Is humanity ruled by alien reptiles disguised as humans? Do world leaders and pop stars hide scaly skin and vertical pupils? What nonsense! However, many on the Internet take such statements quite seriously. More on how to recognize reptilian under cover.

A plump young man in a gray T-shirt and loose jeans walks down the street. He walks the dog. It would seem that this is unusual? But if you look closely, you can see that his legs bend when walking unnaturally - forward.

Someone Mr Patriarch wrote on Twitter: “Zuckerberg's legs bend forward, not backward. The reptilians made a mistake when they put it together."

The billionaire founder of Facebook has been suspected more than once both of links with alien lizards that secretly rule the Earth, and that he himself belongs to this extraterrestrial race. During a video conference he held with Facebook users in June 2016, he was asked point-blank if he was a reptile disguised as a human?

“The answer to that question is no,” Zuckerberg said. And after a pause, he added, licking his lips: "I'm not a lizard." Calling the topic stupid, he moved on to answering other questions, but the audience noticed: talking about reptilians, Zuckerberg was clearly nervous.

The Facebook founder isn't the only celebrity suspected of having ties to lizards. Belief in reptilians is not even a conspiracy theory, it is rather a special view of the world, according to which a mysterious ancient race has been ruling humanity for millennia.

Opinion polls show that about four percent of the US population believe in this. Although, of course, it is impossible to find out how seriously people answered the question “do you believe in reptilians?”

Why are reptilians so difficult to detect? The fact is that with the help of high-frequency vibrations they create holograms that mask their appearance in such a way that they cannot be distinguished from a person.

The intrigues of the ancient lizards can explain all the troubles of mankind. They are accused of everything - from the organization of the attack on the twin towers in New York to the emergence of the phenomenon of homosexuality.

For example, ufologist James Bartley has been investigating cases of abduction by reptilians for twenty years. And yes, he is sure that with the help of their extraordinary abilities, lizard aliens can influence a person’s sexual preferences and even turn him into a pedophile.

Adepts of the Reptilian cult usually believe that the Freemasons and the Illuminati are secret organizations of lizards, thanks to which they have infiltrated the highest echelons of human power. Now reptilians control all the most important social institutions of the world, disguised as kings, queens, famous politicians and other celebrities.

deep roots

Not only Mark Zuckerberg was called to admit that he is a reptilian. In 2011, comedian Louis C.K. asked former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield the same question several times during his show, and he stubbornly refused to answer it.

Three years later, New Zealand Prime Minister John Kay had to explain himself on the same subject because a vigilant citizen filed a formal Freedom of Information Act request to that effect.

"As far as I know, I'm not a Reptilian," replied Kay. - Faced with this request, I took an unusual step for myself: I visited not only the doctor, but also the veterinarian, and both confirmed that I was not a lizard. I have never flown in a spaceship, I have never been in space, and my tongue is not very long.

Aliens that take the form of animals and humans have been known in science fiction since at least the 1920s, and such an image is not uncommon in mythology. In addition, US citizens often report encounters with lizardmen.

But when did these mythical creatures interest ufologists? This most likely happened in 1967, after the Canadian David Seawalt reported that five months ago he temporarily lost his memory on the way to a friend, and then the events of that day returned to him in a nightmare.

According to him, he was hypnotized, lifted aboard a flying saucer with an orange beam, and placed there on a table surrounded by computers. Some aliens, similar to crocodiles, took off his clothes and ... What happened next, he could not describe, because it was too scary.

Hillary Clinton is also recognized as a reptilian

Other victims of the abduction of reptilians also appeared. For example, in 1978, an Italian spoke about this. However, more often than not, people in those days were abducted by “gray men” or tall skinny aliens.

Everything changed when in 1999 the book "The Biggest Secret" by David Icke, a former football player, sports commentator, and now a messiah, was published, designed to open the eyes of mankind to what a terrible and mysterious world we exist in.

He combined ufology, conspiracy theories, legends about ancient astronauts and alternative history into a single frightening narrative, in which the secret rulers of humanity play a key role, zombifying it and subordinating it to their will.

This is the order of the Illuminati, founded, according to Ike, by reptilians, aliens from another dimension, who are able to change their appearance. By the way, preferring to eat human flesh. And in general, people were created by this very race of Anunnaki lizards.

Icke was the first to announce that Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain is not a person.

“I have seen her sacrifice people, eat their flesh and drink their blood. When she reincarnates, her face becomes long, serpentine and pale,” he wrote.

And the queen is far from the only reptilian of royal blood. According to Hayk, the entire august family is nonhumans.

Of course, social networks enthusiastically began to discuss which of the powerful of this world secretly wears scaly skin and hides a forked tongue in his mouth. Almost all celebrities have been recorded as reptilians, from politicians to pop stars - after all, it is they who fool the entire population of the Earth.

Vertical pupils

On the Internet, the reptilian conspiracy theory has become the most widespread. Of course, most often it's just such ironic trolling. However, there are quite a few mentally unstable citizens for whom alien lizards are quite real, and YouTube is full of their products - just look at the number of reptilian videos.

Why are there so many? Maybe the Internet contributes to the development of mental illness? As psychologist Rob Brotherton, author of The Suspicious Mind, explains in an interview with Motherboard, all people tend to believe in at least one conspiracy theory in one way or another.

And the Internet has made especially active paranoids visible, providing them with a platform to express their thoughts in real time. Indeed, if earlier a conspiracy theorist had to at least write and publish a book, now it is enough to gather an appreciative audience on his blog and feed it with small posts or videos.

How to recognize a reptilian

Potential reptilian conspiracy theorists identify by certain distinctive features. So, usually they are white people with a piercing look and green or blue eyes (although lizards are able to change their shade). The reptilian has low blood pressure, and the body may have scars of unexplained origin.

Since the Anunnaki disguise themselves as humans, the behavior of the suspects should be observed. Reptilians and half-breeds usually do not show empathy, are incapable of love, are very intelligent and are fond of science and space.

In addition, it is worth taking a closer look at the video of a person who is suspected of being a lizard: sometimes in some videos the disguise does not work, and you can see vertical pupils or scaly skin.

Probably, each of us heard about the so-called "blue blood". Usually they say this about representatives of the highest aristocracy. The Nazis of Germany in the middle of the last century believed that blue blood was inherent in a special nation of purebred Germans - the Aryans. In the layman's mind, the expression "blue blood" is just a metaphor, since there are no people with blue blood.

People - yes, but the reptilians, that is, representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization that once visited our Earth and, according to ufologists, still control the world government, the so-called Illuminati, just have blue blood. Unlike our red, where iron is the carrier of oxygen, which colors the blood in scarlet, in blue - copper is a similar carrier. Remember the color of copper sulfate - bright blue.

According to scientists, blue blood endows the creature with increased intellectual abilities and allows it to live several times longer than living organisms with red blood. Reptilians, or a race of dragons with blue blood, appeared on our planet in ancient times, their appearance is reflected in the epic of Ancient India and in the legends of the Sumerian civilization. Today, ufologists are divided on the assessment of the causes and goals of the appearance of reptilians on Earth. Some believe that they brought us knowledge, others believe that they were just colonizers, and it was they who turned the ape into a man with the help of genetic engineering. However, they did this not out of some humane motives, but simply in this way they created slaves for themselves on our planet, who were supposed to extract minerals for them.

However, representatives of another highly developed civilization lived on our planet at that time - the humanoid white race (Hyperboreans). Some researchers believe that it was an ancient civilization of the Earth itself, others tend to believe that the representatives of the white race are also aliens, only from another planet. The descendants of the white race were the ancient Slavs.

A war broke out between the Hyperboreans and the race of dragons using the most terrible destructive weapons (the Earth survived a nuclear war), but, in the end, the Hyperboreans, as ancient legends say, drove the dragons underground, where they still live. However, as they say in the same legends, the dragons will still come to the surface of the earth and again establish their dominance on it.

Whether this will happen or not, who and how controls the world today, as well as many other very interesting and even simply exciting, watch the new documentary project called “Blood of Star Dragons. Reptilians".

Inner Earth proved to be a very convenient place for the Reptilians to organize to regroup and work out a plan to reclaim the surface of the planet they once colonized. In this case, the Reptilians were completely disconnected from their home in the constellation Draco. Their spaceship, the Moon, was in human hands. They were alone, isolated on the now hostile planet they had created and were supposed to protect.
The Reptoids of the former Lemuria devised a plan to cunningly reclaim the surface by mixing their genetics with those of the "surface" humans. Because the human prototype already had Reptilian genetics, it was easy to access the mindset. The reptilian frequency was already established in the brainstem as well as in the reptilian brain section of these hybrid humans.
The population of Sumer was chosen as the starting point. These people were primarily the descendants of Martians, Moldekians and refugees from Lyra. Reptilians have a preference for the genetics of blond-haired, blue-eyed humans, whose mindsets and genetics are more easily controlled. Reptoids kidnapped members of the management classes, political leaders.
Using these people, they started a new crossbreeding program that took several generations. Their goal was to achieve a 50/50 human-reptilian genetic proportion. This would produce a human-looking reptoid that could easily transform from reptoid to human and back again. "Shapeshifting" in this proportion was made easier, concentrating on the genetics of the hybrid wished to "open", or "lock", which happens even arbitrarily depending on the emotional state or during sleep. For this program, the Reptilians accepted the help of the Sirians, who had the best technology to carry out such a program. The Sirians are well versed in genetic alteration, mind programming and share freely with the Reptilians.
The crossbreeding program was completed, the Sumerian leaders were now "reptilian werewolves". The new Reptilian hybrid has become the elite of this culture. Their blood, due to increased reptilian DNA, contained more copper. Such blood turns blue-green when oxidized, and this is where the saying came from to call the blood of the elite "blue". (Human is based on iron and therefore, when dried and oxidized, it has a brown tint).
(The American and British governments are probably the main centers of the modern reptilian race of shapeshifters. The vertical pupils that "occur" in many American military leaders now and then leaked to the press can sometimes draw your attention - Norman Russbacher, Rupert Murdoch, etc. Photos: (There are speculations that in 20% oxygen air, shapeshifters are killed or at least identified.
The elite of the "blue bloods" quickly realized that in order to maintain specific abilities, it is necessary to marry only with their own kind. When the genetics moved too far to the Reptilian side, shapeshifting became difficult and shapeshifting into human form became impossible. But it was found that eating human hormones, flesh and blood, allowed the "semi-reptoids" to maintain their human form. The human form had to be maintained in order to avoid revealing the secret to the human population, which was not now accustomed to the Reptilian race and even reprogrammed by the Atlanteans to feel fear and dislike for the "serpent-men".
Mass control was easier when descended from a humanoid. Although the reptilian form has been preserved in religious icons and legends. The statues of their gods and goddesses reflect the Reptilian influence in the past.

The reptilian shapeshifters asked for help from the representatives of Sirius in the daily maintenance of their human forms. The Sirians advised that it would be much easier and less noticeable for the population to decide on obtaining the necessary hormones by using "hybrids" (human-animals).
The sacrificial animal used by most Middle Eastern people was the wild boar, so the Sirians chose it as the basis for this new hybrid. Human genetics were mixed with a wild boar to create a domesticated pig. This animal began to cater to the "aristocracy" daily as a method of temporarily maintaining their human form if they could not use an actual human in a sacrificial ceremony.
Because the domesticated pig is a combination of human and animal, eating it is "a mild form of cannibalism." This explains why Hebrew considers this meat "dirty". It also explains why the pig is the most intelligent animal on Earth, why pig skin can be grafted directly on humans, and why pig heart valves can be used on humans, with rare exceptions. Cancer drugs and other chemicals are often tested on pigs before being used on humans. The vibrational frequency of the "semi-animal" pig is an excellent transitional form from the "animal" stage to the "human" stage in the evolutionary progression. In many ways, pigs can be considered the lowest form of humanity. To a lesser extent, the same is true of cats.
In the course of time, the civilization of Sumer was transformed into other cultures. There were extensive movements from Sumer to other locations in Central Asia. The peoples moved with their blue-blooded leaders, as they were their "kings", "kings" and "emperors".
The Sumerians became known as the "sum-Aryans", or simply, the Aryans. They spread across Asia to the steppes of Russia (“peche-ne(a)gi”) and into the North Indian subcontinent. In India, they encountered the dark-skinned Dravidian peoples who were once reptilian hybrids of the Lemurians.
The Dravidian peoples controlled the central and southern parts of India, while the Aryan hybrids took control of the north and the foothills of the Himalayas ("nagas").
The Aryan leaders, all Aristocrats ("Aryans in the hundredth generation"), became Sultans and Rajas. The Sumerians also created Babylonia.
The Sumerians also migrated to the region known as the region of the Caucasus, where the Khazar Empire developed.

From the Caucasus region, the "blue-blooded" and their people spread west to Europe, developing there turning into "Vikings", "Franks", "Teutons" and "Russians".
These nations were also ruled by various alien cultures such as Antarians, Arcturians, Aldebarans, Tau Cetians, and other remnants of the Lyrians. The Atlanteans located here eventually became the "Celts". Keep in mind that when Atlantis sank, some of those refugees went to Western Europe and evolved into the Celts. Some went to Greece, others to the Italian Peninsula. These peoples were already here before the "hybrids" were written.
The "blue-blooded" elite also infiltrated the Middle Eastern peoples, such as the biblical Canaans and the Hittites.
At the same time in Egypt, the Sirians were reorganizing their mighty descendants known there as the "Phoenicians". The Phoenicians were fair-haired, blue-eyed, with some green-eyed, red-haired people among them. The Phoenicians colonized the coastal Middle East and the British Isles. They even colonized parts of the Northeast North American continent, towards the Great Lakes region. Some of their mines and stone inscriptions are found in the forests of North America.
The Sirians also genetically created the "ancient Jews" (Hebrews). The Jewish people are actually a combination of these genetically bred Hebrews and Sumerians. These Jewish people were released into Palestinian territory. The name, Palestine, comes from the ancient people (Philistines), who were actually Phoenicians.
They all mingled in the coastal plains of Palestine and created a new religion based on sacrifice and a vengeful super-being controlling them, which they called God, or Elohim (Elohim):

In the same way, when the Aryans mixed with the Dravidian peoples in India, they created the Hindu religion, which is actually the prototype of the Reptilian hierarchy with seven castes. The caste system of India is a direct copy of the structure of the Reptilian society.
At the same time that all this was going on in the west and Central Asia, the Rigelians were developing the remnants of the Lemurians, those who had fled to the coast of eastern Asia. The Rigelians were once a very "humanoid" civilization that was controlled, and eventually assimilated, by the Reptilians (their lower castes). The Rigelians assisted the Intra-Earth Reptilians in developing a hybrid that incorporated the DNA of the Rigelians.
The Rigelian/Reptilian hybrids created what is now the "yellow race" of Japan and China, which developed independently of their Western "cousins".
In their control mania, the Reptilians used various races who donated DNA to the original human project. They carefully controlled this selection of hybrids in order to create the most controlled race to subservience. All hybrids could be controlled through the Reptilian brain which "recruited" them into the Reptilian mindset:
but some were more manageable than others.
In Europe, the "blue bloods" insidiously took control of various tribes and groups, becoming their kings and nobles. They integrated and "nullified" the "Arcturian experiment", called the "Etruscans". The "aristocrats" completely eliminated the Antarean experiment in Greece, and instigated a plan for globalization through the "Roman Empire".
The Reptilians even supplanted the Sirians by infiltrating the "Egyptian Experiment" and recoordinating their religions and genetics.
Reptilian hybrids have become the endometriosis of the world, slowly infiltrating all areas and creating control through the "blue blood" werewolf system.

Other alien groups.

Although the Reptilians were the first colonists on Earth, they were not the only ones who were involved in human development on this planet. There were twelve other groups that donated DNA to produce the experiment.
Add Reptilians to these twelve groups, resulting in people with a genetic mixture of 13 different strains. (12+1=13! Jesus+12 apostles).
Everyone had their right to a result. While all of these humanoid colonists were Lyraen/Reptilian descendants, each group was culturally and physically ruled by different groups.
Tau Ceti foreigners focused their attention on the Eastern European region, from what is now Serbia to the Ural Mountains.
Hence, they influenced the Slavic and Russian peoples. The geographic and climatic conditions resembled those in the Tau Ceti star system, and its Epsilon Eridanus colonies:

The Tau Networks added their DNA to the human prototypes that had already been planted there, creating what are now known as the Slavic peoples.
The results were a race of people who were stocky, with an average height of 170-176 cm, with a dense bone structure and dark eyes. They were aggressive, and preferred cold climates.
These Tau Ceti/humans were innately opposed to the gray race and the Reptilians because their worlds were once attacked and their children were stolen or killed by both of these races. The Tau Cetians have vowed to follow the Grey's race and destroy it.
In the 1950s, the Soviet Union signed an agreement with the Tau Cetians to establish bases in Siberia and under the Ural Mountains. For this reason, the city of Sverdlovsk, named after my great-uncle, the first president of the Soviet Union, was closed to outsiders.

Many experiments with the use of radiation on society were carried out here from 1958 to the 1980s. A United States spy plane was shot down near Sverdlovsk in the early 1960s when the United States was trying to find out about secret activities going on there.
In central Europe, the German tribes were genetically ruled by beings from Aldebaran. These people are highly intelligent and oriented towards a "scientific" approach to everything. They are mostly fair-haired and blue-eyed, less often dark-haired and brown-eyed people. They are belligerent and secretive by nature. For almost 2,000 years, Aldebaran has been energetically engaged in breeding the Germanic peoples, telepathically sending them information and helping to form deep national feelings.
Many peoples of the vibrational frequency of Aldebaran have mixed with the Tau Ceti especially in Poland and Russia. Hitler knew this. For this reason, he was so adamant about invading precisely these countries in an effort to merge them into one empire.
Hitler was only half German blood. His father was a wealthy Jewish businessman in Austria from a blue-blooded Rothschild family. His mother worked as a housekeeper in his home. She had a "relationship" with the owner of the house, and when the wife found out about it, the maid was thrown out of the house. The Jewish businessman did nothing to help Hitler's mother. This is why Hitler hated the Jews and kept his own genetic background hidden in every possible way, mainly because he hated it himself. He was also very controlled by the Reptoids who played their political game on him.
Aldebaran also genetically influenced the formation of the Vikings. All Scandinavian peoples have inherited their aggressive and militaristic tendencies, which are also seen in the Germans. The Vikings plundered and raped the length and breadth of Europe for many centuries, but did not have the technological ability to hold power.
An accidental manipulation of genetics took place on the "Italian" peninsula 3,000 years ago. A ship from the Arcturus star system crashed while landing in Etruscan territory. These people were actually extremely spiritually advanced, and instead of trying to return home, they stayed and mingled with the peoples of this part of the Earth. Their offspring became the Romans, who were later infused and mixed with Central Asian hybrids.
Beings from the Antaria star system were behind the genetic manipulation of ancient Greece. These people were a society mostly based on homosexuality. Women were used only for reproduction. By the way, there were Antarian observers at the Montauk Project:
They were mainly interested in the programmatic aspects of sexuality as they related to the methods of Wilhelm Reich:

Antarians are a dark-haired people, often with olive skin, dark eyes, and short, thin bodies. They have incredible musculature due to the gravity of their home world, and are known for their addictions and achievements in "body building". The Antarean Greeks later colonized Spain and Portugal. Their descendants further intermingled with the Romans and Arabs, who are mostly "Sumerian Reptoids". They once colonized Central and South America, mixing their genetics with the local Indians, who were descendants of the Atlantean/Procyon mix.
The Procyon star system does not have much technical development. The Procyonians were brought to this planet after the fall of Atlantis to improve the survival of the refugees. They became "Maya", "Aztec" and "Inca". They received from the ancient Lemurians and Atlanteans the periphery of the Andes, modern Mexico and some other points of both "Americas".
The descendants of the Atlanteans, dissolving in the people, tried in vain to update these cultures, including imitation of the construction of pyramids, the introduction of medical procedures, and finally, everything came down to serving and sacrificing themselves to the Reptilian gods “penetrating from the ground”. This is the reason why their legends speak of "blond men" promising to return in celestial chariots and take them "home" from here.
The Anasazi Indians of the American Southwest were also brought from Procyon. It was the Sirians who generously provided the means of transportation. The Siusians even attempted to bring Jewish culture to the American West, which is why "for some reason" ancient Jewish coins are found in New Mexico and other parts of North and South America.
The last millennia (and especially centuries), the movement of nations, colonizations, wars, and famines, have thrown the population of the Earth into a gigantic mixture. Genetics are constantly mixing with each other, especially in North America, Europe, Australia, the Caribbean, and South America. As a result, very little pure original genetics remains. Destroying the foundations of nationalism, racial and cultural ties in the world facilitates the task of uniting and building this "New World Community" by this Blue-blooded aristocracy.
While all of this was going on in Europe and the Middle East, the Chinese Empire was expanding across East Asia, and the Dravidian-Reptilian culture of India and Russia was being replaced by the Aryan-Sumerian genetics of Central Asia. In South America, a new "Inca Empire" is flourishing, the arrived population is actively mixed with Procyon's genetics.
The same mixture prevails in Central and North America, the descendants of the Toltecs, Mayans and Aztecs.
All these cultures used bloody rituals of human sacrifice. This indicates that the Procyons also betrayed their charges to the Reptilians even though they were all humanoids. All Central and South American cultures used snakes and Reptiles as "divine" symbols.
These people have a unique mix of Lemurian Dragons and Atlantean-Procyon humanoid genetics, are unpretentious and easily controlled, almost like the yellow race.
Crystal Skulls.
When the Council of Hatona met to determine the development of life on Earth, they considered mainly two questions. The first is if Earth beings are left to evolve on their own, how will they know their true origin(?); and second, if there is no interference, how will they move in the right direction.
One group of E.T., (E.T. = extra-terrestrial = i.e. beings from parallel worlds (not to be confused with aliens)) who were primarily non-physical, decided to leave a "treasure of knowledge" for those who would evolve enough to understand it. This highly developed race had the appearance of tall strong translucent (!) creatures with golden-bronze skin and golden hair, and purple eyes. On the air level, this group of E.T. created an object that contained all that amount of knowledge about the Consciousness of God as they knew themselves. They also synchronized this object with the history of the universe and all the technologies that will ever be needed on the path of development.
To create such an object, this group chose the shape of a female human skull without any racial features. The skull represented all humanoids, symbolizing brotherhood and harmony. The woman was chosen because it had to be placed in physical reality as a symbol of the ego being overcome. The moving part of the jaw symbolized the fact that it is a communication device.

The crystal was chosen because this material has the highest vibration possible in physical reality - purity, clarity, focus, and magnification. E.T. left the Crystal Skull for the first civilization of the Lyrian Atants. By them, the Crystal Skull was placed in the pyramid of the temple and functioned for the Atlantean civilization for many years.
When the Sirians "infiltrated" the second generation of the Lyrian Atlantean civilization, they negotiated with them to study the Crystal Skull. Over time, they created an exact duplicate, which they brought back on Sirius A. Other foreign bands made similar copies of them for their own use. By the time of the third generation of Atlanteans (and they lived for a long time!) the true purpose and value of the Crystal Skull is almost completely forgotten.
The authorities have tried to use this item for negative purposes, not realizing that it magnifies and reflects back all their evil deeds and intentions. In addition, the Crystal Skull was created in such a way that no matter what one thinks in his presence, "thinking back" becomes part of the thinker's experiences. The Crystal Skull teaches that the physical universe only reflects your thoughts(!)
When Atlantis sank, high priests fleeing the continent brought this item to Central America, where the Procyonians became the Maya. Here, it was used as an object of worship and reverence until the Mayans were able to leave the Earth. Ultimately, the Crystal Skull remained buried in ruins until its discovery in the early 20th century, when the Crystal Skull allowed itself to be discovered.
The Crystal Skull works through the "language of hyperspace" - the trinity of communication of color, tone and form. When any combination of these three is illuminated from a certain angle, or you meditate in the presence of the Crystal Skull, it opens up a program that is encoded with a certain frequency resonance.
An infinite number of combinations can be used and anyone can open the Crystal Skull program to teach humanity. The left brain represents language and the right brain represents pure thought. The pineal gland of communication balances and brings left and right into "mentality" - the imagery used.
Patterns can be geometric shapes, letters, numbers, Hebrew symbols, pictograms, or any combination of all of them. Colors are also an integral part of this triad. The left brain is dark, the right brain is light, and once again, the pineal gland balances and translates this balance into a certain color. Tones also represent an integral part of the trinity, balancing sound and silence. In the same way, the Crystal Skull balances the Mind of God in physical reality.
From time to time, the Crystal Skull becomes non-physical. Since knowledge does not have a definite body, and this symbolizes the illusory nature and uselessness of the “material”.
The Crystal Skull is a bridge between all levels of reality.
Anyone who knows the sequences of the trinity of communication - the language of hyperspace - becomes omnipotent and omniscient.

4. Goals and objectives of Reptiles

The goal of the Reptilians was and remains to seek out refugees among people for their destruction and assimilation, as well as to use their blood and hormones to maintain their existence.

The remnants of the Lyrans who colonized other planets formed an alliance against the constant attacks of the Reptilians. They called their union the Galactic Federation, which consisted of 110 different colonies. The colonies that belonged to the Federation sought to maintain their new identity, and no longer tie themselves to the old path. Together, the Federation colonists managed to repel the Reptilian attacks.

Initially, there were three groups that did not join the Federation. These three groups were considered extremists, or nationalist idealists, seeking to restore the lost glory of the former Lyran civilization. The first group was the Atlanteans, located on the planet Pleiades. The Pleiades are actually thirty-two planets orbiting seven stars. At that time, throughout the constellation Pleiades, there were sixteen different colonies of the descendants of the Lyrans. All these colonists sought to expel the Atlantean apostates because they remained independent and did not help their human relatives.

The groups of the other two were the Martians and the Maldekians, who were at odds with each other. Therefore, the Reptilians drew their attention to our solar system with its two social colonies. By the calculations of the Reptilians, they would be easy to divide and conquer. The Reptilians love to use comets and asteroids as weapons and spaceships as they travel through the stars. First, they create a small black hole as an engine system that will drag the larger asteroid to its destination. When used as a weapon, they use a particle beam accelerator to create an explosion that launches a comet or asteroid towards its intended target. All technology was obtained by the creatures from the Sirians.

So they launched a huge icy comet aimed at Mars and Maldek. The reptiles, being poorly technically trained, miscalculated the trajectory. The gravitational force of the giant gas planet, Jupiter, veered the comet off course. The ice comet was then destined directly for Maldek. The citizens of that planet asked the Martians for help. Even though they had mutual disagreements, they allowed some of the Maldekians to move into the Martian dungeons. The comet came so close to Maldek that the planet was caught between the gravity forces of Jupiter, Mars, and the comet. This caused the planet to explode, leaving behind an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The explosion propelled the icy comet so close to Mars that it tore the atmosphere away from that planet, leaving only an extremely thin layer of it. The explosion also removed Mars even further from the sun.

The comet then moved towards the Earth. The heat of the sun and the gravity between the two planets caused Earth's watery atmosphere to polarize. This polarization pulled much of the comet's ice toward the Earth's polar regions, thus filling large voids in the Earth's cavity, while at the same time leaving vast land masses exposed for the first time.

The comet then switched places with Earth, taking a second orbit relative to the sun, becoming the planet now known as Venus. The Sun's heat melted the ice on the comet, creating a cloud cover for this new planet. The Earth ended up in the third orbit previously occupied by Mars. Now the Earth is ready for colonization. Most of the surviving amphibians, having carried out transportation, found a new home on Neptune. Some remained in the newly formed oceans.

The reptilians that had been in the cavity of the comet now known as Venus had reached the surface of this new world. They built seven domed cities, one for each of the seven groups in the hierarchy. In the mid-1980s, one of the New York daily newspapers, Newsday, reported that a Soviet space probe had penetrated Venus's cloud layer and photographed seven white domes. Venus covering small, lined up towns. After lengthy accusatory speeches, American scientists came to the conclusion that all this is a natural formation.

The reptiles settled into the cavity of a huge object near the earth's orbit to begin the process of its colonization. This object is now called the Moon. Conventional science treats the Moon as a natural object, but it is the only known object in space that does not rotate on its axis. The Moon constantly faces the Earth with the same part of its surface, as a result of which one side of it is never visible from the Earth. Resonant sound sent to the surface of the moon is reflected as from a hollow body. If the Moon were a solid solid body, the reflected sound would be heard as a knock or thud. The moon is hollow inside. A recent article in an astronomy journal states that the Moon should be viewed differently because it is hollow.

The Reptilians chose a wide continental formation to start their civilization on Earth, now called Lemuria or Mu. The area of ​​the mainland was huge, at present it is the basin of the Pacific Ocean, stretching from Japan to Australia, from the coast of California to Peru. The Hawaiian Islands are in the middle of what used to be dry land.

This is where the androgynous Reptilian culture developed. They brought with them the creatures we know as dinosaurs. All creatures created below in their level of development: animals and plants, are a reflection of their mindset and patterns of perception. Reptiles created dinosaurs, humans created mammals. But they are not destined to coexist on the same planet.

In addition, the Reptilian thought process is different from the human thought process. After all, Reptiles do not evolve quickly and remain unchanged, their expansion is also barely noticeable and insidious. It takes reptiles several millennia before they decide whether they should coexist with humans. After all, Earth was still far from the center of the Draconian Empire.

At the same time, the Martians now live underground, side by side with the hostile Maldekians. Something needs to be done to prevent their mutual destruction. Thus, the Martians asked the Galactic Federation to remove the Maldekian refugees to another planet. At the same time, the Galactic Federation also received a request from the Pleiadian Council to remove the Atlanteans from their star cluster.

The Federation finally decided to use the Atlanteans as a counterweight on Earth. If the Atlanteans survive, the Maldekians may also be sent there. Representatives of the Lyran descendants literally threw their renegades to the Reptilian colonists on Earth. In this way, the Federation would be able to get rid of unwanted elements. Let the Reptiles deal with unwanted elements. The Federation will get precious time to create its own forces that would oppose the Reptilians.

When the Atlanteans arrived on Earth, they colonized what is now known as Atlantis. Their continent extended from what is now the Caribbean to the Azores and Canary Islands, and several of their smaller chain islands reached into what is now the East Coast of the United States, including Montauk.

The hard-working people of Atlantis developed rapidly, a prosperous civilization needed additional territories. The dinosaur population also increased rapidly and became a danger to the colonists. The Atlanteans set about destroying the dinosaurs to protect themselves. This did not suit the Reptilians. Soon there were major battles on Earth between the Lemurian Reptilians and the Atlantean people. At the same time, a flood of Maldekian refugees arrived on Earth. They established a large number of their colonies in what is now the Gobi Desert, Northern India, the Sumerians, and some other parts of Asia. The Maldekians landed on the lunar surface and attacked the Reptilians, who were defending their outpost from an invasion of Earth.

The Maldekians also bombarded Atlantis and Lemuria with laser weapons. The dinosaurs were destroyed.

In addition, the Martians also attacked the Reptiles from space as they were also looking for a Reptilian-free habitat. These events can be considered a real First World War on this planet.

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Hypothesis 2.

Insects (arthropods) do not have skin. But they have a shell, consisting of hardened proteins. They periodically shed this shell - they molt. The color of the shell can be very different, depending on the habitat of the insect (arthropod). So, for example, termites living without access to sunlight have colorless transparent covers.
Many seem to have heard¸ that the color of the paint and leaves of plants is determined by the spectral composition of the sunlight absorbed and reflected by them. So, for example, the red background of a Stop sign absorbs all rays except red ones, and, conversely, reflects red rays and therefore looks red. The leaves of green plants, or rather the chlorophyll pigment formed in them in the light, selectively absorb the blue, red and, in a small amount, orange and yellow rays of sunlight and almost completely reflect the green rays. The share of absorption in this region of the spectrum of solar radiation for them is no more than 2% of the share of absorption of red and blue light (the efficiency of using green light is only 0.3-0.5%). This explains the green light of the leaf plates of plants.
It can be assumed that in the era of destruction of the water-steam dome that began at the turn of the Eocene and Oligocene, which until then completely restrained the penetration of ultraviolet radiation to the Earth, giant intelligent insects (arthropods) that appeared in the Oligocene - according to legend, they were all long-lived or immortal - developed in their shells, a protective pigment based on the same hemocyanin or some other copper compound, which did not absorb, but, on the contrary, reflected ultraviolet rays that contribute to the aging of the body. Therefore, their cover looked purple (violet and ultraviolet rays were reflected), blue (ultraviolet, violet and blue rays were reflected) or blue (ultraviolet, blue and partially green rays of the solar spectrum were reflected).
The same thing could happen with reptiles - snake people, who also tend to acquire different colors of scaly skin depending on habitat conditions and periodically shed (change) it.

Very interesting in this regard are the legends of the peoples of the Sunda Archipelago, New Guinea and Australia, which tell that the ancestors of people periodically changed their skin, thanks to which they never died.


How, then, to explain the existence simultaneously with the "blue-skinned" arthropods and reptiles of white gods - centenarians and immortals? Perhaps they managed to create an artificial screen in the north, in their traditional habitat - Hyperborea, which restrained the penetration of destructive ultraviolet rays. It is possible that thanks to such a screen, the gods “held” the north so tightly until the last catastrophe that occurred 12 thousand years ago. And the white and black gods and demons who lived in other parts of the Earth could become as mortal as people (although their life then lasted 10 or even 100 thousand years) and, in essence, be a prototype of ordinary people.

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© A.V. Koltypin, 2010 In preparing this material, materials sent by the biologist A. Belov were used, for which I express my sincere gratitude to him

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