Strictly speaking, there is no need to call the “new” form 4-FSS since 2018. After all, the last changes were made to the FSS Order dated September 26, 2016 No. 381, which approved the form, in June 2017 (FSS Order No. 275 dated June 7, 2017). And the updated form 4-FSS should have been used by policyholders starting with the report for 9 months of 2017 (FSS Information dated June 30, 2017).

Let us recall that the June updates to Form 4-FSS provided for the following changes:

  • on the title page after the “OKVED” field, the “Budgetary organization” field was added. In this field, budgetary organizations must indicate the source of funding (1 - Federal budget, 2 - Budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, 3 - Municipal budget 4 - Mixed financing);
  • in Table 2, a new line 1.1 has appeared “Debt owed by a reorganized policyholder and (or) a separate division of a legal entity deregistered.” Accordingly, the summarized indicator of line 8 “Total” began to include the value reflected in line 1.1;
  • Table 2 also included line 14.1 “Debt of the territorial body of the Fund to the policyholder and (or) a separate division of the legal entity deregistered.” On this line, the successor shows the debt owed to the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund, which was transferred to him from the reorganized insurer in connection with the succession, as well as the amount of debt owed to the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund for the separate division deregistered.

It is also clarified that in the “Average number of employees” field on the title page of the Calculation, the indicator is determined for the period from the beginning of the year. However, nothing has actually changed for policyholders. The number was calculated in a similar way earlier.

As for the procedure for filling out the new 4FSS form for the 1st quarter of 2018 and subsequent reporting periods, no changes (except due to the introduction of new lines) occurred. The procedure for filling out form 4-FSS is given in

FSS is the official software solution from the public service of the same name. It helps to create calculations using the FSS-4 and FSS-4a forms for further submission to the local branch of the Social Insurance Fund. The ready-made form templates offered by this program fully comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and current legal acts.

Program features

The FSS automated workplace makes it possible to maintain databases with persons employed by the enterprise: insured persons, doctors, relatives and dependents, as well as authorized persons. To work on each database, the program provides a convenient manager. You can also create lists of organizations using the software. These include insurance authorities and medical institutions.

In the "Reference Books" section you can find the current list of regulatory parameters and the OKVED classifier of the first and second editions. If desired, you are allowed to add your own footnotes and notes to both lists.

Well, the most important purpose of the FSS is to maintain accounting work. The program provides the ability to prepare LN registers, compile the previously mentioned payment forms 4 and 4a, and also allows you to maintain an ELN journal and protect documents using an electronic digital signature. The developers have provided a convenient manager for working with certificates of individuals and authorized persons.

Interface and additional features

The program has a very pragmatic interface. For the sake of user convenience, a separate wizard is provided for each component. The same applies to the component responsible for exporting documentation. If necessary, the FSS automated workplace allows you to save the finished document in XML format, send it to a third-party PC through a secure gateway, or print it.

If you encounter any difficulties while working with the program, you can refer to the extensive help file that is included with the program. All information in it is well structured and presented in Russian.

Key Features

  • preparation of calculations for the Social Insurance Fund using forms 4 and 4a;
  • maintaining an electronic log;
  • adding an electronic digital signature to documents;
  • export of finished projects to XML, as well as printing;
  • built-in directory of regulations and OKVED classification.

Program for compiling reports to the Social Insurance Fund. The program is regularly updated with new or modified forms and forms, so you need to install updates to the FSS automated workplace regularly and independently. You can download the FSS automated workplace program at the end of the page.

Why do I need to install updates for the FSS automated workplace?

The FSS often changes the form of various forms and reports, for example, form 4 of the FSS. And in order for you to draw up correct reports, you must always have the latest version of the FSS automated workplace program. Also, developers, quite often, in updates correct various errors and shortcomings that were in previous components of the program.

I am drawing up a report for FSS 4, but KLADR does not have the required address. What to do?

The new KLADR FSS, as well as the latest versions of the FSS automated workplace program, are made publicly available by the developers. In order for you to have the addresses you need, you need to download the latest and most recent KLADR. After you download it, you need to place it in the program folder. Or rather, in the SBADDRESS folder, which is located inside the DataBase folder; the DataBase folder is located in the root of the program folder. Replace the old FSS KLADR with a new one and your new addresses will appear the next time you start the program.

How to find out what is the latest version of the FSS automated workplace?

Open the FSS program, look at what version you have, it is written in the window header. Then, just go to my website and see if I have the latest posted version, the same as yours, then you have the latest version of the FSS automated workplace. If not, then you need

FSS is the official software that allows you to process documents in the FSS service. The program allows you to carry out calculations using the FSS-4 and FSS-4a forms. All documents can be submitted to the Social Insurance Fund.

In the program you can create calculation forms automatically. Ready-made form templates that are in this software comply with all Russian laws and modern legal acts.

Program features

In the Social Insurance Fund, you keep records of the database with the company’s employees. This category includes employees who have insurance, doctors, authorized persons and other people.

The program allows you to work with each database using a convenient manager. In the software, you create lists of organizations using special tools. These instruments include insurance organizations and medical institutions.

By entering the “Reference Books” section, you will get acquainted with the list of regulatory parameters and also read about the OKVED classifier. You add notes and footnotes as needed, which can be stored in both lists.

The main feature of the Social Insurance Fund is the maintenance of various records of work. In the program, you can prepare LN registers, which are compiled in calculation forms 4 and 4a. In the software, you keep an electronic log and protect documents using “digital keys.”

Interface and additional features

FSS was created with a new generation graphical shell. Even a beginner can understand the software, because each component is equipped with a special wizard. The same functions are available for the component that works with document export.

If you need an automated workplace of the FSS, you will save the file using the XML format. The program allows you to send documents to other computers using a secure gateway. You can also print documents using the software.

If you have any problems or questions, you can use the help that is included with the program. The entire “handbook” was created in Russian, in an orderly form and divided into structural blocks.

Key Features

  • work with calculations for the Social Insurance Fund using forms 4 and 4a;
  • compiling reports and maintaining an electronic log;
  • “digital keys” can be added to a document to protect the content;
  • transferring created projects into XML and printing them;
  • integrated reference with regulations.