In world politics there are magic words that make entire governments tremble. For example, the phrase “chemical weapons in Syria” or “nuclear weapons in Iran” evokes a state of extreme military-diplomatic excitement among the political elite of Western countries. However, in terms of the speed of reaction of the progressive public to such phrases, our Iskander has no equal. The mention of the Iskander-M OTRK, especially in the context of its deployment near someone’s borders, inevitably entails a reaction close to hysteria from the media, military and politicians of border countries and their Western overlords. Let's figure out what is the secret of the magical properties of this operational-tactical missile system that so frightens our neighbors.

The problem with the Iskander missile system is that it cannot be caught. Firstly, because during the flight the missile maneuvers with enormous overloads, which are still unattainable for any interceptor missile in service with the countries of the world. Secondly, it flies very low - up to 6 km. from the surface at Mach 4, making it virtually impossible to detect using standard radar. Thirdly, it throws out false targets to deceive the enemy’s radar, sets up active radio interference and “jammes” all the emitters by which missile defense systems navigate in space. Those. The Iskander can destroy any object within a radius of 500 km with an accuracy of 2 meters and a probability close to 100%. Theoretically, by launching a missile from Kaliningrad, you can “reach” the government quarter in Berlin, and the destructive force of the strike can be easily increased by “hanging” a nuclear warhead on the missile. No one in the world has such missile weapons. At the same time, Iskander is extremely mobile and secretive - the likelihood of its detection, even by space reconnaissance means, is very low. Within 1 minute, he launched a set of missiles and immediately left the location, turning off all devices.

The rocket is single-stage, has an engine with a single nozzle, is non-ballistic and is controlled throughout the entire flight path using aerodynamic and gas-dynamic rudders. Most of the flight path of a missile made using Stealth technology and having a small dispersion surface passes at an altitude of 50 km, and on the approach phase - 6-20 km (depending on the type of OTRK), which makes its defeat by the enemy a practically impossible task . The “invisibility” effect is achieved through a combination of design features, in particular, treating the rocket with special nanostructured dispersive coatings, dropping protruding parts after launch, etc. The Iskander trajectory is not only non-ballistic, but also difficult to predict. Immediately after launch and immediately upon approaching the target, the missile performs intensive maneuvering. Depending on the trajectory, overloads range from 20 to 30 units. Accordingly, the interceptor missile must withstand an overload of at least 2-3 times higher, which is technologically impossible within the framework of the existing 4th technological order in the world and even the promising fifth.

The Iskander-M is the main version for the Russian army and is significantly more complex than the Iskander-E available for export. Less noticeable, more maneuverable at the start and during the final phase of the flight. In addition, it has not just an inertial guidance system, like the Iskander-E, but a combined one, including radio correction, GPS, GLONASS, laser and optical homing in the final section. Controlled by lattice rudders. The warhead is not separated in principle, because the body serves to create lift at the final section.

In 2012, another complex was final tested - Iskander-K, which is a further development of the M. It launches even more accurate, already cruise missiles, which are equipped with small load-bearing surfaces, like on the R-37. Thanks to this, it became possible to fire along a flat trajectory, like the OKA complex did in its time, only much more accurately and faster. The missile can fly at an altitude of only 6 km (horizontal radars have no chance), it uses a combined seeker and replaceable warheads. Two missiles in a salvo can be equipped with different guidance systems and fire both along a mounted and flat trajectory.

Experts express the opinion that the combined use of two brothers - Iskander-M and Iskander-K - gives a synergistic effect that none of the existing missile defense systems can counteract. One of the missile technology experts, speaking on forums under the nickname “Evil Critic,” described the new product this way: “It is known that both ballistic missiles (BMs) and cruise missiles (CR), as well as their guidance systems, have a number of limitations on the “current state” of the target object... For example, if you bet ONLY on the Iskander-M, for example, with an optical-correlation system for final guidance on the target target, and if you assume that the object will have to be hit at “hour X” with low clouds and intense visual opposition from the enemy, the bet may be lost. The same applies to the final guidance radar system, which is similar in operating principle to that of the Pershing-2 - here the enemy’s intense electronic warfare can confuse the cards. At the same time, low clouds, for example, and intense visual masking of the final object, will be to a certain extent “on the drum” of the CR with an inertial and optical-correlation system that works out navigation corrections throughout the ENTIRE route (similar to the Pendossk ALCM CR).. Here, no amount of masking of the target will help - and here you ONLY need to shoot down the missile, shoot it down on the route or, as a last resort, on the approach to the target.

Finally, let’s imagine a situation where “Iskander-K” and “Iskander-M” “approach” the target (Czech missile defense radar or noble mines with GBI) - AT THE SAME TIME... And each demonstrates “their own proprietary set of gadgets” , - “Iskander-M” - high-intensity maneuvering of a high-flying hypersonic target, “Iskander-K” - an extremely low flight profile (about 6 m) and following the terrain in a practically “autonomous” (i.e., independent of the search for a target onboard sensors) mode... This REALLY is a situation close to 100% probability of hitting the target... So, to combat Euro-missile defense, the COMBINATION of "Iskander-M" + "Iskander-K" is really optimal. The trick is to use these products simultaneously, “in one hit.”

The German newspaper Bild, citing its sources, reported that Russia has deployed Iskander missiles in the Kaliningrad region near the border with Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This message was followed by the reaction of the US authorities, who immediately, through all channels of interaction, called on Russia not to destabilize the situation by deploying Iskander missiles in the west. "We would not want them to take steps that would destabilize the region," US State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said. Translated from diplomatic to human, it sounds something like this: “The deployment of Iskander missiles will upset the entire balance of power in Europe, and not in our direction. Anything, but not Iskander! Concerns were also expressed in Poland and Latvia. Lithuanian Defense Minister Juozas Olakas called this alarming news, and Lithuanian Presidential Adviser Dali Grybauskaite said that Russia's actions do not correspond to declarations of desire for closer cooperation with the European Union and NATO. Even China became nervous when it learned that the missile system would be located near its border.

Let us note that with the delivery of Iskander missiles to Armenia, the hands of Azerbaijan, which had recently been trying to flex its military muscles in the region, were tied - the aggressive rhetoric towards Yerevan stopped. In 2014, Armenia will complete the re-equipment of its missile units with ultra-precise and long-range missile systems. Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan stated this at a press conference in Yerevan on January 24, answering a question from journalists about whether reports about Yerevan’s acquisition of Russian modern operational-tactical missile systems (OTRK) Iskander-M are true. Please note that it is not the export Iskander-E with a range of 280 km and one missile in the launcher, which has been reduced in capabilities, but a full-fledged "M", firing at a distance of up to 500 km and having 2 missiles at once (by the way, so far the only OTRK in the world capable launch 2 missiles from one launcher at once). Apparently, an exception was made for our Armenian friends due to the tense geopolitical situation throughout the CIS.

Iskander can deliver cluster (with 54 combat elements), penetrating, high-explosive fragmentation, and nuclear warheads to the target. This allows you to hit small-sized and area targets, including enemy fire weapons, air defense and missile defense systems, aircraft at airfields, command posts, etc. The RK includes a missile, a self-propelled launcher, a transport-loading and command-staff vehicle, a mobile information preparation station, mobile technical and household support units, as well as sets of arsenal and training equipment.

The history of the creation of this OTRK began in the early 80s. The use of conventional (non-nuclear) warheads while maintaining the effectiveness of the weapon forced developers to look for new ways to build a missile control system (CS). The accuracy of the inertial control system for solving this problem is insufficient; it should have been increased

approximately by an order of magnitude. In the 80s Attempts have already been made in our country to solve this problem. Optical homing equipment for the Scud was created (it was even possible to conduct field tests and hand over the missile for trial operation among the troops). A nuclear-free warhead with guidance using a correlation-type radar seeker was developed for the Volga complex. The modernized "Oka" and "Tochka" had not only an inertial control system, but also an optical correlation-extreme guidance system, which was also not only tested, but also underwent trial operation by the troops. During the years of inactivity of our military-industrial complex, the United States achieved great success in this direction: on the American Pershing-2 missile, which was destroyed under the INF Treaty, a radar seeker was installed that identified the terrain in the target area; optical homing systems are used in modern versions of the Tomahawk and CALCM cruise missiles. Their effectiveness was clearly demonstrated in Iraq and Yugoslavia.

The task of creating similar equipment for the Iskander was completed by the Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics (TsNIIAG), a leading developer of guidance and control systems for domestic tactical and operational-tactical missiles, which has a 25-year track record in the development of homing heads. The main way to solve this problem was to combine an inertial system with optical guidance over the terrain surrounding the target. Moreover, the homing head created at TsNIIAG can be used both as part of the Iskander and on ballistic and cruise missiles of various classes and types (including intercontinental ones). This seeker has already passed flight tests and has shown accuracy better than the Americans achieved with their Tomahawks.

The principle of operation of homing systems, which have the scientific name of correlation-extreme, is that optical equipment forms an image of the terrain in the target area, which is compared in the on-board computer with a reference one, after which corrective signals are issued to the missile controls.

The optical seeker is universal and makes only one requirement for the missile's inertial control system: to bring the latter to the point at which the optics begin to see the target. Existing active electronic warfare systems, which very effectively counteract radar homing systems, are powerless against such a head. The high sensitivity of the seeker allows it to operate even on a moonless night, which distinguishes the new system from existing analogues. In addition, optical systems do not require signals from space radio navigation systems, such as the American NAVSTAR, which in crisis situations can be turned off by its owners or disabled by radio interference. By the way, many potential customers of Iskander-E put forward demands for independence from satellite navigation. At the same time, the integration of inertial control with satellite navigation equipment and an optical seeker makes it possible to create a missile that can hit a given target in almost any imaginable conditions.

Information about the target is transmitted from a satellite, reconnaissance aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle to the information preparation point (IPP). It calculates the flight mission for the rocket, which is then transmitted via radio channels to the command and staff vehicles (CSVs) of the division and battery commanders, and from there to the launchers. Commands to launch missiles can be generated either in the command post or from the control centers of senior artillery commanders. The PPI and KShM equipment is built on local networks of Russian computers, and the functionality of the control set depends only on the software and can be easily upgraded to control various fire weapons.

On October 11, 2011, it was announced that the first stage of testing of the updated Iskander-M missile system with new combat equipment was completed - with a new electronic warfare system, which provides cover for the missile during the final flight phase. This system includes means of passive and active jamming of enemy air and missile defense surveillance and firing radars through noise and the release of false targets. Since 2013, new missiles began to be supplied to the Russian army.

The 2012 CIA analytical review “On strategic risks and the global military-political situation in the world” contains a very revealing definition: “The Iskander operational-tactical missile system is a weapon capable of influencing the military-political situation in regions of the world if located in Their states do not have an extended territory. Therefore, the issues of deployment of Iskander complexes, as well as their export deliveries, are the subject of political consultations between the countries.”

And, in addition, some beautiful videos:

A modern strike weapons complex capable of using various types of guided missiles with trajectories that impede the operation of missile defense systems.

Iskander is sometimes referred to as the “family of missile systems” because of variety of possible equipment. It was developed by the Kolomna "Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering" according to the technical specifications from the end 1980s , first shown in 1999, adopted for service in 2006. He is the heir to the Tochka missile systems of the ground forces ("Tochka-U" ) and "Oka", but significantly surpasses them in characteristics and tactical capabilities.

Since 2007 he has entered the military. Starting from 2013, purchases of Iskander will not be carried out in parts, as before, but immediately in brigade sets of equipment. According to the plans of the State Armament Program, by 2020 the ground forces will receive at least 120 systems (ten brigade sets).

The Iskander is mounted on an autonomous self-propelled launcher. Two missiles are placed on a single wheeled chassis in a closed housing. The type of missiles is different, depending on the modification of the complex. Iskander has three of them (in fact, these are separate missile systems): Iskander-M, Iskander-E and Iskander-K.

The Iskander-M self-propelled launcher carries two 9 M723−1 tactical ballistic missiles. The engine is solid fuel. The missile equipment of ground forces complexes is traditionally very diverse. These include cluster warheads with fragmentation and cumulative elements, including self-aiming ones (they open at an altitude of 900-1400 meters and fire a cloud of destructive elements over the target). These are ordinary high-explosive fragmentation warheads. These are high explosive incendiary parts. These are penetrating warheads for hitting buried targets such as bunkers. And finally, these are “special” (nuclear) combat units.

According to some information, it is possible to equip missiles with correction systems at the final stage of flight (radar or optical), which increases its accuracy at the final stage literally up to a circle with a radius of 1-2 meters from the aiming point, and also, if necessary, allows you to work on the target autonomously (without participation external target designation and space navigation systems - the use of satellite correction, by the way, is also provided for on the rocket). No operational-tactical missile system in the world has such capabilities.

The firing range is 400-500 km (up to the upper limit limited by the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty), the missile weight is 3800 kg, of which 480 kg is the warhead.

The fundamental difference between the 9 M723−1 missile and its predecessors is the so-called “quasi-ballistic” trajectory. The missile is controlled throughout the flight (and not in the acceleration phase, like a conventional ballistic one) through the use of aero- and gas-dynamic rudders. Not only does this ensure high-precision targeting of the target, but it also does not make it possible to “predict” its ballistic trajectory based on radar detections, which greatly complicates the interception of a missile by tactical missile defense systems.

The export version of Iskander-E is a tactical 9M723E ballistic missile system with roughened characteristics. In particular, the missile's range is limited to 280 km according to international missile technology control regimes.

The most interesting is the most classified version of the complex - Iskander-K (tested in May 2007). Here the complex is used as a launch platform for the latest R-500 cruise missiles. In principle, the use of such land-launched cruise missiles with a range of over 500 km is also prohibited by the INF Treaty. So the operating range of the Iskander in this version is 500 km.

OTRK "Iskander-M" / Photo: Press service of the Russian Defense Ministry

The Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system (OTRK) received a new aeroballistic missile.

“Now the Iskander-M OTRK can be equipped with five types of aeroballistic missiles and one cruise missile”

Valery Kashin, general designer of the research and production corporation Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (part of the High-Precision Complexes holding of the Rostec state corporation), told TASS.

“All these years, the weapons of the Iskander-M missile system have been developing and improving. In particular, a new aeroballistic missile has been created, which successfully passed interdepartmental tests in December,” he said.

Valery Kashin / Photo: Rostec

The agency's interlocutor explained that now the Iskander-M OTRK can be equipped with five types of aeroballistic missiles and one cruise missile.

About the complex

The 9K720 Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system was developed by KBM in the 1990s and put into service in 2006. Produced to replace the outdated 9K79 Tochka (9K79-1 Tochka-U) complexes. The range of the missiles is 500 kilometers, for the export version - 280 kilometers.

9M723 aeroballistic missiles (they have different types of combat equipment, as well as different correlative homing heads) are controlled throughout the flight, which makes their trajectory unpredictable and difficult to intercept by tactical missile defense systems. The complex can also use high-precision cruise missiles 9M728 (R-500), reported.

Technical information

Guided operational-tactical missile 9M723

Single-stage solid-fuel rocket 9M723, controlled at all stages of flight with a quasi-ballistic trajectory. The warhead of a cluster-type missile has 54 fragmentation elements with non-contact detonation or also a cluster type with elements of a volumetric detonating effect. The missiles are produced by JSC Votkinsk Plant, the launcher is manufactured at the Barricades Production Association.

Single-stage solid propellant rocket 9M723 / Photo:

The rocket is single-stage, has an engine with a single nozzle, is non-ballistic and is controlled throughout the entire flight path using aerodynamic and gas-dynamic rudders. Most of the flight path of a missile made using Stealth technology and having a small dispersion surface passes at an altitude of 50 km, which significantly reduces the likelihood of it being hit by the enemy. The “invisibility” effect is achieved through a combination of design features, in particular, treating the rocket with special coatings, dropping protruding parts after launch, etc.

Schematic diagram of the 9M723 guided operational-tactical missile / Photo:

The design of the rocket is single-stage with an inseparable warhead. Much attention is paid to reducing the RCS - there are no protruding parts, holes and noticeable joints, the cable garrot is minimized as much as possible on the first versions of the rockets and is made in the form of a thin train on the surface of the rocket body on more modern series, the aerodynamic control surfaces are replaced with swept ones instead of lattice ones. A special heat-protective coating of the body is used, which can probably serve as a coating that reduces the ESR.

Launch of the 9M723 guided tactical missile / Photo:

The Iskander trajectory is not only non-ballistic, but also difficult to predict. Immediately after launch and immediately upon approaching the target, the missile performs intensive maneuvering. Depending on the trajectory, overloads range from 20 to 30 units. Accordingly, the interceptor missile must withstand an overload of at least 2-3 times higher, which creates additional difficulties for developers of anti-Iskander systems.

Rocket 9M723 - rear view / Photo:

The task of creating similar equipment for Iskander-E was completed by the Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics (TsNIIAG), a leading developer of guidance and control systems for domestic tactical and operational-tactical missiles, which has a 25-year track record in the development of homing heads.

The main way to solve this problem was to combine an inertial system with optical guidance over the terrain surrounding the target. Moreover, the 9E436 optical correlation seeker, created in the early 90s at the Moscow TsNIIAG and shown at Eurosatory-2004, can be used both as part of the Iskander-E and on ballistic and cruise missiles of various classes and types (including intercontinental). The seeker 9E436 has already passed flight tests and demonstrated the missile’s accuracy when hitting a target up to two meters. To date, serial production of this head has been prepared.

The principle of operation of homing systems, which have the scientific name of correlation-extreme, is that optical equipment forms an image of the terrain in the target area, which is compared in the on-board computer with a reference one, after which corrective signals are issued to the missile controls.

Optical seeker 9E436 of the 9M723 OTRK "Iskander" missile / Photo:

  • GOS mass - 20 kg
  • Flight task entry time - no more than 5 minutes
  • KVO - up to 20 m

This management principle has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the last ones. Since the system does not recognize the target itself, but the terrain around it, it cannot provide guidance on a moving object. To formulate a flight mission, you must have a reconnaissance image. The operation of the seeker can be hampered by fog or an aerosol cloud exposed by the enemy that obscures the terrain. If the head is mounted on a ballistic missile, low clouds may interfere with its operation (this problem does not exist for cruise missiles capable of flying at low altitudes).

However, these disadvantages are more than compensated by the advantages. The optical seeker is universal and makes only one requirement for the missile's inertial control system: to bring the latter to the point at which the optics begin to see the target. Existing active electronic warfare systems, which very effectively counteract radar homing systems, are powerless against such a head. The high sensitivity of the seeker allows it to operate even on a moonless night, which distinguishes the new system from earlier prototypes. In addition, optical systems do not require signals from space radio navigation systems, such as the American NAVSTAR, which in crisis situations can be turned off or disabled by radio interference. At the same time, the integration of inertial control with satellite navigation equipment and an optical seeker makes it possible to create a missile that can hit a given target in almost any imaginable conditions.

The active radar seeker 9B918, which was developed and produced by NPP Radar MMS, also participates in the missile control work.

Engine - solid propellant rocket engine, engine compartment 9X820 (9M723 rocket), charge made of mixed solid fuel with high specific impulse. The Iskander/Iskander-E and Iskander-M missiles use different types of fuel. The solid propellant rocket motor of the complex does not require special heating during storage or operation at low temperatures (there are no missile heating systems on the SPU and TZM).

Remains of the engine compartment of a 9M723 missile discovered on Georgian territory during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, August 2008 / Photo:

The missile can be equipped with various warheads (10 types in total), including:
  • high-explosive fragmentation (all modifications), can be used with an optical or radar correlation seeker;
  • high-explosive incendiary use with optical or radar correlation seeker is unlikely
  • penetrating (all modifications), can be used with optical or radar correlation seeker
  • nuclear, power 5-50 kt (Iskander-M), theoretically can be used with an optical or radar correlation seeker. The use of nuclear warheads is probably not currently envisaged because in open photos and video materials on the SPU and TZM there are no heating systems for nuclear charges (but based on the modularity of the complex, such systems can be installed at any time).

9M723 rocket - front view / Photo:

Cassette warhead 9N722K5

Option 1 (possibly 9N722K1 - Design Bureau of the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant.

  • Weight - 480 kg
  • Number of combat elements - 54 pcs.
  • Warhead deployment height - 900-1400 m
  • Trigger height of combat elements - 6-10 m

Types of combat elements:

  1. fragmentation non-contact
  2. cumulative fragmentation
  3. self-aiming
  4. volumetric detonating

Option 2 (possibly 9N722K1 or another) - GosNIIMash (Dzerzhinsk)

  • Weight - 480 kg
  • Number of combat elements - 45 pcs.
  • Type of combat elements - 9N730 with a central explosive charge (CRZ) 9N731
  • Non-contact fuse type - 9E156 "Umbrella" developed by the Research Institute of Electronic Devices (Novosibirsk)

Contactless fuse 9E156 "Umbrella" of the combat element of a cassette warhead / Photo:

Rocket modifications
  • Rocket 9M723K1 / 9M723K5 - missiles with cluster warheads.
  • The 9M723K-E missile is an export version of the missile with a cluster warhead
  • The 9M723-1 missile is an improved version of the missile, developed as of 2007-2009.
  • Rocket 9M723-1F / 9M723-1FE - missile with radar seeker 9B918
  • Rocket 9M723-1F2 / 9M723-1F2Tl - mass-produced, with the letters "Tl" - telemetric version of the rocket
  • The 9M723-1K5 / 9M723-1K5Tl missile is mass-produced, with the letters "Tl" - a telemetric version of the missile.
  • 9M723 missile with a new type of combat equipment - a missile with a new type of combat equipment was launched at the Kapustin Yar test site on October 11, 2011. The launch was successful.
  • 9M723 missile with an optical correlation seeker - On November 14, 2911, a missile with a seeker of this type was successfully tested at the Kapustin Yar test site.
Performance characteristics of the 9M723 missile

The SS-26 Iskander is an operational-tactical missile system designed to eliminate area and small-sized targets that may be located deep in the operational location of enemy troops. The Iskander operational-tactical missile system was destined to be created in an environment in which the 1987 Short- and Medium-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was in force. In addition, there was a refusal to use nuclear weapons in war between opposing sides.

This is exactly why the Iskanders were created, taking into account the new requirements placed on them:

  • The use of a warhead only in the presence of standard equipment;
  • Refusal of nuclear strikes;
  • Guiding missiles along all their flight trajectories;
  • High firing accuracy;
  • The likelihood of changing combat units, taking into account the types of targets being eliminated;
  • High level of automation of all processes.

Number of Iskanders

Iskander, a tactical missile system, has been in service since 2010. At that time, six complexes were supplied to the military under the state defense order. The state arms program provided for the purchase of 120 Iskanders by 2020. Since 2015, the Russian army has formed brigades armed with the Iskander-M missile system.

Some information from the history of the Iskanders

Iskanders were developed simultaneously with the help of several design bureaus and institutes. However, the Kolomna Mashinostroeniya Design Bureau was destined to become the parent enterprise. It is known for many legendary weapons, such as Tochka-U, Igloy and Arena air defense systems, as well as many Soviet and Russian mortars.

The development of Iskander began with S.P. Invincible, the legendary general designer. He took the very successful RK Oka as a basis for that period. It is known that Oka was the first in history that was able to pass through missile defense with a coefficient of almost one, which ensured a high probability of hitting the target. However, according to the 1987 treaty between the USSR and the USA, they were destroyed. New developments were assigned to Valery Kashin, the current general designer and head of the Mashinostroeniya design bureau.

KBM was given a task: the new complex should destroy any targets, stationary or moving. And this is with the main requirement - the highest degree of missile defense penetration with target destruction, but without nuclear charges.

Passing the missile defense was based on:

  • Maximum reduction of the missile dispersion surface. Their contours have become extremely streamlined and smooth;
  • The external surfaces were treated with a radio-absorbing special coating;
  • The ability to quickly and actively maneuver, as a result of which the Iskander trajectory is unpredictable and missile interception is impossible.

No other operational-tactical and tactical missiles built on the planet have similar properties. During the development process, the designers performed absolutely unique work. This led to a revision of many of the concepts contained in the preliminary sketches of the project.

After the February 1993 Decree of the Russian President related to development work on the Iskander M complex, a tactical and technical specification was prepared. It indicated new approaches to the construction of complexes, as well as the optimization of all solutions.

For this reason, Iskander M had to become a completely new complex, and not a modernized old one. The complex has become the focus of numerous advanced domestic and world scientific achievements. Climatic, flight and bench tests had to drag on for many years. Mostly everything was carried out in Kapustin Yar, but some were also in other regions of the state.

Mid-autumn 2011 was marked by the completion of the first stage of tests carried out with the Iskander-M missile system, which resulted in the receipt of new combat equipment. The 9M723 missiles had excellent characteristics, as well as a new correlation guidance system.

Likely targets

Iskanders can strike at:

  • Missile systems, multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery;
  • Missile defense and air defense systems;
  • Airplanes and helicopters at airfields;
  • Command posts and communication centers;
  • Particularly important objects in civil infrastructure.

Characteristic features of the Iskanders

The characteristic features of the Iskanders are:

  • Availability of high-precision effective destruction of a wide variety of targets;
  • Stealth in combat duty, in preparation for launch and in delivering strikes;
  • Automation of calculations and input of flight missions for missiles at launchers;
  • High potential for performing combat missions in an environment of active counteraction by the enemy;
  • High level of operational reliability of missiles, trouble-free launch and flight;
  • High level of tactical maneuverability;
  • High level of strategic mobility;
  • High level of automation of processes in the combat control of missile units;
  • Fast processing and timely delivery of intelligence data to the necessary levels of management;
  • Long service life and convenient operation.

Combat characteristics

The combat characteristics of the Iskanders are:

  • Circular deviation probability: 1-30 m;
  • The launch weight of the rockets is 3,800 kg;
  • Length - 7.2 m;
  • Diameter - 920 mm;
  • Weight of warheads - 480 kg;
  • The rocket speed after the initial part of the trajectory is 2100 m/s;
  • The minimum target engagement range is 50 km;
  • Maximum target engagement range:
    • 500 km - Iskander-K;
    • 280 km - Iskander-E.
  • Time to launch with the first rocket is 4-16 minutes;
  • Interval between starts: 1 min;
  • Service life: ten years, including three years in the field.

Elements that make up the Iskander

The main elements that make up the Iskander are:

  • Rockets;
  • Self-propelled launchers;
  • Transport-charging vehicles;
  • Routine maintenance vehicles;
  • Command and staff vehicles;
  • Data preparation points;
  • Arsenal equipment sets;
  • Educational and training aids.

Self-propelled launchers - designed for storage, transportation, preparatory work and launches at targets of two missiles (in the export version of one missile). Self-propelled launchers can be made on the basis of special wheeled chassis, which are produced at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. The tractors have a total weight of 42 tons, a payload of 19 tons, a travel speed of 70 km/h on highways, 40 km/h on dirt roads, and a fuel range of up to 1000 km. The combat crew includes three military personnel.

Transport-loading vehicles are designed to transport an additional pair of missiles. Transport-loading vehicles are based on the MZKT-7930 chassis and are equipped with loading cranes. They have a total combat weight of 40 tons and a crew of two military personnel.

Command and staff vehicles - designed to control all processes in the Iskander complexes. They are based on the KamAZ-43101 wheeled chassis. The combat crew includes four military personnel.

Characteristic features that the CVS have:

  • The maximum radio communication range on the spot is 350 km, on the march 50 km;
  • Estimated task time for missiles is up to 10 s;
  • Command transmission time up to 15 s;
  • The number of radio communication channels is 16;
  • Unfolding (collapsing) time is up to half an hour;
  • Continuous operation time up to two days.

Routine and maintenance vehicles are designed to monitor instruments, missiles, on-board equipment and to carry out routine repair work. They are located on the KamAZ wheelbase. They have a mass of up to 14 tons, a deployment time of no more than 20 minutes, a time of automated cycles of routine checks of on-board missile equipment - 18 minutes, and a combat crew of two military personnel.

Data preparation points are designed to determine the coordinates of targets and prepare data for missiles in order to transmit them to the SPU. Data preparation points are integrated with intelligence assets and can receive tasks from any sources, including satellites, aircraft or drones. There are two military personnel in the combat crew.

Life support vehicles are designed for combat crews to rest and eat. They are located on the wheelbase of KamAZ-43118. The machines have: compartments for rest and compartments for household supplies.

Iskander missiles are solid-fuel, single-stage, with warheads that cannot be separated in flight, guided and maneuverable missiles along the entire length of difficult-to-predict flight trajectories. Missiles maneuver especially quickly during the starting and final stages of flight, in which they approach targets with high overloads.

This is due to the need to fly anti-missile missiles to intercept Iskander missiles with overloads two to three times greater, which today is considered almost impossible.

Most of the flight trajectories of the Iskander missiles were carried out using stealth technologies with small reflective surfaces. The “invisibility” effects are ensured by the combined design features of the missiles and the treatment of their surfaces using special coatings.

The launch of missiles to targets is carried out using an inertial control system. They are subsequently captured by autonomous correlation-extreme optical homing heads. The missile homing system operates on the principle that optical instruments form images in the target area, which the on-board computer compares with the data entered into it.

Optical homing heads are distinguished by an increased level of sensitivity and resistance to existing electronic warfare equipment. Thanks to this, you can launch missiles on a moonless night without additional natural illumination and eliminate moving targets within a radius of two meters. Today, such tasks, except for the Iskanders, cannot be solved by any other similar missile systems on the planet.

It is interesting that the optical homing systems used in missiles do not need to correct the signals that are created by space radio navigation systems. The complex use of inertial control systems with satellite navigation and optical seekers made it possible to create missiles that hit specified targets in almost any possible situation. The homing heads installed on Iskander missiles can also be installed on other missiles. These can be different ballistic and cruise missiles.

Types of Iskander combat units

The main types of Iskander combat units are:

  • Cassette weapons with fragmentation warheads for non-contact explosions. They can operate at a height of approximately ten meters above the ground;
  • Cassette weapons with cumulative fragmentation warheads;
  • Cassette weapons with self-aiming combat elements;
  • Cassette, having a volumetric detonating effect;
  • High-explosive fragmentation;
  • High explosive incendiary;
  • Penetrating.

Fifty-four combat elements are located in cluster warheads.

All Iskanders are integrated with a wide variety of reconnaissance and control systems. They are capable of receiving information about targets designated for destruction from satellites, reconnaissance aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicles at data preparation points. They are used to calculate flight missions for missiles and carry out preparatory work on reference information for missiles.

Through radio channels, this information is broadcast and received by command and staff vehicles, commanders of divisions and batteries, and then by launchers. The missile launch command is carried out from command and staff vehicles. In addition, senior artillery commanders can also command using control posts.

The missiles placed (two) on each self-propelled launcher and transport-loading vehicle significantly increase the firepower in missile divisions. In addition, there are one-minute intervals between missile launches against a wide variety of targets, while ensuring high fire productivity. Considering its high efficiency, as well as the totality of its combat potential, the Iskander operational-tactical missile system is destined to become the equivalent of nuclear weapons and a reliable non-nuclear “shield of the Motherland.”

In world politics there are magic words that make entire governments tremble. For example, the phrase “chemical weapons in Syria” or “nuclear weapons in Iran” evokes a state of extreme military-diplomatic excitement among the political elite of Western countries. However, in terms of the speed of reaction of the progressive public to such phrases, our Iskander has no equal. The mention of the Iskander-M OTRK, especially in the context of its deployment near someone’s borders, inevitably entails a reaction close to hysteria from the media, military and politicians of border countries and their Western overlords. Let's figure out what is the secret of the magical properties of this operational-tactical missile system that so frightens our neighbors.

The problem with the Iskander missile system is that it cannot be caught. Firstly, because during the flight the missile maneuvers with enormous overloads, which are still unattainable for any interceptor missile in service with the countries of the world. Secondly, it flies very low - up to 6 km from the surface at a speed of Mach 4, so it is almost impossible to detect it using standard radar means. Thirdly, it throws out false targets to deceive the enemy’s radar, sets up active radio interference and “jammes” all the emitters by which missile defense systems navigate in space. Those. The Iskander can destroy any object within a radius of 500 km with an accuracy of 2 meters and a probability close to 100%. Theoretically, by launching a missile from Kaliningrad, you can “reach” the government quarter in Berlin, and the destructive force of the strike can be easily increased by “hanging” a nuclear warhead on the missile. No one in the world has such missile weapons. At the same time, Iskander is extremely mobile and secretive - the likelihood of its detection, even by space reconnaissance means, is very low. Within 1 minute, he launched a set of missiles and immediately left the location, turning off all devices.

The rocket is single-stage, has an engine with a single nozzle, is non-ballistic and is controlled throughout the entire flight path using aerodynamic and gas-dynamic rudders. Most of the flight path of a missile made using Stealth technology and having a small dispersion surface passes at an altitude of 50 km, and on the approach phase - 6-20 km (depending on the type of OTRK), which makes its defeat by the enemy a practically impossible task . The “invisibility” effect is achieved through a combination of design features, in particular, treating the rocket with special nanostructured dispersive coatings, dropping protruding parts after launch, etc. The Iskander trajectory is not only non-ballistic, but also difficult to predict. Immediately after launch and immediately upon approaching the target, the missile performs intensive maneuvering. Depending on the trajectory, overloads range from 20 to 30 units. Accordingly, the interceptor missile must withstand an overload of at least 2-3 times higher, which is technologically impossible within the framework of the existing 4th technological order in the world and even the promising fifth.
The Iskander-M is the main version for the Russian army and is significantly more complex than the Iskander-E available for export. Less noticeable, more maneuverable at the start and during the final phase of the flight. In addition, it has not just an inertial guidance system, like the Iskander-E, but a combined one, including radio correction, GPS, GLONASS, laser and optical homing in the final section. Controlled by lattice rudders. The warhead is not separated in principle, because the body serves to create lift at the final section.

In 2012, another complex was final tested - Iskander-K, which is a further development of the M. It launches even more accurate, already cruise missiles, which are equipped with small load-bearing surfaces, like on the R-37. Thanks to this, it became possible to fire along a flat trajectory, like the OKA complex did in its time, only much more accurately and faster. The missile can fly at an altitude of only 6 km (horizontal radars have no chance), it uses a combined seeker and replaceable warheads. Two missiles in a salvo can be equipped with different guidance systems and fire both along a mounted and flat trajectory.

Experts express the opinion that the combined use of two brothers - Iskander-M and Iskander-K - gives a synergistic effect that none of the existing missile defense systems can counteract. One of the missile technology experts, speaking on forums under the nickname “Evil Critic,” described the new product this way: “It is known that both ballistic missiles (BMs) and cruise missiles (CR), as well as their guidance systems, have a number of limitations on the “current state” of the target object... For example, if you bet ONLY on the Iskander-M, for example, with an optical-correlation system for final guidance on the target target, and if you assume that the object will have to be hit at “hour X” with low clouds and intense visual opposition from the enemy, the bet may be lost. The same applies to the final guidance radar system, which is similar in operating principle to that of the Pershing-2 - here the enemy’s intense electronic warfare can confuse the cards. At the same time, low clouds, for example, and intense visual masking of the final object, will be to a certain extent “on the drum” of the CR with an inertial and optical-correlation system that works out navigation corrections throughout the ENTIRE route (similar to the Pendossk ALCM CR).. Here, no amount of masking of the target will help - and here you ONLY need to shoot down the missile, shoot it down on the route or, as a last resort, on the approach to the target.

Finally, let’s imagine a situation where “Iskander-K” and “Iskander-M” “approach” the target (Czech missile defense radar or noble mines with GBI) - AT THE SAME TIME... And each demonstrates “their own proprietary set of gadgets” , - “Iskander-M” - high-intensity maneuvering of a high-flying hypersonic target, “Iskander-K” - an extremely low flight profile (about 6 m) and following the terrain in a practically “autonomous” (i.e., independent of the search for a target onboard sensors) mode... This REALLY is a situation close to 100% probability of hitting the target... So, to combat Euro-missile defense, the COMBINATION of "Iskander-M" + "Iskander-K" is really optimal. The trick is to use these products simultaneously, “in one hit.”

The German newspaper Bild, citing its sources, reported that Russia has deployed Iskander missiles in the Kaliningrad region near the border with Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This message was followed by the reaction of the US authorities, who immediately, through all channels of interaction, called on Russia not to destabilize the situation by deploying Iskander missiles in the west. "We would not want them to take steps that would destabilize the region," US State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said. Translated from diplomatic to human, it sounds something like this: “The deployment of Iskander missiles will upset the entire balance of power in Europe, and not in our direction. Anything, but not Iskander! Concerns were also expressed in Poland and Latvia. Lithuanian Defense Minister Juozas Olakas called this alarming news, and Lithuanian Presidential Adviser Dali Grybauskaite said that Russia's actions do not correspond to declarations of desire for closer cooperation with the European Union and NATO. Even China became nervous when it learned that the missile system would be located near its border.

Let us note that with the delivery of Iskander missiles to Armenia, the hands of Azerbaijan, which had recently been trying to flex its military muscles in the region, were tied - the aggressive rhetoric towards Yerevan stopped. In 2014, Armenia will complete the re-equipment of its missile units with ultra-precise and long-range missile systems. Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan stated this at a press conference in Yerevan on January 24, answering a question from journalists about whether reports about Yerevan’s acquisition of Russian modern operational-tactical missile systems (OTRK) Iskander-M are true. Please note that it is not the export Iskander-E with a range of 280 km and one missile in the launcher, which has been reduced in capabilities, but a full-fledged "M", firing at a distance of up to 500 km and having 2 missiles at once (by the way, so far the only OTRK in the world capable launch 2 missiles from one launcher at once). Apparently, an exception was made for our Armenian friends due to the tense geopolitical situation throughout the CIS.

Iskander can deliver cluster (with 54 combat elements), penetrating, high-explosive fragmentation, and nuclear warheads to the target. This allows you to hit small-sized and area targets, including enemy fire weapons, air defense and missile defense systems, aircraft at airfields, command posts, etc. The RK includes a missile, a self-propelled launcher, a transport-loading and command-staff vehicle, a mobile information preparation station, mobile technical and household support units, as well as sets of arsenal and training equipment.

The history of the creation of this OTRK began in the early 80s. The use of conventional (non-nuclear) warheads while maintaining the effectiveness of the weapon forced developers to look for new ways to build a missile control system (CS). The accuracy of the inertial control system for solving this problem is insufficient; it should have been increased
approximately by an order of magnitude. In the 80s Attempts have already been made in our country to solve this problem. Optical homing equipment for the Scud was created (it was even possible to conduct field tests and hand over the missile for trial operation among the troops). A nuclear-free warhead with guidance using a correlation-type radar seeker was developed for the Volga complex. The modernized "Oka" and "Tochka" had not only an inertial control system, but also an optical correlation-extreme guidance system, which was also not only tested, but also underwent trial operation by the troops. During the years of inactivity of our military-industrial complex, the United States achieved great success in this direction: on the American Pershing-2 missile, which was destroyed under the INF Treaty, a radar seeker was installed that identified the terrain in the target area; optical homing systems are used in modern versions of the Tomahawk and CALCM cruise missiles. Their effectiveness was clearly demonstrated in Iraq and Yugoslavia.

The task of creating similar equipment for the Iskander was completed by the Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics (TsNIIAG), a leading developer of guidance and control systems for domestic tactical and operational-tactical missiles, which has a 25-year track record in the development of homing heads. The main way to solve this problem was to combine an inertial system with optical guidance over the terrain surrounding the target. Moreover, the homing head created at TsNIIAG can be used both as part of the Iskander and on ballistic and cruise missiles of various classes and types (including intercontinental ones). This seeker has already passed flight tests and has shown accuracy better than the Americans achieved with their Tomahawks.

The principle of operation of homing systems, which have the scientific name of correlation-extreme, is that optical equipment forms an image of the terrain in the target area, which is compared in the on-board computer with a reference one, after which corrective signals are issued to the missile controls.

The optical seeker is universal and makes only one requirement for the missile's inertial control system: to bring the latter to the point at which the optics begin to see the target. Existing active electronic warfare systems, which very effectively counteract radar homing systems, are powerless against such a head. The high sensitivity of the seeker allows it to operate even on a moonless night, which distinguishes the new system from existing analogues. In addition, optical systems do not require signals from space radio navigation systems, such as the American NAVSTAR, which in crisis situations can be turned off by its owners or disabled by radio interference. By the way, many potential customers of Iskander-E put forward demands for independence from satellite navigation. At the same time, the integration of inertial control with satellite navigation equipment and an optical seeker makes it possible to create a missile that can hit a given target in almost any imaginable conditions.

Information about the target is transmitted from a satellite, reconnaissance aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle to the information preparation point (IPP). It calculates the flight mission for the rocket, which is then transmitted via radio channels to the command and staff vehicles (CSVs) of the division and battery commanders, and from there to the launchers. Commands to launch missiles can be generated either in the command post or from the control centers of senior artillery commanders. The PPI and KShM equipment is built on local networks of Russian computers, and the functionality of the control set depends only on the software and can be easily upgraded to control various fire weapons.

On October 11, 2011, it was announced that the first stage of testing of the updated Iskander-M missile system with new combat equipment was completed - with a new electronic warfare system, which provides cover for the missile during the final flight phase. This system includes means of passive and active jamming of enemy air and missile defense surveillance and firing radars through noise and the release of false targets. Since 2013, new missiles began to be supplied to the Russian army.
The 2012 CIA analytical review “On strategic risks and the global military-political situation in the world” contains a very revealing definition: “The Iskander operational-tactical missile system is a weapon capable of influencing the military-political situation in regions of the world if located in Their states do not have an extended territory. Therefore, the issues of deployment of Iskander complexes, as well as their export deliveries, are the subject of political consultations between the countries.”