If you encounter any difficulties when using your equipment, you can contact the Samsung service center Moscow; addresses, telephone numbers in the capital and other cities are listed on the website via the link. You can leave a request online and call center managers will contact you, forwarding your request to specialists.

Ways to disable subtitles on Samsung TVs

First of all, inspect your remote control. If it has a "subtitle" button, it will allow you to turn off subtitles. If this does not happen, then there are other options.

Option one. Press the “Menu” button on the TV remote control. Next we will need to select the tab called “system”. We perform this action using the right arrow. Next we need to select the “subtitles” section using the down arrow. Then you need to press the right button, after which using the down key you should select the “OFF” option.

This is the method described in the manufacturer’s manual to disable subtitles, but if something doesn’t work out for you or goes wrong, you should contact Samsung TV repair specialists.

If subtitles are not removed from the video you are watching by setting it through the menu on the TV itself, then you will need to process the video files themselves, since the recording itself may include subtitles in a playable format.

Option two. To do this, you need to download and install the “MKVToolNix” application on your computer. This is a program for editing and converting videos, the popular MKV format today, into more supported by various devices.

After successful installation, open it and launch the “mkvmerge GUI” item. Next, we will need to find among the list subtitles that operate in one of the following formats: MicroDVD (.sub,.txt); MPEG4 (.ttxt); SubViewer(.sub); SAMI (.smi); SubRip (.srt).

As practice shows, people often have to deal with subtitles in this SubRip (.srt) format. They will look like “S_TEXT/SRT”. Thus, you have found out the ID of the subtitle stream, then you just need to extract them.

sunghow to remove subtitles on TVsubtitles

Subtitles on a TV are text that appears at the bottom of the TV screen in the original language or in translation, and duplicates or supplements what is happening on the screen.

The text is displayed on the screen at any time while watching a movie, program, etc. Of course, this function is very convenient, especially if the viewer has hearing problems (television for the deaf).

But in some cases it becomes necessary to turn off subtitles. How to set up your TV and turn off subtitles on an LG electronics TV or other models and brands?

The numerous settings of modern TVs are not clear to everyone. And if there is a need to disable subtitles on a TV with teletext in order to receive programs with hidden subtitles, this will not be possible right away.
The process of disabling subtitles in different models of modern multifunctional LG TVs is different. But, regardless of the TV model, you need to control subtitles, and not just turn them on or off, using the remote control.

Turning off subtitles while watching a movie is not difficult. To do this, click on the button in the center of the screen, which has an arrow, after which the “show additional controls” section will open. In this section you can find how to disable subtitles.

You also need to know that if you can’t turn off the text at the bottom of the screen (subtitles are in every movie and it’s impossible and you can’t find a way to turn it off in the settings), this indicates that the software is either outdated or infected with a virus.

In this case, only service center specialists will help. You won’t be able to fix the problem on a TV with teletext for receiving programs with closed subtitles on your own if you don’t have the knowledge to do it.

Some older TV remotes have a special “subtitle” or “sub-t” button. Using this button you can only turn subtitles on or off, but you won’t be able to control them so that the image on the Lg TV is better in such a wide range as on modern TVs.

How to remove subtitles on a Samsung TV

If you need to turn off subtitles, Samsung TV owners need to take a close look at their remote control. If it has a button " subtitle “It won’t be difficult to do this. If there is no such button on the remote control, then you should use other options to solve the problem.

On the remote control, press the “Menu” button and select the “System” tab, then go to the “Subtitles” section, where you select the option to turn off subtitles.
The manufacturer himself describes this method of disabling subtitles on a Samsung TV.

If, after performing the manipulations, it was not possible to disable the subtitles, you will have to contact a service center or call a TV repairman to your home.

If it is impossible to remove subtitles from the video you are watching through the settings on the TV itself, then you need to process the video files themselves. The thing is that the recording itself in the format that is played back may include subtitles.

You can also remove subtitles by downloading and installing the special application MKVToolNix on your computer. Thanks to this program, you can edit and convert video to, which is supported by many modern devices.

After the application is installed, you need to launch mkvmerge GUI and find subtitles that work in one of the formats. The most common subtitles are the SubRip (.srt) format, which needs to be extracted.

How to turn on subtitles on TV

There are also situations when a TV user needs to connect subtitles in order to watch a video with text accompaniment at the bottom of the screen.

As already mentioned, this is sometimes difficult to do in modern models of multifunctional TVs. To activate subtitles, just like to turn them off, you will need a TV remote control.

When watching a movie that is recorded on removable media or a flash drive, you can activate subtitles in any language. When you start a movie or clip, you need to click on the button located in the central part of the screen and go to the “ Show additional controls ».

Then click on the section “ SUB ", where you select the subtitle options, then click on the appropriate mode and select the language. To be able to select the subtitle language, look at the version of the film when loading it onto a flash drive or removable media. It is important that it initially contains such files.

You can also change other subtitle parameters:

  • size;
  • color scheme;
  • synchronization;
  • encoding;
  • location, etc.

Turning on subtitles on a number of older technology models is possible by using a special button "subtitle" or "sub-t", which is located on the remote control.

It does not provide the ability to manage subtitles, only turning them on and off depending on what the user needs.

So, you bought a smart TV from Sony, decided to watch a movie with subtitles, but they are taken and not displayed. And then the understanding comes that smart TV is called that not because the TV is smart, but because the owner needs to think well.

Attention, this method is intended for videos in avi format and srt subtitles!

If the Sony TV does not display subtitles, then the problem is the following - by default, the TV settings recognize subtitles in UTF-16 encoding, but our subtitles are in UTF-8 encoding. Yes, you can open them in notepad and save them in a different encoding, but for me, the owner of Sony KDL-24W605A and KDL-32W705B TVs, this didn’t help at all (update the TV firmware before doing any manipulations - it’s possible that this is the problem. I can’t check, because there is no Wi-Fi yet). The easiest way to make the TV start seeing subtitles is to search for a file whose subtitles are at least somehow displayed - in the form of questions, squiggles, but displayed. If by some miracle you found such a file, WITHOUT pausing the movie, press the OPTIONS button, select the subtitle options section - encoding and set the value to UTF-8. The squiggles should be transformed into normal Russian words. From now on, the TV will see subtriations and display them normally.

Don't forget to follow the basic conditions:

1. Subtitles must be in the same folder as the file;

2. Subtitles must have the same name as the movie file, preferably as simple as possible.

If you don’t have a file with subtitles that are somehow displayed (I can’t imagine who would spontaneously find it), then you need to provide a “crutch” for the TV.

1. Download the AVIAddXSub program to your computer (it does not require installation). Write if you are not sure where to download - I will attach the installation one to the message.

2. Create a folder in any convenient corner of the computer where we put our avi file with the film and srt subtitles in UTF-8 encoding (remember about the same names!).

3. Open the program (the name of the icon matches the name of the program).

4. In field number 1, indicate the path to the subtitles (if files with subtitles are not displayed for some reason, check that the search mode of the srt format is selected in the lower right corner). In field 2, indicate as the save location the folder where the movie and subs are already located.

5. The program generates a file in divx format - this is a kind of “crutch” for TVs that do not want to see subtitles right away. Typically the file weighs slightly more than the movie.

6. Drop the folder with three files onto the flash drive.

7. Start the movie - subtitles should start to appear in the form of squiggles. Now we do what I wrote about at the beginning: “Press the OPTIONS button, select the subtitle options section - encoding and set the value to UTF-8. The squiggles should be transformed into normal Russian words. From now on, the TV will see subtriations and display them normally.”

8. You won’t need any more crutch files, but if you do, don’t delete the program - you can always build one in five minutes.

Write if this method helped, how tricky it seemed, tell me if you suddenly found a simpler option that I simply didn’t see in the first place. I have not yet conducted experiments with mkv and subtitles of other formats. As soon as I do, I’ll provide links to the messages.