This exercise helps to awaken and raise the vital force (kundalini) up the spine. The technique of performing uddiyana bandha is one of the most important in yoga. The root “ud” means “up”, “into the air”, while “ya” (“ya”) is translated as “to move.” go". All together can be roughly translated as “flying upward with holding” (bandha).

During this amazing exercise, the stomach is simultaneously pulled in and raised, after which it is held in this position for some time. Uddiyaya Bandha is not easy to perform, since the abdominal muscles are difficult to control by consciousness at first. You can learn to perform this exercise only with a certain concentration. As always, with hard work comes the necessary skills.

How to do uddiyana bandha?

Uddiyana Bandha is always performed in Shunyaka. It can complete a Hatha Yoga session and should appear in our morning hygiene routine along with washing, relieving, brushing teeth and combing hair. Technique for performing Uddiyana Bandha:

  • Starting position: sitting in the Lotus Pose; or standing, legs apart, arms along the body with palms on hips; or lying on your back.
  • Relax both body and soul.
  • Organize your breathing.
  • Exhale completely and hold in Shunyaka. Relax your abdominal muscles in particular. (After exhalation, there is a tendency to leave the abdominal muscles tense. To perform the exercise correctly, it is essential that the abdomen be soft. Test yourself with your hand)
  • If you perform while standing, bend your knees slightly, tilt your torso slightly forward, place your hands with your palms in front of your thighs, fingers facing each other. (Option: thumbs on the outside of the thighs, pointing slightly upward towards the back.)
  • Transfer your body weight to the heels of your hands with emphasis on your hips, press your chin to your chest and pull your abdominal wall inward with a diagonal movement directed slightly upward. Imagine that you are trying to push your belly back through your spine, lifting your diaphragm and creating a deep depression under your ribs. Leaning forward and resting on your hands makes retraction easier. The outline of the chest is clearly visible. Shoulders and collarbones are relaxed. (To make it easier to achieve the correct execution of this phase, internalize this image: having exhaled air from your lungs, you block your breathing and take a false breath, that is, you spread your sides without taking in air. The stomach literally falls upwards inward, as if it were retracted without muscular tension.)
  • Stay in this position for as long as you can. But gradually increase the time you hold this retraction.
  • Relax your stomach and regulate your breathing.
  • Repeat phases No. 4 and 8 2-3 more times.

When you master the exercise, do it with your hands behind your back or with your fingers locked at the back of your head.

Uddiyana bandha: effects on the body and benefits

This difficult bandha is very important for health and beauty and is considered one of the most powerful exercises in Yoga. Uddiyana Bandha produces a deep internal massage of the organs and glands of the abdominal cavity and helps return the organs to their place when they descend. It not only improves digestion, heals constipation and eliminates some menstrual disorders, but also increases blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, thereby beneficially affecting the absorption of food and metabolism.

This exercise eliminates fat from the waist and, by helping to master the semi-voluntary abdominal muscles, develops and strengthens the abdominal muscles. The impact of this contraction on maintaining neurovegetative balance is significant.

Uddiyana Bandha greatly contributes to the rise of life force to the pinnacle of glorious Liberation, for it has a direct effect on the chakras located at the level of the navel and heart. This exercise is the first phase of Maha Bandha. Uddiyana Bandha is also combined with Simhasana.

Here it is necessary to explain what we mean when, in exercises performed while holding the breath as you exhale, we say: “Organize your breathing.” Without preliminary preparation, it is very difficult to hold your breath for a long time as you exhale. This is why we advise you to “streamline your breathing.” What does such preparation consist of?

When during an exercise session you are about to do the first exhalation breath-holding exercise (Shunyaka), be it Nauli, Maha Bandha or some other exercise of this kind, then you need to perform voluntary hyperventilation of the lungs. Voluntary hyperventilation is sharply rapid energetic breathing, performed for 2-4 minutes and leading to rapid leaching of carbon dioxide from the body.

Under normal conditions, hyperventilation leads to constriction of blood vessels in the brain, dizziness and headaches, which is a consequence of a lack of carbon dioxide in the body. But carbon dioxide is one of the factors that reflexively stops voluntary breath holding - Shunyak or apnea. Therefore, thanks to hyperventilation, you can delay the moment of involuntary inhalation, and then, without needing breathing movements for some time, you can calmly perform the exercise you need. Hyperventilation is a technique used by divers and pearl divers.

But you should not overuse training in hyperventilation and voluntary breath-holding, as this can lead to such an undesirable phenomenon as loss of consciousness. As always, make progress gradually, not all at once. Do not “force yourself”; remain without breathing for as long as you can withstand without much strain. Proper training consists of doing the exercise 1-2 more times rather than holding your breath excessively.

After you have already hyperventilated once and, continuing the exercise session, do those exercises for which you need to hold your breath for 30 exhalations, the instruction to “streamline your breathing” is limited to simply performing 2-3 full inhalations and exhalations.

Uddiyana bandha: contraindications for performing the technique

It goes without saying that you can only do such exercises on an empty stomach. Any disease or disorder of the abdominal organs, as well as any kind of tightness or pain, is a prohibition to perform this exercise. If this tightness persists, consult an experienced doctor: it may indicate appendicitis or any disorder of the liver and stomach. But prolapse of organs is by no means a contraindication, but the opposite. Anyone who has already acquired a “belly” should proceed with caution.

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26. Mula Bandha Mudra

26. Mula Bandha Mudra

The practice of Mula Bandha as a technique “built-in” into the practice of other exercises was discussed above in sufficient detail. Here is a description of Mula Bandha as a separate exercise, which not only has an extremely beneficial effect on all organs of the sexual sphere, but also allows you to properly understand the technical aspects of Mula Bandha as a means of controlling the ascending pranic flows.

"Mula" - root, source, beginning.

Above the perineum inside the pelvis there is a formation of the energy body called “Kanda” - an egg. This is a small egg-shaped space from which all Nadis - the channels of the energy body - begin. By compressing Kanda, prana is forced into the channels, causing the flows in them to intensify. This manipulation is carried out by contracting the pelvic floor muscles, which is called Mula-dhara-mudra - the lock of the root flow.

Mula Dhara Mudra is the central part of Mula Bandha. In addition, Mula Bandha also includes its back part - Ashwini Mudra and the front part - Vajroli Mudra, combined with retraction and tension of the lower front wall of the abdomen.

Mula Dhara Mudra stimulates the root flow, which is distributed evenly throughout all the channels of the subtle body.

Vajroli mudra - contraction of the sphincter of the bladder with pulling the penis up by contracting the abdominal muscles without pressing them to the spine - stimulates the upward flow in the front of the middle ring.

Ashwini mudra stimulates the upward flow in the volume of the subtle body and in the back of the middle ring. When combined with Vajroli Mudra and pressing the lower abdominal muscles towards the back, Ashwini Mudra concentrates the flow at the back of the middle ring.

In combination with Vajroli Mudra and Ashwini Mudra, Muladhara Mudra directs the flow into the three main internal channels - central, left and right - respectively, Sushumna, Ida and Pingala.

Thus, a complete Mula Bandha, squeezing Kanda from all sides, causes prana to rise up through all four main channels - central, right, left, front middle and back middle, reaching Aham Granthi and Mahat Granthi. After the muscles through which Mula Bandha is performed are relaxed, prana from the head is directed downward, distributed throughout the body and accumulated in the lower abdomen - in the area of ​​the Manipura Chakra vortex, from where the energy can be taken directly and used without additional processing on at any level of the subtle body - this is the quality of the energy of Manipura (it determines the function of Manipura as the main repository and source of vital force).

Thus, the practice of Mulabandha mudra collects the energies of all (lower levels, of which the most powerful is sexual energy, raises it upward, modulates it with subtle vibrations of the upper chakras, thereby changing its “informational” quality, and then concentrates it in the form of creative vital energy in a repository of personal power, from where it can be taken for direct use by any system whose energy potential has been damaged for any reason.

Execution technique. Sit in Padmasana or any other meditative pose. Exhale completely. Suspending your breathing after exhalation, perform Vajroli mudra, contracting the sphincter of the bladder and pulling the genital organ up, as in Maha bandha mudra.

Inhaling slowly, perform Ashwini mudra and tense the lower part (the front wall of the abdomen, pressing it to the back. At the same time, tighten the pelvic floor muscles.

The general movement should be aimed at compressing the intrapelvic space and, as it were, “displacing” its contents upward. After taking a full breath, you should perform Jalandhara bandha - stretching your neck up to the top of your head, pressing your chin to the subjugular notch - and, stopping your breathing, but without blocking the glottis, tighten all the muscles below even more strongly, squeezing Kanda as tightly as possible in the lower part of the intrapelvic space.

Start exhaling. Remove Jalandhara bandha. Exhale slowly and relax everything. At first, stopping breathing may not be practiced, as this sometimes causes undesirable consequences, adversely affecting the functioning of the heart.

As you master Mula Bandha, the pause after inhalation can be slightly increased. It is advisable to wait until the feeling of an ascending flow of prana fills your head. Then it will be very easy to control its downward movement during exhalation and the collection of prana in the abdominal area.

For beginners, the practice of this mudra should be limited to only ten repetitions in the morning and evening. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20 twice a day.

Action. Promotes the accumulation, purification and transformation of sexual energy, gaining control over sexual impulses. Eliminates constipation and all associated troubles - hemorrhoids, sperm incontinence, excessive sexual excitability due to lack of sexual strength, loss of appetite, etc.

Yogis claim that regular practice of Mula Bandha Mudra allows one to maintain the youth of the body until a very, very old age.

[With regular practice, Mula Bandha Mudra ensures the accumulation of prana in the abdominal area - the location of the main vortex. If, with the help of inverted asanas and mudras, the direction of rotation of this vortex is reversed, the accumulation of energy in this area gives the rotation of the vortex additional inertia and increases its speed. As a result, the aging processes of the body slow down to an even greater extent than with the practice of inverted asanas, not supported by the performance of Mula Bandha Mudra.]

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Chapter three. MUDRA AND BANDHA Sloka 1. Kundalini is the basis of yoga practices. Just as the snake (Sheshnaga) supports the earth and all its mountains and forests, so kundalini is the support of all yoga practices. The concept of kundalini is the basis of tantra and yoga. Kundalini - yoga is

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Mula Bandha How can Mula Bandha help you? Without going into detail about the chakras and vital energies, then with its help the nerves and muscles of the pelvic area are stimulated, the sphincter muscles of the anus are strengthened and intestinal motility is activated, which promotes

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Mula bandha (closing the root) “Mula” is translated as “root”, “base”, “source”, “cause”. While sitting in Padmasana, strongly contract the anal muscle so that the contracted anal opening rises and without effort reaches the base of the pelvic plexus to 3 channels of energy

Mula bandha- the most important muscle “lock” that accompanies the performance of many yogic poses. Correct mastery of mula bandha and regular practice gives a person perfect health and helps develop incredible vitality. Full ability to control the manifestations of sexual energy is acquired. Rising upward, sexual power is transformed into creative energy, a person’s gaze becomes open, thoughts become clear and free.

The Sanskrit word mule means "base" or "root", and the word bandha- “lock” or “clamp”. Here the word "mula" means different things: it refers to the muladhara chakra, the seat of kundalini, and also to the base of the spine or torso - the perineum.

Execution technique

Main option. Sit with your back straight in any position comfortable for you. Place your hands on your hips. Feel the seat of a chair or the floor with your buttocks and anus. Inhale half the volume of your lungs, swallow saliva and hold your breath. Slowly squeeze your anus as hard as possible. Pull the anus muscles from the periphery of the circle to the center and up. Keep the tension on the held breath as long as you can. Then relax your pelvic muscles, take a small and short breath and exhale gently. Another continuation is possible after you have inhaled and squeezed the muscles of the anus. Women can extend the force forward from the anus to the Vijayna, and men to the scrotum. There are special female and male modifications of the exercise.

When performing Mula Bandha we are dealing with energy and two muscle groups. The sphincter muscle, which tightly surrounds the anus, contracts inward. The second muscle lies behind the sphincter muscle. This is a muscle that lifts or retracts the anus upward. The Latin name of the muscle is “levator ani”. By performing Mula bandha in this way, you can feel its effect in all parts of the perineum. In women, the anus and Vijaina are encircled by the same muscle. It represents the number 8. The bridge of this muscle, the place of the pereneum, is the place of the mystical Qi muscle in the Taoist tradition. By understanding the location of the muscles, you can achieve contraction of individual sections of the figure eight. These are the muscles of the anus, Vijayna and pereneum.

First female version

As you inhale, squeeze your anus tightly, as when stopping a bowel movement, and then direct the energy upward not so much with your muscles, but with willpower or visualization. Hold the contraction until a shiver appears and a shiver runs down your back. At the same time, you need to imagine how from this movement the Muladhara energy quickly rises up the spine. You can feel it at the base of your skull or the back of your tongue. You may feel that there is more saliva in your mouth and that it tastes sweeter. This is also a sign of sexual energy moving up the spine. As you exhale, relax all the muscles involved in the process. Repeat 5-7 times. Pleasant warmth may appear in the pelvis and lower back.

Second female option

The exercise is performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart. At the beginning of the practice, you can place your palms on your buttocks. Without moving your legs, while inhaling, squeeze your buttocks tightly, squeeze your anus and pull it up. The lower torso may also be tense. The top one should be free. Squeeze the Vijaina muscles and feel the clitoris move forward. Become aware and feel the muscles surrounding the clitoris. Contract and relax them for one minute. Relax and see what is happening in your Vijaya. Do this exercise several times a day. This exercise is so powerful that it sometimes causes Kundalini awakening. There have been cases of entering an altered state of consciousness after practicing this exercise at seminars.

Mula bandha for men

For men, Mula bandha strengthens the main muscle that holds the Linga in an elevated position. This muscle runs throughout the Lingam below and is attached at its base to the pelvic bones. To train this muscle, tantrikas add one more to the usual version of Mula bandha. They perform the exercise when the Lingam is about 50% excited.

Basic execution technique. The initial stage of the exercise is performed in the same way as the main version: sitting with a straight back, hands on your hips. Feel the floor or chair seat with your buttocks and bring your attention to your anus. Inhale half your lung capacity, swallow saliva and hold your breath. Slowly contract your anal muscles to your limit. Extend the tension from the anus along the underside of the Lingam forward and upward. You need to feel how the scrotum and testicles rise up. Hold the tension as long as possible. Take an extra small breath, relax all the muscles involved, and exhale completely calmly.

Mula bandha: technique of execution

Mula bandha is the most important muscle “lock” that accompanies the performance of many yogic poses. Correct mastery of mula bandha and regular practice gives a person perfect health and helps develop incredible vitality.

Promotes the accumulation, purification and transformation of sexual energy, gaining control over sexual impulses. Eliminates constipation and all associated troubles - hemorrhoids, sperm incontinence, excessive sexual excitability due to lack of sexual strength, loss of appetite, etc.

Yogis claim that regular practice of Mula Bandha Mudra allows one to maintain the youth of the body until a very, very old age.

Description of mula bandha

Mula bandha is an exercise similar to the natural contraction of muscles when stopping bowel movements. Only when performing mula bandha do you need to continue the movement, as if pulling the middle of the anus up and feel this movement along the spine. Another option is to spread the tension forward through the perineum to the genitals.

Technique for performing mula bandha

Main option. Sit with your back straight in any position comfortable for you. Place your hands on your hips. Feel the seat of a chair or the floor with your buttocks and anus. Inhale half the volume of your lungs, swallow saliva and hold your breath. Slowly squeeze your anus as hard as possible. Pull the anus muscles from the periphery of the circle to the center and up. Keep the tension on the held breath as long as you can. Then relax your pelvic muscles, take a small and short breath and exhale gently. Another continuation is possible after you have inhaled and squeezed the muscles of the anus. Women can extend the force forward from the anus to the Vijayna, and men to the scrotum. There are special female and male modifications of the exercise.

First female version

As you inhale, squeeze your anus tightly, as when stopping a bowel movement, and then direct the energy upward not so much with your muscles, but with willpower or visualization. Hold the contraction until a shiver appears and a shiver runs down your back. At the same time, you need to imagine how from this movement the Muladhara energy quickly rises up the spine. You can feel it at the base of your skull or the back of your tongue. You may feel that there is more saliva in your mouth and that it tastes sweeter. This is also a sign of sexual energy moving up the spine. As you exhale, relax all the muscles involved in the process. Repeat 5-7 times. Pleasant warmth may appear in the pelvis and lower back.

Second female option

The exercise is performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart. At the beginning of the practice, you can place your palms on your buttocks. Without moving your legs, while inhaling, squeeze your buttocks tightly, squeeze your anus and pull it up. The lower torso may also be tense. The top one should be free. Squeeze the Vijaina muscles and feel the clitoris move forward. Become aware and feel the muscles surrounding the clitoris. Contract and relax them for one minute. Relax and see what is happening in your Vijaya. Do this exercise several times a day. This exercise is so powerful that it sometimes causes Kundalini awakening. There have been cases of entering an altered state of consciousness after practicing this exercise at seminars.

Importance of Mula Bandha

Mulabandha causes spontaneous attunement of the physical, mental and psychic bodies of a person.

· Contraction of the perineal muscles leads to harmonious functioning of the endocrine system, improvement of the functioning of the nervous system of the pelvic region, and normalization of the functioning of internal organs. This helps to cure diseases of the abdominal and pelvic organs, i.e., digestive disorders and sexual disorders.

· Mula bandha affects the mind, creating a feeling of deep relaxation. This relaxation frees a person from most mental and psychosomatic disorders - stress, overexertion and feelings of constant anxiety. Nowadays, the ability to get rid of constant stress is worth a lot.

· As a “mental relaxant,” mula bandha has proven useful in the treatment of depression, neuroses, some phobias, hysteria and manic states.

· There is little experimental data on the beneficial effects of this exercise on patients with psychosis. But, taking into account the effect of mula bandha on the brain, as well as the fact of its beneficial effect in depression, it can be considered that mula bandha is capable of harmonizing the condition of manic-depressive psychosis and in some cases of schizophrenia, especially in the early stages.

We have all talked more than once about the benefits of breathing techniques, their amazing restorative and rejuvenating effects on the human body. Yoga breathing practices are distinguished by their simplicity, clear technique, and high efficiency. Today we will talk about breathing exercises Uddiyana Bandha. This breathing exercise is gaining popularity day by day. It is practiced by both yoga lovers and fans of various strength sports. Moreover, many bodybuilders and girls participating in competitions in the “fitness - bikini” category include the abdominal lock (the second name for gymnastics) in their daily training while preparing for competitions.

The technique for performing Uddiyana Bandha is quite simple. It consists of only two asanas (sitting and standing). It is enough to choose one comfortable position and do from 3 to 10 repetitions daily. But, despite its simplicity, gymnastics requires precision and certain knowledge, which we will discuss in more detail in the article.

General symptoms of Uddiyana Bandha

The main distinguishing feature of this technique is the retracted abdomen. When the movements are performed correctly, it is pulled deep up, as if hiding under the ribs. An exercise called “vacuum” is performed using approximately the same technique. Various fitness models and healthy lifestyle adherents love to demonstrate it.

While performing this breathing practice, additional actions can be done in parallel with the main exercises. This direction is called “Bodyflex”. It appeared in the USA several decades ago. Greer Childers added several basic exercises to the Uddiyana Bandha breathing exercises, thereby enhancing the effect of weight loss, as well as correction of problem areas (abdomen, triceps, inner thighs)

Benefits of Uddiyana Bandha

Uddiyana Bandha asanas have a positive effect on the nervous system, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, and normalize hormonal levels. Due to the strong retraction of the abdomen under the ribs, a gentle massage of the internal organs occurs. Thus, the problem of constipation is solved and digestion is normalized.

The effect on the nervous system occurs due to the effect on the nerve endings located in the stomach. There are quite a lot of them there. Thus, you can fight excessive nervousness, stress, and insomnia.

Thanks to its effective effect on the circulatory system, nutrition of the internal organs of the upper body improves, and venous congestion disappears.

Particular attention to this practice should be paid to those who want to get rid of excess weight. Due to the retraction of the abdomen and deep breathing, active breakdown of adipose tissue occurs. The figure becomes fit and graceful.

The first results from performing this gymnastics can be seen within a week. The volume in the abdomen and waist will go away.

Uddiyana Bandha contraindications for performing the technique

Despite its effectiveness, Uddiyana Bandha is not suitable for everyone. There are a number of serious contraindications, thanks to which, instead of a healing effect, you can get a completely opposite result. Such contraindications include:

  1. Acute periods of exacerbation of colitis, gastritis, hemorrhoids (in such cases, breathing practice should be postponed until the exacerbation stops)
  2. Menstrual irregularities associated with dysfunction of the genitourinary system (the cause of such disorders may be inflammation, various diseases, infections, neoplasms)
  3. Heart failure
  4. Heart disease
  5. Cardiac ischemia
  6. Vein thrombosis (a strong effect on the blood flow can provoke separation of the blood clot from the vessel wall, therefore in this case Uddiyana Bandha is strictly prohibited)
  7. Postoperative rehabilitation
  8. Pelvic organ prolapse

Can everyone do Uddiyana Bandha?

If there are no contraindications, then this technique is suitable for almost anyone. But those who are prone to hypotension (low blood pressure) should be more careful. Uddiyana Bandha can greatly lower blood pressure, thereby slowing down metabolism. This will lead to poor health, drowsiness and general ailments.

Although the Uddiyana Bandha breathing technique is extremely simple, its effect on the body is great. Therefore, carefully observe your body’s reaction to performing asanas. Severe pain, severe malaise and general deterioration in health should be a signal to stop the practice.

Psychological impact on the body

Whatever one may say, our physical well-being is closely related to our psychological state. When a person is nervous, stressed or uncomfortable, his breathing becomes intermittent and uneven. This leads to a deterioration in overall health, reduces immunity and provokes the appearance of various diseases. With the help of Uddiyana Bandha, a person learns to control his breathing. Thanks to this, he has an additional opportunity to reduce the harmful effects of stress on the body, not to panic in critical situations and generally improve the quality of life.

When is the best time to do gymnastics?

The Uddiyana Bandha technique is best performed after waking up on an empty stomach, or 3 hours after eating. This will relieve discomfort and discomfort. If this practice is included in classical yoga training, then the Uddiyana Bandha breathing exercises are best performed before meditation, after performing all the main asanas.

Important information about the abdominal lock

Before considering in detail the technique of performing gymnastics, we note several important points. This will help make classes more effective and safe:

  1. The best time to perform Uddiyana Bandha is early morning.
  2. For beginners, it is enough to do 2–3 repetitions; for advanced people, up to 10 repetitions. This amount is sufficient to achieve maximum results.
  3. While doing the exercises, try to concentrate on your breathing and the movement of your diaphragm.
  4. Retraction of the abdomen should occur without any pain.
  5. The process of retracting the abdomen should occur due to the natural movement of the diaphragm. Performing movements using the abdominal muscles can lead to pain and reduce the effectiveness of the workout.

Performing Uddiyana Bandha in a sitting position

To perform the Uddiyana Bandha asana while sitting, you need to take any comfortable meditation position. We take a long breath through our nose. At the same time, we slowly lower our chin forward to feel the tension in the back muscles of the neck. After this, you should hold your breath and pull your stomach upward. We sit in this position until the need to take a breath arises. Exhalation is done as follows: first the stomach relaxes, the head rises up and exhale.

The next repetition of the asana is done after complete restoration of breathing.

Performing Uddiyana Bandha in a standing position

Starting position: feet are placed slightly wider than shoulders, knees bent. The torso is tilted forward, the arms rest on the legs (just above the knees). The gaze is directed forward.

After getting into the starting position, take a deep breath and exhale powerfully, trying to get rid of the maximum amount of air in your lungs. Hold your breath. Raise your body a little higher, keeping your hands on your feet. With this rise, the stomach naturally begins to retract. If you think that this is not enough, you can increase the retraction using the abdominal muscles. To get out of the situation, you need to raise your head up and take a leisurely breath.

Remember that the Uddiyana Bandha technique should be performed at a leisurely pace, without sudden movements. This will avoid painful sensations that are extremely undesirable.

If you can’t pull in your stomach too much

As a rule, beginners encounter this problem. This should not be surprising, much less upset. After several workouts, the body will get used to the new load, and it will become easier to pull in the stomach. Another reason why you may not be able to retract your stomach strongly enough is that your stomach is clogged with sludge. This problem occurs in 80% of people. Regular performance of asanas launches cleansing processes. After a few weeks of regularly performing Uddiyana Bandha, this problem also loses its relevance.

The Uddiyana Bandha technique can easily be called one of the simplest and most effective breathing practices. It gives quick results. But, for long-lasting results, it is recommended to perform gymnastics regularly.

It will take a little time, but the result will please you for many years.