What to do with a child on a train? On the eve of vacations and trips to the sea, more and more parents, grandparents are asking this question.
Traveling by train… Hardly endured by almost all travelers. It is especially difficult for a small child to sit in one place for long hours. Boredom, that's what makes the baby nervous, it makes everyone else feel uncomfortable, because groans, fidgeting and even crying can inflame the scandal, from which the situation will only get worse. And what could be worse than an educational process that did not take place, and then grew into abuse, and even in the cramped space of the train. We are all human and even mothers can reach a “boiling point”. However, we must get together and exclude any reasons for the nerves. Therefore, before you go on a trip, be sure to stock up on notebooks, albums and books with pencils. These items will help keep the child busy on the train, which means that everyone will have only pleasant impressions from the trip.

Why might stationery and "literary" stocks be needed on the train?


A healthy atmosphere will be supported by an unusual game called “Fantasy”, in which parents will also be involved. The kid is given a choice of any geometric figure that he says, and the mother draws it on a piece of paper. Then, by analogy, this figure can acquire a roof, a pipe, windows, like a house, if it is a square, or rays and clouds, like a sun, if the original figure is a circle. You can continue until the figures run out in memory ... well, or fantasy! Although the latter is unlikely to happen.


Everyone loves them, and not only to solve, but also to guess. Childhood, the period when you want to invent and dream endlessly, so maybe it’s worth letting your child’s imagination fly? Let the child come up with a couple of riddles! At first it will be difficult and you can’t do without a mother, but then ... the riddles of the little inventor will fall like a cornucopia. It will be interesting for everyone.

Fairy tales

Fairy tales read by mother are always interesting for any child. Therefore, parents should definitely arm themselves with a couple of dozen fairy tales. It will be just fine if you take a book-collection of fairy tales with you. And it is better that the binding and illustrations are on top. Because literature, after reading aloud, can be given to a child for self-study. This will be facilitated by a beautiful design that will “absorb” a little book lover for a long time.


And everyone will love this activity! Based on the previous idea, you can invite the child to compose a separate story about any fairy-tale character that the child liked the most. This game requires an initial example: first, the mother tells her story, for example, about the fox from "Kolobok" and why she became cunning ... so it will be easier for the child to pick up the topic. If the story succeeds, then you can reward the narrator with a sweet prize.

"Young photojournalist"

She needs any gadget with the function of a camera, which the parent gives to the baby, and he, on the instructions of the editors (mom or dad), takes photos of the objects specified by the authorities. Fortunately, there will be a great many of them in the train window. Yes, and in the compartment you can find a lot of interesting things. Of course, it’s not very convenient to play photojournalist in a reserved seat car, because there will be a lot of people around the baby. However, for a short-term change of occupation, the game is quite suitable.

Children's magazines

Here again, fantasy is needed, only parental. Let the child choose a picture of a person or animal they like, and the mother will tell a story about him and how her son or daughter is friends with the hero of magazine photo reports. Also, the kid can search among the colorful illustrations for things of one category, for example: animals (the child searches in the magazine for all four-legged animals drawn and photographed), cars (search for cars), etc.


It is very difficult for children to sit still! Even on a trip, they find how to get rid of stagnant energy, while disturbing the peace of their neighbors, or the parents themselves. This restlessness can be turned into a peaceful channel. For example, ask the child to quickly touch the part of the body indicated by the mother. You can even train your lungs through air retention exercises, parents should also keep a company or even arrange a mini-competition.

Gadgets and a train ride for a child

Sometimes a lot of time is spent on the road from point “a” to point “b”, and if a family with a small child is traveling, then it is simply unacceptable to waste precious hours. Yes, many now use the "fruits" of modern technology, namely:

  • notebook;
  • tablet;
  • telephone.

By turning on cartoon series or playing on these gadgets, parents lure the child for a long time. But, is it good for the baby? Hardly. Therefore, it is imperative to communicate with the child so that every minute brings maximum benefit for his development and a minimum of painful waiting for the moment of arrival at his destination.

Well develop the creative side of coloring, joint drawings. Good old tongue twisters will also help pass the time! If parents do not know enough high-speed rhymes, then on the Internet or "paper" collections you can find tens and hundreds of them. In general, taking into account not only your desires, but also the interests of a small passenger, you can make a train trip fun and exciting.

Traveling by train brings joy to children, because, unlike an airplane, it doesn’t block your ears, you have more freedom of action, you can meet other children, look out the window at trees flying by, and, if you’re lucky, spend the night on the top shelf. For approximately the same reasons, parents do not like to travel by train with their children - try to keep an eye on the fidget, a whirlwind rushing around the car. If the road is still ahead, you should make sure that the child is not bored, and you are calm.

When traveling with children under 3-4 years old, it is important to take on the road something that will calm the child and help to maintain a normal daily routine. These can be books, small toys, paper and pencils for drawing and coloring, a large designer or a pyramid. Remember the nursery rhymes and favorite poems of the baby. Your favorite pajamas will help you go to bed on time.

Children over 4 years old are already involved in everything that happens around, and they choose only the activity that seems most interesting. It is important to think over some of them so that you do not have to explain to the child on the go what is possible, what is not, and why.

  1. Train inspection. If a child is on a train for the first time, then getting to know the new space will be his first desire. Show how the cars are fastened together, what a restaurant car is, how to turn on the water in the toilet, how to climb onto the second shelf correctly. Do not rush to conduct a tour and let the child, under your supervision, master everything on his own. Children love to repeat the action until they get bored. If you immediately “work out” all the situations, then the child will get tired and will gladly agree to another lesson.
  2. Other compartments and passengers. Interest in other passengers is an unexpected opportunity to see how other people live: who and how things are laid out, who does what and what. Treat this with understanding and come up with several options in advance on how to explain to the child that you can’t interfere with others. If there are neighbors in your compartment who do not mind talking with children, then switch the child's attention to them.
  3. Communication with other children. If the child has met other children on the train, organize a joint lesson in your or another compartment - new toys and communication will interest the child.
  4. Toys, entertainment and games to take with you. If a child likes to draw, then pencils are suitable, and special water colorings turn pictures into colors if you brush them with a wet brush. If your child likes developmental activities, take a few copybooks, drawings by cells, mazes, logical connectives and similar written activities. Also, a magnetic board is suitable for drawing, the records on which are erased if you lift the lid.

A lot of card games based on the principle of logical addition are curious for children. Take games on topics familiar to the child: animals, professions, fruits and vegetables, phenomena. Memory - a game in which you need to memorize the location of cards and look for pairs, develops memory. If the child plays alone, take cars, dolls and everything you need for an interesting game alone. With school-age children, you can play role-playing games, play a play or play in the cities, word games like “I will take it with me on a hike” or similar.

Each age has its own difficulties that you will have to face on the train, in addition, each child is individual and it is impossible to foresee some of the difficulties - take it with cunning and leave a couple of distracting maneuvers in the form of goodies, a new toy or a recorded cartoon in reserve.

All mothers know that only soundly sleeping children behave ideally on the road. Most passengers treat children's whims with understanding. However, as practice shows, parents rarely manage to avoid negative comments addressed to them. In order not to waste your nerves and get the most out of the trip, parents should think in advance how to organize and what to do with their child during the flight. Of course, all kids are different. They are different in age, in temperament, and in their interests. We bring to your attention 45 ideas of what to do with your child while traveling by plane, train, car.

Traveling with a child on an airplane: 15 games and activities for children during the flight

15 fun activities and games for kids on an airplane

  1. The first entertainment that will clearly interest any child is getting to know a new space. Tell your child about the plane, show and let them touch everything that surrounds the little passenger. After takeoff, you can lead the child around the cabin, telling where the pilots are sitting, what the flight attendant does, etc. In this way, you will not only distract the child, but also allow him to get used to the new territory for him.
  2. Now you will be surprised, but food can be great fun on the plane. Of course, the child cannot chew something all the time during the flight. But for a while, mashed potatoes in a beautiful jar can distract him. Passengers with children are allowed to take liquids into the aircraft cabin - juices, water, mixtures. You can also bring fruit and dried fruit on board. Parents of older kids can take a pair of Chupa Chups with them, which will be very helpful during takeoff when they block their ears. Children under the age of one usually do not experience such problems.
  3. Prepare little surprises for your child that children simply adore. However, they need to be taken out and presented to the child gradually. For example, first you take out of your bag - a set for drawing or coloring. Of course, along with pencils. For half an hour, or even an hour, little artists will definitely not disturb anyone. Detailed and simple picture instructions for drawing animals will help parents quickly teach their children how to draw a bear, tiger, turtle and other representatives of the animal world.
  4. Then you can get a treasure box from the bag, in which there will be small funny things, such as: a bracelet, a ring, small beads or constructor toys from Kinder Surprises. You only need to take a plastic container with a toy on a plane, it is better to leave a chocolate egg at home. Kinder Surprise toys are able to interest not only children, but also adults.
  5. Remember, in Soviet times there was a slogan: "The best gift is a book." Take a couple of small but interesting books with you on the plane. A new book with bright pictures will definitely captivate your child for a while.
  6. A simple piece of paper in an enclosed space can also be great fun. Show your child how to make an airplane out of paper. Fly on a plane and "design" the plane yourself. By the way, the finished paper airplane can be painted.
  7. Finger toys will help to entertain, distract and interest the child for a long time. With them, you can put on a whole performance, on the go (or rather on the fly) inventing all sorts of stories.
  8. Some airlines give little travelers special kits that include puzzles and puzzles.
  9. It is much easier to captivate teenagers, they will be happy to watch a movie from the repertoire of an air cinema, play games on a tablet, listen to music, etc.
  10. When purchasing toys for travel, pay attention to Oogie men, who have suction cups on their arms, legs and head. As a rule, kids enjoy playing with these toys.
  11. You can buy an army of soldiers and arrange a real battle on a folding table. The main thing is that the baby does not see these toys in advance.
  12. Don't forget to take your child's favorite toy with you on your trip. With her, he will feel more confident.
  13. Massage can be great fun. To do this, parents need to purchase a Su-Jok ring massager at the pharmacy. This ball is very useful for the development of the baby's speech. It's inexpensive and the kids love it.
  14. Many children adore all kinds of stickers, so for them it is worth buying a special book in advance, into which small stickers are pasted.
  15. And, of course, any child will be distracted by a tablet with cartoons for a while.

Traveling in an airplane with a child is problematic, because flights can be quite long, and you can’t go out for a walk (for obvious reasons). Parents should think ahead and prepare for such a journey.

What to do with toddlers and older children on the train: interesting ideas

What do parents need to do so that the child does not get bored on the train? How to prevent aimless walking along the carriage corridor, endless whining that irritates the neighbors in the compartment? Of course, a long road tires even adults, what can we say about children with their inexhaustible energy? If you are going to travel by train with a child, you must also carefully prepare for it.

15 ideas to do with your child while traveling by train

Having settled down in a compartment, put the child at the window and tell him about the railway. After the train starts, give your child some time to look out the window with him.

Make up interesting stories about people who live in houses, about different animals that live in the forest you are passing by. The kid will become interested, and for some time he will be happy to look at the landscapes outside the window.

  • When he gets tired of sitting in one place, give him a tour of the car. Perhaps your child will find a fellow traveler, and it will not be so boring for him to endure a long road.
  • Colored pencils, felt-tip pens and an album - these supplies will also distract your child for a while. Ask him to draw a train, railroad, houses, a forest, etc.
  • Books have always been indispensable assistants on the road. Read to him or let him look at the bright pictures in baby books.
  • Take the alphabet with you and start learning the letters. At home, as a rule, there is not enough time for such activities.
  • According to many mothers, finger toys will become an indispensable attribute on any trip. They can put on a real show. Children will be happy to take part in it directly.
  • With older children, you can play board games, put together puzzles.
  • Entertaining games in "Words" or "Cities" will captivate the child for a long time. Each word must begin with the letter that ends with the previous one. For example, a car - an antenna - a bus - an airplane, etc. Cities: Moscow - Anapa - Astrakhan - Norilsk, etc. Of course, the choice of game depends on the age of your child.
  • Older children like to solve riddles. Therefore, they can buy special books. Teenagers enjoy solving puzzles and crossword puzzles.
  • Teenagers enjoy playing Monopoly with great pleasure. This economic game perfectly develops logical thinking.
  • Sea battle - an old but very exciting game will also help pass the time on the train.
  • Kids can buy new toys on the road - prefabricated small cars, soldiers, a fortress that needs to be assembled.
  • And if a mother takes colored paper, scissors, glue with her on the road and stocks up on patience, then her child will diligently cut and glue.
  • A big salvation for parents will be the presence of a DVD player with a screen. Cartoons are loved by all children without exception. Many children are delighted with good cartoons, cars, etc.
  • If your child meets other children on the train, then the “watch” of entertainment can be shared with another mother. An hour you entertain children in your compartment, an hour she.

What to do with children on the road by car: 15 ways

A long journey in a car can be very tiring for little fidgets, because their movement is limited, they cannot run and frolic. What is left for them to do? Of course, to be mischievous and capricious.

How to travel by car with children: advice from doctors

According to psychologists, a trip in a car for children from 1.5 to 3 years old can be a real stress. At this age, it is difficult for children to be tied to a chair for a long time. Therefore, doctors recommend that every 2 hours make a stop and give the baby the opportunity to move around, take a walk.

Children over the age of 3 are usually willing to travel in a car, for them this is an interesting adventure. And yet, after looking out the window for a while, they demand attention and entertainment. How can you entertain a child in a car?

15 Ways to Make Car Driving Fun for Kids

  1. Despite the common opinion about the dangers of tablets, psychologists do not see anything wrong with such entertainment. It all depends on the games, cartoons, films and the time that the child will sit “buried” on the tablet correctly selected by the parents. Doctors recommend: for children under three years old, set a viewing limit of 20 minutes a day. Older children no more than one and a half hours a day.
  2. Audiobooks can be great fun for kids.
  3. Small children can listen to songs, children after three years perfectly perceive radio fairy tales.
  4. Teenagers willingly listen to audio performances and audio books.
  5. Toddlers love hanging toys in the car.
  6. For a long time, small children play with soft toys.
  7. Children older than three years of age willingly look at picture books.
  8. You can entertain your child in the car by playing interactive games with him. For example: "who will be the first to see a yellow car, a cyclist, a red house, etc." The child can be given the task to count roadside poles or watch for the appearance of GBDD.
  9. With teenagers, you can study the brands of cars. As practice shows, they are delighted with such interactive activities.
  10. A great activity in the car can be word games.
  11. You can organize a competition for the most interesting story about a car trip.
  12. Forgotten by all, the Rubik's Cube will become a lifesaver for travelers.
  13. You can also draw in the car. Of course, it will be quite difficult for a child to portray something, but he can easily draw a “squiggle”. The goal of the mother from this "squiggle" is to create an artistic masterpiece.
  14. For a long time, the child will be distracted by a performance performed with the help of finger puppets.
  15. If several children are driving in the car at once, then you can compose a fairy tale in turn. The first child says one sentence, the second continues the story, and so on. Such fairy tale therapy will relieve stress and calm you down.

The road will become an interesting adventure for the child if the parents take the time to communicate with him and think in advance about how interesting and useful to spend time on the road. Dear parents, cherish every minute spent with your children. Because they grow so fast!

And we can only wish you a happy journey!