

Strawberries fall into the same category as blueberries: they are completely safe for dogs in moderation.

This berry contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. All this is beneficial for the dog as long as its diet is based on meat and not fruits and vegetables. In addition, you must be completely sure that you have removed all stems and leaves, because they can harm your pet.

And, of course, you should not give dogs everything that humans usually eat strawberries with: sugar, chocolate, whipped cream.

Can dogs eat pumpkin? Certainly

In the dog world, pumpkin is a superfood. Pumpkin is used to treat stomach ailments, including constipation and diarrhea. It is rich in beta-carotene, which is essential for vision.

However, you should not feed your dog pumpkin. Vitamin A, which is contained in it, in large quantities can only do harm. It is also not advisable to give raw pumpkin to dogs.

Can dogs eat cheese? In moderation

Most dogs love cheese just like humans. It is harmless to your pets. Some cheeses are especially rich in protein.

Some dogs are said to be lactose intolerant. And almost all the cheese you can buy in the supermarket is processed and contains chemicals that are not recommended for dogs.

If you're going to give your dog cheese, it's best to opt for a low-fat (or low-fat) variety.

Can dogs eat lettuce? Certainly

Most greenery is just as good for dogs as it is for people. Greens are often added to dog food because they are high in vitamins A, K and C.

Spinach contains a substance called oxalate, which is harmful to dogs. However, for it to have a negative effect, the dog must eat a considerable portion of spinach.

Some types of peppers will not cause harm. For example, green peppers are mild and contain many vitamins and minerals. But hot peppers can cause digestive problems. You just need to understand that the dog’s body is not adapted to cope with spicy food.

Can dogs eat pears? Certainly

We treat pears the same way we treat apples. Pears are an excellent source of nutrients, but portions should be small and seeds, stems and cores should be removed.

Can dogs eat chocolate? No

You should always remember that dogs should not eat chocolate. It contains caffeine and theobromine, both of which are poisonous to your pets.

The darker the chocolate, the more harmful it is for dogs. All its types should be excluded from the dog’s diet. Keep your dog away from all this.

Corn is one of those foods that cannot cause harm in small quantities. However, it should not make up a significant part of the dog's diet.

Corn causes a sharp spike in blood sugar. In some cases, it causes allergic reactions and is difficult to digest. Moreover, this product has low nutritional value and is not a good source of energy. Therefore, corn is not the best food for a dog.

Can dogs eat hot dogs? In moderation

Meat is the most important ingredient in a dog's diet. The hot dog contains meat and is suitable for dogs. But do not forget that processed and low-quality meat is added to hot dogs. In other words, a few bites of a hot dog won't harm your dog, but don't overindulge or make a habit of it.

Can dogs eat pomegranate? No

Pomegranate is very useful for people, but not for dogs. In fact, most dogs get sick immediately if they eat it. The reason is that pomegranate contains a lot of seeds, which are difficult to digest. Dogs who eat it experience abdominal pain and vomiting.

And one last thought...

Never feed your dog food that you are not sure is safe. And contact your veterinarian immediately if something goes wrong.

Sometimes dog owners, often inexperienced ones, have questions related to their pets’ diet. What can be given to dogs and what cannot be given, what can be beneficial, and what, on the contrary, can only cause harm. Such questions often hover around butter, since this is a product not typical for the diet of a carnivore.

What is the value of butter

Butter is an animal product that is produced industrially. But at the same time it contains a lot of fatty acids: fat-soluble vitamins A, K, E, D, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, as well as unsaturated acids and milk fat. Unsaturated acids (linoleic, arachidonic and palmitic) help remove cholesterol from the body, and milk fat in butter promotes the absorption of calcium, which is the most important component for the health of the dog’s teeth and musculoskeletal system.

Butter can also have a positive effect on the digestive system: it normalizes digestion and heals small ulcers on the gastric mucosa. This product is also indispensable in the diet of weakened and emaciated dogs.

So, as everyone knows that butter contains cholesterol, it is very often considered harmful and is not given to their pets. But do not be afraid of this frightening word, because in small quantities it is very necessary for all animals, since it is a component of cell membranes. In addition, it is involved in the synthesis of vitamin D.

Negative effect

Even despite the value of butter and its beneficial properties, it should not be given to pets more than 2 times a week. Constant use of this product can negatively affect the animal's liver. This is especially true for older dogs or obese dogs. Butter should be used in small quantities, added to cereals or vegetables, without first subjecting the product to heat treatment. After all, it is then that it will be able to preserve all its useful qualities. You can also encourage your pet with small pieces when training.

If you want to saturate your pet’s body with the vitamins and fatty acids it needs, but for some reason you still don’t want to give butter, or you think that 2 times a week is too little, then in this case you should pay your attention to nutritional supplements. Today, there are various types of such products on the pet products market. For example, And help reduce cholesterol in an animal in the same way as unsaturated acids in butter. And besides, these products contain vitamins A, D and E, Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids and some microelements.

> 82. Is it possible to add oil, such as vegetable oil, to dogs’ food?

82. Is it possible to add oil, such as vegetable oil, to dogs’ food?


Possible and even healthy (sunflower and olive)


u nas Toychik, moj muzchina gde-to v internete vichital sto eto polezno dlia sersti i kozi, ja perezivaiu za zdorov´e sobachki:-S. On nalivaet maslo sto korm chut´ ne plavaet v nem, sobachke eto nravit´sia a ja dumaiu sto eto vredno kazdij den´ davat´


No, of course everything should be in moderation. You can take 1 tablespoon every day without harm to a large dog, less for a small dog.


When the food almost floats, there is no need to pour oil, the stomach is also not made of iron, but what breed is it? In general, from a teaspoon to a tablespoon is possible, only for the benefit.


I add oil-based vitamins to my food. They are added at the rate of one teaspoon for every 5 kg. weight. I think this also applies to vegetable oil.
And the fact that the food floats in oil - you kill the dog’s liver and pancreas.




Every day I always give my dogs 1 tablespoon of olive oil in their dry food, this has a beneficial effect on their coat


I don’t give my dog ​​dry food, he eats cereals, soups, cottage cheese, milk, and loves various fruits. This is fine? He is 3 months old.


Of course, if you do not give food, and give it from the common table. then it is advisable to add beef to this diet (meat consumption). We fed the puppy like this: oatmeal in broth, meat, liver, boiled fish (only boiled), buckwheat, low-fat cottage cheese with grated vegetables, kefir, I even gave baby formula (I had a small child, now more so), fruit if he eats, vegetables.


By the way, it’s generally better to vaccinate the food from a year old, if that’s what you want and only Royal Canin.


Thank you very much for your advice;-)(Y), I feed my dogs only Royal Canin, we have Bordeaux and Toychik, I just couldn’t convince my man that such an amount of oil could turn out badly for Toychik *-)


Valeria, would you tell him to try eating the same way, so that the food floats in oil, and let him see if it makes his stomach feel good?


and I’ll offer him better scrambled eggs or a floating salad a couple of times ;-)


Don't forget to put a vomit bag nearby))))


Girls, relax...vegetable oil is necessary for dogs that are on natural food! Our kennel has been adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dogs' food for its entire life (and this is since 1923), but not corn, which does not carry any load, namely sunflower! And about 1 tbsp per 5 kg of weight, this is the first time I’ve heard... for one bowl - 1 tbsp, for large dogs - 2 tbsp..


Oksana, read more carefully. Not a tablespoon, but a teaspoon for every 5 kg of weight, and I didn’t write about vegetable oil, but about oil-based vitamins (if you want to be more specific, about Nutricoat from 8in1). Read also carefully the topicstarter post, which says that so much oil is added to the food that the food floats in it, and this is no longer normal.


People use various types of oils in everyday life; it is difficult to imagine the modern world without them. In addition, oils are often used as a natural substitute for chemicals. Their influence on humans has been proven and methods of use are known. How do different oils affect our four-legged friends? What can be used orally for dogs or given for constipation? Let's figure out which types of oils will be beneficial and which ones should not be used under any circumstances.

Vegetable oils

If you feed your dog natural products, it will be difficult for the owner to choose a menu that is so balanced that it contains all the vitamins and microelements. Many people are prejudiced against tablet vitamins, believing that they are all chemicals. Such owners are looking for substances that can saturate the dog’s body with useful substances, but will be natural.

These include oils of vegetable origin. They contain a high content of unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, vitamins A, E and D, and antioxidants.

Note that there are a huge number of vegetable oils, but not all are suitable for dogs to eat.

In addition, when feeding with dry formulas, it will not be necessary to add it to food. Everything the body needs is already contained in the granulated food.

What vegetable oils can be used?

Linen. The main advantage is the anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to use it for skin problems, arthritis, to maintain immunity and reduce the risk of developing allergic diseases and cancer. In addition, this oil is used as food for animals to achieve better absorption of vitamins. You need to carefully monitor the expiration date of the product - after opening the package, 1 month;

Sunflower. Contains Omega-6, vitamin E and magnesium. It is recommended to use to strengthen the heart muscle, regulate calcium levels in the body and replenish energy balance;

Olive. Contains vitamin E and is an antioxidant. Note that it will not bring much benefit to the dog. In addition, high-quality olive oil is an expensive product, and given this, it is not worth using;

Camphornoye. Camphor oil can only be used externally. It is an excellent local anesthetic, antiseptic and analgesic. Before use, you should consult a veterinarian, since there is a high risk of an allergic reaction;

Castor. Obtained from castor beans. It has a laxative effect, so it is prescribed for constipation, poisoning, and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it can be used externally - to treat various types of wounds, cuts, mild burns;

Sea buckthorn. Versatile and very effective. The methods of its use are varied: internally, externally, rectally, in the form of inhalations. Indications are: peptic ulcer, colitis, mastitis, when taken orally it is beneficial for the coat;

Coconut. These days it is one of the most popular cosmetics among women. It is added to food and rubbed into the skin and hair. Dogs will also benefit from it - it contains almost 90% saturated fat. It is useful for the dog’s fur and skin, digestive system, immune and endocrine, nervous system;

Rapeseed. In terms of the content of useful substances it is in second place after flaxseed. However, it can cause a lack of vitamin E, so this vitamin is also prescribed at the same time;

Safflower. Rich in vitamins E, K, Omega-3. Has a beneficial effect on the heart, stomach and bone skeleton, increasing bone elasticity;

Sesame. The peculiarity is that it is rich in minerals, including potassium and iron. Provides prevention of heart disease, strengthens the bone skeleton, and prevents cancer;

Wheat germ oil. A natural antioxidant, it has a healing effect on the reproductive system of both males and females. It will provide the animal with strong nerves, a healthy heart and help with arthritis;

Peanut. Despite the large amount of vitamin E and other minerals, it is not recommended for use in the diet of dogs. It contains many additives that are likely to cause severe allergies in your pet. In addition, too much fat, its incorrect dose and frequent use can provoke the development of pancreatitis;

Cotton. Should not be used, the risk of negative consequences is too great. When processing cotton and producing oil, chemicals are used that are absolutely harmful to a living organism. This is often stated as part of ready-made feed, but its use is dictated by issues of cheapness, not benefit;

Cocoa butter. Should not be given to your pet under any circumstances. His stomach simply cannot digest this product.

Please note that oils must be used strictly following the dosage indicated on the packaging or prescribed by the veterinarian. The dose cannot be exceeded. Otherwise, such treatment will cause significant harm rather than benefit.


Separately, it is necessary to say about butter, because it has become firmly established in our lives. Everyone knows that it contains a huge amount of vitamins, antioxidants and other beneficial substances. Most owners cannot imagine breakfast without this product added to the porridge.

Is it really that beneficial if you include it in your dog’s diet? It contains a lot of fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K, and milk fat. All this helps to absorb calcium, affects energy activity, and helps with weakening after illness.

One of the rules for use is to use it unchanged, that is, without heat treatment.

Most dog breeders prefer not to take risks and give their dogs plant-based foods, using creamy foods minimally. With frequent use, significant damage will be caused to the dog's liver. Therefore, the product is given to dogs no more than 2 times a week, adding to porridge, vegetables or other food.

Fish oils

Fish oil, known to everyone since childhood, or salmon oil is very useful, including for animals. This is a good food additive. It will replenish the energy balance, strengthen the protective functions of the immune system and protect against. The product is rich in Omega-3.

Include in the diet by mixing with the type of food that the pet adores. You can use it as a treat, adding a little to your food. The dosage will depend on the age, size and weight of the dog. Since exceeding the daily dose will cause more problems than benefits, you should consult your veterinarian.

In addition to salmon, it can be used as a vitamin supplement in food. crab. This product is often used to support puppies and ensure normal growth of the small animal. For adults, the product is used to significantly improve the condition of the coat, skin, and ensure uninterrupted functioning of the heart muscle.

Fish oils are often highly allergenic and are expensive. Before use, you need to contact a specialist who is involved in the health of your pet.

Essential oils

We are accustomed to the fact that esters are a fashionable trend, used for aromatizing rooms or for cosmetic purposes. However, they can also be used beneficially for pets.

Interestingly, dogs have more than 200 million olfactory receptors; they can smell about a hundred plants that are found in nature. If you give a dog a choice of ether or medicine, the choice will be made in favor of ether.

But this same circumstance should force the owner to be very careful when using volatile oils. The dosage must be precisely adjusted so as not to harm the animal’s sense of smell.

Before looking at the types that can be used, let's consider rules for using ethers:

  1. Always choose a 100% natural product. This costs more, but will help avoid the unpleasant consequences of using counterfeit chemicals;
  2. Follow the dose strictly. Dogs' sense of smell is too acute. Usually the dosage is less than for an adult;
  3. Carefully monitor your body's reaction to the oil. At the slightest doubt, stop use;
  4. The best option for using any remedy, even a non-medicinal one, would be to consult a specialist.

In what cases can ethers be used? Quite often, animals catch a cold. In this case, oil will come in handy tea tree, eucalyptus And thyme. Directions for use: inhalation or rubbing into the chest.

Take into account the increased sensitivity of animals to odors, so start with the minimum recommended dose and gradually increase it. The maximum dose is three drops. For rubbing you need to prepare a mixture: essential oil with vegetable oil or vodka.

Oil is used to treat small wounds and cuts, itchy eczema lavender and tea tree. Take the vegetable as a basis and add an equal amount of essential oils. Rub into the affected areas until recovery. An additional effect of such a mixture will be that the animal will be left alone by flying insects.

Lavender oil can be used to treat festering wounds, dog skin in the presence of fungus, add drops to the bedding, and fight.

Esters are a faithful assistant in removing unpleasant odor from the mouth. Oil will come to the rescue carnations. You will need to mix three tablespoons of soda, a drop of clove ether and one rosemary. Use the resulting mixture to brush the dog’s teeth, avoiding injury to the gums.

In addition, aromatherapy is effective for dogs. If your pet is stressed or weakened after an illness, you can take a mixture of ethers and add it to a kerosene lamp, as the mixture evaporates slowly.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. If the dog’s diet is based on natural products, you need to use various oils as additives;
  2. Vegetable and fish contain many useful substances;
  3. Creamy foods should be used with caution, the load on the liver is too great;
  4. Esters have a wide range of applications in animal diseases, but they must be used carefully;
  5. Dosage and administration should be under the supervision of a specialist.

What foods have you included in your pet's diet? In what form do you prefer to do this? How do your friends perceive the use of such substances? What aromatic essential oils do you and your dog enjoy? Tell us in detail in the comments, your experience will help other dog lovers.

2.6. Common misconceptions about dog and cat food and nutrition

1. Food for older dogs and cats should be low in protein.

The benefits of low-protein diets for older dogs and cats were first proposed in 1960, based on experiments with rats and the observation that kidney disease was more common in older animals.

Modern research has shown that these claims are not confirmed. Scientific evidence shows that 65-90% of dogs seen by veterinarians do not show symptoms of kidney disease. Research also does not show that protein restriction will slow the progression of kidney disease. Recent studies have shown no differences in renal function, mineral content and most morphological parameters of two groups of elderly dogs consuming food with 18 - 36% protein content for more than 4 years. The duration of the study was approximately a third of the animal's average lifespan. More dogs (6 out of 16) died from naturally occurring diseases in the low protein diet group than in the high protein senior diet group!

Dogs between 10 and 12 years of age require more protein than younger dogs to replenish protein in their body tissues. This indicates a higher protein requirement in older animals. One study of a population of older animals found that wasting is as common (20%) as obesity.

All this indicates the need for an individual approach when prescribing a diet for older animals and the inadmissibility of systematic restriction of protein and fat.

2. Animals that consume a lot of meat products, especially raw ones, become aggressive and “bloodthirsty.”

Some trainers and veterinarians believe that aggressive behavior and excessive activity in dogs and cats can be eliminated by switching from a high (28 - 32%) to a low (16 - 20%) protein diet. There is little scientific data on this issue, however, one recent study concludes that reducing the level of protein in the feed does not affect aggressiveness and increased activity.

3. Carotene is beneficial for cats.

Studies have shown that carotene (provitamin A), which is found in plants, cannot be converted into vitamin A in the body of cats, for example, in humans. Therefore, cats can only source vitamin A from animal products - liver, small uneviscerated fish, eggs, butter and cream. Carotene supplements as a provitamin, i.e. future sources of vitamin A in the diet of cats are useless.

4. Regular consumption of a “wonderful drink” by a dog - vodka - will save it from plague and enteritis.

In my practice, there was a case when the owner gave his outbred and very funny dog ​​several times a week for several months a tablespoon of vodka.

At first he resisted, but then he accepted the “bitter” with pleasure. However, he still fell ill with the plague. At the same time, when I put an IV on him, the seriously ill patient instantly ate the cotton wool with alcohol left near his nose, which I used to wipe his paw. Honestly, it's true! Fortunately, the animal was saved... but not by alcohol.

5. Dry commercial feed causes liver damage in animals.

Despite the fact that I myself am a supporter of feeding natural products, I responsibly declare that dry commercial food from the world's leading companies, when consumed for a long time by dogs and cats, does not cause an increased risk of liver damage.

When preparing the book, I was not able to find scientific studies proving the opposite, and one must be careful in trusting the personal unsystematized and therefore subjective experience of some specialists. Those isolated cases in which animals that consumed this food allegedly developed hepatitis, hepatosis or cirrhosis of the liver cannot be proven.

Since these diseases occur almost less frequently in animals fed diets made from natural products. However, in the latter case, no one categorically states that the animal became ill from eating boiled meat and porridge.

6. Oatmeal is a very healthy grain for dogs and cats.

Alas, oatmeal is the most useless grain for feeding dogs and cats. The fact is that oats contain the highest amount of fiber compared to other grains, such as rice or buckwheat. And the more fiber in the food, the worse it is digested. It turns out “not for horse feed”, but for manure.

Let pet owners who suffer from constipation eat oatmeal.

7. It is useful for dogs and cats to give grated vegetables (for example, carrots) for “vitamins”.

Plant foods are practically not a source of vitamins for carnivores, who, due to the lack of characteristic chewing molars, like omnivores and herbivores, do not grind plant foods well, and nutritious vitamin juice does not come out of plant cells. Carnivores do not have enzymes that digest fiber (the membrane of plant cells). Those. Most of the “vitamins” come out undigested.

And yet, plant foods should be present; they improve peristalsis, “cleanse” the intestines, promote nutrition and the development of beneficial microflora in the large intestine. The actual grass that is eaten is a source of beneficial microflora that lives on it.

You may notice that the vegetables can be pureed in a blender. Yes, this mass will be absorbed well. But will she be eaten by animals, and is it worth accustoming her to this? The fact is that a deficiency of B vitamins and vitamin C, which are contained in plant foods, is not observed even in the complete absence of plants in the diet of animals.

If your pet is not happy to eat the puree and “salads” you have prepared, there is no need to torture him too much by forcing him to eat it by force or using blackmail.

8. Garlic is a very good anthelmintic.

The widespread belief that if you regularly give a dog a clove of garlic, you can remove all worms or prevent their appearance, forced me to find in books on folk medicine a recipe for removing worms from people with garlic, where, apparently, this recommendation was taken.

In order to almost guarantee the removal of worms from a person, it is necessary to ingest such a huge amount of this plant on an empty stomach that not a single dog would agree to repeat such a feat. And from one clove of garlic a week, the worms will probably only have more fun, they probably also need the sharpness of sensations...

We do not live in the Middle Ages or in the remote taiga, so buy modern and harmless anthelmintic drugs, and do not abuse the animal and yourself. For preventive purposes, animals should be given anthelmintic drugs at least 2-3 times a year.

9. Bitches should be given little meat during pregnancy, as too much meat causes toxicosis in them..

I have heard the statement that bitches should be given little meat during pregnancy, otherwise they may develop toxicosis.

Foreign researchers conducted an interesting experiment with a group of Labrador bitches. All of them, from the moment of mating to weaning of the puppies, were fed a balanced diet consisting only of meat products, i.e. no added grains or vegetables. All animals carried puppies normally, gave birth to and nursed completely healthy toddlers. No pathological abnormalities in the mothers' health were found.

10. Table salt is harmful to dogs and cats.

Pets need table salt no less than their owners. Therefore, you can salt prepared food for cats and dogs based on your own taste.

11. Butter is harmful to dogs and cats.

This stupidity is supported by a “weighty” argument - “it hurts the liver.” Butter is a unique product because, unlike all natural fats, it contains vitamins “A”, “D”, “E” and “F”, has a balanced composition of saturated and unsaturated fats and is easily digested. Thanks to these properties, it is irreplaceable for animals in the recovery stage, both from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenteritis) and from skin pathologies. Throughout my conscious practice I have recommended, recommend, and will recommend this product to my patients.

12. If a dog (cat) walks in the sun during the day, then a sufficient amount of vitamin D is formed in its skin, so the content of this vitamin in the diet does not matter.

Alas, as studies by South American veterinarians have shown, vitamin D is not formed in the skin of dogs, because The fur, especially of long-haired and medium-haired dogs and cats, does not transmit ultraviolet radiation at all. The exception is hairless breeds of dogs and cats.

2.7. Animal eating habits - are they always healthy?

Dogs and cats, like people, have their own eating habits and preferences, and sometimes they are exotic: one dog loves baked goods more than meat, another digs carrots straight from the garden and eats them with pleasure, some cat loves raw potatoes, another loves chicken cervix.

It is widely believed that animals, due to their inextricable connection with nature, unlike humans, are able to choose what exactly is needed for their body. Unfortunately, this is often not the case.

Therefore, it would be more correct if your pets have in their diet habits and preferences instilled in them by their owners, and not their own desires.

My colleague, a veterinarian, an experienced dog handler, once reproached me for being categorical and directive when advising on animal nutrition; she herself, apparently, was a supporter of greater liberties in the diet of her dogs. Well, her life experience apparently gives reason to think so.

I still remember well the tragedy that happened to my grandparents when I was in my third year at the veterinary department. They then had a small terrier-like mongrel named Lucy, amazing in appearance and character, with an expressive and cheerful face due to her white eyebrows and funny bangs. In her beauty she surpassed Tiny - her mother, who then lived with us. When the grandmother took the puppy, the grandfather was categorically against it and, apparently, it came to scandals... But not even a year had passed since she became the grandfather’s most favorite dog. He was a beekeeper, and from June to mid-August he lived in an apiary in the forest with his grandmother. Lucy, who loved traveling, became her grandfather’s faithful companion, both on the road by car and in the forest, walking with him for kilometers through cedar forests and swamps. The only thing she was afraid of was bees. She sat in the car for a day, not trying to get out of it. In the evening, when the bees stopped flying, she ran out to the fire and under the canopy.

Immensely beloved, she quickly realized her importance and became spoiled - after the apiary season she ate only fresh raw meat. When grandma wanted to diversify Lucy’s diet, she spread butter on white bread or cookies... chewed it and then offered it to the capricious dog...

By nature, being a bitch, Lucy had the habit of giving birth to puppies (which, by the way, were instantly dismantled). And after the third or fourth pregnancy, such a diet of raw meat and chewed bread, poor in calcium and vitamin D, led to the fact that two weeks after giving birth the dog was... paralyzed. The fact is that during this period a lot of calcium is released from the female’s body with milk. And if an insufficient amount of this mineral is supplied with food, it begins to be mobilized from bone and muscle tissue. When the amount of calcium sharply decreases in muscle tissue, it becomes unable to contract. Lucy died in terrible agony...

The letter reached me after the fact...

This dog could be cured by three or four intravenous injections of a solution of calcium chloride with glucose, and 2-3 ml of tetravit subcutaneously. But it would be even easier to prevent this.

Believe me, I had to deal with more than one hundred dogs and cats who, due to their far from natural addictions and their master’s indulgences, drove themselves to pathology. So my further advice is somewhat categorical due to the fact that in practice the natural instincts and desires of dogs and cats do not always lead them to good health.

Sincerely, Veterinarian Secrets

To be continued....