The prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Hail, Gracious Mary, the Lord is with you” is one of the basic and most important Orthodox prayers that every self-respecting Christian should know. Among the large number of prayers, the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Hail, Gracious Mary, the Lord is with you” is the most concise and convenient for a person to memorize.

The prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” is completely in Russian:

Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Mother of God Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Explanation of prayer

The prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, the Lord is with you” can be called a kind of primary source: the phrases of the Virgin Mary’s song of praise are the words of the Archangel and taken from the Gospel. It was this phrase that the Virgin Mary heard from Archangel Gabriel, who descended from heaven to announce to Her the good news - Her imminent pregnancy.

From him She learned that she would soon become the mother of a Son - Jesus Christ, who would come to earth to save all humanity from sin and eternal death.

From the Archangel She learned that she would soon become the mother of her Son - Jesus Christ

The Virgin Mary knew God from childhood and was given to His service. This was due to the very fact of Her birth, which was a miracle and providence of God. Our Lady was born to parents who were unable to have children for most of their lives. But without losing hope and despite their age, they prayed to God and sincerely believed in a miracle. And it happened: Anna, the mother of the Mother of God, became pregnant.

Our Lady was born to parents who could not have children

Even during a prayer appeal to God with a request that he would grant her and her husband children, Anna and Joachim (the parents of the Mother of God) made a vow, promising to give the child they had given to the service of the Lord. When their daughter was born, there was no question about choosing Her path in life.

So, at the age of 3, the Virgin Mary first ascended the steps of the temple and since then she lived all the time with God and firm faith in Him.

At the age of 3, the Virgin Mary first ascended the steps of the temple

After Mary received the news from the Archangel, she went to her relative Elizabeth, who said the following words of the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” that Mary is blessed among wives and the same is the fruit of Her womb.

These words mean that the Mother of God, being by nature an ordinary earthly person, was awarded by God’s grace the highest crown of holiness. She was glorified among all other women the most. After the birth of her son Jesus Christ, Her soul and body became holy and blessed.

The words “as you saved our souls” explain the calling of the Virgin Mary on earth, the meaning of Her life. She was supposed to give birth to our Lord, who, out of his love, decided to save all humanity by coming to earth through human flesh and voluntarily allowing himself to be crucified on the cross.

In the rank of saints, the Mother of God comes first and is above the angelic ranks of Seraphim and Cherubim. The prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” is a song of praise and carries within itself the joy of knowing God and communicating with Him. Every person living on earth should strive for this, and the prayer of the Mother of God helps in this.

When to say a prayer

There is an incredible variety of prayers to the Blessed Virgin. It is impossible to count all of them, just like the Holy images of the Mother of God. A short hymn of praise to the Mother of God is very easy to remember, and therefore you can take it for yourself as the main short prayer. It should be said as often as possible in various situations and under all circumstances.

A person must constantly remain in prayer

A person must constantly remain in prayer. This is one of the rules of spiritual life that Christ left us. Prayer to the Mother of God will help to implement this spiritual law, which, at first glance, seems incomprehensible to ordinary people, with all their everyday worries and rhythm of life, and is intended only for spiritual ascetics.

There is nothing difficult to remember a few lines and say them everywhere and all the time:

  • Houses;
  • At work;
  • during illness;
  • before eating;
  • before starting any business, both important and not so important.

You can pray anytime, anywhere

A striking example of how to remain in constant prayer, resorting to the help of short prayers, can be the prayer work of the great saint Seraphim of Sarov. This prayer of the Mother of God was one of the three obligatory ones that he read daily.

Moreover, while blessing the people, the elder asked them to read the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” 150 times. In the cell of Seraphim of Sarov they found a book that described the miracles that happened to people who said this prayer so many times.

A striking example is the prayer work of the great Saint Seraphim of Sarov

The constant repetition of this prayer helped people in those life situations when, it would seem, there was no way out. Help came from where it could not have been expected. Reading the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” can ward off God’s wrath and a person who, according to all spiritual laws, should be punished, will receive a second chance.

Why and how prayer helps

The prayers that the Most Pure Virgin conveys to the Lord cannot be rejected or unheard. After all, his own mother asks God, whom He never refuses. And the fact that the Mother of God constantly prays for people, helping them with her prayers, has been repeatedly proven and described.

One such evidence is the history of the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. During the all-night prayer of people in the temple for their salvation from the attack of enemies, the Mother of God appeared and began to pray together with everyone, opening her veil over the heads of the people. The enemy troops soon retreated.

Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This appearance of the Mother of God is described in the life of Andrei the Fool, who saw with his own eyes the Mother of God with a veil spread over people. After this appearance of the Mother of God, the church established the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The prayer of the Mother of God is capable of providing help in any situation to everyone who turns to it. It is especially noted that the Mother of God is the patroness and protector of all women. The prayer of the Mother of God helps:

  • get married successfully;
  • carry and give birth to a healthy child;
  • maintain peace in the family;
  • get rid of a long lasting illness.

When and how to read a prayer

The prayer can be said in different ways, at any time of the day, depending on your specific life circumstances: silently from memory or reading from a prayer book. The text of this prayer is in the morning and evening prayer rules, which can be found in any prayer book.

The prayer can be said in different ways, at any time of the day.

In addition, you can listen to the audio version of the prayer. The main thing is to be in a calm environment, without being distracted by anything. While listening to the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice,” you should delve into the essence of each word, then with each new time, it would seem that the words that have been familiar for a long time will be understood more deeply, and this, in turn, will lead to a new awareness and understanding of oneself.

A short hymn of praise to the Mother of God is easy to remember. It should be said constantly, regardless of the circumstances. Then the patronage of the Mother of God will be constantly with you, which means all life situations will develop in the best way.

Download the text of the prayer

The text of the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice” has been known for a very long time. It is believed that these words were spoken by the Archangel Gabriel during the Annunciation. The moment the Virgin Mary learned that she was blessed to give birth to the savior Jesus Christ.

This prayer is one of the primary and basic prayers most often read. “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” is recommended to be said 150 times in the morning and evening, mentally breaking down ten, correlating each ten with the stage of life of the Mother of God

The prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice” can be said both in Old Church Slavonic and in Russian. The main thing is your impeccable and unshakable faith, with which your prayer will bring you good and benefit.


In the Russian language, two versions of the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” coexist equally – Old Church Slavonic (Church Slavonic) and modern Russian. Believers can pray using any of the modifications, depending only on personal preferences.


A complete analysis of the content of the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” helps to understand the deep meaning inherent in it. So what do the individual words and individual phrases that make up the prayer mean? If we look at the example of the Church Slavonic version of the prayer text, we get the following:


For the edification of humanity, the Most Holy Theotokos left the Theotokos Rule. At first, believers strictly followed it, then it began to be forgotten. Again, the Mother of God rule came into practice, thanks to Bishop Seraphim (Zvezdinsky). He drew up a specific scheme of prayers to the Ever-Virgin Mary, which covered the entire life path of the Mother of God. With the help of the Mother of God rule, Bishop Seraphim prayed for all of humanity, for the whole world.

Bishop Seraphim argued that people who follow the Theotokos’ rule every day will receive the strong protection of the Mother of God. The prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” according to this scheme, should be said 150 times daily. These 150 times must be divided into tens, and after each ten the prayers “Our Father” and “Doors of Mercy” are said once. If a believer has never dealt with the Theotokos rule before, he is allowed to start not with 150 repetitions, but with 50.

Each ten read should be accompanied by additional prayers related to important stages in the life of the Virgin Mary. They can be like this:

  1. Memories of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Prayer for parents and children.
  2. Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. Prayer for people who have lost their way and fallen away from the Orthodox Church.
  3. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Prayer for the consolation of those who mourn and the satisfaction of sorrows.
  4. Meeting of the Ever-Virgin Mary with the Righteous Elizabeth. Prayer for the unification of the separated, missing.
  5. Christ's Nativity. Prayer for new life in Christ.
  6. Meeting of Jesus Christ. A prayer for the Mother of God to meet the soul at the hour of death.
  7. Flight of the Most Pure Mother of God with the Child Christ to Egypt. Prayer for avoiding temptations, for deliverance from misfortunes.
  8. The disappearance of the young Christ in Jerusalem and the sorrow of the Mother of God. Prayer for the granting of the constant Jesus Prayer.
  9. Memories of the miracle at Cana of Galilee. Prayer for help in business and relief from need.
  10. The Blessed Virgin Mary at the Cross. Prayer for strengthening spiritual strength, for driving away despondency.
  11. Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Prayer for the resurrection of the soul and constant readiness for heroism.
  12. The Ascension of the Son of God. Prayer for deliverance from vain thoughts.
  13. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the Virgin Mary. Prayer to strengthen the grace of the Holy Spirit in the heart.
  14. Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Prayer for a peaceful and serene death.
  15. Chanting the glory of the Mother of God. Prayer for protection from all evil.

How to avoid confusion

In order not to get confused, not to lose count, the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” is pronounced using a rosary - an ancient monastic amulet. According to legend, beads can protect against all evil, witchcraft, curses, demonic intrigues, unnecessary death, and cure mental and physical ailments.

The prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” has incredible power. By observing the daily prayer rule, a believer will gain powerful protection in the person of the Queen of Heaven herself. You need to say the prayer in complete solitude and silence, in front of the image of the Most Holy Mother of God. The sacred words must be read with strong and unshakable faith in the power of God, the Mother of God and all the holy saints.

The mercy of the Blessed Virgin Mary for humanity is limitless. She will definitely heed your prayer if you pronounce the text with sincerity and openness, from a pure heart and soul.


In the Gospel of Luke we can find a story that tells how the Virgin Mary learned the good news of her pregnancy. By the way, around this time every year the entire Christian world celebrates the Annunciation. According to legend, the angel Gabriel appeared to the Immaculate Virgin of Nazareth. At first the girl was afraid of the Lord’s messenger, but then she realized that he had come to her with the good news “Rejoice, Virgin!” - this is exactly how the celestial greeted Mary.

Then he told her that “she will not bear the child from an earthly husband,” and will give birth to a child who is destined to write a new story. Mary, being an obedient daughter of God, immediately believed the angel and rejoiced. It is with the very words that Gabriel greeted the girl that the text of the prayer begins.

When addressing the heavenly queen, it is worth mentioning all the key moments of her life that are known to us from Holy Scripture. The story of this girl begins from the moment when an angel appeared to her. Then the messenger of the Lord came to Mary’s fiancé, Joseph. Also, turning to the Mother of God, mentally honor the moment of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem.

Separately, we should dwell on the story of the birth of little Jesus, who would later become a great messiah and prophet. The Bible also tells how Mary searched for her son Jesus in Jerusalem. An important fact from the biography of the Holy Virgin is her meeting with Elizabeth and Mary Magdalene. This is also mentioned in the original text of the prayer.

Reading the text “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” you must express your respect for the heavenly queen, showing that you remember all the significant events in her life.


You need to contact the celestial goddess in complete solitude. If you pray at home, make sure that in your room there is an icon of the Virgin Mary brought from the church. Before starting the prayer, be sure to light a church candle and cross yourself three times. It is recommended to say a prayer in order to calm your thoughts before going to bed and sincerely apologize to the Mother of God for all the sins you have committed during the day. Kneeling down, begin to read the prayer.

  • In churches and monasteries, where servants of God recite this text daily, it is recommended to use rosaries. For several centuries, rosaries have been an integral attribute of the reading “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.”
  • The priest Seraphim of Sarov recommended repeating the prayer 150 times daily. Only under this condition will God’s grace fall on a person who has bowed his knees and head in prayer, and His Mother will cover the sufferer with her white veil from all troubles.
  • But it is not always possible to turn to Virgo while being completely alone. For example, all women while in church are recommended to pray at the icon of the Mother of God.
  • Be sure to take time to read the text of the prayer at least three times while standing at the icon. It is advisable to do this with a lit candle in your hand.


Anyone who knows the meaning of such a prayer also knows about the great rule of the Theotokos. According to him, the text of the prayer must be repeated daily. If the Mother of God hears you constantly and listens to your prayers every day, then why repeat the appeal so often? With such prayers you prove to the heavenly powers the importance of your request. By consistently kneeling, attending church, and making the sign of the cross, you are freed from the heavy burden of everyday problems and become stronger spiritually. Consequently, your aura becomes stronger. A person who constantly prays and believes in his actions can count on the round-the-clock care of his guardian angel, who submits to the Lord God.

The Mother of God rule also states that you need to repeat the appeal 150 times a day. When you pray, you should mention 15 facts from the biblical biography of Mary. This way you honor her memory and reaffirm your interest in her figure. But not everyone has the opportunity to follow this rule.

The modern rhythm of life does not leave the opportunity for even half an hour to be completely alone, let alone repeating prayer 150 times in a kneeling position. But if you do not want to lose your spiritual connection with the patron saint, then find at least a couple of minutes a day to mentally recite a few lines of simple text in translation.


The entire Christian world sacredly reveres the figure of the Virgin Mary. The Fathers of the Orthodox Church place the Immaculate Virgin even above the heavenly Seraphim and Cherubim.

  • This suggests that when you are in dire need, you can turn to Our Lady in sincere prayer and soon receive the help you asked for.
  • The Most Pure Virgin is on the holy throne above all the angelic ranks and sits at the right hand of the Son of the Lord. At least that's what the Orthodox Church teaches.
  • From this we can understand that any prayer to Saint Mary will be successful. She is the first to intercede before God for those who bow their knees before the icons with faith in their hearts.


What is it customary to ask for when addressing Virgo? “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” is a universal prayer that allows those asking to mention any desires and needs. There are separate prayers “For deliverance from all diseases”, “For prosperity”, “For forgiveness of enemies”. But this text can be used for any purpose. Orthodox parishioners and Catholics who kneel before an icon with a baby in their arms often ask for the following things:

  1. About family health.
  2. About healing your children.
  3. About financial wealth.
  4. About getting rid of all human vices.
  5. About cleansing from heavy thoughts.
  6. About the removal of damage, the evil eye and drying.
  7. About healing children from all illnesses.
  8. About cleaning the house from negative energy.
  9. About establishing partnerships.
  10. About the great mercy of sending a healthy seed and the opportunity to give birth to a child.
  11. About morning vigor.
  12. About healthy sleep and peace of mind.

If you have difficulty remembering a prayer by heart, write it down or print it out on a piece of paper so you can read it at the right time. By repeating such a text daily, over time you will get used to it, and soon you will notice that you know it by heart.

Having learned the text, you will not have to think about how and under what circumstances it is better to pray. If you don’t have time for solitude in a separate room with icons, just repeat the prayer to yourself throughout the day. For example, time on public transport or in a queue can be devoted to talking with the Holy Intercessor.


Since the words of address begin with the joyful blessing of the Virgin, the text can be used for different purposes. Most often, we turn to heavenly powers only when we feel an urgent need. But few people remember that you need to talk to the Lord and His Mother even when everything is good in your life.

Has this day brought you good news? Be sure to bow your knees and thank your intercessors for this. But even if today you have not heard joyful speeches and the day has not been remembered by you for anything unusual, still bow your knees before going to bed and thank the Mother of God for protecting you and saving you on all paths.

Once you learn to regularly communicate with the higher powers of God, you will notice how you gradually gain mental balance and peace. All your problems will gradually fade into the background, you will feel under God's protection. The main thing is that it will be easy for you to make any decision, since in every question you will be able to consult with the Creator and His Holy Mother.

When is it necessary to read the Hail Mary prayer?

Virgin Mary Hail prayer, the text of the prayer can be said at any time of the day. Many believers say that when they do not say this prayer for a long time, difficult situations begin to occur in their lives, obstacles are encountered in almost every business, life becomes dull and gray. Most people only in such difficult situations begin to turn to God again through prayer to the Mother of God.

  • The miraculous power of prayer lies in the light that enters the soul of everyone. Prayer Virgo, rejoice, the text of the prayer is very simple, but these words have already saved and continue to save the souls of people.
    Virgin Mary Hail prayer, the text in Russian is easy to find on the website.
  • This miraculous prayer is one of the most ancient. Nowadays, such a prayer can be found in various languages. "Ave Maria" is the same prayer, only in Latin.
  • Many thousands of years ago, the day did not begin or end without a prayer to the Virgin Mary. In the morning it was customary to read the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father”, and then three times the Virgin Mary Hail Prayer, full text.

The Orthodox Church assigns a special and important place to the Mother of God, exalting her above all angels and Saints. That is why this prayer is one of the most important, powerful and miraculous. The Virgin Mary provides help to everyone who turns to her sincerely, with pure thoughts. She helps many people even in very difficult and confusing situations.

Prayer Virgin Mary, Rejoice

The Most Holy Theotokos left a sacred rule for all humanity, which absolutely everyone must follow. At first, all believers strictly followed it, but then they began to forget it. Bishop Seraphim again introduced it into the lives of people in order to glorify the Mother of God and be under her protection. Seraphim drew up a certain scheme of daily prayers, in which the path of the Virgin Mary was revealed.

  1. The Bishop assured that observing this rule in prayer will help every person to find the Grace of the Virgin Mary. This rule says that the Prayer of the Virgin Mary, Hail text in Russian or any other language, must be said daily in the morning - 150 times.
  2. But they should be divided into dozens; while reading each ten, one should remember a certain path of the Virgin Mary. If a believer has never followed such a rule before, he can read this prayer not 150, but 50 times, gradually bringing it to the required number of repetitions.
  3. In order not to get lost when reading, you can use a rosary. According to ancient belief, such monastic rosaries are a kind of amulet.
  4. They help protect against evil spirits, curses, attacks from demons, sorcerers, magicians and other evil spirits, and cure diseases.
  5. You can listen to the Virgin Mary Hail prayer on the Orthodox website and repeat the required number. Thus, a person will not have to strictly monitor the number of repetitions.

This prayer should be read in complete solitude, carefully concentrating on each word. A believer will definitely receive the patronage of the Mother of God, her protection and help. This prayer must be read with pure faith in God, the Mother of God and all the saints.

How can this prayer help?

First of all, it should be noted that a person who reads a prayer to the Mother of God is endowed with special light and faith. His soul with each reading becomes closer and closer to the most sacred. With unshakable faith in its power, a person can get rid of any ailment, find a way out and a solution even in the most difficult situations. Many Orthodox people say that sometimes the Mother of God herself appears to them in dreams, talks to them and gives answers to troubling questions.

There are many known cases when the Virgin Mary blessed people for certain actions, helped them make an important decision, and directed them to the easiest path from those situations that seemed insoluble. Other people say that this prayer to the Mother of God helped them find love, start a family, and give birth to healthy children.

  • Orthodox people can turn to her for help not only for themselves, but also to pray for their family and friends.
  • In this way they also receive blessings and help.
  • This prayer significantly makes life easier, removes barriers and obstacles, and gives a person joy and peace of mind.

Many non-believing people, finding themselves in difficult life situations, begin to look for solutions to their problems in a variety of ways. Most often, they run to sorcerers, magicians and healers for help, completely forgetting that by doing so they are only worsening their lives and the lives of their loved ones. In such cases, you should seek help from the Saints, read prayers, fast, and cleanse your soul. You should regularly visit holy places, say prayers calmly, thinking about every word and passing it through your heart. By adhering to all this, after some time you can see that life begins to change for the better. Many people call such changes a real miracle.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary, rejoice

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Prayer Virgin Mary, rejoice in Russian

Mother of God Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Prayer of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Pokrov is traditionally considered a maiden holiday and the “patron of weddings.” It is known that prayers for marriage on Intercession have special power; it is not for nothing that every unmarried girl who wants to get married knows that on Intercession she must get up before everyone else, light a candle and pray to the Mother of God for marriage and a good groom.

First prayer

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the highest powers, Queen of heaven and earth,
city ​​and our country, Omnipotent Intercessor!

Accept this song of praise and gratitude from us, Thy unworthy servants,
and lift up our prayers to the Throne of God Your Son,
may he be merciful to our iniquities,
and will add His grace to those who honor Your all-honorable name and with faith and love worship Your miraculous image.

We are not worthy of His mercy, unless You propitiate Him for us, the Lady,
for all things are possible for You from Him.

For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and speedy Intercessor:
Hear us praying to You, cover us with Your all-powerful protection,
and ask God Your Son:

our shepherd is zeal and vigil for souls,
the city ruler is wisdom and strength, the judges are truth and impartiality,
a mentor of reason and humility,
love and harmony for the spouse, obedience for the child,
patience offended, fear of God offended,
to those who mourn, complacency, to those who rejoice, abstinence,
to us all the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness,
spirit of purity and truth.

To her, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on Your weak people;
Gather those who are scattered, guide those who have gone astray to the right path,
support old age, keep young people chaste, raise babies,
and look upon us all with the gaze of Your merciful intercession,
raise us up from the depths of sin and enlighten the eyes of our hearts to the vision of salvation,
be merciful to us here and there, in the land of earthly arrival and at the terrible judgment of Your Son;
Having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, our fathers and brethren began to live with the Angels and all the saints in eternal life.

For you are, Lady, the Glory of heaven and the Hope of earth, You, according to God, are our Hope and Intercessor of all,
flowing to You with faith.

We therefore pray to You, and to You, as the Almighty Helper, with
We commit ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

To my Most Blessed Queen, to my Most Holy Hope, friend to the orphaned and strange Intercessor,
help for those in need and protection for the embittered, see my misfortune, see my sorrow:
I am overwhelmed by temptation everywhere, but there is no intercessor.

You yourself, help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange, instruct me as I am lost,
heal and save as it is hopeless.
There is no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You,
O Mother of all those who mourn and are burdened!

Look down on me, a sinner and in bitterness, and cover me with Your most holy omophorion,
May I be delivered from the evils that have befallen me, and may I praise Your revered name. Amen.

The powerful prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” helps people in hopeless, desperate situations.

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, full of grace Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to the Savior of our souls.”


“O Mother of God Virgin Mary, full of God’s grace, rejoice! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.”

The text of the prayer can be pronounced in Russian and Old Church Slavonic.

The Forgotten Rule of the Theotokos

The Queen of Heaven gave humanity the rule of the Mother of God. It was performed by believing people, but over time it was forgotten. And the Most Holy Seraphim of Sarov reminded him of him. The elder admonished people to read the rule of the Theotokos 150 times. He said that those who adhere to this action daily will receive the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

  • The miraculous reading is famous for its many wonders. As proof of this, there is an ancient scripture that the Most Holy Seraphim left in his cell.
  • The text of the prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” is pronounced using an ancient monastic amulet - a rosary. A prayer object protects a person from evil, curses, witchcraft, devilish machinations, unnecessary death, and heals mental and physical ailments.
  • Since the rule must be recited 150 times, the rosary is a necessity. After all, it is extremely difficult to concentrate on prayer when you need to count.

How to fulfill the rule?

The rule of the Blessed Virgin Mary is divided into 15 tens. All steps represent important moments in the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

  1. I remember the Nativity of the Queen of Heaven;
  2. Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple;
  3. Annunciation of the Virgin Mary;
  4. Meeting of the Most Pure Mother of God with Elizabeth;
  5. Nativity of Jesus Christ;
  6. Meeting of the Son of God;
  7. Flight of the Virgin Mary from Childhood to Egypt;
  8. I remember how Mary looked for the Youth Christ in Jerusalem;
  9. The miracle created in Cana of Galilee is glorified;
  10. Most Pure Mother of God at the Cross;
  11. Resurrection of the Son of God;
  12. Ascension of Jesus;
  13. The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Virgin Mary and the Apostles;
  14. Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  15. The glory of the Mother of God is sung.

They ask the Most Pure Mother of God:

Prayer is incredibly powerful.

By reading it 150 times every day, you will call upon the Queen of Heaven to resolve any difficult situation.

You need to pronounce words that are hundreds of years old with deep faith in the power of the Lord, the Virgin Mary and God's saints. The prayer is read in solitude and silence before the face of the Most Pure Virgin Mary.

The Mother of God is merciful to humanity and will hear a request if it is sincere, pure, open and heartfelt.

The Christian prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice,” the text of which in Russian can be found below, is one of the oldest. It is by this name that many believers know it.

There is another name - “Angel's Greeting”. It is connected with the fact that the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” is based on the words of Archangel Gabriel, who descended from heaven at the Annunciation to tell Mary the good news - about her pregnancy with a child who will become the Savior of all mankind (Gospel of Luke, 1:28). Part of the prayer - “Blessed is the fruit of your womb” - taken from the greeting with which righteous Elizabeth greeted Mary (the Mother of God visited her after the Annunciation - Gospel of Luke, 1:42). Another synonym is “Song of the Most Holy Theotokos.”

This prayer arose in the first centuries of the Christian religion. Currently, it sounds in a variety of languages ​​around the world. Probably everyone has heard of the famous prayer “Ave, Maria”. She is nothing more than “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” in the Latin version.

In Orthodox Christianity, the “Song of the Most Holy Theotokos” is an obligatory part of the daily morning prayer rule, to be more precise, the short morning prayer rule introduced by St. Seraphim of Sarov. According to this rule, first the “Lord’s Prayer” (“Our Father”) is said three times, then “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” three times, and the prayer ritual ends with a single reading of the prayer “Creed” (“I Believe”).

The Church allocates a special place to the Mother of God, placing her above all saints and angels. Therefore, the prayer “Angel's Greeting” is considered one of the most powerful. She helps those praying even in the most seemingly hopeless and desperate situations.

In the Russian language, two versions of the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” coexist equally—Old Church Slavonic (Church Slavonic) and modern Russian. Believers can pray using any of the modifications, depending only on personal preferences.

Text of the prayer in Old Church Slavonic

Text of prayer in modern Russian

Structure and content of the text of the prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”

A complete analysis of the content of the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” helps to understand the deep meaning inherent in it. So what do the individual words and individual phrases that make up the prayer mean? If we look at the example of the Church Slavonic version of the prayer text, we get the following:

  • Mother of God . The Virgin is called the Mother of God because she gave birth to Jesus Christ - God;
  • Rejoice - the expression of greeting with which Archangel Gabriel addressed the Mother of God at the Annunciation;
  • Blagodatnaya - means filled with the Lord's grace and mercy;
  • Blessed are You among women - means that the Virgin Mary, whom the Lord honored with the great honor of becoming the mother of Jesus Christ, was chosen among the many earthly women, accordingly, and glorified more than them;
  • Fruit of the womb - this phrase means the baby born to the Virgin Mary - Christ;
  • For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls. This phrase is an expression of what Christian believers glorify the Mother of God for: for the fact that she gave birth to Christ, who became the Savior of human souls.

Theotokos rule

For the edification of humanity, the Most Holy Theotokos left the Theotokos Rule. At first, believers strictly followed it, then it began to be forgotten. Again, the Mother of God rule came into practice, thanks to Bishop Seraphim (Zvezdinsky). He drew up a specific scheme of prayers to the Ever-Virgin Mary, which covered the entire life path of the Mother of God. With the help of the Mother of God rule, the bishop prayed for all humanity, for the whole world.

Bishop Seraphim argued that people who follow the Theotokos’ rule every day will receive the strong protection of the Mother of God. The prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” according to this scheme, should be said 150 times daily. These 150 times must be divided into tens, and after each ten the prayers “Our Father” and “Doors of Mercy” are said once. If a believer has never dealt with the Theotokos rule before, he is allowed to start not with 150 repetitions, but with 50.

Each ten read should be accompanied by additional prayers related to important stages in the life of the Virgin Mary. They can be like this:

  1. Memories of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Prayer for parents and children.
  2. Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. Prayer for people who have lost their way and fallen away from the Orthodox Church.
  3. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Prayer for the consolation of those who mourn and the satisfaction of sorrows.
  4. Meeting of the Ever-Virgin Mary with the Righteous Elizabeth. Prayer for the unification of the separated, missing.
  5. Christ's Nativity. Prayer for new life in Christ.
  6. Meeting of Jesus Christ. A prayer for the Mother of God to meet the soul at the hour of death.
  7. Flight of the Most Pure Mother of God with the Child Christ to Egypt. Prayer for avoiding temptations, for deliverance from misfortunes.
  8. The disappearance of the young Christ in Jerusalem and the sorrow of the Mother of God. Prayer for the granting of the constant Jesus Prayer.
  9. Memories of the miracle at Cana of Galilee. Prayer for help in business and relief from need.
  10. The Blessed Virgin Mary at the Cross. Prayer for strengthening spiritual strength, for driving away despondency.
  11. Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Prayer for the resurrection of the soul and constant readiness for heroism.
  12. The Ascension of the Son of God. Prayer for deliverance from vain thoughts.
  13. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the Virgin Mary. Prayer to strengthen the grace of the Holy Spirit in the heart.
  14. Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Prayer for a peaceful and serene death.
  15. Chanting the glory of the Mother of God. Prayer for protection from all evil.

In order not to get confused, not to lose count, the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” is pronounced using a rosary - an ancient monastic amulet. According to legend, beads can protect against all evil, witchcraft, curses, demonic intrigues, unnecessary death, and cure mental and physical ailments.

The prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” has incredible power. By observing the daily prayer rule, a believer will gain powerful protection in the person of the Queen of Heaven herself. You need to say the prayer in complete solitude and silence, in front of the image of the Most Holy Mother of God. The sacred words must be read with strong and unshakable faith in the power of God, the Mother of God and all the holy saints.

The mercy of the Blessed Virgin Mary for humanity is limitless. She will definitely heed your prayer if you pronounce the text with sincerity and openness, from a pure heart and soul.

Since ancient times, humanity has known many prayers that can create a “miracle.” The prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice,” the text of which we will give below in Russian, refers to just such. Her words have the ability to instill peace, tranquility and faith in success into the hearts of believers.

Prayer “Virgin Mother of God Rejoice” text in Russian + rules for reading the prayer

The text of this prayer is very simple and easy for anyone to understand. The Almighty Himself told people about the power of the words of prayer, which can help believers even in the most difficult situations. By reading this prayer, Christians glorify the Mother of God, thanking her for giving people her son, for being a conductor between human souls and the grace of God. The text of the prayer “Hail, Virgin Mary” expresses great respect to the Virgin Mary, because throughout the entire earthly journey of Christ, she always supported him.

Text of the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice”

In Church Slavonic

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You;

Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

In Russian

Mother of God Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice!

The Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit,

Born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

How to read the prayer to the Mother of God correctly?

The prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” refers to prayers that can be read when it is convenient. Many Christians notice a tendency that after a long break from reading it, negative things begin to happen in their lives, they are overcome by melancholy and despondency, and they lose interest in life. Most people, only when they find themselves in such situations, again remember the Lord and turn to him for grace, through the prayer of the Mother of God.

The power of this prayer lies in the magical light that enters the soul of the believer who reads its words. The text of this prayer is very simple, but their pronunciation has saved a huge number of human souls and continues to save them.

This prayer belongs to the most ancient prayers and today has been translated into many languages. Its Latin version sounds like the Ave Maria prayer. Tens of centuries ago, not a single day began or ended without a prayer for help addressed to the Mother of God. In the morning the prayer “Our Father” was read, and after 3 times the full text of the prayer

The Church of Christ gives the Virgin Mary a special place and places her above all Saints. Therefore, the prayer pronounced in honor of the Mother of God is one of the strongest and most important prayers. The Mother of God never ignores sincere prayers and requests if they are accompanied by sincere thoughts and deep faith. It helps many Orthodox Christians even in very difficult and hopeless situations.

Sacred Rule of Prayer

Rule for reading the prayer “Virgin Virgin Mary, Rejoice”

The Most Pure Mother of God left a sacred rule for believers, which all Christians, without exception, must observe. Initially, all believers strictly observed it, but over time this rule began to be forgotten. This prayer reappeared in the lives of believers only thanks to St. Seraphim. The Bishop created a specific scheme of daily prayers that reveal the entire path of the Mother of God, and convinced believers that strict adherence to this rule when reading the prayer will help those who suffer to find the Grace of the Mother of God.

The rule states that prayer to the Virgin Mary should be said every morning 150 times. However, when reading, the prayer must be divided into dozens and after reading each of them, you need to remember a certain segment of the Mother of God’s path.

If a Christian has not come into contact with this rule before, the number of repetitions can be reduced to 50 times, gradually increasing to the required number.

To avoid getting confused when reading prayer words, you can use a rosary. According to a long-standing belief, these monastic rosaries act as a talisman, protecting Orthodox Christians from evil spirits, curses, demonic attacks, sorcerers, magicians and other evil spirits, and to recover from diseases. The prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice” can be listened to on an Orthodox website and repeated the required number of times. Thus, a person does not have to strictly monitor the number of repetitions.

The prayer should be read alone and with full concentration on its text. A deeply believing Christian will certainly receive the grace of the Mother of God, her patronage, protection and help. Prayer words are read with great faith in the Lord, the Mother of God and all the Saints.

In what cases does this prayer help?

It is worth noting that when reading prayer words, a person with sincere and pure faith seems to radiate light. With each new repetition of prayer, a Christian becomes one step closer to the most sacred.

A person who believes in the miraculous power of prayer, with its help, can be healed of many ailments that torment him, both mental and physical.

The Church knows of cases when the Mother of God appeared to believers in a dream and talked to them, answered questions that tormented them, suggested a way out of the most hopeless situations and blessed them for making important decisions.

Other believers say that with the help of this prayer they found their love, their destiny, to give birth to healthy offspring. Orthodox Christians can pray not only for themselves, but also for the well-being and health of loved ones and relatives, thereby receiving blessings for themselves. Reading this miraculous prayer greatly simplifies the life of Christians, eliminates the obstacles of fate, and instills in the souls of people peace and faith in the success of their endeavors.

Many people who do not believe in the Lord, finding themselves in difficult life situations, try to find a solution to their problems using various methods. They resort to the help of magicians and psychics, making their lives and the lives of their loved ones even worse. In such situations, you should ask the Saints for help, confess, take communion, fast, cleansing your soul and body. You need to visit holy places more often, calmly and thoughtfully say the text of prayers, passing them through your heart. By following all the above tips, after a short amount of time you will be able to feel that your life is changing for the better. The changes that are taking place, many people talk about it as a miracle.

This article contains: how the Virgin Mary helps, the Hail Prayer - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

In Christianity there are many prayers that are considered miraculous. One of them is the prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary.” It gives believers not only peace and joy, but also brings good luck in business.

Prayer text

Words of prayer very simple and easy to understand, so remembering it will not be difficult for anyone:

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

The Lord himself told us how powerful the prayer to the Virgin Mary is and how much it helps us in difficult situations. With these lines we glorify the Mother of God, because she gave the world the baby Jesus, who later took on our sins. We thank her for being a conduit between God's grace and our souls.

Reading “Rejoice, Virgin Mary,” you express immense respect for heaven and for the steadfastness of the Virgin Mother in the face of enemies and evil people throughout the earthly journey of Jesus Christ, while his mother was next to him.

When to read this prayer

The miraculous prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” can be read at any time, but most Christians read it in the morning, afternoon and evening. According to believers, when they do not cry to the Lord through these words for a long time, their lives are filled with despondency and unhappiness. Others note that they turn to God for help with this prayer when they encounter difficulties on their life path.

The miracle of this prayer lies in the light it imparts to the soul. With her simple and ingenuous, but strong words, she saved and will save many more destinies and souls. To achieve the same effect, you need to read it with respect, and not mindlessly repeat the prayer text.

If you read “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” 150 times a day, then you will find happiness, and the Mother of God will cover you with her cover. Seraphim of Sarov said that this prayer is capable of anything - you just have to give a piece of your soul and invest some time in reading the prayer.

The miracle of “Hail, Virgin Mary” lies in its simplicity, which gives every Orthodox Christian happiness along with another important prayer, “Our Father.” Even repeating the prayer words three times - morning, afternoon and evening - you will transform your life. Prayer will give you health, luck and good mood. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Kaluga Icon of the Mother of God

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Prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice”

Among the many Orthodox prayers and appeals to God and His saints, perhaps the most popular are the invocations of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Queen of Heaven is truly a very great heavenly intercessor and patroness of every person who calls on Her with sincere faith. Among the many texts glorifying the Mother of God, the most famous is the Song of the Theotokos or the prayer “O Virgin Mary, Rejoice.”

The meaning of the prayer “O Virgin Mary, Rejoice”

The Hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most common prayers, which consists of laudatory and welcoming phrases taken from the Gospel. Thus, the appeal “Gracious Mary, rejoice, the Lord is with you” was pronounced by the Archangel Gabriel when informing the Virgin about the future birth of Jesus Christ.

The words about the blessed wife and the blessed fruit of the womb were spoken by the righteous Elizabeth, to whom the Mother of God came after she learned about the future birth of the Son.

This text also clearly points to the fact that the Mother of God is the most glorified among any other women who have ever lived on Earth. Despite the fact that by nature Mary was an ordinary person, sanctified by God's grace, she was awarded such a crown of holiness that no other person after Her was awarded. The birth of Jesus Christ sanctified not only the soul of the Ever-Virgin, but also Her flesh. This is evidenced by such words from the prayer as “blessed art thou among women” and “thou art of grace.”

Important! Since the very meaning of the prayer is laudatory and joyful, reading these sacred words can help a person cope with many difficulties, calm down and feel the joy of communication with God. Glorifying the Mother of God, a person, as it were, expresses his readiness and desire to become involved in that Heavenly joy, which he can comprehend only through the knowledge of God. And there is no greater helper and intercessor on this path than the Virgin Mary.

The last words of the prayer “for you gave birth to the Savior of our souls” are also important. These words emphasize the meaning of Mary’s earthly service - the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, who with His Blood atoned for the sins of all mankind. The essence of Christ’s sacrifice was, first of all, precisely the salvation of the human soul - many people forget about this today. People come to God with a variety of requests and everyday needs, but they extremely rarely ask for spiritual gifts. It is important not to forget that not a single prayer will be heard if a person does not see spiritual rebirth as the ultimate goal of his life.

When can you read the prayer “O Virgin Mary, Rejoice”

As for church services, this text, addressed to the Ever-Virgin Mary, is read almost more often than any other. It is with these words that the evening service ends, after which the morning service begins, at which the birth of Christ is glorified. Along with the “Our Father,” the Song of the Theotokos is sung three times at the morning service.

As for non-church use, you can read a hymn of praise to the Mother of God in the following cases:

  • for the blessing of food;
  • to leave the house;
  • on the road;
  • when attacked by evil forces;
  • in any sorrow, despondency, sadness.

It should be said that there are no obstacles to turning to the Mother of God in certain life circumstances. You can call on Her for help at any time if a person feels the need and desire for spiritual support. The only thing you should always remember is that you can only pray for godly and non-sinful things. If a person, through prayer, wants to harm his enemies, gain dishonest profits, circumvent the law, or do anything else unpleasant, he takes a great sin on his soul, for which he will certainly be held accountable before God.

Important: When you come to the temple, you can find any image of the Virgin Mary and read the text while standing in front of it.

If a person’s family has particularly revered icons of the Mother of God, you can look for just such an icon in the temple. But don’t be upset if the church doesn’t have the image you need - you can absolutely calmly choose any of those that are available.

In addition, after reading the canonical text of the song of praise, you can turn to the Queen of Heaven in your own words and express a request or appeal. In this way, a person will avoid formal reading of texts, and communication with God and His Mother will be personal, coming from the depths of the soul.

Since the prayer “Virgin, Mother of God, Rejoice” is very short, it is convenient to read it almost anywhere: on the road, while driving, before starting work, before eating. If for some reason a person does not have time to read his usual prayer rule, he can always read this short text several times, as well as the “Our Father.” Even such a short appeal to God will be accepted and a person will receive consolation if he turns with all his heart and with the desire to repent and change his life for the better.

Prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”

Virgin Mary, Hail Mary, the Lord is with You: blessed are You among women, and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Prayer Virgin Mary, rejoice. Full text in Russian

Prayer to the Virgin Mary, rejoice

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Prayer Virgin Mary, rejoice in Russian

Mother of God Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Prayer of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Pokrov is traditionally considered a maiden holiday and the “patron of weddings.” It is known that prayers for marriage on Intercession have special power; it is not for nothing that every unmarried girl who wants to get married knows that on Intercession she must get up before everyone else, light a candle and pray to the Mother of God for marriage and a good groom.

First prayer

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the highest powers, Queen of heaven and earth,

city ​​and our country, Omnipotent Intercessor!

Accept this song of praise and gratitude from us, Thy unworthy servants,

and lift up our prayers to the Throne of God Your Son,

may he be merciful to our iniquities,

and will add His grace to those who honor Your all-honorable name and with faith and love worship Your miraculous image.

We are not worthy of His mercy, unless You propitiate Him for us, the Lady,

for all things are possible for You from Him.

For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and speedy Intercessor:

Hear us praying to You, cover us with Your all-powerful protection,

and ask God Your Son:

our shepherd is zeal and vigil for souls,

the city ruler is wisdom and strength, the judges are truth and impartiality,

a mentor of reason and humility,

love and harmony for the spouse, obedience for the child,

patience offended, fear of God offended,

to those who mourn, complacency, to those who rejoice, abstinence,

to us all the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness,

spirit of purity and truth.

To her, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on Your weak people;

Gather those who are scattered, guide those who have gone astray to the right path,

support old age, keep young people chaste, raise babies,

and look upon us all with the gaze of Your merciful intercession,

raise us up from the depths of sin and enlighten the eyes of our hearts to the vision of salvation,

be merciful to us here and there, in the land of earthly arrival and at the terrible judgment of Your Son;

Having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, our fathers and brethren began to live with the Angels and all the saints in eternal life.

For you are, Lady, the Glory of heaven and the Hope of earth, You, according to God, are our Hope and Intercessor of all,

flowing to You with faith.

We therefore pray to You, and to You, as the Almighty Helper, with

We commit ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

To my Most Blessed Queen, to my Most Holy Hope, friend to the orphaned and strange Intercessor,

help for those in need and protection for the embittered, see my misfortune, see my sorrow:

I am overwhelmed by temptation everywhere, but there is no intercessor.

You yourself, help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange, instruct me as I am lost,

heal and save as it is hopeless.

There is no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You,

O Mother of all those who mourn and are burdened!

Look down on me, a sinner and in bitterness, and cover me with Your most holy omophorion,

May I be delivered from the evils that have befallen me, and may I praise Your revered name. Amen.

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Prayers that every Orthodox Christian should know

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Prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” – text in modern Russian and Old Church Slavonic

The Christian prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice,” the text of which in Russian can be found below, is one of the oldest. It is by this name that many believers know it.

There is another name - “Angel's Greeting”. It is connected with the fact that the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” is based on the words of Archangel Gabriel, who descended from heaven at the Annunciation to tell Mary the good news - about her pregnancy with a child who will become the Savior of all mankind (Gospel of Luke, 1:28). Part of the prayer - “Blessed is the fruit of your womb” - taken from the greeting with which righteous Elizabeth greeted Mary (the Mother of God visited her after the Annunciation - Gospel of Luke, 1:42). Another synonym is “Song of the Most Holy Theotokos.”

This prayer arose in the first centuries of the Christian religion. Currently, it sounds in a variety of languages ​​around the world. Probably everyone has heard of the famous prayer “Ave, Maria”. She is nothing more than “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” in the Latin version.

In Orthodox Christianity, the “Song of the Most Holy Theotokos” is an obligatory part of the daily morning prayer rule, to be more precise, the short morning prayer rule introduced by St. Seraphim of Sarov. According to this rule, first the “Lord’s Prayer” (“Our Father”) is said three times, then “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” three times, and the prayer ritual ends with a single reading of the prayer “Creed” (“I Believe”).

The Church allocates a special place to the Mother of God, placing her above all saints and angels. Therefore, the prayer “Angel's Greeting” is considered one of the most powerful. She helps those praying even in the most seemingly hopeless and desperate situations.

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”: text of the prayer in Russian and Old Slavonic languages

In the Russian language, two versions of the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” coexist equally – Old Church Slavonic (Church Slavonic) and modern Russian. Believers can pray using any of the modifications, depending only on personal preferences.

Text of the prayer in Old Church Slavonic

Text of prayer in modern Russian

Structure and content of the text of the prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”

A complete analysis of the content of the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” helps to understand the deep meaning inherent in it. So what do the individual words and individual phrases that make up the prayer mean? If we look at the example of the Church Slavonic version of the prayer text, we get the following:

  • Mother of God . The Virgin Mary was called the Mother of God because she gave birth to Jesus Christ - God;
  • Rejoice - the expression of greeting with which Archangel Gabriel addressed the Mother of God at the Annunciation;
  • Blagodatnaya - means filled with the Lord's grace and mercy;
  • Blessed are You among women - means that the Virgin Mary, whom the Lord honored with the great honor of becoming the mother of Jesus Christ, was chosen among the many earthly women, accordingly, and glorified more than them;
  • Fruit of the womb – this phrase means the baby born to the Virgin Mary – Jesus Christ;
  • For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls. This phrase is an expression of what Christian believers glorify the Mother of God for: for the fact that she gave birth to Christ, who became the Savior of human souls.

Theotokos rule

For the edification of humanity, the Most Holy Theotokos left the Theotokos Rule. At first, believers strictly followed it, then it began to be forgotten. Again, the Mother of God rule came into practice, thanks to Bishop Seraphim (Zvezdinsky). He drew up a specific scheme of prayers to the Ever-Virgin Mary, which covered the entire life path of the Mother of God. With the help of the Mother of God rule, Bishop Seraphim prayed for all of humanity, for the whole world.

Bishop Seraphim argued that people who follow the Theotokos’ rule every day will receive the strong protection of the Mother of God. The prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” according to this scheme, should be said 150 times daily. These 150 times must be divided into tens, and after each ten the prayers “Our Father” and “Doors of Mercy” are said once. If a believer has never dealt with the Theotokos rule before, he is allowed to start not with 150 repetitions, but with 50.

Each ten read should be accompanied by additional prayers related to important stages in the life of the Virgin Mary. They can be like this:

  1. Memories of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Prayer for parents and children.
  2. Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. Prayer for people who have lost their way and fallen away from the Orthodox Church.
  3. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Prayer for the consolation of those who mourn and the satisfaction of sorrows.
  4. Meeting of the Ever-Virgin Mary with the Righteous Elizabeth. Prayer for the unification of the separated, missing.
  5. Christ's Nativity. Prayer for new life in Christ.
  6. Meeting of Jesus Christ. A prayer for the Mother of God to meet the soul at the hour of death.
  7. Flight of the Most Pure Mother of God with the Child Christ to Egypt. Prayer for avoiding temptations, for deliverance from misfortunes.
  8. The disappearance of the young Christ in Jerusalem and the sorrow of the Mother of God. Prayer for the granting of the constant Jesus Prayer.
  9. Memories of the miracle at Cana of Galilee. Prayer for help in business and relief from need.
  10. The Blessed Virgin Mary at the Cross. Prayer for strengthening spiritual strength, for driving away despondency.
  11. Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Prayer for the resurrection of the soul and constant readiness for heroism.
  12. The Ascension of the Son of God. Prayer for deliverance from vain thoughts.
  13. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the Virgin Mary. Prayer to strengthen the grace of the Holy Spirit in the heart.
  14. Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Prayer for a peaceful and serene death.
  15. Chanting the glory of the Mother of God. Prayer for protection from all evil.
In order not to get confused, not to lose count, the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” is pronounced using a rosary - an ancient monastic amulet. According to legend, beads can protect against all evil, witchcraft, curses, demonic intrigues, unnecessary death, and cure mental and physical ailments.

The prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” has incredible power. By observing the daily prayer rule, a believer will gain powerful protection in the person of the Queen of Heaven herself. You need to say the prayer in complete solitude and silence, in front of the image of the Most Holy Mother of God. The sacred words must be read with strong and unshakable faith in the power of God, the Mother of God and all the holy saints.

The mercy of the Blessed Virgin Mary for humanity is limitless. She will definitely heed your prayer if you pronounce the text with sincerity and openness, from a pure heart and soul.

One of the first prayers I learned by heart. It turned out incredibly easy, in one go. After it, it feels like your soul is illuminated with light!

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