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I approve


Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs

And information technology

D.Yu. Shabalkin

"______" _______________200__g.



SPECIALITY: _________________________________

Issues considered at a meeting of the academic council


Division name

Protocol No. ___ dated ___________

Ulyanovsk, 2007

1. General Provisions

This basic educational program in the specialty 04/01/10 – Semiconductor Physics is compiled in accordance with the requirements for basic educational programs imposed by the Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 535 of 02/21/2002, Instructive Letter of the Ministry of Defense No. 14-55-898 in/15 dated October 30, 2002), Regulations on the procedure for awarding scientific degrees (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 2002 No. 74 in the current version), as well as a passport of a scientific specialty.

2. Goals and objectives

The purpose of graduate school is to prepare highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel for science, education, and industry.

The goals of training graduate students and applicants (hereinafter referred to as graduate students) for an academic degree are:

  • formation of skills for independent research and teaching activities;
  • in-depth study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of physical and mathematical sciences;
  • improving philosophical education, including those oriented towards professional activities;
  • improving knowledge of a foreign language, including for use in professional activities.
  • preparation and completion of qualifying work for the academic degree of candidate of physical, mathematical or technical sciences.
3. Qualification requirements for applicants to graduate school at Ulyanovsk State University. Selection procedure for graduate school at Ulyanovsk State University.

The following requirements are imposed on applicants to USU graduate school:

1) availability of a diploma of higher education;

2) the presence of knowledge, skills and abilities within the state educational standard of higher professional education;

3) availability of scientific and research skills;

4) it is desirable for the applicant to have publications in scientific journals.

The procedure for submitting documents for admission to the graduate school of UlSU, the procedure for competitive selection and enrollment are defined in the Regulations on the organization of admission to the graduate school of UlSU.

4. Specialty formula (in accordance with the passport of the scientific specialty).

"Physics of semiconductors" is a field of fundamental and applied science and technology, including experimental and theoretical studies of the physical properties of semiconductor materials and composite structures based on them (including heterostructures, MOS structures and Schottky barriers), as well as the physical phenomena occurring in them, development and research technological processes for producing semiconductor materials and composite structures based on them, creating original semiconductor devices and integrated devices.

    The significance of scientific and technical problems for the national economy, solved within the framework of the specialty, lies in the development of physical operating principles, manufacturing technologies and sales of electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor devices and integrated devices used in almost all areas of human activity
5. Area of ​​research (in accordance with the passport of the scientific specialty).

1. Physical foundations of technological methods for producing semiconductor materials, composite structures, reduced-dimensional structures and semiconductor devices and integrated devices based on them.

2. Structural and morphological properties of semiconductor materials and composite structures based on them.

3. Impurities and defects in semiconductors and composite structures.

4. Surface and interface of semiconductors, semiconductor heterostructures, contact phenomena.

5. Electronic spectra of semiconductor materials and composite compounds based on them.

6. Electronic transport in semiconductors and composite semiconductor structures.

7. Optical and photoelectric phenomena in semiconductors and in composite semiconductor structures.

8. Spontaneous and stimulated luminescence in semiconductor materials and composite structures, semiconductor lasers and light-emitting devices.

9. Nonequilibrium phenomena in semiconductors and structures. Electron plasma.

10. Acoustic and mechanical properties of semiconductors and composite semiconductor structures.

11. Dynamics of a crystal lattice. Electron-phonon interaction.

12. Many-particle interactions in semiconductors and composite structures.

13. Transport and optical phenomena in structures of reduced dimensionality.

14. Mesoscopic phenomena in semiconductors and composite structures.

15. Non-crystalline semiconductors. Organic semiconductors.

16. Magnetic semiconductors.

17. Modeling of properties and physical phenomena in semiconductors and structures, technological processes and semiconductor devices.

18. Development of physical principles of operation and creation of devices based on semiconductor materials and composite semiconductor structures.

19. Development of methods for studying semiconductors and composite semiconductor structures.

6. Terms and procedure for postgraduate studies at UlSU

The standard period for mastering the main educational program of postgraduate professional education for postgraduate training for full-time study is 3 years and 4 years for correspondence study.

Postgraduate students undergo training during the standard period of study in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of postgraduate studies at UlSU.

Postgraduate students regularly report on the work performed in accordance with the Regulations on the certification of postgraduate students and applicants for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences of Ulyanovsk State University.

7. Mandatory educational program

During postgraduate study, a graduate student is required to master the following disciplines: history and philosophy of science, foreign language, special disciplines from the section “Physics of Semiconductors” in accordance with the curriculum (Appendix 1).

A graduate student who has a higher education that does not correspond to the specialty in which the dissertation was prepared takes (by decision of the dissertation council) an additional candidate exam in general physics.

The graduate student carries out scientific research under the guidance of a supervisor during the time provided for by the curriculum (Appendix 1). The research part of the program must meet the following requirements:

  • correspond to the main problems of the scientific specialty on which the candidate’s dissertation is being defended;
  • be relevant, contain scientific novelty and practical significance;
  • be based on modern theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of domestic and foreign science and practice;
  • use modern scientific research methods;
  • be based on modern methods of data processing and interpretation using computer technology;
  • contain theoretical (methodological, practical) sections consistent with the scientific principles defended in the candidate's dissertation.

During postgraduate study, a graduate student is required to fully complete an individual plan of scientific work, pass candidate exams, complete work on a dissertation and submit it for discussion to the relevant department and academic (dissertation) council in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of postgraduate studies at UlSU.

The main results of a graduate student’s research work must be published in scientific publications, including journals from the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of the main scientific results of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences. The main results of the graduate student's scientific work must be tested at seminars and (or) conferences in other organizations where scientific research in the field of semiconductor physics is carried out.

8. Optional disciplines

Postgraduate students are given the opportunity to obtain the additional qualification “Higher School Teacher”.

Postgraduate students are given the opportunity to acquire skills in working with library collections, electronic databases of full-text access to scientific publications, etc. as part of the elective course “Fundamentals of Bibliography”, organized by the scientific library of Ulyanovsk State University.

Elective classes for graduate students enrolled in the Federal Education Agency benchmarks are studied at the expense of the federal budget. Postgraduate students enrolled on a non-budgetary basis pay for elective classes from their own funds on the basis of an additional agreement.

If necessary, departments can organize elective classes in accordance with the direction of scientific activity of the department (without increasing the number of rates allocated to the department for the training of graduate students).

The time intended for mastering elective educational disciplines, at the discretion of the supervisor, can be used for the scientific work of the graduate student.

9. Qualification requirements for graduates of UlSU graduate school

Postgraduate graduates are highly qualified scientific personnel capable of independently setting and solving scientific and industrial problems, as well as educational problems in various fields of physics and mathematics. Postgraduate graduates can occupy management positions (if they have the necessary length of service and experience in organizational work) and positions in higher educational institutions, academic and departmental research organizations, private and public companies, institutions of secondary vocational and school education.

A postgraduate graduate must be widely erudite, have fundamental scientific training, master modern information technologies, including methods of obtaining, processing and storing scientific information, be able to independently formulate scientific topics, organize and conduct research activities in their chosen scientific specialty.

In addition, the results of a graduate student’s scientific work must undergo mandatory testing at scientific and scientific-practical conferences.

Persons who have successfully completed their postgraduate studies are granted leave of 1 month with the retention of their scholarship.

An academic degree awarded upon completion of the main educational program of postgraduate professional education and successful defense of a qualifying thesis (dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences) candidate of physical and mathematical sciences or candidate of technical sciences.

Annex 1


postgraduate training

in branchphysical and mathematical sciences

specialty 01.04.10 “Physics of semiconductors”


Code and name of the discipline

Total hours





Practical lessons




Foreign language





Cand. exam


History and philosophy of science




Cand. exam


Educational and professional disciplines in the specialty 01.04.10 “Physics of Semiconductors”





Electrical phenomena in semiconductors






Ph.D. exam


Semiconductor optics







Fundamentals of Semiconductor Technology







Optional disciplines



Bibliography Basics








Higher education pedagogy








Postgraduate elective courses







Teaching practice



Total mandatory



3 exams

Total elective disciplines and practice


Total hours of educational program


Scientific research work (R&D)



Dissertation Defense (DD)

10 weeks

Total training hours


120 weeks



The names and codes of specialties are given in accordance with the current license (llicense for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of vocational education dated 01.01.2001, series A, registration No. 000 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science) and the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers approved by order of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 No. 17/4.

Name of specialty

01.01.06 - mathematical logic, algebra and number theory

01.02.01-theoretical mechanics

01.02.04-mechanics of deformable solids

01.04.02-theoretical physics


01.04.07-physics of condensed matter

04/01/10 - physics of semiconductors

02.00.03-organic chemistry


03.00.07 – microbiology

03.00.13 - physiology

03.00.16 - ecology

08.00.05 - economics and management of the national economy

12.00.08-criminal law and criminology, criminal enforcement law

12.00.15 – civil process; arbitration process

13.00.01 – general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education

13.00.04 – theory and methods of physics. education, sports training, health and adaptive physical education. culture

13.00.08 - theory and methods of vocational education

14.00.05-internal diseases



14.00.10-infectious diseases

14.00.13-nervous diseases


14.00.15-pathological anatomy

14.00.16-pathological physiology

14.00.11 - skin and venereal diseases

14.00.19-radiation diagnostics, radiation therapy


14.00.25-pharmacology, clinical pharmacology


14.00.28 – neurosurgery

14.00.33 – public health and healthcare


19.00.04 - medical psychology

19.00.05 - social psychology

19.00.13 – developmental psychology; acmeology

22.00.01 - theory, methodology and history of sociology

22.00.03 - economic sociology and demography

22.00.06 - sociology of culture, spiritual life

23.00.01 - theory of politics, history and methodology of political science

23.00.02 – political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies

Attachment algorithm

applicant for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences to complete work on a dissertation at Ulyanovsk State University.

1. Choosing a scientific specialty. To select a specialty, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the passports of scientific specialties (available from the Department of Postgraduate Professional Education of Ulyanovsk State University).

2. Search for a supervisor (lists can be found on the website www.uni.) and discussion of the preliminary topic of the dissertation.

If an applicant is attached only to take candidate exams, a supervisor is not appointed.

3. Passage of the department meeting (based on the results of the department meeting, an extract from the minutes is drawn up, in which the attachment is approved). The optimal period for discussion at the department is September.

4. Collection of documents for registration of the application. Submission of documents to the Department of Postgraduate Professional Education of Ulyanovsk State University. The list of documents is indicated in the application form for attachment by the applicant to the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences. The deadline for submitting documents is November 1st.

5. Conclusion of an agreement for training as an applicant. The contract period is November 1-10.

6. Registration (after payment) by the department of postgraduate professional education of an order for the applicant to attach an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences (November 10-15). Enrollment from November 15, 2010.

Cost of attachment by applicant for completion

work on a dissertation

Preparation Component

Cost, rub.

Job application.

Scientific work (scientific guidance)

Preparation and passing of candidate exams:

History and philosophy of science

Foreign language


The procedure for preparing applicants is carried out in accordance with the internal regulatory documents of Ulyanovsk State University (www. uni.):

Regulations on the certification of postgraduate students and applicants for the scientific degree of candidate of sciences of UlSU

Regulations on the organization of postgraduate studies at UlSU

List of dissertation councils

Ulyanovsk State University

valid as of26 .04.2010

D 212.278.01
by specialty
04/01/05 - optics (physical and mathematical sciences)
01.04.07 - physics of condensed matter (physical and mathematical sciences)
04/01/10 - physics of semiconductors (physical and mathematical sciences)

D 212.278.02
by specialty
01.01.06 - mathematical logic, algebra and number theory (physical and mathematical sciences)
05.13.18 - mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages (physical and mathematical sciences, technical sciences)

D 212.278.04
by specialty:
13.00.08 - theory and methodology of vocational education (pedagogical sciences)
13.00.01 - general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical science)

D 212.278.06
by specialty*
01/14/04 - internal diseases (medical sciences)
03/14/02 - pathological anatomy (medical sciences)
01/14/17 - surgery (medical sciences)

*The codes of specialties according to the approved nomenclature are given. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 No. 59

Additional information on admission to graduate school at Ulyanovsk State University, as well as defending dissertations in the dissertation councils of Ulyanovsk State University, can be obtained by phone: (84or on the website www.uni. . Head of the Department of Postgraduate Professional Education - .

Head of Postgraduate Studies Department

vocational education

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2014 No. 267 “On approval of the Regulations on doctoral studies”, the Regulations “On doctoral studies” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after. I.N. Ulyanov, a competitive selection is announced for the degree of Doctor of Science in the scientific specialty 07.00.02 Domestic history.
Number of places in doctoral studies – 1.
The deadline for submitting documents is from September 10 to September 20, 2019.
The competitive selection period is from September 23 to October 1, 2019.

The basic requirements for persons sent to doctoral studies are determined by the Regulations on doctoral studies of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov."

Department of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after. I.N. Ulyanova

Address: Ulyanovsk, Lenin Square, 4/5, room. 309.

The department for training scientific and pedagogical personnel coordinates and manages all forms of research work of students of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after. I.N. Ulyanov.

Objectives of the department for training scientific and pedagogical personnel:

Organization of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel at the University of Education and Science (full-time and part-time forms of study), as part of the system of attaching candidates for academic degrees of candidates, doctors of sciences, to the departments of the University, including under contracts.

Promoting the improvement of the quality of scientific and pedagogical personnel, increasing the efficiency of their training.

Head of PNPK department

Istomina Elena Yurievna


    by diploma of higher education (organization, year of graduation, specialty) Higher, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanova", 2005, Teacher of biology and chemistry, "Biology. Chemistry".

  • Postgraduate studies (organization, year of graduation, specialty) Saransk Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Mordovian State University. name. I.P. Ogareva, 2012, “Botany. Ecology". Topic of the candidate's thesis, year of defense: “Flora of the Inza River basin: ecological and biological features, anthropogenic transformation and problems of protection”, 2012

Every year the number of budget places in postgraduate studies at universities in the Ulyanovsk region is becoming smaller. This nationwide trend is causing the cost of graduate school to skyrocket. Everything is leading to the fact that soon science may well become the domain of an elite layer of society, ready to pay for their own scientific title, and it will be almost impossible for people “from the street” to become a graduate student.

Why is it so difficult to become a graduate student today and how much knowledge costs, the site’s correspondent found out.

It's no secret that the number of budget places in graduate school is decreasing more and more noticeably every year. For example, at Ulyanovsk State University last year there were 63 budget places for graduate students, and this year there are already 45. Similar changes affected other universities. At the oldest pedagogical university in the Volga region - UlSPU named after I.N. Ulyanov - this year only 9 people will be able to enroll in graduate school for free, which is almost half as many as last year. At Polytechnic the situation is no better. There they confirmed to us the reduction of budget places and noticed that basically all universities are reducing humanities specialties. University staff shrug their shoulders: “It’s hard to explain, we are being confronted with a fact. This is a nationwide trend.”

The stipend for a graduate student who has chosen a humanitarian field of study today does not exceed 3 thousand rubles. For comparison, publishing an article in the journal VAK (a necessary condition for studying) on ​​average, according to one of the large portals dedicated to science, costs 900 rubles per page. In this case, the minimum number of pages in an article is five. Simple calculations show that the publication of just one article will cost at least 4,500 rubles, which is already 1.5 times more than a graduate student’s scholarship.

Yes, my scholarship is approximately 2,700 rubles. I can’t attend classes, so I have problems passing the certification. But somehow it was not possible to live on 2,700 rubles. Scholarships may be revoked for poor academic performance, but I’m not afraid of that. I’m glad that I got at least the only budget-funded place in my specialty,” says one of the graduate students of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, who asked not to use his name.

Graduate students of other specialties, more applied ones (some natural sciences and exact ones), receive a stipend twice as high - about 6 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, the cost of living in the Ulyanovsk region is set at 6,010 rubles. Naturally, most graduate students are forced to devote most of their time not to science, but to making money.

The cost of postgraduate education is also rising. For example, this year you can complete your postgraduate studies at Ulyanovsk State Technical University for a fee of 55 to 150 thousand rubles per year. The price list of pedagogical and Ulyanovsk state universities has not yet been updated, but in the same Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University last year it was necessary to pay from 70 to 80 thousand rubles for full-time education. These universities will announce tuition fees for new graduate students by June 1.

To imagine an adult 23-25 ​​years old who is ready to pay that kind of money for a scientific education, while fulfilling all the requirements of training, is not an easy task. At the same time, you need to realize that the salaries of university teachers are far from exorbitant. Studying for three years (and sometimes four) in full-time graduate school, and then receiving a salary below the regional average, can hardly be called the dream of a modern Russian. Taking this into account, we can assume that soon it will be not so much those who want to study, but those who can afford it, who will go into science.