A question that occupies many cat lovers. In the case of dogs, everything is simple and clear: they get used to their nickname from a very young age. Moreover, one gets the feeling that they don’t really need to be trained, everything happens by itself. Cats are another matter. Sometimes it seems that everything is fine with these animals. But more often than not, owners of tailed cats remain perplexed: no matter how hard they try, the cat does not respond to the call. Let's figure it out: does a nickname for furry pets actually mean something? Or is it just an empty phrase?

For readers who have recently joined our project, I am pleased to refer you to the previous publication. I hope it sheds light on many of your questions.

Cats, dogs and their ability to communicate verbally. Simply put, verbal communication is communication through speech. This is how we humans communicate with each other in most cases. Dogs are social animals and are used to living in a pack. Living in a pack means communicating frequently. A “domestic” dog adapts to a person very quickly, adapts to him, and even picks up the subtle nuances of his mood. Therefore, communication with a dog occurs, as a rule, naturally, easily and simply, especially when the owner and his pet are tuned in to “the same wavelength.”

It's much more difficult with cats! They are by nature (with very rare exceptions) solitary animals, and their needs for communication are completely different. Of course, these animals also maintain verbal contacts: for example, a mother cat will always warn her cubs about danger. The trouble is that the cat never does anything for nothing! She, of course, hears your voice, understands that you are calling out to her. But the cat needs strong motivation to answer you! The pet is silent, which means it doesn’t see any compelling reasons or reasons to respond.

Does the cat know its name? We will focus on the results conducted by Japanese scientists. The study involved twenty domestic cats who interacted with a variety of people. Ultra-sensitive sensors showed that fifteen out of twenty cats reacted in a special way to the sounds of their owner’s voices, distinguishing them from dozens of others - the animals’ ears and tail twitched, they began to meow, etc.

That is, your voice for your pet is not an empty phrase, as one might think. Experts call this type of behavior orienting. The cat moves its ears, turns its head towards the source of the sound - this means it is familiar to it. Scientists are inclined to believe that the cat responds not to the name itself, but to the sound of a familiar voice.

As for motivation, everything is quite simple. You are now reading this article. Take a moment and call your pet. Did he run up to you? Hardly! The author did the same thing when he was working on the article - he called his pixie-bob Petya by name. Result: he turned his head in my direction and opened one eye. No more!

What if you go to the kitchen and take out a treat from the cabinet? It’s a completely different matter: the cat will shake off the remnants of sleep and follow me. That's enough cat motivation for you!

How to teach a cat to respond? Your training will be most effective if your pet is at a fairly young age (up to about six months). Maybe a little older. Cats, like dogs, need socialization! The more people surround the kitten, the more they call it by name, the greater the chances of success. The training itself takes place in several steps.

Step one. First, learn to get your pet's attention (usually with a treat).

Step two. Now give the treat while saying something affectionately (but not calling the animal’s name) and petting the animal.

Step three. After feeding your pet something tasty, finally call him by name. It is advisable to repeat the procedure at relatively short intervals.

Step four. Go to another room (but in such a way as to observe the pet). Call out to him and watch his reaction. Did the cat move its ears, twitch its tail, or give any other signals? This means that personal motivation has kicked in (the sound of the name is now associated with the delicacy received). Did the cat run up to you on its own? Immediately consolidate your success by giving another portion of the treat!

Step five. Work to consolidate what you have learned. Try calling your pet in a variety of situations, from different rooms, and finally, on the street. Ensure that the cat always comes when called, at some stage even without “positive reinforcement”.

Step six. It should crown all your hard work! A cat should always react in a certain way to the sounds of its name. However, do not disappoint your pet! He came up to you - caress, stroke, scratch behind the ears. And don’t forget to say his nickname!

Experiment yourself, improvise! And we at the site will be grateful to you for sending stories from personal experience. Does your cat know its name? If yes, how did you achieve this! Write to us!

Did we forget to mention something? Do you have anything to add or complement? Write to us!

This post opens a series of articles about the thousands of different beautiful, unusual or shocking nicknames that cat owners in the modern world give their beloved pets.

“This is Storm, great and terrible,” I imagined a small gray kitten with red eyes like sea buckthorn, carefully studying us from under the closed lid, “will be... when he grows up.”

(Eva Nikolskaya.)

“A cat deserves only one name - Your Majesty.”

(Helen Brown.)

- Is it true? And what are your cats' names?
- Death, Hunger, Pestilence, War and Mr. Mustache.
- You named them after the Apokal horsemen... Wait, what does Mister Mustache have to do with it?
- Well, there were only four riders. (Richelle Mead)


When a small kitten appears in a family, it is always a great joy for everyone in the family. And then a general and excited discussion of a very important question begins - what to name the new family member.
Gone are the days when owners, without particularly bothering, gave their pets familiar nicknames type Murka, Muska, Barsik, Vaska, Timoshka, Kuzya.

Such names are very often used in our time, especially in rural areas, where people treat cats quite simply and pragmatically - a cat is needed in the house to catch mice. In addition, it is not customary there to show off and call pets by catchy or glamorous nicknames - the neighbors will not understand.

The situation with cat names in big cities is completely different - no matter how modern, advanced owners get rid of themselves in their desire to appear creative and different from those around them.

Townspeople tend to believe that their pet is a full member of the family and has the right to a beautiful or cool nickname that distinguishes it from other four-legged brothers. Many even believe that choosing the right name can affect one's destiny, health and happiness.

According to estimates by felinologists, the number of modern nicknames for cats and cats is tens of thousands. They can tell a lot, both about the animal itself and about its owners.

How to make the right choice and find a name for your four-legged friend, which you should pronounce with love and pleasure many times a day, for 10 - 15

years of his life?

There is no clear answer to this question, since all owners have different tastes and different family structures. It’s like in music – some people are intoxicated by hard rock or jazz, while others are thrilled by Chopin’s nocturnes.

We can only offer you for your consideration some patterns, what nicknames are awarded to happy owners of their tailed pets and what nicknames will be better perceived and remembered by the cats themselves.

When you purchase a purebred club animal that will subsequently participate in exhibitions and breeding work, its beautiful and long name will be recorded in the pedigree. It is simply impossible to consume such delicacies in a fast everyday life, and the cat is usually called a shortened version.

Scientists have discovered that cats perceive absolutely clearly only the first three sounds of their name, and the further part is caught blurry and the intonation of the name is most important for them. Therefore, a pet’s everyday pet name should consist of one word and be no longer than three syllables, so that the animal is able to remember it and respond to the owner’s call.

In addition, it is believed that cats are more alert and respond to the hissing sounds Z, S, Ts, and Sh, since they are produced in nature by cat prey - all sorts of mice, rats and other rodents. At the same time, whiskers react positively to the sounds M and P, which are in tune with their purring when cats are relaxed and happy with life.

For this reason, in Russia it is customary to call cats “kiss-kiss”, in Great Britain “puss-puss”, in Germany “mits-mits”, and in the Baltic countries “mits-mits”.

However, the experience of thousands of owners, including my own, shows that cats are amazingly intelligent and observant creatures. They quickly get used to other beautiful names that do not contain any hissing words.

It’s interesting that in my pride the cats , and , and also never get confused and don’t come running instead of a friend when I call each of them.

When choosing a nickname for your faithful four-legged friend, try to settle on beautiful, sonorous, unusual or funny names. Just don’t call cats offensive and abusive names. If you have to repeatedly call your pet on the street, others will not appreciate it as ingenuity and a sense of humor, but rather as bad taste.

1.Cat names that coincide with Russian human names

In fact, there is a lot of debate about whether it is advisable to name your pets human names. This irritates many people. They say you shouldn't humanize your pets. There are even cases when people named a kitten in honor of their good friend or relative, and this person was very offended when he seemed to be compared to some kind of animal.

Again, there is no arguing about tastes. I would not be so categorical in saying that human names are absolutely inappropriate to use for cats. I know many wonderful families who treat their favorites, and where are the tailed ones Nyurochki, Mashenka, Proshki and even Innocentia (Keshki) exist quite organically.

In my older sister’s family, the cat Lyuska is named in honor of our beloved mother, and Katka is named in memory of her grandmother. It's all about warm family associations.

However, it always felt very strange to me when our neighbor in the dacha began to sing out to the whole neighborhood several times a day: “Ironkaaa! Borenkaaa! Where are you scoundrels, I’ve already poured milk!” With each such cry, I tensed up, expecting to see a boy and a girl running as fast as they could towards the table.

There is also an option to call your favorite cat with an abbreviation Old Russian name - there are fewer intersections with modern people around:

Nicknames from Old Russian names

Agafya, Aglaya, Anisya, Boleslav, Bozhidar, Varvara, Glafira, Goluba, Dobromir, Evlampia, Elisha, Evdokia (Dusya), Zabava, Claudia, Lukerya, Lyubava, Marfa, Mstislav, Pelageya, Praskovya, Pulcheria, Radimir, Radosvet, Taisiya , Ulyana, Faina, Fedot, Yaroslava.

Note. This article uses photographic materials from open sources on the Internet, all rights belong to their authors, if you believe that the publication of any photograph violates your rights, please contact me using the form in the section, the photograph will be immediately deleted.

WHAT DOES THE NAME OF HIS PET TELL ABOUT THE OWNER We give names to cats not out of the blue, but after serious thought. There is an opinion that a nickname can say a lot about the owner of an animal. Psychologists divided the names into conditional groups and gave characteristics to the owners of Murzikov and Barsikov. HUMAN - Vaska, Petrovich, Aliska, Masha, Kesha, Semyon. "And that’s okay, they are not afraid of difficulties. You certainly can’t deny them anything, and patience! FASHIONABLE - Dividend, Mazda, Bucks, Banzai, Whiskas. Effective. Bright. Memorable. The owners of these animals love to impress others They know how to joke. The owner of a gray cat, for example, can say, rolling her eyes: “My gray Mazda moves at the speed of two packs of food a day!” At the same time, the owners of Bucks and Mazda are easy-going people, capable of adventures. around. They love noisy parties and large companies. However, with such a love for the wild life, they will never forget to feed the pet and give him clean water. GEOGRAPHICAL - Alabama, Alaska, Samarkand, Bali, Balkan, Baikal, North. All these Alaskans and Montanas are indestructible. They may not leave their hometown for many years, but in their dreams they fly far away, conquering new continents and countries. Hunters and fishermen, as well as inveterate tourists, are often found among them. IMPORTANT: Choosing the right nickname No, we are not talking about professional breeders who name animals with a certain letter - depending on the nickname of the parents and the number of births. Animal psychologists assure: cats respond well to whistling sounds - “S”, “C” and “Z”. There is a version that they resemble the fuss of small rodents. But it is better to avoid the sounds “Zh/Sh”, “Ch/Shch”. They remind the cat of danger. In any case, try saying the chosen nickname and look at your pet’s reaction. The pet's name should not be long. Ideally, two or three syllables.

All cat lovers can confirm that a person’s life plays with bright colors and is full of positive emotions if a little furry miracle lives with you. The desire to have a pet begins to haunt a person from early childhood. And if parents do not allow you to bring animals home, then in adulthood there is an opportunity to make your desire come true.

A cat really brings a lot of joy to its owners. Despite the chewed flowers, torn curtains and other minor dirty tricks, the whole family still continues to love the cat. Well, how could it be otherwise? It’s so nice when returning home to know that when you open the door, you’ll hear the pitter-patter of little feet - this cat is running to meet his beloved owner.

The choice of a kitten depends on financial status and tastes. Someone will take a “teddy” Brit from a nursery for a lot of money, someone will pick up a poor thing abandoned on the street. But sooner or later everyone faces the question “what to name a kitten?” Of course, many people don’t bother themselves and their imagination is only enough to christen a new family member Murzik or Pushok. But some animal lovers disagree with such a simple name for their friend. Agree, it’s much more interesting to choose a nickname for a pet based on its appearance, breed, habits or any feature that distinguishes it from others, than to call the first name that comes up.

When choosing a name for your pet, keep in mind that the nickname should not be too long and its pronunciation should contain high frequencies. Cats have a unique hearing; they can hear well some hissing sounds to which the animal reacts. So there's no point in giving give your pet a noble, but too long and complex name - he will still never remember it and will not respond to it.

Opt for short words of two or three syllables that contain sounds such as “zh-sh”, “s”, “ch”, “sch”. Names ending with vowels are also great. An option with an “i” at the end would be ideal.

If the desire to christen a cat with some noble and complex name is too great, you can easily do it on paper - in the cat's documents, pedigree, vaccination passport. And address the animal using a word derived from the official name or a diminutive form of the nickname.

If you can't When you come up with a suitable name for your pet, you can consider already existing options for nicknames and choose the one that suits your taste best.

How to name a cat depending on its appearance

A full life begins after receiving a name. The kitten gets used to the word with which it is addressed and begins to feel sympathy for it. Thus the animal learns to feel good attitude towards himself from his owners.

Not only the name received affects the animal, often red kittens remain mischievous and playful forever. And black cats and cats are calm, graceful and majestic all their lives.

To get an original and unusual name, you can derive a diminutive form from the color of the kitten’s fur. Fiction, fairy tales, myths and place names often help in choosing a name.

A very common way to come up with a name for your pet is to start from its external characteristics. Namely, choose a nickname that would speak about the color of his fur coat, or the patterns on it. If you decide this way to decide on a name for a kitten, think about what you especially like about it. Which quality of its appearance would you like to reflect in your pet’s name?

Fur color, eye color, nose weight or shape- this is an excellent guide in choosing a suitable nickname for an animal. The main thing is to look carefully at your pet and the name will come to mind.

Cats with dark fur provide a lot of room for flights of fancy when inventing a name. When choosing a nickname, it is worth considering that a small black kitten will eventually turn into a majestic and graceful animal.

What to name a dark-colored cat

Since ancient times, black cats are participants in various myths, legends and beliefs. They were attributed to help witches and evil spirits. At the moment, it is almost impossible to find a pure black cat without any spots, but if you are lucky enough to have such a pet, you should approach the choice of name responsibly.

Everyone knows the sign about the misfortune that awaits if a black cat crosses the road. Many owners, contrary to such beliefs, call their little ones - Lucky, Lucky, Happiness or Lucky.

What else can you call a black cat? For example, Behemoth, that was the name of the big black talking cat from Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov’s work “The Master and Margarita”. Fans of fiction will appreciate this creative move.

Black cat or cat with a rich dark brown coat color can be called:

What to name a white kitten

White kittens are the absolute opposite of black ones. These cats carry no mystery, they rather remind of purity, tenderness, softness.

It’s easy to choose a name for such kittens:

  • North, Umka, Snowball, Snowflake, Bear, Winter - cold white names.
  • Marshmallow, Zemfira, Zefira, Zephyr, Zephyrchik, Plombirka - sweet white names.
  • Jasmine, Snowdrop, Narcissus are flower names.
  • White, Bely, Belyash.

What do you call a gray cat?

Gray cats are real beauties. Gray color has many shades, each cat's fur coat looks unusual. There are light gray smoky male kittens, deep dark-colored serious cats, flexible cats with a silvery tint, or individuals with beautiful bluish fur. The shades of gray in the color of our smaller brothers are varied and beautiful, all as one.

Gray fur helps seals blend in with their environment and makes them excellent hunters. A person who likes to catch mice can be called Hunter, Killer, or the popular cartoon nickname Tom.

When choosing a name for a gray cat, you can pay attention to her fur and play with words close in meaning to “smoke” and “gray”:

  • Gray, Seryozha, Seryonya, Dream, Sarah, Mouse, Mouse, Little Mouse, Shadow, Top, Wolf.
  • Gray, Gray, Gracie, Grace - from the English word “gray”.
  • Smoke, Haze, Smoke, Ash.
  • Smoke, Smokey - from the English “smoke”.

How to name a boy kitten with a red color

Those with red hair are often called lucky or sun-kissed. Cats are no exception. The red boy kittens look like they glow with the energy of the sun. Red cats are able to cheer up their owners even on cloudy, cold days, resembling a little sun. You can borrow a name from the comic book and film of the same name, naming the kitten after the popular and funny lazy man - Garfield.

Red kittens are always mischievous and bright kids. You can choose many different nicknames for them and each one will suit them!

  • Sunshine, Ray, Freckle.
  • Mandarin, Orange, Lemon, Peach, Percy, Foxy.
  • Fox, Chanterelle, Little Fox, Fox, Lisa, Lynx, Lynx, Tiger.
  • Ryzhik, Orange, Ryzhulya, Rudy, Ariel.