The main factors influencing the location of food industry enterprises. Features of the location of individual sectors of the food industry

When locating food industry enterprises across the country, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, the most important of which are:

The nature of processed raw materials and finished products;

Possible shelf life of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

Natural and natural-historical conditions;

Population size and its concentration by region of the country;

Standard of living;

Local traditions, customs, tastes and habits of the population;

Social forms of production organization (concentration, specialization, combination and cooperation);

Development of the transport network;


Methods of transporting raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, requiring special conditions and changing with the development of technical progress;

Other factors.

All food industry enterprises, based on the principles of their location, are divided into three groups.

To the first group include enterprises that process transportable raw materials and produce non-transportable or perishable products. These are mainly enterprises involved in the secondary processing of raw materials (bakeries, confectionery factories, secondary wine-making factories, beer and soft drink factories, pasta factories, tea-packing factories, tobacco factories, etc.). For example, transportation costs for the transportation of confectionery products are 1.5 - 3 times higher than for the transportation of raw materials (sugar, molasses, flour). The products of the brewing industry, including bottled containers, are 10 times heavier in weight, and non-alcoholic products are 15-17 times greater than the raw materials. When producing wine in bottles, the total mass of containers (bottles and boxes) is 1.5 times the mass of the wine itself. Return transportation of containers also causes greater transport load and increased transport costs. In addition, the sales time for the products of enterprises in this group (cakes and pastries, bakery products, beer and soft drinks) ranges from several hours to several days.

It is advisable to locate such enterprises in places where products are consumed.

To the second group include enterprises that process non-transportable or perishable raw materials and produce transportable products. These are enterprises engaged in the primary processing of agricultural raw materials (sugar, alcohol, oil extraction plants, primary wine-making plants, enterprises for the fermentation of tobacco and tea leaves, etc.), as well as the salt industry, the production of mineral waters and fish production.

The raw materials processed at these enterprises are perishable, subject to active biological processes and non-transportable. For example, to produce 1 ton of granulated sugar, 9 tons of sugar beets are required. More than 6 tons of potatoes are consumed for 1 ton of finished products (starch or molasses); for the production of 1t of vegetable oil - more than 2t of sunflower seeds or more than 5t of cotton seeds. For 100 dal (equivalent to 1 ton) an average of about 1.5 tons of grapes are consumed, and for 100 dal of cognac alcohol - 12 tons of grapes. Long-term storage, transportation and reloading of raw materials are associated with deterioration in quality and losses. Thus, grapes must be processed within 2-4 hours after harvesting, milk - within 2 days, some types of vegetables - 1.5 days. Many of these industries are large consumers of water and fuel and require location near water bodies or railways.

It is advisable to locate such enterprises in places where raw materials are produced.

To the third group include enterprises that process transportable raw materials and produce transportable products (for example, flour mills, cereal enterprises) or enterprises that process non-transportable raw materials and produce non-transportable products (for example, canneries, meat processing plants). Such enterprises can be located in places where products are consumed, where the population is most concentrated, or, if the population is dispersed and its density is low, in places where raw materials are produced. For example, flour mills operate both in large cities and in grain production areas.

The construction of meat processing plants in large cities is advisable because when slaughtering livestock, a comprehensive use of raw materials is achieved. Meat in raw and processed form is used at the construction site of the enterprise, skins are transferred for processing to leather industry enterprises, bones are used for the production of gelatin, waste is used for the production of animal feed or meat and bone meal, consumer goods workshops are created at the enterprises for the production of various products from animal horns etc. At the same time, such enterprises are also built in areas where livestock is raised.

The efficiency of their operation largely depends on the correct solution to the issues of locating enterprises.

Taking into account the considered features of the location of food industry enterprises, a region and site for the construction of new enterprises are selected, and the forms of organization of social production determine the possible type and structure of the enterprise.

Calculations to justify the capacity and choice of area for the construction of enterprises begin with determining the needs of the population, other sectors of the national economy and livestock farming (for the feed industry) for the products of this industry.

Then the possible volume of industry output is established at existing and currently under construction enterprises, taking into account the use of existing reserves.

There is a shortage of products in some areas and surpluses in others. A checkerboard list of inter-district transportation is compiled, which shows the direction and volume of transportation from areas with a surplus of products to areas with a shortage. Based on the balance of production and consumption of products, areas with a shortage of products in this industry are identified. The magnitude of the product shortage, taking into account the capacity utilization factor, allows us to determine the need to increase production capacity through expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of existing enterprises or new construction. All calculations to justify the capacity and choice of construction areas are carried out for a future of 5, 10, or 15 years.

For areas where it is planned to build enterprises for processing agricultural raw materials, additional balances of production and use of raw materials (potatoes, vegetables, fruits, grapes, etc.) are drawn up.

When drawing up balances of production and processing of raw materials, the following conditions should be taken into account:

The possibility and feasibility of producing this type of raw material according to natural and climatic conditions;

Possibility and efficiency of production of other types of crops;

Provision of labor resources;

The need to reduce transport of finished products.

For example, the production of sugar beets is possible everywhere, in most regions of the Russian Federation, but the production of grapes, citrus fruits, and some types of vegetables and fruits is possible only in the southern regions. Therefore, it is inappropriate to occupy areas in the southern regions for sugar beet crops.

An important role in choosing a construction area (other things being equal) is played by transportation costs. First, based on the principle of lowest transportation costs, 2–4 points are identified, then based on a comparative analysis of capital and current costs (at a minimum of reduced costs) for utilities and other works, the best sites for construction are selected based on these points. Having compared the data obtained in the context of the main indicators of economic efficiency for all options for locating the enterprise, an economically advantageous area and site for the construction of the enterprise are selected.

Questions for self-control

1. List the factors influencing the location of food industry enterprises.

2. What principles determine the classification of food industry enterprises when locating?

3. Provide specific examples that support the validity of these principles.

4. Show the sequence of calculations for selecting areas for construction of food enterprises.

5. What conditions should be taken into account when choosing areas for the construction of enterprises processing agricultural raw materials?

Tests on the topic

1. Enterprises that gravitate towards places of production include

a) sugar factories

b) confectionery factories

c) primary winemaking factories

d) tea-packing factories

d) bakeries

5. Enterprises that gravitate towards places where raw materials are produced include

a) sugar refineries

b) primary milk processing plants

c) tea leaf fermentation enterprises

d) beer and soft drinks factories

d) pasta factories

e) distilleries

6. Flour mills are built according to the principle of locating enterprises

a) only in places where raw materials are produced

b) only in places of consumption of products

c) both in places of production of raw materials and in places of consumption of products

· Consumer factor. Finished products of the clothing industry are less transportable compared to raw materials. For example, fabrics are economically more transportable than finished products. In the textile industry, on the contrary, finished products are more transportable than raw materials.

For example, when washed, wool becomes 70% lighter.

— branches of the food industry, oriented both to raw materials and to the consumer - flour milling, meat and others. The proximity of the food industry to raw material bases and places of consumption is achieved through the specialization of enterprises by stages of the technological process, when the primary processing of raw materials is carried out close to its sources, and the production of finished products is carried out at the places of consumption. Among the sectors of the food industry that are influenced by both raw materials and consumer factors, the meat industry can be noted.

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Features of the location of food industry sectors

The food industry is one of the significant sectors of modern industrial production. In terms of gross output, it ranks second after mechanical engineering.

The role of the food industry in the development of productive forces is determined, first of all, by the fact that it satisfies the predominant part of the population's food needs. The food industry provides a more rational diet for the population, helps eliminate uneven food consumption both over time and regionally, allows for the efficient use of agricultural raw materials and reduces their losses.

Branches of the food industry have features that significantly influence the nature of their location.

The most important of them include the following:

1. Seasonal nature of the production of many types of raw materials.

2. Physical non-transportability of individual raw materials.

3. Economic non-transportability of a number of types of raw materials.

4. Multicomponent composition of processed organic raw materials, which allows, along with the main product, to obtain other food and non-food products.

5. The widespread nature of food consumption.

6. Massive consumption of many foods.

7. Physical and economic non-transportability of individual finished food products.

8. The need for constant and large-scale diversification

production in accordance with market needs.

9. The specific nature of concentration, specialization, cooperation and combination of production.

10. A significant share of transport costs in the cost and value of food products.

All this makes the placement of food industry sectors unique and flexible.

Based on the nature of their location, all industries are divided into three groups.

Material-intensive, gravitating towards sources of raw materials or areas of consumption.

2. Energy-intensive, gravitating towards energy sources.

3. Labor-intensive, gravitating towards labor resources.

Branches of the food industry, by the nature of their location, depending on the goal, are grouped according to different criteria.

The first group of industries gravitates toward areas of raw material sources (beet sugar, canning, primary winemaking, etc.).

The second group of industries gravitates towards areas of consumption (baking, alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, etc.).

2. Based on the ratio of the weight of raw materials and finished products from them, the food industry is divided into three groups.

The first group is industries that use raw materials whose weight is many times greater than the weight of finished products made from it. They are located as close as possible to the sources of raw materials. These, for example, include the beet-sugar industry (8-10 times the excess), vegetable drying (more than ten times), butter and cheese making, etc.

The second group consists of industries whose product weight, on the contrary, is multiples of the weight of the original raw materials. They are traditionally located in consumption areas. This is the alcoholic beverage industry (4-5 times the excess), secondary winemaking with bottling, brewing, etc.

The third group is industries where the weight of the raw materials is approximately equal to the weight of the finished product. All other things being equal, they can be placed both in areas of consumption and in areas of raw materials, that is, they can improve the uniformity of distribution of the food industry. These include such industries as the pasta industry, refined sugar, margarine production, etc.

When forecasting location and its rationalization in industrial economics, grouping is used on a territorial basis. The presence of individual industries in a number of locations and regions is mandatory to reduce all transport operations to a minimum. There are several groups of industries, the presence of which in individual locations and regions is necessary.

1. Industries whose enterprises should be located in every locality and city (baking, non-alcoholic). Intercity and intersettlement transportation should be excluded on a mass scale.

2. Industries whose enterprises must be located in any subject of the federation - republic, region, territory (flour milling, pasta, dairy, meat, alcoholic beverages, etc.).

Interregional transportation of such products is reduced to a minimum.

3. Industries whose enterprises should be located in all major economic regions. Inter-district transportation of these products is excluded if possible - (refined sugar, etc.).

4. Unique industries, the placement of which, due to objective circumstances, is strictly localized (subtropical industries tea, tobacco, citrus fruits).

This placement minimizes transportation in the national economy.

Assessment of the development of the food industry in the Karaganda region

In the Karaganda region it is planned to double the production of food products by 2014 - head of the region

KARAGANDA. February 13. KAZINFORM /Valentina Elizarova/ - In the Karaganda region, by 2014 it is planned to double the volume of food production through the modernization and reconstruction of existing fixed assets, said the head of the region, Serik Akhmetov, at a reporting meeting with the population.

“The development of the agro-industrial complex will be carried out, as defined in the Address of the President of the country, in three directions: increasing labor productivity, saturating the domestic market with domestically produced food products, and realizing export potential,” the regional akim emphasized.

By 2014, it is planned to increase the production of grain to 650 thousand tons, potatoes - to 230 thousand tons, vegetables - to 78 thousand tons, the head of the region announced the data. “Moreover, due to the widespread introduction of new technologies, including moisture-saving technologies, as well as through the acquisition of more productive agricultural equipment,” noted S. Akhmetov. According to him, the revival in the field of irrigated agriculture, especially in the canal area. K. Satpayev, will double the production of cabbage, carrots and other vegetables, as well as feed crops for livestock farming.

“In general, the following measures will be taken for the further development of the agro-industrial complex: development of a list of investment and innovation projects; increasing the acreage for cultivating grain crops using moisture-resource-saving technology, updating agricultural equipment; increasing the number of feedlots and dairy farms; improving the quality of livestock products through the organization of large-scale selection and breeding work; construction of slaughterhouses and sites; cooperation of small peasant farms; construction of meat processing complexes,” said S. Akhmetov.

The Karaganda region is rich in copper and tungsten reserves, as well as large deposits of coal, lead, zinc, iron, manganese, and rare metals. The Karaganda coal basin is the main supplier of coking coal for the metallurgical industry of the republic. The largest enterprise in the metallurgical industry of Kazakhstan operates in the region - the Karaganda metallurgical plant "Ispat-Karmet", which produces 100% of cast iron and finished rolled ferrous metals and more than 90% of the republic's steel. JSC Zhairem Mining and Processing Plant produces high-quality low-phosphorus manganese concentrates from oxidized manganese and ferromanganese ores. The manufactured products are supplied to near and far abroad countries and are used for the production of high-quality grades of electric furnace and blast furnace ferroalloys, high-manganese cast irons and steels. At the Zhezkazgan and Balkhash mining and metallurgical plants, all stages of copper production are represented, up to the production of rolled copper. On the basis of the metallurgical industry, the chemical industry is developed in the region. Sulfuric acid, nitrogen fertilizers, etc. are produced. Machine-building enterprises "Kargormash-ITEKS" and the Karaganda Foundry and Machine-Building Plant produce mining equipment. The region also has a developed light industry and construction materials industry. The largest food industry enterprises are a meat processing plant, a flour mill, a confectionery factory “Karagandy Sweets”, etc.

3 The role of scientific and technological progress in increasing concentration levels

The essence and significance of NTP

STP is a continuous process of introducing new equipment and technology, organizing production and labor based on achievements and implementation of scientific knowledge.

The initial driving force of scientific and technological progress is scientific knowledge. The main content is the development and improvement of all factors of production. STP is characterized by planfulness, consistency, continuity and globality. The ultimate goal of introducing the achievements of scientific and technological progress is to reduce the socially necessary costs of production and improve its quality, improve working conditions and increase the standard of living of the people.

At the present stage, the role of scientific and technical progress is increasing. Solving the most important problems—the transition to an intensive path of economic development and a steady increase in production efficiency—requires not so much quantitative as qualitative changes based on the worldwide and effective use of the latest achievements of science and technology.

Scientific and technological progress makes it possible to radically improve the use of natural resources, raw materials, materials, fuel and energy at all stages, i.e. from production and complex processing of raw materials to the release and use of final products. Due to this, a sharp reduction in material consumption, metal consumption and energy intensity of production will be achieved.

The social significance of scientific and technological progress is enormous. As a result, heavy physical labor is displaced and its character changes. NTP places very high demands on the professional and educational level of its employees. Under its influence, the differences between mental and physical labor are smoothed out.

Scientific and technological progress can develop on both an evolutionary and a revolutionary basis. Its integral and more significant part is scientific and technological revolution. The scientific and technological revolution, in turn, is a spasmodic process.

Scientific and technological revolution is the highest level of scientific and technological progress and means fundamental changes in science and technology that have a significant impact on social production.

2. Main directions of scientific and technological progress

Any state, in order to ensure an effective economy and not lag behind other countries in its development, must pursue a unified state scientific and technological policy.

A unified scientific and technological policy is a system of targeted measures that ensure the comprehensive development of science and technology and the introduction of their results into the economy. The state at each stage of its development must determine the main directions of scientific and technical progress and provide the conditions for their implementation.

The main directions of scientific and technical progress are those areas of development of science and technology, the implementation of which in practice will provide a minimum of economic and social efficiency in the shortest possible time. The following areas of scientific and technical progress are distinguished:

b national (general) - areas of scientific and technical progress that at this stage and in the future are a priority for a country or a group of countries;

b sectoral (private) - areas of scientific and technical progress that are the most important and priority for individual sectors of the national economy and industry.

The main directions of scientific and technical progress in agriculture are as follows:

b complex mechanization, automation, electrification and chemicalization of production;

b land reclamation;

b use of intensive, resource-saving technologies;

b creation of high-yielding, immune and highly effective varieties of agricultural crops;

b development of livestock breeds with a complex of valuable biological and economically useful qualities;

b biotechnology;

b deepening specialization and increasing concentration of production;

ь improvement of forms of organization and motivation of highly productive work;

ь development of various forms of ownership and management;

b integration of agriculture with other sectors of the national economy.

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Factors in the location of the food industry. Taking into account the peculiarities of location, 3 groups of industries can be distinguished: industries focused on sources of raw materials (with high rates of consumption): sugar, butter, cheese, milk-canning, fat-and-oil, fruits and vegetables, fish canning, etc.; industries that gravitate towards markets for the consumption of finished products (if the weight of the finished product coincides or exceeds the weight of the initial raw materials or in the production of perishable products): baking, brewing, confectionery, pasta, dairy, etc. These industries are located fairly evenly throughout the country; Industries that are simultaneously oriented towards the raw material base and towards the consumer: meat, flour-grinding, tobacco, etc.

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There are a total of 16 presentations in the topic “Economics Grade 9” > Economics 9th grade > Light and food industry of Russia > Slide 20

Light industry is an industry for the production of consumer goods, which must meet the needs of the country's population. The main task of the light industry is to meet the growing needs of all segments of the population.

Light industry is one of the sectors of the complex producing consumer goods. This industry is a manufacturing industry and produces products for the population: fabrics, clothing, shoes, knitwear, hosiery and fur products, hats, textiles and leather haberdashery.

The factors for locating light industry enterprises are varied and each industry has its own characteristics, but the following main ones can be identified:

· Labor resources. This factor requires a large number of people and highly qualified specialists.

· Raw material factor. This factor primarily influences the location of enterprises for the primary processing of raw materials. For example, enterprises for the primary processing of leather are located near large meat processing plants.

· Consumer factor. Finished products of the clothing industry are less transportable compared to raw materials.

For example, fabrics are economically more transportable than finished products. In the textile industry, on the contrary, finished products are more transportable than raw materials. For example, when washed, wool becomes 70% lighter.

The main component of the entire agro-industrial complex of Russia is the food industry, which is characterized by a complex structure. It includes over two dozen industries with numerous specialized industries. The location of the food industry is based on two factors: raw materials and consumer. The focus on raw materials is due to the material intensity of the food industry. In most of its industries, the consumption of raw materials far exceeds the weight of the finished product. Agricultural products quickly deteriorate when transported over long distances, and their quality deteriorates, so some food enterprises are located in close proximity to the places of production.

Depending on the degree of merging of raw materials and consumer factors, the food industry is divided into three groups:

— industries focused on sources of raw materials - canned milk, starch and syrup, sugar, fat and oil, etc.;

— branches of the food industry focused on places of consumption of finished products - dairy, baking, etc.;

— branches of the food industry, oriented both to raw materials and to the consumer - flour milling, meat and others. The proximity of the food industry to raw material bases and places of consumption is achieved through the specialization of enterprises by stages of the technological process, when the primary processing of raw materials is carried out close to its sources, and the production of finished products is carried out at the places of consumption.

Among the sectors of the food industry that are influenced by both raw materials and consumer factors, the meat industry can be noted.


in the discipline “Economic potential of the customs territory of Russia”

On topic No. 11

“Territorial organization and prospects for the development of the food industry in the Russian Federation”

Completed by: 1st year student

TMD-111 groups

Podgornova Alexandra


Assoc. department "APiTD", Ph.D.

Salnikova A.V.

Vladimir, 2012

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ...... .3

Chapter 1. General characteristics of the Russian food industry........ ...4

1.1Characteristics of the food industry.................................................... 4

1.2.Problems in the development of the food industry and ways to solve them……..5

Chapter 2. Prospects for the development of the food industry.................................... 9

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ . 15

List of sources used


In Russia, the food industry is the most important sector of the economy, creating food products based on the processing of agricultural raw materials (grain, potatoes, sugar beets, oilseeds, meat, milk, fish, etc.). It includes a large group (more than 30) of industries and sub-sectors, the main ones (by share in the production of industry products) of which are: meat, dairy, baking, fish, oil and fat, flour milling, winemaking, sugar, canning, confectionery.) In Russia, the food industry has enormous potential. This is due to the presence of large raw material bases and the abundance of products produced by agriculture. It should be noted that currently the food industry in our country is one of the leading and most important industries, since the life and health of consumers and citizens of our country depend on its success.

Analyzing this information, we can conclude that this topic is relevant.

The purpose of this work is to explore the territorial organization and prospects for the development of the food industry in the Russian Federation.

Object research is the Russian food industry, subject of study– territorial organization and prospects for the development of the food industry.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider the characteristics of the food industry;

Consider the problems of development of the food industry;

Analyze the prospects for the development of the food industry.

When writing this work, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis.


1.1.Characteristics of the food industry

The food industry is a part of the entire industry that unites a set of homogeneous food and processing enterprises, characterized by the unity of the consumer purpose of the final food product produced, processing, as a rule, raw materials of agricultural origin and having a specific material and technical base in the form of a system of machines and apparatus and the corresponding composition food industry personnel.

Currently, the country's food industry is one of the strategic sectors of the economy, which is designed to provide the population of Russia with the necessary quantity and quality of food products.

All branches of the food industry are united by the unity of the consumer purpose of the product they produce - food, which, in turn, determines specific requirements for the raw materials, the technology used, the machine system, the entire material and technical base and personnel. It includes 30 industries with more than 60 sub-sectors and types of production, and unites more than 25 thousand enterprises of various forms of ownership with a total workforce of about 1.5 million people. In the sectoral structure of industrial production, the food industry accounts for about 13% of the total volume of industrial production in Russia.

Taxes and excise taxes received from industry enterprises generate 10% of the Russian budget revenues. The predominant forms of ownership are mixed and private; these industries produce 85% of products. During privatization, 82% of large and medium-sized enterprises were transformed into open joint-stock companies, about 12% into closed joint-stock companies and limited liability partnerships. The food industry is closely connected with all sectors of the economy. It accounts for a significant portion of transported cargo. Particularly close ties have developed between the food industry and agriculture, forming the agro-industrial complex.

Branches of the food industry produce both means of production - objects of labor (group “A”), and consumer goods (group “B”). In the marketable products of these industries, the share of group “A” accounts for approximately one third, and the share of group “B” - two thirds. Ultimately, the products of the food industry in the aggregate are consumer products, food products, i.e. products of group "B". Of course, the products of group “A” in the processing industry of the agro-industrial complex are much higher and account for more than 70%, but they are completely or almost completely consumed in the food industry itself for the production of the final food product.

1.2.Problems in the development of the food industry and ways to solve them

The effective development of the food industry is of strategic importance for any state and is one of the indicators of its economic security. Possessing significant growth potential, the food industry in the Russian Federation, at the same time, in terms of efficiency, lags behind economically developed countries in key indicators. Thus, the level of profitability of products of domestic enterprises engaged in the production of food products, including drinks, and tobacco, as of July 1, 2011, amounted to 7.87%. .
On the territory of the Russian Federation there is also a significant regional asymmetry in the level of development of the food industry, arising as a result of the characteristics of food production, the diversity of natural and climatic conditions, as well as the close link between food production and the population of the region, the presence of its own raw material base, and the region’s participation in agricultural trade. raw materials and food.
The reasons for this situation are that the Russian food industry is not diversified enough and is characterized by a low level of innovation and efficiency in the use of production and financial resources. The activities of enterprises are focused mainly on the domestic market, and the priorities of their strategic development are only a reaction to changes in external factors.
Stable operation and further development of food industry enterprises requires a significant strengthening of the competitive potential of the industry, which in turn involves radical technical re-equipment, expansion of the range of products due to more deeply processed products, and improvement of their quality characteristics.
However, there are a number of obstacles to the further development of food production:
-strong competitive pressure from suppliers of agricultural raw materials on food producers (lack of resources is a limiting factor for the development of many types of activities for the production of food products);
– tougher competition in most industry markets, increasing intensity of consolidation processes;
– low level of profitability of most food products (strict dependence of the profitability of production and added value on. the. degree. of. processing. raw materials);
– growth in food imports due to the strengthening of the ruble, growth in real incomes of the population and insufficient competitiveness of domestic goods;
– low resource availability and, as a consequence, deep import dependence.on.raw materials;
– moral and physical aging of fixed production assets,;
Solving these problems in the food industry can be facilitated by building an effective strategy for managing financial resources, in particular attracting investment resources aimed at innovative transformation of enterprises in this sector of the economy.
The transition to an innovative model for the development of food industry enterprises is very relevant due to the need to overcome the negative consequences of the financial and economic crisis, such as a decrease in their potential and production capacity, a reduction and cessation of investment in product and process innovations. wear. of fixed capital.
It should be noted that there are specific features of the innovation process in the food industry, related to the fact that innovations here are not revolutionary or radical in nature, but are gradual, imitation of existing products, technologies and services, and, as a rule, are not accompanied .using.high.technologies.
These features are associated, first of all, with a number of factors, the most important among which are the following:
– low share of investments in R&D in the total volume of investments in the food industry;
– the lag of technological, production and business processes of Russian food enterprises from foreign competitors, especially primary (processing. food. raw materials);
– low level of qualifications of the workforce in the food industry.
Thus, the further development of the food industry should be based on the introduction of modern innovative technologies. Consequently, one of the most important tasks of the modern development of the Russian economy is the formation and development of a system and mechanisms for financial support for the innovative activity of food industry enterprises. Solving this problem will help increase the competitiveness and profitability of such enterprises, increase the level and quality of life of the population, and strengthen the food security of the Russian Federation.

>> Food and light industry

§ 30. Food and light industry

The third link of the agro-industrial complex consists of the food and light industries.

Food industry. The main purpose of the food industry is food production. Almost all food consumed by people is industrially processed. Therefore, the role of food industry is constantly increasing. Its development makes it possible to sustainably provide people with food throughout the year. Food concentrates, canned food, frozen vegetables and fruits do not deteriorate during transportation and long-term storage. Without their production, the development of territories with complex natural conditions unfavorable for Agriculture, would be impossible. All this is especially important for Russia, where the production of many types of agricultural products is seasonal.
The food industry is closely related to agriculture. The industries included in its composition are divided into two groups according to the nature of the raw materials used (Fig. 57).

The food industry is found almost everywhere where people live. This is facilitated by the variety of raw materials used and the widespread consumption of food products. Nevertheless, there are certain patterns in the location of the food industry.

The industries of the first group gravitate towards areas where agricultural raw materials are produced. When producing many types of products, the weight of the feedstock is greatly reduced. This is due either to its dehydration (drying fruits, tea), or to the generation of significant waste during processing. For example, to obtain 1 ton of sugar you need to process 7 tons of sugar beets. In addition, many agricultural products deteriorate over long periods of time. transportation(milk, fruits, etc.). Therefore, raw materials need to be processed as soon as possible and transported over a distance of no more than 50-60 km. But at the same time, it is still necessary that the amount of raw materials obtained from the surrounding area corresponds to the capacity of the equipment installed at the processing plants. An excess of raw materials leads to losses, while a shortage leads to downtime of expensive equipment. Thus, the geography of the industries under consideration depends not only on the availability of raw materials in certain areas, but also on the size of the raw material base.

The fishing industry occupies a special place among the industries of the first group. It includes the extraction of fish, seafood, sea animals and their processing.

90% of fish catches come from sea fishing (10% from river and lake fishing). Over the past 25 years, the fish catch has decreased from 5 to 3.5 million tons. Marine fishing is carried out by a fleet of special vessels (trawlers, seiners), the number of which is constantly decreasing. In addition, fishing areas are increasingly moving away from the coast. Fish stocks within 200 miles economic zone Russia is unable to meet its needs. About 70% of fish and seafood comes from the Far East, 3/4 of which goes abroad. Therefore, Russia is increasing its fish catch in the zones of foreign states with which it has relevant agreements. At the same time, most of the fish processing enterprises are located on land (Pacific coast, Murmansk, Kaliningrad).

Industries of the second group The food industry gravitates towards consumers of finished products. The raw materials they use have already undergone primary processing. It is more profitable to transport it than finished products (for example, only 40 tons of pasta fit into a sixty-ton wagon, but it can be fully loaded with flour used for their production). Enterprises of this group are created directly in cities and large rural settlements.

? Give examples of such enterprises existing in your locality.

Some sectors of the food industry are equally focused on raw materials and the consumer. Meat processing plants located in Siberia, the Volga region, and the European South produce canned meat and freeze meat. Meat products are also produced in consumption areas. The same duality characterizes the location of the dairy and flour-grinding industries.

Although food products are produced in all regions of the country, clear leaders can be identified among them: Central Region O/b)” Ural, Volga Region, North Caucasus (1/10 each).

Light industry. Geographical problems in the development of light industry are associated with some of its features. Firstly, light industry products directly affect people's living standards, but they are also widely used in other industries: chemical, electrical engineering, aerospace, etc. Secondly, this is a labor-intensive industry in which predominantly women are employed (75% of all working). Thirdly, the size of light industrial enterprises is usually small and they do not require a lot of energy and water.

The correct placement of light industry enterprises allows us to solve a number of important problems: 1) satisfy the material needs of people, taking into account the characteristics of demand in certain parts of the country; 2) expand the scope of female labor, which is especially important in areas of heavy industry; 3) build industrial enterprises in areas that do not have large energy, water and other resources.

Based on the location features, all light industry sectors can be combined into three groups (Fig. 58).

One of the main industries is the textile industry. It uses mainly agricultural raw materials. But the increasingly widespread use of synthetic dyes and chemical fibers makes fabric production cheaper and faster and weakens the dependence of light industry on agriculture. Most cotton, silk, wool, and linen fabrics are made with the addition of chemical fibers.

The fabric making process consists of several stages. It is rational to locate enterprises for the primary processing of raw materials closer to their sources, since processing waste reaches 80% for flax and 50% of the original weight for wool. Wool washing factories were built in the North Caucasus, flax processing factories - in the North-West of Russia. The final, finishing stages are especially important. The demand for fabrics among the population depends on them. These stages gravitate toward centers of high artistic culture that have a cadre of qualified artists (Moscow, St. Petersburg).

The products of the textile industry are used in the clothing industry, which has enterprises in almost every major city.

Questions and tasks

1. Name the factors for the location of the food and light industries.
2. What factors influence the territorial organization of the third link of the agro-industrial complex?
3. Using the atlas map, determine the main areas of location of enterprises for the primary processing of wool and flax. How does their geography compare with the geography of the corresponding branches of agriculture?
4. Think about how the geography of the food industry will change with the expansion of the production of new generation food products: frozen bread, main and dessert dishes, etc.

Attention! Problem!

1. Consumption of some food products in Russia has decreased sharply (Table 30) for many reasons. Russia has moved from a state of partial food dependence to a practical loss of food independence.

2. For a long time, the domestic light industry developed in a closed economy, which negatively affected both its equipment and the quality of its products. Products of Russian light industry, as a rule, are uncompetitive due to low quality and high cost. In this regard, as well as due to a decline in the standard of living and effective demand of the population, the production of basic types of light industry products decreased sharply.

3. In the light industry of Russia there are serious problems with the supply of raw materials. Using its own resources, 90-95% of the need for wool and flax fiber, artificial fibers, leather and fur raw materials can be satisfied. However, the quality of a significant part of domestic raw materials is low. Russia imports all the cotton it consumes, 50% of synthetic fibers and 25% of man-made yarns.

Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9th grade: textbook. for general education institutions / V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Rum. - 17th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 285 pp.: ill., map.

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The most important branch of the food industry in our region is flour and cereal production. Its enterprises are located both in grain growing areas and near consumers. The largest of them operate in the cities of Elenovka and Yasinovataya. The industry's products are used in the baking, pasta and confectionery industries. Bakery factories are located in cities and towns. The largest are the enterprises of Artemovsk, Gorlovka, Mariupol, Kramatorsk, Donetsk.

The pasta industry is consumer-oriented and is represented by the Donetsk Pasta Factory, which has been working for our region for 70 years. The factory has a full technological cycle, including the production of various types of pasta and their packaging. The assortment includes about 30 types of pasta produced under the “Extra” and “Kazachek” trademarks.

Confectionery production, represented by the brands “Conti” and “AVK”, has also become widespread. The Conti company uses modern and advanced equipment to produce a wide range of candies, cookies and other products in Donetsk, Konstantinovka, Gorlovka.

The oil and fat industry has achieved significant development, including enterprises producing butter and margarine. Oil production is usually located close to raw materials, because on

The production of one ton of products requires from 3 to 8 tons of raw materials. The production centers of the industry are the Slavyansk and Donetsk oil and fat factories.

Sunflower oil is included in many products: margarine, mayonnaise, etc. These products are produced in Donetsk, Mariupol, Krasnoarmeysk.

Dairy production is represented by enterprises in Donetsk, Konstantinovka, Artemovsk, Maryanka and Volodarsky.

The region is a significant producer of meat, which is processed by meat industry enterprises. The main products are fresh meat, semi-finished meat products, sausages, etc. The geography of the region is represented by enterprises of Donetsk and Makeevka

"Kolbiko", Yenakievo, Gorlovka and Mariupol.

Problems and prospects for the development of the food industry.

Problem! Food industry enterprises in our region do not provide the population with the necessary products. Do you think it is necessary to develop light industry in our region or is it more efficient to import finished products from other countries and regions?

For the further development of the food industry, modernization of production is necessary. There is an acute issue here of increasing the level of labor productivity, which is almost two times lower than in similar enterprises in developed countries. The priority objectives of the industry are:

Expanding the range of food products;

Improving their nutritional and taste properties;

Production of therapeutic and prophylactic products and instant products;

reducing the use of preservatives and harmful additives.


Agriculture is the oldest branch of the economy, providing people with food and industry with raw materials.

Agriculture consists of two interrelated and interdependent sectors – crop production and livestock production. The main task of crop production is the cultivation of agricultural plants to provide the population with food, livestock farming with feed, and the light and food industries with raw materials.

Rice. 1
Livestock farming deals with the raising of farm animals to produce livestock products. The most important indicator of the development of crop production is the yield of agricultural crops - the amount of agricultural products obtained per unit area (ha). In livestock farming, productivity is the indicator of development

farm animals - obtaining products from one unit, for example, the number of eggs obtained from one laying hen over a certain time.

Agriculture is the most important sector of the production sector, where

The main means of production is soil. The region has favorable natural conditions for the development of the industry: a unique combination of flat terrain, fertile soils, and a long growing season. Insufficient moisture, droughts and hot winds, which characterize climatic conditions, predetermined the industrial specialization of our region.

The region is dominated by crop production. The region's land fund is characterized by extremely high development, more than 95% of the territory, the main part of which is agricultural land (77%). Agricultural lands are under increased pressure and therefore require constant maintenance of fertility, and therefore a complex of reclamation works is being carried out in the region.

Reclamation is a set of measures aimed at significantly increasing the quality of land in order to increase their fertility. The industry’s dependence on natural conditions and economic factors affected the dynamics of agricultural development, where there is a constant, albeit slow, increase in production volumes. Thus, agricultural production per person has increased by 1.5 times since 1995, grain production by 2 times, sunflower production by 3 times, and egg production by 4 times. But the level of production profitability has dropped significantly: for example, in 1990 it was 110%, in 2011 – 39.9%, and in 2013 – 4.4%.

Rice. 2

In recent years, enterprises of a new form of organization have emerged in the agricultural sectors - farms, agricultural firms, collective agricultural and subsidiary farms; they are created on the basis of private property, lease of land and means of production. The most widespread among them are farms, whose share is 73.3%.

Problem! Despite the transformations in this area, new types of enterprises are not yet able to fully satisfy the population's needs for agricultural products. What do you think needs to be done to improve their performance?

Intersectoral connections of agricultural enterprises.

Agriculture is closely related to many sectors of production. The production of any food product, for example bread, is impossible without

using a variety of machines and equipment.

As a result of the interaction of agriculture with many industries and infrastructure, an intersectoral agro-industrial complex is being formed. It covers agriculture and industries that provide it with equipment and means of production. The agro-industrial complex also includes industries that help the development of agriculture, for example, the chemical industry - breeding. An important component of the agro-industrial complex is the industry that processes agricultural products (light and food industries) and production infrastructure (transport, communications, storage, marketing of agricultural products, etc.)

QUESTIONS AND TASKS 1. Using your region as an example, explain the relationships between agriculture and other industries. 2. Describe agriculture. 3. Assess the economic significance of the process of creating a new type of enterprise.
FROM THE DIARY OF A LOCAL HISTORY: The Hercules company, which produces frozen semi-finished products, dairy products and ice cream, has been operating in Donetsk since 1997. These products are not only supported by popular love, but also by the authoritative opinion of experts - the products have been repeatedly awarded with high awards: “Choice of the Year”, “One Hundred Best Products of Ukraine” as well as gold medals and diplomas from professional tasting industries.

Crop production

Crop farming is a leading branch of agriculture, where grains, industrial crops, fodder, vegetables, melons, fruits and berries are grown.

The yield of agricultural crops is influenced by the amount

heat, light, moisture and soil fertility. Donbass crop production is characterized by seasonal production (due to its location in a temperate continental climate), all work

completely subject to the seasonal rhythms of nature.

The total area of ​​land occupied by agricultural activities is 2045 thousand hectares. Of this, arable land makes up about 80%, perennial plantings – 3%, hayfields and pastures – about 17%.

Rice. 1 Structure of agricultural land

Branches of crop production vary in labor intensity, these include: industrial crops (weeding), vegetables (weeding and harvesting), horticulture (harvesting).

The basis of crop production is grain farming. Cereals –

one of the main human food products, as well as raw materials for the food industry, and its most important crop is wheat. Winter and spring crops are grown in our region. Winter crops are crops whose life cycle requires overwintering in low conditions.

temperatures, they are sown in the fall, and spring varieties in the spring. As a rule, more winter crops are sown because they are more productive. However, often unfavorable weather conditions lead to damage to winter crops, and they have to be replanted with spring crops.

An area of ​​437.4 thousand hectares is occupied by wheat. (of which winter - 434.7; spring - 2.4 thousand hectares). The main varieties of winter wheat cultivated in the region are: Mironovskaya 808, Tarasovskaya 78, Driyada 1, Donetskaya 48; spring – Kharkovskaya 23, Kharkovskaya 27.

Barley and oats are predominantly feed crops, that is, feed crops; they are also used for the production of cereals. Barley is the fastest ripening and frost-resistant grain crop. For a long time, the Slavic peoples valued pearl barley - a cereal

Rice. 2 Harvesting winter wheat

obtained from barley, and similar in color to freshwater pearls. And pearls

in the old days they called it pearl, in the French manner. Beer is brewed from barley and is also used as a coffee substitute.

Corn is an important link in the grain farming of the region. This is a productive, drought-resistant crop with high feeding qualities; it is also used as a cereal and forage crop. Corn crops occupy 97.6 thousand hectares.

Crops such as buckwheat and millet are not significant, but cereals made from them (buckwheat, millet) are of great importance in the human diet. Legumes: peas, lupine, soybeans are very valuable feed and food crops; in addition, they are useful because they increase the nitrogen content in the soil.

The main areas for growing grain crops are: Velikonovoselkovsky, Volnovakha, Artemovsky, Krasnoarmeysky, Maryinsky, Starobeshevsky districts.

An important place in the region's crop production is occupied by industrial crops, mainly used as raw materials for certain industries. The main crop is sunflower, 444.2 thousand hectares are occupied by it, rapeseed – 6.5 thousand hectares. At least 9/10 of all vegetable oil is produced from sunflower seeds, which is used in the margarine, paint and varnish, and soap industries. The seeds are used in the confectionery industry. Sunflower is an important honey plant. The green mass is used to produce silage. It is demanding on heat and soil, but is drought-resistant. The main sunflower growing areas are: Velikonovoselkovsky, Volnovakha, Starobeshevsky, Telmanovsky. Rapeseed is also an oilseed plant; its economic importance increased significantly towards the end of the twentieth century due to the fact that it began to be used to produce biofuels.

Rice. 3.4 Sunflower and rapeseed are the main industrial crops of our region

Vegetable growing provides residents with fresh vegetables, so they are grown mainly near large cities, and during the off-season, greenhouse farms play an important role in the supply of fresh vegetables.

Cabbage, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants are grown in the region. In the southern regions, melons (pumpkin, watermelon, zucchini) are grown. With every

Every year the amount of vegetables grown in our region grows, for example, if in 1993 93 kg of vegetables were produced per resident of the region, then in 2013 - 115 kg.

Forage crops include: corn for silage, annual and perennial grasses, forage root crops and forage melons,

100.9 thousand hectares are occupied by them.

Rice. 5 Bakhcha in Amvrosievsky district

Problem! The area of ​​fruit and berry crops is not significant, occupying 10.5 thousand hectares, and therefore this branch of agriculture does not provide the population with fruits such as apples, pears, cherries, plums, and grapes. Do you think this problem can be solved? Justify your answer.

Part of the land is allocated for pure fallow - 168.6 thousand hectares. Fallow is arable land that remains without sowing during the growing season or part of it. Such land is “resting”. After this, the fallow fields are usually allocated for winter wheat and sunflower crops.

FROM THE DIARY OF A LOCAL HISTORY: PRAISE HANDS THAT SMELL OF VEGETABLES! At the Donetsk Experimental Station of the Institute of Vegetable and Melon Growing, 18 varieties and hybrids have been created, and another 9 varieties are undergoing variety testing. GREEN, SPIKEY AND CRISPY An ode to the usual cucumber for us could well be composed by Evgenia Neporozhnaya, the author of three “registered” varieties - Gladkovsky, Vodograi and Lesha, created by her in collaboration with Russian breeders. They are high-yielding, tasty and suitable for both salads and canning. WHITE "BLUE" Eggplant Almaz, created by the late Donetsk breeder Sergei Anatolyevich Andrievsky, is known all over the world. In terms of yield (up to 80 tons per hectare with an average yield of 35 tons per hectare), none of the varieties has yet been able to surpass it. It has a cylindrical shape, fits well into containers and is perfectly stored in pickling. Per grade You will definitely notice “Helios” on the market: round, sometimes weighing one and a half kilograms. There is almost no bitterness in it, and the white flesh resembles mushrooms, which allows some to claim that it is a hybrid of eggplant and porcini mushroom. Gardeners are delighted with it. SENIOR TOMATO Unique variety Donetsk. This tomato has been created a long time ago and is famous for its asceticism. It consumes little water, which is so scarce in the arid Donbass, and reproduces without seedlings. Recently, the variety was improved, which caused a new wave of interest among vegetable growers. The program of joint work with the Moscow Institute of General Genetics involves the use of our and their breeding material (gene pool), as well as their powerful experimental base.

But in contrast to the craze for gigantism, miniature tomatoes may soon appear in Donetsk, which will grow in clusters like grapes. Aeroflot dreams of using these tomatoes, which have grown only on experimental plots of Donetsk breeders so far, in the celestial feeding of passengers.



Genetic engineering, which is talked and written about so much now, is not practiced at the Donetsk experimental station.

Animal husbandry.

Livestock farming is the second branch of agriculture, the importance of which cannot be overestimated. The level of development of livestock farming determines the degree of saturation of the market with high-calorie food products - meat, dairy and other products.

The development of livestock farming is directly related to the production of woolen fabrics, leather and footwear products, etc. Livestock farming does not develop in isolation from agriculture, but together with it. There are close bilateral ties between them. Agriculture (crop production), actively participates in the creation of livestock feed resources. In turn, livestock farming is a source of valuable environmentally friendly organic fertilizers.

The most important branches of livestock farming are dairy and beef cattle breeding, pig farming and poultry farming. The location of commercial livestock farming depends on two main factors: the location of the feed supply (hayfields, feed from crop production) and the proximity of large consumers (big cities). In many ways, the nature of the development and location of each of its branches is determined by the state and characteristics of the feed supply, since almost half of all costs in animal husbandry are incurred in the production of animal feed rations. Its basis is formed by field forage production, natural forage lands,

by-products and waste from the food industry, feed industry.

Cattle breeding is the first important livestock sector. Cattle breeding is of great economic interest, primarily because it produces the most valuable high-calorie food products: meat, milk, as well as raw materials for the food and light industry.

At the beginning of 2013, there were 127.8 thousand heads of cattle in all categories of farms in the region. Dairy and beef cattle breeding predominates in the region; Red Steppe, Swiss and Kostroma breeds are bred. There are large breeding farms: the Bolshevik breeding farm (urban settlement Zhelanny) and the Malinovsky breeding farm (Volodarsky district).

Rice. 1, 2. On a livestock farm

An important industry is pig farming, which is characterized by increased labor intensity, but the short duration of fattening animals to established standards, their fertility and growth energy. In pig farming, field feed, waste from food enterprises, and catering plants are mainly used. The number of these animals in our region in 2013 amounted to 579.0 thousand heads. Grain, beets, and mixed feed are widely used to fatten them. Breed breeds

"great white" and "landrace". The industry operates a breeding plant in the village. Sands (Yasinovatsky district).

The number of sheep and goats amounted to 81.7 thousand heads. Sheep farming in the region has not received proper development, because... For grazing flocks, large areas and winter pastures are required.

Poultry farming has become an important structural branch of livestock farming - a source of valuable food products. In addition to dietary nutritious meat, poultry farming produces eggs, as well as feathers and down. Characterized by a quick return on costs. Modern poultry farming is a rapidly growing industry on an industrial basis. The industry has the highest level of mechanization and automation in livestock farming. The structure of poultry farming is dominated by the raising of chickens; ducks, geese and turkeys are also bred. The feed base for poultry farming is concentrated feed. Poultry farms for raising broilers and producing eggs are located in suburban areas of the region. The poultry population in 2013 was 8.4 million

heads The largest poultry farms in the region are located in the Novoazovsky and Amvrosievsky districts.

Fisheries are promising. It develops on the basis of ponds, reservoirs, and stakes. Carp, grass carp, silver carp, pike perch, etc. are bred. The largest fish farms are located in the Slavyansky, Volnovakha and Starobeshevsky districts.

Rice. 5, 6. Breeding farm "Mangush"

Beekeeping is a branch of animal husbandry that produces extremely valuable products: honey, wax, propolis, pollen, royal jelly. Beekeeping products are actively used by various branches of the food industry, in particular confectionery, alcoholic beverages, and beer and non-alcoholic beverages. In addition, the production of many types of medicines is based on beekeeping products.



1. Draw up a diagram of the sectoral composition of agriculture.

2. Using symbols, plot the location of crops of leading agricultural crops on the contour map.

3. Based on information about the production of the main agricultural crops in different years (Table 1), construct a graph illustrating changes in this indicator for one of the crops (in agreement with the teacher). Draw a conclusion.

Table 15.

4. Based on information about the volume of production of the main types of livestock products in different years (Table 2), construct a graph illustrating changes in this indicator for one of the types of livestock products. Draw a conclusion.

Table 16

120,3 709,3 574,3
86,4 472,9 854,1
88,5 514,1 1388,7
102,8 339,1 1868,4
126,1 324,8 1939,8
FROM THE DIARY OF A LOCAL HISTORY: The only ostrich farm in our region is located in Yampol. The ostrich is not only an exotic bird, but also very tasty, and therefore profitable. Although the products obtained during the processing of her carcass are inaccessible to most citizens. Ostrich meat is tender, sweet, somewhat reminiscent of veal. Prepares quickly. It is very useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Feathers and ostrich skin are used for various crafts. Bright and colorful feathers are sold as souvenirs. They are used to make boas and various carnival outfits. Feathers can be easily dyed, resulting in a non-standard color with a tint. According to the world quality rating, ostrich leather is on a par with ivory and crocodile leather. The cornea of ​​the fast bird's eye is used for human eye cornea transplantation. What about eggs? They taste like chicken, and weigh from one and a half to two kilograms each. These eggs have a valuable advantage - they do not spoil quickly: they can be stored in the refrigerator for a whole year. One inconvenience: breaking an egg is quite difficult. The shell on it is thick - a millimeter or two. And they cook for a long time: hard-boiled – two hours. Although the ostrich lives 50-60 years (with good care), it reaches commercial maturity already at one year of age, weighing 100-120 kg. “160 ostriches is not the limit,” concludes deputy director of the farm Vladimir Romanov. – We have big plans for the future. The farm is practically not loaded, and we will develop in the future. It’s a profitable business!”