Splendor and ferocity, a unique, memorable appearance and a quarrelsome character, a solitary decorative giant - all these epithets can be attributed to one aquarium fish, which has many names. Flower Horn, hua luo han, Thai silk - these are the names of this bright beauty, which has never existed and does not exist in the wild.

It is known that work on breeding a new species was carried out in Malaysia, and aquarium breeders are inclined to believe that its ancestors are Central American cichlids: the red devil (Lat. Amphilophus labiatus), the three-striped cichlid (Lat. Amphilophus trimaculatus) and the three-hybrid parrot.

Interestingly, the Flower Horn can interbreed with other American cichlids, and most breeds and color variations have been developed this way.

Why were these particular fish selected?

The thing is that representatives of the cichlid family are not very picky about creating married couples and can interbreed with partners of another species. This was taken advantage of by unknown Malaysian experimenters who wished to maintain a commercial secret.

And the result exceeded all expectations! Not only are the artificial cichlids turned out beautiful, they are also prolific, rarely get sick and are practically omnivorous.

The first flowerhorn specimens appeared relatively recently, in 1996. Less than 20 years have passed since these decorative beauties became inhabitants of many aquariums around the world. There are now several varieties of Flower Horn:

  • campha,
  • malau (or kamalau),
  • wife,
  • thai silk (Thai silk).

No one knows whether serious breeding work by aquarists will continue with this fish.

Appearance and characteristics

As already indicated, this hybrid can reach a length of 40 cm, but this is the maximum size. Ordinary aquarium specimens rarely grow larger than 30 cm.

In appearance, the representative of perciformes has massive body elliptical in shape, strongly flattened on the sides. Each individual has a large bump on its forehead. This fat deposit is a characteristic feature of the flower. It's hard to confuse him with someone else.

Scales The fish is large with a metallic tint, gray and sometimes pink or red. There is a black stripe along the middle of the body, which turns into separate spots closer to the tail. However, such a strip may not exist.

An interesting feature: as they grow older, the pattern of scales can change dramatically. That is why, when buying a hybrid horn fry, you cannot be completely sure that its color will remain unchanged.

Dorsal and ventral fins stretch almost from the head to the tail, gradually increasing and acquiring a pointed shape at the back. But the tail one is almost round. The fins can also have different colors: from dark red to purple.

Bump on a forehead is the pride of Malaysian breeders. In the East, they believe that it is a kind of symbol of longevity and good luck, and the larger this fatty appendix, the more good luck it will bring to the owner of the exotic creature.

Apparently, the work of the breeders was greatly influenced by the fascination with the Chinese ideology of Feng Shui. The Chinese, for example, are sure that the spots on the sides of the fish form certain hieroglyphs, and the more favorable the meaning of the hieroglyph, the higher the price they offer for the horn.

It is quite difficult to distinguish a male from a female. Some experienced cichlid owners distinguish females by the presence of characteristic black dots on the back. To be honest, this difference is rather illusory, since there may not be any points. Perhaps the real difference is the duller color of the females' scales.

The hybrid cichlazoma lives for quite a long time - up to 10 years.

Flower Horn color variation Super Red Texas. This breed was obtained by crossing a Horn with a red morph Diamond Cichlazoma.

Character and habits of Hua Luo Han

To be honest, her character is bad and quarrelsome. This fish is very calm only when alone. She will tirelessly chase smaller decorative fish throughout the aquarium, especially during... Flower Horn will constantly fight with its relatives, if any are nearby.

Some aquarists believe that the Hua Luo Han is not devoid of intelligence and is very cunning. It is not yet possible to unequivocally agree or refute this opinion, but the fact that over time these fish recognize their owners, distinguishing them from several spectators, is beyond doubt. Most adult flowers even allow their owners to stroke them and pick them up.

Just like domestic mammals, isn't it? Or maybe the selection of cichlases was aimed at creating smart fish?

Horn loves to dig, and he does it with great passion. That’s why you shouldn’t add soil to the aquarium where this handsome guy lives; in extreme cases, you can put a thin layer of gravel. Decorative elements must be well attached, since a strong and aggressive fish can easily turn over even a stone, not to mention wooden snags.

Color variation Thai silk.

Conditions in the aquarium

Aquarium dimensions

Large flower sizes require a large aquarium, at least 150 liters per individual. If two hybrid cichlases are bred (a male and a female, for example), then the capacity should be doubled.

At first, you need to make sure that the fish do not injure each other in a fight until the territorial dispute is resolved. By the way, in this case it is easy to distinguish the male by his pronounced aggression.

Water parameters

Horns like warm water, from 28 to 30 degrees. Apparently, the genetic inheritance of tropical and equatorial fish plays a role here.

Water hardness should be close to neutral, its high acidity should be avoided. The water should be intensively filtered, since after feeding the flowers, quite a lot of waste remains at the bottom of the aquarium.

Naturally, a 200-liter container, for example, requires a powerful one with high performance. Approximately 1/3 of the total volume of water must be changed weekly.


The owners of hua luo han, as a rule, do not breed plants in their aquariums. Not because they save money on creating a living plant design, but because it is useless.

An energetic horn will either dig up vegetation or begin to gnaw on it. In both cases, representatives of the aquatic flora will most likely die.

Flower Horn red dragon.


Hybrid cichlazomas are distinguished by excellent appetite and omnivorousness. Although merchants have developed special food for flowers, their diet may include worms, shrimp meat, bloodworms, grasshoppers, natural fish fillets, and small fish.

Experts recommend high-quality nutritious food Tetra Luo Han, made in Germany, as a branded ready-made food. It will be better if you organize a varied diet, alternating live and commercial food.

Food should be served 2-3 times a day in small portions, avoiding overeating. An excellent indicator of the quality of food and the correctness of the diet is cichlase coloring.

If the color of the scales is bright and saturated, then everything is in order with the nutrition. The color fades - you should pay close attention to feeding issues.


The breeding process does not cause any particular difficulties. If, apart from a couple of Horns, there are no other large animals in the aquarium, then a special spawning tank is not needed. Otherwise, it is necessary to temporarily move the couple into a jar with a volume of at least 100 liters.

It is not necessary to fill the soil, but a shelter for the female (cuts of ceramic pipes, for example) needs to be built and well secured. Immediately after spawning, she will sit there, fleeing the attacks of a violent male. Water parameters should be identical to normal in everyday life.

Spawning pair.

You can use a large flat stone or even a ceramic plate to lay eggs. Not far from this place, it is advisable to place the aerator tube in the direction from the male to the female. During one spawning, the female can lay about 1000 large eggs. Immediately after this, the male shows extreme anxiety and tries to drive away the female.

A stone or plate with eggs must be moved into the male’s territory so that he leaves his girlfriend alone. But if the level of his aggression is extremely high, then it is better to place the male in the main aquarium.

After about 3 days, larvae emerge from the eggs, and after another 2 days they try to swim. You can start feeding the fry or dry egg yolk.

As a rule, parents care for the young for 3-4 weeks, and by the age of 6 months, the young horns develop a characteristic coloration.

In any aquarium, even a very impressive one, the hua luo han is the central figure, and his personal status in the aquarium community is very high. When purchasing a flower fry, you need to be prepared for its age-related changes. What if he gets lucky, and with age, intricate Chinese characters appear on his scales, which will bring great luck and prosperity to the house?


A luxurious, powerful giant, Flower Horn combines the strong character of American cichlids and the whimsical brightness of colors of Asian selection. This is the real king of the aquarium, which requires special treatment and gets along with few people. But cichlid fans know that his personality and spectacular beauty are worth the effort.

Origin, appearance and character

Flower Horn is a hybrid cichlid of the Perciformes order of the Cichlid family. Horn was artificially bred in the 90s of the 20th century. Judging by the characteristics of the fish, among its ancestors were the rainbow and lipped cichlasomas, as well as citrons and spotted ones. The resulting hybrid is unique: a large (on average 30 cm long, but sometimes growing up to 40 cm) fish with a bright, bizarre color, unusual body shape and complex character, very hardy and not particularly demanding on the composition of water and food.

The Flower Horn's "native" name, given to it by Asian breeders, is Hua Luo Han or Silkfish. In Asia, Horn is considered a talisman that brings good luck and wealth. The fact is that the dark spots on its sides look like hieroglyphs. Individuals with “lucky” signs are very expensive.

The main feature of the horns, in addition to size and color, is the large hump on the forehead, which gives the fish a very “brainy” appearance. The cichlazoma is not deprived of intelligence, but the main component of the hump is adipose tissue. Females have a smaller hump and are duller in color.

Horns have combined and strengthened those character traits that distinguish cichlids from other aquarium fish. They are aggressive, territorial and at the same time very intelligent. Horns are not afraid of people: their aggression extends to hands that are immersed in the aquarium. A fish can bite a stranger very sensitively. But the horn quickly gets used to its owner. He can stroke it and play without fear - the fish will curl around his fingers and rub against his palm.

Aquarium setup and water composition

Flower Horns are hardy and will survive if kept poorly, but this will ruin their coloring and behavior. For a normal life, the fish needs a large volume of water - from 150 liters. The soil is placed on the bottom in a thin layer, and it is better not to use live plants - the fish will dig them up. But shelters are necessary, so snags and rocky decorations must be present. If you have 2-3 horns, then the territory needs to be fenced off with decorative elements, otherwise clashes are inevitable.

True, there are many reviews about peace-loving (within the limits of cichlid peace-lovingness, of course) horns. Perhaps this is due to the high intelligence of the fish - among these there are real individuals. But, most likely, because the most peaceful Flower Horns live in the largest aquariums, with a volume of 800-1000 liters. In such a space, their territorial claims are reduced, and fish coexist quite acceptably with many species of cichlids and catfish.

Horns love warmth, they feel best when the water temperature is 28-31 degrees. The water should be well filtered and aerated, as the fish produces a lot of waste and actively digs the bottom. At least a third of the aquarium volume is replaced every week. Make sure that the water parameters are within the following limits: hardness dH 6-20°, acidity - pH 7.4-8. With careless care, an excess of phosphates and nitrates forms in the aquarium, which leads to horn diseases.

Horns are not demanding when it comes to lighting.

Features of the food

Cichlazoma is practically omnivorous; choosing food for them is not difficult. But the legendary color of the horn directly depends on the variety and nutritional value of the feed, which will sparkle with all its richness of colors only if the need for nutrients and minerals is fully satisfied. Now there are many specialized foods for this species, some have special pigments added to increase the brightness of the color. Products from German manufacturers are considered the best, but they should definitely be alternated. Flower Horns happily eat live and frozen food, shrimp, mussels, and dry food. From time to time it is worth alternating them with granules (which are slightly soaked) and flakes.

Feed the fish twice or thrice a day, in small portions. Horn is very voracious, but you cannot overfeed him, like any other inhabitants of the aquarium - the digestive system will not cope.

Compatibility with other aquarium inhabitants

In an aquarium with a volume of 200-350 liters, horns are kept alone or in pairs; other inhabitants should not be added to them. Such aquariums look very impressive: large, brightly colored fish in discreet decorations do not require additional proximity to emphasize their beauty.

Like most cichlids, Flower Horn is quite active and aggressive, but the idea of ​​it as an aquarium tyrant is somewhat exaggerated. This is a large, intelligent cichlid, and its aggression is no more than usual for representatives of this family of cichlids. In a large volume of water, with comfortable housing conditions and sufficient food, horns get along quite well with comparable cichlids, various chainmail (loricaria) and other catfish. If all parameters are met, diamond cichlids, astronotuses, citrons, Managuan cichlids, ancitrus catfishes, armored catfishes such as platidoras and agamixis, and cockroaches can become neighbors.


Flower Horn reproduces easily in favorable conditions. Although fish of this species can bear offspring as early as 12 months of age, they reach full maturity only at two years. It is worth raising at least a female to this age in order to avoid unnecessary aggression during spawning and achieve strong offspring.

For spawning, the pair is placed in a separate aquarium with a volume of 100 liters or more. The female lays eggs on a smooth surface (a stone, ceramic plate or ordinary plate will do), which she thoroughly cleans beforehand. Horns can lay more than 900 eggs at a time.

If the male is overly aggressive during spawning, then the aquarium is partitioned with a transparent wall that does not reach the bottom. The surface with the eggs should extend slightly beyond the partition so that the male can fertilize the offspring. Make sure that the flow of water goes from the male to the female.

The fry hatch by the end of the second day and after another two days begin to swim. For the first food, small food specially designed for fry, mashed yolk (just do not forget to remove the excess immediately after feeding, otherwise the water will spoil), and brine shrimp are suitable. Horn parents touchingly care for the fry for a little less than a month, then the fry should be placed separately. The fish begin to acquire the color characteristic of this cichlasoma at about six months, at which time or a little later their sex can be determined.

Flower Horn is an aquarium fish of the cichlid or cichlid family (Cichlidae).
Other names: Luo Han, Flower Horn.


The Flower Horn cichlid is a fish species that appeared in the 90s of the 20th century as a result of hybridization. The species is believed to be the offspring of Amphilophus citrinellus, Cichlasoma trimaculatum and probably Vieja synspila and Cichlasoma festae.

Appearance and gender differences

Cichlazoma Flower Horn, having undergone careful selective selection, acquired the best features characteristic of fish of the Cichlid family. Breeders constantly strive to ensure that, as a result of hybridization, this species receives a more saturated color and a wide body, dark spots of an unusual shape resembling hieroglyphs, fins with more graceful outlines and a large hump on the forehead of males. It is safe to say that any claims regarding Flower Horn being a mutant are unfounded, since no biogenetic developments or chemicals were used in the crossing process.
In one generation it is impossible to find individuals that are absolutely similar to each other. As a result, several species of Flower Horn are classified today, namely: KamFa (abbreviated as KF), Malau or Kamalau (KML), Zhen Zhu (ZZ) and Thai Silk (Titanium Flower Horn).
Cichlazomas Flower Horn are quite beautiful fish, in which there are anatomical differences between male and female. The male, unlike the female, has a more saturated color. It has a high hump on its forehead, and its dorsal and anal fins have long braids. During the spawning period or as a result of stress, transverse stripes of dark color become noticeable on the body of the fish, which are most clearly expressed in females. In an aquarium, fish can grow up to 30 cm, and sometimes up to 40 cm in length. The average size of a female is 15-20 cm, and a male is 20-40 cm. The fish live up to 8-10 years.

To keep Flower Horn, a spacious aquarium with a volume of 200 liters or more is suitable, in which the fish can have enough space to swim. Driftwood and stones are placed at the bottom of the aquarium. Since fish constantly dig through the soil, you can do without live aquarium plants, which will still be uprooted. Flower Horn, like other representatives of South American cichlids, is a rather aggressive fish that requires a personal territory. When keeping Flower Horn together with other species of fish or several other pairs of cichlases of the same species, you should provide enough shelter, and also divide the territory into several zones using aquarium decorations or stones. They should not be kept together with small fish. But in a sufficiently spacious aquarium, cichlazoma can easily get along with large representatives of other species. Arowanas, managuas, labiatums, diamond cichlazomas, astronotuses, chainmail and armored catfishes are suitable for joint keeping. When carrying out any work in the aquarium, you should take care of your hands, as the fish can inflict a rather painful bite.
The Flower Horn cichlid can be called an unpretentious fish, since it is able to withstand conditions that are completely unsuitable for keeping most fish of other species. Optimal water parameters: temperature - 27-30 °C, pH - 7.5-8.0. An aquarium with a capacity of 150 liters or more is suitable for keeping one pair of adults. It is advisable to add a small amount of coral chips to the soil, thanks to which the pH level in the aquarium will remain stable. Care should be taken to change 30% of the water in the aquarium weekly. Do not allow sudden changes in pH levels, as this can have a detrimental effect on the fish.
Cichlazoma Flower Horn is not picky about food. Shrimp, granulated dry food and bloodworms are quite suitable as food. It is advisable to provide the fish with two or three meals a day. In this case, portions should be small. Important advice: it is better for the fish to not eat a little than to overeat. A varied, balanced diet contributes to the formation of a more intense color.


By twelve months, Flower Horn cichlid reaches sexual maturity. For spawning, you should ensure that you have an aquarium with a volume of at least 100 liters, in which the optimal water temperature is 27-28 °C. The female lays up to a thousand eggs on a smooth surface. The pinkish caviar is quite large, approximately 2 mm in diameter. The incubation period lasts about 72 hours. Then, after two days, the fry begin to swim and actively eat. Special dry food for fry in the form of powder, egg yolk and brine shrimp are suitable as starter food. The fry can stay with the breeders for about 3-4 weeks, during which the male and female conscientiously care for the offspring, after which the young should be placed in a separate aquarium. In order to ensure intensive and uniform growth of the fry, they are sorted by size as they grow. At the age of five to six months, the young begin to acquire the color characteristic of adults.

Thanks to the careful selective selection that Flower Horn underwent for many decades, an amazing representative of cichlids was born. Most breeders make every effort to ensure that as a result of selection they get fish with the most saturated color and wide body. Males have a huge hump on their forehead and dark spots on their bodies that look somewhat like hieroglyphs. If you thought that this was a mutant fish, then you are mistaken. As a result of lengthy breeding research, various chemicals or biogenetic developments were not used.

If you look closely, you will not find absolutely identical individuals in one generation. Today, several variations of Flower Horn are known: Kamalau (KML), Thai Silk (Titanium Flower Horn), Zhen Zhu (ZZ) and KamFa (abbreviated KF). Flowers are quite beautiful aquarium fish. The male and female have some anatomical differences. Males have a brighter and more saturated color, and have a large hump on their forehead. The dorsal and anal fins end in long pigtails. If the fish are on the eve of spawning or they are stressed, then the outlines of dark transverse stripes will appear on the body, which are especially pronounced in females. In aquarium conditions, the fish can reach 30-40 centimeters in length. The average size of males is 20-40 centimeters, and females 15-20. The lifespan of fish in captivity is 8-10 years.


Yes, indeed, Flower Horn was artificially bred and is a hybrid. Apparently, now no one will definitely name the name of the breeder and the living material from which this cichlazoma, reaching a size of up to 40 cm, was bred.

Only the one who did it knows the real pedigree. It is only known that work on breeding a new species was carried out in Malaysia, and aquarium breeders are inclined to believe that its ancestors are the Central American cichlazomas: spotted, citron, lipped and rainbow.

Why were these particular fish selected?

The thing is that representatives of the cichlid family are not very picky about creating married couples and can interbreed with partners of another species. This was taken advantage of by unknown Malaysian experimenters who wished to maintain a commercial secret.

And the result exceeded all expectations! Not only are the artificial cichlids turned out beautiful, they are also prolific, rarely get sick and are practically omnivorous.

The first flowerhorn specimens appeared relatively recently, in 1996. Less than 20 years have passed since these decorative beauties became inhabitants of many aquariums around the world. There are now several varieties of Flower Horn:

  • campha,
  • malau (or kamalau),
  • wife,
  • thai silk (Thai silk).

Conditions of detention

Keeping a Flower Horn does not require special training; this fish gets used to conditions that would otherwise harm other representatives of aquatic fauna. They are omnivores, living under strict parameters of the aquatic environment. Unlike other cichlids, Thai silk, malau, campha and other species even attack the owner, although there have been cases when the fish allowed themselves to be stroked and even picked up for a short time. Keeping with other fish and a large number of plants is not recommended; rather, it is a solitary fish. She will definitely eat her neighbors and plants in the aquarium.

One massive individual requires an aquarium with a volume of 150 cubic liters. Male Flower Horns show their temperament more aggressively. When you introduce fish of different sexes, monitor their behavior to avoid fights and territorial disputes.

Flowerhorns prefer water at high temperatures, 24-30 o C, with an acidity of 6.5-7.8 pH, dH 10-20. They prefer slow flows and clean water; it is recommended to refresh 1/3 of the water once a week and siphon the bottom, since cichlids clog the water during meals. The external filter must be of strong power. He doesn’t like plants, he can eat them, but there should be enough soil at the bottom where the fish will flounder. Gravel is suitable for the soil; stones and driftwood will also look good, but they must be pressed tightly to the bottom. Her character is open and active, she is unlikely to hide.


Flowerhorns are fertile fish, despite their hybrid origin. In order to get offspring of the same color as the parents, you need to thoroughly research their pedigree. They can be bred in the same aquarium where they live, but it should be taken into account that sometimes the female can be the object of attacks by the male. Experienced aquarists equip the aquarium with a net that divides the space into two parts, or temporarily plant shelters where the female will hide from harassment.

Stimulation of spawning is possible at a water temperature of 28 o C and an acidity of 7.0 pH. Parents must be fed abundantly, not forgetting to renew the water. After laying eggs, the parents will guard it; sometimes the male will consider that the female is superfluous and will attack her. Again you will have to evict the female Flower Horn, or divide the territory of the aquarium.

The female lays about 1000 eggs on a small stone. To avoid conflicts, it is recommended to place a stone with eggs in the male’s territory. On the third day the larvae are born, after two days they are already swimming and feeding on living dust. Dry egg whites and brine shrimp can be added to the diet of young animals. Parents take care of their offspring for about a month; at the age of six months, the coloration of the young Flower Horn is visible.

Such an impressive Flower Horn will become a real asset to the aquarium, bringing good luck, love and prosperity to its owner!


This is an omnivorous fish with a huge appetite, which is difficult to feed. They eat all types of live, frozen or artificial food, as long as it contains a high amount of protein. A variety of food is as important as nutritional value and quality, so it is better to give: high-quality food for large cichlids, shrimp meat, bloodworms, worms, crickets, flies, grasshoppers, small fish, fish fillets, gammarus. You need to feed two to three times a day, especially if you are feeding food that leaves a lot of waste.

It is important to know that feeding mammalian meat, so popular in past years, is now considered harmful. Such meat contains a large amount of proteins and fats, which the gastrointestinal tract of fish digests poorly. As a result, the fish becomes fat and the functioning of internal organs is disrupted. You can give such food, but not often, about once a week.


Flowerhorns are not suitable for keeping with other fish, as they are very large, aggressive and territorial. It is best to keep one fish separately or a pair, and if you still want neighbors, then only in a very spacious aquarium. Flowerhorns will even attack you while maintaining your aquarium, and the bites will be painful. To reduce aggression, you need an aquarium with plenty of free space, plenty of hiding places and large neighbors. Such fish will be: black pacu, plecostomus, pterygoplicht, Managuan cichlasoma, astronotus, giant gourami. But, as a rule, people who keep Horns come to one conclusion - a Flower Horn should live alone!
If you want to breed Flower Horns, then remember that its aggressiveness also extends to relatives. Keep a close eye on the couple so that they don't kill each other.


A reliable method for distinguishing a young female from a male in flowerhorns is not yet known. It is believed that the female has a black dot on her dorsal fin, which is absent in the male, but other aquarists refute this. When sexually mature individuals are ready to spawn, the female has a thick ovipositor and the male has a papilla. The only technique that can be considered realistic in determining the sex of flowerhorns is the one used by tilapia breeders. Take the teenager, place it in the palm of your left hand, and gently move the palm of your right hand along the abdomen towards the caudal fin. If it is a male, then you will see splashes of clear liquid from his anus, the female does not have this. An adult male is easy to distinguish by its fatty lump and size.

"Flower Horn" or "Luo Han" fish - this beautiful hybrid is thought to be the product of crossbreeding between Cichlasoma trimaculatum, Cichlasoma festae, Jingang Blood Parrot etc. I would like to note that Flower Horn has undergone extensive selective selection in order to have the best features corresponding to fish of the Cichlidae family. For example, most breeders strive to produce a Flower Horn with a larger nuchal hump on the forehead, better coloration, more interesting black spots on the body (which resemble Chinese characters), more graceful fins, and a wider body. No chemicals or biogenetic engineering have been used to change Flower Horn's traits for the better. Thus, claims that Flower Horn is a mutated fish are unfounded.

Since the Flower Horn has its roots in South American fish, this fish is highly territorial. Thus, coexistence with other fish is not desirable (especially smaller fish). In large aquariums, they can live with other large fish. Many aquarists claim that they can "play" with the Flower Horn. In reality, Flower Horn is trying to get rid of the "intruder" (be it a stick or a human hand). Therefore, it is advisable for the aquarist not to put his hands in close proximity to the Flower Horn, as the fish can inflict a very noticeable bite (depending on the size of the fish).

Flower Horn is very hardy and can tolerate conditions that are not suitable for most aquarium fish. But still, for Flower Horn, the ideal pH level in the water should be between 7.5–8.0, and the water temperature between 27–30°C. Aquarium size - from 150 liters per couple ( Recommended volume – from 400 l. ( ed.) ). Regular water changes are desirable - up to 30% per week. It is also advisable to add a little coral chips to the soil. This will keep the pH stable. As with any fish, sudden or severe changes in pH levels can be harmful to Flower Horn.

Flower Horn is not picky about food. Bloodworms, shrimp and dry granulated food. It is advisable to feed them two to three times daily in small portions. It is better to underfeed than to overfeed. It is advisable to feed varied, which will have a very good effect on the color of the fish.

Flower Horn can grow up to 30 cm. There are specimens up to 40 cm. Life expectancy is 8-10 years. Sexual differences: the female has a paler color, no occipital hump. Size from 15–20 cm. Male: bright color, high occipital hump, long braids on the dorsal and anal fins. Size from 20 to 40 cm. During periods of stress or spawning, dark transverse stripes are observed. Especially noticeable in females. They reach sexual maturity by one year.

Spawning. For spawning, an aquarium of 100 liters is required. Temperature 27–28°C. The female lays up to 1000 pinkish, rather large (about 2 mm) eggs on a smooth surface. The larvae appear after 72 hours. After two days, the larvae begin to swim and feed intensively. Starter food: brine shrimp, egg yolk, fine dry food for fry (powder). Parents care for their offspring for three to four weeks. Next, they should be planted. As they grow, the fry should be sorted. The fry begin to acquire color by 5–6 months.

Slava Yudakov. Luo Han: Made in Malaysia

"Flower Horn" (Cichlasoma hybr. "Flower Horn") or, as it is also called, "Luo Han", is a new super popular fish of hybrid origin, which appeared on foreign sales a couple of years ago. Just like the notorious red parrot, this fish has roots in Southeast Asia. The first mention of it appeared about three years ago, and the surge in popularity can be dated to the Singapore exhibition "AQUARAMA" in 2001. Over these three years, Flower Horns have eclipsed discus, arowana, red parrots, piranhas and other species popular in previous years with their popularity in the Western market and in Asia. The first specimens of these fish appear in our country, so it’s time to review this new product and give potential consumers some educational training.

The origin of this fish is more clear than its predecessor, the “red parrot” (Cichlasoma hybr. “Red Parrot”), but still, there is no complete clarity on this issue. According to canonical information, most often found in Internet resources and foreign magazines, this is a complex hybrid of American cichlids of the following species: Cichlasoma trimaculatus, Cichlasoma festae and Cichlasoma citrinellum. Many believe that one of the parents of this fish was a red parrot ("Red Parrot" or "Blood Parrot" in English literature). There is also evidence that the original species were, among others, Heros severus and Cichlasoma labiatum. Other American cichlids are also called. So the question of the origin of the hybrid has not been resolved and it is unlikely that this information will ever be fully disclosed, since it constitutes a trade secret. Only one thing is clear: “Flower Horn” is an “honest hybrid” obtained through ordinary interspecific and intergeneric crossing of fish, without the participation of genetic engineering or other modern high technologies. The birthplace of this fish is Malaysia, the town of Bukit Mertajam on the Penang Peninsula.

As can be seen from the illustrations, the Flower Horn is a typical large American cichlid, with a wide, massive body, fan-shaped unpaired fins and a characteristic brightly colored growth on the forehead. It is curious that such a growth is present not only in males, but also in females. This is where the similarities usually end and the nuances begin. It is extremely rare to find two specimens of these fish that are identical to each other. Basically, all individuals, even closely related ones, from the same litter have a wide range of variations in both color and shape. A careful study of numerous photographs of fish showed that morphologically “Flower Horns” can be divided into several groups, each of which is dominated by certain characters, including those characteristic of the parent species. So it is quite possible that breeding work on the creation of this fish proceeded in parallel, in several lines.

In terms of its behavior in the aquarium, "Luo Han" shows two opposites: the fish are extremely aggressive towards all other neighbors, and at the same time they very quickly get used to the owners, recognizing them, allowing them to stroke themselves and even take them out of the water. It may very well be that the selection of this breed went in this direction. No one is surprised, for example, by the breeds of dogs that are particularly friendly or, conversely, aggressive. So here, why not breed a fish that is genetically not afraid of humans.

Keeping Flower Horns is not difficult; aquariums are suitable from 180-200 liters. It is very strictly recommended to keep these fish only one at a time, without any neighbors (( In large aquariums, these fish can be kept in pairs and/or together with other large cichlids ( ed.) )). According to the advice of breeders, the water parameters are as follows: temperature 27-32°C, pH - 7.0-7.8. Only then will these fish have normal coloring and well-developed thickenings on their foreheads. Another mandatory condition for the proper development of fish is feeding with specialized food for Flower Horns. Such food is available, for example, in the Tropical and OTTO assortments.

© V. Yudakov, 2004
© Aquarium Magazine, 2004